Bug#984426: grub suddenly does not boot and ends up with "grub_register_command_lockdown not found"

Marco Kühnel kuehnel at codecivil.de
Thu Mar 4 09:43:27 GMT 2021

I have the same error message after the update to grub2/2.02+dfsg1-
20+deb10u4, but with grub-efi-amd64* instead of grub-pc. After pressing
the "arbitrary key", Debian boots but fails to start lightdm. Should I
report a new bug?

codecivil Dr. Marco Kühnel ICT Services, Vechteweg 4, 30539 Hannover,
Tel. 0170 7507391, Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer DE 296 659 690,
Finanzamt Hannover-Mitte

Meinen PGP-Schlüssel finden Sie unter http://www.codecivil.de/kuehnel@codecivil.de.asc oder auf den gängigen Keyservern.

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