Bug#917117: grub-efi-amd64-signed: doesn't mount cryptodisk

Alexander Batischev eual.jp at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 14:04:38 GMT 2019

Hi, sorry it took me a while to respond.

On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 10:53:37AM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
>Could you please see if 2.02+dfsg1-10 fixes this?

Both grub-efi-amd64 and -signed are now in testing, but they don't fix 
the issue. When I upgraded, my /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg was 
rewritten with insmod and cryptomount commands removed.

>A couple of people
>pointed out that I forgot to add the luks module to the output of
>build-efi-images, which may have caused this.

I might be misunderstanding you because I don't know anything about 
build-efi-images, but: to me the problem appears to be with the config, 
not modules. Even back on 2.02+dfsg1-6 I could `insmod` both "luks" and 
"lvm" modules, and boot Debian. So the modules *are* present, it's just 
that the config doesn't load them.

Alexander Batischev

PGP key 356961A20C8BFD03
Fingerprint: CE6C 4307 9348 58E3 FD94  A00F 3569 61A2 0C8B FD03

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