Bug#925134: grub-efi-amd64-signed: doesn't mount cryptodisk

Mark Caglienzi mark.caglienzi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 17:34:01 BST 2019

Hi all,
is this bug relevant yet?

I have a buster laptop (so no VM, but real hardware, and no fresh
install) with encrypted disk, and I blocked the upgrade of grub since
March because of the fear to not be able to boot it after the upgrade of

I am still with 2.02+dfsg1-12 because of this.

The severity is critical (and if the bug is confirmed, I understand
that's *critical*), but I don't understand if I can upgrade or not.

I don't see "movement" in the thread since some months, and the bug just
"lies here".

Thanks in advance,

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