Bug#992335: shim-helpers-amd64-signed: grub install: error: failed to register the EFI boot entry, no space left on device

Wim Bertels wim.bertels at ucll.be
Wed Aug 25 16:57:24 BST 2021

This bug can probably be closed now.

Feedback for other reading this:
1. After rebooting the mok management was shown
2. It rebooted by itself after a minute or so
3. No password was entered, even though it was asked twice by
configuration of the shim-helpers package to enter such a password
4. The machine boot sequence continued
5. Once booted, i checked to see if secure boot was enabled and if tis
was running the latest kernel in boot dir:

$ mokutil --sb-state 
SecureBoot enabled

$ uname -a
Linux blauwbok 5.10.0-0.bpo.8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.46-2~bpo10+1
(2021-07-22) x86_64 GNU/Linux
(which was the latest installed)


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