Bug#886178: An extra trailing slash is added to ZFS root pool and it's not bootable

Fejes József jozsef.fejes at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 21:15:09 UTC 2018

Package: grub-common
Version: 2.02-2
Severity: grave

I have my root filesystem on ZFS. I'm using a ZFS pool's root dataset
(rpool) as opposed to a sub-dataset (eg. rpool/foo or rpool/foo/bar).

update-grub calls calls /etc/grub.d/10_linux which sets the root=ZFS=
parameter for grub/initrd. In this case, it sets it as
root=ZFS=rpool/. Note the trailing slash. This is invalid and makes
the system unbootable.

I already filed this bug at https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?52746 . But
that bugtracker looks completely abandoned for months. I'm pretty sure
it only needs a small fix to remove extra trailing slashes.

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