Bug#793375: /etc/grub.d/10_linux: useless boot menu duplicates on systems running sysvinit

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Thu Jul 23 13:01:33 UTC 2015

Colin Watson dixit:

>That's certainly not intended behaviour.  What do these commands report?

With more debugging:

tglase at tglase-nb:~ $ readlink -f /sbin/init
tglase at tglase-nb:~ $ readlink -f /lib/sysvinit/init
tglase at tglase-nb:~ $ ll /sbin/init /lib/sysvinit/init
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 40648 May 21 13:34 /lib/sysvinit/init*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 40648 May 21 13:34 /sbin/init*
tglase at tglase-nb:~ $ dpkg -S /sbin/init /lib/sysvinit/init
sysvinit-core: /sbin/init
sysvinit: /lib/sysvinit/init
tglase at tglase-nb:~ $ cd /var/cache/apt/archives
tglase at tglase-nb:/var/cache/apt/archives $ dpkg-deb -c sysvinit-core*.deb | fgrep /sbin/init
-rwxr-xr-x root/root     40648 2015-05-21 13:34 ./sbin/init
tglase at tglase-nb:/var/cache/apt/archives $ dpkg-deb -c sysvinit_*.deb | fgrep /lib/sysvinit/init
-rwxr-xr-x root/root     40648 2015-05-21 13:34 ./lib/sysvinit/init

On some *other* systems, I have a local diversion, so /sbin/init
should be treated with care (i386 systems with an amd64 kernel):

root at evolvis:~ # dpkg-divert --list | fgrep init
local diversion of /sbin/init to /sbin/init.real
root at evolvis:~ # ls -l /sbin/init*
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root    55 Jul 22 10:47 /sbin/init
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35216 Jul 18  2013 /sbin/init.real
root at evolvis:~ # cat /sbin/init
exec /usr/bin/linux32 /sbin/init.real "$@"

That’s not on this system, though (which is a pure amd64 laptop,
with a few i386 things installed).

FWIW, I'm quite impressed with mksh interactively. I thought it was much
*much* more bare bones. But it turns out it beats the living hell out of
ksh93 in that respect. I'd even consider it for my daily use if I hadn't
wasted half my life on my zsh setup. :-) -- Frank Terbeck in #!/bin/mksh

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