Bug#1017944: grub-xen-host: 2.06-3 crashes PV guests in early boot

Tom Lew tom-debian at 0801.de
Mon Sep 12 10:35:23 BST 2022

On Tue, 6 Sep 2022 15:55:39 +0200 Valentin Kleibel wrote:
> found 1017944 grub2/2.06-3~deb11u1
> severity 1017944 serious
> tags 1017944 patch
> Dear Maintainers,
> We can confirm that this bug affects all pv and pvh domUs that use 
> pvgrub.
> The commit responsible is 20239c28 "Bump debhelper from old 10 to 13." 
> [1]
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> [1]
> https://salsa.debian.org/grub-team/grub/-/commit/20239c28e1e9ca3eba993e7702f5cb4da81dcf95

As yet another victim of this bug on bullseye/stable, I built grub2
package with this proposed patch, and I confirm the patched
grub2 2.06-3~deb11u1 packages fix the bug on a Xen server we
upgraded from 11.4 to 11.5 yesterday, where all PV/PVH domains
didn't start after reboot. Both hypervisor reboot (with autostart
domUs) and starting individual domU are all fine with the patched
grub2 packages.

I also vote for raising severity of this bug to "critical". Current
Debian 11.5 grub-xen-host package breaks all Xen PV/PVH domain boot

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