Bug#855581: [grub2] usability: grey font on blue-grey background image hardly readable

Arian Sanusi arian at sanusi.de
Mon Feb 20 11:25:54 UTC 2017

Package: grub2
Version: 2.02~beta3-4
Severity: normal

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
This report refers to the grub started by debian-stretch-DI-rc2-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso but probably applies to others.

the grub shell is set to a grey font and has a blue-grey background image. This make the font hardly readable.
I'd rather have at least the shell without artwork, just white/grey on black as grub without any configuration.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: Kernel:       Linux 4.10.0-rc6-amd64

Debian Release: 9.0
  800 testing         ftp.de.debian.org   600 stable          ftp.de.debian.org   550 unstable        ftp.de.debian.org   500 sid             debian-science.alioth.debian.org   200 experimental    ftp.de.debian.org
--- Package information. ---
Package's Depends field is empty.

Package's Recommends field is empty.

Package's Suggests field is empty.

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