[Pkg-gtkpod-devel] r290 - gtkpod/trunk

nion at alioth.debian.org nion at alioth.debian.org
Sun Jan 13 15:47:31 UTC 2008

Author: nion
Date: 2008-01-13 15:47:30 +0000 (Sun, 13 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 290

deleting old upstream sources

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/AUTHORS
--- gtkpod/trunk/AUTHORS	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/AUTHORS	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Jorg Schuler <jcsjcs at users.sourceforge.net>
-Corey Donohoe <atmos at atmos.org>
-Adrian Ulrich <pab at blinkenlights.ch>

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/COPYING
--- gtkpod/trunk/COPYING	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/COPYING	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-		       Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-			    Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
-  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
-  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
-    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
-    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
-    parties under the terms of this License.
-    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
-    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
-    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
-    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
-    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
-    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
-    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
-    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
-    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
-    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
-    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
-    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
-    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
-    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-    customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
-    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
-    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-    received the program in object code or executable form with such
-    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
-  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
-  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
-  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
-    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
-  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/ChangeLog
--- gtkpod/trunk/ChangeLog	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/ChangeLog	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,937 +0,0 @@
-gtkpod V0.99.10
-       NEW FEATURE: on-the-fly conversion of WAV, FLAC and OGG (as well
-       as MP3 and M4A). Thanks to Marc d[readlock], Simon Naunton and
-       Peter Edwards! Multi-threaded background conversion was added by
-       Jorg Schuler.
-       NEW FEATURE: editing of TV show metadata and track media
-       type. Thanks to Mario Rossi.
-       NEW FEATURE: Display of Album Art. Thanks to P.G. Richardson.
-       NEW FEATURE: Download of Album Art from the net. Thanks to
-       P.G. Richardson.
-       NEW FEATURE: copy playlists and tracks from within the context
-       menu without DND can simplify life with many playlists. Thanks
-       to Andrzej Palejko for his patch.
-       NEW FEATURE: preliminary support for calculating gapless
-       playback information (lame encoded mp3 files only).  Thanks to
-       Michael Tiffany.
-       UPDATE: Smart playlists now support the following new fields:
-       album artist, tv show, last skipped, season number, skipcount
-       and video kind.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Clicking on an item with the right mouse button
-       will select and open the context menu, which is the intended
-       behavior. As a consequence, the interface will remain blocked
-       while the selection is being updated and displayed.
-       BUGFIX: dragging tracks between two iPods would sometimes not
-       actually copy the file.
-       UPDATED: Italian translation (thanks to Daniele Forsi)
-       PACKAGING: Install a .desktop file and icons according to the
-       freedesktop.org specification.
-gtkpod V0.99.8
-       NEW FEATURE: Support of several iPods (currently you need to
-       edit the itdb_* entries in ~/.gtkpod/prefs to add
-       repositories). Each iPod can be loaded/ejected
-       individually. Scripts are called before loading (gtkpod.load)
-       and after saving (gtkpod.eject) with the mountpoint as the
-       first argument. If you need to mount the iPod manually, put the
-       mount command in gtkpod.load.
-       NEW FEATURE: Support for mobile phones supporting iTunes (see
-       Changelog_detailed for details)
-       NEW FEATURE: Lyrics are displayed on the iPod when available.
-       NEW FEATURE: Preliminary (no meta data) support of h.264 video
-       format via the libmp4v2 interface. Thanks to Peter Lieverdink.
-       NEW FEATURE: Script to sync notes from Tomboy to the
-       iPod. Thanks to Tejas Dinkar.
-       NEW FEATURE: Support of iTunes iTunNORM tag for volume
-       normalisation of mp4 tracks.
-       NEW FEATURE: Support of aacgain's replay gain tag for volume
-       normalisation of mp4 tracks (takes precedence over the iTunNORM
-       tag, see http://altosdesign.com/aacgain/)
-       NEW FEATURE: Support for start time, stop time, skip when
-       shuffling and remember playback position.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Support for coverart has been improved. You may
-       have to select your iPod model from a list of available models
-       if your iPod cannot be identified automatically, as is the case
-       for iTunes mobile phones or the new 6th generation iPod Nanos.
-       Coverart embedded in the music file (APIC tag) can now also
-       read. Support to read the coverart from specified files is
-       still available though. Please note that at present APIC
-       support only works when adding tracks directly to the iPod. It
-       does not work when you add tracks to a LOCAL repository first
-       and use Drag and Drop to move the track to your iPod.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Podcasts are marked as unplayed (on the iPod, with
-       a bullet in front of the title) when newly added to the podcast
-       list, and unmarked once they have been played once on the iPod.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Support to sync thunderbird's address book to an
-       iPod Nano with old firmware that would otherwise only display
-       the first address. This script may be useful to other users as
-       well as it writes out one vcf file per contact instead of just
-       one big file containing all contacts. Thanks to Paul Oremland.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Handle multiple calendar and task files in
-       sync-evocalendar script. Thanks to Michele C. Soccio
-       NEW: Spanish translation. Thanks to Alejandro Lamas.
-       BUGFIX: Pressing 'OK' when syncing directories several times
-       could crash gtkpod. Thanks to dforsi.
-       BUGFIX: Exporting tracks did not work if the template
-       extensions (.mp3...) did not match case-sensitively, possibly
-       leading to non-exported tracks. Thanks to Mattias Wadman.
-       BUGFIX: When updating tracks, the filename of the music file
-       and the filename of the thumbnail could be messed up. Fixed.
-       BUGFIX: The Edit Detail dialog did not handle the 'Year' field
-       correctly.
-       BUGFIX: When updating tracks, files were not copied to the iPod
-       even if the file was changed.
-       BUGFIX: Removing playlists could crash gtkpod.
-       WORKAROUND: Disable sorting of playlist view as this crashed
-       gtkpod.
-gtkpod V0.99.4
-       BUGFIX: Options for exporting playlist files could not be
-       changed.
-       BUGFIX: Fixed segfault when updating tracks or directories with
-       artowrk present.
-       BUGFIX: Browse button for "Sync Notes Script" opened a
-       directory browser instead of a file browser.
-       BUGFIX: Writing ID3v2.4 tags in UTF8 did not always
-       work. Thanks to 't0c' for the patch.
-       BUGFIX: Context Menus for removing playlists from the iPod were
-       not displayed. Thanks to 'rob/biffhero' for pointing this out.
-gtkpod V0.99.2
-       BUGFIX: Fix segfault when applying preferences.
-       BUGFIX: Don't require libcurl (not actively used).
-       UPDATE: Swedish translation catalog
-       IMPROVEMENT: Allow export of multiple thunderbird address
-       books (by naming the output filename).
-gtkpod V0.99.0
-       NEW: type-ahead search functionality. Thanks to Nick Piper,
-       http://www.nickpiper.co.uk/ -- please note that the list view
-       you want to search in needs to have keyboard focus. Selection
-       of the search column is done by clicking anywhere inside the
-       column.
-       NEW: Handle Compilations decently. The compilation mp3 tag is
-       read and written, and compilation artists can be grouped into
-       "Compilations" in the Artist filter tab. Thanks to Iain Benson!
-       NEW: Window for edit of track details, including functionality
-       to set thumbnails. The thumbnails are not stored as tags in the
-       file as iTunes does it. Instead, the original filename is
-       stored.
-       NEW: Display and setting/removing of thumbnail images. Choose
-       "Show Details" from the context menu (right mouse-button). New
-       thumbnails are displayed by the iPod but get wiped by iTunes,
-       however.
-       NEW: Automatic adding of thumbnail images when adding new
-       tracks or updating existing ones. See the option on the 'Track
-       Info' page of the preferences dialog for settings about which
-       filename will be used. Any filename is possible, even filenames
-       constructed from the album or artist name.
-       NEW: very basic iPod video support (you can add Videos but no
-       metadata is filled in). Thanks to Uwe Herman for the input.
-       NEW: script to sync contacts from a Palm (via jppy
-       http://wiki.zanu.org.uk/jppy). Thanks to Nick Piper,
-       http://www.nickpiper.co.uk/)
-       NEW: basic podcast support (use e.g. bashpodder or gpodder to
-       download podcasts, then add them directly into the podcast
-       playlist on the iPod).
-       NEW: transition to libgpod to read/write iTunesDB. See
-       www.gtkpod.org/libgpod.html for details.
-       IMPROVEMENT: added comment, category, description, podcast url,
-       podcast rss, subtitle fields and release date to displayable
-       fields.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Support playcounts on iPod Shuffle as well
-       IMPROVEMENT: Remember size of 'Edit Smart Playlist' dialog and
-       use scrolled window for the rules display.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Update smart playlists automatically (on
-       load/display/save) if 'live updating' is set.
-       IMPROVEMENT: Support for more mp3 file tags: Compilation
-       (TCMP), Podcast URL/Title (TID), Podcast Description (TDS),
-       Podcast Subtitle (TT3), Podcast RSS (WFD), Podcast Release Date
-       (TDR). Mostly reading only because of limited support on
-       id3tag's side.
-       UPDATED: Italian translation (thanks to Edward Matteucci)
-       BUGFIX: 'Check iPod's files' could crash under certain
-       circumstances (thanks to David Mansfield for the patch).
-       BUGFIX: Lame's Replay Gain was read incorrectly for certain
-       values. Thanks to Chris Brotherton for tracking this down.
-       BUGFIX: Prevent that all rules in a smart playlist get deleted,
-       which would mess up the iTunesDB.
-       BUGFIX: Choosing 'Delete' from the menu (not context menu) now
-       works again.
-gtkpod V0.95.CVS
-       NEW: script to sync addressbooks in ldif format provided by
-       Sebastien BERIDOT.
-       NEW: script to sync kNotes (KDE note program) provided by
-       Sebastian Scherer.
-       CHANGE: MP3 tags: use 'Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment' (TPE2) as
-       artist if it exists. Otherwise use 'Lead artist/Lead
-       performer/Soloist/Performing group' (TPE1) as before. Let me
-       know if this causes problems for you.
-       UPDATED Hebrew translation (thanks to Assaf Gillat)
-       SAFETY: call sync() and flush all buffers to the iPod after
-       writing the iTunesDB -- should minimise filesystem errors
-       caused by people disconnecting the iPod without unmounting.
-       BUGFIX: Copying playlists by drag and drop could confuse smart
-       playlists referencing these playlists. Fixed.
-       After copying playlists by drag and drop, smart playlists
-       refering to these playlists could become confused.
-gtkpod V0.94.0
-       NEW FEATURE: stable sorting of track view. This allows you, for
-       example, to first sort by title, then by artist. The list will
-       then be sorted by artist, but all titles of each artist remain
-       sorted as well (before the tiles were random).
-       Arbitrary depth and order of stable sorting is possible by
-       clicking the sort columns in the desired order.
-       NEW FEATURE: define your own ignore list of words that should
-       be ignored during sorting (sort options: ctrl-s).
-       IMPROVEMENT: improved handling of dangling files (files that
-       are referenced in the iTunesDB but are not present on the
-       iPod).
-       IMPROVEMENT: use 'eject' instead of 'umount'. Also fixes the
-       bug that 'could not unmount' was always displayed, even if the
-       umount was successful (thanks to Andreas Hauber).
-       BUGFIX: Some iTunesDB files written by iTunes could not be read
-       because of an error in the parse code (gtkpod would attempt to
-       read beyond the end of the file).
-       BUGFIX: Fixed compatibility issue with new firmware 3.1 and
-       iTunes 4.9 (only 256 tracks were shown on the iPod, iTunes
-       removed the majority of the tracks from the iPod). Podcasts are
-       still not supported, however, and will be lost when handled by
-       gtkpod.
-       BUGFIX: Fixed On-The-Go playlist handling (thanks to "Todd").
-       UPDATE: Hebrew translation catalog. Thanks to Assaf Gillat!
-gtkpod V0.93.1
-       BUGFIX: When changing the mountpoint, the change was not
-       written to the preferences file correctly.
-       BUGFIX: 'Copy from iPod' just failed in offline mode instead of
-       giving meaningful error messages -> fixed.
-       IMPROVEMENT: 'Copy from iPod' is now 'Export from Database' and
-       allows to export from the local database as well. This is
-       useful if you want to rename files in a consistant manner.
-gtkpod V0.93
-	Complete rewrite of reading/writing the iTunesDB. The code for
-	reading and writing the iTunesDB (and other iPod/Shuffle
-	files) is completely self-contained (itdb*.[ch]) and can
-	easily be used in other projects.
-	NEW FEATURE: Support of 'local database' containing tracks on
-	local harddisk. The contents of the local hard disk can be
-	browsed in the known gtkpod-fashion: by artist or genre or
-	album etc. Tracks and entire playlists can be dragged over to
-	the iPod or Shuffle database. By using smart playlists with
-	defined size in MBytes, the Shuffle can be filled effectively.
-	Drag and drop also works in the opposite direction: drag
-	tracks or entire playlists from the iPod/Shuffle database into
-	your local database. If necessary, the tracks are copied to
-	your harddisk automatically.
-	NEW FEATURE: sync-abook.sh and sync-webcalendar.sh scripts
-	provided by Daniel Kercher.
-	NEW FEATURE: sync-thunderbird.sh script	provided by Clinton
-	Gormley.
-	IMPROVEMENT: support MP3 disc numbers (thanks to Leigh Dyer)
-	IMPROVEMENT: Use of GTK filechoosers instead of fileselectors
-	(thanks to James Ligget)
-	IMPROVEMENT: sync-notes.sh now also works on directories (thanks
-	to Thomas Perl)
-	UPDATE: use 'iconv' instead of 'recode' in the provided export
-	scripts. Thanks to Alexey Dokuchaev.
-	UPDATE: All translation catlogs updated (French, German,
-	Italian, Japanese and Swedish)
-	BUGFIX: display and reading of compilation flag fixed (thanks
-	to Julien Oster for the patch)
-	BUGFIX: don't hang when parsing playlist files with empty
-	lines (thanks to Mattias Wadman)
-	BUGFIX: When exporting from the iPod: if the original filename
-        of a track was available, the track was not copied from the
-        iPod but from the original location on the user's
-        harddisk. Had the original file been removed or the export was
-        done on another computer (where the original file was not
-        present), the export failed.
-gtkpod V0.88.2
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added '%p' (current playlist) identifier when
-	exporting tracks.
-	BUGFIX: DND in playlist view did not work.
-	BUGFIX: scripts sync_evolution, sync_evocalendar and sync_notes
-	were not included in standard distribution.
-gtkpod V0.88.1
-	BUGFIX: Should now work with the shuffle -- forgot to change a
-	version number in the iTunesDB file :-(
-gtkpod V0.88
-	NEW FEATURE: Support for iPod Shuffle. Thanks to Steve Wahl.
-	BUGFIX: In smartlists star rating better supported. One star is
-	"1" and not "20".
-gtkpod V0.87
-	NEW FEATURE: Support for smart playlists.
-	NEW FEATURE: Added scripts sync_evolution, sync_evocalendar and
-	sync_notes to synchronise Contacts, Calendar and Tasks from
-	Evolution and to synchronise Notes with anything in the folder
-	~/ipod_notes.
-        BUGFIX: drag and drop was only implemented for mp3 files, not
-        for m4a, m4p, m4b, and wav files (thanks to Chris Micacchi for
-        pointing it out and supplying a first fix).
-	BUGFIX: Category playlists "for each year" did not work.
-	BUGFIX: Invalid charset conversion could hang gtkpod.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Support for iTunes' "checked", filedescriptor (kind),
-	and grouping fields.
-	IMPROVEMENT: When sorting ignore 'the' and similar at the
-	beginning of the title (thanks to Chris Micacchi)
-	IMPROVEMENT: Use statvfs() instead of a call to the external
-	command "df" to determine the free space on the iPod (thanks
-	to Steve Jay)
-	IMPROVEMENT: The fields "time_modified/played/created" can now
-	be edited from within the track view.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Creation of playlists for each rating
-	(Unrated, and Rated 1..5).
-	UPDATE: Swedish translation catalog
-	UPDATE: Italian translation catalog
-gtkpod V0.85.0
-	BUGFIX: when clicking onto the column header of the track
-	treeview three times and moving sidewards with the mouse at
-	the same time, gtkpod crashed. Crashing was due to a bad
-	workaround of a bug in the GTK+-library. Removed workaround
-	and instead submitted a bug report against GTK+. The bug has
-	been fixed in version 2.5.4 of the GTK+ library.
-	BUGFIX: When using "block display during updates" the display
-	was still updated during import. Fixed.
-	BUGFIX: The menu item "Check iPod's Files" was not reliably
-	activated. It's now always selectable when not in offline
-	mode.
-	BUGFIX: when writing tags to file the track tag was
-	deleted.
-	BUGFIX: special sorttab: sorting according to "time modified"
-	and "time created" did not work.
-	BUGFIX: handling of orphaned tracks that had been added to the
-	ipod again are now handled correctly.
-	BUGFIX: fixed case-sensitivity issue while handling orphaned
-	tracks.
-	BUGFIX: fixed bug that caused gtkpod to hang when activating
-	duplicate detection without having the list of duplicates
-	displayed (must have been around ever since duplicate
-	detection was introduced...)
-	BUGFIX: gain tags written by mp3gain were never read
-	correctly. Normalization using mp3gain was therefore
-	impossible. Didn't anyone ever use that feature?!
-	BUGFIX: when copying track to the iPod, the free space
-	indication became bigger and bigger during the process.
-	BUGFIX: Ascending and descending were interchanged in the sort
-	window.
-	NEW FEATURE: Implemented Michael Rolig's patch/idea to access
-	mserv data for the rating. Still needs testing as I don't use
-	mserv.
-	NEW FEATURE: added "randomize current playlist" (only the menu
-	entry without actual code was present so far).
-	NEW FEATURE: support for On-The-Go Playlists. They will show
-	up as "OTG Playlist 1" etc.
-	NEW FEATURE: export of PLS or M3U file including meta data.
-	NEW FEATURE: registering playcounts when tracks are played on
-	the local machine is now possible (actually it was already
-	possible in V0.80, but now the README explains how to do it).
-	NEW FEATURE: Swedish translation provided by Stefan Asserhäll.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Speeded up writing of iTunesDB. For me it is now
-	between 1 and 15 seconds instead of between 20 and 40 seconds
-	before (for security I'm using the iPod as a non-buffered
-	device). A back-upped version of the iTunesDB is now always
-	written to ~/.gtkpod.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Speeded up display of sorted views. Thanks to
-	Stefan Asserhäll for the idea and valuable input.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Moved some options from the preferences dialog to
-	the file chooser dialog where you need them. gtkpod now
-	requires GTK2.4 to compile.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added "Time Created" support to special sorttab,
-	track display and iTunesDB. (Before only "modified" and
-	"played" were supported.)
-	IMPROVEMENT: All information stored in the iTunesDB about
-	tracks is read and written, even if the information itself is
-	not used by gtkpod itself.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added new track information fields: iPod_Path,
-	creation time, soundcheck, samplerate, "BPM"
-	IMPROVEMENT: Volume normalizing: when importing mp3 the replay
-	gain is read and the soundcheck field set accordingly. Use
-	the "soundcheck" feature of the iPod to have the volume
-	normalized during playback.
-	If no replay gain tag is set, use the "Normalize" as usual to
-	have mp3gain write a replay gain tag.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The extended information database now also
-	contains the iPod filename. This allows to find a certain
-	track even on systems not running gtkpod/gnupod/iTunes etc.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Some fixes for compilation under solaris. This
-	also led to the introduction of the environment variable
-	"GTKPOD_DF_COMMAND" that can be used to customize the df
-	command called to probe the free space of the iPod.
-gtkpod V0.80-2
-	BUGFIX: gtkpod would crash right after startup if the info
-	window was open when stopping gtkpod the previous time.
-	BUGFIX: Fixed free space display: the digits were right, the
-	unit was wrong (B instead of kB, kB instead of MB, MB instead
-	of GB...).
-	PATCH: gtkpod will compile with GTK V2.0 (V0.80 needed GTK
-	V2.4)
-	PATCH: gtkpod should compile under Fedora without patch
-	PATCH: reverted to old-style check of id3tag-lib as id3tag.pc
-	is not included with the id3tag distribution by default
-gtkpod V0.80
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for WAV audio files
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for bookmarkable AAC files (.m4b
-	files). Thanks to D.L. Sharp. More information is available at
-	http://www.ipodlounge.com/articles_more.php?id=3233_0_8_0_C
-	http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61695
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for syncing contacts and calendar from
-	existing applications to the iPod (on iTunesDB export and/or via
-	the Tools-menu). The sync is done by calling external scripts.
-	Only one script is included so far: kaddressbook_ipod. Please
-	submit more for inclusion into the next release.
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for LAME's replay gain to normalize the
-	volume track (thanks to Jens Taprogge). Unfortunately the
-	conversion factor between LAME's replay gain and the iPod's volume
-	tag are not well known yet -- your input is appreciated!
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added file selectors for selecting files in the tools
-	section of the preferences dialog.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added new auto-playlists: "One playlist for each
-	year" and "Playlist with all songs not listed in any playlist".
-	IMPROVEMENT: Can specify several templates to scan the filename
-	for tags using the ';' as a separator
-	IMPROVEMENT: Can specify several templates for the export
-	filename. gtkpod selects according to the extension given.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Streamlined layout of info window
-	IMPROVEMENT: Included Andrew Huntwork's patch to fix issues
-	concerning case-sensitivity of filenames under some conditions.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Included Ero Carrera's patch to validate the filename
-	when copying tracks from the iPod and to make a quick sync of the
-	iPod's contents.
-	IMPROVEMENT: When importing the iTunesDB automatically on startup,
-	no window was opened until the import was finished. Thanks to
-	Andrew Huntwork the window now opens before the import starts and
-	progress can be followed in the usual manner.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Send 'eject' to the iPod after unmounting. This only
-	works under LINUX and if the user has write access to the device
-	file (e.g. /dev/sda2)
-	IMPROVEMENT: When writing to the iPod automatically create iPod's
-	directories when they are not present.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added progress dialog with abort button when copying
-	tracks from the iPod.
-	BUGFIX: When dragging tracks between two playlist (i.e. into a
-	newly created playlist), a new playlist was created but the tracks
-	were not added.
-	BUGFIX: Fixed hangup when syncing dirs
-	BUGFIX: Fixed compile error when compiling without mp4 support
-	BUGFIX: Fixed compile error when compiling with gcc 2.95
-	BUGFIX: Tags of tracks on the iPod were never changed (fixed
-	thanks to Andrew Huntwork)
-	BUGFIX: Fixed calculation of remaining seconds in progress
-	dialogs.
-	BUGFIX: automatic update of preferences data from older version
-	went awry when no preference file was present
-gtkpod V0.72
-        NEW FEATURE: tags can now be set from the filename using a
-	template like "%a - %A/%T %t.mp3".
-	IMPROVEMENT: read and write ID3v2.4 tags. This has been achieved
-	by migrating to the id3tag library. Using ID3v2.4 tags with
-	unicode encoding takes away the need to worry about which encoding
-	is used for the tags. Old "broken"-style locale charset encodings
-	in tags are still supported, of course.
-	BUGFIX: configure script was broken -- even though mp4 support was
-	configured in, gtkpod was built without :-(
-gtkpod V0.70
-	NEW FEATURE: import of AAC files (.m4a) supported, provided the
-	mp4v2 library from the mpeg4ip project
-	(mpeg4ip.sourceforge.net) is available during the compilation of
-	gtkpod. Writing tags to AAC files is also supported.  .m4p files
-	can also be imported, but they are not played by the iPod. .m4a
-	files work fine.
-	NEW FEATURE: info window showing total file size, play time
-	etc. can be opened.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Upon popular request, the menus now provide different
-	entries for "Delete from iPod" and "Delete from Playlist".
-	IMPROVEMENT: when deleting tracks completely from the iPod, the
-	confirmation dialog also displays the number of playlists the
-	tracks are members of.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Quick sync possible using "Add Tracks".  Details:
-	  Until now the default action when adding tracks that already
-	  exist (identical full filename) was to add it again (they were
-	  rejected by the duplicate detection, but that took a long time),
-	  or to update the track information (option).
-	  Now the default action is to skip existing tracks (identical
-	  filename) or to update the track information (option). Thus, by
-	  default, only new tracks are read, allowing quick
-	  synchronization of entire directories.
-	IMPROVEMENT: In the past, using programs other than gtkpod to
-	transfer files voided the extended information file. gtkpod will
-	now try to use the MD5 checksums stored in the extended
-	information file to match up the data when this occurs.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The 'year' tag is now supported as track view column
-	and as sort tab type.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The tags for track number and total number of tracks
-	are displayed as nn/nn in the track view, and can also be entered
-	as such.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The tags for CD number and total number of CDs can
-	now be displayed (analoguous to track number and total number of
-	tracks above)
-	IMPROVEMENT: When creating a new playlist a dialog is popped up
-	asking for a name.
-	BUGFIX: Drag and Drop of files with spaces did not work.
-	BUGFIX: "Unsort" (clicking sort column three times) of track view
-	failed if last sort tab was a "special" sort tab.
-	BUGFIX: updated ID3 tag reading code from easytag's new
-	version. Please also note that id3lib V3.7.3 seems to crash gtkpod
-	every once in a while. V3.8.3 appears to be more stable.
-gtkpod V0.60
-	NEW FEATURE: normalize song volume (using mp3gain). Uses iPod's
-	volume adjust feature rather than modifying the mp3 file.
-	NEW FEATURE: define format of filename when copying tracks from
-	iPod (mainly thanks to Sam Clegg).
-	NEW FEATURE: adjust volume of each track individually by using
-	iPod's per-track volume adjust feature (implemted through a new
-	column in the song view).
-	NEW FEATURE: automatically create a playlist for each
-	album/artist/genre/composer in your collection (thanks to Chris
-	Cutler), and other automatic playlist generations.
-	NEW FEATURE: menu items and context menu items to create new
-	playlist containing displayed songs or selected songs.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Try to press the shift key when dropping songs into a
-	playlist to move rather than copy tracks from one playlist to
-	another. Keep in mind that songs cannot be moved from or to the
-	master play list.
-	IMPROVEMENT: better alphabetize interface. Alphabetize settings
-	will be remembered, different settings for playlists, sort tabs,
-	and tracks possible. Also, clicking the column header three times
-	will revert the view to its unsorted state.
-	IMPROVEMENT: handle adding of playlist files containing files with
-	relative paths.
-	IMPROVEMENT: context menus more intuitive, context menus will no
-	longer trigger edit mode (most of the time).
-	IMPROVEMENT: the function copying songs to the iPod used a "large"
-	amount of stack memory (roughly 66000 Bytes) which crashed some
-	systems.
-	BUGFIX: md5 hash for duplicate detection will examine the same
-	number of bytes on all systems now (before it used 4xPATH_MAX).
-	BUGFIX: reading and writing of the Composer ID3 tags implemented
-	(so far the fields could only be set from inside gtkpod -- thanks
-	to Graeme Wilford)
-	BUGFIX: fixed memory holes in sync_songids(), sync_dir_ok(),
-	add_playlist_by_filename().
-	BUGFIX: drag and drop URIs with cr/nl at the end are handled
-	correctly (thanks to Walter Bell).
-gtkpod V0.52
-	NEW FEATURE: Supports Playcounts, Ratings, Time Last Played / Time
-	Last Modified. The playcounts and ratings are read from the 'Play
-	Count' file produced by iPod's firmware versions V1.3
-	(playcounts only) and V2.0 (playcounts and rating).
-	NEW FEATURE: If you mark several songs and change a tag in the
-	first one, the corresponding tag in the other songs will be
-	changed as well (must activate in the prefs menu). Patch provided
-	by Ramesh Dharan. Thanks!
-	IMPROVEMENT: added auto-dection of Japanese encoding (thanks to
-	Hiroshi Kawashima).
-	IMPROVEMENT: option to sort case-sensitively. Case-insensitive
-	utf8 sort should work fine, case-sensitive may not work entirely
-	as expected with some charsets.
-	BUGFIX: display free size correctly even if more than 4294967295
-	(or maybe just half that many?) Bytes are free on the iPod.
-	BUGFIX: drag-and-drop: gtkpod should now correctly handle files
-	with "special" characters (like spaces...) that are escaped in the
-	DND URI. (Thanks to Walter Bell).
-	BUGFIX: using 'file_export' from the context menu could crash
-	gtkpod
-	BUGFIX: file_export didn't remember directory last used.
-	BUGFIX: can now choose zero sort tabs in the prefs dialogue
-	(instead of the minimum one) -- why didn't anyone tell me?
-	BUGFIX: when deleting songs, sometimes adjacent songs got edited
-	(took title or artist... of the deleted song). Hopefully fixed --
-	please report.
-	BUGFIX: after reordering columns in the song view, the selection
-	of which columns are to be displayed went haywire -- fixed.
-	BUGFIX: fixed memory holes in pm_data_compare_func(),
-	st_data_compare_func(), sm_data_compare_func(),
-	get_ipod_used_space(), get_ipod_free_space(),
-	charset_to_description(), add_playlist_by_filename(),
-	sm_cell_edited().
-	NEW: Italian translation catalogue (almost complete)
-gtkpod V0.51
-	NEW FEATURE: Synchronize directories (removed songs can be deleted
-	automatically).
-	NEW FEATURE: gtkpod remembers charset used when initially
-	importing a song and uses this when "updating" the song
-	information from file or writing tags to file (needs extended
-	information enabled).
-	NEW FEATURE: display free space on iPod.
-	NEW FEATURE: menu item "Arrange Sort Tabs" to make all visible
-	sort tabs the same size
-        IMPROVEMENT: gtkpod should now compile "out of the box" under
-	FreeBSD and NetBSD (some adaptations were necessary before).
-        IMPROVEMENT: added all supported charsets provided by "iconv -l"
-	to the list of charsets to choose from. Code assumes that "iconv
-	-l" returns a list with the name of one charset in each line, each
-	valid line being terminated by "//".
-	IMPROVEMENT: new song column types: file size, play time,
-	avg. bitrate
-	BUGFIX: changed playlength code to that used by mp3info. It's much
-	slower but seems to be more reliable.
-	BUGFIX: fixed "dead" context menu "Alphabetize"
-gtkpod V0.50
-	NEW FEATURE: context sensitive popup menues (right mouse button
-	click in playlist view, sort tabs or song view.
-	NEW FEATURE: play song with xmms (two user definable commands).
-	NEW FEATURE: option to mount the iPod directory on startup and
-	unmount it on exit.
-	NEW FEATURE: mount/unmount ipod directory on startup/exit, and/or
-	execute ~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.in,out (or /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in,out if
-	the former doesn't exist) on startup/exit. First gtkpod.in is
-	executed, then the ipod is mounted (if this option is
-	activated). On exit, it's the other way round.
-	NEW FEATURE: read global prefs /etc/gtkpod/prefs if
-	~/.gtkpod/prefs does not exist. Useful, e.g. to set a machine-wide
-	default mountpoint for the ipod.
-	IMPROVEMENT: "Add Songs" and "Add Directory" has a new default
-	behaviour. They will now add songs/directories to the currently
-	selected playlist. If no playlist is selected, they add to the
-	master playlist.  "Add Playlist" will still create a new playlist
-	before adding the songs into it. Also, when playlist files are
-	added with "Add Songs" or "Add Directory" and no playlist is
-	selected, a new playlist will be selected for each playlist file.
-	NEW FEATURE: user settable: save song order after sort action
-	automatically?
-	NEW FEATURE: columns in song view can be dragged into any
-	order. Order will be saved.
-        Change of copyright: itunesdb.c and itunesdb.h are now under the
-	GNU Lesser General Public License to make it easier to use the
-	code in other programs.
-	BUGFIX: when writing tags to file, all tags were updated even if
-	you selected only to update changed tags in the the preferences.
-	NEW FEATURE: drag and drop files/directories/playlists from
-	konqueror or nautilus directly into the song view. The songs will
-	be inserted at the specified position. You must already have some
-	songs displayed or a drop is not possible. In that case you should
-	drop into the playlist view since obviously you don't care about
-	the exact position of the files in the playlist (will be added at
-	the end).
-	NEW FEATURE: drag and drop files/directories/playlists from
-	konqueror or nautilus directly into the playlist view. If you drop
-	between playlists a (number of) new playlist(s) will be created
-	for the drop. If you drop onto a playlist, the songs will be added
-	into that playlist. Alpha-Version!
-	IMPROVEMENT: speed-up of display refreshs.  - Import of iTunesDB
-	with full non-blocked display: 4x as fast (51'' against 3'35'' on
-	my 2459 songs) - Refresh of first sort tab, non-blocked: 20x as
-	fast (0.65'' against 13'' on my 2459 songs) - Refresh of first
-	sort tab, blocked: 60x as fast (0.13'' against 7.8'' on my 2459
-	songs) - Refresh of song list, non-blocked: 2x as fast (9''
-	against 18'' on my 2459 songs)
-gtkpod V0.43-1 28-Feb-2003
-	BUGFIX: After DND operation songs were displayed twice in the
-	master playlist (this was just a display artifact).
-gtkpod V0.43 27-Feb-2003
-        Preventive BUGFIX: in the code to import the iTunesDB all absolute
-	references to positions in the iTunesDB were removed. Instead
-	itunesdb.c now uses the header information to find the headers it
-	needs. This should make it more reliable to read third party
-	iTunesDB. This was also part of the problem with the ephpod import
-	problem below (the other half of the problem was ephpod's not
-	really conformant way of writing the database).
-        BUGFIX: some iTunesDBs produced by ephpod could not be read (hang
-	after reading the songs and before adding the playlists).
-	New Feature: update song information from file when adding songs
-	with identical filename (option)
-        New Feature: update song information from file of selected songs
-	(ctrl-u and menu item)
-	BUGFIX: copy_song_to_ipod() there was a <5% chance that songs were
-	overwritten by new songs during the copy process, if you deleted
-	songs before adding new songs.
-        BUGFIX: Deleting songs from the iPod only worked if you exported
-	the iTunesDB twice.
-	New Feature: Add Playlists (m3u and pls)
-gtkpod V0.42 20-Feb-2003
-        Bugfix: on first start gtkpod complained it could not create
-	~/.gtkpod even though it could... (and vice versa).
-	Improvement: display update can now be interrupted, selection
-	changed at any time.
-	Bugfix: gtkpod now sets bitrate (average bitrate for VBR)
-        Improvement: export can be interrupted and be continued at a later
-	time. gtkpod will (hopefully) correctly remember which songs have
-	already been copied/deleted from your iPod.
-	Improvement: removal and copy of songs during export is done in a
-	separate thread, so the display doesn't freeze on long file system
-	operations
-        Bugfix: Kentaro Fukuchi pointed out that MusicMatch (at least the
-	Japanese version) uses song IDs starting with 2 (and not with
-	53). gtkpod then dropped some of your songs -- fixed.
-	Improvement: Delete works on entries in sort tabs now (ctrl-d and
-	new menu item)
-	Improvement?: don't close dirbrowser window until after the songs
-	have been read.
-	Improvement: display is updated while writing tags to disk "in the
-	background"
-	Bugfix: sometimes deleted songs were not removed from the
-	display. Changing tags then could crash the program
-	Bugfix: convert filenames ot UTF8 based on the charset chosen in
-	the options window
-	Bugfix: don't try to access iPod based files when in offline mode
-gtkpod V0.41 01-Feb-2003
-	- minor bugfixes (just possible segfaults and such)
-	- window won't freeze during import/export/add operations
-	- better handling of duplicate songs (e.g. duplicate songs are now
-	  displayed in a window instead of on the console, if duplicate
-	  detection is switched on later, duplicate songs are removed but
-	  the playlists are preserved...)
-	- confirmation window when quitting gtkpod without saving data
-	- Drag-and-drop for sort tab entries
-	- Japanese langauge catalogue
-gtkpod V0.40 26-Jan-2003
-	many new features:
-	- Playlists (Drag-and-drop support)
-	- Sort Tabs
-	- Duplicate Detection
-	- German language support
-	- Charset for ID3 tags can be set
-	- Offline modification of iPod contents (and later synchronisation)
-	- Preferences
-gtkpod V0.10
-	basic tool to import/export songs to your iPod.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/INSTALL
--- gtkpod/trunk/INSTALL	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/INSTALL	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-How to compile/install gtkpod:
-1. First, make sure you have compiled and installed the dependencies.
-   Most Linux distros will include them, except maybe for libid3tag
-   (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12349) and
-   libmp4v2 (http://mpeg4ip.sourceforge.net/).
-   Please do not confuse the libid3 library with the libid3tag
-   library -- they are not related. libid3tag is part of the MAD
-   project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mad/).
-   Starting with version 0.96 gtkpod is using the gpod library.
-   libgpod should soon be available as a standard package for major
-   linux distributions. You can also install the library from source.
-   Download instructions for the tarball or development snapshot can
-   be found at http://www.gtkpod.org/libgpod.html
-   The libmp4v2 package is ONLY NEEDED if you need AAC support.  You
-   don't need libmp4v2 if you don't use AAC files.
-   libid3tag was successfully compiled and installed with
-   ./configure ; make ; make install
-   libmp4v2 was successfully compiled and install with
-   ./bootstrap --disable-server ; make ; make install
-   The following packages are required for building gtkpod:
-        autoconf (at least 2.55)
-        flex (or lex)
-	glib (at least 2.4.0)
-        gtk+ (at least 2.6.0)
-        libglade (at least 2.4.0)
-        libgpod (at least 0.4.0)
-        libid3tag (at least 0.15)
-        pkgconfig
-   Optional packages:
-        libmpv4 (for AAC/M4A support)
-	libvorbis (for ogg libvorbis support)
-	libflac (for FLAC support)
-	libcurl (for coverart download support)
-	libgnome-vfs-2.0 >2.6 (for iPod autodetection under GNOME)
-	libhal >0.5 <0.6 (in combination with libgnome-vfs: better detection of iPods)
-2. If you install libraries to /usr/local/lib please don't forget to
-   add the path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH
-     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
-     PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
-     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-     export PKG_CONFIG_PATH
-   You can add those lines to your ~/.bashrc or add it globally to
-   /etc/profile.
-   If you install packages from your linux distribution, keep in mind
-   that you will need to install the "-dev" packages as well to be
-   able to compile.
-3. Run the gtkpod 'configure' script to set up the compile
-   ./configure
-   The standard options to 'configure' apply.  For a list of options:
-   ./configure --help
-4. Compile the gtkpod software:
-   make
-5. Install the gtkpod software (may require root privileges):
-   make install
-   Note: You can test gtkpod without installing it. Some features
-   (translation catalogues, icons, scripts) may not be available,
-   however:
-   src/gtkpod
-** Note that you do not need to accept the default (usually
-   /usr/local) install path when you compile and install the software.
-   You may choose to install the software in a different location.
-   For example, with libid3tag and libmp4v2 in a non-standard
-   location, outside the $PATH and the usual build environment, you
-   need to configure the build of gtkpod appropriately.  You need to
-   set a CFLAGS variable during the 'configure' that sets the -I and
-   -L flags correctly.
-   As a practical example, let's say the libmp4v2 software was
-   installed in $HOME/Applications/mpeg4ip and the libid3tag software
-   was installed in $HOME/Applications/libid3tag, and you want to
-   install gtkpod into $HOME/Applications/gtkpod.  Do this instead:
-    CFLAGS="-I$HOME/Applications/mpeg4ip/include -L$HOME/Applications/mpeg4ip/lib -I$HOME/Applications/libid3tag/include -L$HOME/Applications/libid3tag/lib" ./configure --prefix=$HOME/Applications/gtkpod ; make ; make install 

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/Makefile.am
--- gtkpod/trunk/Makefile.am	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/Makefile.am	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = src po scripts data
-	autogen.sh		\
-	intltool-extract.in	\
-	intltool-merge.in	\
-	intltool-update.in	\
-	TODOandBUGS.txt
-	intltool-extract	\
-	intltool-merge		\
-	intltool-update
-	-rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/data
-	-rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/scripts
-	-rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/Makefile.in
--- gtkpod/trunk/Makefile.in	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/Makefile.in	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.7.9 from Makefile.am.
-# @configure_input@
-# Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
-# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
- at SET_MAKE@
-srcdir = @srcdir@
-top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-VPATH = @srcdir@
-pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
-pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
-pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
-top_builddir = .
-am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
-install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
-install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
-install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
-transform = $(program_transform_name)
-host_triplet = @host@
-AWK = @AWK@
-CC = @CC@
-CPP = @CPP@
-LEX = @LEX@
-ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
-am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@
-am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@
-am__include = @am__include@
-am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
-am__quote = @am__quote@
-bindir = @bindir@
-build = @build@
-build_alias = @build_alias@
-build_cpu = @build_cpu@
-build_os = @build_os@
-build_vendor = @build_vendor@
-datadir = @datadir@
-datarootdir = @datarootdir@
-docdir = @docdir@
-dvidir = @dvidir@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-have_pkgconfig = @have_pkgconfig@
-host = @host@
-host_alias = @host_alias@
-host_cpu = @host_cpu@
-host_os = @host_os@
-host_vendor = @host_vendor@
-htmldir = @htmldir@
-includedir = @includedir@
-infodir = @infodir@
-install_sh = @install_sh@
-libdir = @libdir@
-libexecdir = @libexecdir@
-localedir = @localedir@
-localstatedir = @localstatedir@
-mandir = @mandir@
-oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
-pdfdir = @pdfdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
-psdir = @psdir@
-sbindir = @sbindir@
-sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
-sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
-target_alias = @target_alias@
-SUBDIRS = src po scripts data
-	autogen.sh		\
-	intltool-extract.in	\
-	intltool-merge.in	\
-	intltool-update.in	\
-	TODOandBUGS.txt
-	intltool-extract	\
-	intltool-merge		\
-	intltool-update
-subdir = .
-ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
-mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
-CONFIG_HEADER = config.h
-RECURSIVE_TARGETS = info-recursive dvi-recursive pdf-recursive \
-	ps-recursive install-info-recursive uninstall-info-recursive \
-	all-recursive install-data-recursive install-exec-recursive \
-	installdirs-recursive install-recursive uninstall-recursive \
-	check-recursive installcheck-recursive
-DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/configure AUTHORS \
-	COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL Makefile.am NEWS aclocal.m4 \
-	config.guess config.h.in config.sub configure.in depcomp \
-	install-sh missing mkinstalldirs ylwrap
-all: config.h
-	$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-recursive
-am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES = config.status config.cache config.log \
- configure.lineno
-$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ Makefile.am  $(top_srcdir)/configure.in $(ACLOCAL_M4)
-	cd $(top_srcdir) && \
-	  $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu  Makefile
-Makefile: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.in  $(top_builddir)/config.status
-	cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)
-$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
-	$(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck
-$(srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/configure.in $(ACLOCAL_M4) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES)
-	cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF)
-$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ configure.in 
-	cd $(srcdir) && $(ACLOCAL) $(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS)
-config.h: stamp-h1
-	@if test ! -f $@; then \
-	  rm -f stamp-h1; \
-	  $(MAKE) stamp-h1; \
-	else :; fi
-stamp-h1: $(srcdir)/config.h.in $(top_builddir)/config.status
-	@rm -f stamp-h1
-	cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status config.h
-$(srcdir)/config.h.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(top_srcdir)/configure.in $(ACLOCAL_M4) 
-	cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOHEADER)
-	touch $(srcdir)/config.h.in
-	-rm -f config.h stamp-h1
-# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd
-# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile.
-# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles,
-# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status'
-#     (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make');
-# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line.
-	@set fnord $$MAKEFLAGS; amf=$$2; \
-	dot_seen=no; \
-	target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
-	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
-	  echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
-	  if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
-	    dot_seen=yes; \
-	    local_target="$$target-am"; \
-	  else \
-	    local_target="$$target"; \
-	  fi; \
-	  (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
-	   || case "$$amf" in *=*) exit 1;; *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \
-	done; \
-	if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
-	  $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \
-	fi; test -z "$$fail"
-mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive distclean-recursive \
-	@set fnord $$MAKEFLAGS; amf=$$2; \
-	dot_seen=no; \
-	case "$@" in \
-	  distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \
-	  *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \
-	esac; \
-	rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \
-	  if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \
-	    rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \
-	  fi; \
-	done; \
-	rev="$$rev ."; \
-	target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
-	for subdir in $$rev; do \
-	  echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
-	  if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
-	    local_target="$$target-am"; \
-	  else \
-	    local_target="$$target"; \
-	  fi; \
-	  (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
-	   || case "$$amf" in *=*) exit 1;; *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \
-	done && test -z "$$fail"
-	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
-	  test "$$subdir" = . || (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \
-	done
-	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
-	  test "$$subdir" = . || (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \
-	done
-ETAGS = etags
-CTAGS = ctags
-tags: TAGS
-	list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
-	unique=`for i in $$list; do \
-	    if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
-	  done | \
-	  $(AWK) '    { files[$$0] = 1; } \
-	       END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \
-	mkid -fID $$unique
-TAGS: tags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) config.h.in $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \
-	tags=; \
-	here=`pwd`; \
-	if (etags --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
-	  include_option=--etags-include; \
-	else \
-	  include_option=--include; \
-	fi; \
-	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
-	  if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
-	    test -f $$subdir/TAGS && \
-	      tags="$$tags $$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \
-	  fi; \
-	done; \
-	list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) config.h.in $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
-	unique=`for i in $$list; do \
-	    if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
-	  done | \
-	  $(AWK) '    { files[$$0] = 1; } \
-	       END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \
-	test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \
-	     $$tags $$unique
-ctags: CTAGS
-CTAGS: ctags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) config.h.in $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \
-	tags=; \
-	here=`pwd`; \
-	list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) config.h.in $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
-	unique=`for i in $$list; do \
-	    if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
-	  done | \
-	  $(AWK) '    { files[$$0] = 1; } \
-	       END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \
-	test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \
-	     $$tags $$unique
-	here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
-	  && cd $(top_srcdir) \
-	  && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here
-top_distdir = .
-distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
-am__remove_distdir = \
-  { test ! -d $(distdir) \
-    || { find $(distdir) -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' \
-         && rm -fr $(distdir); }; }
-GZIP_ENV = --best
-distuninstallcheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print
-distcleancheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print
-distdir: $(DISTFILES)
-	$(am__remove_distdir)
-	mkdir $(distdir)
-	$(mkinstalldirs) $(distdir)/po
-	@srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \
-	topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \
-	list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \
-	  case $$file in \
-	    $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
-	    $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \
-	  esac; \
-	  if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
-	  dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
-	  if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \
-	    dir="/$$dir"; \
-	    $(mkinstalldirs) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \
-	  else \
-	    dir=''; \
-	  fi; \
-	  if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
-	    if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
-	      cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \
-	    fi; \
-	    cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \
-	  else \
-	    test -f $(distdir)/$$file \
-	    || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \
-	    || exit 1; \
-	  fi; \
-	done
-	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
-	  if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
-	    test -d $(distdir)/$$subdir \
-	    || mkdir $(distdir)/$$subdir \
-	    || exit 1; \
-	    (cd $$subdir && \
-	      $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \
-	        top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" \
-	        distdir=../$(distdir)/$$subdir \
-	        distdir) \
-	      || exit 1; \
-	  fi; \
-	done
-	-find $(distdir) -type d ! -perm -777 -exec chmod a+rwx {} \; -o \
-	  ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
-	  ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
-	  ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec $(SHELL) $(install_sh) -c -m a+r {} {} \; \
-	|| chmod -R a+r $(distdir)
-dist-gzip: distdir
-	$(AMTAR) chof - $(distdir) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).tar.gz
-	$(am__remove_distdir)
-dist dist-all: distdir
-	$(AMTAR) chof - $(distdir) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).tar.gz
-	$(am__remove_distdir)
-# This target untars the dist file and tries a VPATH configuration.  Then
-# it guarantees that the distribution is self-contained by making another
-# tarfile.
-distcheck: dist
-	$(am__remove_distdir)
-	GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gunzip -c $(distdir).tar.gz | $(AMTAR) xf -
-	chmod -R a-w $(distdir); chmod a+w $(distdir)
-	mkdir $(distdir)/_build
-	mkdir $(distdir)/_inst
-	chmod a-w $(distdir)
-	dc_install_base=`$(am__cd) $(distdir)/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \
-	  && dc_destdir="$${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$$$/" \
-	  && cd $(distdir)/_build \
-	  && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix="$$dc_install_base" \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dvi \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) installcheck \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_install_base" \
-	        distuninstallcheck \
-	  && chmod -R a-w "$$dc_install_base" \
-	  && ({ \
-	       (cd ../.. && $(mkinstalldirs) "$$dc_destdir") \
-	       && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" install \
-	       && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" uninstall \
-	       && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" \
-	            distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_destdir" distuninstallcheck; \
-	      } || { rm -rf "$$dc_destdir"; exit 1; }) \
-	  && rm -rf "$$dc_destdir" \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dist-gzip \
-	  && rm -f $(distdir).tar.gz \
-	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distcleancheck
-	$(am__remove_distdir)
-	@echo "$(distdir).tar.gz is ready for distribution" | \
-	  sed 'h;s/./=/g;p;x;p;x'
-	@cd $(distuninstallcheck_dir) \
-	&& test `$(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -le 1 \
-	   || { echo "ERROR: files left after uninstall:" ; \
-	        if test -n "$(DESTDIR)"; then \
-	          echo "  (check DESTDIR support)"; \
-	        fi ; \
-	        $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) ; \
-	        exit 1; } >&2
-distcleancheck: distclean
-	@if test '$(srcdir)' = . ; then \
-	  echo "ERROR: distcleancheck can only run from a VPATH build" ; \
-	  exit 1 ; \
-	fi
-	@test `$(distcleancheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -eq 0 \
-	  || { echo "ERROR: files left in build directory after distclean:" ; \
-	       $(distcleancheck_listfiles) ; \
-	       exit 1; } >&2
-check-am: all-am
-check: check-recursive
-all-am: Makefile config.h
-installdirs: installdirs-recursive
-install: install-recursive
-install-exec: install-exec-recursive
-install-data: install-data-recursive
-uninstall: uninstall-recursive
-install-am: all-am
-	@$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
-installcheck: installcheck-recursive
-	  `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
-	    echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install
-	-test -z "$(DISTCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(DISTCLEANFILES)
-	@echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
-	@echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
-clean: clean-recursive
-clean-am: clean-generic mostlyclean-am
-distclean: distclean-recursive
-	-rm -f Makefile
-distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-hdr distclean-tags
-dvi: dvi-recursive
-info: info-recursive
-install-info: install-info-recursive
-maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
-	-rm -rf $(top_srcdir)/autom4te.cache
-	-rm -f Makefile
-maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
-mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive
-mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic
-pdf: pdf-recursive
-ps: ps-recursive
-uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am
-	$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall-hook
-uninstall-info: uninstall-info-recursive
-.PHONY: $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean \
-	clean-generic clean-recursive ctags ctags-recursive dist \
-	dist-all dist-gzip distcheck distclean distclean-generic \
-	distclean-hdr distclean-recursive distclean-tags distcleancheck \
-	distdir distuninstallcheck dvi dvi-am dvi-recursive info \
-	info-am info-recursive install install-am install-data \
-	install-data-am install-data-recursive install-exec \
-	install-exec-am install-exec-recursive install-info \
-	install-info-am install-info-recursive install-man \
-	install-recursive install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \
-	installdirs installdirs-am installdirs-recursive \
-	maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \
-	maintainer-clean-recursive mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
-	mostlyclean-recursive pdf pdf-am pdf-recursive ps ps-am \
-	ps-recursive tags tags-recursive uninstall uninstall-am \
-	uninstall-info-am uninstall-info-recursive uninstall-recursive
-	-rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/data
-	-rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/scripts
-	-rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)
-# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
-# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/NEWS
--- gtkpod/trunk/NEWS	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/NEWS	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-gtkpod V0.90
-	Complete rewrite of reading/writing the iTunesDB
-	IMPROVEMENT: local database to browse local content
-	IMPROVEMENT: support MP3 disc numbers (thanks to Leigh Dyer)
-gtkpod V0.88.2
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added '%p' (current playlist) identifier when
-	exporting tracks.
-	BUGFIX: DND in playlist view did not work.
-	BUGFIX: scripts sync_evolution, sync_evocalendar and sync_notes
-	were not included in standard distribution.
-gtkpod V0.88.1
-	BUGFIX: Should now work with the shuffle -- forgot to change a
-	version number in the iTunesDB file :-(
-gtkpod V0.88
-	NEW FEATURE: Support for iPod Shuffle. Thanks to Steve Wahl.
-	BUGFIX: In smartlists star rating better supported. One star is
-	"1" and not "20".
-gtkpod V0.87
-	NEW FEATURE: Support for smart playlists.
-	NEW FEATURE: Added scripts sync_evolution, sync_evocalendar and
-	sync_notes to synchronise Contacts, Calendar and Tasks from
-	Evolution and to synchronise Notes with anything in the folder
-	~/ipod_notes.
-        BUGFIX: drag and drop was only implemented for mp3 files, not
-        for m4a, m4p, m4b, and wav files (thanks to Chris Micacchi for
-        pointing it out and supplying a first fix).
-	BUGFIX: Category playlists "for each year" did not work.
-	BUGFIX: Invalid charset conversion could hang gtkpod.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Support for iTunes' "checked", filedescriptor (kind),
-	and grouping fields.
-	IMPROVEMENT: When sorting ignore 'the' and similar at the
-	beginning of the title (thanks to Chris Micacchi)
-	IMPROVEMENT: Use statvfs() instead of a call to the external
-	command "df" to determine the free space on the iPod (thanks
-	to Steve Jay)
-	IMPROVEMENT: The fields "time_modified/played/created" can now
-	be edited from within the track view.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Creation of playlists for each rating
-	(Unrated, and Rated 1..5).
-	UPDATE: Swedish translation catalog
-	UPDATE: Italian translation catalog
-gtkpod V0.85.0
-	BUGFIX: when clicking onto the column header of the track
-	treeview three times and moving sidewards with the mouse at
-	the same time, gtkpod crashed. Crashing was due to a bad
-	workaround of a bug in the GTK+-library. Removed workaround
-	and instead submitted a bug report against GTK+. The bug has
-	been fixed in version 2.5.4 of the GTK+ library.
-	BUGFIX: When using "block display during updates" the display
-	was still updated during import. Fixed.
-	BUGFIX: The menu item "Check iPod's Files" was not reliably
-	activated. It's now always selectable when not in offline
-	mode.
-	BUGFIX: when writing tags to file the track tag was
-	deleted.
-	BUGFIX: special sorttab: sorting according to "time modified"
-	and "time created" did not work.
-	BUGFIX: handling of orphaned tracks that had been added to the
-	ipod again are now handled correctly.
-	BUGFIX: fixed case-sensitivity issue while handling orphaned
-	tracks.
-	BUGFIX: fixed bug that caused gtkpod to hang when activating
-	duplicate detection without having the list of duplicates
-	displayed (must have been around ever since duplicate
-	detection was introduced...)
-	BUGFIX: gain tags written by mp3gain were never read
-	correctly. Normalization using mp3gain was therefore
-	impossible. Didn't anyone ever use that feature?!
-	BUGFIX: when copying track to the iPod, the free space
-	indication became bigger and bigger during the process.
-	BUGFIX: Ascending and descending were interchanged in the sort
-	window.
-	NEW FEATURE: Implemented Michael Rolig's patch/idea to access
-	mserv data for the rating. Still needs testing as I don't use
-	mserv.
-	NEW FEATURE: added "randomize current playlist" (only the menu
-	entry without actual code was present so far).
-	NEW FEATURE: support for On-The-Go Playlists. They will show
-	up as "OTG Playlist 1" etc.
-	NEW FEATURE: export of PLS or M3U file including meta data.
-	NEW FEATURE: registering playcounts when tracks are played on
-	the local machine is now possible (actually it was already
-	possible in V0.80, but now the README explains how to do it).
-	NEW FEATURE: Swedish translation provided by Stefan Asserhäll.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Speeded up writing of iTunesDB. For me it is now
-	between 1 and 15 seconds instead of between 20 and 40 seconds
-	before (for security I'm using the iPod as a non-buffered
-	device). A back-upped version of the iTunesDB is now always
-	written to ~/.gtkpod.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Speeded up display of sorted views. Thanks to
-	Stefan Asserhäll for the idea and valuable input.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Moved some options from the preferences dialog to
-	the file chooser dialog where you need them. gtkpod now
-	requires GTK2.4 to compile.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added "Time Created" support to special sorttab,
-	track display and iTunesDB. (Before only "modified" and
-	"played" were supported.)
-	IMPROVEMENT: All information stored in the iTunesDB about
-	tracks is read and written, even if the information itself is
-	not used by gtkpod itself.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added new track information fields: iPod_Path,
-	creation time, soundcheck, samplerate, "BPM"
-	IMPROVEMENT: Volume normalizing: when importing mp3 the replay
-	gain is read and the soundcheck field set accordingly. Use
-	the "soundcheck" feature of the iPod to have the volume
-	normalized during playback.
-	If no replay gain tag is set, use the "Normalize" as usual to
-	have mp3gain write a replay gain tag.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The extended information database now also
-	contains the iPod filename. This allows to find a certain
-	track even on systems not running gtkpod/gnupod/iTunes etc.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Some fixes for compilation under solaris. This
-	also led to the introduction of the environment variable
-	"GTKPOD_DF_COMMAND" that can be used to customize the df
-	command called to probe the free space of the iPod.
-gtkpod V0.80-2
-	BUGFIX: gtkpod would crash right after startup if the info
-	window was open when stopping gtkpod the previous time.
-	BUGFIX: Fixed free space display: the digits were right, the
-	unit was wrong (B instead of kB, kB instead of MB, MB instead
-	of GB...).
-	PATCH: gtkpod will compile with GTK V2.0 (V0.80 needed GTK
-	V2.4)
-	PATCH: gtkpod should compile under Fedora without patch
-	PATCH: reverted to old-style check of id3tag-lib as id3tag.pc
-	is not included with the id3tag distribution by default
-gtkpod V0.80
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for WAV audio files
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for bookmarkable AAC files (.m4b
-	files). Thanks to D.L. Sharp. More information is available at
-	http://www.ipodlounge.com/articles_more.php?id=3233_0_8_0_C
-	http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61695
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for syncing contacts and calendar from
-	existing applications to the iPod (on iTunesDB export and/or via
-	the Tools-menu). The sync is done by calling external scripts.
-	Only one script is included so far: kaddressbook_ipod. Please
-	submit more for inclusion into the next release.
-	NEW FEATURE: Added support for LAME's replay gain to normalize the
-	volume track (thanks to Jens Taprogge). Unfortunately the
-	conversion factor between LAME's replay gain and the iPod's volume
-	tag are not well known yet -- your input is appreciated!
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added file selectors for selecting files in the tools
-	section of the preferences dialog.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added new auto-playlists: "One playlist for each
-	year" and "Playlist with all songs not listed in any playlist".
-	IMPROVEMENT: Can specify several templates to scan the filename
-	for tags using the ';' as a separator
-	IMPROVEMENT: Can specify several templates for the export
-	filename. gtkpod selects according to the extension given.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Streamlined layout of info window
-	IMPROVEMENT: Included Andrew Huntwork's patch to fix issues
-	concerning case-sensitivity of filenames under some conditions.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Included Ero Carrera's patch to validate the filename
-	when copying tracks from the iPod and to make a quick sync of the
-	iPod's contents.
-	IMPROVEMENT: When importing the iTunesDB automatically on startup,
-	no window was opened until the import was finished. Thanks to
-	Andrew Huntwork the window now opens before the import starts and
-	progress can be followed in the usual manner.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Send 'eject' to the iPod after unmounting. This only
-	works under LINUX and if the user has write access to the device
-	file (e.g. /dev/sda2)
-	IMPROVEMENT: When writing to the iPod automatically create iPod's
-	directories when they are not present.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Added progress dialog with abort button when copying
-	tracks from the iPod.
-	BUGFIX: When dragging tracks between two playlist (i.e. into a
-	newly created playlist), a new playlist was created but the tracks
-	were not added.
-	BUGFIX: Fixed hangup when syncing dirs
-	BUGFIX: Fixed compile error when compiling without mp4 support
-	BUGFIX: Fixed compile error when compiling with gcc 2.95
-	BUGFIX: Tags of tracks on the iPod were never changed (fixed
-	thanks to Andrew Huntwork)
-	BUGFIX: Fixed calculation of remaining seconds in progress
-	dialogs.
-	BUGFIX: automatic update of preferences data from older version
-	went awry when no preference file was present
-gtkpod V0.72
-        NEW FEATURE: tags can now be set from the filename using a
-	template like "%a - %A/%T %t.mp3".
-	IMPROVEMENT: read and write ID3v2.4 tags. This has been achieved
-	by migrating to the id3tag library. Using ID3v2.4 tags with
-	unicode encoding takes away the need to worry about which encoding
-	is used for the tags. Old "broken"-style locale charset encodings
-	in tags are still supported, of course.
-	BUGFIX: configure script was broken -- even though mp4 support was
-	configured in, gtkpod was built without :-(
-gtkpod V0.70
-	NEW FEATURE: import of AAC files (.m4a) supported, provided the
-	mp4v2 library from the mpeg4ip project
-	(mpeg4ip.sourceforge.net) is available during the compilation of
-	gtkpod. Writing tags to AAC files is also supported.  .m4p files
-	can also be imported, but they are not played by the iPod. .m4a
-	files work fine.
-	NEW FEATURE: info window showing total file size, play time
-	etc. can be opened.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Upon popular request, the menus now provide different
-	entries for "Delete from iPod" and "Delete from Playlist".
-	IMPROVEMENT: when deleting tracks completely from the iPod, the
-	confirmation dialog also displays the number of playlists the
-	tracks are members of.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Quick sync possible using "Add Tracks".  Details:
-	  Until now the default action when adding tracks that already
-	  exist (identical full filename) was to add it again (they were
-	  rejected by the duplicate detection, but that took a long time),
-	  or to update the track information (option).
-	  Now the default action is to skip existing tracks (identical
-	  filename) or to update the track information (option). Thus, by
-	  default, only new tracks are read, allowing quick
-	  synchronization of entire directories.
-	IMPROVEMENT: In the past, using programs other than gtkpod to
-	transfer files voided the extended information file. gtkpod will
-	now try to use the MD5 checksums stored in the extended
-	information file to match up the data when this occurs.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The 'year' tag is now supported as track view column
-	and as sort tab type.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The tags for track number and total number of tracks
-	are displayed as nn/nn in the track view, and can also be entered
-	as such.
-	IMPROVEMENT: The tags for CD number and total number of CDs can
-	now be displayed (analoguous to track number and total number of
-	tracks above)
-	IMPROVEMENT: When creating a new playlist a dialog is popped up
-	asking for a name.
-	BUGFIX: Drag and Drop of files with spaces did not work.
-	BUGFIX: "Unsort" (clicking sort column three times) of track view
-	failed if last sort tab was a "special" sort tab.
-	BUGFIX: updated ID3 tag reading code from easytag's new
-	version. Please also note that id3lib V3.7.3 seems to crash gtkpod
-	every once in a while. V3.8.3 appears to be more stable.
-gtkpod V0.60
-	NEW FEATURE: normalize song volume (using mp3gain). Uses iPod's
-	volume adjust feature rather than modifying the mp3 file.
-	NEW FEATURE: define format of filename when copying tracks from
-	iPod (mainly thanks to Sam Clegg).
-	NEW FEATURE: adjust volume of each track individually by using
-	iPod's per-track volume adjust feature (implemted through a new
-	column in the song view).
-	NEW FEATURE: automatically create a playlist for each
-	album/artist/genre/composer in your collection (thanks to Chris
-	Cutler), and other automatic playlist generations.
-	NEW FEATURE: menu items and context menu items to create new
-	playlist containing displayed songs or selected songs.
-	IMPROVEMENT: Try to press the shift key when dropping songs into a
-	playlist to move rather than copy tracks from one playlist to
-	another. Keep in mind that songs cannot be moved from or to the
-	master play list.
-	IMPROVEMENT: better alphabetize interface. Alphabetize settings
-	will be remembered, different settings for playlists, sort tabs,
-	and tracks possible. Also, clicking the column header three times
-	will revert the view to its unsorted state.
-	IMPROVEMENT: handle adding of playlist files containing files with
-	relative paths.
-	IMPROVEMENT: context menus more intuitive, context menus will no
-	longer trigger edit mode (most of the time).
-	IMPROVEMENT: the function copying songs to the iPod used a "large"
-	amount of stack memory (roughly 66000 Bytes) which crashed some
-	systems.
-	BUGFIX: md5 hash for duplicate detection will examine the same
-	number of bytes on all systems now (before it used 4xPATH_MAX).
-	BUGFIX: reading and writing of the Composer ID3 tags implemented
-	(so far the fields could only be set from inside gtkpod -- thanks
-	to Graeme Wilford)
-	BUGFIX: fixed memory holes in sync_songids(), sync_dir_ok(),
-	add_playlist_by_filename().
-	BUGFIX: drag and drop URIs with cr/nl at the end are handled
-	correctly (thanks to Walter Bell).
-gtkpod V0.52
-	NEW FEATURE: Supports Playcounts, Ratings, Time Last Played / Time
-	Last Modified. The playcounts and ratings are read from the 'Play
-	Count' file produced by iPod's firmware versions V1.3
-	(playcounts only) and V2.0 (playcounts and rating).
-	NEW FEATURE: If you mark several songs and change a tag in the
-	first one, the corresponding tag in the other songs will be
-	changed as well (must activate in the prefs menu). Patch provided
-	by Ramesh Dharan. Thanks!
-	IMPROVEMENT: added auto-dection of Japanese encoding (thanks to
-	Hiroshi Kawashima).
-	IMPROVEMENT: option to sort case-sensitively. Case-insensitive
-	utf8 sort should work fine, case-sensitive may not work entirely
-	as expected with some charsets.
-	BUGFIX: display free size correctly even if more than 4294967295
-	(or maybe just half that many?) Bytes are free on the iPod.
-	BUGFIX: drag-and-drop: gtkpod should now correctly handle files
-	with "special" characters (like spaces...) that are escaped in the
-	DND URI. (Thanks to Walter Bell).
-	BUGFIX: using 'file_export' from the context menu could crash
-	gtkpod
-	BUGFIX: file_export didn't remember directory last used.
-	BUGFIX: can now choose zero sort tabs in the prefs dialogue
-	(instead of the minimum one) -- why didn't anyone tell me?
-	BUGFIX: when deleting songs, sometimes adjacent songs got edited
-	(took title or artist... of the deleted song). Hopefully fixed --
-	please report.
-	BUGFIX: after reordering columns in the song view, the selection
-	of which columns are to be displayed went haywire -- fixed.
-	BUGFIX: fixed memory holes in pm_data_compare_func(),
-	st_data_compare_func(), sm_data_compare_func(),
-	get_ipod_used_space(), get_ipod_free_space(),
-	charset_to_description(), add_playlist_by_filename(),
-	sm_cell_edited().
-	NEW: Italian translation catalogue (almost complete)
-gtkpod V0.51
-	NEW FEATURE: Synchronize directories (removed songs can be deleted
-	automatically).
-	NEW FEATURE: gtkpod remembers charset used when initially
-	importing a song and uses this when "updating" the song
-	information from file or writing tags to file (needs extended
-	information enabled).
-	NEW FEATURE: display free space on iPod.
-	NEW FEATURE: menu item "Arrange Sort Tabs" to make all visible
-	sort tabs the same size
-        IMPROVEMENT: gtkpod should now compile "out of the box" under
-	FreeBSD and NetBSD (some adaptations were necessary before).
-        IMPROVEMENT: added all supported charsets provided by "iconv -l"
-	to the list of charsets to choose from. Code assumes that "iconv
-	-l" returns a list with the name of one charset in each line, each
-	valid line being terminated by "//".
-	IMPROVEMENT: new song column types: file size, play time,
-	avg. bitrate
-	BUGFIX: changed playlength code to that used by mp3info. It's much
-	slower but seems to be more reliable.
-	BUGFIX: fixed "dead" context menu "Alphabetize"
-gtkpod V0.50
-	NEW FEATURE: context sensitive popup menues (right mouse button
-	click in playlist view, sort tabs or song view.
-	NEW FEATURE: play song with xmms (two user definable commands).
-	NEW FEATURE: option to mount the iPod directory on startup and
-	unmount it on exit.
-	NEW FEATURE: mount/unmount ipod directory on startup/exit, and/or
-	execute ~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.in,out (or /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in,out if
-	the former doesn't exist) on startup/exit. First gtkpod.in is
-	executed, then the ipod is mounted (if this option is
-	activated). On exit, it's the other way round.
-	NEW FEATURE: read global prefs /etc/gtkpod/prefs if
-	~/.gtkpod/prefs does not exist. Useful, e.g. to set a machine-wide
-	default mountpoint for the ipod.
-	IMPROVEMENT: "Add Songs" and "Add Directory" has a new default
-	behaviour. They will now add songs/directories to the currently
-	selected playlist. If no playlist is selected, they add to the
-	master playlist.  "Add Playlist" will still create a new playlist
-	before adding the songs into it. Also, when playlist files are
-	added with "Add Songs" or "Add Directory" and no playlist is
-	selected, a new playlist will be selected for each playlist file.
-	NEW FEATURE: user settable: save song order after sort action
-	automatically?
-	NEW FEATURE: columns in song view can be dragged into any
-	order. Order will be saved.
-        Change of copyright: itunesdb.c and itunesdb.h are now under the
-	GNU Lesser General Public License to make it easier to use the
-	code in other programs.
-	BUGFIX: when writing tags to file, all tags were updated even if
-	you selected only to update changed tags in the the preferences.
-	NEW FEATURE: drag and drop files/directories/playlists from
-	konqueror or nautilus directly into the song view. The songs will
-	be inserted at the specified position. You must already have some
-	songs displayed or a drop is not possible. In that case you should
-	drop into the playlist view since obviously you don't care about
-	the exact position of the files in the playlist (will be added at
-	the end).
-	NEW FEATURE: drag and drop files/directories/playlists from
-	konqueror or nautilus directly into the playlist view. If you drop
-	between playlists a (number of) new playlist(s) will be created
-	for the drop. If you drop onto a playlist, the songs will be added
-	into that playlist. Alpha-Version!
-	IMPROVEMENT: speed-up of display refreshs.  - Import of iTunesDB
-	with full non-blocked display: 4x as fast (51'' against 3'35'' on
-	my 2459 songs) - Refresh of first sort tab, non-blocked: 20x as
-	fast (0.65'' against 13'' on my 2459 songs) - Refresh of first
-	sort tab, blocked: 60x as fast (0.13'' against 7.8'' on my 2459
-	songs) - Refresh of song list, non-blocked: 2x as fast (9''
-	against 18'' on my 2459 songs)
-gtkpod V0.43-1 28-Feb-2003
-	BUGFIX: After DND operation songs were displayed twice in the
-	master playlist (this was just a display artifact).
-gtkpod V0.43 27-Feb-2003
-        Preventive BUGFIX: in the code to import the iTunesDB all absolute
-	references to positions in the iTunesDB were removed. Instead
-	itunesdb.c now uses the header information to find the headers it
-	needs. This should make it more reliable to read third party
-	iTunesDB. This was also part of the problem with the ephpod import
-	problem below (the other half of the problem was ephpod's not
-	really conformant way of writing the database).
-        BUGFIX: some iTunesDBs produced by ephpod could not be read (hang
-	after reading the songs and before adding the playlists).
-	New Feature: update song information from file when adding songs
-	with identical filename (option)
-        New Feature: update song information from file of selected songs
-	(ctrl-u and menu item)
-	BUGFIX: copy_song_to_ipod() there was a <5% chance that songs were
-	overwritten by new songs during the copy process, if you deleted
-	songs before adding new songs.
-        BUGFIX: Deleting songs from the iPod only worked if you exported
-	the iTunesDB twice.
-	New Feature: Add Playlists (m3u and pls)
-gtkpod V0.42 20-Feb-2003
-        Bugfix: on first start gtkpod complained it could not create
-	~/.gtkpod even though it could... (and vice versa).
-	Improvement: display update can now be interrupted, selection
-	changed at any time.
-	Bugfix: gtkpod now sets bitrate (average bitrate for VBR)
-        Improvement: export can be interrupted and be continued at a later
-	time. gtkpod will (hopefully) correctly remember which songs have
-	already been copied/deleted from your iPod.
-	Improvement: removal and copy of songs during export is done in a
-	separate thread, so the display doesn't freeze on long file system
-	operations
-        Bugfix: Kentaro Fukuchi pointed out that MusicMatch (at least the
-	Japanese version) uses song IDs starting with 2 (and not with
-	53). gtkpod then dropped some of your songs -- fixed.
-	Improvement: Delete works on entries in sort tabs now (ctrl-d and
-	new menu item)
-	Improvement?: don't close dirbrowser window until after the songs
-	have been read.
-	Improvement: display is updated while writing tags to disk "in the
-	background"
-	Bugfix: sometimes deleted songs were not removed from the
-	display. Changing tags then could crash the program
-	Bugfix: convert filenames ot UTF8 based on the charset chosen in
-	the options window
-	Bugfix: don't try to access iPod based files when in offline mode
-gtkpod V0.41 01-Feb-2003
-	- minor bugfixes (just possible segfaults and such)
-	- window won't freeze during import/export/add operations
-	- better handling of duplicate songs (e.g. duplicate songs are now
-	  displayed in a window instead of on the console, if duplicate
-	  detection is switched on later, duplicate songs are removed but
-	  the playlists are preserved...)
-	- confirmation window when quitting gtkpod without saving data
-	- Drag-and-drop for sort tab entries
-	- Japanese langauge catalogue
-gtkpod V0.40 26-Jan-2003
-	many new features:
-	- Playlists (Drag-and-drop support)
-	- Sort Tabs
-	- Duplicate Detection
-	- German language support
-	- Charset for ID3 tags can be set
-	- Offline modification of iPod contents (and later synchronisation)
-	- Preferences
-gtkpod V0.10
-	basic tool to import/export songs to your iPod.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/README
--- gtkpod/trunk/README	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/README	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,1116 +0,0 @@
-iPod, iTunes, Mac, Macintosh, iBook are trademarks of Apple Computer,
-Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
-Donations are welcome: please go to
-for details.
-|                                  |
-|            Contents              |
-|                                  |
-  - Using gtkpod
-  - Features
-     - Tracks
-     - Filter Tabs
-     - Playlists
-     - Drag and Drop
-     - Duplicate Detection
-     - Preferences File
-     - Startup and Shutdown scripts
-     - Load iPod and eject iPod scripts
-     - Extended Information File
-     - Refresh (Update) Track Info From File
-     - Synchronize Directories
-     - Volume Normalization
-     - Podcasts
-     - Export of Tracks (Copy from iPod)
-     - Encoding of ID3 tags (charsets)
-     - Extracting tag information from the filename
-     - Checking iPod's files
-     - Restoring your iPod after file system error
-     - Playcounts & Rating
-     - About filenames
-  - Icons for window managers
-  - Connecting iPod to a Linux box:
-  - Sick of loading the sbp2 modules by hand? (an example of how to
-    use startup/shutdown scripts)
-|                                  |
-|          Using gtkpod            |
-|                                  |
-1) If your iPod is not mounted automatically when connecting it to
-   your computer follow steps 1-7 in the "Connecting your iPod to a
-   Linux box" (basically you need to get the iPod partition mounted to
-   /mnt/ipod).  In most cases this should not be necessary any more
-   these days.
-2) If you are using GNOME, starting with V1.0 of gtkpod your iPod will
-   be automatically loaded and displayed within gtkpod once you
-   connect it to your box. Otherwise:
-   - Use "Load iPods" to import the contents of your old iTunesDB (you
-     may have to specify the correct mountpoint: right-button click on
-     the "iPod" repository, select "Edit iPod's Properties" and change
-     the mountpoint).
-3) Use "Add Files", "Add Directories" or DND to add files or
-   directories.
-4) Use "Eject iPod" in the context menu or click on the icon to the
-   left of the iPod name to write the added files to the iPod and
-   create a new iTunesDB and unload the iPod from gtkpod.
-5) Unmount your iPod. The easiest way is to use the windowmanager. If
-   this is not an option for you continue with step 8-11 of the
-   "Connecting your iPod to a Linux box" section (basically describing
-   how to unmount and disconnect your iPod).
-   You can automate the unmounting by adding creating a
-   ~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.eject file with the following line in it (without
-   the quotation marks): "eject $1"
-|                                  |
-|            Features              |
-|                                  |
-- You can add individual tracks, entire directories recursively, or
-  existing playlists using "Add Files". A file selection dialogue will
-  appear. By default existing tracks (same full filename) will be skipped.
-- You can add directories recursively using "Add Dirs". A directory
-  selection dialogue will appear.
-- You can add existing playlists using "Add Playlists"
-- You can delete tracks by marking them and pressing the "Ctrl-d" . If
-  you delete tracks from the master playlist (the topmost playlist,
-  called "gtkpod" by default).  You can also delete tracks by selecting them,
-  and using "Delete Track" in the Edit menu or from the context menu.
-- You can update ID3 tags of selected tracks in gtkpod from the mp3
-  file by pressing "Ctrl-u" or choose "Update track info from file" in
-  the Edit menu or from the context menu.
-- You can rename ID3 tags by editing the fields in gtkpod. You can
-  change an entire group of ID3 tags by editing an entry in the sort
-  tab (or mark several tracks and edit the first).
-- You can specify which tags to display in the preferences window
-- You can specify (in the prefs window) if the ID3 tags of the
-  corresponding mp3 file(s) should also be updated
-Filter Tabs
-- The two notebooks above the track display are called "Filter Tabs"
-- They allow you to filter which tracks to display
-- If you edit an entry in the filter tab, the corresponding entry in all
-  associated tracks will be updated as well. When writing the tags to
-  disk as well, updating of a large number of tracks may take a while
-- You can create playlists with "New Playlist" or pressing "Ctrl-n" in
-  the playlist listview.
-- You can also create playlists by adding an existing playlist file
-  with "Add file" or "Add playlist".
-- You can add tracks to playlists by marking the tracks you want to add,
-  and then dragging them onto the playlist.
-- You can rename playlists.
-- You can delete playlists by selecting the desired playlist and pressing
-  "Ctrl-D", or by selecting "Delete Playlist" from the Edit menu.
-Drag and Drop
-Drag and Drop can be used in several ways:
-1) gtkpod internal
-- Playlists, entries of a filter tab, and tracks can be dragged.
-- A drop _onto_ an existing playlist will add the tracks to that
-  playlist
-- A drop _between_ two existing playlists or behind the last playlist
-  will create a new playlist to which the tracks are added.
-- The default action for the drop is either move or copy as appears
-  appropriate (e.g. playlists are moved within a database ('local' or
-  'iPod/Shuffle'), but copied when dragged across different
-  databases).  The applicable action is displayed within the drag
-  icon and can be changed by pressing the control key during the drop. 
-2) between external file browser and gtkpod
-- Tracks, directories or playlist files can be dropped onto the
-  playlist view or track view. Drops between two existing playlists
-  create a new playlist.
-Preferences File
-On startup gtkpod will read the preferences from ~/.gtkpod/prefs (or
-/etc/gtkpod/prefs if the former doesn't exist).
-Startup and Shutdown Scripts
-After reading the preferences file gtkpod will try to execute
-~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.in (or /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in if the former doesn't
-exist) during startup.
-Just before exiting the program, gtkpod will try to execute
-~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.out (or /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.out if the former doesn't
-Please see the section "Sick of loading the sbp2 modules by hand?" for
-an example of how to use this functionality.
-Load iPod and eject iPod scripts
-Before loading the contents of an iPod, gtkpod will call
-~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.load with the iPod's mountpoint as the only
-command line argument. Put any commands here needed to access the
-iPod, for example if you need to mount the iPod manually.
-When ejecting an iPod, gtkpod will call ~/.gtkpod/gtkpod.eject
-with the the iPod's mountpoint as the only command line argument. Put
-any commands here you want to execute after gtkpod has written the
-changes to the iPod. One major candidate will probably be 
-sudo eject $1
-gtkpod will not attempt to do any magic of it's own to
-mount/unmount/eject the iPod.
-Duplicate Detection
-You can instruct gtkpod (in the prefs window) to use
-file-size-dependent SHA1 checksums to prevent the same file from
-being copied to your iPod twice.
-If a duplicate is detected, gtkpod will print out the the filenames
-of the duplicate files. If the filename of the already existing file
-is not available (it is not stored in the iTunes database, see
-"Extended Information File" below), other available information of
-the track is printed.
-Extended Information File
-Some (I believe) essential information is not stored in Apple's iTunes
-database. You can therefore instruct gtkpod to write an additional
-file (iTunesDB.ext) with extended information. For each track it stores
-  - SHA1 hash
-  - filename in the locale's encoding
-  - filename in UTF8 encoding
-  - hostname where the file was added (not used for anything yet)
-  - filename of an associated converted file (for example an .mp3 for
-    a .flac file)
-  - if the file is present in the local database a reference to there
-    in order for playcounts to work on the local database as well
-  - last modification time
-  - the charset used for the file when adding it
-Since the extended information file is only valid with the
-corresponding standard iTunes database, a checksum of the iTunes
-database is also stored in the extended information file.
-Using an extended information file will considerably speed up the
-import of an existing iTunes database when using duplicate detection,
-since the SHA1 checksums do not have to be re-calculated.
-Using an extended information file will also allow modification of ID3
-tags in the track files after the initial import, because the full
-filenames are still available.
-Refresh (Update) Track Info From File
-If you have changed the ID3 tags of your original file, you can update
-the ID3 tags stored in gtkpod without removing and re-adding the
-track. Simply select the track to be updated and press "Ctrl-u" or
-choose "Update Track Info From File" from the Edit menu. Since gtkpod
-needs to know the filename of the track, the "Extended Information
-File" (see above) is needed.
-"Update" will also re-read the replay-gain tags from disk, if
-available, and set the soundcheck field. If no replay-gain tag is
-available, the soundcheck field will be erased.
-You can also select entries in the filter tab or entire playlists for
-Synchronize with Directories
-If you have added files to directories or changed files in directories
-you have previously added tracks from, you can use the "Synchronize
-Dirs" utility to update your iTunesDB.
-"Synchronize with Dir(s)" will use the selected tracks to make a list
-of directories to update, so you should activate the "Write Extended
-Information" option in the export section of the preferences dialogue.
-It will then add all non-existing tracks in those directories and
-update (see "Refresh") all existing tracks. The tracks are also added to
-the currently selected playlist, if they aren't already a member.
-Tracks that have been removed from the directory will only be removed
-from the iTunesDB if this option is checked in the option dialogue.
-For best results you should also activate duplicate detection. This
-avoids unnecessary copying of unchanged tracks.
-Volume Normalization
-There are two fields in the iTunesDB that allow to adjust the volume
-of an individual track: the volume field (a signed integer) and the
-soundcheck field (in dB). The volume is always active, whereas the
-soundcheck field is only active when you select 'soundcheck' on the
-iPod. Further, the soundcheck field only affects the earphone output
-but not the line output of the iPod.
-gtkpod will set the soundcheck according to the replay-gain tag set in
-your mp3 file. Newer versions of 'lame' automatically include the
-replay-gain tag when encoding. In that case the soundcheck field will
-be filled in when you first import a track.
-If no replay-gain tag is set, you can use the function 'Normalize
-Volume' to call mp3gain (mp3gain.sourceforge.net) to calculate the
-gain and write a replay-gain tag. Since this procedure is very time
-consuming, it is not done automatically during import. You need to
-install mp3gain in the default path or set the full path in the
-'Tools' section of the preferences dialog. If the iPod is connected,
-the tag is written to the file stored on the iPod.
-At this time "album gain" functionality is not supported. "Album gain"
-means that the volume of all tracks of one album is adjusted by the
-same gain, such that the relative volume level remains the same. It is
-planned to realize this in one of the next versions.
-Also, please be aware that tracks are not normalized on a 'per
-playlist' fashion. If a track is normalized, it's normalized in all
-playlists it is a member of.
-Once the replay-gain tag has been read, it is stored in the extended
-information file 'iTunesDB.ext'. When you call 'Normalize volume'
-again, the stored value will be used to re-populate the soundcheck
-field. Use 'Update Track' to re-read the tag from the file.
-You have to download podcasts using a third party tool like bashpodder
-(http://linc.homeunix.org:8080/scripts/bashpodder/) or gpodder
-Podcasts should be added directly into the 'Podcasts' playlist of the
-iPod repository, for example by selecting the Podcasts playlist before
-manually adding files/directories. Podcasts will then appear only in
-the Podcasts section on the iPod.
-If you add podcasts to the main playlist 'gtkpod/iPod' or any other
-iPod playlist first and then drag them over to the Podcasts playlist,
-the podcasts will appear in the Podcasts section on the iPod, as well
-as in the normal music section.
-The podcast 'repository' is a local repository (like 'Local') where
-you can keep all local podcasts. No mechanism exists to automatically
-synchronize the iPod repository with the Podcast repository at this
-time. You have to drag the podcasts over manually.
-Export of Tracks (Copy from iPod)
-- mark the tracks you want to export and select "Export Tracks from
-  Database" from the file menu (or use the context sensitive menu)
-- A file selection dialog window appears and you can choose the directory
-  you'd like the selected files to be written to.
-- You can specify the output filename in the prefs dialog by
-  specifying a template (e.g. "%A/%a - %t"). You can specify multiple
-  templates for different file formats by separating them by a
-  semicolon (e.g. "%A/%a - %t.mp3;%t.wav"). See the tooltip in the
-  prefs dialog for a list of identifiers.
-Encoding of ID3 tags (charsets)
-If you use correctly written unicode ID3V2 tags you don't have to
-worry about the charset setting.
-Otherwise you must specify the charset to be used for representing ID3
-tags in the preferences menu. The default is "System Charset", which
-is the charset associated with the locale gtkpod is running under. If
-your tags are stored in a different encoding, you should set it
-Please note that if necessary you can change the charset each time you
-add files or directories: the iTunesDB itself is using UTF16, so once
-tags are imported correctly, changing the charset has no influence.
-If you chose "Japanese (automatic detection)", gtkpod will try to
-determine if the string is in ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, or EUC-JP
-(Hankaku Katakana (1-byte Katakana) may not be recognized correctly --
-specify the correct encoding if you run into this problem). The actual
-encoding used for the ID tags will be stored and will be used when
-writing tags or doing updates/syncs. Check the "Use selected charset
-also when updating or syncing tracks" and "Use selected charset when
-writing tags" options if you want to specify a particular character
-set when writing or updating/syncing. The default charset is "EUC-JP"
--- it will be used when the charset cannot be autodetected, as well as
-when writing tags if a specific charset could not be determined
-gtkpod will recognize ID3V2 tags encoded in unicode automatically and
-ignore your charset setting when necessary.
-Extracting tag information from the filename
-Tags can also be extracted from the filename if you activate the
-option 'Use this template to parse filename for tag information' and
-supply a template that explains how the filenames are constructed.
-For filenames like 
-    music/new/latin1/alan_jackson - drive/01 drive_for_daddy_gene.mp3
-you could use
-    %a - %A/%T %*.mp3
-to extract artist, album, track number and title.
-The following character sequences are supported:
-    %t: title
-    %a: artist
-    %A: album
-    %c: composer
-    %t: title
-    %g: genre
-    %T: track number
-    %C: CD number
-    %*: placeholder, ignore data
-    %%: the character '%'
-You cannot supply a template like "%a%t.mp3" because gtkpod would not
-know how to separate artist and title. "%a_%t.mp3" would be correct,
-if artist and title are separated by an underscore.
-You can also omit the trailing ".mp3" if you want the template to
-apply to all files instead of only to mp3 files.
-Checking iPod's Files
-For whatever reason -- it may happen that tracks are present in your
-iTunesDB that are no longer present on the iPod (dangling tracks), or
-that tracks are on the iPod but not in the iTunesDB (orphaned
-The function "Checking iPod's Files" under the "File" menu will
-identify both types and take the following actions:
-Orphaned tracks:
-A new playlist "[Orphaned]" will be created with all orphaned tracks
-in it. The only exception are orphaned tracks that would become
-duplicates (if duplicate detection is activated). Those are marked for
-deletion with the next sync.
-Dangling tracks:
-These tracks will be marked for deletion with the next sync unless the
-original PC file is still available. In that case you can have them
-restored with the next sync.
-Restoring your iPod after file system error
-If iPod's file system gets corrupted and you need to reformat your
-iPod, there is a way to restore the contents semi-automatically if you
-have been using the "write extended information file" (iTunesDB.ext)
- - If the directory structure on the iPod doesn't exist yet,
-   load the iPod in gtkpod and have it created for you. Then unload
-   the iPod again.
- - copy your backup files in .gtkpod/ (usually iTunesDB and
-   iTunesDB.ext) to your iPod (usually
-   <mountpoint>/iPod_Control/iTunes/
-   On the iPod the files must be named iTunesDB and iTunesDB.ext.
- - load the iPod in gtkpod
- - select the iPod repository and start "Check iPod's files" from the
-   File menu
- - unload the iPod (or save changes)
-This should restore your iPod to what it was before, provided you
-didn't move or remove any of the original tracks on your harddrive, and
-the charset information was stored correctly.
-Playcounts & Rating
-Whenever you play a track completely on the iPod (firmware version 1.3
-or higher) a counter in the "Play Counts" file will be increased by
-one. The same file also contains the rating you can set with the 3rd
-generation iPods.
-This file appears to be deleted whenever the iPod resets itself --
-e.g. because you disconnect it from the computer. Therefore, be
-careful... Charging the iPod seems to do no harm.
-When gtkpod is started, it will also read this file and incorporate
-the information into the iTunesDB that can be written back to the
-There have been several requests to also register playcounts when
-playing a track on the local machine. This is possible by calling
-gtkpod as "gtkpod -p <filename>".
-If gtkpod is already running, the playcount of that track there will
-be increased by one. If gtkpod is not already running, the playcount
-will be registered in ~/.gtkpod/offline_playcount. This file will be
-read the next time you import the iTunesDB from your iPod, and the
-playcounts will be updated accordingly.
-Please note that if you start several instances of gtkpod, only the
-first instance will register playcounts through "gtkpod -p".
-Now all you have to do is tell your favorite player to call gtkpod
-with the filename of the played track.
-For xmms this is possible as of July 18th, 2004 (CVS
-version). Versions before that (including 1.2.10) only allow you to
-have an external program called at the beginning of a track. Our patch
-allows to have an external program called also at the end of a track.
-In each case you will need to activate the "General Plugin" called
-"song_change" and configure it to call 'gtkpod -p "%f"'.
-About filenames (excerpt from the GTK2 release notes):
-* The assumption of GLib and GTK+ by default is that filenames on the
-  filesystem are encoded in UTF-8 rather than the encoding of the locale;
-  The GTK+ developers consider that having filenames whose interpretation
-  depends on the current locale is fundamentally a bad idea.
-  If you have filenames encoded in the encoding of your locale, then
-  you may want to set the G_BROKEN_FILENAMES environment variable:
-  Best integration of GTK+-2.0 with the environment is achieved by 
-  using a UTF-8 locale.
------- end of excerpt
-It is my feeling that many people use filenames encoded in the
-encoding of the locale. The "Add directories" dialogue already takes
-care of this and assumes the filenames to be in the same encoding as
-you have specified for the ID3 tags (see above). You can therefore
-forget about the excerpt above.
-However, the "Add Files" and "Add Playlists" dialogue (at the moment)
-uses the standard GTK+-2.0 file selection dialogue. Therefore I have
-no access on the conversion functions used, and a warning is printed
-when filenames are encountered that are encoded in an encoding other
-than the one of the current locale. ID3 tags are still read correctly
-(according to the charset set in the preference dialogue).
-|                                                  |
-|  Environment variables		           |
-|                                                  |
-The following environment variables can be set if needed:
-IPOD_MOUNTPOINT: Defines the mountpoint of the iPod. This overwrites
-the value stored in the prefs, but is overwritten by the command line
-argument "-m" or "--mountpoint".
-GTKPOD_DF_COMMAND: Only used on systems without statvfs(). Defines the
-"df" command to be used for probing the free space on the iPod
-including command line arguments. Default is "df -k -P". On some
-systems it may be necessary to remove the "-P" option. The mount point
-is added to this command line automatically. You can switch off calls
-to df by setting this environment variable to an empty string.
-|                                                  |
-|  Icons for window managers		           |
-|                                                  |
-Should you require an icon for your window manager you can use those
-provided in $(datadir)/pixmaps (usually
-/usr/local/share/gtkpod/pixmaps or
-Currently the following files are available:
-  gtkpod-icon-32.png
-  gtkpod-icon-32x32.png
-  gtkpod-icon-32x32-2.png
-  gtkpod-icon-48.png
-  gtkpod-icon-48x48.png
-  gtkpod-icon-64x64.png
-|                                                  |
-|  Connecting iPod to a Linux box	           |
-|  (kernel 2.6.6)                                  |
-|  (should also work with earlier 2.6 kernels)     |
-|                                                  |
-This describes how to set up the iPod together with the automounter in
-kernel V2.6.6 (some minor changes in the kernel configuration may be
-necessary for older V2.6 versions).
-1) It appears to be possible to use HFS-formatted (Apple)
-   iPods. However, this short guide assumes you have a Windows
-   (VFAT) iPod. For conversion from HFS to VFAT please see 
-   http://www.blinkenlights.ch/gnupod/gnupod.html#SEC6
-2) I'm using the following kernel configuration options (I'm only
-   using FireWire -- so the USB options are just educated
-   guesses. Please let me know if it works).
-   I'm not using modules, simply because what's compiled in can't fail
-   loading.
-    * General Setup  -> Support for hot-pluggable devices - y
-    * Device Drivers -> SCSI device support - y
-    *                -> SCSI device support -> SCSI disk support - y
-    *                -> SCSI device support -> SCSI generic support - y
-For FireWire:
-    *                -> IEEE1394 (FireWire) support - y
-    *                -> IEEE1394 (FireWire) support -> OHCI-1394 support - y
-    *                -> IEEE1394 (FireWire) support -> SBP-2 support - y
-For USB:
-    *                -> USB support -> Support for Host-side USB - y
-    *                                       -> EHCI HCD support - y
-    *                                       -> OHCI HCD support - y
-    *                                       -> UHCI HCD support - y
-    *                                       -> USB Mass Storage support - y
-For USB and FireWire:
-    * Filesystems    -> DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems - y
-    *                -> DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems -> VFAT fs support - y
-    *                -> Kernel automounter version 4 support - y
-    *                -> Native Language Support
-    *                            -> Codepage 437 (CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_437)
-    *                            -> NLS ISO 8859-1 (CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1) 
-(for iPods formatted with the HFS filesystem choose
-    * Filesystems -> Miscellaneous filesystems
-			   -> Apple Extended HFS filesystem support)
-At least for the new 4Gs and iPod minis you should _disable_
-(CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION, see Troubleshooting for more information):
-    * File Systems -> Partition Types -> Advanced Partition Selection
-		   -> EFI GUID Partition support
-3) You need to install the following external packages:
-   hotplug and udev (http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net/)
-   autofs (ftp.kernel.org:/pub/linux/daemons/autofs)
-   Most likely packages are available for your distribution.
-4) Write rules for udev (/etc/udev/udev.rules, add at the beginning)
-   to recognize your iPod automatically (mind the spaces within
-   "iPod...", and be aware that some distributions require a double
-   equal after the BUS keyword (BUS=="scsi"...)):
-BUS="scsi", SYSFS{model}="iPod            ", KERNEL="sd?2", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="ipod"
-   This will map /dev/sd?2 to /dev/ipod everytime you plug in your
-   iPod. That even works if you own more than one USB/Firewire device
-   that shows up as a harddisk, independent of the order in which you
-   connect the devices.
-   (You need to replace "sd?2" with "sd?1" (or maybe just "sd?") for
-   HFS formatted iPods.)
-   For more information on how to write udev rules please refer to
-   http://www.gamingclones.com/Howtos/udevrules.html. That document
-   gives an easy-to-understand introduction
-5) Set up autofs to automatically mount the iPod when you access it
-   and unmount it after 2 seconds of inactivity. In /etc/auto.master
-   add:
-/var/autofs/removable   /etc/auto.removable     --timeout=2,sync,nodev,nosuid,gid=autofs,umask=007
-   Adjust the gid,umask (and uid) values to whatever you need -- in this
-   example all users in the group "autofs" have read/write access, and
-   I have added all users that may access the iPod to the autofs group.
-   In /etc/auto.removable add
-ipod            -fstype=vfat            :/dev/ipod
-   (Obviously you need to change the filesystem type from 'vfat' to
-   'hfsplus' when you use an HFS formatted iPod.)
-   Then simply add a link from /mnt/ipod:
-   ln -s /var/autofs/removable/ipod /mnt/ipod
-Now your system is configured to mount the iPod every time you access
-/mnt/ipod and to unmount it again after two seconds of inactivity. You
-won't have to worry about doing mounting/unmouting yourself any more.
-|                                                  |
-|  Connecting iPod to a Linux box (IEEE 1394)      |
-|  (kernel 2.4.21)                                 |
-|  (may also work with 2.4.20, but I didn't try)   |
-|  (instructions for 2.4.20 can be found below)    |
-|                                                  |
-1) You need a Windows iPod. See e.g.
-for information about how to convert your mac iPod to a windows iPod.
-Alternatively, I have received a report that Alan Cox's patches
-(2.4.21-rc8-ac1, but 2.4.21-ac1 should work as well) include hfsplus
-support. That should allow you to use hfs formatted iPods. But beware:
-hfsplus support is still beta.
-2) Get kernel source and configure
-Needed configuration:
-    * Code maturity level options - y
-    * SCSI support - y
-    * SCSI disk support - y
-    * IEEE1394 (FireWire)/IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support (Experimental) - y
-    * OHCI-1394 support - y
-    * SBP-2 support - m (important to use module -- if someone finds
-      out how to use hotplug with sbp2 compiled in, let me know)
-      (With 2.6.1 compiling sbp2 in seems to work fine.)
-At least for the new 4Gs and iPod minis you should _disable_
-(CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION, see Troubleshooting for more information):
-    * File Systems -> Partition Types -> Advanced Partition Selection
-		   -> EFI GUID Partition support
-    *              -> Native Language Support
-    *                            -> Codepage 437 (CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_437)
-    *                            -> NLS ISO 8859-1 (CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1) 
-3) Create /mnt/ipod:
-   mkdir /mnt/ipod
-4) Add a line to /etc/fstab. You should edit uid to match your user
-   id. Also, /dev/sda2 may not be appropriate, if you have other scsi
-   devices.
-/dev/sda2	/mnt/ipod	vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime,errors=remount 0 0
-   (For HFS this line should read
-/dev/sda  /mnt/ipod  hfsplus  rw,user,noauto,exec  0  0
-    please note that it's just '/dev/sda')
-NOTE: Some users have had problems with newer versions of mount(newer than
-mount-2.11h) The following fstab entry might work better for you.
-/dev/sda2	/mnt/ipod	vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime,shortname=winnt 0 0
-5) Install the hotplug utilities
-   (http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net/, debian package: 'hotplug')
-   (If you don't want to use the hotplug utilities, you must call the
-   rescan-scsi-bus.sh (see below) by hand after loading the sbp2
-   module. This is different from 2.4.20.)
-5a) Add the ieee1394 hotplug support (described at
-    http://www.linux1394.org/faq.html#hotplug):
-   - copy ieee1394.agent to /etc/hotplug/ from
-     http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/linux-hotplug/admin/etc/hotplug/
-   - mkdir /etc/hotplug/ieee1394
-   - create /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/sbp2:
-       #!/bin/bash
-       if [ "${ACTION}" = "add" ]; then
-	 . /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/rescan-scsi-bus.sh
-       else
-	 . /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/rescan-scsi-bus.sh -r
-       fi
-   - chmod +rx /etc/hotplug/ieee1394/sbp2
-   - copy rescan-scsi-bus.sh to /etc/hotplug/ieee1394 from
-     http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/rescan-scsi-bus.sh
-   - just to be sure: restart hotplug:
-	/etc/init.d/hotplug restart
-6) Connect your iPod to your computer and wait until you see something
-   like the following on your system log (you can use the 'dmesg'
-   command to check).
-Jun 15 17:13:53 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023
-Jun 15 17:13:55 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 01:1023 changed to 00:1023
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Logged into SBP-2 device
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Device added: Node[00:1023]  GUID[000a2700020680b5]  [Apple Computer, Inc.]
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: scsi singledevice 0 0 0 0
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel:   Vendor: Apple     Model: iPod              Rev: 1.30
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel:   Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: SCSI device sda: 39062520 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB)
-Jun 15 17:13:57 hatarakibachi kernel: sda: test WP failed, assume Write Enabled
-Jun 15 17:13:58 hatarakibachi kernel:  sda: sda1 sda2
-Jun 15 17:13:58 hatarakibachi kernel: scsi singledevice 0 0 1 0
-7) Mount the iPod hard drive
-   mount /mnt/ipod
-8) do whatever you need to do (e.g. start gtkpod, see below)
-9) Unmount the iPod:
-    umount /mnt/ipod
-10) Unload the module sbp2 (as most likely as root):
-    rmmod sbp2
-11) Disconnect the iPod from your computer (ignore the "Do not
-    disconnect" message -- as long as you wait for the 'unmount' to
-    command to finish properly, everything should be fine).
-|                                                  |
-|  Connecting iPod to a Linux box using IEEE 1394  |
-|  (kernel 2.4.20)                                 |
-|  (connecting to 2.4.21 seems to work slightly    |
-|   differently -- see above)                      |
-|                                                  |
-1) You need a Windows iPod. See e.g.
-for information about how to convert your mac iPod to a windows iPod.
-Alternatively, I have received a report that Alan Cox's patches
-(2.4.21-rc8-ac1, but 2.4.21-ac1 should work as well) include hfsplus
-support. That should allow you to use hfs formatted iPods. But beware:
-hfsplus support is still beta.
-2) Get kernel source and configure
-Needed configuration:
-    * Code maturity level options - y
-    * SCSI support - y
-    * SCSI disk support - m
-    * IEEE1394 (FireWire)/IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support (Experimental) - y
-    * OHCI-1394 support - y
-    * SBP-2 support - m
-At least for the new 4Gs and iPod minis you should _disable_
-(CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION, see Troubleshooting for more information):
-    * File Systems -> Partition Types -> Advanced Partition Selection
-    *	   	   -> EFI GUID Partition support
-    *              -> Native Language Support
-    *                          -> Codepage 437 (CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_437)
-    *                          -> NLS ISO 8859-1 (CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1) 
-3) Create /mnt/ipod:
-   mkdir /mnt/ipod
-4) Add a line to /etc/fstab. You should edit uid to match your user
-   id. Also, /dev/sda2 may not be appropriate, if you have other scsi
-   devices.
-/dev/sda2	/mnt/ipod	vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime 0 0
-   (For HFS this line should read
-/dev/sda  /mnt/ipod  hfsplus  rw,user,noauto,exec  0  0
-    please note that it's just '/dev/sda')
-NOTE: Some users have had problems with newer versions of mount(newer than
-mount-2.11h) The following fstab entry might work better for you.
-/dev/sda2	/mnt/ipod	vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime,shortname=winnt 0 0
-NOTE: You can add ",umask=0" to the options to make the iPod
-readable/writable for all users.
-5) Connect your iPod to your computer and wait until you see something
-   like the following on your system log (you can use the 'dmesg'
-   command to check).
-Nov 28 21:58:06 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023
-Nov 28 21:58:09 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 01:1023 changed to 00:1023
-Nov 28 21:58:12 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: NodeMgr: hotplug policy returned -2
-Nov 28 21:58:12 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Device added: Node[00:1023]  GUID[000a2700020680b5]  [Apple Computer, Inc.]
-Nov 28 21:58:12 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: Node 00:1023 changed to 01:1023
-6) Load the sbp2 module (most likely as root):
-   modprobe sbp2
-   You should see something like the following on your system log:
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Logged into SBP-2 device
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: scsi0 : IEEE-1394 SBP-2 protocol driver (host: ohci1394)
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: $Rev$ James Goodwin <jamesg at filanet.com>
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: SBP-2 module load options:
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max speed supported: S400
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max sectors per I/O supported: 255
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max outstanding commands supported: 8
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Max outstanding commands per lun supported: 1
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Serialized I/O (debug): no
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: - Exclusive login: yes
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel:   Vendor: Apple     Model: iPod              Rev: 1.21
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel:   Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: SCSI device sda: 39062520 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB)
-Nov 28 21:58:38 hatarakibachi kernel: sda: test WP failed, assume Write Enabled
-Nov 28 21:58:39 hatarakibachi kernel:  sda: sda1 sda2
-7) Mount the iPod hard drive
-   mount /mnt/ipod
-8) do whatever you need to do (e.g. start gtkpod, see below)
-9) Unmount the iPod:
-    umount /mnt/ipod
-10) Unload the module sbp2 (as most likely as root):
-    rmmod sbp2
-11) Disconnect the iPod from your computer.
-|                                                  |
-|  Connecting iPod to a Linux box (USB)            |
-|                                                  |
-I don't have much information about this so far (I don't own a third
-generation iPod). Please help me to fill in the gaps.
-Stephen Drye sent me the following note:
-"I've figured out how to get a USB-connected iPod recognized...:
-The trick to it is that you have to 
-- plug the iPod in
-- it'll fail to be recognized by the SCSI subsystem
-- now, even though your ipod says not to, unplug the USB cord and
-  immediately plug it back in.
-- since the iPod's hdd was already spun up, the SCSI subsystem now
-  recognizes it and mounts it as /dev/sda
-- You can then mount /dev/sda2 to /mnt/ipod as normal."
-On the other hand: with my 4G iPod under 2.6.9 and 2.6.10 I never had
-any problem whatsoever getting the iPod to work. With IEEE it was
-awful (would work some times, would not some other time).
-|                                  |
-|     Sick of loading the sbp2     |
-|         modules by hand?         |
-|                                  |
-|         Corey Donohoe            |
-|     <atmos at atmos dot org>     |
-|         March 22nd 2003          |
-|                                  |
-Sick of loading the sbp2 modules by hand every time you want to use your
-ipod?  Are you sick of mounting it too?  Using sudo gtkpod can make manually
-interacting with the ipod filesystem a thing of the past.  Note that you
-should have your ipod working with gtkpod before attempting this automated
-method, see the README that came with gtkpod in order to get things up and
-Here's a brief example of how I'm using gtkpod now in 8 easy steps.
-(Remark: the hotplug facility of new kernels can also load and unload
-the sbp2 module for you.)
- * Step 1 *
-Using sudo allow users to load/remove the sbp2 module
-Example /etc/sudoers
-------------------------------- Begin Here ---------------------------------
-# Cmnd alias specification
-Cmnd_Alias IPOD=/sbin/modprobe sbp2 sbp2_force_inquiry_hack=1, /sbin/rmmod sbp2
-# User privilege specification
-atmos   ALL=(ALL) ALL
-------------------------------- End Here -----------------------------------
-I use the force inquiry hack cause I have an older iPod, if you normally can
-get by with /sbin/modprobe sbp2 then ignore the inquiry hack stuff.  Note
-that explicitly specifying which module to probe/remove keeps the user from
-being able to add/remove arbitrary modules.  This allows us to keep gtkpod
-as a user process, and execute commands the user wouldn't usually have
-enough rights to.
- * Step 2 *
-Add a line similar to the below to your /etc/fstab, this will enable users
-to mount the ipod with read/write capabilities.  Example line assumes your
-ipod mount point is /mnt/ipod and your ipod is detected as /dev/sda
-------------------------------- Begin Here ---------------------------------
-/dev/sda2       /mnt/ipod       vfat    rw,user,noauto          0       0
-------------------------------- End Here -----------------------------------
- * Step 3 *
-Then setup your /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in file to load the module when gtkpod is
-Example /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.in
-------------------------------- Begin Here ---------------------------------
-sudo /sbin/modprobe sbp2 sbp2_force_inquiry_hack=1
-------------------------------- End Here -----------------------------------
- * Step 4 *
-Then setup your /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.out file to unload the module when gtkpod
-is exited.
-Example /etc/gtkpod/gtkpod.out
-------------------------------- Begin Here ---------------------------------
-sudo /sbin/rmmod sbp2 
-------------------------------- End Here -----------------------------------
- * Step 5 *
-Then enable ipod automounting in the gtkpod prefs(in the misc tab).
- * Step 6 *
-You're now ready to use gtkpod in a much nicer fashion.  Start by
-plugging in your ipod.  You should get a check mark with "OK to disconnect"
-displayed on your ipod.
- * Step 7 *
-Start gtkpod, your ipod should be accessible(i.e. autoimport should work)
-A "Do Not Disconnect" message is displayed on your ipod while gtkpod is
- * Step 8 *
-After you exit gtkpod, the "OK to disconnect" message should be displayed
-again.  It's ok to unplug your ipod now.  
-Good Luck. 
-|                                  |
-|           Known bugs             |
-|                                  |
-- Display of large number of tracks is awfully slow (mainly because of
-  the use of the standard GTK2 tree views) -> deactivate "Automatically
-  select "All" in first filter tab" and/or deactivate "Automatically
-  select master playlist". You could also "block the display" to speed
-  up the display update. Further, decreasing the window size
-  considerably speeds up the display.
-  I also want to point out that updating the info window takes up a
-  considerable amount of time. Update may become more intelligent in
-  the future -- until then close the info window for more speed.
-- When changing selections in the filter tabs while importing the
-  iTunesDB, sometimes the interface freezes. I tried to track this
-  problem down but only found out that gtk+ does not return control
-  back to gtkpod. Selecting the "All" filter tabs seems to unfreeze the
-  interface again.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/TODOandBUGS.txt
--- gtkpod/trunk/TODOandBUGS.txt	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/TODOandBUGS.txt	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-- when auto-loading iPods: set backup path if not set.
-- move part of free-space-update to file_convert.c
-- when creating new repository: make sure backup repository filename isn't
-  already used.
-- don't keep iTunesDB on iPod when syncing (takes up valuable space)
-- fileselection_select_script(): display @additional_text.
-- modify "warning" when matching checksums: Send a patch that changes
-  the behavior from printing into the info window to opening a dialog
-  with the "never show this dialog again" button. Then add an option
-  to the preferences to get the dialog back.
-- save extended database when rehash was done, even if main database
-  is not changed.
-- Remove the preference and add by default, complete with arrows to minimize the display if required.
-# Add a title to the display indicating the album displayed.
-# Selection of a track causes the display to switch to the relevant album cover
-# Selecting an album from either sort list causes switching display to relevant album cover
-# Update the covers when the alphabetize function is called
-- Improve animation?
-- Automatically retrieve album art through Amazon or Google
-# Clear images before setting them in case a null is returned from get_thumb()
-- On Delete of album / track / artist, call cover_set_images again
-- On add of album / track / artist, call cover_set_images again
-- Remove the preference and add by default, complete with arrows to minimize the display if required.
-# Add a title to the display indicating the album displayed.
-# Selection of a track causes the display to switch to the relevant album cover
-# Selecting an album from either sort list causes switching display to relevant album cover
-# Update the covers when the alphabetize function is called
-- Improve animation?
-- Automatically retrieve album art through Amazon or Google
-# Clear images before setting them in case a null is returned from get_thumb()
-- On Delete of album / track / artist, call cover_set_images again
-- On add of album / track / artist, call cover_set_images again
-# Remove the preference and add by default, complete with arrows to minimize the display if required.
-# Add a title to the display indicating the album displayed.
-# Selection of a track causes the display to switch to the relevant album cover
-# Selecting an album from either sort list causes switching display to relevant album cover
-# Update the covers when the alphabetize function is called
-# Improve animation?
-- Automatically retrieve album art through Amazon or Google
-# Clear images before setting them in case a null is returned from get_thumb()
-# On Delete of album / track / artist, call cover_set_images again
-# On add of album / track / artist, call cover_set_images again
-- unload iPods when exiting gtkpod (ask/option).
-- cddb lookup (http://freedb.freedb.org). See also
-  http://musicbrainz.org/doc/libmusicbrainzDownload
-- wildcards for filename templates (automatic setting of tags from
-  filename/cover art).
-- Actually, there is an option to see all the dirs that
-are going to be synced but it's impossible to change
-them.It would be nice to have a tree whit all the dirs
-and sub-dirs, like in the amarok colection maker, so we
-can have a full control of the sync dirs.
-- set flag3/4 automatically for podcasts.
-- support for www.last.fm
-  http://www.last.fm is a web site that you report your listening
-  habits to.  The site can then give you recommendations on other
-  music that you may also like. The site also has music charts for
-  users and also for the entire site.  You can tag music and they also
-  have a Radio that you can download and it plays songs for you. -
-  Joshua
-- retag tracks with database information
-- photo support
-- lyrics support (http://www.jcbsoft.net/podlyrics/)
-- itdb/misc_confirm.c: number of F?? directories should be determined
-  before starting copying files to the iPod. At the moment only 20
-  dirs are used no matter how many are present.
-  Creation of directories should be moved to itdb_*
-- more features for mserv
-- icons should be themable
-- Update calendar in special sort tab when changing category.
-- Give status when adjusting offline_playcount after import of
-  database (can take quite a while even for only 90 tracks).
-- Dangling/orphaned tracks
-    - Open a progress window to display information instead of the
-      statusbar messages.
-- "adjust volume by ...%" functionality
-- Pattern matching for tag extraction from filename should also work
-  from the beginning of the name towards the end, not only from the
-  end to the beginning (clear?)
-- multiple playlist delete, ctrl-d, wipe iPod.
-   Unless I'm missing something, I think it would be handy to have a
-   mulitple playlist delete capability, since it's quite tedious to
-   have to delete playlists one at a time.
-   Also I noticed ctrl-d didn't delete the playlists, which could be
-   my setup, I'm using Debian Unstable.
-   Finally in addition to mulitple playlist delete, how about a total
-   wipe of the ipod (with lots of 'are you sure?'s) thus making it
-   ready for a new setup.
-   HTH.
-- be able to select multiple genres, albums, etc. at the same
-  time. (should be possible -- difficulty is selecting several
-  playlists)
-Anton de Wet
-Feature Suggestion:
-  Also usefull would be able to set the "default" rating for all newly
-  added tracks.
-> It would be nice to have the ability to have some sort of shadow aac 
-> directory, that would have converted versions of all the songs in your 
-> library, if the song is a higher bitrate than 128kbps aac, so that you 
-> can get the most music onto your ipod.
-(+ recode to 128 kB when exporting)
-Torsten Curdt
-> * I love the type-and-filter-right-away search of iTunes!
-> * I miss the easy click-on-burn-audio-cd button
->   (any way passing this over to the nautilus cdwriter?)
-  - doesn't DND work?
-> * the rating should be stars not a numbers. ...at least
->   a control that is easier than entering a number
-kulenfuster at ...
-> Not sure from the documentation but it looks like there's no way to
-> sync tunes in the iPod into the desktop database.
- > 
-> For instance situation:
-> Bob has two desktop machines - one at work, one at home.  He has
-> tunes on both machines, ripped from his CD collection.  The tunes at
-> home are upbeat, the tunes at work are chilled.  He keeps these two
-> CD collections separate so that he can play them on regular CD
-> players in each location.  He loads his new iPod with the tunes on
-> his home computer and then take it to work and loads further tunes
-> from the work machine.  When he gets home he is able to update his
-> home tune database with the tunes from work to give him a backup in
-> a single place in case his iPod fails.  I know there are workarounds
-> but it'd be great if this was something you could do automatically
-> with gtkpod.  If it is already, please let me know (and Woo Ha!).
-I have the 20G model and I have more "f" directories
-than gtkpod recognises. So gtkpod only fills up through f19, when
-really I have through f29. Everything works fine on the iPod, it's
-just that gtkpod refuses to put music into any of the other
-On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 05:37:29PM +0000, Andy wrote:   
-> Can gtkpod do any mangling of the files as it loads them on to an iPod?
-> In particular, I was wondering if there was a way to inject an album
-> cover into a file's id3 as it goes in so my drive files can remain
-> pristine.
-> That is, let's say I have cover.jpg in each folder, but not in the files
-> themselves.  Could gtkpod be made to pick that up and put it in the id3
-> field for cover (so the iPod Photo can show it).
-> 1) Ich erstelle beim Import von MP3 die ID3 Tags aus den Dateinamen. 
-> Dabei wuerde ich noch eine Vorschau ganz gut finden, in der man 
-> ggf. noch manuell eingreifen kann. (Stefan Onken)
-- Darren Zimerman
-> As for improvements to gtkpod, the only one I can think of off the top 
-> of my head would be to have a list of available playlists in the 
-> right-click menu.  So instead of just "Add selection to new playlist", 
-> there would actually be list of current playlists (perhaps in a sub-menu).
-- immediate copying of added tracks to the iPod (when reading tracks
-  over a slow network they will still be in the buffer memory and
-  won't have to read over the network twice if they are copied right
-  away) (request by Seth Arnold)
-- album support (normalize all tracks of an album with the same gain)
-   for volume normalization
-- gtkpod-like browse of file system contents
-- upload text notes to iPod
-- add more progress dialogues (in general!)
-- add an option to let the user decide if all the gtkpod's
-  playlist must be updated on export.
-- on-the-fly resampling to a particular bit rate. I have 32 GB of
-  songs be cause some of them at at 192, but I only need them at 128
-  or so on the Ipod. Mus icmatch does this exact
-  thing. (zumpicon at verizon.net) JCS: this could be done along with an
-  arbitrary "conversion" on export: user provides a command line in
-  the prefs dialogue that is executed instead of the simple copy
-  command (should also support faac).
-> I think this could be implemented like this: (Juho Routakorpi)
-> 1. User adds a track (or a directory containing a track) in format X
-> 2. gtkpod notices this and adds this to conversion queue, starts conversion 
-> immediatelly in the background
-> 3. If all format X files aren't converted when user commits sync, then format
-> X songs are put to end of transfer queue
-> 4. Temporary files are deleted on exit (if user has chose so)
--- John Pedersen
-> I have an Ipod mini, which stores roughly 4GB.  My music collection
-> is roughly 18GB.
-> ITunes has a nice feature: each song has a checkbox in front of the
-> song name.  And in the ipod preferences, there's a setting called
-> "Only Update Checked Songs".
-> So the checkmarks are a nice simple way to create a subset of my
-> collection.
-> Usage: by default, the songs are all checked, so my first task was
-> to uncheck all these thousands of songs.  Solution: get a listing
-> view of ALL songs, and hold down the CTRL key while I uncheck a
-> song.  ALL songs in the list now become unchecked (takes a little
-> while of course).
-> Next, I want to re-check the individual albums and/or songs that I 
-> want to put back in the mini ipod selection.  For the most part, I 
-> select an artist, show ALL their songs, and CTRL-click a single  
-> checkbox.  Alternatively, I can select a single album, or even a 
-> single song.
-> I have a question: (Will Richey)
->  - Could Offline mode be modified such that it handles the unmounting /
->    remounting of the iPod?  I'd like to be able to leave gtkpod running,
->    detach the iPod and see the changes, then reattach and reconnect.
-This would also include that gtkpod.in and gtkpod.out are called only
-if not in offline mode. When switching from offline to online, mount
-and gtkpod.in should be called. When switching from online to offline
-gtkpod.out should be called. Further, the README file should be edited
-to reflect the change.
-> Second issue - when I delete a playlist and add a playlist with many of  
-> the same identical songs, it looks like gtkpod does in fact delete the   
-> files from the iPod and recopy them to the iPod.
-Yes -- once they are removed, they are removed.
-> It would be nice if it did not do that.
-Could be done by checking against the "pending_deletion" list by md5 hash
-before adding a new track.
-On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 11:59:00AM +0100, David Smith wrote:
-> Is there any way to reverse sync with directories on gtkpod, i.e press  
-> sync and it updates my directories FROM my ipod? At the moment all i can
-> do is manually add the files i know I have updated on my iPod to my
-> computer.
-Len Trigg:
-> > Another thing that confused me was the "sort tabs". Since they are
-> > used for filtering rather than sorting, they should really be named
-> > "filter tabs" or "filter panes". 
-Please feel free to submit further features.
-- segfault when sorting the playlists (0.99.2)
-drag playlist to track view: (JCS)
-(gtkpod:19911): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed
-(gtkpod:19911): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed
-(gtkpod:19911): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed
-- Eelco van Veldhuizen 
-> First all apoligise for my bad english, i'm from the neatherlands. I
-> have the following problem with my iPod when I select a playlist for
-> my wake up alarm. The iPod switches it back to "beep". This only
-> happens with the playlists from gtkPod. When I sync with iTunes I
-> can select the playlist for my alarm. Maybe you already know this
-> problem.. I have searched on the internet and found a couple of
-> people that have the same problem. But no solutions found... Mabey
-> you know a solution for this problem :)
-- during a long operation (menues are blocked) the user can still edit
-  the track data. This could potentially crash gtkpod -> need a way to
-  block editing as well without blocking navigation.
-- when deleting an entry in the last sort tab (of 2) sometimes gtkpod
-  crashes
-> 1. on creating a smart playlist with a rule on title name,
->   only exact case matching is considered
-> 2. adding options during creation of a smart playlist thru the button +
->   there is no autoresize of the modal window to keep " Ok " and " cancel "
->   buttons inside of the windows.
-> 3. another problem is that the field "date added" is overwritten by
-> gtkpod.  At this moment I've something like 30gb of mp3 with a "date
-> added" field at the same date and second.
-Please add/report bugs as you find them (jcsjcs at users dot
-sourceforge dot net).
-Coverart (JCS):
-Dragging tracks with coverart from Local to iPod may not work. It will
-definitely not work for coverart embedded in the MP3 file.
-Equalizer: (Julien Oster)
-As you certainly have noticed, the internal iPod equalizer is causing 
-ugly clipping (and thus horrible bass distortion) when using bass 
-booster settings with a lot of MP3s. Googling around quickly revealed a 
-forum posts (http://www5.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=84088) 
-which suggests using mp3gain to lower the level of MP3s. That way, 
-clipping no longer occurs. The forum thread also reports that doing so 
-unfortunately also lowers the volume the MP3 is played, but that isn't 
-necessarily the case.
-I just spent some hours doing a lot of tests on MP3s with mp3gain and 
-gtkpod and I finally came to a solution to avoid every clipping problems 
-AND keeping the original volume in every case.
-Before you say "but gtkpod already has support for mp3gain!", please 
-read on. The mp3gain feature as it is implemented in gtkpod right now 
-does not solve any equalizer bass distortion problems, it just 
-normalizes the volume of all tracks. However, what I am suggesting here 
-actually doesn't change the volume of the tracks at all, it just removes 
-possible clipping and thus possible bass distortion.
-While experimenting, dealing with all those different volumes, gains, 
-soundcheck values, mp3gain settings and whatever else got me quite 
-confused. I don't want you to get a headache, it's already enough that I 
-got one ;-) So I'll show you step by step what you have to do to remove 
-clipping from an MP3.
-First of all, we need an MP3 to test the whole thing. Just choose an MP3 
-which shows horrible and clearly hearable clipping distortion when using 
-the "Bass Booster" equalizer setting on your iPod.
-Let's assume that you have that track available as /tmp/foo.mp3 on your 
-workstation. Uploading it without any change to your iPod and listening 
-to it may be fine when the equalizer is disabled, but when choosing 
-"Bass Booster" or another bass intensive setting, the levels of some of 
-the lower frequencies are boosted beyond a limit so that that ugly 
-distortion occurs. Not good.
-We can easily solve this issue by using mp3gain on the track, giving the 
-following output:
-/tmp% mp3gain -r -o /tmp/foo.mp3
-File    MP3 gain        dB gain Max Amplitude   Max global_gain Min
-foo.mp3 -7      -10.690000      39675.560208    190     126
-Note that the "-r" switch has to be there! Otherwise it doesn't work. 
-I'm not entirely sure, but it looks like without the -r switch, only the 
-volume information in the ID3 tag is changed while with -r, the relative 
-volume of every single frame is changed (fortunately, also without 
-reducing quality). To avoid clipping you have to volume the frames down.
-As you know, the "-o" switch is just for a nicer output and doesn't 
-affect how the file is handled.
-Now, after doing this, you can already upload the file to your iPod 
-using gtkpod. Looking at the soundcheck value after importing it shows 
-that it isn't 0 anymore but something slightly off, like 0,3 or 0,75, 
-however it's always close to 0.
-Playing it reveals no clipping at all! You can try out every equalizer 
-setting you want, mp3gain lowered the volume of the individual frames 
-enough to not get any frequency boosted beyond any limit by the equalizer.
-Happy now? No, there's still a problem: the distortion is gone, but the 
-volume is way too low now. Of course, you can just increase the volume 
-on your iPod, but sometimes even the highest volume actually seems a bit 
-low (even on uncapped iPods). However, even that problem can be solved.
-Let's look at the mp3gain output again:
-File    MP3 gain        dB gain Max Amplitude   Max global_gain Min
-foo.mp3 -7      -10.690000      39675.560208    190     126
-So, it tells us the volume of every frame has been decreased by 10.69dB. 
-If you would use mp3gain without the -r switch, -10.69 would be exactly 
-the same value that would have got written in the "soundcheck" field.
-But since we want to *increase* the playing volume to get the track back 
-to its original volume, we do the opposite: we write "10.69dB" in the 
-soundcheck field. Not as a negative value, but as a positive value!
-Doing so, enabling "Sound Check" on the iPod and listening to the track 
-again shows that the track volume is obviously back to original. But 
-checking with the equalizer also proves... still no clipping!
-Yay! So we have got rid of the clipping while still keeping the original 
-volume and we're completely happy now.
-Now, what do you think about implementing this functionality in gtkpod, 
-similar to the already existing normalize functionality? That would 
-really be great.
-Of course, there's still one possible drawback, which depends on what 
-you would like to have: using that method, nothing is actually 
-normalized. The volume of the tracks is the same as before. But if my 
-aching head isn't mistaken, skipping the "set the soundcheck field to 
-the opposite value of the applied gain"-step will also result in 
-normalization (also I still think the volume may be too low then, but I 
-also think you could fix this by setting the Soundcheck field to a fixed 
-value for all tracks).
-Doc sites:
-Karlan Mitchell:
-The program searches for an ipod, and mounts it
-Check out a little C program I created to make iPod use with linux 
-easier, A GUI would be great, but I don't do that.  The tool can be 
-found at http://karlan.us.to/devel/ipod
-If you would like to merge the code, please feel free to, I'd do it if 
-you'd accept a patch.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/TROUBLESHOOTING
--- gtkpod/trunk/TROUBLESHOOTING	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/TROUBLESHOOTING	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-- Installed libmp4v2 or libgpod from source to /usr/local/lib, but
-  gtkpod is unable to locate libmp4.so.0 or libgpod.so.0
-- Files copied to gtkpod but they don't appear in the database (0.80,
-  Tony Williams)
-- Filenames on the iPod appear in DOS 8.3 format and syncing to the iPod
-  is not working as expected.
-- ./autogen.sh does not work
-- The following error message is displayed when accessing the device
-  (Markus Gaugusch, Justin Thiessen):
-     ieee1394: sbp2: aborting sbp2 command
-     Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
-- The following error message is displayed when accessing the device
-  (Ingo Reimann)
-     usb-storage: Attempting to get CSW...
-     usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 13 bytes
-     usb-storage: Status code -75; transferred 0/13
-- When connecting an iPod via USB to a 2.6 kernel machine the iPod will
-  be recognized but not work correctly. In /var/log/messages you'll
-  see the a bunch of "Buffer I/O error on device sd?" when connecting
-  the iPod (Jonas Bergler, Kevin Venkiteswaran)
-- SHUFFLE won't play music after reformatting (Mark Davis)
-- Calendar entries mixed up
-- m4a files created by faac cannot be added by gtkpod (gentoo)
-- gtkpod crashes when reading the iTunesDB (Fedora)
-- Problems connecting the iPod to Solaris/SPARC
-Installed libmp4v2 or libgpod from source to /usr/local/lib, but
-gtkpod is unable to locate libmp4.so.0 or libgpod.so.0
-If you install to /usr/local/lib please don't forget to add the path
-     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
-     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-You can add those lines to your ~/.bashrc or add it globally to
-Files copied to gtkpod but they don't appear in the database (0.80,
-Tony Williams)
-I'm having a problem that I wonder if you've seen.  I've setup
-gtkpod.  launch it and add files.  I can hear the ipod harddrive
-spin up.  If I go onto the ipod directly I can see the space being
-used and can even see the new files on the ipod.  However the ipod
-interface doesn't show the new files and gtkpod keeps telling me
-that there are orphaned files.
-I finally figured out the problem.  In my fstab I had the filesystem
-set to 'auto' and it was mounting as msdos instead of vfat.  I
-specified vfat in fstab and voila!  I'm a happy happy man.
-Filenames on the iPod appear in DOS 8.3 format and syncing to the iPod
-is not working as expected.
-You need to specify "vfat" as file system type. How to do that depends
-on which way you use to mount the iPod -- see the README file for more
-./autogen.sh does not work
-A ubunto user has reported that he had to set
-ACLOCAL_FLAGS=" -I /usr/share/aclocal/"
-in order to get ./autogen.sh to work.
-The following error message is displayed when accessing the device:
-     ieee1394: sbp2: aborting sbp2 command
-     Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
-(Markus Gaugusch):
-It is possible that hotplug and the "sg" support are not working well
-together. Try disabling "sg" support in the kernel configuration or
-unload the "sg" module if you are using modules.
-(Justin Thiessen):
-Forcing the sbp2 module to serialized I/O seems (so far) to have
-solved the problem.
-Looks like the driver is going to be set to default to serialized I/O
-in kernel 2.6.14, anyways.
-The following error message is displayed when accessing the device
-     usb-storage: Attempting to get CSW...
-     usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf: xfer 13 bytes
-     usb-storage: Status code -75; transferred 0/13
-Solution (by Ingo Reimann):
-I tried to use an iPod Mini with my nforce2-Board, kernel
-2.6.14/2.6.15 debian sid and got messages like [above] in
-dmesg. /dev/sda appeared, but fdisk -l did not show anything
-The solution, that i found in a discussion on
-http://kerneltrap.org/node/3844 was to unload ehci_hcd.
-When connecting an iPod via USB to a 2.6 kernel machine the iPod will
-be recognized but not work correctly. In /var/log/messages you'll see
-the a bunch of "Buffer I/O error on device sd?" when connecting the
-iPod (Jonas Bergler, Kevin Venkiteswaran)
-Solution (by "jeffmock"):
-Disable CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION (File Systems -> Partition Types ->
-Advanced Partition Selection -> EFI GUID Partition support) in your
-kernel configuration, recompile.
-Details can be found at 
-"This problem could potentially happen with both 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.
-A longer story follows and perhaps someone can come up with a more
-sensible solution for the long run.
-The iPod looks like a removable disk drive to the host computer. When it
-is attached to the computer, the mini iPod reports a capacity of 7999488
-512-byte sectors (or about 4GB). This turns out to be wrong for whatever
-reason. The mini iPod only really has 7999376 sectors and it exaggerates
-by 112 sectors. The other quality of the iPod is that if the computer
-attempts to read a sector greater than the actual capacity but less than
-the reported capacity, the iPod will dutifully report an I/O error, but
-it won't respond to any future requests until you unplug/plug the iPod."
-I followed the kernel recompile instructions for distro, disabled only
-the CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION option, and things ran perfectly for me
-afterwards. As indicated above, hopefully a better long-term solution
-will emerge soon."
-(Jorg Schuler: it seems a patch was introduced in kernel version 2.6.10:
-"<phil at ipom.com> [PATCH] USB Storage: Add unusual_devs entry for iPod
-This patch adds an unusual_devs.h entry for the Apple iPod as it
-reports one too many sectors. The patch was submitted by
-Avi Kivity <avi at argo.co.il> and re-diffed by me.")
-SHUFFLE won't play music after reformatting
-Solution (by Mark Davis):
-The SHUFFLE seems to care about the volume name which has to be
-"IPOD". Try to format as (replace /dev/sda1 with the appropriate
-device file for your SHUFFLE!):
-mkdosfs -F32 -n IPOD /dev/sda1
-Calendar entries mixed up
-The iPod does not appear to like times specified in UTC (indicated by
-a trailing 'Z'). KOrganizer seems to do this. If you know how to work
-around it let me know.
-m4a files created by faac cannot be added by gtkpod (gentoo)
-There appear to be some versions of faac that do not create 'good' m4a
-files. The problem could be solved under gentoo by using version 1.24.
-In order to make error tracking easier, more detailled error messages
-are displayed when tracks could not be added for any reason starting
-with version 0.91-CVS of gtkpod.
-gtkpod crashes when reading the iTunesDB (Fedora)
-It appears that crashes were observed with kernel version
-2.6.11-1.35_FC3. An upgrade to 2.6.12-1.1376_FC3 got rid of the
-problem. This was with gtkpod-0.94.0 and Athlon64 3000+. 
-Problems connecting the iPod to Solaris/SPARC
-Current (as of 2006/03/30) versions of the Solaris pcfs SPARC driver
-have a bug where the correct filesystem/partition layout may not be
-recognized, and this is true for iPods.  This prevents the iPod
-partition from being mounted on Solaris SPARC.  In order to work
-around this, one must prevent pcfs from detecting the first FAT32
-filesystem, forcing it to move on to the second one.  This can be done
-by changing the filesystem identifier like so:
-# dd if=/dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2 of=/tmp/ipod.orig count=1
-# cp /tmp/ipod.orig /tmp/ipod.modified
-<edit /tmp/ipod.modified and change the first occurance of "FAT32" (at
-offset 0x52 for me) to something else like "CAT32">
-# dd if=/tmp/ipod.modified of=/dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2 count=1
-The above modification may or may not affect usage on other systems. 
-Some reports encounter no problems using the iPod or iTunes after
-making it.  In my own experience, my iPod hard locked moving from a
-SPARC system to an x86 system, and I had to undo the change.  Wrapper
-scripts to handle this may be desirable on SPARC.
-Eric Enright
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/aclocal.m4
--- gtkpod/trunk/aclocal.m4	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/aclocal.m4	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,1806 +0,0 @@
-# generated automatically by aclocal 1.7.9 -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
-# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-# Do all the work for Automake.                            -*- Autoconf -*-
-# This macro actually does too much some checks are only needed if
-# your package does certain things.  But this isn't really a big deal.
-# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 10
-# Autoconf 2.50 wants to disallow AM_ names.  We explicitly allow
-# the ones we care about.
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# The call with PACKAGE and VERSION arguments is the old style
-# call (pre autoconf-2.50), which is being phased out.  PACKAGE
-# and VERSION should now be passed to AC_INIT and removed from
-# the call to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.
-# We support both call styles for the transition.  After
-# the next Automake release, Autoconf can make the AC_INIT
-# arguments mandatory, and then we can depend on a new Autoconf
-# release and drop the old call support.
-# test to see if srcdir already configured
-if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`" &&
-   test -f $srcdir/config.status; then
-  AC_MSG_ERROR([source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first])
-# test whether we have cygpath
-if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then
-  if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-    CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w'
-  else
-    CYGPATH_W=echo
-  fi
-# Define the identity of the package.
-dnl Distinguish between old-style and new-style calls.
-[m4_ifval([$3], [_AM_SET_OPTION([no-define])])dnl
- AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], [$1])dnl
- AC_SUBST([VERSION], [$2])],
- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Version number of package])])dnl
-# Some tools Automake needs.
-AM_MISSING_PROG(ACLOCAL, aclocal-${am__api_version})
-AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOMAKE, automake-${am__api_version})
-# We need awk for the "check" target.  The system "awk" is bad on
-# some platforms.
-                  [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC)],
-                  [define([AC_PROG_CC],
-                          defn([AC_PROG_CC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC)])])dnl
-                  [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CXX)],
-                  [define([AC_PROG_CXX],
-                          defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CXX)])])dnl
-# When config.status generates a header, we must update the stamp-h file.
-# This file resides in the same directory as the config header
-# that is generated.  The stamp files are numbered to have different names.
-# Autoconf calls _AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK (when defined) in the
-# loop where config.status creates the headers, so we can generate
-# our stamp files there.
-[# Compute $1's index in $config_headers.
-for _am_header in $config_headers :; do
-  case $_am_header in
-    $1 | $1:* )
-      break ;;
-    * )
-      _am_stamp_count=`expr $_am_stamp_count + 1` ;;
-  esac
-echo "timestamp for $1" >`AS_DIRNAME([$1])`/stamp-h[]$_am_stamp_count])
-# Copyright 2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# ----------------------------
-# Automake X.Y traces this macro to ensure aclocal.m4 has been
-# generated from the m4 files accompanying Automake X.Y.
-# -------------------------------
-# Call AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION so it can be traced.
-# This function is AC_REQUIREd by AC_INIT_AUTOMAKE.
-	 [AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION([1.7.9])])
-# Helper functions for option handling.                    -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright 2001, 2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 2
-# -----------------------
-[[_AM_OPTION_]m4_bpatsubst($1, [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])])
-# ------------------------------
-# Set option NAME.  Presently that only means defining a flag for this option.
-[m4_define(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), 1)])
-# ----------------------------------
-# OPTIONS is a space-separated list of Automake options.
-[AC_FOREACH([_AM_Option], [$1], [_AM_SET_OPTION(_AM_Option)])])
-# -------------------------------------------
-# Execute IF-SET if OPTION is set, IF-NOT-SET otherwise.
-[m4_ifset(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [$2], [$3])])
-# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane.
-# Copyright 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 3
-# ---------------
-[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether build environment is sane])
-# Just in case
-sleep 1
-echo timestamp > conftest.file
-# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's
-# arguments.  Must try -L first in case configure is actually a
-# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks
-# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing
-# directory).
-if (
-   set X `ls -Lt $srcdir/configure conftest.file 2> /dev/null`
-   if test "$[*]" = "X"; then
-      # -L didn't work.
-      set X `ls -t $srcdir/configure conftest.file`
-   fi
-   rm -f conftest.file
-   if test "$[*]" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \
-      && test "$[*]" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then
-      # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls.  This can happen
-      # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a
-      # broken ls alias from the environment.  This has actually
-      # happened.  Such a system could not be considered "sane".
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail.  Make sure there is not a broken
-alias in your environment])
-   fi
-   test "$[2]" = conftest.file
-   )
-   # Ok.
-   :
-   AC_MSG_ERROR([newly created file is older than distributed files!
-Check your system clock])
-#  -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 3
-# ------------------------------
-# ------------------
-# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it supports --run.
-# If it does, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing.
-test x"${MISSING+set}" = xset || MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing"
-# Use eval to expand $SHELL
-if eval "$MISSING --run true"; then
-  am_missing_run="$MISSING --run "
-  am_missing_run=
-  AC_MSG_WARN([`missing' script is too old or missing])
-# Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# For projects using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([foo]), Autoconf sets
-# $ac_aux_dir to `$srcdir/foo'.  In other projects, it is set to
-# `$srcdir', `$srcdir/..', or `$srcdir/../..'.
-# Of course, Automake must honor this variable whenever it calls a
-# tool from the auxiliary directory.  The problem is that $srcdir (and
-# therefore $ac_aux_dir as well) can be either absolute or relative,
-# depending on how configure is run.  This is pretty annoying, since
-# it makes $ac_aux_dir quite unusable in subdirectories: in the top
-# source directory, any form will work fine, but in subdirectories a
-# relative path needs to be adjusted first.
-# $ac_aux_dir/missing
-#    fails when called from a subdirectory if $ac_aux_dir is relative
-# $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing
-#    fails if $ac_aux_dir is absolute,
-#    fails when called from a subdirectory in a VPATH build with
-#          a relative $ac_aux_dir
-# The reason of the latter failure is that $top_srcdir and $ac_aux_dir
-# are both prefixed by $srcdir.  In an in-source build this is usually
-# harmless because $srcdir is `.', but things will broke when you
-# start a VPATH build or use an absolute $srcdir.
-# So we could use something similar to $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing,
-# iff we strip the leading $srcdir from $ac_aux_dir.  That would be:
-#   am_aux_dir='\$(top_srcdir)/'`expr "$ac_aux_dir" : "$srcdir//*\(.*\)"`
-# and then we would define $MISSING as
-#   MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing"
-# This will work as long as MISSING is not called from configure, because
-# unfortunately $(top_srcdir) has no meaning in configure.
-# However there are other variables, like CC, which are often used in
-# configure, and could therefore not use this "fixed" $ac_aux_dir.
-# Another solution, used here, is to always expand $ac_aux_dir to an
-# absolute PATH.  The drawback is that using absolute paths prevent a
-# configured tree to be moved without reconfiguration.
-# Rely on autoconf to set up CDPATH properly.
-# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path
-am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd`
-# ------------------
-# Define $install_sh.
-# Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# One issue with vendor `install' (even GNU) is that you can't
-# specify the program used to strip binaries.  This is especially
-# annoying in cross-compiling environments, where the build's strip
-# is unlikely to handle the host's binaries.
-# Fortunately install-sh will honor a STRIPPROG variable, so we
-# always use install-sh in `make install-strip', and initialize
-# STRIPPROG with the value of the STRIP variable (set by the user).
-# Installed binaries are usually stripped using `strip' when the user
-# run `make install-strip'.  However `strip' might not be the right
-# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake
-# will honor the `STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program.
-dnl Don't test for $cross_compiling = yes, because it might be `maybe'.
-if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then
-  AC_CHECK_TOOL([STRIP], [strip], :)
-INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\${SHELL} \$(install_sh) -c -s"
-#                                                          -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 1
-# Check whether the underlying file-system supports filenames
-# with a leading dot.  For instance MS-DOS doesn't.
-[rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null
-mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null
-if test -d .tst; then
-  am__leading_dot=.
-  am__leading_dot=_
-rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null
-# serial 5						-*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# There are a few dirty hacks below to avoid letting `AC_PROG_CC' be
-# written in clear, in which case automake, when reading aclocal.m4,
-# will think it sees a *use*, and therefore will trigger all it's
-# C support machinery.  Also note that it means that autoscan, seeing
-# CC etc. in the Makefile, will ask for an AC_PROG_CC use...
-# ----------------------
-# See how the compiler implements dependency checking.
-# NAME is "CC", "CXX", "GCJ", or "OBJC".
-# We try a few techniques and use that to set a single cache variable.
-# We don't AC_REQUIRE the corresponding AC_PROG_CC since the latter was
-# modified to invoke _AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC); we would have a circular
-# dependency, and given that the user is not expected to run this macro,
-# just rely on AC_PROG_CC.
-ifelse([$1], CC,   [depcc="$CC"   am_compiler_list=],
-       [$1], CXX,  [depcc="$CXX"  am_compiler_list=],
-       [$1], OBJC, [depcc="$OBJC" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'],
-       [$1], GCJ,  [depcc="$GCJ"  am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'],
-                   [depcc="$$1"   am_compiler_list=])
-AC_CACHE_CHECK([dependency style of $depcc],
-               [am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type],
-[if test -z "$AMDEP_TRUE" && test -f "$am_depcomp"; then
-  # We make a subdir and do the tests there.  Otherwise we can end up
-  # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove.  For
-  # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up
-  # making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output
-  # in D'.
-  mkdir conftest.dir
-  # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're
-  # using a relative directory.
-  cp "$am_depcomp" conftest.dir
-  cd conftest.dir
-  # We will build objects and dependencies in a subdirectory because
-  # it helps to detect inapplicable dependency modes.  For instance
-  # both Tru64's cc and ICC support -MD to output dependencies as a
-  # side effect of compilation, but ICC will put the dependencies in
-  # the current directory while Tru64 will put them in the object
-  # directory.
-  mkdir sub
-  am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=none
-  if test "$am_compiler_list" = ""; then
-     am_compiler_list=`sed -n ['s/^#*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))$/\1/p'] < ./depcomp`
-  fi
-  for depmode in $am_compiler_list; do
-    # Setup a source with many dependencies, because some compilers
-    # like to wrap large dependency lists on column 80 (with \), and
-    # we should not choose a depcomp mode which is confused by this.
-    #
-    # We need to recreate these files for each test, as the compiler may
-    # overwrite some of them when testing with obscure command lines.
-    # This happens at least with the AIX C compiler.
-    : > sub/conftest.c
-    for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
-      echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c
-      : > sub/conftst$i.h
-    done
-    echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf
-    case $depmode in
-    nosideeffect)
-      # after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll
-      # only be used when explicitly requested
-      if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then
-	continue
-      else
-	break
-      fi
-      ;;
-    none) break ;;
-    esac
-    # We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout"
-    # mode.  It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly
-    # handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this.
-    if depmode=$depmode \
-       source=sub/conftest.c object=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} \
-       depfile=sub/conftest.Po tmpdepfile=sub/conftest.TPo \
-       $SHELL ./depcomp $depcc -c -o sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.c \
-         >/dev/null 2>conftest.err &&
-       grep sub/conftst6.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
-       grep sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
-       ${MAKE-make} -s -f confmf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      # icc doesn't choke on unknown options, it will just issue warnings
-      # (even with -Werror).  So we grep stderr for any message
-      # that says an option was ignored.
-      if grep 'ignoring option' conftest.err >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
-        am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=$depmode
-        break
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  cd ..
-  rm -rf conftest.dir
-  am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=none
-AC_SUBST([$1DEPMODE], [depmode=$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type])
-AM_CONDITIONAL([am__fastdep$1], [
-  test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno \
-  && test "$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type" = gcc3])
-# -------------
-# Choose a directory name for dependency files.
-# This macro is AC_REQUIREd in _AM_DEPENDENCIES
-AC_SUBST([DEPDIR], ["${am__leading_dot}deps"])dnl
-# ------------
-[  --disable-dependency-tracking Speeds up one-time builds
-  --enable-dependency-tracking  Do not reject slow dependency extractors])
-if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then
-  am_depcomp="$ac_aux_dir/depcomp"
-AM_CONDITIONAL([AMDEP], [test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno])
-# Generate code to set up dependency tracking.   -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-#serial 2
-# ------------------------------
-[for mf in $CONFIG_FILES; do
-  # Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file.
-  mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`
-  # Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not.
-  # We used to match only the files named `Makefile.in', but
-  # some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content.
-  # Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process
-  # each Makefile.in and add a new line on top of each file to say so.
-  # So let's grep whole file.
-  if grep '^#.*generated by automake' $mf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-    dirpart=`AS_DIRNAME("$mf")`
-  else
-    continue
-  fi
-  grep '^DEP_FILES *= *[[^ @%:@]]' < "$mf" > /dev/null || continue
-  # Extract the definition of DEP_FILES from the Makefile without
-  # running `make'.
-  DEPDIR=`sed -n -e '/^DEPDIR = / s///p' < "$mf"`
-  test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue
-  # When using ansi2knr, U may be empty or an underscore; expand it
-  U=`sed -n -e '/^U = / s///p' < "$mf"`
-  test -d "$dirpart/$DEPDIR" || mkdir "$dirpart/$DEPDIR"
-  # We invoke sed twice because it is the simplest approach to
-  # changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the expansion.
-  for file in `sed -n -e '
-    /^DEP_FILES = .*\\\\$/ {
-      s/^DEP_FILES = //
-      :loop
-	s/\\\\$//
-	p
-	n
-	/\\\\$/ b loop
-      p
-    }
-    /^DEP_FILES = / s/^DEP_FILES = //p' < "$mf" | \
-       sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g' -e 's/\$U/'"$U"'/g'`; do
-    # Make sure the directory exists.
-    test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue
-    fdir=`AS_DIRNAME(["$file"])`
-    AS_MKDIR_P([$dirpart/$fdir])
-    # echo "creating $dirpart/$file"
-    echo '# dummy' > "$dirpart/$file"
-  done
-# -----------------------------
-# This macro should only be invoked once -- use via AC_REQUIRE.
-# This code is only required when automatic dependency tracking
-# is enabled.  FIXME.  This creates each `.P' file that we will
-# need in order to bootstrap the dependency handling code.
-     [AMDEP_TRUE="$AMDEP_TRUE" ac_aux_dir="$ac_aux_dir"])
-# Check to see how 'make' treats includes.	-*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 2
-# -----------------
-# Check to see how make treats includes.
-cat > confinc << 'END'
-	@echo done
-.PHONY: am__doit
-# If we don't find an include directive, just comment out the code.
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for style of include used by $am_make])
-# First try GNU make style include.
-echo "include confinc" > confmf
-# We grep out `Entering directory' and `Leaving directory'
-# messages which can occur if `w' ends up in MAKEFLAGS.
-# In particular we don't look at `^make:' because GNU make might
-# be invoked under some other name (usually "gmake"), in which
-# case it prints its new name instead of `make'.
-if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'ing directory'`" = "done"; then
-   am__include=include
-   am__quote=
-   _am_result=GNU
-# Now try BSD make style include.
-if test "$am__include" = "#"; then
-   echo '.include "confinc"' > confmf
-   if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null`" = "done"; then
-      am__include=.include
-      am__quote="\""
-      _am_result=BSD
-   fi
-rm -f confinc confmf
-# AM_CONDITIONAL                                              -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright 1997, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 5
-# -------------------------------------
-# Define a conditional.
-[ifelse([$1], [TRUE],  [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])],
-        [$1], [FALSE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])])dnl
-if $2; then
-  $1_TRUE=
-  $1_FALSE='#'
-  $1_TRUE='#'
-  $1_FALSE=
-[if test -z "${$1_TRUE}" && test -z "${$1_FALSE}"; then
-  AC_MSG_ERROR([conditional "$1" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.])
-# Like AC_CONFIG_HEADER, but automatically create stamp file. -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 6
-# AM_CONFIG_HEADER is obsolete.  It has been replaced by AC_CONFIG_HEADERS.
-# Add --enable-maintainer-mode option to configure.
-# From Jim Meyering
-# Copyright 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 2
-[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles])
-  dnl maintainer-mode is disabled by default
-  AC_ARG_ENABLE(maintainer-mode,
-[  --enable-maintainer-mode enable make rules and dependencies not useful
-                          (and sometimes confusing) to the casual installer],
-      USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=$enableval,
-# Copyright 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 2
-# @defmac AC_PROG_CC_STDC
-# @maindex PROG_CC_STDC
-# @ovindex CC
-# If the C compiler in not in ANSI C mode by default, try to add an option
-# to output variable @code{CC} to make it so.  This macro tries various
-# options that select ANSI C on some system or another.  It considers the
-# compiler to be in ANSI C mode if it handles function prototypes correctly.
-# If you use this macro, you should check after calling it whether the C
-# compiler has been set to accept ANSI C; if not, the shell variable
-# @code{am_cv_prog_cc_stdc} is set to @samp{no}.  If you wrote your source
-# code in ANSI C, you can make an un-ANSIfied copy of it by using the
-# program @code{ansi2knr}, which comes with Ghostscript.
-# @end defmac
-dnl Force this before AC_PROG_CPP.  Some cpp's, eg on HPUX, require
-dnl a magic option to avoid problems with ANSI preprocessor commands
-dnl like #elif.
-dnl FIXME: can't do this because then AC_AIX won't work due to a
-dnl circular dependency.
-dnl AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_PROG_CPP])
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ${CC-cc} option to accept ANSI C])
-# Don't try gcc -ansi; that turns off useful extensions and
-# breaks some systems' header files.
-# AIX			-qlanglvl=ansi
-# Ultrix and OSF/1	-std1
-# HP-UX 10.20 and later	-Ae
-# HP-UX older versions	-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE
-# SVR4			-Xc -D__EXTENSIONS__
-for ac_arg in "" -qlanglvl=ansi -std1 -Ae "-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE" "-Xc -D__EXTENSIONS__"
-  CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
-[#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-/* Most of the following tests are stolen from RCS 5.7's src/conf.sh.  */
-struct buf { int x; };
-FILE * (*rcsopen) (struct buf *, struct stat *, int);
-static char *e (p, i)
-     char **p;
-     int i;
-  return p[i];
-static char *f (char * (*g) (char **, int), char **p, ...)
-  char *s;
-  va_list v;
-  va_start (v,p);
-  s = g (p, va_arg (v,int));
-  va_end (v);
-  return s;
-int test (int i, double x);
-struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);};
-struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);};
-int pairnames (int, char **, FILE *(*)(struct buf *, struct stat *, int), int, int);
-int argc;
-char **argv;
-], [
-return f (e, argv, 0) != argv[0]  ||  f (e, argv, 1) != argv[1];
-[am_cv_prog_cc_stdc="$ac_arg"; break])
-if test -z "$am_cv_prog_cc_stdc"; then
-  AC_MSG_RESULT([none needed])
-  AC_MSG_RESULT([$am_cv_prog_cc_stdc])
-case "x$am_cv_prog_cc_stdc" in
-  x|xno) ;;
-  *) CC="$CC $am_cv_prog_cc_stdc" ;;
-# serial 35 IT_PROG_INTLTOOL
-case "$am__api_version" in
-    1.[01234])
-	AC_MSG_ERROR([Automake 1.5 or newer is required to use intltool])
-    ;;
-    *)
-    ;;
-if test -n "$1"; then
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING(for intltool >= $1)
-    INTLTOOL_REQUIRED_VERSION_AS_INT=`echo $1 | awk -F. '{ print $ 1 * 1000 + $ 2 * 100 + $ 3; }'`
-    INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION=`awk -F\" '/\\$VERSION / { print $ 2; }' ${ac_aux_dir}/intltool-update.in`
-    [INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION_AS_INT=`awk -F\" '/\\$VERSION / { split($ 2, VERSION, "."); print VERSION[1] * 1000 + VERSION[2] * 100 + VERSION[3];}' ${ac_aux_dir}/intltool-update.in`
-    ]
-	AC_MSG_ERROR([Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool $1 or later.])
-  INTLTOOL_DESKTOP_RULE='%.desktop:   %.desktop.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-INTLTOOL_DIRECTORY_RULE='%.directory: %.directory.in $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-     INTLTOOL_KEYS_RULE='%.keys:      %.keys.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -k -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-     INTLTOOL_PROP_RULE='%.prop:      %.prop.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-      INTLTOOL_OAF_RULE='%.oaf:       %.oaf.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -o -p $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@'
-     INTLTOOL_PONG_RULE='%.pong:      %.pong.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-   INTLTOOL_SERVER_RULE='%.server:    %.server.in    $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -o -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-    INTLTOOL_SHEET_RULE='%.sheet:     %.sheet.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-INTLTOOL_SOUNDLIST_RULE='%.soundlist: %.soundlist.in $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-       INTLTOOL_UI_RULE='%.ui:        %.ui.in        $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-      INTLTOOL_XML_RULE='%.xml:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-      INTLTOOL_XML_NOMERGE_RULE='%.xml:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u /tmp $< [$]@' 
-      INTLTOOL_XAM_RULE='%.xam:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-      INTLTOOL_KBD_RULE='%.kbd:       %.kbd.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -m -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-    INTLTOOL_CAVES_RULE='%.caves:     %.caves.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-  INTLTOOL_SCHEMAS_RULE='%.schemas:   %.schemas.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -s -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-    INTLTOOL_THEME_RULE='%.theme:     %.theme.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
-    INTLTOOL_SERVICE_RULE='%.service: %.service.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@'
-# Use the tools built into the package, not the ones that are installed.
-AC_SUBST(INTLTOOL_EXTRACT, '$(top_builddir)/intltool-extract')
-AC_SUBST(INTLTOOL_MERGE, '$(top_builddir)/intltool-merge')
-AC_SUBST(INTLTOOL_UPDATE, '$(top_builddir)/intltool-update')
-if test -z "$INTLTOOL_PERL"; then
-   AC_MSG_ERROR([perl not found; required for intltool])
-if test -z "`$INTLTOOL_PERL -v | fgrep '5.' 2> /dev/null`"; then
-   AC_MSG_ERROR([perl 5.x required for intltool])
-if test "x$2" != "xno-xml"; then
-   AC_MSG_CHECKING([for XML::Parser])
-   if `$INTLTOOL_PERL -e "require XML::Parser" 2>/dev/null`; then
-       AC_MSG_RESULT([ok])
-   else
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool])
-   fi
-AC_PATH_PROG(INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE, msgmerge, msgmerge)
-AC_PATH_PROG(INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT, xgettext, xgettext)
-# Substitute ALL_LINGUAS so we can use it in po/Makefile
-# Set DATADIRNAME correctly if it is not set yet
-# (copied from glib-gettext.m4)
-if test -z "$DATADIRNAME"; then
-  AC_TRY_LINK(, [extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
-                 return _nl_msg_cat_cntr],
-    [DATADIRNAME=share],
-    [case $host in
-    *-*-solaris*)
-    dnl On Solaris, if bind_textdomain_codeset is in libc,
-    dnl GNU format message catalog is always supported,
-    dnl since both are added to the libc all together.
-    dnl Hence, we'd like to go with DATADIRNAME=share
-    dnl in this case.
-    AC_CHECK_FUNC(bind_textdomain_codeset,
-      [DATADIRNAME=share], [DATADIRNAME=lib])
-    ;;
-    *)
-    [DATADIRNAME=lib]
-    ;;
-    esac])
-dnl The following is very similar to
-dnl	AC_CONFIG_FILES([intltool-extract intltool-merge intltool-update])
-dnl with the following slight differences:
-dnl  - the *.in files are in ac_aux_dir,
-dnl  - if the file haven't changed upon reconfigure, it's not touched,
-dnl  - the evaluation of the third parameter enables a hack which computes
-dnl    the actual value of $libdir,
-dnl  - the user sees "executing intltool commands", instead of
-dnl    "creating intltool-extract" and such.
-dnl Nothing crucial here, and we could use AC_CONFIG_FILES, if there were
-dnl a reason for it.
-AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([intltool], [
-for file in intltool-extract intltool-merge intltool-update; do
-  sed -e "s|@INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@|`pwd`/intltool-extract|g" \
-      -e "s|@INTLTOOL_ICONV@|${INTLTOOL_ICONV}|g" \
-      -e "s|@INTLTOOL_PERL@|${INTLTOOL_PERL}|g" \
-	< ${ac_aux_dir}/${file}.in > ${file}.out
-  if cmp -s ${file} ${file}.out 2>/dev/null; then
-    rm -f ${file}.out
-  else
-    mv -f ${file}.out ${file}
-  fi
-  chmod ugo+x ${file}
-  chmod u+w ${file}
-[INTLTOOL_PERL='${INTLTOOL_PERL}' ac_aux_dir='${ac_aux_dir}'
-prefix="$prefix" exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" INTLTOOL_LIBDIR="$libdir" 
-# ---------------------
-# All po subdirs have to be declared with this macro; the subdir "po" is
-# declared by IT_PROG_INTLTOOL.
-[AC_PREREQ([2.53])dnl We use ac_top_srcdir inside AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS.
-dnl The following CONFIG_COMMANDS should be exetuted at the very end
-dnl of config.status.
-  AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([$1/stamp-it], [
-    rm -f "$1/stamp-it" "$1/stamp-it.tmp" "$1/POTFILES" "$1/Makefile.tmp"
-    >"$1/stamp-it.tmp"
-    [sed '/^#/d
-	 s/^[[].*] *//
-	 /^[ 	]*$/d
-	'"s|^|	$ac_top_srcdir/|" \
-      "$srcdir/$1/POTFILES.in" | sed '$!s/$/ \\/' >"$1/POTFILES"
-    ]
-    if test ! -f "$1/Makefile"; then
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([$1/Makefile is not ready.])
-    fi
-    mv "$1/Makefile" "$1/Makefile.tmp"
-    [sed '/^POTFILES =/,/[^\\]$/ {
-		/^POTFILES =/!d
-		r $1/POTFILES
-	  }
-	 ' "$1/Makefile.tmp" >"$1/Makefile"]
-    rm -f "$1/Makefile.tmp"
-    mv "$1/stamp-it.tmp" "$1/stamp-it"
-  ])
-# deprecated macros
-# A hint is needed for aclocal from Automake <= 1.9.4:
-# pkg.m4 - Macros to locate and utilise pkg-config.            -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright © 2004 Scott James Remnant <scott at netsplit.com>.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# ----------------------------------
-AC_ARG_VAR([PKG_CONFIG], [path to pkg-config utility])dnl
-if test "x$ac_cv_env_PKG_CONFIG_set" != "xset"; then
-	AC_PATH_TOOL([PKG_CONFIG], [pkg-config])
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-	_pkg_min_version=m4_default([$1], [0.9.0])
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([pkg-config is at least version $_pkg_min_version])
-	if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version $_pkg_min_version; then
-		AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-	else
-		AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-	fi
-# Check to see whether a particular set of modules exists.  Similar
-# to PKG_CHECK_MODULES(), but does not set variables or print errors.
-# Similar to PKG_CHECK_MODULES, make sure that the first instance of
-# this or PKG_CHECK_MODULES is called, or make sure to call
-# PKG_CHECK_EXISTS manually
-# --------------------------------------------------------------
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    AC_RUN_LOG([$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "$1"]); then
-  m4_ifval([$2], [$2], [:])
-m4_ifvaln([$3], [else
-  $3])dnl
-# ---------------------------------------------
-[if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$$1"; then
-        pkg_cv_[]$1="$$1"
-    else
-        PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([$3],
-                         [pkg_cv_[]$1=`$PKG_CONFIG --[]$2 "$3" 2>/dev/null`],
-			 [pkg_failed=yes])
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-# -----------------------------
-if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=no
-# Note that if there is a possibility the first call to
-# PKG_CHECK_MODULES might not happen, you should be sure to include an
-# explicit call to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG in your configure.ac
-# --------------------------------------------------------------
-AC_ARG_VAR([$1][_CFLAGS], [C compiler flags for $1, overriding pkg-config])dnl
-AC_ARG_VAR([$1][_LIBS], [linker flags for $1, overriding pkg-config])dnl
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1])
-_PKG_CONFIG([$1][_CFLAGS], [cflags], [$2])
-_PKG_CONFIG([$1][_LIBS], [libs], [$2])
-m4_define([_PKG_TEXT], [Alternatively, you may set the environment variables $1[]_CFLAGS
-and $1[]_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
-See the pkg-config man page for more details.])
-if test $pkg_failed = yes; then
-        if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then
-	        $1[]_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "$2"`
-        else 
-	        $1[]_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "$2"`
-        fi
-	# Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs
-	ifelse([$4], , [AC_MSG_ERROR(dnl
-[Package requirements ($2) were not met:
-Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
-installed software in a non-standard prefix.
-		[AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-                $4])
-elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then
-	ifelse([$4], , [AC_MSG_FAILURE(dnl
-[The pkg-config script could not be found or is too old.  Make sure it
-is in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full
-path to pkg-config.
-To get pkg-config, see <http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig>.])],
-		[$4])
-	$1[]_CFLAGS=$pkg_cv_[]$1[]_CFLAGS
-	$1[]_LIBS=$pkg_cv_[]$1[]_LIBS
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-	ifelse([$3], , :, [$3])
-# Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# serial 3
-# -----------
-# Autoconf leaves LEX=: if lex or flex can't be found.  Change that to a
-# "missing" invocation, for better error output.
-if test "$LEX" = :; then
-  LEX=${am_missing_run}flex
-# Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2003,2004 Red Hat, Inc.
-# This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
-# General Public License.  As a special exception to the GNU General
-# Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program
-# that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
-# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
-# This file can be copied and used freely without restrictions.  It can
-# be used in projects which are not available under the GNU Public License
-# but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext functionality.
-# Macro to add for using GNU gettext.
-# Ulrich Drepper <drepper at cygnus.com>, 1995, 1996
-# Modified to never use included libintl. 
-# Owen Taylor <otaylor at redhat.com>, 12/15/1998
-# Major rework to remove unused code
-# Owen Taylor <otaylor at redhat.com>, 12/11/2002
-# Added better handling of ALL_LINGUAS from GNU gettext version 
-# written by Bruno Haible, Owen Taylor <otaylor.redhat.com> 5/30/3002
-# Modified to require ngettext
-# Matthias Clasen <mclasen at redhat.com> 08/06/2004
-# We need this here as well, since someone might use autoconf-2.5x
-# to configure GLib then an older version to configure a package
-dnl We go to great lengths to make sure that aclocal won't 
-dnl try to pull in the installed version of these macros
-dnl when running aclocal in the glib directory.
-dnl At the end, if we're not within glib, we'll define the public
-dnl definitions in terms of our private definitions.
-  [AC_CHECK_HEADERS([locale.h])
-    if test $ac_cv_header_locale_h = yes; then
-      [AC_TRY_LINK([#include <locale.h>], [return LC_MESSAGES],
-       am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=yes, am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=no)])
-    if test $am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES = yes; then
-        [Define if your <locale.h> file defines LC_MESSAGES.])
-    fi
-  fi])
-[# Extract the first word of "$2", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy $2; ac_word=[$]2
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $ac_word])
-[case "[$]$1" in
-  /*)
-  ac_cv_path_$1="[$]$1" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-  IFS="${IFS= 	}"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
-  for ac_dir in ifelse([$5], , $PATH, [$5]); do
-    test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
-    if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
-      if [$3]; then
-	ac_cv_path_$1="$ac_dir/$ac_word"
-	break
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-dnl If no 4th arg is given, leave the cache variable unset,
-dnl so AC_PATH_PROGS will keep looking.
-ifelse([$4], , , [  test -z "[$]ac_cv_path_$1" && ac_cv_path_$1="$4"
-  ;;
-if test ifelse([$4], , [-n "[$]$1"], ["[$]$1" != "$4"]); then
-  AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1)
-  dnl NLS is obligatory
-  [USE_NLS=yes
-    gt_cv_have_gettext=no
-    AC_CHECK_HEADER(libintl.h,
-     [gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl="no"
-      libintl_extra_libs=""
-      #
-      # First check in libc
-      #
-      AC_CACHE_CHECK([for ngettext in libc], gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc,
-        [AC_TRY_LINK([
-#include <libintl.h>
-         [return !ngettext ("","", 1)],
-	  gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc=yes,
-          gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc=no)
-        ])
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes" ; then
-	      AC_CACHE_CHECK([for dgettext in libc], gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc,
-        	[AC_TRY_LINK([
-#include <libintl.h>
-	          [return !dgettext ("","")],
-		  gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=yes,
-	          gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=no)
-        	])
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes" ; then
-        AC_CHECK_FUNCS(bind_textdomain_codeset)
-      fi
-      #
-      # If we don't have everything we want, check in libintl
-      #
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" != "yes" \
-	 || test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" != "yes" \
-         || test "$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" != "yes" ; then
-        AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, bindtextdomain,
-	    [AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, ngettext,
-		    [AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, dgettext,
-			          gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=yes)])])
-	if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" != "yes" ; then
-	  AC_MSG_CHECKING([if -liconv is needed to use gettext])
-  	  AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, ngettext,
-          	[AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, dcgettext,
-		       [gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=yes
-			libintl_extra_libs=-liconv],
-			:,-liconv)],
-		:,-liconv)
-        fi
-        #
-        # If we found libintl, then check in it for bind_textdomain_codeset();
-        # we'll prefer libc if neither have bind_textdomain_codeset(),
-        # and both have dgettext and ngettext
-        #
-        if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes" ; then
-          glib_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-          LIBS="$LIBS -lintl $libintl_extra_libs"
-          unset ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset
-          AC_CHECK_FUNCS(bind_textdomain_codeset)
-          LIBS="$glib_save_LIBS"
-          if test "$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" = "yes" ; then
-            gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=no
-          else
-            if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" = "yes" \
-		&& test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes"; then
-              gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=no
-            fi
-          fi
-        fi
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" = "yes" \
-	|| test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes"; then
-        gt_cv_have_gettext=yes
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes"; then
-        INTLLIBS="-lintl $libintl_extra_libs"
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes"; then
-	  [Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled.])
-	  [test -z "`$ac_dir/$ac_word -h 2>&1 | grep 'dv '`"], no)dnl
-	if test "$MSGFMT" != "no"; then
-          glib_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-          LIBS="$LIBS $INTLLIBS"
-	  AC_CHECK_FUNCS(dcgettext)
-	    [test -z "`$ac_dir/$ac_word -h 2>&1 | grep '(HELP)'`"], :)
-	  AC_TRY_LINK(, [extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
-			 return _nl_msg_cat_cntr],
-	    [CATOBJEXT=.gmo 
-             DATADIRNAME=share],
-	    [case $host in
-	    *-*-solaris*)
-	    dnl On Solaris, if bind_textdomain_codeset is in libc,
-	    dnl GNU format message catalog is always supported,
-            dnl since both are added to the libc all together.
-	    dnl Hence, we'd like to go with DATADIRNAME=share and
-	    dnl and CATOBJEXT=.gmo in this case.
-            AC_CHECK_FUNC(bind_textdomain_codeset,
-	      [CATOBJEXT=.gmo 
-               DATADIRNAME=share],
-	      [CATOBJEXT=.mo
-               DATADIRNAME=lib])
-	    ;;
-	    *)
-	    CATOBJEXT=.mo
-            DATADIRNAME=lib
-	    ;;
-	    esac])
-          LIBS="$glib_save_LIBS"
-	else
-	  gt_cv_have_gettext=no
-	fi
-      fi
-    ])
-    if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes" ; then
-        [always defined to indicate that i18n is enabled])
-    fi
-    dnl Test whether we really found GNU xgettext.
-    if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then
-      dnl If it is not GNU xgettext we define it as : so that the
-      dnl Makefiles still can work.
-      if $XGETTEXT --omit-header /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
-        : ;
-      else
-        AC_MSG_RESULT(
-	  [found xgettext program is not GNU xgettext; ignore it])
-        XGETTEXT=":"
-      fi
-    fi
-    # We need to process the po/ directory.
-    POSUB=po
-      [case "$CONFIG_FILES" in *po/Makefile.in*)
-        sed -e "/POTFILES =/r po/POTFILES" po/Makefile.in > po/Makefile
-      esac])
-    dnl These rules are solely for the distribution goal.  While doing this
-    dnl we only have to keep exactly one list of the available catalogs
-    dnl in configure.in.
-    for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do
-      GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $lang.gmo"
-      POFILES="$POFILES $lang.po"
-    done
-    dnl Make all variables we use known to autoconf.
-  ])
-# -------------------
-# Do checks necessary for use of gettext. If a suitable implementation 
-# of gettext is found in either in libintl or in the C library,
-# it will set INTLLIBS to the libraries needed for use of gettext
-# and AC_DEFINE() HAVE_GETTEXT and ENABLE_NLS. (The shell variable
-# gt_cv_have_gettext will be set to "yes".) It will also call AC_SUBST()
-# on various variables needed by the Makefile.in.in installed by 
-# glib-gettextize.
-   if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes"; then
-     if test "x$ALL_LINGUAS" = "x"; then
-       LINGUAS=
-     else
-       AC_MSG_CHECKING(for catalogs to be installed)
-       NEW_LINGUAS=
-       for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do
-         useit=no
-         if test "%UNSET%" != "${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}"; then
-           desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS"
-         else
-           desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS"
-         fi
-         for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do
- 	   # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is
-           #   a. equal to presentlang, or
-           #   b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case,
-           #      presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages
-           #      which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog).
-           case "$desiredlang" in
-             "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;;
-           esac
-         done
-         if test $useit = yes; then
-           NEW_LINGUAS="$NEW_LINGUAS $presentlang"
-         fi
-       done
-     fi
-     dnl Construct list of names of catalog files to be constructed.
-     if test -n "$LINGUAS"; then
-       for lang in $LINGUAS; do CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang$CATOBJEXT"; done
-     fi
-   fi
-   dnl If the AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR macro for autoconf is used we possibly
-   dnl find the mkinstalldirs script in another subdir but ($top_srcdir).
-   dnl Try to locate is.
-   if test -n "$ac_aux_dir"; then
-     MKINSTALLDIRS="$ac_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs"
-   fi
-   if test -z "$MKINSTALLDIRS"; then
-     MKINSTALLDIRS="\$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs"
-   fi
-   dnl Generate list of files to be processed by xgettext which will
-   dnl be included in po/Makefile.
-   test -d po || mkdir po
-   if test "x$srcdir" != "x."; then
-     if test "x`echo $srcdir | sed 's@/.*@@'`" = "x"; then
-       posrcprefix="$srcdir/"
-     else
-       posrcprefix="../$srcdir/"
-     fi
-   else
-     posrcprefix="../"
-   fi
-   rm -f po/POTFILES
-   sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^\$/d" -e "s,.*,	$posrcprefix& \\\\," -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" \
-	< $srcdir/po/POTFILES.in > po/POTFILES
-  ])
-# -------------------------------
-# Define VARIABLE to the location where catalog files will
-# be installed by po/Makefile.
-test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
-test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix=$prefix
-datarootdir=`eval echo "${datarootdir}"`
-if test "x$CATOBJEXT" = "x.mo" ; then
-  localedir=`eval echo "${libdir}/locale"`
-  localedir=`eval echo "${datadir}/locale"`
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($1, "$localedir",
-  [Define the location where the catalogs will be installed])
-dnl Now the definitions that aclocal will find

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/autogen.sh
--- gtkpod/trunk/autogen.sh	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/autogen.sh	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
-srcdir=`dirname $0`
-test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
-if [ -n "$GNOME2_DIR" ]; then
-    PATH="$GNOME2_DIR/bin:$PATH"
-    export PATH
-    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-(test -f $srcdir/configure.in) || {
-    echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the"
-    echo " top-level package directory"
-    exit 1
-(${AUTOCONF:-autoconf} --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-  echo
-  echo "**Error**: You must have \`autoconf' installed."
-  echo "Download the appropriate package for your distribution,"
-  echo "or get the source tarball at ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/"
-  DIE=1
-(grep "^IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null) && {
-  (intltoolize --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-    echo 
-    echo "**Error**: You must have \`intltool' installed."
-    echo "You can get it from:"
-    echo "  ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/"
-    DIE=1
-  }
-(grep "^AM_PROG_XML_I18N_TOOLS" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null) && {
-  (xml-i18n-toolize --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-    echo
-    echo "**Error**: You must have \`xml-i18n-toolize' installed."
-    echo "You can get it from:"
-    echo "  ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/"
-    DIE=1
-  }
-(grep "^AM_PROG_LIBTOOL" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null) && {
-  (${LIBTOOL:-libtool} --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-    echo
-    echo "**Error**: You must have \`libtool' installed."
-    echo "You can get it from: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/"
-    DIE=1
-  }
-(grep "^AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null) && {
-  (grep "sed.*POTFILES" $srcdir/configure.in) > /dev/null || \
-  (glib-gettextize --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-    if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]
-    then
-        echo "**Error**: Please apt-get install libglib2.0-dev"
-    else
-        echo
-        echo "**Error**: You must have \`glib' installed."
-        echo "You can get it from: ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk."
-        echo "When using packages, make sure you also install the -dev package."
-    fi
-    DIE=1
-  }
-(${AUTOMAKE:-automake} --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-  echo
-  echo "**Error**: You must have \`automake' installed."
-  echo "You can get it from: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/"
-  DIE=1
-# if no automake, don't bother testing for aclocal
-test -n "$NO_AUTOMAKE" || (${ACLOCAL:-aclocal} --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-  echo
-  echo "**Error**: Missing \`aclocal'.  The version of \`automake'"
-  echo "installed doesn't appear recent enough."
-  echo "You can get automake from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/"
-  DIE=1
-if test "$DIE" -eq 1; then
-  exit 1
-if test -z "$*"; then
-  echo "**Warning**: I am going to run \`configure' with no arguments."
-  echo "If you wish to pass any to it, please specify them on the"
-  echo \`$0\'" command line."
-  echo
-case $CC in
-xlc )
-  am_opt=--include-deps;;
-for coin in `find $srcdir -name configure.in -print`
-  dr=`dirname $coin`
-  if test -f $dr/NO-AUTO-GEN; then
-    echo skipping $dr -- flagged as no auto-gen
-  else
-    echo processing $dr
-    ( cd $dr
-      aclocalinclude="$ACLOCAL_FLAGS"
-      if grep "^AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT" configure.in >/dev/null; then
-        echo "Creating $dr/aclocal.m4 ..."
-        test -r $dr/aclocal.m4 || touch $dr/aclocal.m4
-        echo "Running glib-gettextize...  Ignore non-fatal messages."
-        echo "no" | glib-gettextize --force --copy
-        echo "Making $dr/aclocal.m4 writable ..."
-        test -r $dr/aclocal.m4 && chmod u+w $dr/aclocal.m4
-      fi
-      if grep "^IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" configure.in >/dev/null; then
-        echo "Running intltoolize..."
-        intltoolize --copy --force --automake
-      fi
-      if grep "^AM_PROG_XML_I18N_TOOLS" configure.in >/dev/null; then
-        echo "Running xml-i18n-toolize..."
-        xml-i18n-toolize --copy --force --automake
-      fi
-      if grep "^AM_PROG_LIBTOOL" configure.in >/dev/null; then
-        if test -z "$NO_LIBTOOLIZE" ; then 
-          echo "Running libtoolize..."
-          ${LIBTOOLIZE:-libtoolize} --force --copy
-        fi
-      fi
-      echo "Running aclocal $aclocalinclude ..."
-      ${ACLOCAL:-aclocal} $aclocalinclude
-      if grep "^AM_CONFIG_HEADER" configure.in >/dev/null; then
-        echo "Running autoheader..."
-        ${AUTOHEADER:-autoheader}
-      fi
-      echo "Running automake --gnu $am_opt ..."
-      ${AUTOMAKE:-automake} --add-missing --gnu $am_opt
-      echo "Running autoconf ..."
-      ${AUTOCONF:-autoconf}
-    )
-  fi
-if test x$NOCONFIGURE = x; then
-  echo Running $srcdir/configure $conf_flags "$@" ...
-  $srcdir/configure $conf_flags "$@" \
-  && echo Now type \`make\' to compile. || exit 1
-  echo Skipping configure process.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/config.guess
--- gtkpod/trunk/config.guess	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/config.guess	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,1500 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Attempt to guess a canonical system name.
-#   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
-#   2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation,
-#   Inc.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# Originally written by Per Bothner <per at bothner.com>.
-# Please send patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>.  Submit a context
-# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
-# This script attempts to guess a canonical system name similar to
-# config.sub.  If it succeeds, it prints the system name on stdout, and
-# exits with 0.  Otherwise, it exits with 1.
-# The plan is that this can be called by configure scripts if you
-# don't specify an explicit build system type.
-me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
-Usage: $0 [OPTION]
-Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on.
-Operation modes:
-  -h, --help         print this help, then exit
-  -t, --time-stamp   print date of last modification, then exit
-  -v, --version      print version number, then exit
-Report bugs and patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>."
-GNU config.guess ($timestamp)
-Originally written by Per Bothner.
-Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
-Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-Try \`$me --help' for more information."
-# Parse command line
-while test $# -gt 0 ; do
-  case $1 in
-    --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
-       echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
-    --version | -v )
-       echo "$version" ; exit ;;
-    --help | --h* | -h )
-       echo "$usage"; exit ;;
-    -- )     # Stop option processing
-       shift; break ;;
-    - )	# Use stdin as input.
-       break ;;
-    -* )
-       echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2
-       exit 1 ;;
-    * )
-       break ;;
-  esac
-if test $# != 0; then
-  echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
-  exit 1
-trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15
-# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a
-# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires
-# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a
-# headache to deal with in a portable fashion.
-# Historically, `CC_FOR_BUILD' used to be named `HOST_CC'. We still
-# use `HOST_CC' if defined, but it is deprecated.
-# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team.
-trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ;
-trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ;
-: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ;
- { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
- { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) ; } ||
- { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
- { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ;
-dummy=$tmp/dummy ;
-tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ;
- ,,)    echo "int x;" > $dummy.c ;
-	for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
-	  if ($c -c -o $dummy.o $dummy.c) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-	     CC_FOR_BUILD="$c"; break ;
-	  fi ;
-	done ;
-	if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then
-	  CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found ;
-	fi
-	;;
- ,,*)   CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;;
- ,*,*)  CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;;
-esac ; set_cc_for_build= ;'
-# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe.
-# (ghazi at noc.rutgers.edu 1994-08-24)
-if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-	PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH
-UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown
-UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown
-UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null`  || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown
-UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown
-# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive.
-    *:NetBSD:*:*)
-	# NetBSD (nbsd) targets should (where applicable) match one or
-	# more of the tupples: *-*-netbsdelf*, *-*-netbsdaout*,
-	# *-*-netbsdecoff* and *-*-netbsd*.  For targets that recently
-	# switched to ELF, *-*-netbsd* would select the old
-	# object file format.  This provides both forward
-	# compatibility and a consistent mechanism for selecting the
-	# object file format.
-	#
-	# Note: NetBSD doesn't particularly care about the vendor
-	# portion of the name.  We always set it to "unknown".
-	sysctl="sysctl -n hw.machine_arch"
-	UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`(/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || \
-	    /usr/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || echo unknown)`
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
-	    armeb) machine=armeb-unknown ;;
-	    arm*) machine=arm-unknown ;;
-	    sh3el) machine=shl-unknown ;;
-	    sh3eb) machine=sh-unknown ;;
-	    *) machine=${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown ;;
-	esac
-	# The Operating System including object format, if it has switched
-	# to ELF recently, or will in the future.
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
-	    arm*|i386|m68k|ns32k|sh3*|sparc|vax)
-		eval $set_cc_for_build
-		if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
-			| grep __ELF__ >/dev/null
-		then
-		    # Once all utilities can be ECOFF (netbsdecoff) or a.out (netbsdaout).
-		    # Return netbsd for either.  FIX?
-		    os=netbsd
-		else
-		    os=netbsdelf
-		fi
-		;;
-	    *)
-	        os=netbsd
-		;;
-	esac
-	# The OS release
-	# Debian GNU/NetBSD machines have a different userland, and
-	# thus, need a distinct triplet. However, they do not need
-	# kernel version information, so it can be replaced with a
-	# suitable tag, in the style of linux-gnu.
-	case "${UNAME_VERSION}" in
-	    Debian*)
-		release='-gnu'
-		;;
-	    *)
-		release=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'`
-		;;
-	esac
-	# contains redundant information, the shorter form:
-	echo "${machine}-${os}${release}"
-	exit ;;
-    *:OpenBSD:*:*)
-	UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/OpenBSD.//'`
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:ekkoBSD:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-ekkobsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:SolidBSD:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-solidbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    macppc:MirBSD:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:MirBSD:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    alpha:OSF1:*:*)
-	case $UNAME_RELEASE in
-	*4.0)
-		UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'`
-		;;
-	*5.*)
-	        UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'`
-		;;
-	esac
-	# According to Compaq, /usr/sbin/psrinfo has been available on
-	# OSF/1 and Tru64 systems produced since 1995.  I hope that
-	# covers most systems running today.  This code pipes the CPU
-	# types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0.
-	ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^  The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1`
-	case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in
-	    "EV4 (21064)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
-	    "EV4.5 (21064)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
-	    "LCA4 (21066/21068)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
-	    "EV5 (21164)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev5" ;;
-	    "EV5.6 (21164A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev56" ;;
-	    "EV5.6 (21164PC)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca56" ;;
-	    "EV5.7 (21164PC)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca57" ;;
-	    "EV6 (21264)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev6" ;;
-	    "EV6.7 (21264A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev67" ;;
-	    "EV6.8CB (21264C)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
-	    "EV6.8AL (21264B)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
-	    "EV6.8CX (21264D)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
-	    "EV6.9A (21264/EV69A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev69" ;;
-	    "EV7 (21364)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev7" ;;
-	    "EV7.9 (21364A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev79" ;;
-	esac
-	# A Pn.n version is a patched version.
-	# A Vn.n version is a released version.
-	# A Tn.n version is a released field test version.
-	# A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel.
-	# 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r.
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-osf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
-	exit ;;
-    Alpha\ *:Windows_NT*:*)
-	# How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
-	# Should we change UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead
-	# of the specific Alpha model?
-	echo alpha-pc-interix
-	exit ;;
-    21064:Windows_NT:50:3)
-	echo alpha-dec-winnt3.5
-	exit ;;
-    Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*)
-	echo m68k-unknown-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-amigaos
-	exit ;;
-    *:[Mm]orph[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-morphos
-	exit ;;
-    *:OS/390:*:*)
-	echo i370-ibm-openedition
-	exit ;;
-    *:z/VM:*:*)
-	echo s390-ibm-zvmoe
-	exit ;;
-    *:OS400:*:*)
-        echo powerpc-ibm-os400
-	exit ;;
-    arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*)
-	echo arm-acorn-riscix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    arm:riscos:*:*|arm:RISCOS:*:*)
-	echo arm-unknown-riscos
-	exit ;;
-    SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:* | SR8000:HI-UX/MPP:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp
-	exit ;;
-    Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*)
-	# akee at wpdis03.wpafb.af.mil (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE.
-	if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then
-		echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3
-	else
-		echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    NILE*:*:*:dcosx)
-	echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4
-	exit ;;
-    DRS?6000:unix:4.0:6*)
-	echo sparc-icl-nx6
-	exit ;;
-    DRS?6000:UNIX_SV:4.2*:7* | DRS?6000:isis:4.2*:7*)
-	case `/usr/bin/uname -p` in
-	    sparc) echo sparc-icl-nx7; exit ;;
-	esac ;;
-    sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo sparc-hal-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo sparc-sun-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    i86pc:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo i386-pc-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun4*:SunOS:6*:*)
-	# According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize
-	# SunOS6.  Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but
-	# it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4.
-	echo sparc-sun-solaris3`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun4*:SunOS:*:*)
-	case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in
-	    Series*|S4*)
-		UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v`
-		;;
-	esac
-	# Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'.
-	echo sparc-sun-sunos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun3*:SunOS:*:*)
-	echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    sun*:*:4.2BSD:*)
-	UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null`
-	test "x${UNAME_RELEASE}" = "x" && UNAME_RELEASE=3
-	case "`/bin/arch`" in
-	    sun3)
-		echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-		;;
-	    sun4)
-		echo sparc-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit ;;
-    aushp:SunOS:*:*)
-	echo sparc-auspex-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing.  The machine name
-    # can be virtually everything (everything which is not
-    # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor
-    # > m68000).  The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT"
-    # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint").  Finally
-    # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not
-    # MiNT.  But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should
-    # be no problem.
-    atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
-	echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-milan-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-hades-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-unknown-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    m68k:machten:*:*)
-	echo m68k-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    powerpc:machten:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    RISC*:Mach:*:*)
-	echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3
-	exit ;;
-    RISC*:ULTRIX:*:*)
-	echo mips-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*)
-	echo vax-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*)
-	echo clipper-intergraph-clix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include <stdio.h>  /* for printf() prototype */
-	int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
-	#if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB)
-	#if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV)
-	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
-	#endif
-	#if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4)
-	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
-	#endif
-	#if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD)
-	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	  exit (-1);
-	}
-	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c &&
-	  dummyarg=`echo "${UNAME_RELEASE}" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` &&
-	  SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy $dummyarg` &&
-	    { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
-	echo mips-mips-riscos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    Motorola:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-motorola-powermax
-	exit ;;
-    Motorola:*:4.3:PL8-*)
-	echo powerpc-harris-powermax
-	exit ;;
-    Night_Hawk:*:*:PowerMAX_OS | Synergy:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-harris-powermax
-	exit ;;
-    Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-harris-powerunix
-	exit ;;
-    m88k:CX/UX:7*:*)
-	echo m88k-harris-cxux7
-	exit ;;
-    m88k:*:4*:R4*)
-	echo m88k-motorola-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    m88k:*:3*:R3*)
-	echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    AViiON:dgux:*:*)
-        # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures
-        UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
-	if [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88100 ] || [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88110 ]
-	then
-	    if [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = m88kdguxelfx ] || \
-	       [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = x ]
-	    then
-		echo m88k-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	    else
-		echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	    fi
-	else
-	    echo i586-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	fi
- 	exit ;;
-    M88*:DolphinOS:*:*)	# DolphinOS (SVR3)
-	echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    M88*:*:R3*:*)
-	# Delta 88k system running SVR3
-	echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3)
-	echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD)
-	echo m68k-tektronix-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    *:IRIX*:*:*)
-	echo mips-sgi-irix`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
-	exit ;;
-    ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2)   # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX.
-	echo romp-ibm-aix     # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id
-	exit ;;               # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX '
-    i*86:AIX:*:*)
-	echo i386-ibm-aix
-	exit ;;
-    ia64:AIX:*:*)
-	if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
-		IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
-	else
-	fi
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    *:AIX:2:3)
-	if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		eval $set_cc_for_build
-		sed 's/^		//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-		#include <sys/systemcfg.h>
-		main()
-			{
-			if (!__power_pc())
-				exit(1);
-			puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5");
-			exit(0);
-			}
-		if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy`
-		then
-			echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"
-		else
-			echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5
-		fi
-	elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4
-	else
-		echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    *:AIX:*:[45])
-	IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'`
-	if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El ${IBM_CPU_ID} | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		IBM_ARCH=rs6000
-	else
-		IBM_ARCH=powerpc
-	fi
-	if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
-		IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
-	else
-	fi
-	echo ${IBM_ARCH}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    *:AIX:*:*)
-	echo rs6000-ibm-aix
-	exit ;;
-    ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*)
-	echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4
-	exit ;;
-    ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*)            # covers RT/PC BSD and
-	echo romp-ibm-bsd${UNAME_RELEASE}   # 4.3 with uname added to
-	exit ;;                             # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3
-    *:BOSX:*:*)
-	echo rs6000-bull-bosx
-	exit ;;
-    DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*)
-	echo m68k-bull-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*)
-	echo m68k-hp-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*)
-	echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4
-	exit ;;
-    9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*)
-	HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
-	    9000/31? )            HP_ARCH=m68000 ;;
-	    9000/[34]?? )         HP_ARCH=m68k ;;
-	    9000/[678][0-9][0-9])
-		if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
-		    sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null`
-                    sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null`
-                    case "${sc_cpu_version}" in
-                      523) HP_ARCH="hppa1.0" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0
-                      528) HP_ARCH="hppa1.1" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_1
-                      532)                      # CPU_PA_RISC2_0
-                        case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in
-                          32) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0n" ;;
-                          64) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" ;;
-			  '') HP_ARCH="hppa2.0" ;;   # HP-UX 10.20
-                        esac ;;
-                    esac
-		fi
-		if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then
-		    eval $set_cc_for_build
-		    sed 's/^              //' << EOF >$dummy.c
-              #define _HPUX_SOURCE
-              #include <stdlib.h>
-              #include <unistd.h>
-              int main ()
-              {
-              #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
-                  long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS);
-              #endif
-                  long cpu  = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
-                  switch (cpu)
-              	{
-              	case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
-              	case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break;
-              	case CPU_PA_RISC2_0:
-              #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
-              	    switch (bits)
-              		{
-              		case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break;
-              		case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break;
-              		default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
-              		} break;
-              #else  /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */
-              	    puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
-              #endif
-              	default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
-              	}
-                  exit (0);
-              }
-		    (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`$dummy`
-		    test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa
-		fi ;;
-	esac
-	if [ ${HP_ARCH} = "hppa2.0w" ]
-	then
-	    eval $set_cc_for_build
-	    # hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating
-	    # 32-bit code.  hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler
-	    # generating 64-bit code.  GNU and HP use different nomenclature:
-	    #
-	    # $ CC_FOR_BUILD=cc ./config.guess
-	    # => hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.23
-	    # $ CC_FOR_BUILD="cc +DA2.0w" ./config.guess
-	    # => hppa64-hp-hpux11.23
-	    if echo __LP64__ | (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) |
-		grep __LP64__ >/dev/null
-	    then
-		HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w"
-	    else
-		HP_ARCH="hppa64"
-	    fi
-	fi
-	echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    ia64:HP-UX:*:*)
-	HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
-	echo ia64-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    3050*:HI-UX:*:*)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#include <unistd.h>
-	int
-	main ()
-	{
-	  long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
-	  /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns
-	     true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0.  CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct
-	     results, however.  */
-	  if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu))
-	    {
-	      switch (cpu)
-		{
-		  case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		  case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		  case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		  default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		}
-	    }
-	  else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu))
-	    puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
-	  else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
-	  exit (0);
-	}
-	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
-		{ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
-	echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2
-	exit ;;
-    9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:* )
-	echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    *9??*:MPE/iX:*:* | *3000*:MPE/iX:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix
-	exit ;;
-    hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:* )
-	echo hppa1.1-hp-osf
-	exit ;;
-    hp8??:OSF1:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.0-hp-osf
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:OSF1:*:*)
-	if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then
-	    echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1mk
-	else
-	    echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    parisc*:Lites*:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.1-hp-lites
-	exit ;;
-    C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*)
-	echo c1-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*)
-	if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
-	then echo c32-convex-bsd
-	else echo c2-convex-bsd
-	fi
-        exit ;;
-    C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*)
-	echo c34-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*)
-	echo c38-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*)
-	echo c4-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*)
-	echo ymp-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} \
-	| sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \
-	      -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \
-	      -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*TS:*:*:*)
-	echo t90-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*T3E:*:*:*)
-	echo alphaev5-cray-unicosmk${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*SV1:*:*:*)
-	echo sv1-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    *:UNICOS/mp:*:*)
-	echo craynv-cray-unicosmp${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    F30[01]:UNIX_System_V:*:* | F700:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
-	FUJITSU_PROC=`uname -m | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
-        FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
-        FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
-        echo "${FUJITSU_PROC}-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
-        exit ;;
-    5000:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
-        FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
-        FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
-        echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:BSD/386:*:* | i*86:BSD/OS:*:* | *:Ascend\ Embedded/OS:*:*)
-	exit ;;
-    sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*)
-	echo sparc-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:BSD/OS:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:FreeBSD:*:*)
-	case ${UNAME_MACHINE} in
-	    pc98)
-		echo i386-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
-	    amd64)
-		echo x86_64-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
-	    *)
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
-	esac
-	exit ;;
-    i*:CYGWIN*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-cygwin
-	exit ;;
-    i*:MINGW*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32
-	exit ;;
-    i*:windows32*:*)
-    	# uname -m includes "-pc" on this system.
-    	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-mingw32
-	exit ;;
-    i*:PW*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-pw32
-	exit ;;
-    x86:Interix*:[3456]*)
-	echo i586-pc-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    EM64T:Interix*:[3456]*)
-	echo x86_64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    [345]86:Windows_95:* | [345]86:Windows_98:* | [345]86:Windows_NT:*)
-	echo i${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mks
-	exit ;;
-    i*:Windows_NT*:* | Pentium*:Windows_NT*:*)
-	# How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
-	# It also conflicts with pre-2.0 versions of AT&T UWIN. Should we
-	# UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead of i386?
-	echo i586-pc-interix
-	exit ;;
-    i*:UWIN*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-uwin
-	exit ;;
-    amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*)
-	echo x86_64-unknown-cygwin
-	exit ;;
-    p*:CYGWIN*:*)
-	echo powerpcle-unknown-cygwin
-	exit ;;
-    prep*:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    *:GNU:*:*)
-	# the GNU system
-	echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-gnu`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`
-	exit ;;
-    *:GNU/*:*:*)
-	# other systems with GNU libc and userland
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:Minix:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-minix
-	exit ;;
-    arm*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    avr32*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    cris:Linux:*:*)
-	echo cris-axis-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    crisv32:Linux:*:*)
-	echo crisv32-axis-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    frv:Linux:*:*)
-    	echo frv-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    ia64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    m32r*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    m68*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    mips:Linux:*:*)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#undef CPU
-	#undef mips
-	#undef mipsel
-	#if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
-	CPU=mipsel
-	#else
-	#if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
-	CPU=mips
-	#else
-	CPU=
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
-	    /^CPU/{
-		s: ::g
-		p
-	    }'`"
-	test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
-	;;
-    mips64:Linux:*:*)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#undef CPU
-	#undef mips64
-	#undef mips64el
-	#if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
-	CPU=mips64el
-	#else
-	#if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
-	CPU=mips64
-	#else
-	CPU=
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
-	    /^CPU/{
-		s: ::g
-		p
-	    }'`"
-	test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
-	;;
-    or32:Linux:*:*)
-	echo or32-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    ppc:Linux:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    ppc64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    alpha:Linux:*:*)
-	case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' < /proc/cpuinfo` in
-	  EV5)   UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;;
-	  EV56)  UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;;
-	  PCA56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
-	  PCA57) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
-	  EV6)   UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;;
-	  EV67)  UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;;
-	  EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
-        esac
-	objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep ld.so.1 >/dev/null
-	if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC="libc1" ; else LIBC="" ; fi
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu${LIBC}
-	exit ;;
-    parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*)
-	# Look for CPU level
-	case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in
-	  PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
-	  PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
-	  *)    echo hppa-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
-	esac
-	exit ;;
-    parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo hppa64-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux
-	exit ;;
-    sh64*:Linux:*:*)
-    	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    sh*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    vax:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    x86_64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:Linux:*:*)
-	# The BFD linker knows what the default object file format is, so
-	# first see if it will tell us. cd to the root directory to prevent
-	# problems with other programs or directories called `ld' in the path.
-	# Set LC_ALL=C to ensure ld outputs messages in English.
-	ld_supported_targets=`cd /; LC_ALL=C ld --help 2>&1 \
-			 | sed -ne '/supported targets:/!d
-				    s/[ 	][ 	]*/ /g
-				    s/.*supported targets: *//
-				    s/ .*//
-				    p'`
-        case "$ld_supported_targets" in
-	  elf32-i386)
-		TENTATIVE="${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnu"
-		;;
-	  a.out-i386-linux)
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuaout"
-		exit ;;
-	  coff-i386)
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnucoff"
-		exit ;;
-	  "")
-		# Either a pre-BFD a.out linker (linux-gnuoldld) or
-		# one that does not give us useful --help.
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuoldld"
-		exit ;;
-	esac
-	# Determine whether the default compiler is a.out or elf
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#include <features.h>
-	#ifdef __ELF__
-	# ifdef __GLIBC__
-	#  if __GLIBC__ >= 2
-	LIBC=gnu
-	#  else
-	LIBC=gnulibc1
-	#  endif
-	# else
-	LIBC=gnulibc1
-	# endif
-	#else
-	#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__PGI) || defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
-	LIBC=gnu
-	#else
-	LIBC=gnuaout
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	#ifdef __dietlibc__
-	LIBC=dietlibc
-	#endif
-	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
-	    /^LIBC/{
-		s: ::g
-		p
-	    }'`"
-	test x"${LIBC}" != x && {
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC}"
-		exit
-	}
-	test x"${TENTATIVE}" != x && { echo "${TENTATIVE}"; exit; }
-	;;
-    i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*)
-	# ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there.
-	# earlier versions are messed up and put the nodename in both
-	# sysname and nodename.
-	echo i386-sequent-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*)
-        # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version
-        # number series starting with 2...
-        # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this,
-	# I just have to hope.  -- rms.
-        # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it.
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv4.2uw${UNAME_VERSION}
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:OS/2:*:*)
-	# If we were able to find `uname', then EMX Unix compatibility
-	# is probably installed.
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-os2-emx
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:XTS-300:*:STOP)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-stop
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:atheos:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-atheos
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:syllable:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-syllable
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i*86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | i*86:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
-	echo i386-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*DOS:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msdosdjgpp
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*:4.*:* | i*86:SYSTEM_V:4.*:*)
-	UNAME_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed 's/\/MP$//'`
-	if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_REL}
-	else
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_REL}
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*:5:[678]*)
-    	# UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6.
-	case `/bin/uname -X | grep "^Machine"` in
-	    *486*)	     UNAME_MACHINE=i486 ;;
-	    *Pentium)	     UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;;
-	    *Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;;
-	esac
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*:3.2:*)
-	if test -f /usr/options/cb.name; then
-		UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' </usr/options/cb.name`
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-isc$UNAME_REL
-	elif /bin/uname -X 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
-		UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|grep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')`
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \
-			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i586
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pent *II' >/dev/null) \
-			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i686
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \
-			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i686
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sco$UNAME_REL
-	else
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv32
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    pc:*:*:*)
-	# Left here for compatibility:
-        # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about
-        # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i386.
-	echo i386-pc-msdosdjgpp
-        exit ;;
-    Intel:Mach:3*:*)
-	echo i386-pc-mach3
-	exit ;;
-    paragon:*:*:*)
-	echo i860-intel-osf1
-	exit ;;
-    i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4
-	if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-	  echo i860-stardent-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4
-	else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered.
-	  echo i860-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}  # Unknown i860-SVR4
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*)
-	# "miniframe"
-	echo m68010-convergent-sysv
-	exit ;;
-    mc68k:UNIX:SYSTEM5:3.51m)
-	echo m68k-convergent-sysv
-	exit ;;
-    M680?0:D-NIX:5.3:*)
-	echo m68k-diab-dnix
-	exit ;;
-    M68*:*:R3V[5678]*:*)
-	test -r /sysV68 && { echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv'; exit; } ;;
-    3[345]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??/*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4400:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0 | SDS2:*:4.0:3.0 | SHG2:*:4.0:3.0 | S7501*:*:4.0:3.0)
-	OS_REL=''
-	test -r /etc/.relid \
-	&& OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid`
-	/bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
-	  && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; }
-	/bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \
-	  && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;;
-    3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*)
-        /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
-          && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4; exit; } ;;
-    m68*:LynxOS:2.*:* | m68*:LynxOS:3.0*:*)
-	echo m68k-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
-	echo m68k-atari-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*)
-	echo sparc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:*)
-	echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
-	echo powerpc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*)
-	echo mips-dde-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*)
-	echo mips-sni-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    RM*:SINIX-*:*:*)
-	echo mips-sni-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    *:SINIX-*:*:*)
-	if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
-		UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-sni-sysv4
-	else
-		echo ns32k-sni-sysv
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    PENTIUM:*:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort
-                      # says <Richard.M.Bartel at ccMail.Census.GOV>
-        echo i586-unisys-sysv4
-        exit ;;
-    *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*)
-	# From Gerald Hewes <hewes at openmarket.com>.
-	# How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm
-	echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    *:*:*:FTX*)
-	# From seanf at swdc.stratus.com.
-	echo i860-stratus-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:VOS:*:*)
-	# From Paul.Green at stratus.com.
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-stratus-vos
-	exit ;;
-    *:VOS:*:*)
-	# From Paul.Green at stratus.com.
-	echo hppa1.1-stratus-vos
-	exit ;;
-    mc68*:A/UX:*:*)
-	echo m68k-apple-aux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    news*:NEWS-OS:6*:*)
-	echo mips-sony-newsos6
-	exit ;;
-    R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*)
-	if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then
-	        echo mips-nec-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	else
-	        echo mips-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	fi
-        exit ;;
-    BeBox:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only.
-	echo powerpc-be-beos
-	exit ;;
-    BeMac:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only.
-	echo powerpc-apple-beos
-	exit ;;
-    BePC:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on Intel PC compatible.
-	echo i586-pc-beos
-	exit ;;
-    SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*)
-	echo sx4-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*)
-	echo sx5-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    SX-6:SUPER-UX:*:*)
-	echo sx6-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    Power*:Rhapsody:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:Rhapsody:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:Darwin:*:*)
-	    unknown) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc ;;
-	esac
-	echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*)
-	UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
-	if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = "x86"; then
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    *:QNX:*:4*)
-	echo i386-pc-qnx
-	exit ;;
-	echo nse-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-	echo nsr-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:NonStop-UX:*:*)
-	echo mips-compaq-nonstopux
-	exit ;;
-    BS2000:POSIX*:*:*)
-	echo bs2000-siemens-sysv
-	exit ;;
-    DS/*:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
-	exit ;;
-    *:Plan9:*:*)
-	# "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386
-	# is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86
-	# operating systems.
-	if test "$cputype" = "386"; then
-	    UNAME_MACHINE=i386
-	else
-	    UNAME_MACHINE="$cputype"
-	fi
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-plan9
-	exit ;;
-    *:TOPS-10:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-tops10
-	exit ;;
-    *:TENEX:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-tenex
-	exit ;;
-    KS10:TOPS-20:*:* | KL10:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE4:TOPS-20:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-dec-tops20
-	exit ;;
-    XKL-1:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE5:TOPS-20:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-xkl-tops20
-	exit ;;
-    *:TOPS-20:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-tops20
-	exit ;;
-    *:ITS:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-its
-	exit ;;
-    SEI:*:*:SEIUX)
-        echo mips-sei-seiux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:DragonFly:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-dragonfly`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    *:*VMS:*:*)
-    	UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
-	    A*) echo alpha-dec-vms ; exit ;;
-	    I*) echo ia64-dec-vms ; exit ;;
-	    V*) echo vax-dec-vms ; exit ;;
-	esac ;;
-    *:XENIX:*:SysV)
-	echo i386-pc-xenix
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:skyos:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-skyos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}` | sed -e 's/ .*$//'
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:rdos:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-rdos
-	exit ;;
-#echo '(No uname command or uname output not recognized.)' 1>&2
-eval $set_cc_for_build
-cat >$dummy.c <<EOF
-#ifdef _SEQUENT_
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <sys/utsname.h>
-main ()
-#if defined (sony)
-#if defined (MIPSEB)
-  /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos".  Perhaps BFD should be changed,
-     I don't know....  */
-  printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#include <sys/param.h>
-  printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n",
-#ifdef NEWSOS4
-          "4"
-	  ""
-         ); exit (0);
-#if defined (__arm) && defined (__acorn) && defined (__unix)
-  printf ("arm-acorn-riscix\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (hp300) && !defined (hpux)
-  printf ("m68k-hp-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (NeXT)
-#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__)
-#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k"
-  int version;
-  version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`;
-  if (version < 4)
-    printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
-  else
-    printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
-  exit (0);
-#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16)
-#if defined (UMAXV)
-  printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (CMU)
-  printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0);
-  printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (__386BSD__)
-  printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (sequent)
-#if defined (i386)
-  printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (ns32000)
-  printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (_SEQUENT_)
-    struct utsname un;
-    uname(&un);
-    if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) {
-	printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0);
-    }
-    if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */
-	printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0);
-    }
-    printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (vax)
-# if !defined (ultrix)
-#  include <sys/param.h>
-#  if defined (BSD)
-#   if BSD == 43
-      printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0);
-#   else
-#    if BSD == 199006
-      printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0);
-#    else
-      printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#    endif
-#   endif
-#  else
-    printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#  endif
-# else
-    printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
-# endif
-#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860)
-  printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-  exit (1);
-$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
-	{ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
-# Apollos put the system type in the environment.
-test -d /usr/apollo && { echo ${ISP}-apollo-${SYSTYPE}; exit; }
-# Convex versions that predate uname can use getsysinfo(1)
-if [ -x /usr/convex/getsysinfo ]
-    case `getsysinfo -f cpu_type` in
-    c1*)
-	echo c1-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    c2*)
-	if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
-	then echo c32-convex-bsd
-	else echo c2-convex-bsd
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    c34*)
-	echo c34-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    c38*)
-	echo c38-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    c4*)
-	echo c4-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    esac
-cat >&2 <<EOF
-$0: unable to guess system type
-This script, last modified $timestamp, has failed to recognize
-the operating system you are using. It is advised that you
-download the most up to date version of the config scripts from
-  http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/config.guess
-  http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/config.sub
-If the version you run ($0) is already up to date, please
-send the following data and any information you think might be
-pertinent to <config-patches at gnu.org> in order to provide the needed
-information to handle your system.
-config.guess timestamp = $timestamp
-uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
-/bin/uname -X     = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null`
-hostinfo               = `(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null`
-/bin/universe          = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`
-/usr/bin/arch -k       = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null`
-/bin/arch              = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null`
-/usr/bin/oslevel       = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null`
-/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null`
-exit 1
-# Local variables:
-# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
-# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
-# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
-# time-stamp-end: "'"
-# End:

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/config.h.in
--- gtkpod/trunk/config.h.in	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/config.h.in	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* config.h.in.  Generated from configure.in by autoheader.  */
-/* always defined to indicate that i18n is enabled */
-#undef ENABLE_NLS
-/* "Gettext package name" */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `bind_textdomain_codeset' function. */
-/* "libcurl support" */
-#undef HAVE_CURL
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `dcgettext' function. */
-/* "Define to 1 if you have the flac library" */
-#undef HAVE_FLAC
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `flock' function. */
-#undef HAVE_FLOCK
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `getopt_long_only' function. */
-/* Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled. */
-/* Define if you have gnome-vfs support */
-/* Define if you want HAL support */
-#undef HAVE_HAL
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
-/* Define if your <locale.h> file defines LC_MESSAGES. */
-/* "Define to 1 if you have the mp4v2 library" */
-#undef HAVE_LIBMP4V2
-/* "Define to 1 if you have the ogg library" */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <linux/cdrom.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <locale.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <scsi/scsi.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <scsi/scsi_ioctl.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <scsi/sg.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_SCSI_SG_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `statvfs' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
-/* Name of package */
-#undef PACKAGE
-/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
-/* Define to the full name of this package. */
-/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
-/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
-/* Define to the version of this package. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
-/* Version number of package */
-#undef VERSION
-/* Define to 1 if `lex' declares `yytext' as a `char *' by default, not a
-   `char[]'. */

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/config.sub
--- gtkpod/trunk/config.sub	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/config.sub	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,1608 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Configuration validation subroutine script.
-#   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
-#   2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation,
-#   Inc.
-# This file is (in principle) common to ALL GNU software.
-# The presence of a machine in this file suggests that SOME GNU software
-# can handle that machine.  It does not imply ALL GNU software can.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# Please send patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>.  Submit a context
-# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
-# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type.
-# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument.
-# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1.
-# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed.
-# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages
-# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases
-# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software.
-# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations
-# it does not support.  The user should be able to distinguish
-# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless
-# configuration.
-# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given
-# machine specification into a single specification in the form:
-# or in some cases, the newer four-part form:
-# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification.
-me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
-       $0 [OPTION] ALIAS
-Canonicalize a configuration name.
-Operation modes:
-  -h, --help         print this help, then exit
-  -t, --time-stamp   print date of last modification, then exit
-  -v, --version      print version number, then exit
-Report bugs and patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>."
-GNU config.sub ($timestamp)
-Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
-Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-Try \`$me --help' for more information."
-# Parse command line
-while test $# -gt 0 ; do
-  case $1 in
-    --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
-       echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
-    --version | -v )
-       echo "$version" ; exit ;;
-    --help | --h* | -h )
-       echo "$usage"; exit ;;
-    -- )     # Stop option processing
-       shift; break ;;
-    - )	# Use stdin as input.
-       break ;;
-    -* )
-       echo "$me: invalid option $1$help"
-       exit 1 ;;
-    *local*)
-       # First pass through any local machine types.
-       echo $1
-       exit ;;
-    * )
-       break ;;
-  esac
-case $# in
- 0) echo "$me: missing argument$help" >&2
-    exit 1;;
- 1) ;;
- *) echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
-    exit 1;;
-# Separate what the user gave into CPU-COMPANY and OS or KERNEL-OS (if any).
-# Here we must recognize all the valid KERNEL-OS combinations.
-maybe_os=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/'`
-case $maybe_os in
-  nto-qnx* | linux-gnu* | linux-dietlibc | linux-newlib* | linux-uclibc* | \
-  uclinux-uclibc* | uclinux-gnu* | kfreebsd*-gnu* | knetbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-gnu* | \
-  storm-chaos* | os2-emx* | rtmk-nova*)
-    os=-$maybe_os
-    basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'`
-    ;;
-  *)
-    basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'`
-    if [ $basic_machine != $1 ]
-    then os=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*-/-/'`
-    else os=; fi
-    ;;
-### Let's recognize common machines as not being operating systems so
-### that things like config.sub decstation-3100 work.  We also
-### recognize some manufacturers as not being operating systems, so we
-### can provide default operating systems below.
-case $os in
-	-sun*os*)
-		# Prevent following clause from handling this invalid input.
-		;;
-	-dec* | -mips* | -sequent* | -encore* | -pc532* | -sgi* | -sony* | \
-	-att* | -7300* | -3300* | -delta* | -motorola* | -sun[234]* | \
-	-unicom* | -ibm* | -next | -hp | -isi* | -apollo | -altos* | \
-	-convergent* | -ncr* | -news | -32* | -3600* | -3100* | -hitachi* |\
-	-c[123]* | -convex* | -sun | -crds | -omron* | -dg | -ultra | -tti* | \
-	-harris | -dolphin | -highlevel | -gould | -cbm | -ns | -masscomp | \
-	-apple | -axis | -knuth | -cray)
-		os=
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
-	-sim | -cisco | -oki | -wec | -winbond)
-		os=
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
-	-scout)
-		;;
-	-wrs)
-		os=-vxworks
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
-	-chorusos*)
-		os=-chorusos
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
- 	-chorusrdb)
- 		os=-chorusrdb
-		basic_machine=$1
- 		;;
-	-hiux*)
-		os=-hiuxwe2
-		;;
-	-sco6)
-		os=-sco5v6
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco5)
-		os=-sco3.2v5
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco4)
-		os=-sco3.2v4
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco3.2.[4-9]*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'`
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco3.2v[4-9]*)
-		# Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco5v6*)
-		# Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco*)
-		os=-sco3.2v2
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-udk*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-isc)
-		os=-isc2.2
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-clix*)
-		basic_machine=clipper-intergraph
-		;;
-	-isc*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-lynx*)
-		os=-lynxos
-		;;
-	-ptx*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-sequent/'`
-		;;
-	-windowsnt*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/windowsnt/winnt/'`
-		;;
-	-psos*)
-		os=-psos
-		;;
-	-mint | -mint[0-9]*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-atari
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-# Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations.
-case $basic_machine in
-	# Recognize the basic CPU types without company name.
-	# Some are omitted here because they have special meanings below.
-	1750a | 580 \
-	| a29k \
-	| alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] | alphapca5[67] \
-	| alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] | alpha64pca5[67] \
-	| am33_2.0 \
-	| arc | arm | arm[bl]e | arme[lb] | armv[2345] | armv[345][lb] | avr | avr32 \
-	| bfin \
-	| c4x | clipper \
-	| d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \
-	| fr30 | frv \
-	| h8300 | h8500 | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \
-	| i370 | i860 | i960 | ia64 \
-	| ip2k | iq2000 \
-	| m32c | m32r | m32rle | m68000 | m68k | m88k \
-	| maxq | mb | microblaze | mcore \
-	| mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \
-	| mips16 \
-	| mips64 | mips64el \
-	| mips64vr | mips64vrel \
-	| mips64orion | mips64orionel \
-	| mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \
-	| mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \
-	| mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \
-	| mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \
-	| mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \
-	| mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \
-	| mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \
-	| mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \
-	| mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \
-	| mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \
-	| mipstx39 | mipstx39el \
-	| mn10200 | mn10300 \
-	| mt \
-	| msp430 \
-	| nios | nios2 \
-	| ns16k | ns32k \
-	| or32 \
-	| pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl \
-	| powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle | ppcbe \
-	| pyramid \
-	| sh | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[23]e | sh[34]eb | sheb | shbe | shle | sh[1234]le | sh3ele \
-	| sh64 | sh64le \
-	| sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc64v | sparc86x | sparclet | sparclite \
-	| sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v \
-	| spu | strongarm \
-	| tahoe | thumb | tic4x | tic80 | tron \
-	| v850 | v850e \
-	| we32k \
-	| x86 | xscale | xscalee[bl] | xstormy16 | xtensa \
-	| z8k)
-		basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
-		;;
-	m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12)
-		# Motorola 68HC11/12.
-		basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	m88110 | m680[12346]0 | m683?2 | m68360 | m5200 | v70 | w65 | z8k)
-		;;
-	ms1)
-		basic_machine=mt-unknown
-		;;
-	# We use `pc' rather than `unknown'
-	# because (1) that's what they normally are, and
-	# (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users.
-	i*86 | x86_64)
-	  basic_machine=$basic_machine-pc
-	  ;;
-	# Object if more than one company name word.
-	*-*-*)
-		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-	# Recognize the basic CPU types with company name.
-	580-* \
-	| a29k-* \
-	| alpha-* | alphaev[4-8]-* | alphaev56-* | alphaev6[78]-* \
-	| alpha64-* | alpha64ev[4-8]-* | alpha64ev56-* | alpha64ev6[78]-* \
-	| alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* \
-	| arm-*  | armbe-* | armle-* | armeb-* | armv*-* \
-	| avr-* | avr32-* \
-	| bfin-* | bs2000-* \
-	| c[123]* | c30-* | [cjt]90-* | c4x-* | c54x-* | c55x-* | c6x-* \
-	| clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \
-	| d10v-* | d30v-* | dlx-* \
-	| elxsi-* \
-	| f30[01]-* | f700-* | fr30-* | frv-* | fx80-* \
-	| h8300-* | h8500-* \
-	| hppa-* | hppa1.[01]-* | hppa2.0-* | hppa2.0[nw]-* | hppa64-* \
-	| i*86-* | i860-* | i960-* | ia64-* \
-	| ip2k-* | iq2000-* \
-	| m32c-* | m32r-* | m32rle-* \
-	| m68000-* | m680[012346]0-* | m68360-* | m683?2-* | m68k-* \
-	| m88110-* | m88k-* | maxq-* | mcore-* \
-	| mips-* | mipsbe-* | mipseb-* | mipsel-* | mipsle-* \
-	| mips16-* \
-	| mips64-* | mips64el-* \
-	| mips64vr-* | mips64vrel-* \
-	| mips64orion-* | mips64orionel-* \
-	| mips64vr4100-* | mips64vr4100el-* \
-	| mips64vr4300-* | mips64vr4300el-* \
-	| mips64vr5000-* | mips64vr5000el-* \
-	| mips64vr5900-* | mips64vr5900el-* \
-	| mipsisa32-* | mipsisa32el-* \
-	| mipsisa32r2-* | mipsisa32r2el-* \
-	| mipsisa64-* | mipsisa64el-* \
-	| mipsisa64r2-* | mipsisa64r2el-* \
-	| mipsisa64sb1-* | mipsisa64sb1el-* \
-	| mipsisa64sr71k-* | mipsisa64sr71kel-* \
-	| mipstx39-* | mipstx39el-* \
-	| mmix-* \
-	| mt-* \
-	| msp430-* \
-	| nios-* | nios2-* \
-	| none-* | np1-* | ns16k-* | ns32k-* \
-	| orion-* \
-	| pdp10-* | pdp11-* | pj-* | pjl-* | pn-* | power-* \
-	| powerpc-* | powerpc64-* | powerpc64le-* | powerpcle-* | ppcbe-* \
-	| pyramid-* \
-	| romp-* | rs6000-* \
-	| sh-* | sh[1234]-* | sh[24]a-* | sh[23]e-* | sh[34]eb-* | sheb-* | shbe-* \
-	| shle-* | sh[1234]le-* | sh3ele-* | sh64-* | sh64le-* \
-	| sparc-* | sparc64-* | sparc64b-* | sparc64v-* | sparc86x-* | sparclet-* \
-	| sparclite-* \
-	| sparcv8-* | sparcv9-* | sparcv9b-* | sparcv9v-* | strongarm-* | sv1-* | sx?-* \
-	| tahoe-* | thumb-* \
-	| tic30-* | tic4x-* | tic54x-* | tic55x-* | tic6x-* | tic80-* \
-	| tron-* \
-	| v850-* | v850e-* | vax-* \
-	| we32k-* \
-	| x86-* | x86_64-* | xps100-* | xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-* \
-	| xstormy16-* | xtensa-* \
-	| ymp-* \
-	| z8k-*)
-		;;
-	# Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand
-	# for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS.
-	386bsd)
-		basic_machine=i386-unknown
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc)
-		basic_machine=m68000-att
-		;;
-	3b*)
-		basic_machine=we32k-att
-		;;
-	a29khif)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-udi
-		;;
-    	abacus)
-		basic_machine=abacus-unknown
-		;;
-	adobe68k)
-		basic_machine=m68010-adobe
-		os=-scout
-		;;
-	alliant | fx80)
-		basic_machine=fx80-alliant
-		;;
-	altos | altos3068)
-		basic_machine=m68k-altos
-		;;
-	am29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-none
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	amd64)
-		basic_machine=x86_64-pc
-		;;
-	amd64-*)
-		basic_machine=x86_64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	amdahl)
-		basic_machine=580-amdahl
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	amiga | amiga-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
-		;;
-	amigaos | amigados)
-		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
-		os=-amigaos
-		;;
-	amigaunix | amix)
-		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	apollo68)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apollo
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	apollo68bsd)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apollo
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	aux)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apple
-		os=-aux
-		;;
-	balance)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-sequent
-		os=-dynix
-		;;
-	c90)
-		basic_machine=c90-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	convex-c1)
-		basic_machine=c1-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c2)
-		basic_machine=c2-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c32)
-		basic_machine=c32-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c34)
-		basic_machine=c34-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c38)
-		basic_machine=c38-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	cray | j90)
-		basic_machine=j90-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	craynv)
-		basic_machine=craynv-cray
-		os=-unicosmp
-		;;
-	cr16c)
-		basic_machine=cr16c-unknown
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	crds | unos)
-		basic_machine=m68k-crds
-		;;
-	crisv32 | crisv32-* | etraxfs*)
-		basic_machine=crisv32-axis
-		;;
-	cris | cris-* | etrax*)
-		basic_machine=cris-axis
-		;;
-	crx)
-		basic_machine=crx-unknown
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	da30 | da30-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-da30
-		;;
-	decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax | pmax-* | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn)
-		basic_machine=mips-dec
-		;;
-	decsystem10* | dec10*)
-		basic_machine=pdp10-dec
-		os=-tops10
-		;;
-	decsystem20* | dec20*)
-		basic_machine=pdp10-dec
-		os=-tops20
-		;;
-	delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \
-	      | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola)
-		basic_machine=m68k-motorola
-		;;
-	delta88)
-		basic_machine=m88k-motorola
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	djgpp)
-		basic_machine=i586-pc
-		os=-msdosdjgpp
-		;;
-	dpx20 | dpx20-*)
-		basic_machine=rs6000-bull
-		os=-bosx
-		;;
-	dpx2* | dpx2*-bull)
-		basic_machine=m68k-bull
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	ebmon29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-ebmon
-		;;
-	elxsi)
-		basic_machine=elxsi-elxsi
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	encore | umax | mmax)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-encore
-		;;
-	es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE)
-		basic_machine=m68k-ericsson
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	fx2800)
-		basic_machine=i860-alliant
-		;;
-	genix)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-ns
-		;;
-	gmicro)
-		basic_machine=tron-gmicro
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	go32)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		os=-go32
-		;;
-	h3050r* | hiux*)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
-		os=-hiuxwe2
-		;;
-	h8300hms)
-		basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
-		os=-hms
-		;;
-	h8300xray)
-		basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
-		os=-xray
-		;;
-	h8500hms)
-		basic_machine=h8500-hitachi
-		os=-hms
-		;;
-	harris)
-		basic_machine=m88k-harris
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	hp300-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		;;
-	hp300bsd)
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	hp300hpux)
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		os=-hpux
-		;;
-	hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9])
-		basic_machine=m68000-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k3[2-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9])
-		# FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893)
-		# FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
-		;;
-	hppa-next)
-		os=-nextstep3
-		;;
-	hppaosf)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		os=-osf
-		;;
-	hppro)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	i370-ibm* | ibm*)
-		basic_machine=i370-ibm
-		;;
-# I'm not sure what "Sysv32" means.  Should this be sysv3.2?
-	i*86v32)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-sysv32
-		;;
-	i*86v4*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	i*86v)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	i*86sol2)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-solaris2
-		;;
-	i386mach)
-		basic_machine=i386-mach
-		os=-mach
-		;;
-	i386-vsta | vsta)
-		basic_machine=i386-unknown
-		os=-vsta
-		;;
-	iris | iris4d)
-		basic_machine=mips-sgi
-		case $os in
-		    -irix*)
-			;;
-		    *)
-			os=-irix4
-			;;
-		esac
-		;;
-	isi68 | isi)
-		basic_machine=m68k-isi
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	m88k-omron*)
-		basic_machine=m88k-omron
-		;;
-	magnum | m3230)
-		basic_machine=mips-mips
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	merlin)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-utek
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	mingw32)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		os=-mingw32
-		;;
-	miniframe)
-		basic_machine=m68000-convergent
-		;;
-	*mint | -mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | *MiNT[0-9]*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-atari
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-	mips3*-*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`
-		;;
-	mips3*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`-unknown
-		;;
-	monitor)
-		basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	morphos)
-		basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
-		os=-morphos
-		;;
-	msdos)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		os=-msdos
-		;;
-	ms1-*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/ms1-/mt-/'`
-		;;
-	mvs)
-		basic_machine=i370-ibm
-		os=-mvs
-		;;
-	ncr3000)
-		basic_machine=i486-ncr
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	netbsd386)
-		basic_machine=i386-unknown
-		os=-netbsd
-		;;
-	netwinder)
-		basic_machine=armv4l-rebel
-		os=-linux
-		;;
-	news | news700 | news800 | news900)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sony
-		os=-newsos
-		;;
-	news1000)
-		basic_machine=m68030-sony
-		os=-newsos
-		;;
-	news-3600 | risc-news)
-		basic_machine=mips-sony
-		os=-newsos
-		;;
-	necv70)
-		basic_machine=v70-nec
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	next | m*-next )
-		basic_machine=m68k-next
-		case $os in
-		    -nextstep* )
-			;;
-		    -ns2*)
-		      os=-nextstep2
-			;;
-		    *)
-		      os=-nextstep3
-			;;
-		esac
-		;;
-	nh3000)
-		basic_machine=m68k-harris
-		os=-cxux
-		;;
-	nh[45]000)
-		basic_machine=m88k-harris
-		os=-cxux
-		;;
-	nindy960)
-		basic_machine=i960-intel
-		os=-nindy
-		;;
-	mon960)
-		basic_machine=i960-intel
-		os=-mon960
-		;;
-	nonstopux)
-		basic_machine=mips-compaq
-		os=-nonstopux
-		;;
-	np1)
-		basic_machine=np1-gould
-		;;
-	nsr-tandem)
-		basic_machine=nsr-tandem
-		;;
-	op50n-* | op60c-*)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	openrisc | openrisc-*)
-		basic_machine=or32-unknown
-		;;
-	os400)
-		basic_machine=powerpc-ibm
-		os=-os400
-		;;
-	OSE68000 | ose68000)
-		basic_machine=m68000-ericsson
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	os68k)
-		basic_machine=m68k-none
-		os=-os68k
-		;;
-	pa-hitachi)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
-		os=-hiuxwe2
-		;;
-	paragon)
-		basic_machine=i860-intel
-		os=-osf
-		;;
-	pbd)
-		basic_machine=sparc-tti
-		;;
-	pbb)
-		basic_machine=m68k-tti
-		;;
-	pc532 | pc532-*)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-pc532
-		;;
-	pc98)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		;;
-	pc98-*)
-		basic_machine=i386-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pentium | p5 | k5 | k6 | nexgen | viac3)
-		basic_machine=i586-pc
-		;;
-	pentiumpro | p6 | 6x86 | athlon | athlon_*)
-		basic_machine=i686-pc
-		;;
-	pentiumii | pentium2 | pentiumiii | pentium3)
-		basic_machine=i686-pc
-		;;
-	pentium4)
-		basic_machine=i786-pc
-		;;
-	pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexgen-* | viac3-*)
-		basic_machine=i586-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-* | athlon-*)
-		basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pentiumii-* | pentium2-* | pentiumiii-* | pentium3-*)
-		basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pentium4-*)
-		basic_machine=i786-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pn)
-		basic_machine=pn-gould
-		;;
-	power)	basic_machine=power-ibm
-		;;
-	ppc)	basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
-		;;
-	ppc-*)	basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ppcle | powerpclittle | ppc-le | powerpc-little)
-		basic_machine=powerpcle-unknown
-		;;
-	ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*)
-		basic_machine=powerpcle-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ppc64)	basic_machine=powerpc64-unknown
-		;;
-	ppc64-*) basic_machine=powerpc64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ppc64le | powerpc64little | ppc64-le | powerpc64-little)
-		basic_machine=powerpc64le-unknown
-		;;
-	ppc64le-* | powerpc64little-*)
-		basic_machine=powerpc64le-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ps2)
-		basic_machine=i386-ibm
-		;;
-	pw32)
-		basic_machine=i586-unknown
-		os=-pw32
-		;;
-	rdos)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		os=-rdos
-		;;
-	rom68k)
-		basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	rm[46]00)
-		basic_machine=mips-siemens
-		;;
-	rtpc | rtpc-*)
-		basic_machine=romp-ibm
-		;;
-	s390 | s390-*)
-		basic_machine=s390-ibm
-		;;
-	s390x | s390x-*)
-		basic_machine=s390x-ibm
-		;;
-	sa29200)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-udi
-		;;
-	sb1)
-		basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1-unknown
-		;;
-	sb1el)
-		basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1el-unknown
-		;;
-	sei)
-		basic_machine=mips-sei
-		os=-seiux
-		;;
-	sequent)
-		basic_machine=i386-sequent
-		;;
-	sh)
-		basic_machine=sh-hitachi
-		os=-hms
-		;;
-	sh64)
-		basic_machine=sh64-unknown
-		;;
-	sparclite-wrs | simso-wrs)
-		basic_machine=sparclite-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	sps7)
-		basic_machine=m68k-bull
-		os=-sysv2
-		;;
-	spur)
-		basic_machine=spur-unknown
-		;;
-	st2000)
-		basic_machine=m68k-tandem
-		;;
-	stratus)
-		basic_machine=i860-stratus
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	sun2)
-		basic_machine=m68000-sun
-		;;
-	sun2os3)
-		basic_machine=m68000-sun
-		os=-sunos3
-		;;
-	sun2os4)
-		basic_machine=m68000-sun
-		os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	sun3os3)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sun
-		os=-sunos3
-		;;
-	sun3os4)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sun
-		os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	sun4os3)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		os=-sunos3
-		;;
-	sun4os4)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	sun4sol2)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		os=-solaris2
-		;;
-	sun3 | sun3-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sun
-		;;
-	sun4)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		;;
-	sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner)
-		basic_machine=i386-sun
-		;;
-	sv1)
-		basic_machine=sv1-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	symmetry)
-		basic_machine=i386-sequent
-		os=-dynix
-		;;
-	t3e)
-		basic_machine=alphaev5-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	t90)
-		basic_machine=t90-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	tic54x | c54x*)
-		basic_machine=tic54x-unknown
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	tic55x | c55x*)
-		basic_machine=tic55x-unknown
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	tic6x | c6x*)
-		basic_machine=tic6x-unknown
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	tx39)
-		basic_machine=mipstx39-unknown
-		;;
-	tx39el)
-		basic_machine=mipstx39el-unknown
-		;;
-	toad1)
-		basic_machine=pdp10-xkl
-		os=-tops20
-		;;
-	tower | tower-32)
-		basic_machine=m68k-ncr
-		;;
-	tpf)
-		basic_machine=s390x-ibm
-		os=-tpf
-		;;
-	udi29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-udi
-		;;
-	ultra3)
-		basic_machine=a29k-nyu
-		os=-sym1
-		;;
-	v810 | necv810)
-		basic_machine=v810-nec
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	vaxv)
-		basic_machine=vax-dec
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	vms)
-		basic_machine=vax-dec
-		os=-vms
-		;;
-	vpp*|vx|vx-*)
-		basic_machine=f301-fujitsu
-		;;
-	vxworks960)
-		basic_machine=i960-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	vxworks68)
-		basic_machine=m68k-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	vxworks29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	w65*)
-		basic_machine=w65-wdc
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	w89k-*)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	xbox)
-		basic_machine=i686-pc
-		os=-mingw32
-		;;
-	xps | xps100)
-		basic_machine=xps100-honeywell
-		;;
-	ymp)
-		basic_machine=ymp-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	z8k-*-coff)
-		basic_machine=z8k-unknown
-		os=-sim
-		;;
-	none)
-		basic_machine=none-none
-		os=-none
-		;;
-# Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types.  It is in
-# some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular.
-	w89k)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
-		;;
-	op50n)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
-		;;
-	op60c)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
-		;;
-	romp)
-		basic_machine=romp-ibm
-		;;
-	mmix)
-		basic_machine=mmix-knuth
-		;;
-	rs6000)
-		basic_machine=rs6000-ibm
-		;;
-	vax)
-		basic_machine=vax-dec
-		;;
-	pdp10)
-		# there are many clones, so DEC is not a safe bet
-		basic_machine=pdp10-unknown
-		;;
-	pdp11)
-		basic_machine=pdp11-dec
-		;;
-	we32k)
-		basic_machine=we32k-att
-		;;
-	sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[34]eb | sh[1234]le | sh[23]ele)
-		basic_machine=sh-unknown
-		;;
-	sparc | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		;;
-	cydra)
-		basic_machine=cydra-cydrome
-		;;
-	orion)
-		basic_machine=orion-highlevel
-		;;
-	orion105)
-		basic_machine=clipper-highlevel
-		;;
-	mac | mpw | mac-mpw)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apple
-		;;
-	pmac | pmac-mpw)
-		basic_machine=powerpc-apple
-		;;
-	*-unknown)
-		# Make sure to match an already-canonicalized machine name.
-		;;
-	*)
-		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers.
-case $basic_machine in
-	*-digital*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'`
-		;;
-	*-commodore*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'`
-		;;
-	*)
-		;;
-# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems.
-if [ x"$os" != x"" ]
-case $os in
-        # First match some system type aliases
-        # that might get confused with valid system types.
-	# -solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception.
-	-solaris1 | -solaris1.*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'`
-		;;
-	-solaris)
-		os=-solaris2
-		;;
-	-svr4*)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	-unixware*)
-		os=-sysv4.2uw
-		;;
-	-gnu/linux*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'`
-		;;
-	# First accept the basic system types.
-	# The portable systems comes first.
-	# Each alternative MUST END IN A *, to match a version number.
-	# -sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4.
-	-gnu* | -bsd* | -mach* | -minix* | -genix* | -ultrix* | -irix* \
-	      | -*vms* | -sco* | -esix* | -isc* | -aix* | -sunos | -sunos[34]*\
-	      | -hpux* | -unos* | -osf* | -luna* | -dgux* | -solaris* | -sym* \
-	      | -amigaos* | -amigados* | -msdos* | -newsos* | -unicos* | -aof* \
-	      | -aos* \
-	      | -nindy* | -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -ebmon* | -hms* | -mvs* \
-	      | -clix* | -riscos* | -uniplus* | -iris* | -rtu* | -xenix* \
-	      | -hiux* | -386bsd* | -knetbsd* | -mirbsd* | -netbsd* \
-	      | -openbsd* | -solidbsd* \
-	      | -ekkobsd* | -kfreebsd* | -freebsd* | -riscix* | -lynxos* \
-	      | -bosx* | -nextstep* | -cxux* | -aout* | -elf* | -oabi* \
-	      | -ptx* | -coff* | -ecoff* | -winnt* | -domain* | -vsta* \
-	      | -udi* | -eabi* | -lites* | -ieee* | -go32* | -aux* \
-	      | -chorusos* | -chorusrdb* \
-	      | -cygwin* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \
-	      | -mingw32* | -linux-gnu* | -linux-newlib* | -linux-uclibc* \
-	      | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* \
-	      | -interix* | -uwin* | -mks* | -rhapsody* | -darwin* | -opened* \
-	      | -openstep* | -oskit* | -conix* | -pw32* | -nonstopux* \
-	      | -storm-chaos* | -tops10* | -tenex* | -tops20* | -its* \
-	      | -os2* | -vos* | -palmos* | -uclinux* | -nucleus* \
-	      | -morphos* | -superux* | -rtmk* | -rtmk-nova* | -windiss* \
-	      | -powermax* | -dnix* | -nx6 | -nx7 | -sei* | -dragonfly* \
-	      | -skyos* | -haiku* | -rdos* | -toppers*)
-	# Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number.
-		;;
-	-qnx*)
-		case $basic_machine in
-		    x86-* | i*86-*)
-			;;
-		    *)
-			os=-nto$os
-			;;
-		esac
-		;;
-	-nto-qnx*)
-		;;
-	-nto*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'`
-		;;
-	-sim | -es1800* | -hms* | -xray | -os68k* | -none* | -v88r* \
-	      | -windows* | -osx | -abug | -netware* | -os9* | -beos* | -haiku* \
-	      | -macos* | -mpw* | -magic* | -mmixware* | -mon960* | -lnews*)
-		;;
-	-mac*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'`
-		;;
-	-linux-dietlibc)
-		os=-linux-dietlibc
-		;;
-	-linux*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'`
-		;;
-	-sunos5*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'`
-		;;
-	-sunos6*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'`
-		;;
-	-opened*)
-		os=-openedition
-		;;
-        -os400*)
-		os=-os400
-		;;
-	-wince*)
-		os=-wince
-		;;
-	-osfrose*)
-		os=-osfrose
-		;;
-	-osf*)
-		os=-osf
-		;;
-	-utek*)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	-dynix*)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	-acis*)
-		os=-aos
-		;;
-	-atheos*)
-		os=-atheos
-		;;
-	-syllable*)
-		os=-syllable
-		;;
-	-386bsd)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	-ctix* | -uts*)
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	-nova*)
-		os=-rtmk-nova
-		;;
-	-ns2 )
-		os=-nextstep2
-		;;
-	-nsk*)
-		os=-nsk
-		;;
-	# Preserve the version number of sinix5.
-	-sinix5.*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'`
-		;;
-	-sinix*)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-        -tpf*)
-		os=-tpf
-		;;
-	-triton*)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	-oss*)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	-svr4)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	-svr3)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	-sysvr4)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	# This must come after -sysvr4.
-	-sysv*)
-		;;
-	-ose*)
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	-es1800*)
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	-xenix)
-		os=-xenix
-		;;
-	-*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-	-aros*)
-		os=-aros
-		;;
-	-kaos*)
-		os=-kaos
-		;;
-	-zvmoe)
-		os=-zvmoe
-		;;
-	-none)
-		;;
-	*)
-		# Get rid of the `-' at the beginning of $os.
-		os=`echo $os | sed 's/[^-]*-//'`
-		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': system \`$os\' not recognized 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines.
-# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their
-# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine.
-# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say,
-# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top
-# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system.  Otherwise, code above
-# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating
-# system, and we'll never get to this point.
-case $basic_machine in
-        spu-*)
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	*-acorn)
-		os=-riscix1.2
-		;;
-	arm*-rebel)
-		os=-linux
-		;;
-	arm*-semi)
-		os=-aout
-		;;
-        c4x-* | tic4x-*)
-        	os=-coff
-		;;
-	# This must come before the *-dec entry.
-	pdp10-*)
-		os=-tops20
-		;;
-	pdp11-*)
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	*-dec | vax-*)
-		os=-ultrix4.2
-		;;
-	m68*-apollo)
-		os=-domain
-		;;
-	i386-sun)
-		os=-sunos4.0.2
-		;;
-	m68000-sun)
-		os=-sunos3
-		# This also exists in the configure program, but was not the
-		# default.
-		# os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	m68*-cisco)
-		os=-aout
-		;;
-	mips*-cisco)
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	mips*-*)
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	or32-*)
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	*-tti)	# must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os.
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	sparc-* | *-sun)
-		os=-sunos4.1.1
-		;;
-	*-be)
-		os=-beos
-		;;
-	*-haiku)
-		os=-haiku
-		;;
-	*-ibm)
-		os=-aix
-		;;
-    	*-knuth)
-		os=-mmixware
-		;;
-	*-wec)
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	*-winbond)
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	*-oki)
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	*-hp)
-		os=-hpux
-		;;
-	*-hitachi)
-		os=-hiux
-		;;
-	i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent)
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	*-cbm)
-		os=-amigaos
-		;;
-	*-dg)
-		os=-dgux
-		;;
-	*-dolphin)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	m68k-ccur)
-		os=-rtu
-		;;
-	m88k-omron*)
-		os=-luna
-		;;
-	*-next )
-		os=-nextstep
-		;;
-	*-sequent)
-		os=-ptx
-		;;
-	*-crds)
-		os=-unos
-		;;
-	*-ns)
-		os=-genix
-		;;
-	i370-*)
-		os=-mvs
-		;;
-	*-next)
-		os=-nextstep3
-		;;
-	*-gould)
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	*-highlevel)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	*-encore)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	*-sgi)
-		os=-irix
-		;;
-	*-siemens)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	*-masscomp)
-		os=-rtu
-		;;
-	f30[01]-fujitsu | f700-fujitsu)
-		os=-uxpv
-		;;
-	*-rom68k)
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	*-*bug)
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	*-apple)
-		os=-macos
-		;;
-	*-atari*)
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-	*)
-		os=-none
-		;;
-# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the
-# manufacturer.  We pick the logical manufacturer.
-case $basic_machine in
-	*-unknown)
-		case $os in
-			-riscix*)
-				vendor=acorn
-				;;
-			-sunos*)
-				vendor=sun
-				;;
-			-aix*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-beos*)
-				vendor=be
-				;;
-			-hpux*)
-				vendor=hp
-				;;
-			-mpeix*)
-				vendor=hp
-				;;
-			-hiux*)
-				vendor=hitachi
-				;;
-			-unos*)
-				vendor=crds
-				;;
-			-dgux*)
-				vendor=dg
-				;;
-			-luna*)
-				vendor=omron
-				;;
-			-genix*)
-				vendor=ns
-				;;
-			-mvs* | -opened*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-os400*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-ptx*)
-				vendor=sequent
-				;;
-			-tpf*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-vxsim* | -vxworks* | -windiss*)
-				vendor=wrs
-				;;
-			-aux*)
-				vendor=apple
-				;;
-			-hms*)
-				vendor=hitachi
-				;;
-			-mpw* | -macos*)
-				vendor=apple
-				;;
-			-*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
-				vendor=atari
-				;;
-			-vos*)
-				vendor=stratus
-				;;
-		esac
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"`
-		;;
-echo $basic_machine$os
-# Local variables:
-# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
-# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
-# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
-# time-stamp-end: "'"
-# End:

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/configure
--- gtkpod/trunk/configure	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/configure	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,10827 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
-# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61.
-# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
-# 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
-## --------------------- ##
-## M4sh Initialization.  ##
-## --------------------- ##
-# Be more Bourne compatible
-DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
-if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  emulate sh
-  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
-  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
-  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
-  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
-  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
-  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
-# PATH needs CR
-# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
-# The user is always right.
-if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
-  echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh
-  echo  "exit 0"   >>conf$$.sh
-  chmod +x conf$$.sh
-  if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  else
-  fi
-  rm -f conf$$.sh
-# Support unset when possible.
-if ( (MAIL=60; unset MAIL) || exit) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  as_unset=unset
-  as_unset=false
-# IFS
-# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order.  Quoting is
-# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
-# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word
-# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.)
-IFS=" ""	$as_nl"
-# Find who we are.  Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
-case $0 in
-  *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
-     ;;
-# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
-# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
-if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
-  as_myself=$0
-if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
-  echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
-  { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-# Work around bugs in pre-3.0 UWIN ksh.
-for as_var in ENV MAIL MAILPATH
-do ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
-PS1='$ '
-PS2='> '
-PS4='+ '
-# NLS nuisances.
-for as_var in \
-  if (set +x; test -z "`(eval $as_var=C; export $as_var) 2>&1`"); then
-    eval $as_var=C; export $as_var
-  else
-    ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
-  fi
-# Required to use basename.
-if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
-   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
-  as_expr=expr
-  as_expr=false
-if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
-  as_basename=basename
-  as_basename=false
-# Name of the executable.
-as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
-$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
-	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X/"$0" |
-    sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-$as_unset CDPATH
-if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" = x; then
-  if (eval ":") 2>/dev/null; then
-  as_have_required=yes
-  as_have_required=no
-  if test $as_have_required = yes && 	 (eval ":
-(as_func_return () {
-  (exit \$1)
-as_func_success () {
-  as_func_return 0
-as_func_failure () {
-  as_func_return 1
-as_func_ret_success () {
-  return 0
-as_func_ret_failure () {
-  return 1
-if as_func_success; then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_success failed.
-if as_func_failure; then
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_failure succeeded.
-if as_func_ret_success; then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_ret_success failed.
-if as_func_ret_failure; then
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_ret_failure succeeded.
-if ( set x; as_func_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo positional parameters were not saved.
-test \$exitcode = 0) || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-  as_lineno_1=\$LINENO
-  as_lineno_2=\$LINENO
-  test \"x\$as_lineno_1\" != \"x\$as_lineno_2\" &&
-  test \"x\`expr \$as_lineno_1 + 1\`\" = \"x\$as_lineno_2\") || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-") 2> /dev/null; then
-  :
-  as_candidate_shells=
-for as_dir in /bin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  case $as_dir in
-	 /*)
-	   for as_base in sh bash ksh sh5; do
-	     as_candidate_shells="$as_candidate_shells $as_dir/$as_base"
-	   done;;
-       esac
-      for as_shell in $as_candidate_shells $SHELL; do
-	 # Try only shells that exist, to save several forks.
-	 if { test -f "$as_shell" || test -f "$as_shell.exe"; } &&
-		{ ("$as_shell") 2> /dev/null <<\_ASEOF
-if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  emulate sh
-  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
-  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
-  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
-  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
-  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
-  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
-}; then
-  CONFIG_SHELL=$as_shell
-	       as_have_required=yes
-	       if { "$as_shell" 2> /dev/null <<\_ASEOF
-if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  emulate sh
-  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
-  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
-  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
-  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
-  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
-  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
-(as_func_return () {
-  (exit $1)
-as_func_success () {
-  as_func_return 0
-as_func_failure () {
-  as_func_return 1
-as_func_ret_success () {
-  return 0
-as_func_ret_failure () {
-  return 1
-if as_func_success; then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_success failed.
-if as_func_failure; then
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_failure succeeded.
-if as_func_ret_success; then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_ret_success failed.
-if as_func_ret_failure; then
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_ret_failure succeeded.
-if ( set x; as_func_ret_success y && test x = "$1" ); then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo positional parameters were not saved.
-test $exitcode = 0) || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-  as_lineno_1=$LINENO
-  as_lineno_2=$LINENO
-  test "x$as_lineno_1" != "x$as_lineno_2" &&
-  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1 + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2") || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-}; then
-  break
-      done
-      if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then
-  for as_var in BASH_ENV ENV
-        do ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
-        done
-        export CONFIG_SHELL
-        exec "$CONFIG_SHELL" "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"}
-    if test $as_have_required = no; then
-  echo This script requires a shell more modern than all the
-      echo shells that I found on your system.  Please install a
-      echo modern shell, or manually run the script under such a
-      echo shell if you do have one.
-      { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-(eval "as_func_return () {
-  (exit \$1)
-as_func_success () {
-  as_func_return 0
-as_func_failure () {
-  as_func_return 1
-as_func_ret_success () {
-  return 0
-as_func_ret_failure () {
-  return 1
-if as_func_success; then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_success failed.
-if as_func_failure; then
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_failure succeeded.
-if as_func_ret_success; then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_ret_success failed.
-if as_func_ret_failure; then
-  exitcode=1
-  echo as_func_ret_failure succeeded.
-if ( set x; as_func_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then
-  :
-  exitcode=1
-  echo positional parameters were not saved.
-test \$exitcode = 0") || {
-  echo No shell found that supports shell functions.
-  echo Please tell autoconf at gnu.org about your system,
-  echo including any error possibly output before this
-  echo message
-  as_lineno_1=$LINENO
-  as_lineno_2=$LINENO
-  test "x$as_lineno_1" != "x$as_lineno_2" &&
-  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1 + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2" || {
-  # Create $as_me.lineno as a copy of $as_myself, but with $LINENO
-  # uniformly replaced by the line number.  The first 'sed' inserts a
-  # line-number line after each line using $LINENO; the second 'sed'
-  # does the real work.  The second script uses 'N' to pair each
-  # line-number line with the line containing $LINENO, and appends
-  # trailing '-' during substitution so that $LINENO is not a special
-  # case at line end.
-  # (Raja R Harinath suggested sed '=', and Paul Eggert wrote the
-  # scripts with optimization help from Paolo Bonzini.  Blame Lee
-  # E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax.  :-)
-  sed -n '
-    p
-    /[$]LINENO/=
-  ' <$as_myself |
-    sed '
-      s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/
-      t lineno
-      b
-      :lineno
-      N
-      :loop
-      s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/
-      t loop
-      s/-\n.*//
-    ' >$as_me.lineno &&
-  chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" ||
-    { echo "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems
-  # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the
-  # original and so on.  Autoconf is especially sensitive to this).
-  . "./$as_me.lineno"
-  # Exit status is that of the last command.
-  exit
-if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  as_dirname=dirname
-  as_dirname=false
-case `echo -n x` in
-  case `echo 'x\c'` in
-  *c*) ECHO_T='	';;	# ECHO_T is single tab character.
-  *)   ECHO_C='\c';;
-  esac;;
-  ECHO_N='-n';;
-if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
-   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
-  as_expr=expr
-  as_expr=false
-rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
-if test -d conf$$.dir; then
-  rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
-  rm -f conf$$.dir
-  mkdir conf$$.dir
-echo >conf$$.file
-if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
-  as_ln_s='ln -s'
-  # ... but there are two gotchas:
-  # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
-  # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
-  # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -p'.
-  ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
-    as_ln_s='cp -p'
-elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
-  as_ln_s=ln
-  as_ln_s='cp -p'
-rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
-rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
-if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
-  as_mkdir_p=:
-  test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
-  as_mkdir_p=false
-if test -x / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  as_test_x='test -x'
-  if ls -dL / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    as_ls_L_option=L
-  else
-    as_ls_L_option=
-  fi
-  as_test_x='
-    eval sh -c '\''
-      if test -d "$1"; then
-        test -d "$1/.";
-      else
-	case $1 in
-        -*)set "./$1";;
-	esac;
-	case `ls -ld'$as_ls_L_option' "$1" 2>/dev/null` in
-	???[sx]*):;;*)false;;esac;fi
-    '\'' sh
-  '
-# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
-as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
-# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
-as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
-exec 7<&0 </dev/null 6>&1
-# Name of the host.
-# hostname on some systems (SVR3.2, Linux) returns a bogus exit status,
-# so uname gets run too.
-ac_hostname=`(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
-# Initializations.
-# Identity of this package.
-# Factoring default headers for most tests.
-#include <stdio.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <stddef.h>
-# ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
-#  include <stdlib.h>
-# endif
-# if !defined STDC_HEADERS && defined HAVE_MEMORY_H
-#  include <memory.h>
-# endif
-# include <string.h>
-# include <strings.h>
-# include <inttypes.h>
-# include <stdint.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-      ac_precious_vars='build_alias
-# Initialize some variables set by options.
-# The variables have the same names as the options, with
-# dashes changed to underlines.
-# Installation directory options.
-# These are left unexpanded so users can "make install exec_prefix=/foo"
-# and all the variables that are supposed to be based on exec_prefix
-# by default will actually change.
-# Use braces instead of parens because sh, perl, etc. also accept them.
-# (The list follows the same order as the GNU Coding Standards.)
-for ac_option
-  # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
-  if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
-    eval $ac_prev=\$ac_option
-    ac_prev=
-    continue
-  fi
-  case $ac_option in
-  *=*)	ac_optarg=`expr "X$ac_option" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;;
-  *)	ac_optarg=yes ;;
-  esac
-  # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos.
-  case $ac_dashdash$ac_option in
-  --)
-    ac_dashdash=yes ;;
-  -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
-    ac_prev=bindir ;;
-  -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*)
-    bindir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
-    ac_prev=build_alias ;;
-  -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
-    build_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \
-  | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c)
-    ac_prev=cache_file ;;
-  -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \
-  | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
-    cache_file=$ac_optarg ;;
-  --config-cache | -C)
-    cache_file=config.cache ;;
-  -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad)
-    ac_prev=datadir ;;
-  -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=*)
-    datadir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -datarootdir | --datarootdir | --datarootdi | --datarootd | --dataroot \
-  | --dataroo | --dataro | --datar)
-    ac_prev=datarootdir ;;
-  -datarootdir=* | --datarootdir=* | --datarootdi=* | --datarootd=* \
-  | --dataroot=* | --dataroo=* | --dataro=* | --datar=*)
-    datarootdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -disable-* | --disable-*)
-    ac_feature=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*disable-\(.*\)'`
-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
-    expr "x$ac_feature" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
-      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid feature name: $ac_feature" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
-    eval enable_$ac_feature=no ;;
-  -docdir | --docdir | --docdi | --doc | --do)
-    ac_prev=docdir ;;
-  -docdir=* | --docdir=* | --docdi=* | --doc=* | --do=*)
-    docdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -dvidir | --dvidir | --dvidi | --dvid | --dvi | --dv)
-    ac_prev=dvidir ;;
-  -dvidir=* | --dvidir=* | --dvidi=* | --dvid=* | --dvi=* | --dv=*)
-    dvidir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -enable-* | --enable-*)
-    ac_feature=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*enable-\([^=]*\)'`
-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
-    expr "x$ac_feature" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
-      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid feature name: $ac_feature" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
-    eval enable_$ac_feature=\$ac_optarg ;;
-  -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \
-  | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \
-  | --exec | --exe | --ex)
-    ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
-  -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \
-  | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \
-  | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*)
-    exec_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -gas | --gas | --ga | --g)
-    # Obsolete; use --with-gas.
-    with_gas=yes ;;
-  -help | --help | --hel | --he | -h)
-    ac_init_help=long ;;
-  -help=r* | --help=r* | --hel=r* | --he=r* | -hr*)
-    ac_init_help=recursive ;;
-  -help=s* | --help=s* | --hel=s* | --he=s* | -hs*)
-    ac_init_help=short ;;
-  -host | --host | --hos | --ho)
-    ac_prev=host_alias ;;
-  -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*)
-    host_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -htmldir | --htmldir | --htmldi | --htmld | --html | --htm | --ht)
-    ac_prev=htmldir ;;
-  -htmldir=* | --htmldir=* | --htmldi=* | --htmld=* | --html=* | --htm=* \
-  | --ht=*)
-    htmldir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \
-  | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc)
-    ac_prev=includedir ;;
-  -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \
-  | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*)
-    includedir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf)
-    ac_prev=infodir ;;
-  -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*)
-    infodir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd)
-    ac_prev=libdir ;;
-  -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*)
-    libdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \
-  | --libexe | --libex | --libe)
-    ac_prev=libexecdir ;;
-  -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \
-  | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*)
-    libexecdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -localedir | --localedir | --localedi | --localed | --locale)
-    ac_prev=localedir ;;
-  -localedir=* | --localedir=* | --localedi=* | --localed=* | --locale=*)
-    localedir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \
-  | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst | --locals)
-    ac_prev=localstatedir ;;
-  -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \
-  | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* | --locals=*)
-    localstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m)
-    ac_prev=mandir ;;
-  -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*)
-    mandir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -nfp | --nfp | --nf)
-    # Obsolete; use --without-fp.
-    with_fp=no ;;
-  -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
-  | --no-cr | --no-c | -n)
-    no_create=yes ;;
-  -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
-  | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r)
-    no_recursion=yes ;;
-  -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \
-  | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \
-  | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o)
-    ac_prev=oldincludedir ;;
-  -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \
-  | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \
-  | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*)
-    oldincludedir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p)
-    ac_prev=prefix ;;
-  -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*)
-    prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \
-  | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p)
-    ac_prev=program_prefix ;;
-  -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \
-  | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*)
-    program_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \
-  | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s)
-    ac_prev=program_suffix ;;
-  -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \
-  | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*)
-    program_suffix=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \
-  | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \
-  | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \
-  | --program-transform | --program-transfor \
-  | --program-transfo | --program-transf \
-  | --program-trans | --program-tran \
-  | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t)
-    ac_prev=program_transform_name ;;
-  -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \
-  | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \
-  | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \
-  | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \
-  | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \
-  | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \
-  | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*)
-    program_transform_name=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -pdfdir | --pdfdir | --pdfdi | --pdfd | --pdf | --pd)
-    ac_prev=pdfdir ;;
-  -pdfdir=* | --pdfdir=* | --pdfdi=* | --pdfd=* | --pdf=* | --pd=*)
-    pdfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -psdir | --psdir | --psdi | --psd | --ps)
-    ac_prev=psdir ;;
-  -psdir=* | --psdir=* | --psdi=* | --psd=* | --ps=*)
-    psdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
-  | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
-    silent=yes ;;
-  -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb)
-    ac_prev=sbindir ;;
-  -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \
-  | --sbi=* | --sb=*)
-    sbindir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \
-  | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \
-  | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \
-  | --sha | --sh)
-    ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;;
-  -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \
-  | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \
-  | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \
-  | --sha=* | --sh=*)
-    sharedstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -site | --site | --sit)
-    ac_prev=site ;;
-  -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
-    site=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
-    ac_prev=srcdir ;;
-  -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
-    srcdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \
-  | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy)
-    ac_prev=sysconfdir ;;
-  -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \
-  | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*)
-    sysconfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t)
-    ac_prev=target_alias ;;
-  -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*)
-    target_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb)
-    verbose=yes ;;
-  -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | -V)
-    ac_init_version=: ;;
-  -with-* | --with-*)
-    ac_package=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*with-\([^=]*\)'`
-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
-    expr "x$ac_package" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
-      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid package name: $ac_package" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    ac_package=`echo $ac_package | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
-    eval with_$ac_package=\$ac_optarg ;;
-  -without-* | --without-*)
-    ac_package=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*without-\(.*\)'`
-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
-    expr "x$ac_package" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
-      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid package name: $ac_package" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    ac_package=`echo $ac_package | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
-    eval with_$ac_package=no ;;
-  --x)
-    # Obsolete; use --with-x.
-    with_x=yes ;;
-  -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \
-  | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i)
-    ac_prev=x_includes ;;
-  -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \
-  | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*)
-    x_includes=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \
-  | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l)
-    ac_prev=x_libraries ;;
-  -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \
-  | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*)
-    x_libraries=$ac_optarg ;;
-  -*) { echo "$as_me: error: unrecognized option: $ac_option
-Try \`$0 --help' for more information." >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    ;;
-  *=*)
-    ac_envvar=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x\([^=]*\)='`
-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
-    expr "x$ac_envvar" : ".*[^_$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
-      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid variable name: $ac_envvar" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    eval $ac_envvar=\$ac_optarg
-    export $ac_envvar ;;
-  *)
-    # FIXME: should be removed in autoconf 3.0.
-    echo "$as_me: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target" >&2
-    expr "x$ac_option" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
-      echo "$as_me: WARNING: invalid host type: $ac_option" >&2
-    : ${build_alias=$ac_option} ${host_alias=$ac_option} ${target_alias=$ac_option}
-    ;;
-  esac
-if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
-  ac_option=--`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`
-  { echo "$as_me: error: missing argument to $ac_option" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-# Be sure to have absolute directory names.
-for ac_var in	exec_prefix prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datarootdir \
-		datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir includedir \
-		oldincludedir docdir infodir htmldir dvidir pdfdir psdir \
-		libdir localedir mandir
-  eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
-  case $ac_val in
-    [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* )  continue;;
-    NONE | '' ) case $ac_var in *prefix ) continue;; esac;;
-  esac
-  { echo "$as_me: error: expected an absolute directory name for --$ac_var: $ac_val" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-# There might be people who depend on the old broken behavior: `$host'
-# used to hold the argument of --host etc.
-# FIXME: To remove some day.
-# FIXME: To remove some day.
-if test "x$host_alias" != x; then
-  if test "x$build_alias" = x; then
-    cross_compiling=maybe
-    echo "$as_me: WARNING: If you wanted to set the --build type, don't use --host.
-    If a cross compiler is detected then cross compile mode will be used." >&2
-  elif test "x$build_alias" != "x$host_alias"; then
-    cross_compiling=yes
-  fi
-test -n "$host_alias" && ac_tool_prefix=$host_alias-
-test "$silent" = yes && exec 6>/dev/null
-ac_pwd=`pwd` && test -n "$ac_pwd" &&
-ac_ls_di=`ls -di .` &&
-ac_pwd_ls_di=`cd "$ac_pwd" && ls -di .` ||
-  { echo "$as_me: error: Working directory cannot be determined" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-test "X$ac_ls_di" = "X$ac_pwd_ls_di" ||
-  { echo "$as_me: error: pwd does not report name of working directory" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
-if test -z "$srcdir"; then
-  ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes
-  # Try the directory containing this script, then the parent directory.
-  ac_confdir=`$as_dirname -- "$0" ||
-$as_expr X"$0" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
-	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
-	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X"$0" |
-    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-  srcdir=$ac_confdir
-  if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
-    srcdir=..
-  fi
-  ac_srcdir_defaulted=no
-if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
-  test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or .."
-  { echo "$as_me: error: cannot find sources ($ac_unique_file) in $srcdir" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-ac_msg="sources are in $srcdir, but \`cd $srcdir' does not work"
-	cd "$srcdir" && test -r "./$ac_unique_file" || { echo "$as_me: error: $ac_msg" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-	pwd)`
-# When building in place, set srcdir=.
-if test "$ac_abs_confdir" = "$ac_pwd"; then
-  srcdir=.
-# Remove unnecessary trailing slashes from srcdir.
-# Double slashes in file names in object file debugging info
-# mess up M-x gdb in Emacs.
-case $srcdir in
-*/) srcdir=`expr "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*\)'`;;
-for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
-  eval ac_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
-  eval ac_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
-  eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
-  eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
-# Report the --help message.
-if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
-  # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
-  # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
-  cat <<_ACEOF
-\`configure' configures this package to adapt to many kinds of systems.
-Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
-To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as
-VAR=VALUE.  See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables.
-Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.
-  -h, --help              display this help and exit
-      --help=short        display options specific to this package
-      --help=recursive    display the short help of all the included packages
-  -V, --version           display version information and exit
-  -q, --quiet, --silent   do not print \`checking...' messages
-      --cache-file=FILE   cache test results in FILE [disabled]
-  -C, --config-cache      alias for \`--cache-file=config.cache'
-  -n, --no-create         do not create output files
-      --srcdir=DIR        find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`..']
-Installation directories:
-  --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
-			  [$ac_default_prefix]
-  --exec-prefix=EPREFIX   install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
-			  [PREFIX]
-By default, \`make install' will install all the files in
-\`$ac_default_prefix/bin', \`$ac_default_prefix/lib' etc.  You can specify
-an installation prefix other than \`$ac_default_prefix' using \`--prefix',
-for instance \`--prefix=\$HOME'.
-For better control, use the options below.
-Fine tuning of the installation directories:
-  --bindir=DIR           user executables [EPREFIX/bin]
-  --sbindir=DIR          system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin]
-  --libexecdir=DIR       program executables [EPREFIX/libexec]
-  --sysconfdir=DIR       read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
-  --sharedstatedir=DIR   modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com]
-  --localstatedir=DIR    modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var]
-  --libdir=DIR           object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib]
-  --includedir=DIR       C header files [PREFIX/include]
-  --oldincludedir=DIR    C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include]
-  --datarootdir=DIR      read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share]
-  --datadir=DIR          read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR]
-  --infodir=DIR          info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info]
-  --localedir=DIR        locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale]
-  --mandir=DIR           man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man]
-  --docdir=DIR           documentation root [DATAROOTDIR/doc/PACKAGE]
-  --htmldir=DIR          html documentation [DOCDIR]
-  --dvidir=DIR           dvi documentation [DOCDIR]
-  --pdfdir=DIR           pdf documentation [DOCDIR]
-  --psdir=DIR            ps documentation [DOCDIR]
-  cat <<\_ACEOF
-Program names:
-  --program-prefix=PREFIX            prepend PREFIX to installed program names
-  --program-suffix=SUFFIX            append SUFFIX to installed program names
-  --program-transform-name=PROGRAM   run sed PROGRAM on installed program names
-System types:
-  --build=BUILD     configure for building on BUILD [guessed]
-  --host=HOST       cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
-if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
-  cat <<\_ACEOF
-Optional Features:
-  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
-  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
-  --enable-maintainer-mode enable make rules and dependencies not useful
-                          (and sometimes confusing) to the casual installer
-  --disable-dependency-tracking Speeds up one-time builds
-  --enable-dependency-tracking  Do not reject slow dependency extractors
-Optional Packages:
-  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
-  --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
-  --without-gnome-vfs     Disable autodetection support
-  --without-hal           Disable HAL support
-Some influential environment variables:
-  CC          C compiler command
-  CFLAGS      C compiler flags
-  LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
-              nonstandard directory <lib dir>
-  LIBS        libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
-  CPPFLAGS    C/C++/Objective C preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
-              you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>
-  PKG_CONFIG  path to pkg-config utility
-              C compiler flags for PACKAGE, overriding pkg-config
-              linker flags for PACKAGE, overriding pkg-config
-  CPP         C preprocessor
-  CURL_CFLAGS C compiler flags for CURL, overriding pkg-config
-  CURL_LIBS   linker flags for CURL, overriding pkg-config
-              C compiler flags for GNOME_VFS, overriding pkg-config
-              linker flags for GNOME_VFS, overriding pkg-config
-  HAL_CFLAGS  C compiler flags for HAL, overriding pkg-config
-  HAL_LIBS    linker flags for HAL, overriding pkg-config
-Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
-it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.
-if test "$ac_init_help" = "recursive"; then
-  # If there are subdirs, report their specific --help.
-  for ac_dir in : $ac_subdirs_all; do test "x$ac_dir" = x: && continue
-    test -d "$ac_dir" || continue
-    ac_builddir=.
-case "$ac_dir" in
-.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
-  ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's,^\.[\\/],,'`
-  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
-  ac_top_builddir_sub=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's,/[^\\/]*,/..,g;s,/,,'`
-  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
-  "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
-  *)  ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
-  esac ;;
-# for backward compatibility:
-case $srcdir in
-  .)  # We are building in place.
-    ac_srcdir=.
-    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
-    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* )  # Absolute name.
-    ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
-    ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
-    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
-  *) # Relative name.
-    ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
-    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
-    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
-    cd "$ac_dir" || { ac_status=$?; continue; }
-    # Check for guested configure.
-    if test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu"; then
-      echo &&
-      $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu" --help=recursive
-    elif test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure"; then
-      echo &&
-      $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure" --help=recursive
-    else
-      echo "$as_me: WARNING: no configuration information is in $ac_dir" >&2
-    fi || ac_status=$?
-    cd "$ac_pwd" || { ac_status=$?; break; }
-  done
-test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
-if $ac_init_version; then
-  cat <<\_ACEOF
-generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61
-Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
-2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
-  exit
-cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
-This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
-running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
-It was created by $as_me, which was
-generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61.  Invocation command line was
-  $ $0 $@
-exec 5>>config.log
-cat <<_ASUNAME
-## --------- ##
-## Platform. ##
-## --------- ##
-hostname = `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
-uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-/bin/uname -X     = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null     || echo unknown`
-/bin/arch              = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null              || echo unknown`
-/usr/bin/arch -k       = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null       || echo unknown`
-/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-/usr/bin/hostinfo      = `(/usr/bin/hostinfo) 2>/dev/null      || echo unknown`
-/bin/machine           = `(/bin/machine) 2>/dev/null           || echo unknown`
-/usr/bin/oslevel       = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null       || echo unknown`
-/bin/universe          = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null          || echo unknown`
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  echo "PATH: $as_dir"
-} >&5
-cat >&5 <<_ACEOF
-## ----------- ##
-## Core tests. ##
-## ----------- ##
-# Keep a trace of the command line.
-# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up.
-# Strip out --silent because we don't want to record it for future runs.
-# Also quote any args containing shell meta-characters.
-# Make two passes to allow for proper duplicate-argument suppression.
-for ac_pass in 1 2
-  for ac_arg
-  do
-    case $ac_arg in
-    -no-create | --no-c* | -n | -no-recursion | --no-r*) continue ;;
-    -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
-    | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
-      continue ;;
-    *\'*)
-      ac_arg=`echo "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
-    esac
-    case $ac_pass in
-    1) ac_configure_args0="$ac_configure_args0 '$ac_arg'" ;;
-    2)
-      ac_configure_args1="$ac_configure_args1 '$ac_arg'"
-      if test $ac_must_keep_next = true; then
-	ac_must_keep_next=false # Got value, back to normal.
-      else
-	case $ac_arg in
-	  *=* | --config-cache | -C | -disable-* | --disable-* \
-	  | -enable-* | --enable-* | -gas | --g* | -nfp | --nf* \
-	  | -q | -quiet | --q* | -silent | --sil* | -v | -verb* \
-	  | -with-* | --with-* | -without-* | --without-* | --x)
-	    case "$ac_configure_args0 " in
-	      "$ac_configure_args1"*" '$ac_arg' "* ) continue ;;
-	    esac
-	    ;;
-	  -* ) ac_must_keep_next=true ;;
-	esac
-      fi
-      ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'"
-      ;;
-    esac
-  done
-$as_unset ac_configure_args0 || test "${ac_configure_args0+set}" != set || { ac_configure_args0=; export ac_configure_args0; }
-$as_unset ac_configure_args1 || test "${ac_configure_args1+set}" != set || { ac_configure_args1=; export ac_configure_args1; }
-# When interrupted or exit'd, cleanup temporary files, and complete
-# config.log.  We remove comments because anyway the quotes in there
-# would cause problems or look ugly.
-# WARNING: Use '\'' to represent an apostrophe within the trap.
-# WARNING: Do not start the trap code with a newline, due to a FreeBSD 4.0 bug.
-trap 'exit_status=$?
-  # Save into config.log some information that might help in debugging.
-  {
-    echo
-    cat <<\_ASBOX
-## ---------------- ##
-## Cache variables. ##
-## ---------------- ##
-    echo
-    # The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
-  for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n '\''s/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'\''`; do
-    eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
-    case $ac_val in #(
-    *${as_nl}*)
-      case $ac_var in #(
-      *_cv_*) { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&2;} ;;
-      esac
-      case $ac_var in #(
-      _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
-      *) $as_unset $ac_var ;;
-      esac ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  (set) 2>&1 |
-    case $as_nl`(ac_space='\'' '\''; set) 2>&1` in #(
-    *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
-      sed -n \
-	"s/'\''/'\''\\\\'\'''\''/g;
-	  s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\''\\2'\''/p"
-      ;; #(
-    *)
-      sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
-      ;;
-    esac |
-    sort
-    echo
-    cat <<\_ASBOX
-## ----------------- ##
-## Output variables. ##
-## ----------------- ##
-    echo
-    for ac_var in $ac_subst_vars
-    do
-      eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
-      case $ac_val in
-      *\'\''*) ac_val=`echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
-      esac
-      echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
-    done | sort
-    echo
-    if test -n "$ac_subst_files"; then
-      cat <<\_ASBOX
-## ------------------- ##
-## File substitutions. ##
-## ------------------- ##
-      echo
-      for ac_var in $ac_subst_files
-      do
-	eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
-	case $ac_val in
-	*\'\''*) ac_val=`echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
-	esac
-	echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
-      done | sort
-      echo
-    fi
-    if test -s confdefs.h; then
-      cat <<\_ASBOX
-## ----------- ##
-## confdefs.h. ##
-## ----------- ##
-      echo
-      cat confdefs.h
-      echo
-    fi
-    test "$ac_signal" != 0 &&
-      echo "$as_me: caught signal $ac_signal"
-    echo "$as_me: exit $exit_status"
-  } >&5
-  rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* &&
-    rm -f -r conftest* confdefs* conf$$* $ac_clean_files &&
-    exit $exit_status
-' 0
-for ac_signal in 1 2 13 15; do
-  trap 'ac_signal='$ac_signal'; { (exit 1); exit 1; }' $ac_signal
-# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
-rm -f -r conftest* confdefs.h
-# Predefined preprocessor variables.
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-# Let the site file select an alternate cache file if it wants to.
-# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
-if test -n "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
-  set x "$CONFIG_SITE"
-elif test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
-  set x "$prefix/share/config.site" "$prefix/etc/config.site"
-  set x "$ac_default_prefix/share/config.site" \
-	"$ac_default_prefix/etc/config.site"
-for ac_site_file
-  if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&5
-echo "$as_me: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&6;}
-    sed 's/^/| /' "$ac_site_file" >&5
-    . "$ac_site_file"
-  fi
-if test -r "$cache_file"; then
-  # Some versions of bash will fail to source /dev/null (special
-  # files actually), so we avoid doing that.
-  if test -f "$cache_file"; then
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: loading cache $cache_file" >&5
-echo "$as_me: loading cache $cache_file" >&6;}
-    case $cache_file in
-      [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) . "$cache_file";;
-      *)                      . "./$cache_file";;
-    esac
-  fi
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: creating cache $cache_file" >&5
-echo "$as_me: creating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
-  >$cache_file
-# Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same
-# value.
-for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
-  eval ac_old_set=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set
-  eval ac_new_set=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_set
-  eval ac_old_val=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value
-  eval ac_new_val=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_value
-  case $ac_old_set,$ac_new_set in
-    set,)
-      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&2;}
-      ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
-    ,set)
-      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&2;}
-      ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
-    ,);;
-    *)
-      if test "x$ac_old_val" != "x$ac_new_val"; then
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&2;}
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO:   former value:  $ac_old_val" >&5
-echo "$as_me:   former value:  $ac_old_val" >&2;}
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO:   current value: $ac_new_val" >&5
-echo "$as_me:   current value: $ac_new_val" >&2;}
-	ac_cache_corrupted=:
-      fi;;
-  esac
-  # Pass precious variables to config.status.
-  if test "$ac_new_set" = set; then
-    case $ac_new_val in
-    *\'*) ac_arg=$ac_var=`echo "$ac_new_val" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
-    *) ac_arg=$ac_var=$ac_new_val ;;
-    esac
-    case " $ac_configure_args " in
-      *" '$ac_arg' "*) ;; # Avoid dups.  Use of quotes ensures accuracy.
-      *) ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'" ;;
-    esac
-  fi
-if $ac_cache_corrupted; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&2;}
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: run \`make distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file' and start over" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: run \`make distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file' and start over" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
-ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
-for ac_dir in "$srcdir" "$srcdir/.." "$srcdir/../.."; do
-  if test -f "$ac_dir/install-sh"; then
-    ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
-    ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
-    break
-  elif test -f "$ac_dir/install.sh"; then
-    ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
-    ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install.sh -c"
-    break
-  elif test -f "$ac_dir/shtool"; then
-    ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
-    ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/shtool install -c"
-    break
-  fi
-if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in \"$srcdir\" \"$srcdir/..\" \"$srcdir/../..\"" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in \"$srcdir\" \"$srcdir/..\" \"$srcdir/../..\"" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-# These three variables are undocumented and unsupported,
-# and are intended to be withdrawn in a future Autoconf release.
-# They can cause serious problems if a builder's source tree is in a directory
-# whose full name contains unusual characters.
-ac_config_guess="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.guess"  # Please don't use this var.
-ac_config_sub="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub"  # Please don't use this var.
-ac_configure="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/configure"  # Please don't use this var.
-# Find a good install program.  We prefer a C program (faster),
-# so one script is as good as another.  But avoid the broken or
-# incompatible versions:
-# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install
-# SunOS /usr/etc/install
-# IRIX /sbin/install
-# AIX /bin/install
-# AmigaOS /C/install, which installs bootblocks on floppy discs
-# AIX 4 /usr/bin/installbsd, which doesn't work without a -g flag
-# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args
-# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
-# OS/2's system install, which has a completely different semantic
-# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./install.sh.
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for a BSD-compatible install" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for a BSD-compatible install... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
-if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements.
-case $as_dir/ in
-  ./ | .// | /cC/* | \
-  /etc/* | /usr/sbin/* | /usr/etc/* | /sbin/* | /usr/afsws/bin/* | \
-  ?:\\/os2\\/install\\/* | ?:\\/OS2\\/INSTALL\\/* | \
-  /usr/ucb/* ) ;;
-  *)
-    # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install.
-    # Don't use installbsd from OSF since it installs stuff as root
-    # by default.
-    for ac_prog in ginstall scoinst install; do
-      for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-	if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-	  if test $ac_prog = install &&
-	    grep dspmsg "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-	    # AIX install.  It has an incompatible calling convention.
-	    :
-	  elif test $ac_prog = install &&
-	    grep pwplus "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-	    # program-specific install script used by HP pwplus--don't use.
-	    :
-	  else
-	    ac_cv_path_install="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext -c"
-	    break 3
-	  fi
-	fi
-      done
-    done
-    ;;
-  if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then
-    INSTALL=$ac_cv_path_install
-  else
-    # As a last resort, use the slow shell script.  Don't cache a
-    # value for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will
-    # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
-    # removed, or if the value is a relative name.
-    INSTALL=$ac_install_sh
-  fi
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INSTALL" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$INSTALL" >&6; }
-# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}.
-# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution.
-test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether build environment is sane" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether build environment is sane... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-# Just in case
-sleep 1
-echo timestamp > conftest.file
-# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's
-# arguments.  Must try -L first in case configure is actually a
-# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks
-# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing
-# directory).
-if (
-   set X `ls -Lt $srcdir/configure conftest.file 2> /dev/null`
-   if test "$*" = "X"; then
-      # -L didn't work.
-      set X `ls -t $srcdir/configure conftest.file`
-   fi
-   rm -f conftest.file
-   if test "$*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \
-      && test "$*" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then
-      # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls.  This can happen
-      # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a
-      # broken ls alias from the environment.  This has actually
-      # happened.  Such a system could not be considered "sane".
-      { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: ls -t appears to fail.  Make sure there is not a broken
-alias in your environment" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: ls -t appears to fail.  Make sure there is not a broken
-alias in your environment" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-   fi
-   test "$2" = conftest.file
-   )
-   # Ok.
-   :
-   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: newly created file is older than distributed files!
-Check your system clock" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: newly created file is older than distributed files!
-Check your system clock" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-test "$program_prefix" != NONE &&
-  program_transform_name="s&^&$program_prefix&;$program_transform_name"
-# Use a double $ so make ignores it.
-test "$program_suffix" != NONE &&
-  program_transform_name="s&\$&$program_suffix&;$program_transform_name"
-# Double any \ or $.  echo might interpret backslashes.
-# By default was `s,x,x', remove it if useless.
-cat <<\_ACEOF >conftest.sed
-program_transform_name=`echo $program_transform_name | sed -f conftest.sed`
-rm -f conftest.sed
-# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path
-am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd`
-test x"${MISSING+set}" = xset || MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing"
-# Use eval to expand $SHELL
-if eval "$MISSING --run true"; then
-  am_missing_run="$MISSING --run "
-  am_missing_run=
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: \`missing' script is too old or missing" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: \`missing' script is too old or missing" >&2;}
-for ac_prog in gawk mawk nawk awk
-  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_AWK+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$AWK"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_AWK="$AWK" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_AWK="$ac_prog"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$AWK"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $AWK" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$AWK" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  test -n "$AWK" && break
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-set x ${MAKE-make}; ac_make=`echo "$2" | sed 's/+/p/g; s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g'`
-if { as_var=ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.make <<\_ACEOF
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-	@echo '@@@%%%=$(MAKE)=@@@%%%'
-# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering...", which would confuse us.
-case `${MAKE-make} -f conftest.make 2>/dev/null` in
-  *@@@%%%=?*=@@@%%%*)
-    eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=yes;;
-  *)
-    eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=no;;
-rm -f conftest.make
-if eval test \$ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set = yes; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  SET_MAKE="MAKE=${MAKE-make}"
-rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null
-mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null
-if test -d .tst; then
-  am__leading_dot=.
-  am__leading_dot=_
-rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null
- # test to see if srcdir already configured
-if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`" &&
-   test -f $srcdir/config.status; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: source directory already configured; run \"make distclean\" there first" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: source directory already configured; run \"make distclean\" there first" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-# test whether we have cygpath
-if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then
-  if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-    CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w'
-  else
-    CYGPATH_W=echo
-  fi
-# Define the identity of the package.
- PACKAGE=gtkpod
- VERSION=0.99.10
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-# Some tools Automake needs.
-# Installed binaries are usually stripped using `strip' when the user
-# run `make install-strip'.  However `strip' might not be the right
-# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake
-# will honor the `STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program.
-if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then
-  if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-  # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}strip", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}strip; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_STRIP+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$STRIP"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_STRIP="$STRIP" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_STRIP="${ac_tool_prefix}strip"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$STRIP"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $STRIP" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$STRIP" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_STRIP"; then
-  ac_ct_STRIP=$STRIP
-  # Extract the first word of "strip", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy strip; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="$ac_ct_STRIP" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="strip"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_STRIP" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_STRIP" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  if test "x$ac_ct_STRIP" = x; then
-    STRIP=":"
-  else
-    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
-ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
-    STRIP=$ac_ct_STRIP
-  fi
-  STRIP="$ac_cv_prog_STRIP"
-INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\${SHELL} \$(install_sh) -c -s"
-# We need awk for the "check" target.  The system "awk" is bad on
-# some platforms.
-ac_config_headers="$ac_config_headers config.h"
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-    # Check whether --enable-maintainer-mode was given.
-if test "${enable_maintainer_mode+set}" = set; then
-  enableval=$enable_maintainer_mode; USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=$enableval
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $USE_MAINTAINER_MODE" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE" >&6; }
-if test $USE_MAINTAINER_MODE = yes; then
-# Make sure we can run config.sub.
-$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking build system type" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking build system type... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_build+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_build_alias=$build_alias
-test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
-  ac_build_alias=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.guess"`
-test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-ac_cv_build=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $ac_build_alias` ||
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_build" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_build" >&6; }
-case $ac_cv_build in
-*-*-*) ;;
-*) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: invalid value of canonical build" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: invalid value of canonical build" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
-ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-'
-set x $ac_cv_build
-shift; shift
-# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*,
-# except with old shells:
-case $build_os in *\ *) build_os=`echo "$build_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking host system type" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking host system type... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_host+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test "x$host_alias" = x; then
-  ac_cv_host=$ac_cv_build
-  ac_cv_host=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $host_alias` ||
-    { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_host" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_host" >&6; }
-case $ac_cv_host in
-*-*-*) ;;
-*) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: invalid value of canonical host" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: invalid value of canonical host" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
-ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-'
-set x $ac_cv_host
-shift; shift
-# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*,
-# except with old shells:
-case $host_os in *\ *) host_os=`echo "$host_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
-ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands depfiles"
-cat > confinc << 'END'
-	@echo done
-.PHONY: am__doit
-# If we don't find an include directive, just comment out the code.
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for style of include used by $am_make" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for style of include used by $am_make... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-# First try GNU make style include.
-echo "include confinc" > confmf
-# We grep out `Entering directory' and `Leaving directory'
-# messages which can occur if `w' ends up in MAKEFLAGS.
-# In particular we don't look at `^make:' because GNU make might
-# be invoked under some other name (usually "gmake"), in which
-# case it prints its new name instead of `make'.
-if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'ing directory'`" = "done"; then
-   am__include=include
-   am__quote=
-   _am_result=GNU
-# Now try BSD make style include.
-if test "$am__include" = "#"; then
-   echo '.include "confinc"' > confmf
-   if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null`" = "done"; then
-      am__include=.include
-      am__quote="\""
-      _am_result=BSD
-   fi
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $_am_result" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$_am_result" >&6; }
-rm -f confinc confmf
-# Check whether --enable-dependency-tracking was given.
-if test "${enable_dependency_tracking+set}" = set; then
-  enableval=$enable_dependency_tracking;
-if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then
-  am_depcomp="$ac_aux_dir/depcomp"
-if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
-ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
-if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-  # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}gcc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}gcc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then
-  ac_ct_CC=$CC
-  # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="gcc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
-    CC=""
-  else
-    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
-ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
-    CC=$ac_ct_CC
-  fi
-  CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC"
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-          if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-    # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}cc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}cc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}cc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  fi
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-  # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-  ac_prog_rejected=no
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    if test "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
-       ac_prog_rejected=yes
-       continue
-     fi
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
-  # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
-  set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
-  shift
-  if test $# != 0; then
-    # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
-    # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
-    # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
-    shift
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="$as_dir/$ac_word${1+' '}$@"
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-  if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-  for ac_prog in cl.exe
-  do
-    # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-    test -n "$CC" && break
-  done
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-  ac_ct_CC=$CC
-  for ac_prog in cl.exe
-  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_prog"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  test -n "$ac_ct_CC" && break
-  if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
-    CC=""
-  else
-    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
-ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
-    CC=$ac_ct_CC
-  fi
-test -z "$CC" && { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-# Provide some information about the compiler.
-echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for C compiler version" >&5
-ac_compiler=`set X $ac_compile; echo $2`
-{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler --version >&5"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compiler --version >&5") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }
-{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler -v >&5"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compiler -v >&5") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }
-{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler -V >&5"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compiler -V >&5") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files a.out a.exe b.out"
-# Try to create an executable without -o first, disregard a.out.
-# It will help us diagnose broken compilers, and finding out an intuition
-# of exeext.
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for C compiler default output file name" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for C compiler default output file name... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-ac_link_default=`echo "$ac_link" | sed 's/ -o *conftest[^ ]*//'`
-# List of possible output files, starting from the most likely.
-# The algorithm is not robust to junk in `.', hence go to wildcards (a.*)
-# only as a last resort.  b.out is created by i960 compilers.
-ac_files='a_out.exe a.exe conftest.exe a.out conftest a.* conftest.* b.out'
-# The IRIX 6 linker writes into existing files which may not be
-# executable, retaining their permissions.  Remove them first so a
-# subsequent execution test works.
-for ac_file in $ac_files
-  case $ac_file in
-    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
-    * ) ac_rmfiles="$ac_rmfiles $ac_file";;
-  esac
-rm -f $ac_rmfiles
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link_default"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link_default") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  # Autoconf-2.13 could set the ac_cv_exeext variable to `no'.
-# So ignore a value of `no', otherwise this would lead to `EXEEXT = no'
-# in a Makefile.  We should not override ac_cv_exeext if it was cached,
-# so that the user can short-circuit this test for compilers unknown to
-# Autoconf.
-for ac_file in $ac_files ''
-  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
-  case $ac_file in
-    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.o | *.obj )
-	;;
-    [ab].out )
-	# We found the default executable, but exeext='' is most
-	# certainly right.
-	break;;
-    *.* )
-        if test "${ac_cv_exeext+set}" = set && test "$ac_cv_exeext" != no;
-	then :; else
-	   ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
-	fi
-	# We set ac_cv_exeext here because the later test for it is not
-	# safe: cross compilers may not add the suffix if given an `-o'
-	# argument, so we may need to know it at that point already.
-	# Even if this section looks crufty: it has the advantage of
-	# actually working.
-	break;;
-    * )
-	break;;
-  esac
-test "$ac_cv_exeext" = no && ac_cv_exeext=
-  ac_file=''
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_file" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_file" >&6; }
-if test -z "$ac_file"; then
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: C compiler cannot create executables
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: C compiler cannot create executables
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 77); exit 77; }; }
-# Check that the compiler produces executables we can run.  If not, either
-# the compiler is broken, or we cross compile.
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether the C compiler works" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether the C compiler works... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-# FIXME: These cross compiler hacks should be removed for Autoconf 3.0
-# If not cross compiling, check that we can run a simple program.
-if test "$cross_compiling" != yes; then
-  if { ac_try='./$ac_file'
-  { (case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; }; then
-    cross_compiling=no
-  else
-    if test "$cross_compiling" = maybe; then
-	cross_compiling=yes
-    else
-	{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
-If you meant to cross compile, use \`--host'.
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
-If you meant to cross compile, use \`--host'.
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    fi
-  fi
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-rm -f a.out a.exe conftest$ac_cv_exeext b.out
-# Check that the compiler produces executables we can run.  If not, either
-# the compiler is broken, or we cross compile.
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether we are cross compiling" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether we are cross compiling... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $cross_compiling" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$cross_compiling" >&6; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for suffix of executables" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for suffix of executables... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  # If both `conftest.exe' and `conftest' are `present' (well, observable)
-# catch `conftest.exe'.  For instance with Cygwin, `ls conftest' will
-# work properly (i.e., refer to `conftest.exe'), while it won't with
-# `rm'.
-for ac_file in conftest.exe conftest conftest.*; do
-  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
-  case $ac_file in
-    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
-    *.* ) ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
-	  break;;
-    * ) break;;
-  esac
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot compute suffix of executables: cannot compile and link
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot compute suffix of executables: cannot compile and link
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-rm -f conftest$ac_cv_exeext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_exeext" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_exeext" >&6; }
-rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for suffix of object files" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for suffix of object files... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_objext+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.o conftest.obj
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  for ac_file in conftest.o conftest.obj conftest.*; do
-  test -f "$ac_file" || continue;
-  case $ac_file in
-    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf ) ;;
-    *) ac_cv_objext=`expr "$ac_file" : '.*\.\(.*\)'`
-       break;;
-  esac
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-rm -f conftest.$ac_cv_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_objext" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_objext" >&6; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-       choke me
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_compiler_gnu=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_compiler_gnu=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
-GCC=`test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes && echo yes`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $CC accepts -g" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $CC accepts -g... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_cc_g+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_save_c_werror_flag=$ac_c_werror_flag
-   ac_c_werror_flag=yes
-   ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
-   CFLAGS="-g"
-   cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-      cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  :
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
-	 CFLAGS="-g"
-	 cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-   ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_test_CFLAGS" = set; then
-  CFLAGS=$ac_save_CFLAGS
-elif test $ac_cv_prog_cc_g = yes; then
-  if test "$GCC" = yes; then
-    CFLAGS="-g -O2"
-  else
-    CFLAGS="-g"
-  fi
-  if test "$GCC" = yes; then
-    CFLAGS="-O2"
-  else
-    CFLAGS=
-  fi
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_cc_c89+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=no
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-/* Most of the following tests are stolen from RCS 5.7's src/conf.sh.  */
-struct buf { int x; };
-FILE * (*rcsopen) (struct buf *, struct stat *, int);
-static char *e (p, i)
-     char **p;
-     int i;
-  return p[i];
-static char *f (char * (*g) (char **, int), char **p, ...)
-  char *s;
-  va_list v;
-  va_start (v,p);
-  s = g (p, va_arg (v,int));
-  va_end (v);
-  return s;
-/* OSF 4.0 Compaq cc is some sort of almost-ANSI by default.  It has
-   function prototypes and stuff, but not '\xHH' hex character constants.
-   These don't provoke an error unfortunately, instead are silently treated
-   as 'x'.  The following induces an error, until -std is added to get
-   proper ANSI mode.  Curiously '\x00'!='x' always comes out true, for an
-   array size at least.  It's necessary to write '\x00'==0 to get something
-   that's true only with -std.  */
-int osf4_cc_array ['\x00' == 0 ? 1 : -1];
-/* IBM C 6 for AIX is almost-ANSI by default, but it replaces macro parameters
-   inside strings and character constants.  */
-#define FOO(x) 'x'
-int xlc6_cc_array[FOO(a) == 'x' ? 1 : -1];
-int test (int i, double x);
-struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);};
-struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);};
-int pairnames (int, char **, FILE *(*)(struct buf *, struct stat *, int), int, int);
-int argc;
-char **argv;
-main ()
-return f (e, argv, 0) != argv[0]  ||  f (e, argv, 1) != argv[1];
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_arg in '' -qlanglvl=extc89 -qlanglvl=ansi -std \
-  CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=$ac_arg
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext
-  test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" != "xno" && break
-rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
-case "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" in
-  x)
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: none needed" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}none needed" >&6; } ;;
-  xno)
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: unsupported" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}unsupported" >&6; } ;;
-  *)
-    CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89"
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&6; } ;;
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
-ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
-depcc="$CC"   am_compiler_list=
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking dependency style of $depcc" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking dependency style of $depcc... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -z "$AMDEP_TRUE" && test -f "$am_depcomp"; then
-  # We make a subdir and do the tests there.  Otherwise we can end up
-  # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove.  For
-  # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up
-  # making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output
-  # in D'.
-  mkdir conftest.dir
-  # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're
-  # using a relative directory.
-  cp "$am_depcomp" conftest.dir
-  cd conftest.dir
-  # We will build objects and dependencies in a subdirectory because
-  # it helps to detect inapplicable dependency modes.  For instance
-  # both Tru64's cc and ICC support -MD to output dependencies as a
-  # side effect of compilation, but ICC will put the dependencies in
-  # the current directory while Tru64 will put them in the object
-  # directory.
-  mkdir sub
-  am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=none
-  if test "$am_compiler_list" = ""; then
-     am_compiler_list=`sed -n 's/^#*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))$/\1/p' < ./depcomp`
-  fi
-  for depmode in $am_compiler_list; do
-    # Setup a source with many dependencies, because some compilers
-    # like to wrap large dependency lists on column 80 (with \), and
-    # we should not choose a depcomp mode which is confused by this.
-    #
-    # We need to recreate these files for each test, as the compiler may
-    # overwrite some of them when testing with obscure command lines.
-    # This happens at least with the AIX C compiler.
-    : > sub/conftest.c
-    for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
-      echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c
-      : > sub/conftst$i.h
-    done
-    echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf
-    case $depmode in
-    nosideeffect)
-      # after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll
-      # only be used when explicitly requested
-      if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then
-	continue
-      else
-	break
-      fi
-      ;;
-    none) break ;;
-    esac
-    # We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout"
-    # mode.  It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly
-    # handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this.
-    if depmode=$depmode \
-       source=sub/conftest.c object=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} \
-       depfile=sub/conftest.Po tmpdepfile=sub/conftest.TPo \
-       $SHELL ./depcomp $depcc -c -o sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.c \
-         >/dev/null 2>conftest.err &&
-       grep sub/conftst6.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
-       grep sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
-       ${MAKE-make} -s -f confmf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      # icc doesn't choke on unknown options, it will just issue warnings
-      # (even with -Werror).  So we grep stderr for any message
-      # that says an option was ignored.
-      if grep 'ignoring option' conftest.err >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
-        am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=$depmode
-        break
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  cd ..
-  rm -rf conftest.dir
-  am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=none
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" >&6; }
-  test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno \
-  && test "$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" = gcc3; then
-  am__fastdepCC_TRUE=
-  am__fastdepCC_FALSE='#'
-  am__fastdepCC_TRUE='#'
-  am__fastdepCC_FALSE=
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for library containing strerror" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for library containing strerror... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_search_strerror+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char strerror ();
-main ()
-return strerror ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_lib in '' cposix; do
-  if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
-    ac_res="none required"
-  else
-    ac_res=-l$ac_lib
-    LIBS="-l$ac_lib  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
-  fi
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_search_strerror=$ac_res
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext
-  if test "${ac_cv_search_strerror+set}" = set; then
-  break
-if test "${ac_cv_search_strerror+set}" = set; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_search_strerror=no
-rm conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_search_strerror" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_search_strerror" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_res" != no; then
-  test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
-ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
-if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-  # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}gcc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}gcc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then
-  ac_ct_CC=$CC
-  # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="gcc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
-    CC=""
-  else
-    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
-ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
-    CC=$ac_ct_CC
-  fi
-  CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC"
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-          if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-    # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}cc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}cc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}cc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  fi
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-  # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-  ac_prog_rejected=no
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    if test "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
-       ac_prog_rejected=yes
-       continue
-     fi
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
-  # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
-  set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
-  shift
-  if test $# != 0; then
-    # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
-    # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
-    # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
-    shift
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="$as_dir/$ac_word${1+' '}$@"
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-  if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-  for ac_prog in cl.exe
-  do
-    # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_CC="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-    test -n "$CC" && break
-  done
-if test -z "$CC"; then
-  ac_ct_CC=$CC
-  for ac_prog in cl.exe
-  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_prog"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  test -n "$ac_ct_CC" && break
-  if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
-    CC=""
-  else
-    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
-ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
-    CC=$ac_ct_CC
-  fi
-test -z "$CC" && { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-# Provide some information about the compiler.
-echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for C compiler version" >&5
-ac_compiler=`set X $ac_compile; echo $2`
-{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler --version >&5"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compiler --version >&5") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }
-{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler -v >&5"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compiler -v >&5") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }
-{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler -V >&5"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compiler -V >&5") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-       choke me
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_compiler_gnu=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_compiler_gnu=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
-GCC=`test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes && echo yes`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $CC accepts -g" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $CC accepts -g... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_cc_g+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_save_c_werror_flag=$ac_c_werror_flag
-   ac_c_werror_flag=yes
-   ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
-   CFLAGS="-g"
-   cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-      cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  :
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
-	 CFLAGS="-g"
-	 cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-   ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_test_CFLAGS" = set; then
-  CFLAGS=$ac_save_CFLAGS
-elif test $ac_cv_prog_cc_g = yes; then
-  if test "$GCC" = yes; then
-    CFLAGS="-g -O2"
-  else
-    CFLAGS="-g"
-  fi
-  if test "$GCC" = yes; then
-    CFLAGS="-O2"
-  else
-    CFLAGS=
-  fi
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_cc_c89+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=no
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-/* Most of the following tests are stolen from RCS 5.7's src/conf.sh.  */
-struct buf { int x; };
-FILE * (*rcsopen) (struct buf *, struct stat *, int);
-static char *e (p, i)
-     char **p;
-     int i;
-  return p[i];
-static char *f (char * (*g) (char **, int), char **p, ...)
-  char *s;
-  va_list v;
-  va_start (v,p);
-  s = g (p, va_arg (v,int));
-  va_end (v);
-  return s;
-/* OSF 4.0 Compaq cc is some sort of almost-ANSI by default.  It has
-   function prototypes and stuff, but not '\xHH' hex character constants.
-   These don't provoke an error unfortunately, instead are silently treated
-   as 'x'.  The following induces an error, until -std is added to get
-   proper ANSI mode.  Curiously '\x00'!='x' always comes out true, for an
-   array size at least.  It's necessary to write '\x00'==0 to get something
-   that's true only with -std.  */
-int osf4_cc_array ['\x00' == 0 ? 1 : -1];
-/* IBM C 6 for AIX is almost-ANSI by default, but it replaces macro parameters
-   inside strings and character constants.  */
-#define FOO(x) 'x'
-int xlc6_cc_array[FOO(a) == 'x' ? 1 : -1];
-int test (int i, double x);
-struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);};
-struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);};
-int pairnames (int, char **, FILE *(*)(struct buf *, struct stat *, int), int, int);
-int argc;
-char **argv;
-main ()
-return f (e, argv, 0) != argv[0]  ||  f (e, argv, 1) != argv[1];
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_arg in '' -qlanglvl=extc89 -qlanglvl=ansi -std \
-  CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=$ac_arg
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext
-  test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" != "xno" && break
-rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
-case "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" in
-  x)
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: none needed" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}none needed" >&6; } ;;
-  xno)
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: unsupported" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}unsupported" >&6; } ;;
-  *)
-    CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89"
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&6; } ;;
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
-ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
-depcc="$CC"   am_compiler_list=
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking dependency style of $depcc" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking dependency style of $depcc... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -z "$AMDEP_TRUE" && test -f "$am_depcomp"; then
-  # We make a subdir and do the tests there.  Otherwise we can end up
-  # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove.  For
-  # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up
-  # making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output
-  # in D'.
-  mkdir conftest.dir
-  # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're
-  # using a relative directory.
-  cp "$am_depcomp" conftest.dir
-  cd conftest.dir
-  # We will build objects and dependencies in a subdirectory because
-  # it helps to detect inapplicable dependency modes.  For instance
-  # both Tru64's cc and ICC support -MD to output dependencies as a
-  # side effect of compilation, but ICC will put the dependencies in
-  # the current directory while Tru64 will put them in the object
-  # directory.
-  mkdir sub
-  am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=none
-  if test "$am_compiler_list" = ""; then
-     am_compiler_list=`sed -n 's/^#*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))$/\1/p' < ./depcomp`
-  fi
-  for depmode in $am_compiler_list; do
-    # Setup a source with many dependencies, because some compilers
-    # like to wrap large dependency lists on column 80 (with \), and
-    # we should not choose a depcomp mode which is confused by this.
-    #
-    # We need to recreate these files for each test, as the compiler may
-    # overwrite some of them when testing with obscure command lines.
-    # This happens at least with the AIX C compiler.
-    : > sub/conftest.c
-    for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
-      echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c
-      : > sub/conftst$i.h
-    done
-    echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf
-    case $depmode in
-    nosideeffect)
-      # after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll
-      # only be used when explicitly requested
-      if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then
-	continue
-      else
-	break
-      fi
-      ;;
-    none) break ;;
-    esac
-    # We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout"
-    # mode.  It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly
-    # handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this.
-    if depmode=$depmode \
-       source=sub/conftest.c object=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} \
-       depfile=sub/conftest.Po tmpdepfile=sub/conftest.TPo \
-       $SHELL ./depcomp $depcc -c -o sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.c \
-         >/dev/null 2>conftest.err &&
-       grep sub/conftst6.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
-       grep sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
-       ${MAKE-make} -s -f confmf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      # icc doesn't choke on unknown options, it will just issue warnings
-      # (even with -Werror).  So we grep stderr for any message
-      # that says an option was ignored.
-      if grep 'ignoring option' conftest.err >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
-        am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=$depmode
-        break
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  cd ..
-  rm -rf conftest.dir
-  am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type=none
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" >&6; }
-  test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno \
-  && test "$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" = gcc3; then
-  am__fastdepCC_TRUE=
-  am__fastdepCC_FALSE='#'
-  am__fastdepCC_TRUE='#'
-  am__fastdepCC_FALSE=
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ${CC-cc} option to accept ANSI C" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for ${CC-cc} option to accept ANSI C... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${am_cv_prog_cc_stdc+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  am_cv_prog_cc_stdc=no
-# Don't try gcc -ansi; that turns off useful extensions and
-# breaks some systems' header files.
-# AIX			-qlanglvl=ansi
-# Ultrix and OSF/1	-std1
-# HP-UX 10.20 and later	-Ae
-# HP-UX older versions	-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE
-# SVR4			-Xc -D__EXTENSIONS__
-for ac_arg in "" -qlanglvl=ansi -std1 -Ae "-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE" "-Xc -D__EXTENSIONS__"
-  CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-/* Most of the following tests are stolen from RCS 5.7's src/conf.sh.  */
-struct buf { int x; };
-FILE * (*rcsopen) (struct buf *, struct stat *, int);
-static char *e (p, i)
-     char **p;
-     int i;
-  return p[i];
-static char *f (char * (*g) (char **, int), char **p, ...)
-  char *s;
-  va_list v;
-  va_start (v,p);
-  s = g (p, va_arg (v,int));
-  va_end (v);
-  return s;
-int test (int i, double x);
-struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);};
-struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);};
-int pairnames (int, char **, FILE *(*)(struct buf *, struct stat *, int), int, int);
-int argc;
-char **argv;
-main ()
-return f (e, argv, 0) != argv[0]  ||  f (e, argv, 1) != argv[1];
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  am_cv_prog_cc_stdc="$ac_arg"; break
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-if test -z "$am_cv_prog_cc_stdc"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: none needed" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}none needed" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $am_cv_prog_cc_stdc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$am_cv_prog_cc_stdc" >&6; }
-case "x$am_cv_prog_cc_stdc" in
-  x|xno) ;;
-  *) CC="$CC $am_cv_prog_cc_stdc" ;;
-case "$am__api_version" in
-    1.01234)
-	{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Automake 1.5 or newer is required to use intltool" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: Automake 1.5 or newer is required to use intltool" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    ;;
-    *)
-    ;;
-if test -n "0.33"; then
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for intltool >= 0.33" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for intltool >= 0.33... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-    INTLTOOL_REQUIRED_VERSION_AS_INT=`echo 0.33 | awk -F. '{ print $ 1 * 1000 + $ 2 * 100 + $ 3; }'`
-    INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION=`awk -F\" '/\\$VERSION / { print $ 2; }' ${ac_aux_dir}/intltool-update.in`
-    INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION_AS_INT=`awk -F\" '/\\$VERSION / { split($ 2, VERSION, "."); print VERSION[1] * 1000 + VERSION[2] * 100 + VERSION[3];}' ${ac_aux_dir}/intltool-update.in`
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION found" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION found" >&6; }
-	{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.33 or later." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.33 or later." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  INTLTOOL_DESKTOP_RULE='%.desktop:   %.desktop.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-INTLTOOL_DIRECTORY_RULE='%.directory: %.directory.in $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-     INTLTOOL_KEYS_RULE='%.keys:      %.keys.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -k -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-     INTLTOOL_PROP_RULE='%.prop:      %.prop.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-      INTLTOOL_OAF_RULE='%.oaf:       %.oaf.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -o -p $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-     INTLTOOL_PONG_RULE='%.pong:      %.pong.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-   INTLTOOL_SERVER_RULE='%.server:    %.server.in    $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -o -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-    INTLTOOL_SHEET_RULE='%.sheet:     %.sheet.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-INTLTOOL_SOUNDLIST_RULE='%.soundlist: %.soundlist.in $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-       INTLTOOL_UI_RULE='%.ui:        %.ui.in        $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-      INTLTOOL_XML_RULE='%.xml:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-      INTLTOOL_XML_NOMERGE_RULE='%.xml:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u /tmp $< $@'
-      INTLTOOL_XAM_RULE='%.xam:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-      INTLTOOL_KBD_RULE='%.kbd:       %.kbd.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u -m -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-    INTLTOOL_CAVES_RULE='%.caves:     %.caves.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-  INTLTOOL_SCHEMAS_RULE='%.schemas:   %.schemas.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -s -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-    INTLTOOL_THEME_RULE='%.theme:     %.theme.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-    INTLTOOL_SERVICE_RULE='%.service: %.service.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@'
-# Use the tools built into the package, not the ones that are installed.
-# Extract the first word of "perl", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy perl; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_PERL+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case $INTLTOOL_PERL in
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_PERL="$INTLTOOL_PERL" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_PERL="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  ;;
-if test -n "$INTLTOOL_PERL"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INTLTOOL_PERL" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$INTLTOOL_PERL" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test -z "$INTLTOOL_PERL"; then
-   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: perl not found; required for intltool" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: perl not found; required for intltool" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-if test -z "`$INTLTOOL_PERL -v | fgrep '5.' 2> /dev/null`"; then
-   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: perl 5.x required for intltool" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: perl 5.x required for intltool" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-if test "x" != "xno-xml"; then
-   { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for XML::Parser" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for XML::Parser... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-   if `$INTLTOOL_PERL -e "require XML::Parser" 2>/dev/null`; then
-       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: ok" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}ok" >&6; }
-   else
-       { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-   fi
-# Extract the first word of "iconv", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy iconv; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_ICONV+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case $INTLTOOL_ICONV in
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_ICONV="$INTLTOOL_ICONV" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_ICONV="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  test -z "$ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_ICONV" && ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_ICONV="iconv"
-  ;;
-if test -n "$INTLTOOL_ICONV"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INTLTOOL_ICONV" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$INTLTOOL_ICONV" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-# Extract the first word of "msgfmt", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy msgfmt; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGFMT+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGFMT="$INTLTOOL_MSGFMT" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGFMT="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  test -z "$ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGFMT" && ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGFMT="msgfmt"
-  ;;
-if test -n "$INTLTOOL_MSGFMT"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INTLTOOL_MSGFMT" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$INTLTOOL_MSGFMT" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-# Extract the first word of "msgmerge", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy msgmerge; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE="$INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  test -z "$ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE" && ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE="msgmerge"
-  ;;
-if test -n "$INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$INTLTOOL_MSGMERGE" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-# Extract the first word of "xgettext", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy xgettext; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT="$INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  test -z "$ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT" && ac_cv_path_INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT="xgettext"
-  ;;
-if test -n "$INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$INTLTOOL_XGETTEXT" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-# Substitute ALL_LINGUAS so we can use it in po/Makefile
-# Set DATADIRNAME correctly if it is not set yet
-# (copied from glib-gettext.m4)
-if test -z "$DATADIRNAME"; then
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
-                 return _nl_msg_cat_cntr
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	case $host in
-    *-*-solaris*)
-                        { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for bind_textdomain_codeset" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for bind_textdomain_codeset... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define bind_textdomain_codeset to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares bind_textdomain_codeset.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define bind_textdomain_codeset innocuous_bind_textdomain_codeset
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char bind_textdomain_codeset (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef bind_textdomain_codeset
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char bind_textdomain_codeset ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_bind_textdomain_codeset || defined __stub___bind_textdomain_codeset
-choke me
-main ()
-return bind_textdomain_codeset ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset = yes; then
-    ;;
-    *)
-    ;;
-    esac
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands intltool"
-if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"; then
-  if test -z "`echo "$CFLAGS" | grep "\-Wall" 2> /dev/null`" ; then
-    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall"
-  fi
-  # gcc < 4.0 does not know '-Wno-pointer-sign'. Try to find out
-  # whether we can set this option or not.
-  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-pointer-sign"
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <stdio.h>
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  :
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-# Extract the first word of "pkg-config", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy pkg-config; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_have_pkgconfig+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$have_pkgconfig"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_have_pkgconfig="$have_pkgconfig" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_have_pkgconfig=""ok""
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$have_pkgconfig"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $have_pkgconfig" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$have_pkgconfig" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test "y$have_pkgconfig" = "y"; then
-	{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: **** pkg-config required (http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig)
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: **** pkg-config required (http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig)
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-if test "x$ac_cv_env_PKG_CONFIG_set" != "xset"; then
-	if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
-  # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}pkg-config", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}pkg-config; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_PKG_CONFIG+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case $PKG_CONFIG in
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_PKG_CONFIG="$PKG_CONFIG" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_PKG_CONFIG="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  ;;
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $PKG_CONFIG" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$PKG_CONFIG" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-if test -z "$ac_cv_path_PKG_CONFIG"; then
-  # Extract the first word of "pkg-config", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy pkg-config; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case $ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG in
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG="$ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  ;;
-if test -n "$ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  if test "x$ac_pt_PKG_CONFIG" = x; then
-    PKG_CONFIG=""
-  else
-    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
-whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
-configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
-ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
-  fi
-  PKG_CONFIG="$ac_cv_path_PKG_CONFIG"
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-	_pkg_min_version=0.9.0
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking pkg-config is at least version $_pkg_min_version" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking pkg-config is at least version $_pkg_min_version... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-	if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version $_pkg_min_version; then
-		{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-	else
-		{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-	fi
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for PACKAGE" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for PACKAGE... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$PACKAGE_CFLAGS"; then
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_PACKAGE_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$PACKAGE_LIBS"; then
-        pkg_cv_PACKAGE_LIBS="$PACKAGE_LIBS"
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_PACKAGE_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test $pkg_failed = yes; then
-if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=no
-        if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then
-	        PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2"`
-        else
-	        PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2"`
-        fi
-	# Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs
-	echo "$PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS" >&5
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-                { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: *** $PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: *** $PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then
-	{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: *** $PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: *** $PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-        { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-	:
-for ac_prog in flex lex
-  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_LEX+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if test -n "$LEX"; then
-  ac_cv_prog_LEX="$LEX" # Let the user override the test.
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_prog_LEX="$ac_prog"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-if test -n "$LEX"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $LEX" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$LEX" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-  test -n "$LEX" && break
-test -n "$LEX" || LEX=":"
-if test "x$LEX" != "x:"; then
-  cat >conftest.l <<_ACEOF
-a { ECHO; }
-b { REJECT; }
-c { yymore (); }
-d { yyless (1); }
-e { yyless (input () != 0); }
-f { unput (yytext[0]); }
-extern char *yytext;
-main (void)
-  return ! yylex () + ! yywrap ();
-{ (ac_try="$LEX conftest.l"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$LEX conftest.l") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking lex output file root" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking lex output file root... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_lex_root+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-if test -f lex.yy.c; then
-  ac_cv_prog_lex_root=lex.yy
-elif test -f lexyy.c; then
-  ac_cv_prog_lex_root=lexyy
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot find output from $LEX; giving up" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot find output from $LEX; giving up" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_lex_root" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_lex_root" >&6; }
-if test -z "${LEXLIB+set}"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking lex library" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking lex library... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_lib_lex+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-    ac_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-    ac_cv_lib_lex='none needed'
-    for ac_lib in '' -lfl -ll; do
-      LIBS="$ac_lib $ac_save_LIBS"
-      cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_lib_lex=$ac_lib
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-      test "$ac_cv_lib_lex" != 'none needed' && break
-    done
-    LIBS=$ac_save_LIBS
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_lib_lex" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_lib_lex" >&6; }
-  test "$ac_cv_lib_lex" != 'none needed' && LEXLIB=$ac_cv_lib_lex
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether yytext is a pointer" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking whether yytext is a pointer... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_prog_lex_yytext_pointer+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  # POSIX says lex can declare yytext either as a pointer or an array; the
-# default is implementation-dependent.  Figure out which it is, since
-# not all implementations provide the %pointer and %array declarations.
-LIBS="$LEXLIB $ac_save_LIBS"
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_prog_lex_yytext_pointer=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_lex_yytext_pointer" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_lex_yytext_pointer" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_prog_lex_yytext_pointer = yes; then
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-rm -f conftest.l $LEX_OUTPUT_ROOT.c
-if test "$LEX" = :; then
-  LEX=${am_missing_run}flex
-if ! test "y$LEX" = "yflex"; then
-  if ! test "y$LEX" = "ylex"; then
-    { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: **** flex or lex required
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: **** flex or lex required
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  fi
-# Extract the first word of "mount", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy mount; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_MOUNT+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case $MOUNT in
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_MOUNT="$MOUNT" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_MOUNT="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  ;;
-if test -n "$MOUNT"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $MOUNT" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$MOUNT" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-# Extract the first word of "umount", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy umount; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_UMOUNT+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case $UMOUNT in
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_UMOUNT="$UMOUNT" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_UMOUNT="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  ;;
-if test -n "$UMOUNT"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $UMOUNT" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$UMOUNT" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-ALL_LINGUAS="de es fr he it ja sv"
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
-ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking how to run the C preprocessor" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking how to run the C preprocessor... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-# On Suns, sometimes $CPP names a directory.
-if test -n "$CPP" && test -d "$CPP"; then
-  CPP=
-if test -z "$CPP"; then
-  if test "${ac_cv_prog_CPP+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-      # Double quotes because CPP needs to be expanded
-    for CPP in "$CC -E" "$CC -E -traditional-cpp" "/lib/cpp"
-    do
-      ac_preproc_ok=false
-for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes
-  # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc
-  # with a fresh cross-compiler works.
-  # Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-  # <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.
-  # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
-  # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case.
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-		     Syntax error
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  :
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  # Broken: fails on valid input.
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-  # OK, works on sane cases.  Now check whether nonexistent headers
-  # can be detected and how.
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  # Broken: success on invalid input.
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  # Passes both tests.
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped.
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-if $ac_preproc_ok; then
-  break
-    done
-    ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP
-  CPP=$ac_cv_prog_CPP
-  ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CPP" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$CPP" >&6; }
-for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes
-  # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc
-  # with a fresh cross-compiler works.
-  # Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-  # <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.
-  # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
-  # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case.
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-		     Syntax error
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  :
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  # Broken: fails on valid input.
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-  # OK, works on sane cases.  Now check whether nonexistent headers
-  # can be detected and how.
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  # Broken: success on invalid input.
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  # Passes both tests.
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped.
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-if $ac_preproc_ok; then
-  :
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: C preprocessor \"$CPP\" fails sanity check
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: C preprocessor \"$CPP\" fails sanity check
-See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
-ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_GREP+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  # Extract the first word of "grep ggrep" to use in msg output
-if test -z "$GREP"; then
-set dummy grep ggrep; ac_prog_name=$2
-if test "${ac_cv_path_GREP+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_path_GREP_found=false
-# Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST
-for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_prog in grep ggrep; do
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-    ac_path_GREP="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"
-    { test -f "$ac_path_GREP" && $as_test_x "$ac_path_GREP"; } || continue
-    # Check for GNU ac_path_GREP and select it if it is found.
-  # Check for GNU $ac_path_GREP
-case `"$ac_path_GREP" --version 2>&1` in
-  ac_cv_path_GREP="$ac_path_GREP" ac_path_GREP_found=:;;
-  ac_count=0
-  echo $ECHO_N "0123456789$ECHO_C" >"conftest.in"
-  while :
-  do
-    cat "conftest.in" "conftest.in" >"conftest.tmp"
-    mv "conftest.tmp" "conftest.in"
-    cp "conftest.in" "conftest.nl"
-    echo 'GREP' >> "conftest.nl"
-    "$ac_path_GREP" -e 'GREP$' -e '-(cannot match)-' < "conftest.nl" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break
-    diff "conftest.out" "conftest.nl" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
-    ac_count=`expr $ac_count + 1`
-    if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_GREP_max-0}; then
-      # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one
-      ac_cv_path_GREP="$ac_path_GREP"
-      ac_path_GREP_max=$ac_count
-    fi
-    # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough
-    test $ac_count -gt 10 && break
-  done
-  rm -f conftest.in conftest.tmp conftest.nl conftest.out;;
-    $ac_path_GREP_found && break 3
-  done
-if test -z "$GREP"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: no acceptable $ac_prog_name could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: no acceptable $ac_prog_name could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  ac_cv_path_GREP=$GREP
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_path_GREP" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_path_GREP" >&6; }
- GREP="$ac_cv_path_GREP"
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for egrep" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for egrep... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_EGREP+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  if echo a | $GREP -E '(a|b)' >/dev/null 2>&1
-   then ac_cv_path_EGREP="$GREP -E"
-   else
-     # Extract the first word of "egrep" to use in msg output
-if test -z "$EGREP"; then
-set dummy egrep; ac_prog_name=$2
-if test "${ac_cv_path_EGREP+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_path_EGREP_found=false
-# Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST
-for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_prog in egrep; do
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-    ac_path_EGREP="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"
-    { test -f "$ac_path_EGREP" && $as_test_x "$ac_path_EGREP"; } || continue
-    # Check for GNU ac_path_EGREP and select it if it is found.
-  # Check for GNU $ac_path_EGREP
-case `"$ac_path_EGREP" --version 2>&1` in
-  ac_cv_path_EGREP="$ac_path_EGREP" ac_path_EGREP_found=:;;
-  ac_count=0
-  echo $ECHO_N "0123456789$ECHO_C" >"conftest.in"
-  while :
-  do
-    cat "conftest.in" "conftest.in" >"conftest.tmp"
-    mv "conftest.tmp" "conftest.in"
-    cp "conftest.in" "conftest.nl"
-    echo 'EGREP' >> "conftest.nl"
-    "$ac_path_EGREP" 'EGREP$' < "conftest.nl" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break
-    diff "conftest.out" "conftest.nl" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
-    ac_count=`expr $ac_count + 1`
-    if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_EGREP_max-0}; then
-      # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one
-      ac_cv_path_EGREP="$ac_path_EGREP"
-      ac_path_EGREP_max=$ac_count
-    fi
-    # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough
-    test $ac_count -gt 10 && break
-  done
-  rm -f conftest.in conftest.tmp conftest.nl conftest.out;;
-    $ac_path_EGREP_found && break 3
-  done
-if test -z "$EGREP"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: no acceptable $ac_prog_name could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: no acceptable $ac_prog_name could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  ac_cv_path_EGREP=$EGREP
-   fi
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_path_EGREP" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_path_EGREP" >&6; }
- EGREP="$ac_cv_path_EGREP"
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ANSI C header files" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for ANSI C header files... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_stdc+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <float.h>
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_cv_header_stdc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_header_stdc=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then
-  # SunOS 4.x string.h does not declare mem*, contrary to ANSI.
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <string.h>
-if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
-  $EGREP "memchr" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_header_stdc=no
-rm -f conftest*
-if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then
-  # ISC 2.0.2 stdlib.h does not declare free, contrary to ANSI.
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
-  $EGREP "free" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_header_stdc=no
-rm -f conftest*
-if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then
-  # /bin/cc in Irix-4.0.5 gets non-ANSI ctype macros unless using -ansi.
-  if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
-  :
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if ((' ' & 0x0FF) == 0x020)
-# define ISLOWER(c) ('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z')
-# define TOUPPER(c) (ISLOWER(c) ? 'A' + ((c) - 'a') : (c))
-# define ISLOWER(c) \
-		   (('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'i') \
-		     || ('j' <= (c) && (c) <= 'r') \
-		     || ('s' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z'))
-# define TOUPPER(c) (ISLOWER(c) ? ((c) | 0x40) : (c))
-#define XOR(e, f) (((e) && !(f)) || (!(e) && (f)))
-main ()
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-    if (XOR (islower (i), ISLOWER (i))
-	|| toupper (i) != TOUPPER (i))
-      return 2;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && { ac_try='./conftest$ac_exeext'
-  { (case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; }; then
-  :
-  echo "$as_me: program exited with status $ac_status" >&5
-echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-( exit $ac_status )
-rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_stdc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_stdc" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-#define STDC_HEADERS 1
-# On IRIX 5.3, sys/types and inttypes.h are conflicting.
-for ac_header in sys/types.h sys/stat.h stdlib.h string.h memory.h strings.h \
-		  inttypes.h stdint.h unistd.h
-as_ac_Header=`echo "ac_cv_header_$ac_header" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_header" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_header... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_Header; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <$ac_header>
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_Header=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_Header=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_header" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-for ac_header in locale.h
-as_ac_Header=`echo "ac_cv_header_$ac_header" | $as_tr_sh`
-if { as_var=$as_ac_Header; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_header" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_header... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_Header; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-  # Is the header compilable?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking $ac_header usability" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking $ac_header usability... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <$ac_header>
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_header_compiler=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_header_compiler=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_compiler" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_compiler" >&6; }
-# Is the header present?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking $ac_header presence" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking $ac_header presence... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <$ac_header>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  ac_header_preproc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  ac_header_preproc=no
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_preproc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_preproc" >&6; }
-# So?  What about this header?
-case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in
-  yes:no: )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
-    ac_header_preproc=yes
-    ;;
-  no:yes:* )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
-    ;;
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_header" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_header... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_Header; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  eval "$as_ac_Header=\$ac_header_preproc"
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_header" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-    if test $ac_cv_header_locale_h = yes; then
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for LC_MESSAGES" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for LC_MESSAGES... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <locale.h>
-main ()
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES" >&6; }
-    if test $am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES = yes; then
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-    fi
-  fi
-     USE_NLS=yes
-    gt_cv_have_gettext=no
-    if test "${ac_cv_header_libintl_h+set}" = set; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for libintl.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for libintl.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_libintl_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_libintl_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_libintl_h" >&6; }
-  # Is the header compilable?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking libintl.h usability" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking libintl.h usability... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <libintl.h>
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_header_compiler=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_header_compiler=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_compiler" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_compiler" >&6; }
-# Is the header present?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking libintl.h presence" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking libintl.h presence... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <libintl.h>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  ac_header_preproc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  ac_header_preproc=no
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_preproc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_preproc" >&6; }
-# So?  What about this header?
-case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in
-  yes:no: )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
-    ac_header_preproc=yes
-    ;;
-  no:yes:* )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libintl.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: libintl.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
-    ;;
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for libintl.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for libintl.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_libintl_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_cv_header_libintl_h=$ac_header_preproc
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_libintl_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_libintl_h" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_header_libintl_h = yes; then
-  gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl="no"
-      libintl_extra_libs=""
-      #
-      # First check in libc
-      #
-      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ngettext in libc" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for ngettext in libc... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <libintl.h>
-main ()
-return !ngettext ("","", 1)
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" >&6; }
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes" ; then
-	      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for dgettext in libc" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for dgettext in libc... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <libintl.h>
-main ()
-return !dgettext ("","")
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" >&6; }
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes" ; then
-for ac_func in bind_textdomain_codeset
-as_ac_var=`echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_func... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_var; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define $ac_func to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $ac_func.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define $ac_func innocuous_$ac_func
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char $ac_func (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef $ac_func
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char $ac_func ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_$ac_func || defined __stub___$ac_func
-choke me
-main ()
-return $ac_func ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_var=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_var=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-      fi
-      #
-      # If we don't have everything we want, check in libintl
-      #
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" != "yes" \
-	 || test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" != "yes" \
-         || test "$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" != "yes" ; then
-        { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for bindtextdomain in -lintl" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for bindtextdomain in -lintl... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_lib_intl_bindtextdomain+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-LIBS="-lintl  $LIBS"
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char bindtextdomain ();
-main ()
-return bindtextdomain ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_lib_intl_bindtextdomain=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_lib_intl_bindtextdomain=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_lib_intl_bindtextdomain" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_lib_intl_bindtextdomain" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_lib_intl_bindtextdomain = yes; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ngettext in -lintl" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for ngettext in -lintl... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-LIBS="-lintl  $LIBS"
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char ngettext ();
-main ()
-return ngettext ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext = yes; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for dgettext in -lintl" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for dgettext in -lintl... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-LIBS="-lintl  $LIBS"
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char dgettext ();
-main ()
-return dgettext ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext = yes; then
-  gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=yes
-	if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" != "yes" ; then
-	  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking if -liconv is needed to use gettext" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking if -liconv is needed to use gettext... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-	  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: " >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}" >&6; }
-  	  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ngettext in -lintl" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for ngettext in -lintl... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-LIBS="-lintl -liconv $LIBS"
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char ngettext ();
-main ()
-return ngettext ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_lib_intl_ngettext = yes; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for dcgettext in -lintl" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for dcgettext in -lintl... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_lib_intl_dcgettext+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-LIBS="-lintl -liconv $LIBS"
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char dcgettext ();
-main ()
-return dcgettext ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_lib_intl_dcgettext=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_lib_intl_dcgettext=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_lib_intl_dcgettext" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_lib_intl_dcgettext" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_lib_intl_dcgettext = yes; then
-  gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=yes
-			libintl_extra_libs=-liconv
-  :
-  :
-        fi
-        #
-        # If we found libintl, then check in it for bind_textdomain_codeset();
-        # we'll prefer libc if neither have bind_textdomain_codeset(),
-        # and both have dgettext and ngettext
-        #
-        if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes" ; then
-          glib_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-          LIBS="$LIBS -lintl $libintl_extra_libs"
-          unset ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset
-for ac_func in bind_textdomain_codeset
-as_ac_var=`echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_func... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_var; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define $ac_func to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $ac_func.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define $ac_func innocuous_$ac_func
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char $ac_func (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef $ac_func
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char $ac_func ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_$ac_func || defined __stub___$ac_func
-choke me
-main ()
-return $ac_func ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_var=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_var=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-          LIBS="$glib_save_LIBS"
-          if test "$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" = "yes" ; then
-            gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=no
-          else
-            if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" = "yes" \
-		&& test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes"; then
-              gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=no
-            fi
-          fi
-        fi
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" = "yes" \
-	|| test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes"; then
-        gt_cv_have_gettext=yes
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes"; then
-        INTLLIBS="-lintl $libintl_extra_libs"
-      fi
-      if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes"; then
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-#define HAVE_GETTEXT 1
-	# Extract the first word of "msgfmt", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy msgfmt; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_MSGFMT+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case "$MSGFMT" in
-  /*)
-  ac_cv_path_MSGFMT="$MSGFMT" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-  IFS="${IFS= 	}"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
-  for ac_dir in $PATH; do
-    test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
-    if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
-      if test -z "`$ac_dir/$ac_word -h 2>&1 | grep 'dv '`"; then
-	ac_cv_path_MSGFMT="$ac_dir/$ac_word"
-	break
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-  test -z "$ac_cv_path_MSGFMT" && ac_cv_path_MSGFMT="no"
-  ;;
-if test "$MSGFMT" != "no"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $MSGFMT" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$MSGFMT" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-	if test "$MSGFMT" != "no"; then
-          glib_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-          LIBS="$LIBS $INTLLIBS"
-for ac_func in dcgettext
-as_ac_var=`echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_func... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_var; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define $ac_func to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $ac_func.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define $ac_func innocuous_$ac_func
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char $ac_func (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef $ac_func
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char $ac_func ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_$ac_func || defined __stub___$ac_func
-choke me
-main ()
-return $ac_func ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_var=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_var=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-	  # Extract the first word of "gmsgfmt", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy gmsgfmt; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case $GMSGFMT in
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-  ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$GMSGFMT" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
-  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
-    ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
-    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
-    break 2
-  fi
-  test -z "$ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT" && ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$MSGFMT"
-  ;;
-if test -n "$GMSGFMT"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $GMSGFMT" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$GMSGFMT" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-	  # Extract the first word of "xgettext", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy xgettext; ac_word=$2
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  case "$XGETTEXT" in
-  /*)
-  ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT="$XGETTEXT" # Let the user override the test with a path.
-  ;;
-  *)
-  IFS="${IFS= 	}"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
-  for ac_dir in $PATH; do
-    test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
-    if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
-      if test -z "`$ac_dir/$ac_word -h 2>&1 | grep '(HELP)'`"; then
-	ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT="$ac_dir/$ac_word"
-	break
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-  test -z "$ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT" && ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT=":"
-  ;;
-if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $XGETTEXT" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$XGETTEXT" >&6; }
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-	  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-main ()
-extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
-			 return _nl_msg_cat_cntr
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-             DATADIRNAME=share
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	case $host in
-	    *-*-solaris*)
-	    	                	    	                { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for bind_textdomain_codeset" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for bind_textdomain_codeset... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define bind_textdomain_codeset to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares bind_textdomain_codeset.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define bind_textdomain_codeset innocuous_bind_textdomain_codeset
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char bind_textdomain_codeset (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef bind_textdomain_codeset
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char bind_textdomain_codeset ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_bind_textdomain_codeset || defined __stub___bind_textdomain_codeset
-choke me
-main ()
-return bind_textdomain_codeset ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset = yes; then
-               DATADIRNAME=share
-               DATADIRNAME=lib
-	    ;;
-	    *)
-	    CATOBJEXT=.mo
-            DATADIRNAME=lib
-	    ;;
-	    esac
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-          LIBS="$glib_save_LIBS"
-	else
-	  gt_cv_have_gettext=no
-	fi
-      fi
-    if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes" ; then
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-#define ENABLE_NLS 1
-    fi
-        if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then
-                  if $XGETTEXT --omit-header /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
-        : ;
-      else
-        { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: found xgettext program is not GNU xgettext; ignore it" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}found xgettext program is not GNU xgettext; ignore it" >&6; }
-        XGETTEXT=":"
-      fi
-    fi
-    # We need to process the po/ directory.
-    POSUB=po
-    ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands default-1"
-                for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do
-      GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $lang.gmo"
-      POFILES="$POFILES $lang.po"
-    done
-   if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes"; then
-     if test "x$ALL_LINGUAS" = "x"; then
-       LINGUAS=
-     else
-       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for catalogs to be installed" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for catalogs to be installed... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-       NEW_LINGUAS=
-       for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do
-         useit=no
-         if test "%UNSET%" != "${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}"; then
-           desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS"
-         else
-           desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS"
-         fi
-         for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do
- 	   # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is
-           #   a. equal to presentlang, or
-           #   b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case,
-           #      presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages
-           #      which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog).
-           case "$desiredlang" in
-             "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;;
-           esac
-         done
-         if test $useit = yes; then
-           NEW_LINGUAS="$NEW_LINGUAS $presentlang"
-         fi
-       done
-       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $LINGUAS" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$LINGUAS" >&6; }
-     fi
-          if test -n "$LINGUAS"; then
-       for lang in $LINGUAS; do CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang$CATOBJEXT"; done
-     fi
-   fi
-            MKINSTALLDIRS=
-   if test -n "$ac_aux_dir"; then
-     MKINSTALLDIRS="$ac_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs"
-   fi
-   if test -z "$MKINSTALLDIRS"; then
-     MKINSTALLDIRS="\$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs"
-   fi
-         test -d po || mkdir po
-   if test "x$srcdir" != "x."; then
-     if test "x`echo $srcdir | sed 's@/.*@@'`" = "x"; then
-       posrcprefix="$srcdir/"
-     else
-       posrcprefix="../$srcdir/"
-     fi
-   else
-     posrcprefix="../"
-   fi
-   rm -f po/POTFILES
-   sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^\$/d" -e "s,.*,	$posrcprefix& \\\\," -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" \
-	< $srcdir/po/POTFILES.in > po/POTFILES
-for ac_func in getopt_long_only
-as_ac_var=`echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_func... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_var; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define $ac_func to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $ac_func.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define $ac_func innocuous_$ac_func
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char $ac_func (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef $ac_func
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char $ac_func ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_$ac_func || defined __stub___$ac_func
-choke me
-main ()
-return $ac_func ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_var=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_var=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-  case " $LIBOBJS " in
-  *" getopt.$ac_objext "* ) ;;
-  *) LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS getopt.$ac_objext"
- ;;
-for ac_func in getopt_long_only
-as_ac_var=`echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_func... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_var; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define $ac_func to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $ac_func.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define $ac_func innocuous_$ac_func
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char $ac_func (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef $ac_func
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char $ac_func ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_$ac_func || defined __stub___$ac_func
-choke me
-main ()
-return $ac_func ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_var=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_var=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-  case " $LIBOBJS " in
-  *" getopt1.$ac_objext "* ) ;;
-  *) LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS getopt1.$ac_objext"
- ;;
-for ac_func in flock
-as_ac_var=`echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_func... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_var; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define $ac_func to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $ac_func.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define $ac_func innocuous_$ac_func
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char $ac_func (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef $ac_func
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char $ac_func ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_$ac_func || defined __stub___$ac_func
-choke me
-main ()
-return $ac_func ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_var=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_var=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-for ac_func in statvfs
-as_ac_var=`echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_func... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_var; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Define $ac_func to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $ac_func.
-   For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday.  */
-#define $ac_func innocuous_$ac_func
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
-    which can conflict with char $ac_func (); below.
-    Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
-    <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-#undef $ac_func
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char $ac_func ();
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
-    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
-    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
-#if defined __stub_$ac_func || defined __stub___$ac_func
-choke me
-main ()
-return $ac_func ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  eval "$as_ac_var=yes"
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	eval "$as_ac_var=no"
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_var'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for library containing id3_frame_field" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for library containing id3_frame_field... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_search_id3_frame_field+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char id3_frame_field ();
-main ()
-return id3_frame_field ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_lib in '' "id3tag" "id3tag -lz"; do
-  if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
-    ac_res="none required"
-  else
-    ac_res=-l$ac_lib
-    LIBS="-l$ac_lib  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
-  fi
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_search_id3_frame_field=$ac_res
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext
-  if test "${ac_cv_search_id3_frame_field+set}" = set; then
-  break
-if test "${ac_cv_search_id3_frame_field+set}" = set; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_search_id3_frame_field=no
-rm conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_search_id3_frame_field" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_search_id3_frame_field" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_res" != no; then
-  test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: *** id3tag >= 0.15 lib not found (0.14 will not work!)" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: *** id3tag >= 0.15 lib not found (0.14 will not work!)" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for CURL" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for CURL... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$CURL_CFLAGS"; then
-        pkg_cv_CURL_CFLAGS="$CURL_CFLAGS"
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"libcurl >= 7.10.0\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "libcurl >= 7.10.0") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_CURL_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags "libcurl >= 7.10.0" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$CURL_LIBS"; then
-        pkg_cv_CURL_LIBS="$CURL_LIBS"
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"libcurl >= 7.10.0\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "libcurl >= 7.10.0") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_CURL_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs "libcurl >= 7.10.0" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test $pkg_failed = yes; then
-if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=no
-        if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then
-	        CURL_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "libcurl >= 7.10.0"`
-        else
-	        CURL_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "libcurl >= 7.10.0"`
-        fi
-	# Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs
-	echo "$CURL_PKG_ERRORS" >&5
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-                have_curl=no
-elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then
-	have_curl=no
-        { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-	have_curl=yes
-if test "$have_curl" != "no"; then
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-#define HAVE_CURL 1
-    have_curl="yes -- will build with coverart download support"
-    echo "*** libcurl could not be found, not building coverart download support"
-    have_curl="*no -- will build without coverart download support"
-# Check whether --with-gnome-vfs was given.
-if test "${with_gnome_vfs+set}" = set; then
-  withval=$with_gnome_vfs;
-if test "x$with_gnome_vfs" != "xno"; then
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for GNOME_VFS" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for GNOME_VFS... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$GNOME_VFS_CFLAGS"; then
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_GNOME_VFS_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags "gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$GNOME_VFS_LIBS"; then
-        pkg_cv_GNOME_VFS_LIBS="$GNOME_VFS_LIBS"
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_GNOME_VFS_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs "gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test $pkg_failed = yes; then
-if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=no
-        if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then
-	        GNOME_VFS_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0"`
-        else
-	        GNOME_VFS_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0"`
-        fi
-	# Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs
-	echo "$GNOME_VFS_PKG_ERRORS" >&5
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-                enable_gnome_vfs=no
-elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then
-	enable_gnome_vfs=no
-        { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-	enable_gnome_vfs=yes
-  if test "x$enable_gnome_vfs" != "xyes" -a "x$with_gnome_vfs" = "xyes"; then
-      { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: gnome-vfs support explicitly requested but gnome-vfs couldn't be found" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: gnome-vfs support explicitly requested but gnome-vfs couldn't be found" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  fi
-if test "x$enable_gnome_vfs" = "xyes"; then
-    have_gnomevfs="yes -- will build with automount support"
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-#define HAVE_GNOME_VFS 1
-    echo "*** gnome-vfs-2 not found or disabled, not building iPod autodetection support"
-    have_gnomevfs="*no -- will build without iPod autodetection support"
-if test x"$enable_gnome_vfs" = xyes; then
-#dnl Check for HAL
-# Check whether --with-hal was given.
-if test "${with_hal+set}" = set; then
-  withval=$with_hal;
-if test "x$with_hal" != "xno"; then
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for HAL" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for HAL... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$HAL_CFLAGS"; then
-        pkg_cv_HAL_CFLAGS="$HAL_CFLAGS"
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_HAL_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags "hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
-    if test -n "$HAL_LIBS"; then
-        pkg_cv_HAL_LIBS="$HAL_LIBS"
-    else
-        if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \
-    { (echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \"hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6\"") >&5
-  ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6") 2>&5
-  ac_status=$?
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); }; then
-  pkg_cv_HAL_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs "hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6" 2>/dev/null`
-  pkg_failed=yes
-    fi
-	pkg_failed=untried
-if test $pkg_failed = yes; then
-if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes
-        _pkg_short_errors_supported=no
-        if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then
-	        HAL_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6"`
-        else
-	        HAL_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6"`
-        fi
-	# Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs
-	echo "$HAL_PKG_ERRORS" >&5
-	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
-                enable_hal=no
-elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then
-	enable_hal=no
-        { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
-	enable_hal=yes
-  if test "x$enable_hal" != "xyes" -a "x$with_hal" = "xyes"; then
-      { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: HAL support explicitly requested but HAL couldn't be found" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: HAL support explicitly requested but HAL couldn't be found" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  fi
-if test "x$enable_hal" = "xyes"; then
-  have_hal="yes -- will build with HAL support"
-cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF
-#define HAVE_HAL 1
-  have_hal="*no -- will build without HAL support"
-if test x"$enable_hal" = xyes; then
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for library containing MP4GetMetadataGrouping" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for library containing MP4GetMetadataGrouping... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_search_MP4GetMetadataGrouping+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char MP4GetMetadataGrouping ();
-main ()
-return MP4GetMetadataGrouping ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_lib in '' "mp4v2" "mp4v2 -lstdc++" "mp4v2 -lz" "mp4v2 -lz -lstdc++"; do
-  if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
-    ac_res="none required"
-  else
-    ac_res=-l$ac_lib
-    LIBS="-l$ac_lib  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
-  fi
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_search_MP4GetMetadataGrouping=$ac_res
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext
-  if test "${ac_cv_search_MP4GetMetadataGrouping+set}" = set; then
-  break
-if test "${ac_cv_search_MP4GetMetadataGrouping+set}" = set; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_search_MP4GetMetadataGrouping=no
-rm conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_search_MP4GetMetadataGrouping" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_search_MP4GetMetadataGrouping" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_res" != no; then
-  test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
-  if test "${ac_cv_header_mp4_h+set}" = set; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for mp4.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for mp4.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_mp4_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_mp4_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_mp4_h" >&6; }
-  # Is the header compilable?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking mp4.h usability" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking mp4.h usability... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <mp4.h>
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_header_compiler=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_header_compiler=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_compiler" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_compiler" >&6; }
-# Is the header present?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking mp4.h presence" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking mp4.h presence... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <mp4.h>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  ac_header_preproc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  ac_header_preproc=no
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_preproc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_preproc" >&6; }
-# So?  What about this header?
-case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in
-  yes:no: )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
-    ac_header_preproc=yes
-    ;;
-  no:yes:* )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: mp4.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: mp4.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
-    ;;
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for mp4.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for mp4.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_mp4_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_cv_header_mp4_h=$ac_header_preproc
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_mp4_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_mp4_h" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_header_mp4_h = yes; then
-  have_mp4v2="yes -- will build with aac support"
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define HAVE_LIBMP4V2 1
-  echo "*** mp4.h cannot be found. Check your mp4v2 installation."
-if test "y$have_mp4v2" = "y"; then
-	have_mp4v2="*no -- will build without aac support"
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for library containing ov_open" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for library containing ov_open... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_search_ov_open+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char ov_open ();
-main ()
-return ov_open ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_lib in '' "vorbisfile"; do
-  if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
-    ac_res="none required"
-  else
-    ac_res=-l$ac_lib
-    LIBS="-l$ac_lib  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
-  fi
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_search_ov_open=$ac_res
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext
-  if test "${ac_cv_search_ov_open+set}" = set; then
-  break
-if test "${ac_cv_search_ov_open+set}" = set; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_search_ov_open=no
-rm conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_search_ov_open" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_search_ov_open" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_res" != no; then
-  test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
-  if test "${ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h+set}" = set; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for vorbis/vorbisfile.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for vorbis/vorbisfile.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h" >&6; }
-  # Is the header compilable?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking vorbis/vorbisfile.h usability" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking vorbis/vorbisfile.h usability... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_header_compiler=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_header_compiler=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_compiler" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_compiler" >&6; }
-# Is the header present?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking vorbis/vorbisfile.h presence" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking vorbis/vorbisfile.h presence... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  ac_header_preproc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  ac_header_preproc=no
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_preproc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_preproc" >&6; }
-# So?  What about this header?
-case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in
-  yes:no: )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
-    ac_header_preproc=yes
-    ;;
-  no:yes:* )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: vorbis/vorbisfile.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
-    ;;
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for vorbis/vorbisfile.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for vorbis/vorbisfile.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h=$ac_header_preproc
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_header_vorbis_vorbisfile_h = yes; then
-  have_vorbisfile="yes -- will build with ogg support"
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-  echo "*** vorbisfile.h cannot be found. Check your ogg/vorbis installation."
-if test "y$have_vorbisfile" = "y"; then
-        have_vorbisfile="*no -- will build without ogg support"
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for library containing FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for library containing FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_search_FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo ();
-main ()
-return FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_lib in '' "FLAC"; do
-  if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
-    ac_res="none required"
-  else
-    ac_res=-l$ac_lib
-    LIBS="-l$ac_lib  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
-  fi
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_search_FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo=$ac_res
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext
-  if test "${ac_cv_search_FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo+set}" = set; then
-  break
-if test "${ac_cv_search_FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo+set}" = set; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_search_FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo=no
-rm conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_search_FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_search_FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_res" != no; then
-  test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
-  if test "${ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h+set}" = set; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for FLAC/metadata.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for FLAC/metadata.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h" >&6; }
-  # Is the header compilable?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking FLAC/metadata.h usability" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking FLAC/metadata.h usability... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <FLAC/metadata.h>
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_header_compiler=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_header_compiler=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_compiler" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_compiler" >&6; }
-# Is the header present?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking FLAC/metadata.h presence" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking FLAC/metadata.h presence... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <FLAC/metadata.h>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  ac_header_preproc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  ac_header_preproc=no
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_preproc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_preproc" >&6; }
-# So?  What about this header?
-case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in
-  yes:no: )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
-    ac_header_preproc=yes
-    ;;
-  no:yes:* )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: FLAC/metadata.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
-    ;;
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for FLAC/metadata.h" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for FLAC/metadata.h... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h=$ac_header_preproc
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h" >&6; }
-if test $ac_cv_header_FLAC_metadata_h = yes; then
-  have_flac="yes -- will build with FLAC support"
-cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define HAVE_FLAC 1
-  echo "*** FLAC/metadata.h cannot be found. Check your FLAC installation."
-if test "y$have_flac" = "y"; then
-        have_flac="*no -- will build without FLAC support"
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for library containing bind" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for library containing bind... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if test "${ac_cv_search_bind+set}" = set; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
-   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
-   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-char bind ();
-main ()
-return bind ();
-  ;
-  return 0;
-for ac_lib in '' "socket" "nsl" "socket -lnsl"; do
-  if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
-    ac_res="none required"
-  else
-    ac_res=-l$ac_lib
-    LIBS="-l$ac_lib  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
-  fi
-  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
-       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
-  ac_cv_search_bind=$ac_res
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
-      conftest$ac_exeext
-  if test "${ac_cv_search_bind+set}" = set; then
-  break
-if test "${ac_cv_search_bind+set}" = set; then
-  :
-  ac_cv_search_bind=no
-rm conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_search_bind" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_search_bind" >&6; }
-if test "$ac_res" != no; then
-  test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
-for ac_header in linux/cdrom.h scsi/sg.h scsi/scsi.h scsi/scsi_ioctl.h
-as_ac_Header=`echo "ac_cv_header_$ac_header" | $as_tr_sh`
-if { as_var=$as_ac_Header; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_header" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_header... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_Header; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-  # Is the header compilable?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking $ac_header usability" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking $ac_header usability... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <$ac_header>
-rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
-if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
-  ac_header_compiler=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-	ac_header_compiler=no
-rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_compiler" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_compiler" >&6; }
-# Is the header present?
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking $ac_header presence" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking $ac_header presence... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* confdefs.h.  */
-cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
-cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
-/* end confdefs.h.  */
-#include <$ac_header>
-if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
-case "(($ac_try" in
-  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
-  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
-eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
-  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
-  ac_status=$?
-  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
-  rm -f conftest.er1
-  cat conftest.err >&5
-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
-  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
-	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
-	 test ! -s conftest.err
-       }; then
-  ac_header_preproc=yes
-  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
-sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
-  ac_header_preproc=no
-rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_header_preproc" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_preproc" >&6; }
-# So?  What about this header?
-case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in
-  yes:no: )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
-    ac_header_preproc=yes
-    ;;
-  no:yes:* )
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_header: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_header: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
-    ;;
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_header" >&5
-echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_header... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
-if { as_var=$as_ac_Header; eval "test \"\${$as_var+set}\" = set"; }; then
-  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
-  eval "$as_ac_Header=\$ac_header_preproc"
-ac_res=`eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'`
-	       { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_res" >&5
-echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_res" >&6; }
-if test `eval echo '${'$as_ac_Header'}'` = yes; then
-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
-#define `echo "HAVE_$ac_header" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
-ac_config_files="$ac_config_files Makefile src/Makefile po/Makefile.in scripts/Makefile data/Makefile data/icons/Makefile data/icons/32x32/Makefile data/icons/48x48/Makefile data/icons/64x64/Makefile"
-cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF
-# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
-# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
-# scripts and configure runs, see configure's option --config-cache.
-# It is not useful on other systems.  If it contains results you don't
-# want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
-# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it
-# the --recheck option to rerun configure.
-# `ac_cv_env_foo' variables (set or unset) will be overridden when
-# loading this file, other *unset* `ac_cv_foo' will be assigned the
-# following values.
-# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
-# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient.
-# So, we kill variables containing newlines.
-# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
-# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
-  for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'`; do
-    eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
-    case $ac_val in #(
-    *${as_nl}*)
-      case $ac_var in #(
-      *_cv_*) { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&2;} ;;
-      esac
-      case $ac_var in #(
-      _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
-      *) $as_unset $ac_var ;;
-      esac ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  (set) 2>&1 |
-    case $as_nl`(ac_space=' '; set) 2>&1` in #(
-    *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
-      # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes (double-quote
-      # substitution turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \).
-      sed -n \
-	"s/'/'\\\\''/g;
-	  s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\\2'/p"
-      ;; #(
-    *)
-      # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes.
-      sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
-      ;;
-    esac |
-    sort
-) |
-  sed '
-     /^ac_cv_env_/b end
-     t clear
-     :clear
-     s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*[{}].*\)$/test "${\1+set}" = set || &/
-     t end
-     s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1=${\1=\2}/
-     :end' >>confcache
-if diff "$cache_file" confcache >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
-  if test -w "$cache_file"; then
-    test "x$cache_file" != "x/dev/null" &&
-      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: updating cache $cache_file" >&5
-echo "$as_me: updating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
-    cat confcache >$cache_file
-  else
-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&5
-echo "$as_me: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&6;}
-  fi
-rm -f confcache
-test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
-# Let make expand exec_prefix.
-test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
-for ac_i in : $LIBOBJS; do test "x$ac_i" = x: && continue
-  # 1. Remove the extension, and $U if already installed.
-  ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//'
-  ac_i=`echo "$ac_i" | sed "$ac_script"`
-  # 2. Prepend LIBOBJDIR.  When used with automake>=1.10 LIBOBJDIR
-  #    will be set to the directory where LIBOBJS objects are built.
-  ac_libobjs="$ac_libobjs \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i\$U.$ac_objext"
-  ac_ltlibobjs="$ac_ltlibobjs \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i"'$U.lo'
-if test -z "${MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE}" && test -z "${MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE}"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: conditional \"MAINTAINER_MODE\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: conditional \"MAINTAINER_MODE\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-if test -z "${AMDEP_TRUE}" && test -z "${AMDEP_FALSE}"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: conditional \"AMDEP\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: conditional \"AMDEP\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-if test -z "${am__fastdepCC_TRUE}" && test -z "${am__fastdepCC_FALSE}"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: conditional \"am__fastdepCC\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: conditional \"am__fastdepCC\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-if test -z "${am__fastdepCC_TRUE}" && test -z "${am__fastdepCC_FALSE}"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: conditional \"am__fastdepCC\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: conditional \"am__fastdepCC\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands po/stamp-it"
-if test -z "${HAVE_GNOME_VFS_TRUE}" && test -z "${HAVE_GNOME_VFS_FALSE}"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: conditional \"HAVE_GNOME_VFS\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: conditional \"HAVE_GNOME_VFS\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-if test -z "${HAVE_HAL_TRUE}" && test -z "${HAVE_HAL_FALSE}"; then
-  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: conditional \"HAVE_HAL\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: conditional \"HAVE_HAL\" was never defined.
-Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-: ${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}
-ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files $CONFIG_STATUS"
-{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5
-echo "$as_me: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&6;}
-#! $SHELL
-# Generated by $as_me.
-# Run this file to recreate the current configuration.
-# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging
-# configure, is in config.log if it exists.
-## --------------------- ##
-## M4sh Initialization.  ##
-## --------------------- ##
-# Be more Bourne compatible
-DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
-if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  emulate sh
-  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
-  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
-  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
-  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
-  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
-  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
-# PATH needs CR
-# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
-# The user is always right.
-if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
-  echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh
-  echo  "exit 0"   >>conf$$.sh
-  chmod +x conf$$.sh
-  if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  else
-  fi
-  rm -f conf$$.sh
-# Support unset when possible.
-if ( (MAIL=60; unset MAIL) || exit) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  as_unset=unset
-  as_unset=false
-# IFS
-# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order.  Quoting is
-# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
-# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word
-# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.)
-IFS=" ""	$as_nl"
-# Find who we are.  Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
-case $0 in
-  *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
-for as_dir in $PATH
-  IFS=$as_save_IFS
-  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
-  test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
-     ;;
-# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
-# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
-if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
-  as_myself=$0
-if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
-  echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
-  { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-# Work around bugs in pre-3.0 UWIN ksh.
-for as_var in ENV MAIL MAILPATH
-do ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
-PS1='$ '
-PS2='> '
-PS4='+ '
-# NLS nuisances.
-for as_var in \
-  if (set +x; test -z "`(eval $as_var=C; export $as_var) 2>&1`"); then
-    eval $as_var=C; export $as_var
-  else
-    ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
-  fi
-# Required to use basename.
-if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
-   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
-  as_expr=expr
-  as_expr=false
-if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
-  as_basename=basename
-  as_basename=false
-# Name of the executable.
-as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
-$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
-	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X/"$0" |
-    sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-$as_unset CDPATH
-  as_lineno_1=$LINENO
-  as_lineno_2=$LINENO
-  test "x$as_lineno_1" != "x$as_lineno_2" &&
-  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1 + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2" || {
-  # Create $as_me.lineno as a copy of $as_myself, but with $LINENO
-  # uniformly replaced by the line number.  The first 'sed' inserts a
-  # line-number line after each line using $LINENO; the second 'sed'
-  # does the real work.  The second script uses 'N' to pair each
-  # line-number line with the line containing $LINENO, and appends
-  # trailing '-' during substitution so that $LINENO is not a special
-  # case at line end.
-  # (Raja R Harinath suggested sed '=', and Paul Eggert wrote the
-  # scripts with optimization help from Paolo Bonzini.  Blame Lee
-  # E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax.  :-)
-  sed -n '
-    p
-    /[$]LINENO/=
-  ' <$as_myself |
-    sed '
-      s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/
-      t lineno
-      b
-      :lineno
-      N
-      :loop
-      s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/
-      t loop
-      s/-\n.*//
-    ' >$as_me.lineno &&
-  chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" ||
-    { echo "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems
-  # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the
-  # original and so on.  Autoconf is especially sensitive to this).
-  . "./$as_me.lineno"
-  # Exit status is that of the last command.
-  exit
-if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  as_dirname=dirname
-  as_dirname=false
-case `echo -n x` in
-  case `echo 'x\c'` in
-  *c*) ECHO_T='	';;	# ECHO_T is single tab character.
-  *)   ECHO_C='\c';;
-  esac;;
-  ECHO_N='-n';;
-if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
-   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
-  as_expr=expr
-  as_expr=false
-rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
-if test -d conf$$.dir; then
-  rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
-  rm -f conf$$.dir
-  mkdir conf$$.dir
-echo >conf$$.file
-if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
-  as_ln_s='ln -s'
-  # ... but there are two gotchas:
-  # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
-  # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
-  # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -p'.
-  ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
-    as_ln_s='cp -p'
-elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
-  as_ln_s=ln
-  as_ln_s='cp -p'
-rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
-rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
-if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
-  as_mkdir_p=:
-  test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
-  as_mkdir_p=false
-if test -x / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  as_test_x='test -x'
-  if ls -dL / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    as_ls_L_option=L
-  else
-    as_ls_L_option=
-  fi
-  as_test_x='
-    eval sh -c '\''
-      if test -d "$1"; then
-        test -d "$1/.";
-      else
-	case $1 in
-        -*)set "./$1";;
-	esac;
-	case `ls -ld'$as_ls_L_option' "$1" 2>/dev/null` in
-	???[sx]*):;;*)false;;esac;fi
-    '\'' sh
-  '
-# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
-as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
-# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
-as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
-exec 6>&1
-# Save the log message, to keep $[0] and so on meaningful, and to
-# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
-# values after options handling.
-This file was extended by $as_me, which was
-generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61.  Invocation command line was
-  $ $0 $@
-on `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
-# Files that config.status was made for.
-\`$as_me' instantiates files from templates according to the
-current configuration.
-Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] [FILE]...
-  -h, --help       print this help, then exit
-  -V, --version    print version number and configuration settings, then exit
-  -q, --quiet      do not print progress messages
-  -d, --debug      don't remove temporary files
-      --recheck    update $as_me by reconfiguring in the same conditions
-  --file=FILE[:TEMPLATE]
-		   instantiate the configuration file FILE
-  --header=FILE[:TEMPLATE]
-		   instantiate the configuration header FILE
-Configuration files:
-Configuration headers:
-Configuration commands:
-Report bugs to <bug-autoconf at gnu.org>."
-configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61,
-  with options \\"`echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`\\"
-Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This config.status script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it."
-# If no file are specified by the user, then we need to provide default
-# value.  By we need to know if files were specified by the user.
-while test $# != 0
-  case $1 in
-  --*=*)
-    ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
-    ac_optarg=`expr "X$1" : 'X[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
-    ac_shift=:
-    ;;
-  *)
-    ac_option=$1
-    ac_optarg=$2
-    ac_shift=shift
-    ;;
-  esac
-  case $ac_option in
-  # Handling of the options.
-  -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r)
-    ac_cs_recheck=: ;;
-  --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v | -V )
-    echo "$ac_cs_version"; exit ;;
-  --debug | --debu | --deb | --de | --d | -d )
-    debug=: ;;
-  --file | --fil | --fi | --f )
-    $ac_shift
-    CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES $ac_optarg"
-    ac_need_defaults=false;;
-  --header | --heade | --head | --hea )
-    $ac_shift
-    ac_need_defaults=false;;
-  --he | --h)
-    # Conflict between --help and --header
-    { echo "$as_me: error: ambiguous option: $1
-Try \`$0 --help' for more information." >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
-  --help | --hel | -h )
-    echo "$ac_cs_usage"; exit ;;
-  -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
-  | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil | --si | --s)
-    ac_cs_silent=: ;;
-  # This is an error.
-  -*) { echo "$as_me: error: unrecognized option: $1
-Try \`$0 --help' for more information." >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; } ;;
-  *) ac_config_targets="$ac_config_targets $1"
-     ac_need_defaults=false ;;
-  esac
-  shift
-if $ac_cs_silent; then
-  exec 6>/dev/null
-  ac_configure_extra_args="$ac_configure_extra_args --silent"
-if \$ac_cs_recheck; then
-  echo "running CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL $SHELL $0 "$ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args " --no-create --no-recursion" >&6
-  export CONFIG_SHELL
-  exec $SHELL "$0"$ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args --no-create --no-recursion
-exec 5>>config.log
-  echo
-  sed 'h;s/./-/g;s/^.../## /;s/...$/ ##/;p;x;p;x' <<_ASBOX
-## Running $as_me. ##
-  echo "$ac_log"
-} >&5
-AMDEP_TRUE="$AMDEP_TRUE" ac_aux_dir="$ac_aux_dir"
-INTLTOOL_PERL='${INTLTOOL_PERL}' ac_aux_dir='${ac_aux_dir}'
-prefix="$prefix" exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" INTLTOOL_LIBDIR="$libdir"
-# Handling of arguments.
-for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets
-  case $ac_config_target in
-    "config.h") CONFIG_HEADERS="$CONFIG_HEADERS config.h" ;;
-    "depfiles") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS depfiles" ;;
-    "intltool") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS intltool" ;;
-    "default-1") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS default-1" ;;
-    "Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile" ;;
-    "src/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES src/Makefile" ;;
-    "po/Makefile.in") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES po/Makefile.in" ;;
-    "scripts/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES scripts/Makefile" ;;
-    "data/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES data/Makefile" ;;
-    "data/icons/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES data/icons/Makefile" ;;
-    "data/icons/32x32/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES data/icons/32x32/Makefile" ;;
-    "data/icons/48x48/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES data/icons/48x48/Makefile" ;;
-    "data/icons/64x64/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES data/icons/64x64/Makefile" ;;
-    "po/stamp-it") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS po/stamp-it" ;;
-  *) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: invalid argument: $ac_config_target" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: invalid argument: $ac_config_target" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
-  esac
-# If the user did not use the arguments to specify the items to instantiate,
-# then the envvar interface is used.  Set only those that are not.
-# We use the long form for the default assignment because of an extremely
-# bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3.
-if $ac_need_defaults; then
-  test "${CONFIG_FILES+set}" = set || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files
-  test "${CONFIG_HEADERS+set}" = set || CONFIG_HEADERS=$config_headers
-  test "${CONFIG_COMMANDS+set}" = set || CONFIG_COMMANDS=$config_commands
-# Have a temporary directory for convenience.  Make it in the build tree
-# simply because there is no reason against having it here, and in addition,
-# creating and moving files from /tmp can sometimes cause problems.
-# Hook for its removal unless debugging.
-# Note that there is a small window in which the directory will not be cleaned:
-# after its creation but before its name has been assigned to `$tmp'.
-$debug ||
-  tmp=
-  trap 'exit_status=$?
-  { test -z "$tmp" || test ! -d "$tmp" || rm -fr "$tmp"; } && exit $exit_status
-' 0
-  trap '{ (exit 1); exit 1; }' 1 2 13 15
-# Create a (secure) tmp directory for tmp files.
-  tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "./confXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` &&
-  test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp"
-}  ||
-  tmp=./conf$$-$RANDOM
-  (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp")
-} ||
-   echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in ." >&2
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-# Set up the sed scripts for CONFIG_FILES section.
-# No need to generate the scripts if there are no CONFIG_FILES.
-# This happens for instance when ./config.status config.h
-if test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"; then
-ac_delim='%!_!# '
-for ac_last_try in false false false false false :; do
-  cat >conf$$subs.sed <<_ACEOF
-  if test `sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.sed | grep -c X` = 97; then
-    break
-  elif $ac_last_try; then
-    { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  else
-    ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! "
-  fi
-ac_eof=`sed -n '/^CEOF[0-9]*$/s/CEOF/0/p' conf$$subs.sed`
-if test -n "$ac_eof"; then
-  ac_eof=`echo "$ac_eof" | sort -nru | sed 1q`
-  ac_eof=`expr $ac_eof + 1`
-cat >"\$tmp/subs-1.sed" <<\CEOF$ac_eof
-sed '
-s/[,\\&]/\\&/g; s/@/@|#_!!_#|/g
-s/^/s,@/; s/!/@,|#_!!_#|/
-t n
-s/'"$ac_delim"'$/,g/; t
-s/$/\\/; p
-N; s/^.*\n//; s/[,\\&]/\\&/g; s/@/@|#_!!_#|/g; b n
-' >>$CONFIG_STATUS <conf$$subs.sed
-rm -f conf$$subs.sed
-ac_delim='%!_!# '
-for ac_last_try in false false false false false :; do
-  cat >conf$$subs.sed <<_ACEOF
-  if test `sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.sed | grep -c X` = 52; then
-    break
-  elif $ac_last_try; then
-    { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-  else
-    ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! "
-  fi
-ac_eof=`sed -n '/^CEOF[0-9]*$/s/CEOF/0/p' conf$$subs.sed`
-if test -n "$ac_eof"; then
-  ac_eof=`echo "$ac_eof" | sort -nru | sed 1q`
-  ac_eof=`expr $ac_eof + 1`
-cat >"\$tmp/subs-2.sed" <<\CEOF$ac_eof
-/@[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*@/!b end
-sed '
-s/[,\\&]/\\&/g; s/@/@|#_!!_#|/g
-s/^/s,@/; s/!/@,|#_!!_#|/
-t n
-s/'"$ac_delim"'$/,g/; t
-s/$/\\/; p
-N; s/^.*\n//; s/[,\\&]/\\&/g; s/@/@|#_!!_#|/g; b n
-' >>$CONFIG_STATUS <conf$$subs.sed
-rm -f conf$$subs.sed
-# VPATH may cause trouble with some makes, so we remove $(srcdir),
-# ${srcdir} and @srcdir@ from VPATH if srcdir is ".", strip leading and
-# trailing colons and then remove the whole line if VPATH becomes empty
-# (actually we leave an empty line to preserve line numbers).
-if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then
-  ac_vpsub='/^[	 ]*VPATH[	 ]*=/{
-s/^\([^=]*=[	 ]*\):*/\1/
-s/^[^=]*=[	 ]*$//
-fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"
-  case $ac_tag in
-  :[FHLC]) ac_mode=$ac_tag; continue;;
-  esac
-  case $ac_mode$ac_tag in
-  :[FHL]*:*);;
-  :L* | :C*:*) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Invalid tag $ac_tag." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: Invalid tag $ac_tag." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
-  :[FH]-) ac_tag=-:-;;
-  :[FH]*) ac_tag=$ac_tag:$ac_tag.in;;
-  esac
-  ac_save_IFS=$IFS
-  IFS=:
-  set x $ac_tag
-  IFS=$ac_save_IFS
-  shift
-  ac_file=$1
-  shift
-  case $ac_mode in
-  :L) ac_source=$1;;
-  :[FH])
-    ac_file_inputs=
-    for ac_f
-    do
-      case $ac_f in
-      -) ac_f="$tmp/stdin";;
-      *) # Look for the file first in the build tree, then in the source tree
-	 # (if the path is not absolute).  The absolute path cannot be DOS-style,
-	 # because $ac_f cannot contain `:'.
-	 test -f "$ac_f" ||
-	   case $ac_f in
-	   [\\/$]*) false;;
-	   *) test -f "$srcdir/$ac_f" && ac_f="$srcdir/$ac_f";;
-	   esac ||
-	   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot find input file: $ac_f" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot find input file: $ac_f" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
-      esac
-      ac_file_inputs="$ac_file_inputs $ac_f"
-    done
-    # Let's still pretend it is `configure' which instantiates (i.e., don't
-    # use $as_me), people would be surprised to read:
-    #    /* config.h.  Generated by config.status.  */
-    configure_input="Generated from "`IFS=:
-	  echo $* | sed 's|^[^:]*/||;s|:[^:]*/|, |g'`" by configure."
-    if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then
-      configure_input="$ac_file.  $configure_input"
-      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: creating $ac_file" >&5
-echo "$as_me: creating $ac_file" >&6;}
-    fi
-    case $ac_tag in
-    *:-:* | *:-) cat >"$tmp/stdin";;
-    esac
-    ;;
-  esac
-  ac_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$ac_file" ||
-$as_expr X"$ac_file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
-	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
-	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X"$ac_file" |
-    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-  { as_dir="$ac_dir"
-  case $as_dir in #(
-  -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;;
-  esac
-  test -d "$as_dir" || { $as_mkdir_p && mkdir -p "$as_dir"; } || {
-    as_dirs=
-    while :; do
-      case $as_dir in #(
-      *\'*) as_qdir=`echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #(
-      *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
-      esac
-      as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs"
-      as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" ||
-$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
-	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
-	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X"$as_dir" |
-    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-      test -d "$as_dir" && break
-    done
-    test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs"
-  } || test -d "$as_dir" || { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot create directory $as_dir" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot create directory $as_dir" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }; }
-  ac_builddir=.
-case "$ac_dir" in
-.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
-  ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's,^\.[\\/],,'`
-  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
-  ac_top_builddir_sub=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's,/[^\\/]*,/..,g;s,/,,'`
-  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
-  "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
-  *)  ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
-  esac ;;
-# for backward compatibility:
-case $srcdir in
-  .)  # We are building in place.
-    ac_srcdir=.
-    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
-    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
-  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* )  # Absolute name.
-    ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
-    ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
-    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
-  *) # Relative name.
-    ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
-    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
-    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
-  case $ac_mode in
-  :F)
-  #
-  #
-  case $INSTALL in
-  [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ac_INSTALL=$INSTALL ;;
-  *) ac_INSTALL=$ac_top_build_prefix$INSTALL ;;
-  esac
-# If the template does not know about datarootdir, expand it.
-# FIXME: This hack should be removed a few years after 2.60.
-ac_datarootdir_hack=; ac_datarootdir_seen=
-case `sed -n '/datarootdir/ {
-  p
-  q
-' $ac_file_inputs` in
-*datarootdir*) ac_datarootdir_seen=yes;;
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&2;}
-  ac_datarootdir_hack='
-  s&@datadir@&$datadir&g
-  s&@docdir@&$docdir&g
-  s&@infodir@&$infodir&g
-  s&@localedir@&$localedir&g
-  s&@mandir@&$mandir&g
-    s&\\\${datarootdir}&$datarootdir&g' ;;
-# Neutralize VPATH when `$srcdir' = `.'.
-# Shell code in configure.ac might set extrasub.
-# FIXME: do we really want to maintain this feature?
-  sed "$ac_vpsub
-s&@configure_input@&$configure_input&;t t
-s&@top_builddir@&$ac_top_builddir_sub&;t t
-s&@srcdir@&$ac_srcdir&;t t
-s&@abs_srcdir@&$ac_abs_srcdir&;t t
-s&@top_srcdir@&$ac_top_srcdir&;t t
-s&@abs_top_srcdir@&$ac_abs_top_srcdir&;t t
-s&@builddir@&$ac_builddir&;t t
-s&@abs_builddir@&$ac_abs_builddir&;t t
-s&@abs_top_builddir@&$ac_abs_top_builddir&;t t
-s&@INSTALL@&$ac_INSTALL&;t t
-" $ac_file_inputs | sed -f "$tmp/subs-1.sed" | sed -f "$tmp/subs-2.sed" >$tmp/out
-test -z "$ac_datarootdir_hack$ac_datarootdir_seen" &&
-  { ac_out=`sed -n '/\${datarootdir}/p' "$tmp/out"`; test -n "$ac_out"; } &&
-  { ac_out=`sed -n '/^[	 ]*datarootdir[	 ]*:*=/p' "$tmp/out"`; test -z "$ac_out"; } &&
-  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
-which seems to be undefined.  Please make sure it is defined." >&5
-echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
-which seems to be undefined.  Please make sure it is defined." >&2;}
-  rm -f "$tmp/stdin"
-  case $ac_file in
-  -) cat "$tmp/out"; rm -f "$tmp/out";;
-  *) rm -f "$ac_file"; mv "$tmp/out" $ac_file;;
-  esac
- ;;
-  :H)
-  #
-  #
-# Transform confdefs.h into a sed script `conftest.defines', that
-# substitutes the proper values into config.h.in to produce config.h.
-rm -f conftest.defines conftest.tail
-# First, append a space to every undef/define line, to ease matching.
-echo 's/$/ /' >conftest.defines
-# Then, protect against being on the right side of a sed subst, or in
-# an unquoted here document, in config.status.  If some macros were
-# called several times there might be several #defines for the same
-# symbol, which is useless.  But do not sort them, since the last
-# AC_DEFINE must be honored.
-# These sed commands are passed to sed as "A NAME B PARAMS C VALUE D", where
-# NAME is the cpp macro being defined, VALUE is the value it is being given.
-# PARAMS is the parameter list in the macro definition--in most cases, it's
-# just an empty string.
-ac_dA='s,^\\([	 #]*\\)[^	 ]*\\([	 ]*'
-ac_dB='\\)[	 (].*,\\1define\\2'
-ac_dC=' '
-ac_dD=' ,'
-uniq confdefs.h |
-  sed -n '
-	t rset
-	:rset
-	s/^[	 ]*#[	 ]*define[	 ][	 ]*//
-	t ok
-	d
-	:ok
-	s/[\\&,]/\\&/g
-	s/^\('"$ac_word_re"'\)\(([^()]*)\)[	 ]*\(.*\)/ '"$ac_dA"'\1'"$ac_dB"'\2'"${ac_dC}"'\3'"$ac_dD"'/p
-	s/^\('"$ac_word_re"'\)[	 ]*\(.*\)/'"$ac_dA"'\1'"$ac_dB$ac_dC"'\2'"$ac_dD"'/p
-  ' >>conftest.defines
-# Remove the space that was appended to ease matching.
-# Then replace #undef with comments.  This is necessary, for
-# example, in the case of _POSIX_SOURCE, which is predefined and required
-# on some systems where configure will not decide to define it.
-# (The regexp can be short, since the line contains either #define or #undef.)
-echo 's/ $//
-s,^[	 #]*u.*,/* & */,' >>conftest.defines
-# Break up conftest.defines:
-# First sed command is:	 sed -f defines.sed $ac_file_inputs >"$tmp/out1"
-# Second one is:	 sed -f defines.sed "$tmp/out1" >"$tmp/out2"
-# Third one will be:	 sed -f defines.sed "$tmp/out2" >"$tmp/out1"
-# et cetera.
-while :
-  # Write a here document:
-    cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF
-    # First, check the format of the line:
-    cat >"\$tmp/defines.sed" <<\\CEOF
-/^[	 ]*#[	 ]*undef[	 ][	 ]*$ac_word_re[	 ]*\$/b def
-/^[	 ]*#[	 ]*define[	 ][	 ]*$ac_word_re[(	 ]/b def
-  sed ${ac_max_sed_lines}q conftest.defines >>$CONFIG_STATUS
-  echo 'CEOF
-    sed -f "$tmp/defines.sed"' "$ac_in >$ac_out" >>$CONFIG_STATUS
-  ac_in=$ac_out; ac_out=$ac_nxt; ac_nxt=$ac_in
-  sed 1,${ac_max_sed_lines}d conftest.defines >conftest.tail
-  grep . conftest.tail >/dev/null || break
-  rm -f conftest.defines
-  mv conftest.tail conftest.defines
-rm -f conftest.defines conftest.tail
-echo "ac_result=$ac_in" >>$CONFIG_STATUS
-  if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then
-    echo "/* $configure_input  */" >"$tmp/config.h"
-    cat "$ac_result" >>"$tmp/config.h"
-    if diff $ac_file "$tmp/config.h" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_file is unchanged" >&5
-echo "$as_me: $ac_file is unchanged" >&6;}
-    else
-      rm -f $ac_file
-      mv "$tmp/config.h" $ac_file
-    fi
-  else
-    echo "/* $configure_input  */"
-    cat "$ac_result"
-  fi
-  rm -f "$tmp/out12"
-# Compute $ac_file's index in $config_headers.
-for _am_header in $config_headers :; do
-  case $_am_header in
-    $ac_file | $ac_file:* )
-      break ;;
-    * )
-      _am_stamp_count=`expr $_am_stamp_count + 1` ;;
-  esac
-echo "timestamp for $ac_file" >`$as_dirname -- $ac_file ||
-$as_expr X$ac_file : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
-	 X$ac_file : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
-	 X$ac_file : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X$ac_file : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X$ac_file |
-    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`/stamp-h$_am_stamp_count
- ;;
-  :C)  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: executing $ac_file commands" >&5
-echo "$as_me: executing $ac_file commands" >&6;}
- ;;
-  esac
-  case $ac_file$ac_mode in
-    "depfiles":C) test x"$AMDEP_TRUE" != x"" || for mf in $CONFIG_FILES; do
-  # Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file.
-  mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`
-  # Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not.
-  # We used to match only the files named `Makefile.in', but
-  # some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content.
-  # Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process
-  # each Makefile.in and add a new line on top of each file to say so.
-  # So let's grep whole file.
-  if grep '^#.*generated by automake' $mf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-    dirpart=`$as_dirname -- "$mf" ||
-$as_expr X"$mf" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
-	 X"$mf" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
-	 X"$mf" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$mf" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X"$mf" |
-    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-  else
-    continue
-  fi
-  grep '^DEP_FILES *= *[^ #]' < "$mf" > /dev/null || continue
-  # Extract the definition of DEP_FILES from the Makefile without
-  # running `make'.
-  DEPDIR=`sed -n -e '/^DEPDIR = / s///p' < "$mf"`
-  test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue
-  # When using ansi2knr, U may be empty or an underscore; expand it
-  U=`sed -n -e '/^U = / s///p' < "$mf"`
-  test -d "$dirpart/$DEPDIR" || mkdir "$dirpart/$DEPDIR"
-  # We invoke sed twice because it is the simplest approach to
-  # changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the expansion.
-  for file in `sed -n -e '
-    /^DEP_FILES = .*\\\\$/ {
-      s/^DEP_FILES = //
-      :loop
-	s/\\\\$//
-	p
-	n
-	/\\\\$/ b loop
-      p
-    }
-    /^DEP_FILES = / s/^DEP_FILES = //p' < "$mf" | \
-       sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g' -e 's/\$U/'"$U"'/g'`; do
-    # Make sure the directory exists.
-    test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue
-    fdir=`$as_dirname -- "$file" ||
-$as_expr X"$file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
-	 X"$file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
-	 X"$file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X"$file" |
-    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-    { as_dir=$dirpart/$fdir
-  case $as_dir in #(
-  -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;;
-  esac
-  test -d "$as_dir" || { $as_mkdir_p && mkdir -p "$as_dir"; } || {
-    as_dirs=
-    while :; do
-      case $as_dir in #(
-      *\'*) as_qdir=`echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #(
-      *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
-      esac
-      as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs"
-      as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" ||
-$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
-	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
-	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
-	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
-echo X"$as_dir" |
-    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
-	    s//\1/
-	    q
-	  }
-	  s/.*/./; q'`
-      test -d "$as_dir" && break
-    done
-    test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs"
-  } || test -d "$as_dir" || { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot create directory $as_dir" >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: cannot create directory $as_dir" >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }; }
-    # echo "creating $dirpart/$file"
-    echo '# dummy' > "$dirpart/$file"
-  done
- ;;
-    "intltool":C)
-for file in intltool-extract intltool-merge intltool-update; do
-  sed -e "s|@INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@|`pwd`/intltool-extract|g" \
-      -e "s|@INTLTOOL_ICONV@|${INTLTOOL_ICONV}|g" \
-      -e "s|@INTLTOOL_PERL@|${INTLTOOL_PERL}|g" \
-	< ${ac_aux_dir}/${file}.in > ${file}.out
-  if cmp -s ${file} ${file}.out 2>/dev/null; then
-    rm -f ${file}.out
-  else
-    mv -f ${file}.out ${file}
-  fi
-  chmod ugo+x ${file}
-  chmod u+w ${file}
- ;;
-    "default-1":C) case "$CONFIG_FILES" in *po/Makefile.in*)
-        sed -e "/POTFILES =/r po/POTFILES" po/Makefile.in > po/Makefile
-      esac ;;
-    "po/stamp-it":C)
-    rm -f "po/stamp-it" "po/stamp-it.tmp" "po/POTFILES" "po/Makefile.tmp"
-    >"po/stamp-it.tmp"
-    sed '/^#/d
-	 s/^[[].*] *//
-	 /^[ 	]*$/d
-	'"s|^|	$ac_top_srcdir/|" \
-      "$srcdir/po/POTFILES.in" | sed '$!s/$/ \\/' >"po/POTFILES"
-    if test ! -f "po/Makefile"; then
-      { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: po/Makefile is not ready." >&5
-echo "$as_me: error: po/Makefile is not ready." >&2;}
-   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
-    fi
-    mv "po/Makefile" "po/Makefile.tmp"
-    sed '/^POTFILES =/,/[^\\]$/ {
-		/^POTFILES =/!d
-		r po/POTFILES
-	  }
-	 ' "po/Makefile.tmp" >"po/Makefile"
-    rm -f "po/Makefile.tmp"
-    mv "po/stamp-it.tmp" "po/stamp-it"
-   ;;
-  esac
-done # for ac_tag
-{ (exit 0); exit 0; }
-chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS
-# configure is writing to config.log, and then calls config.status.
-# config.status does its own redirection, appending to config.log.
-# Unfortunately, on DOS this fails, as config.log is still kept open
-# by configure, so config.status won't be able to write to it; its
-# output is simply discarded.  So we exec the FD to /dev/null,
-# effectively closing config.log, so it can be properly (re)opened and
-# appended to by config.status.  When coming back to configure, we
-# need to make the FD available again.
-if test "$no_create" != yes; then
-  ac_cs_success=:
-  ac_config_status_args=
-  test "$silent" = yes &&
-    ac_config_status_args="$ac_config_status_args --quiet"
-  exec 5>/dev/null
-  $SHELL $CONFIG_STATUS $ac_config_status_args || ac_cs_success=false
-  exec 5>>config.log
-  # Use ||, not &&, to avoid exiting from the if with $? = 1, which
-  # would make configure fail if this is the last instruction.
-  $ac_cs_success || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
-echo "
-Configuration for $PACKAGE $VERSION :
- Host System Type .....: $host
- Install path .........: $prefix
- GTK2 version .........: `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --modversion`
- GLib2/GThread version : `pkg-config gthread-2.0 --modversion`
- gnome-vfs.............: $have_gnomevfs
- hal...................: $have_hal
- libcurl ..............: $have_curl
- mp4v2 ................: $have_mp4v2
- vorbisfile ...........: $have_vorbisfile
- FLAC .................: $have_flac
- Preprocessor .........: $CC $CPPFLAGS
- Compiler .............: $CC $CFLAGS $PACKAGE_CFLAGS
- Linker ...............: $CC $LDFLAGS $LIBS $PACKAGE_LIBS
- Now type 'make' to build $PACKAGE $VERSION,
- and then 'make install' for installation.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/configure.in
--- gtkpod/trunk/configure.in	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/configure.in	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-# Require autoconf 2.55 or higher
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(gtkpod, 0.99.10)
-dnl Only use -Wall if we have gcc
-if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"; then
-  if test -z "`echo "$CFLAGS" | grep "\-Wall" 2> /dev/null`" ; then
-    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall"
-  fi
-  # gcc < 4.0 does not know '-Wno-pointer-sign'. Try to find out
-  # whether we can set this option or not.
-  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-pointer-sign"
-  AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <stdio.h>]])],
-                    [], [CFLAGS=$CFLAGS_orig])
-dnl check if pkg-config exists -- if not print a meaningful error message
-AC_CHECK_PROG([have_pkgconfig], [pkg-config], ["ok"])
-if test "y$have_pkgconfig" = "y"; then
-	AC_MSG_FAILURE([**** pkg-config required (http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig)])
-dnl check for libs that are managed with pkg-config
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PACKAGE, [gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 0.14.0 glib-2.0 > 2.4.0 libglade-2.0  >=  2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.14.0 gmodule-2.0 libgpod-1.0 >= 0.5.2],,[AC_MSG_FAILURE([*** $PACKAGE_PKG_ERRORS])])
-dnl we need 'flex'
-if ! test "y$LEX" = "yflex"; then
-  if ! test "y$LEX" = "ylex"; then
-    AC_MSG_FAILURE([**** flex or lex required])
-  fi
-dnl Retrieve the path of mount and umount binaries
-dnl Add the languages which your application supports here.
-ALL_LINGUAS="de es fr he it ja sv"
-dnl Check if we have to supply getopt_long
-dnl If getopt_long_only is not available, getopt.c and getopt1.c
-dnl (providing getopt_long*) will be included into the binary.
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getopt_long_only, , [AC_LIBOBJ(getopt)]) 
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getopt_long_only, , [AC_LIBOBJ(getopt1)]) 
-dnl Check if flock() is available (seems to be missing on some
-dnl solaris versions)
-dnl Check if statvfs() is available (otherwise we fall back on
-dnl 'df' to determine free space on the iPod
-dnl Check for libid3tag
-	["id3tag" "id3tag -lz"],
-	,
-	AC_MSG_ERROR([*** id3tag >= 0.15 lib not found (0.14 will not work!)]))
-dnl Check for libcurl
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CURL, [libcurl >= 7.10.0], have_curl=yes, have_curl=no)
-if test "$have_curl" != "no"; then
-    AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CURL, 1, ["libcurl support"])
-    have_curl="yes -- will build with coverart download support"
-    echo "*** libcurl could not be found, not building coverart download support"
-    have_curl="*no -- will build without coverart download support"
-dnl Check for gnome-vfs
-	    AC_HELP_STRING([--without-gnome-vfs],[Disable autodetection support]))
-if test "x$with_gnome_vfs" != "xno"; then
-  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNOME_VFS, [gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.6.0], enable_gnome_vfs=yes, enable_gnome_vfs=no)
-  if test "x$enable_gnome_vfs" != "xyes" -a "x$with_gnome_vfs" = "xyes"; then
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([gnome-vfs support explicitly requested but gnome-vfs couldn't be found])
-  fi
-if test "x$enable_gnome_vfs" = "xyes"; then
-    have_gnomevfs="yes -- will build with automount support"
-    AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GNOME_VFS, 1, [Define if you have gnome-vfs support])
-    echo "*** gnome-vfs-2 not found or disabled, not building iPod autodetection support"
-    have_gnomevfs="*no -- will build without iPod autodetection support"
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GNOME_VFS, test x"$enable_gnome_vfs" = xyes)
-#dnl Check for HAL
-	    AC_HELP_STRING([--without-hal],[Disable HAL support]))
-if test "x$with_hal" != "xno"; then
-  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(HAL, hal >= 0.5 hal < 0.6, enable_hal=yes, enable_hal=no)
-  if test "x$enable_hal" != "xyes" -a "x$with_hal" = "xyes"; then
-      AC_MSG_ERROR([HAL support explicitly requested but HAL couldn't be found])
-  fi
-if test "x$enable_hal" = "xyes"; then
-  have_hal="yes -- will build with HAL support"
-  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HAL, 1, [Define if you want HAL support])
-  have_hal="*no -- will build without HAL support"
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_HAL, test x"$enable_hal" = xyes)
-dnl Check for libmp4v2 (and mp4.h)
-	["mp4v2" "mp4v2 -lstdc++" "mp4v2 -lz" "mp4v2 -lz -lstdc++"],
-	  [have_mp4v2="yes -- will build with aac support" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBMP4V2, 1, ["Define to 1 if you have the mp4v2 library"])],
-	  [echo "*** mp4.h cannot be found. Check your mp4v2 installation."])])
-if test "y$have_mp4v2" = "y"; then
-	have_mp4v2="*no -- will build without aac support"
-dnl Check for libvorbisfile 
-        ["vorbisfile"],
-        [AC_CHECK_HEADER(vorbis/vorbisfile.h,
-          [have_vorbisfile="yes -- will build with ogg support" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBVORBISFILE, 1, ["Define to 1 if you have the ogg library"])],
-          [echo "*** vorbisfile.h cannot be found. Check your ogg/vorbis installation."])])
-if test "y$have_vorbisfile" = "y"; then
-        have_vorbisfile="*no -- will build without ogg support"
-dnl Check for FLAC
-	["FLAC"],
-	[AC_CHECK_HEADER(FLAC/metadata.h,
-          [have_flac="yes -- will build with FLAC support" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_FLAC, 1, ["Define to 1 if you have the flac library"])],
-          [echo "*** FLAC/metadata.h cannot be found. Check your FLAC installation."])])
-if test "y$have_flac" = "y"; then
-        have_flac="*no -- will build without FLAC support"
-dnl Additional libs maybe needed when compiling under solaris
-	      ["socket" "nsl" "socket -lnsl"])
-dnl Check for Linux-specific headers (so we can compile Linux-specific
-dnl stuff only when compiling under Linux)
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/cdrom.h scsi/sg.h scsi/scsi.h scsi/scsi_ioctl.h)
-echo "
-Configuration for $PACKAGE $VERSION :
- Host System Type .....: $host
- Install path .........: $prefix
- GTK2 version .........: `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --modversion`
- GLib2/GThread version : `pkg-config gthread-2.0 --modversion`
- gnome-vfs.............: $have_gnomevfs
- hal...................: $have_hal
- libcurl ..............: $have_curl
- mp4v2 ................: $have_mp4v2
- vorbisfile ...........: $have_vorbisfile
- FLAC .................: $have_flac
- Preprocessor .........: $CC $CPPFLAGS
- Compiler .............: $CC $CFLAGS $PACKAGE_CFLAGS
- Linker ...............: $CC $LDFLAGS $LIBS $PACKAGE_LIBS
- Now type 'make' to build $PACKAGE $VERSION,
- and then 'make install' for installation.

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/depcomp
--- gtkpod/trunk/depcomp	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/depcomp	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# depcomp - compile a program generating dependencies as side-effects
-# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# Originally written by Alexandre Oliva <oliva at dcc.unicamp.br>.
-if test -z "$depmode" || test -z "$source" || test -z "$object"; then
-  echo "depcomp: Variables source, object and depmode must be set" 1>&2
-  exit 1
-# `libtool' can also be set to `yes' or `no'.
-if test -z "$depfile"; then
-   base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's,^.*/,,' -e 's,\.\([^.]*\)$,.P\1,'`
-   dir=`echo "$object" | sed 's,/.*$,/,'`
-   if test "$dir" = "$object"; then
-      dir=
-   fi
-   # FIXME: should be _deps on DOS.
-   depfile="$dir.deps/$base"
-tmpdepfile=${tmpdepfile-`echo "$depfile" | sed 's/\.\([^.]*\)$/.T\1/'`}
-rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-# Some modes work just like other modes, but use different flags.  We
-# parameterize here, but still list the modes in the big case below,
-# to make depend.m4 easier to write.  Note that we *cannot* use a case
-# here, because this file can only contain one case statement.
-if test "$depmode" = hp; then
-  # HP compiler uses -M and no extra arg.
-  gccflag=-M
-  depmode=gcc
-if test "$depmode" = dashXmstdout; then
-   # This is just like dashmstdout with a different argument.
-   dashmflag=-xM
-   depmode=dashmstdout
-case "$depmode" in
-## gcc 3 implements dependency tracking that does exactly what
-## we want.  Yay!  Note: for some reason libtool 1.4 doesn't like
-## it if -MD -MP comes after the -MF stuff.  Hmm.
-  "$@" -MT "$object" -MD -MP -MF "$tmpdepfile"
-  stat=$?
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
-    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-    exit $stat
-  fi
-  mv "$tmpdepfile" "$depfile"
-  ;;
-## There are various ways to get dependency output from gcc.  Here's
-## why we pick this rather obscure method:
-## - Don't want to use -MD because we'd like the dependencies to end
-##   up in a subdir.  Having to rename by hand is ugly.
-##   (We might end up doing this anyway to support other compilers.)
-## - The DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT environment variable makes gcc act like
-##   -MM, not -M (despite what the docs say).
-## - Using -M directly means running the compiler twice (even worse
-##   than renaming).
-  if test -z "$gccflag"; then
-    gccflag=-MD,
-  fi
-  "$@" -Wp,"$gccflag$tmpdepfile"
-  stat=$?
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
-    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-    exit $stat
-  fi
-  rm -f "$depfile"
-  echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
-  alpha=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
-## The second -e expression handles DOS-style file names with drive letters.
-  sed -e 's/^[^:]*: / /' \
-      -e 's/^['$alpha']:\/[^:]*: / /' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-## This next piece of magic avoids the `deleted header file' problem.
-## The problem is that when a header file which appears in a .P file
-## is deleted, the dependency causes make to die (because there is
-## typically no way to rebuild the header).  We avoid this by adding
-## dummy dependencies for each header file.  Too bad gcc doesn't do
-## this for us directly.
-  tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" |
-## Some versions of gcc put a space before the `:'.  On the theory
-## that the space means something, we add a space to the output as
-## well.
-## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
-## correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-    sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  ;;
-  # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work.  It works by
-  # looking at the text of this script.  This case will never be run,
-  # since it is checked for above.
-  exit 1
-  ;;
-  if test "$libtool" = yes; then
-    "$@" "-Wp,-MDupdate,$tmpdepfile"
-  else
-    "$@" -MDupdate "$tmpdepfile"
-  fi
-  stat=$?
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
-    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-    exit $stat
-  fi
-  rm -f "$depfile"
-  if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then  # yes, the sourcefile depend on other files
-    echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
-    # Clip off the initial element (the dependent).  Don't try to be
-    # clever and replace this with sed code, as IRIX sed won't handle
-    # lines with more than a fixed number of characters (4096 in
-    # IRIX 6.2 sed, 8192 in IRIX 6.5).  We also remove comment lines;
-    # the IRIX cc adds comments like `#:fec' to the end of the
-    # dependency line.
-    tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" \
-    | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' | \
-    tr '
-' ' ' >> $depfile
-    echo >> $depfile
-    # The second pass generates a dummy entry for each header file.
-    tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" \
-   | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/$/:/' \
-   >> $depfile
-  else
-    # The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just
-    # store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile
-    # "include basename.Plo" scheme.
-    echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
-  fi
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  ;;
-  # The C for AIX Compiler uses -M and outputs the dependencies
-  # in a .u file.  In older versions, this file always lives in the
-  # current directory.  Also, the AIX compiler puts `$object:' at the
-  # start of each line; $object doesn't have directory information.
-  # Version 6 uses the directory in both cases.
-  stripped=`echo "$object" | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*$/\1/'`
-  tmpdepfile="$stripped.u"
-  if test "$libtool" = yes; then
-    "$@" -Wc,-M
-  else
-    "$@" -M
-  fi
-  stat=$?
-  if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then :
-  else
-    stripped=`echo "$stripped" | sed 's,^.*/,,'`
-    tmpdepfile="$stripped.u"
-  fi
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
-    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-    exit $stat
-  fi
-  if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
-    outname="$stripped.o"
-    # Each line is of the form `foo.o: dependent.h'.
-    # Do two passes, one to just change these to
-    # `$object: dependent.h' and one to simply `dependent.h:'.
-    sed -e "s,^$outname:,$object :," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-    sed -e "s,^$outname: \(.*\)$,\1:," < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-  else
-    # The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just
-    # store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile
-    # "include basename.Plo" scheme.
-    echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
-  fi
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  ;;
-  # Intel's C compiler understands `-MD -MF file'.  However on
-  #    icc -MD -MF foo.d -c -o sub/foo.o sub/foo.c
-  # ICC 7.0 will fill foo.d with something like
-  #    foo.o: sub/foo.c
-  #    foo.o: sub/foo.h
-  # which is wrong.  We want:
-  #    sub/foo.o: sub/foo.c
-  #    sub/foo.o: sub/foo.h
-  #    sub/foo.c:
-  #    sub/foo.h:
-  # ICC 7.1 will output
-  #    foo.o: sub/foo.c sub/foo.h
-  # and will wrap long lines using \ :
-  #    foo.o: sub/foo.c ... \
-  #     sub/foo.h ... \
-  #     ...
-  "$@" -MD -MF "$tmpdepfile"
-  stat=$?
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
-    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-    exit $stat
-  fi
-  rm -f "$depfile"
-  # Each line is of the form `foo.o: dependent.h',
-  # or `foo.o: dep1.h dep2.h \', or ` dep3.h dep4.h \'.
-  # Do two passes, one to just change these to
-  # `$object: dependent.h' and one to simply `dependent.h:'.
-  sed "s,^[^:]*:,$object :," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-  # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
-  # correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-  sed 's,^[^:]*: \(.*\)$,\1,;s/^\\$//;/^$/d;/:$/d' < "$tmpdepfile" |
-    sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  ;;
-   # The Tru64 compiler uses -MD to generate dependencies as a side
-   # effect.  `cc -MD -o foo.o ...' puts the dependencies into `foo.o.d'.
-   # At least on Alpha/Redhat 6.1, Compaq CCC V6.2-504 seems to put
-   # dependencies in `foo.d' instead, so we check for that too.
-   # Subdirectories are respected.
-   dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`
-   test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir=
-   base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'`
-   if test "$libtool" = yes; then
-      tmpdepfile1="$dir.libs/$base.lo.d"
-      tmpdepfile2="$dir.libs/$base.d"
-      "$@" -Wc,-MD
-   else
-      tmpdepfile1="$dir$base.o.d"
-      tmpdepfile2="$dir$base.d"
-      "$@" -MD
-   fi
-   stat=$?
-   if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-   else
-      rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2"
-      exit $stat
-   fi
-   if test -f "$tmpdepfile1"; then
-      tmpdepfile="$tmpdepfile1"
-   else
-      tmpdepfile="$tmpdepfile2"
-   fi
-   if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
-      sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-      # That's a tab and a space in the [].
-      sed -e 's,^.*\.[a-z]*:[	 ]*,,' -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-   else
-      echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
-   fi
-   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-   ;;
-  # This comment above is used by automake to tell side-effect
-  # dependency tracking mechanisms from slower ones.
-  # Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must*
-  # always write the preprocessed file to stdout, regardless of -o.
-  "$@" || exit $?
-  # Remove the call to Libtool.
-  if test "$libtool" = yes; then
-    while test $1 != '--mode=compile'; do
-      shift
-    done
-    shift
-  fi
-  # Remove `-o $object'.
-  IFS=" "
-  for arg
-  do
-    case $arg in
-    -o)
-      shift
-      ;;
-    $object)
-      shift
-      ;;
-    *)
-      set fnord "$@" "$arg"
-      shift # fnord
-      shift # $arg
-      ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  test -z "$dashmflag" && dashmflag=-M
-  # Require at least two characters before searching for `:'
-  # in the target name.  This is to cope with DOS-style filenames:
-  # a dependency such as `c:/foo/bar' could be seen as target `c' otherwise.
-  "$@" $dashmflag |
-    sed 's:^[  ]*[^: ][^:][^:]*\:[    ]*:'"$object"'\: :' > "$tmpdepfile"
-  rm -f "$depfile"
-  cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-  tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" | \
-## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
-## correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-    sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  ;;
-  # This case only exists to satisfy depend.m4.  It is never actually
-  # run, as this mode is specially recognized in the preamble.
-  exit 1
-  ;;
-  "$@" || exit $?
-  # Remove any Libtool call
-  if test "$libtool" = yes; then
-    while test $1 != '--mode=compile'; do
-      shift
-    done
-    shift
-  fi
-  # X makedepend
-  shift
-  cleared=no
-  for arg in "$@"; do
-    case $cleared in
-    no)
-      set ""; shift
-      cleared=yes ;;
-    esac
-    case "$arg" in
-    -D*|-I*)
-      set fnord "$@" "$arg"; shift ;;
-    # Strip any option that makedepend may not understand.  Remove
-    # the object too, otherwise makedepend will parse it as a source file.
-    -*|$object)
-      ;;
-    *)
-      set fnord "$@" "$arg"; shift ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  obj_suffix="`echo $object | sed 's/^.*\././'`"
-  touch "$tmpdepfile"
-  ${MAKEDEPEND-makedepend} -o"$obj_suffix" -f"$tmpdepfile" "$@"
-  rm -f "$depfile"
-  cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-  sed '1,2d' "$tmpdepfile" | tr ' ' '
-' | \
-## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
-## correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-    sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile".bak
-  ;;
-  # Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must*
-  # always write the preprocessed file to stdout.
-  "$@" || exit $?
-  # Remove the call to Libtool.
-  if test "$libtool" = yes; then
-    while test $1 != '--mode=compile'; do
-      shift
-    done
-    shift
-  fi
-  # Remove `-o $object'.
-  IFS=" "
-  for arg
-  do
-    case $arg in
-    -o)
-      shift
-      ;;
-    $object)
-      shift
-      ;;
-    *)
-      set fnord "$@" "$arg"
-      shift # fnord
-      shift # $arg
-      ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  "$@" -E |
-    sed -n '/^# [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' |
-    sed '$ s: \\$::' > "$tmpdepfile"
-  rm -f "$depfile"
-  echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
-  cat < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-  sed < "$tmpdepfile" '/^$/d;s/^ //;s/ \\$//;s/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  ;;
-  # Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must*
-  # always write the preprocessed file to stdout, regardless of -o,
-  # because we must use -o when running libtool.
-  "$@" || exit $?
-  IFS=" "
-  for arg
-  do
-    case "$arg" in
-    "-Gm"|"/Gm"|"-Gi"|"/Gi"|"-ZI"|"/ZI")
-	set fnord "$@"
-	shift
-	shift
-	;;
-    *)
-	set fnord "$@" "$arg"
-	shift
-	shift
-	;;
-    esac
-  done
-  "$@" -E |
-  sed -n '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)"/ s::echo "`cygpath -u \\"\1\\"`":p' | sort | uniq > "$tmpdepfile"
-  rm -f "$depfile"
-  echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
-  . "$tmpdepfile" | sed 's% %\\ %g' | sed -n '/^\(.*\)$/ s::	\1 \\:p' >> "$depfile"
-  echo "	" >> "$depfile"
-  . "$tmpdepfile" | sed 's% %\\ %g' | sed -n '/^\(.*\)$/ s::\1\::p' >> "$depfile"
-  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  ;;
-  exec "$@"
-  ;;
-  echo "Unknown depmode $depmode" 1>&2
-  exit 1
-  ;;
-exit 0

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/install-sh
--- gtkpod/trunk/install-sh	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/install-sh	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-# install - install a program, script, or datafile
-# This originates from X11R5 (mit/util/scripts/install.sh), which was
-# later released in X11R6 (xc/config/util/install.sh) with the
-# following copyright and license.
-# Copyright (C) 1994 X Consortium
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
-# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
-# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not
-# be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other deal-
-# ings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consor-
-# tium.
-# FSF changes to this file are in the public domain.
-# Calling this script install-sh is preferred over install.sh, to prevent
-# `make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it
-# when there is no Makefile.
-# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
-# from scratch.  It can only install one file at a time, a restriction
-# shared with many OS's install programs.
-# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
-# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
-# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
-chmodcmd="$chmodprog 0755"
-rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
-while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
-    case $1 in
-	-c) instcmd=$cpprog
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-d) dir_arg=true
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
-	    shift
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
-	    shift
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
-	    shift
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-s) stripcmd=$stripprog
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-t=*) transformarg=`echo $1 | sed 's/-t=//'`
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-b=*) transformbasename=`echo $1 | sed 's/-b=//'`
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	*)  if [ x"$src" = x ]
-	    then
-		src=$1
-	    else
-		# this colon is to work around a 386BSD /bin/sh bug
-		:
-		dst=$1
-	    fi
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-    esac
-if [ x"$src" = x ]
-	echo "$0: no input file specified" >&2
-	exit 1
-	:
-if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]; then
-	dst=$src
-	src=""
-	if [ -d "$dst" ]; then
-		instcmd=:
-		chmodcmd=""
-	else
-		instcmd=$mkdirprog
-	fi
-# Waiting for this to be detected by the "$instcmd $src $dsttmp" command
-# might cause directories to be created, which would be especially bad
-# if $src (and thus $dsttmp) contains '*'.
-	if [ -f "$src" ] || [ -d "$src" ]
-	then
-		:
-	else
-		echo "$0: $src does not exist" >&2
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	if [ x"$dst" = x ]
-	then
-		echo "$0: no destination specified" >&2
-		exit 1
-	else
-		:
-	fi
-# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
-# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
-	if [ -d "$dst" ]
-	then
-		dst=$dst/`basename "$src"`
-	else
-		:
-	fi
-## this sed command emulates the dirname command
-dstdir=`echo "$dst" | sed -e 's,[^/]*$,,;s,/$,,;s,^$,.,'`
-# Make sure that the destination directory exists.
-#  this part is taken from Noah Friedman's mkinstalldirs script
-# Skip lots of stat calls in the usual case.
-if [ ! -d "$dstdir" ]; then
-	'
-# Some sh's can't handle IFS=/ for some reason.
-set - `echo "$dstdir" | sed -e 's@/@%@g' -e 's@^%@/@'`
-while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do
-	pathcomp=$pathcomp$1
-	shift
-	if [ ! -d "$pathcomp" ] ;
-        then
-		$mkdirprog "$pathcomp"
-	else
-		:
-	fi
-	pathcomp=$pathcomp/
-if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]
-	$doit $instcmd "$dst" &&
-	if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd "$dst"; else : ; fi &&
-	if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd "$dst"; else : ; fi &&
-	if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd "$dst"; else : ; fi &&
-	if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd "$dst"; else : ; fi
-# If we're going to rename the final executable, determine the name now.
-	if [ x"$transformarg" = x ]
-	then
-		dstfile=`basename "$dst"`
-	else
-		dstfile=`basename "$dst" $transformbasename |
-			sed $transformarg`$transformbasename
-	fi
-# don't allow the sed command to completely eliminate the filename
-	if [ x"$dstfile" = x ]
-	then
-		dstfile=`basename "$dst"`
-	else
-		:
-	fi
-# Make a couple of temp file names in the proper directory.
-	dsttmp=$dstdir/_inst.$$_
-	rmtmp=$dstdir/_rm.$$_
-# Trap to clean up temp files at exit.
-	trap 'status=$?; rm -f "$dsttmp" "$rmtmp" && exit $status' 0
-	trap '(exit $?); exit' 1 2 13 15
-# Move or copy the file name to the temp name
-	$doit $instcmd "$src" "$dsttmp" &&
-# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
-# If any of these fail, we abort the whole thing.  If we want to
-# ignore errors from any of these, just make sure not to ignore
-# errors from the above "$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp" command.
-	if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd "$dsttmp"; else :;fi &&
-	if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd "$dsttmp"; else :;fi &&
-	if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd "$dsttmp"; else :;fi &&
-	if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd "$dsttmp"; else :;fi &&
-# Now remove or move aside any old file at destination location.  We try this
-# two ways since rm can't unlink itself on some systems and the destination
-# file might be busy for other reasons.  In this case, the final cleanup
-# might fail but the new file should still install successfully.
-	if [ -f "$dstdir/$dstfile" ]
-	then
-		$doit $rmcmd -f "$dstdir/$dstfile" 2>/dev/null ||
-		$doit $mvcmd -f "$dstdir/$dstfile" "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null ||
-		{
-		  echo "$0: cannot unlink or rename $dstdir/$dstfile" >&2
-		  (exit 1); exit
-		}
-	else
-		:
-	fi
-} &&
-# Now rename the file to the real destination.
-	$doit $mvcmd "$dsttmp" "$dstdir/$dstfile"
-fi &&
-# The final little trick to "correctly" pass the exit status to the exit trap.
-	(exit 0); exit

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/intltool-extract.in
--- gtkpod/trunk/intltool-extract.in	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/intltool-extract.in	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4  -*-
-#  The Intltool Message Extractor
-#  Copyright (C) 2000-2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation.
-#  Intltool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  Intltool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#  As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-#  distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-#  configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-#  the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-#  Authors: Kenneth Christiansen <kenneth at gnu.org>
-#           Darin Adler <darin at bentspoon.com>
-## Release information
-my $PROGRAM      = "intltool-extract";
-my $PACKAGE      = "intltool";
-my $VERSION      = "0.35.0";
-## Loaded modules
-use strict; 
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Long;
-## Scalars used by the option stuff
-my $TYPE_ARG	= "0";
-my $LOCAL_ARG	= "0";
-my $HELP_ARG 	= "0";
-my $VERSION_ARG = "0";
-my $UPDATE_ARG  = "0";
-my $QUIET_ARG   = "0";
-my $SRCDIR_ARG	= ".";
-my $FILE;
-my $gettext_type = "";
-my $input;
-my %messages = ();
-my %loc = ();
-my %count = ();
-my %comments = ();
-my $strcount = 0;
-my $XMLCOMMENT = "";
-## Use this instead of \w for XML files to handle more possible characters.
-my $w = "[-A-Za-z0-9._:]";
-## Always print first
-$| = 1;
-## Handle options
-GetOptions (
-	    "type=s"     => \$TYPE_ARG,
-            "local|l"    => \$LOCAL_ARG,
-            "help|h"     => \$HELP_ARG,
-            "version|v"  => \$VERSION_ARG,
-            "update"     => \$UPDATE_ARG,
-	    "quiet|q"    => \$QUIET_ARG,
-	    "srcdir=s"	 => \$SRCDIR_ARG,
-            ) or &error;
-## Check for options. 
-## This section will check for the different options.
-sub split_on_argument {
-    if ($VERSION_ARG) {
-        &version;
-    } elsif ($HELP_ARG) {
-	&help;
-    } elsif ($LOCAL_ARG) {
-        &place_local;
-        &extract;
-    } elsif ($UPDATE_ARG) {
-	&place_normal;
-	&extract;
-    } elsif (@ARGV > 0) {
-	&place_normal;
-	&message;
-	&extract;
-    } else {
-	&help;
-    }  
-sub place_normal {
-    $FILE	 = $ARGV[0];
-    $OUTFILE     = "$FILE.h";
-sub place_local {
-    $FILE	 = $ARGV[0];
-    $OUTFILE     = fileparse($FILE, ());
-    if (!-e "tmp/") { 
-        system("mkdir tmp/"); 
-    }
-    $OUTFILE     = "./tmp/$OUTFILE.h"
-sub determine_type {
-   if ($TYPE_ARG =~ /^gettext\/(.*)/) {
-	$gettext_type=$1
-   }
-## Sub for printing release information
-sub version{
-    print <<_EOF_;
-Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Written by Kenneth Christiansen, 2000.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-    exit;
-## Sub for printing usage information
-sub help {
-    print <<_EOF_;
-Generates a header file from an XML source file.
-It grabs all strings between <_translatable_node> and its end tag in
-XML files. Read manpage (man ${PROGRAM}) for more info.
-      --type=TYPE   Specify the file type of FILENAME. Currently supports:
-                    "gettext/glade", "gettext/ini", "gettext/keys"
-                    "gettext/rfc822deb", "gettext/schemas",
-                    "gettext/scheme", "gettext/xml"
-  -l, --local       Writes output into current working directory
-                    (conflicts with --update)
-      --update      Writes output into the same directory the source file 
-                    reside (conflicts with --local)
-      --srcdir      Root of the source tree
-  -v, --version     Output version information and exit
-  -h, --help        Display this help and exit
-  -q, --quiet       Quiet mode
-Report bugs to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ (product name "$PACKAGE")
-or send email to <xml-i18n-tools\@gnome.org>.
-    exit;
-## Sub for printing error messages
-sub error{
-    print STDERR "Try `${PROGRAM} --help' for more information.\n";
-    exit;
-sub message {
-    print "Generating C format header file for translation.\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-sub extract {
-    &determine_type;
-    &convert;
-    open OUT, ">$OUTFILE";
-    binmode (OUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    &msg_write;
-    close OUT;
-    print "Wrote $OUTFILE\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-sub convert {
-    ## Reading the file
-    {
-	local (*IN);
-	local $/; #slurp mode
-	open (IN, "<$SRCDIR_ARG/$FILE") || die "can't open $SRCDIR_ARG/$FILE: $!";
-	$input = <IN>;
-    }
-    &type_ini if $gettext_type eq "ini";
-    &type_keys if $gettext_type eq "keys";
-    &type_xml if $gettext_type eq "xml";
-    &type_glade if $gettext_type eq "glade";
-    &type_scheme if $gettext_type eq "scheme";
-    &type_schemas  if $gettext_type eq "schemas";
-    &type_rfc822deb  if $gettext_type eq "rfc822deb";
-sub entity_decode_minimal
-    local ($_) = @_;
-    s/&apos;/'/g; # '
-    s/&quot;/"/g; # "
-    s/&amp;/&/g;
-    return $_;
-sub entity_decode
-    local ($_) = @_;
-    s/&apos;/'/g; # '
-    s/&quot;/"/g; # "
-    s/&amp;/&/g;
-    s/&lt;/</g;
-    s/&gt;/>/g;
-    return $_;
-sub escape_char
-    return '\"' if $_ eq '"';
-    return '\n' if $_ eq "\n";
-    return '\\' if $_ eq '\\';
-    return $_;
-sub escape
-    my ($string) = @_;
-    return join "", map &escape_char, split //, $string;
-sub type_ini {
-    ### For generic translatable desktop files ###
-    while ($input =~ /^_.*=(.*)$/mg) {
-        $messages{$1} = [];
-    }
-sub type_keys {
-    ### For generic translatable mime/keys files ###
-    while ($input =~ /^\s*_\w+=(.*)$/mg) {
-        $messages{$1} = [];
-    }
-sub type_xml {
-    ### For generic translatable XML files ###
-    my $tree = readXml($input);
-    parseTree(0, $tree);
-sub print_var {
-    my $var = shift;
-    my $vartype = ref $var;
-    if ($vartype =~ /ARRAY/) {
-        my @arr = @{$var};
-        print "[ ";
-        foreach my $el (@arr) {
-            print_var($el);
-            print ", ";
-        }
-        print "] ";
-    } elsif ($vartype =~ /HASH/) {
-        my %hash = %{$var};
-        print "{ ";
-        foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
-            print "$key => ";
-            print_var($hash{$key});
-            print ", ";
-        }
-        print "} ";
-    } else {
-        print $var;
-    }
-# Same syntax as getAttributeString in intltool-merge.in.in, similar logic (look for ## differences comment)
-sub getAttributeString
-    my $sub = shift;
-    my $do_translate = shift || 1;
-    my $language = shift || "";
-    my $translate = shift;
-    my $result = "";
-    foreach my $e (reverse(sort(keys %{ $sub }))) {
-	my $key    = $e;
-	my $string = $sub->{$e};
-	my $quote = '"';
-	$string =~ s/^[\s]+//;
-	$string =~ s/[\s]+$//;
-	if ($string =~ /^'.*'$/)
-	{
-	    $quote = "'";
-	}
-	$string =~ s/^['"]//g;
-	$string =~ s/['"]$//g;
-        ## differences from intltool-merge.in.in
-	if ($key =~ /^_/) {
-            $comments{entity_decode($string)} = $XMLCOMMENT if $XMLCOMMENT;
-            $messages{entity_decode($string)} = [];
-            $$translate = 2;
-	}
-        ## differences end here from intltool-merge.in.in
-	$result .= " $key=$quote$string$quote";
-    }
-    return $result;
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in
-sub getXMLstring
-    my $ref = shift;
-    my $spacepreserve = shift || 0;
-    my @list = @{ $ref };
-    my $result = "";
-    my $count = scalar(@list);
-    my $attrs = $list[0];
-    my $index = 1;
-    $spacepreserve = 1 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?preserve["']?$/));
-    $spacepreserve = 0 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?default["']?$/));
-    while ($index < $count) {
-	my $type = $list[$index];
-	my $content = $list[$index+1];
-        if (! $type ) {
-	    # We've got CDATA
-	    if ($content) {
-		# lets strip the whitespace here, and *ONLY* here
-                $content =~ s/\s+/ /gs if (!$spacepreserve);
-		$result .= $content;
-	    }
-	} elsif ( "$type" ne "1" ) {
-	    # We've got another element
-	    $result .= "<$type";
-	    $result .= getAttributeString(@{$content}[0], 0); # no nested translatable elements
-	    if ($content) {
-		my $subresult = getXMLstring($content, $spacepreserve);
-		if ($subresult) {
-		    $result .= ">".$subresult . "</$type>";
-		} else {
-		    $result .= "/>";
-		}
-	    } else {
-		$result .= "/>";
-	    }
-	}
-	$index += 2;
-    }
-    return $result;
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in, except for MULTIPLE_OUTPUT handling removed
-# Translate list of nodes if necessary
-sub translate_subnodes
-    my $fh = shift;
-    my $content = shift;
-    my $language = shift || "";
-    my $singlelang = shift || 0;
-    my $spacepreserve = shift || 0;
-    my @nodes = @{ $content };
-    my $count = scalar(@nodes);
-    my $index = 0;
-    while ($index < $count) {
-        my $type = $nodes[$index];
-        my $rest = $nodes[$index+1];
-        traverse($fh, $type, $rest, $language, $spacepreserve);
-        $index += 2;
-    }
-# Based on traverse() in intltool-merge.in.in
-sub traverse
-    my $fh = shift; # unused, to allow us to sync code between -merge and -extract
-    my $nodename = shift;
-    my $content = shift;
-    my $language = shift || "";
-    my $spacepreserve = shift || 0;
-    if ($nodename && "$nodename" eq "1") {
-        $XMLCOMMENT = $content;
-    } elsif ($nodename) {
-	# element
-	my @all = @{ $content };
-	my $attrs = shift @all;
-	my $translate = 0;
-	my $outattr = getAttributeString($attrs, 1, $language, \$translate);
-	if ($nodename =~ /^_/) {
-	    $translate = 1;
-	    $nodename =~ s/^_//;
-	}
-	my $lookup = '';
-        $spacepreserve = 0 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?default["']?$/));
-        $spacepreserve = 1 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?preserve["']?$/));
-	if ($translate) {
-	    $lookup = getXMLstring($content, $spacepreserve);
-            if (!$spacepreserve) {
-                $lookup =~ s/^\s+//s;
-                $lookup =~ s/\s+$//s;
-            }
-	    if ($lookup && $translate != 2) {
-                $comments{$lookup} = $XMLCOMMENT if $XMLCOMMENT;
-                $messages{$lookup} = [];
-            } elsif ($translate == 2) {
-                translate_subnodes($fh, \@all, $language, 1, $spacepreserve);
-	    }
-	} else {
-            $XMLCOMMENT = "";
-	    my $count = scalar(@all);
-	    if ($count > 0) {
-                my $index = 0;
-                while ($index < $count) {
-                    my $type = $all[$index];
-                    my $rest = $all[$index+1];
-                    traverse($fh, $type, $rest, $language, $spacepreserve);
-                    $index += 2;
-                }
-	    }
-	}
-        $XMLCOMMENT = "";
-    }
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in, $fh for compatibility
-sub parseTree
-    my $fh        = shift;
-    my $ref       = shift;
-    my $language  = shift || "";
-    my $name = shift @{ $ref };
-    my $cont = shift @{ $ref };
-    while (!$name || "$name" eq "1") {
-        $name = shift @{ $ref };
-        $cont = shift @{ $ref };
-    }
-    my $spacepreserve = 0;
-    my $attrs = @{$cont}[0];
-    $spacepreserve = 1 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?preserve["']?$/));
-    traverse($fh, $name, $cont, $language, $spacepreserve);
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in
-sub intltool_tree_comment
-    my $expat = shift;
-    my $data  = $expat->original_string();
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    $data =~ s/^<!--//s;
-    $data =~ s/-->$//s;
-    push @$clist, 1 => $data;
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in
-sub intltool_tree_cdatastart
-    my $expat    = shift;
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    push @$clist, 0 => $expat->original_string();
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in
-sub intltool_tree_cdataend
-    my $expat    = shift;
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    $clist->[$pos] .= $expat->original_string();
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in
-sub intltool_tree_char
-    my $expat = shift;
-    my $text  = shift;
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    # Use original_string so that we retain escaped entities
-    # in CDATA sections.
-    #
-    if ($pos > 0 and $clist->[$pos - 1] eq '0') {
-        $clist->[$pos] .= $expat->original_string();
-    } else {
-        push @$clist, 0 => $expat->original_string();
-    }
-# Verbatim copy from intltool-merge.in.in
-sub intltool_tree_start
-    my $expat    = shift;
-    my $tag      = shift;
-    my @origlist = ();
-    # Use original_string so that we retain escaped entities
-    # in attribute values.  We must convert the string to an
-    # @origlist array to conform to the structure of the Tree
-    # Style.
-    #
-    my @original_array = split /\x/, $expat->original_string();
-    my $source         = $expat->original_string();
-    # Remove leading tag.
-    #
-    $source =~ s|^\s*<\s*(\S+)||s;
-    # Grab attribute key/value pairs and push onto @origlist array.
-    #
-    while ($source)
-    {
-       if ($source =~ /^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*["]/)
-       {
-           $source =~ s|^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*["]([^"]*)["]||s;
-           push @origlist, $1;
-           push @origlist, '"' . $2 . '"';
-       }
-       elsif ($source =~ /^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*[']/)
-       {
-           $source =~ s|^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*[']([^']*)[']||s;
-           push @origlist, $1;
-           push @origlist, "'" . $2 . "'";
-       }
-       else
-       {
-           last;
-       }
-    }
-    my $ol = [ { @origlist } ];
-    push @{ $expat->{Lists} }, $expat->{Curlist};
-    push @{ $expat->{Curlist} }, $tag => $ol;
-    $expat->{Curlist} = $ol;
-# Copied from intltool-merge.in.in and added comment handler.
-sub readXml
-    my $xmldoc = shift || return;
-    my $ret = eval 'require XML::Parser';
-    if(!$ret) {
-        die "You must have XML::Parser installed to run $0\n\n";
-    }
-    my $xp = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Tree');
-    $xp->setHandlers(Char => \&intltool_tree_char);
-    $xp->setHandlers(Start => \&intltool_tree_start);
-    $xp->setHandlers(CdataStart => \&intltool_tree_cdatastart);
-    $xp->setHandlers(CdataEnd => \&intltool_tree_cdataend);
-    ## differences from intltool-merge.in.in
-    $xp->setHandlers(Comment => \&intltool_tree_comment);
-    ## differences end here from intltool-merge.in.in
-    my $tree = $xp->parse($xmldoc);
-    #print_var($tree);
-# <foo><!-- comment --><head id="a">Hello <em>there</em></head><bar>Howdy<ref/></bar>do</foo>
-# would be:
-# [foo, [{}, 1, "comment", head, [{id => "a"}, 0, "Hello ",  em, [{}, 0, "there"]], bar, 
-# [{}, 0, "Howdy",  ref, [{}]], 0, "do" ] ]
-    return $tree;
-sub type_schemas {
-    ### For schemas XML files ###
-    # FIXME: We should handle escaped < (less than)
-    while ($input =~ /
-                      <locale\ name="C">\s*
-                          (<default>\s*(?:<!--([^>]*?)-->\s*)?(.*?)\s*<\/default>\s*)?
-                          (<short>\s*(?:<!--([^>]*?)-->\s*)?(.*?)\s*<\/short>\s*)?
-                          (<long>\s*(?:<!--([^>]*?)-->\s*)?(.*?)\s*<\/long>\s*)?
-                      <\/locale>
-                     /sgx) {
-        my @totranslate = ($3,$6,$9);
-        my @eachcomment = ($2,$5,$8);
-        foreach (@totranslate) {
-            my $currentcomment = shift @eachcomment;
-            next if !$_;
-            s/\s+/ /g;
-            $messages{entity_decode_minimal($_)} = [];
-            $comments{entity_decode_minimal($_)} = $currentcomment if (defined($currentcomment));
-        }
-    }
-sub type_rfc822deb {
-    ### For rfc822-style Debian configuration files ###
-    my $lineno = 1;
-    my $type = '';
-    while ($input =~ /\G(.*?)(^|\n)(_+)([^:]+):[ \t]*(.*?)(?=\n\S|$)/sg)
-    {
-        my ($pre, $newline, $underscore, $tag, $text) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
-        while ($pre =~ m/\n/g)
-        {
-            $lineno ++;
-        }
-        $lineno += length($newline);
-        my @str_list = rfc822deb_split(length($underscore), $text);
-        for my $str (@str_list)
-        {
-            $strcount++;
-            $messages{$str} = [];
-            $loc{$str} = $lineno;
-            $count{$str} = $strcount;
-            my $usercomment = '';
-            while($pre =~ s/(^|\n)#([^\n]*)$//s)
-            {
-                $usercomment = "\n" . $2 . $usercomment;
-            }
-            $comments{$str} = $tag . $usercomment;
-        }
-        $lineno += ($text =~ s/\n//g);
-    }
-sub rfc822deb_split {
-    # Debian defines a special way to deal with rfc822-style files:
-    # when a value contain newlines, it consists of
-    #   1.  a short form (first line)
-    #   2.  a long description, all lines begin with a space,
-    #       and paragraphs are separated by a single dot on a line
-    # This routine returns an array of all paragraphs, and reformat
-    # them.
-    # When first argument is 2, the string is a comma separated list of
-    # values.
-    my $type = shift;
-    my $text = shift;
-    $text =~ s/^[ \t]//mg;
-    return (split(/, */, $text, 0)) if $type ne 1;
-    return ($text) if $text !~ /\n/;
-    $text =~ s/([^\n]*)\n//;
-    my @list = ($1);
-    my $str = '';
-    for my $line (split (/\n/, $text))
-    {
-        chomp $line;
-        if ($line =~ /^\.\s*$/)
-        {
-            #  New paragraph
-            $str =~ s/\s*$//;
-            push(@list, $str);
-            $str = '';
-        }
-        elsif ($line =~ /^\s/)
-        {
-            #  Line which must not be reformatted
-            $str .= "\n" if length ($str) && $str !~ /\n$/;
-            $line =~ s/\s+$//;
-            $str .= $line."\n";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            #  Continuation line, remove newline
-            $str .= " " if length ($str) && $str !~ /\n$/;
-            $str .= $line;
-        }
-    }
-    $str =~ s/\s*$//;
-    push(@list, $str) if length ($str);
-    return @list;
-sub type_glade {
-    ### For translatable Glade XML files ###
-    my $tags = "label|title|text|format|copyright|comments|preview_text|tooltip|message";
-    while ($input =~ /<($tags)>([^<]+)<\/($tags)>/sg) {
-	# Glade sometimes uses tags that normally mark translatable things for
-        # little bits of non-translatable content. We work around this by not
-        # translating strings that only includes something like label4 or window1.
-	$messages{entity_decode($2)} = [] unless $2 =~ /^(window|label|dialog)[0-9]+$/;
-    }
-    while ($input =~ /<items>(..[^<]*)<\/items>/sg) {
-	for my $item (split (/\n/, $1)) {
-	    $messages{entity_decode($item)} = [];
-	}
-    }
-    ## handle new glade files
-    while ($input =~ /<(property|atkproperty)\s+[^>]*translatable\s*=\s*"yes"(?:\s+[^>]*comments\s*=\s*"([^"]*)")?[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/\1>/sg) {
-	$messages{entity_decode($3)} = [] unless $3 =~ /^(window|label)[0-9]+$/;
-        if (defined($2) and !($3 =~ /^(window|label)[0-9]+$/)) {
-	   $comments{entity_decode($3)} = entity_decode($2) ;
-        }
-    }
-    while ($input =~ /<atkaction\s+action_name="([^>]*)"\s+description="([^>]+)"\/>/sg) {
-        $messages{entity_decode_minimal($2)} = [];
-    }
-sub type_scheme {
-    my ($line, $i, $state, $str, $trcomment, $char);
-    for $line (split(/\n/, $input)) {
-        $i = 0;
-        $state = 0; # 0 - nothing, 1 - string, 2 - translatable string
-        while ($i < length($line)) {
-            if (substr($line,$i,1) eq "\"") {
-                if ($state == 2) {
-                    $comments{$str} = $trcomment if ($trcomment);
-                    $messages{$str} = [];
-                    $str = '';
-                    $state = 0; $trcomment = "";
-                } elsif ($state == 1) {
-                    $str = '';
-                    $state = 0; $trcomment = "";
-                } else {
-                    $state = 1;
-                    $str = '';
-                    if ($i>0 && substr($line,$i-1,1) eq '_') {
-                        $state = 2;
-                    }
-                }
-            } elsif (!$state) {
-                if (substr($line,$i,1) eq ";") {
-                    $trcomment = substr($line,$i+1);
-                    $trcomment =~ s/^;*\s*//;
-                    $i = length($line);
-                } elsif ($trcomment && substr($line,$i,1) !~ /\s|\(|\)|_/) {
-                    $trcomment = "";
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (substr($line,$i,1) eq "\\") {
-                    $char = substr($line,$i+1,1);
-                    if ($char ne "\"" && $char ne "\\") {
-                       $str = $str . "\\";
-                    }
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                $str = $str . substr($line,$i,1);
-            }
-            $i++;
-        }
-    }
-sub msg_write {
-    my @msgids;
-    if (%count)
-    {
-        @msgids = sort { $count{$a} <=> $count{$b} } keys %count;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        @msgids = sort keys %messages;
-    }
-    for my $message (@msgids)
-    {
-	my $offsetlines = 1;
-	$offsetlines++ if $message =~ /%/;
-	if (defined ($comments{$message}))
-	{
-		while ($comments{$message} =~ m/\n/g)
-		{
-		    $offsetlines++;
-		}
-	}
-	print OUT "# ".($loc{$message} - $offsetlines).  " \"$FILE\"\n"
-	        if defined $loc{$message};
-   	print OUT "/* ".$comments{$message}." */\n"
-                if defined $comments{$message};
-   	print OUT "/* xgettext:no-c-format */\n" if $message =~ /%/;
-    	my @lines = split (/\n/, $message, -1);
-    	for (my $n = 0; $n < @lines; $n++)
-	{
-            if ($n == 0)
-            {
- 		print OUT "char *s = N_(\""; 
-            }
-            else
-            {  
-                print OUT "             \""; 
-            }
-            print OUT escape($lines[$n]);
-            if ($n < @lines - 1)
-            {
-                print OUT "\\n\"\n"; 
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                print OUT "\");\n";  
-	    }
-        }
-    }

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/intltool-merge.in
--- gtkpod/trunk/intltool-merge.in	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/intltool-merge.in	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,1356 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4  -*-
-#  The Intltool Message Merger
-#  Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation.
-#  Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Eazel, Inc
-#  Intltool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
-#  version 2 published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#  Intltool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#  As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-#  distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-#  configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-#  the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-#  Authors:  Maciej Stachowiak <mjs at noisehavoc.org>
-#            Kenneth Christiansen <kenneth at gnu.org>
-#            Darin Adler <darin at bentspoon.com>
-#  Proper XML UTF-8'ification written by Cyrille Chepelov <chepelov at calixo.net>
-## Release information
-my $PROGRAM = "intltool-merge";
-my $PACKAGE = "intltool";
-my $VERSION = "0.35.0";
-## Loaded modules
-use strict; 
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Text::Wrap;
-use File::Basename;
-my $must_end_tag      = -1;
-my $last_depth        = -1;
-my $translation_depth = -1;
-my @tag_stack = ();
-my @entered_tag = ();
-my @translation_strings = ();
-my $leading_space = "";
-## Scalars used by the option stuff
-my $HELP_ARG = 0;
-my $VERSION_ARG = 0;
-my $BA_STYLE_ARG = 0;
-my $XML_STYLE_ARG = 0;
-my $KEYS_STYLE_ARG = 0;
-my $RFC822DEB_STYLE_ARG = 0;
-my $QUIET_ARG = 0;
-my $UTF8_ARG = 0;
-my $cache_file;
-## Handle options
- "help" => \$HELP_ARG,
- "version" => \$VERSION_ARG,
- "quiet|q" => \$QUIET_ARG,
- "oaf-style|o" => \$BA_STYLE_ARG, ## for compatibility
- "ba-style|b" => \$BA_STYLE_ARG,
- "xml-style|x" => \$XML_STYLE_ARG,
- "keys-style|k" => \$KEYS_STYLE_ARG,
- "desktop-style|d" => \$DESKTOP_STYLE_ARG,
- "schemas-style|s" => \$SCHEMAS_STYLE_ARG,
- "rfc822deb-style|r" => \$RFC822DEB_STYLE_ARG,
- "pass-through|p" => \$PASS_THROUGH_ARG,
- "utf8|u" => \$UTF8_ARG,
- "multiple-output|m" => \$MULTIPLE_OUTPUT,
- "cache|c=s" => \$cache_file
- ) or &error;
-my $PO_DIR;
-my $FILE;
-my %po_files_by_lang = ();
-my %translations = ();
-my $iconv = $ENV{"ICONV"} || $ENV{"INTLTOOL_ICONV"} || "@INTLTOOL_ICONV@";
-my $devnull = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'NUL:' : '/dev/null');
-# Use this instead of \w for XML files to handle more possible characters.
-my $w = "[-A-Za-z0-9._:]";
-# XML quoted string contents
-my $q = "[^\\\"]*";
-## Check for options. 
-	&print_version;
-elsif ($HELP_ARG) 
-	&print_help;
-elsif ($BA_STYLE_ARG && @ARGV > 2) 
-	&utf8_sanity_check;
-	&preparation;
-	&print_message;
-	&ba_merge_translations;
-	&finalize;
-elsif ($XML_STYLE_ARG && @ARGV > 2) 
-	&utf8_sanity_check;
-	&preparation;
-	&print_message;
-	&xml_merge_output;
-	&finalize;
-elsif ($KEYS_STYLE_ARG && @ARGV > 2) 
-	&utf8_sanity_check;
-	&preparation;
-	&print_message;
-	&keys_merge_translations;
-	&finalize;
-elsif ($DESKTOP_STYLE_ARG && @ARGV > 2) 
-	&utf8_sanity_check;
-	&preparation;
-	&print_message;
-	&desktop_merge_translations;
-	&finalize;
-elsif ($SCHEMAS_STYLE_ARG && @ARGV > 2) 
-	&utf8_sanity_check;
-	&preparation;
-	&print_message;
-	&schemas_merge_translations;
-	&finalize;
-elsif ($RFC822DEB_STYLE_ARG && @ARGV > 2) 
-	&preparation;
-	&print_message;
-	&rfc822deb_merge_translations;
-	&finalize;
-	&print_help;
-## Sub for printing release information
-sub print_version
-    print <<_EOF_;
-Written by Maciej Stachowiak, Darin Adler and Kenneth Christiansen.
-Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Eazel, Inc.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-    exit;
-## Sub for printing usage information
-sub print_help
-    print <<_EOF_;
-Generates an output file that includes some localized attributes from an
-untranslated source file.
-Mandatory options: (exactly one must be specified)
-  -b, --ba-style         includes translations in the bonobo-activation style
-  -d, --desktop-style    includes translations in the desktop style
-  -k, --keys-style       includes translations in the keys style
-  -s, --schemas-style    includes translations in the schemas style
-  -r, --rfc822deb-style  includes translations in the RFC822 style
-  -x, --xml-style        includes translations in the standard xml style
-Other options:
-  -u, --utf8             convert all strings to UTF-8 before merging 
-                         (default for everything except RFC822 style)
-  -p, --pass-through     deprecated, does nothing and issues a warning
-  -m, --multiple-output  output one localized file per locale, instead of 
-	                 a single file containing all localized elements
-  -c, --cache=FILE       specify cache file name
-                         (usually \$top_builddir/po/.intltool-merge-cache)
-  -q, --quiet            suppress most messages
-      --help             display this help and exit
-      --version          output version information and exit
-Report bugs to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ (product name "$PACKAGE")
-or send email to <xml-i18n-tools\@gnome.org>.
-    exit;
-## Sub for printing error messages
-sub print_error
-    print STDERR "Try `${PROGRAM} --help' for more information.\n";
-    exit;
-sub print_message 
-    print "Merging translations into $OUTFILE.\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-sub preparation 
-    $PO_DIR = $ARGV[0];
-    $FILE = $ARGV[1];
-    $OUTFILE = $ARGV[2];
-    &gather_po_files;
-    &get_translation_database;
-# General-purpose code for looking up translations in .po files
-sub po_file2lang
-    my ($tmp) = @_; 
-    $tmp =~ s/^.*\/(.*)\.po$/$1/; 
-    return $tmp; 
-sub gather_po_files
-    for my $po_file (glob "$PO_DIR/*.po") {
-	$po_files_by_lang{po_file2lang($po_file)} = $po_file;
-    }
-sub get_local_charset
-    my ($encoding) = @_;
-    my $alias_file = $ENV{"G_CHARSET_ALIAS"} || "@INTLTOOL_LIBDIR@/charset.alias";
-    # seek character encoding aliases in charset.alias (glib)
-    if (open CHARSET_ALIAS, $alias_file) 
-    {
-	while (<CHARSET_ALIAS>) 
-        {
-            next if /^\#/;
-            return $1 if (/^\s*([-._a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+$encoding\b/i)
-        }
-        close CHARSET_ALIAS;
-    }
-    # if not found, return input string
-    return $encoding;
-sub get_po_encoding
-    my ($in_po_file) = @_;
-    my $encoding = "";
-    open IN_PO_FILE, $in_po_file or die;
-    while (<IN_PO_FILE>) 
-    {
-        ## example: "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
-        if (/Content-Type\:.*charset=([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\n/) 
-        {
-            $encoding = $1; 
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    close IN_PO_FILE;
-    if (!$encoding) 
-    {
-        print STDERR "Warning: no encoding found in $in_po_file. Assuming ISO-8859-1\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-        $encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
-    }
-    system ("$iconv -f $encoding -t UTF-8 <$devnull 2>$devnull");
-    if ($?) {
-	$encoding = get_local_charset($encoding);
-    }
-    return $encoding
-sub utf8_sanity_check 
-    print STDERR "Warning: option --pass-through has been removed.\n" if $PASS_THROUGH_ARG;
-    $UTF8_ARG = 1;
-sub get_translation_database
-    if ($cache_file) {
-	&get_cached_translation_database;
-    } else {
-        &create_translation_database;
-    }
-sub get_newest_po_age
-    my $newest_age;
-    foreach my $file (values %po_files_by_lang) 
-    {
-	my $file_age = -M $file;
-	$newest_age = $file_age if !$newest_age || $file_age < $newest_age;
-    }
-    $newest_age = 0 if !$newest_age;
-    return $newest_age;
-sub create_cache
-    print "Generating and caching the translation database\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-    &create_translation_database;
-    open CACHE, ">$cache_file" || die;
-    print CACHE join "\x01", %translations;
-    close CACHE;
-sub load_cache 
-    print "Found cached translation database\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-    my $contents;
-    open CACHE, "<$cache_file" || die;
-    {
-        local $/;
-        $contents = <CACHE>;
-    }
-    close CACHE;
-    %translations = split "\x01", $contents;
-sub get_cached_translation_database
-    my $cache_file_age = -M $cache_file;
-    if (defined $cache_file_age) 
-    {
-        if ($cache_file_age <= &get_newest_po_age) 
-        {
-            &load_cache;
-            return;
-        }
-        print "Found too-old cached translation database\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-    }
-    &create_cache;
-sub create_translation_database
-    for my $lang (keys %po_files_by_lang) 
-    {
-    	my $po_file = $po_files_by_lang{$lang};
-        if ($UTF8_ARG) 
-        {
-            my $encoding = get_po_encoding ($po_file);
-            if (lc $encoding eq "utf-8") 
-            {
-                open PO_FILE, "<$po_file";	
-            } 
-            else 
-            {
-		print "NOTICE: $po_file is not in UTF-8 but $encoding, converting...\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;;
-                open PO_FILE, "$iconv -f $encoding -t UTF-8 $po_file|";	
-            }
-        } 
-        else 
-        {
-            open PO_FILE, "<$po_file";	
-        }
-	my $nextfuzzy = 0;
-	my $inmsgid = 0;
-	my $inmsgstr = 0;
-	my $msgid = "";
-	my $msgstr = "";
-        while (<PO_FILE>) 
-        {
-	    $nextfuzzy = 1 if /^#, fuzzy/;
-	    if (/^msgid "((\\.|[^\\])*)"/ ) 
-            {
-		$translations{$lang, $msgid} = $msgstr if $inmsgstr && $msgid && $msgstr;
-		$msgid = "";
-		$msgstr = "";
-		if ($nextfuzzy) {
-		    $inmsgid = 0;
-		} else {
-		    $msgid = unescape_po_string($1);
-		    $inmsgid = 1;
-		}
-		$inmsgstr = 0;
-		$nextfuzzy = 0;
-	    }
-	    if (/^msgstr "((\\.|[^\\])*)"/) 
-            {
-	        $msgstr = unescape_po_string($1);
-		$inmsgstr = 1;
-		$inmsgid = 0;
-	    }
-	    if (/^"((\\.|[^\\])*)"/) 
-            {
-	        $msgid .= unescape_po_string($1) if $inmsgid;
-	        $msgstr .= unescape_po_string($1) if $inmsgstr;
-	    }
-	}
-	$translations{$lang, $msgid} = $msgstr if $inmsgstr && $msgid && $msgstr;
-    }
-sub finalize
-sub unescape_one_sequence
-    my ($sequence) = @_;
-    return "\\" if $sequence eq "\\\\";
-    return "\"" if $sequence eq "\\\"";
-    return "\n" if $sequence eq "\\n";
-    return "\r" if $sequence eq "\\r";
-    return "\t" if $sequence eq "\\t";
-    return "\b" if $sequence eq "\\b";
-    return "\f" if $sequence eq "\\f";
-    return "\a" if $sequence eq "\\a";
-    return chr(11) if $sequence eq "\\v"; # vertical tab, see ascii(7)
-    return chr(hex($1)) if ($sequence =~ /\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/);
-    return chr(oct($1)) if ($sequence =~ /\\([0-7]{3})/);
-    # FIXME: Is \0 supported as well? Kenneth and Rodney don't want it, see bug #48489
-    return $sequence;
-sub unescape_po_string
-    my ($string) = @_;
-    $string =~ s/(\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\[0-7]{3}|\\.)/unescape_one_sequence($1)/eg;
-    return $string;
-## NOTE: deal with < - &lt; but not > - &gt;  because it seems its ok to have 
-## > in the entity. For further info please look at #84738.
-sub entity_decode
-    local ($_) = @_;
-    s/&apos;/'/g; # '
-    s/&quot;/"/g; # "
-    s/&amp;/&/g;
-    s/&lt;/</g;
-    return $_;
-# entity_encode: (string)
-# Encode the given string to XML format (encode '<' etc).
-sub entity_encode
-    my ($pre_encoded) = @_;
-    my @list_of_chars = unpack ('C*', $pre_encoded);
-    # with UTF-8 we only encode minimalistic
-    return join ('', map (&entity_encode_int_minimalist, @list_of_chars));
-sub entity_encode_int_minimalist
-    return "&quot;" if $_ == 34;
-    return "&amp;" if $_ == 38;
-    return "&apos;" if $_ == 39;
-    return "&lt;" if $_ == 60;
-    return chr $_;
-sub entity_encoded_translation
-    my ($lang, $string) = @_;
-    my $translation = $translations{$lang, $string};
-    return $string if !$translation;
-    return entity_encode ($translation);
-## XML (bonobo-activation specific) merge code
-sub ba_merge_translations
-    my $source;
-    {
-       local $/; # slurp mode
-       open INPUT, "<$FILE" or die "can't open $FILE: $!";
-       $source = <INPUT>;
-       close INPUT;
-    }
-    open OUTPUT, ">$OUTFILE" or die "can't open $OUTFILE: $!";
-    # Binmode so that selftest works ok if using a native Win32 Perl...
-    binmode (OUTPUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    while ($source =~ s|^(.*?)([ \t]*<\s*$w+\s+($w+\s*=\s*"$q"\s*)+/?>)([ \t]*\n)?||s) 
-    {
-        print OUTPUT $1;
-        my $node = $2 . "\n";
-        my @strings = ();
-        $_ = $node;
-	while (s/(\s)_($w+\s*=\s*"($q)")/$1$2/s) {
-             push @strings, entity_decode($3);
-        }
-	print OUTPUT;
-	my %langs;
-	for my $string (@strings) 
-        {
-	    for my $lang (keys %po_files_by_lang) 
-            {
-                $langs{$lang} = 1 if $translations{$lang, $string};
-	    }
-	}
-	for my $lang (sort keys %langs) 
-        {
-	    $_ = $node;
-	    s/(\sname\s*=\s*)"($q)"/$1"$2-$lang"/s;
-	    s/(\s)_($w+\s*=\s*")($q)"/$1 . $2 . entity_encoded_translation($lang, $3) . '"'/seg;
-	    print OUTPUT;
-        }
-    }
-    print OUTPUT $source;
-    close OUTPUT;
-## XML (non-bonobo-activation) merge code
-# Process tag attributes
-#   Only parameter is a HASH containing attributes -> values mapping
-sub getAttributeString
-    my $sub = shift;
-    my $do_translate = shift || 0;
-    my $language = shift || "";
-    my $result = "";
-    my $translate = shift;
-    foreach my $e (reverse(sort(keys %{ $sub }))) {
-	my $key    = $e;
-	my $string = $sub->{$e};
-	my $quote = '"';
-	$string =~ s/^[\s]+//;
-	$string =~ s/[\s]+$//;
-	if ($string =~ /^'.*'$/)
-	{
-	    $quote = "'";
-	}
-	$string =~ s/^['"]//g;
-	$string =~ s/['"]$//g;
-	if ($do_translate && $key =~ /^_/) {
-	    $key =~ s|^_||g;
-	    if ($language) {
-		# Handle translation
-		my $decode_string = entity_decode($string);
-		my $translation = $translations{$language, $decode_string};
-		if ($translation) {
-		    $translation = entity_encode($translation);
-		    $string = $translation;
-                }
-                $$translate = 2;
-            } else {
-                 $$translate = 2 if ($translate && (!$$translate)); # watch not to "overwrite" $translate
-            }
-	}
-	$result .= " $key=$quote$string$quote";
-    }
-    return $result;
-# Returns a translatable string from XML node, it works on contents of every node in XML::Parser tree
-sub getXMLstring
-    my $ref = shift;
-    my $spacepreserve = shift || 0;
-    my @list = @{ $ref };
-    my $result = "";
-    my $count = scalar(@list);
-    my $attrs = $list[0];
-    my $index = 1;
-    $spacepreserve = 1 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?preserve["']?$/));
-    $spacepreserve = 0 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?default["']?$/));
-    while ($index < $count) {
-	my $type = $list[$index];
-	my $content = $list[$index+1];
-        if (! $type ) {
-	    # We've got CDATA
-	    if ($content) {
-		# lets strip the whitespace here, and *ONLY* here
-                $content =~ s/\s+/ /gs if (!$spacepreserve);
-		$result .= $content;
-	    }
-	} elsif ( "$type" ne "1" ) {
-	    # We've got another element
-	    $result .= "<$type";
-	    $result .= getAttributeString(@{$content}[0], 0); # no nested translatable elements
-	    if ($content) {
-		my $subresult = getXMLstring($content, $spacepreserve);
-		if ($subresult) {
-		    $result .= ">".$subresult . "</$type>";
-		} else {
-		    $result .= "/>";
-		}
-	    } else {
-		$result .= "/>";
-	    }
-	}
-	$index += 2;
-    }
-    return $result;
-# Translate list of nodes if necessary
-sub translate_subnodes
-    my $fh = shift;
-    my $content = shift;
-    my $language = shift || "";
-    my $singlelang = shift || 0;
-    my $spacepreserve = shift || 0;
-    my @nodes = @{ $content };
-    my $count = scalar(@nodes);
-    my $index = 0;
-    while ($index < $count) {
-        my $type = $nodes[$index];
-        my $rest = $nodes[$index+1];
-        if ($singlelang) {
-            my $oldMO = $MULTIPLE_OUTPUT;
-            $MULTIPLE_OUTPUT = 1;
-            traverse($fh, $type, $rest, $language, $spacepreserve);
-            $MULTIPLE_OUTPUT = $oldMO;
-        } else {
-            traverse($fh, $type, $rest, $language, $spacepreserve);
-        }
-        $index += 2;
-    }
-sub isWellFormedXmlFragment
-    my $ret = eval 'require XML::Parser';
-    if(!$ret) {
-        die "You must have XML::Parser installed to run $0\n\n";
-    } 
-    my $fragment = shift;
-    return 0 if (!$fragment);
-    $fragment = "<root>$fragment</root>";
-    my $xp = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Tree');
-    my $tree = 0;
-    eval { $tree = $xp->parse($fragment); };
-    return $tree;
-sub traverse
-    my $fh = shift; 
-    my $nodename = shift;
-    my $content = shift;
-    my $language = shift || "";
-    my $spacepreserve = shift || 0;
-    if (!$nodename) {
-	if ($content =~ /^[\s]*$/) {
-	    $leading_space .= $content;
-	}
-	print $fh $content;
-    } else {
-	# element
-	my @all = @{ $content };
-	my $attrs = shift @all;
-	my $translate = 0;
-	my $outattr = getAttributeString($attrs, 1, $language, \$translate);
-	if ($nodename =~ /^_/) {
-	    $translate = 1;
-	    $nodename =~ s/^_//;
-	}
-	my $lookup = '';
-        $spacepreserve = 0 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?default["']?$/));
-        $spacepreserve = 1 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?preserve["']?$/));
-	print $fh "<$nodename", $outattr;
-	if ($translate) {
-	    $lookup = getXMLstring($content, $spacepreserve);
-            if (!$spacepreserve) {
-                $lookup =~ s/^\s+//s;
-                $lookup =~ s/\s+$//s;
-            }
-	    if ($lookup || $translate == 2) {
-                my $translation = $translations{$language, $lookup} if isWellFormedXmlFragment($translations{$language, $lookup});
-                if ($MULTIPLE_OUTPUT && ($translation || $translate == 2)) {
-                    $translation = $lookup if (!$translation);
-                    print $fh " xml:lang=\"", $language, "\"" if $language;
-                    print $fh ">";
-                    if ($translate == 2) {
-                        translate_subnodes($fh, \@all, $language, 1, $spacepreserve);
-                    } else {
-                        print $fh $translation;
-                    }
-                    print $fh "</$nodename>";
-                    return; # this means there will be no same translation with xml:lang="$language"...
-                            # if we want them both, just remove this "return"
-                } else {
-                    print $fh ">";
-                    if ($translate == 2) {
-                        translate_subnodes($fh, \@all, $language, 1, $spacepreserve);
-                    } else {
-                        print $fh $lookup;
-                    }
-                    print $fh "</$nodename>";
-                }
-	    } else {
-		print $fh "/>";
-	    }
-	    for my $lang (sort keys %po_files_by_lang) {
-                    if ($MULTIPLE_OUTPUT && $lang ne "$language") {
-                        next;
-                    }
-		    if ($lang) {
-                        # Handle translation
-                        #
-                        my $translate = 0;
-                        my $localattrs = getAttributeString($attrs, 1, $lang, \$translate);
-                        my $translation = $translations{$lang, $lookup} if isWellFormedXmlFragment($translations{$lang, $lookup});
-                        if ($translate && !$translation) {
-                            $translation = $lookup;
-                        }
-                        if ($translation || $translate) {
-			    print $fh "\n";
-			    $leading_space =~ s/.*\n//g;
-			    print $fh $leading_space;
- 			    print $fh "<", $nodename, " xml:lang=\"", $lang, "\"", $localattrs, ">";
-                            if ($translate == 2) {
-                               translate_subnodes($fh, \@all, $lang, 1, $spacepreserve);
-                            } else {
-                                print $fh $translation;
-                            }
-                            print $fh "</$nodename>";
-			}
-                    }
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    my $count = scalar(@all);
-	    if ($count > 0) {
-		print $fh ">";
-                my $index = 0;
-                while ($index < $count) {
-                    my $type = $all[$index];
-                    my $rest = $all[$index+1];
-                    traverse($fh, $type, $rest, $language, $spacepreserve);
-                    $index += 2;
-                }
-		print $fh "</$nodename>";
-	    } else {
-		print $fh "/>";
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-sub intltool_tree_comment
-    my $expat = shift;
-    my $data  = shift;
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    push @$clist, 1 => $data;
-sub intltool_tree_cdatastart
-    my $expat    = shift;
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    push @$clist, 0 => $expat->original_string();
-sub intltool_tree_cdataend
-    my $expat    = shift;
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    $clist->[$pos] .= $expat->original_string();
-sub intltool_tree_char
-    my $expat = shift;
-    my $text  = shift;
-    my $clist = $expat->{Curlist};
-    my $pos   = $#$clist;
-    # Use original_string so that we retain escaped entities
-    # in CDATA sections.
-    #
-    if ($pos > 0 and $clist->[$pos - 1] eq '0') {
-        $clist->[$pos] .= $expat->original_string();
-    } else {
-        push @$clist, 0 => $expat->original_string();
-    }
-sub intltool_tree_start
-    my $expat    = shift;
-    my $tag      = shift;
-    my @origlist = ();
-    # Use original_string so that we retain escaped entities
-    # in attribute values.  We must convert the string to an
-    # @origlist array to conform to the structure of the Tree
-    # Style.
-    #
-    my @original_array = split /\x/, $expat->original_string();
-    my $source         = $expat->original_string();
-    # Remove leading tag.
-    #
-    $source =~ s|^\s*<\s*(\S+)||s;
-    # Grab attribute key/value pairs and push onto @origlist array.
-    #
-    while ($source)
-    {
-       if ($source =~ /^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*["]/)
-       {
-           $source =~ s|^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*["]([^"]*)["]||s;
-           push @origlist, $1;
-           push @origlist, '"' . $2 . '"';
-       }
-       elsif ($source =~ /^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*[']/)
-       {
-           $source =~ s|^\s*([\w:-]+)\s*[=]\s*[']([^']*)[']||s;
-           push @origlist, $1;
-           push @origlist, "'" . $2 . "'";
-       }
-       else
-       {
-           last;
-       }
-    }
-    my $ol = [ { @origlist } ];
-    push @{ $expat->{Lists} }, $expat->{Curlist};
-    push @{ $expat->{Curlist} }, $tag => $ol;
-    $expat->{Curlist} = $ol;
-sub readXml
-    my $filename = shift || return;
-    if(!-f $filename) {
-        die "ERROR Cannot find filename: $filename\n";
-    }
-    my $ret = eval 'require XML::Parser';
-    if(!$ret) {
-        die "You must have XML::Parser installed to run $0\n\n";
-    } 
-    my $xp = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Tree');
-    $xp->setHandlers(Char => \&intltool_tree_char);
-    $xp->setHandlers(Start => \&intltool_tree_start);
-    $xp->setHandlers(CdataStart => \&intltool_tree_cdatastart);
-    $xp->setHandlers(CdataEnd => \&intltool_tree_cdataend);
-    my $tree = $xp->parsefile($filename);
-# <foo><head id="a">Hello <em>there</em></head><bar>Howdy<ref/></bar>do</foo>
-# would be:
-# [foo, [{}, head, [{id => "a"}, 0, "Hello ",  em, [{}, 0, "there"]], bar, [{},
-# 0, "Howdy",  ref, [{}]], 0, "do" ] ]
-    return $tree;
-sub print_header
-    my $infile = shift;
-    my $fh = shift;
-    my $source;
-    if(!-f $infile) {
-        die "ERROR Cannot find filename: $infile\n";
-    }
-    print $fh qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n};
-    {
-        local $/;
-        open DOCINPUT, "<${FILE}" or die;
-        $source = <DOCINPUT>;
-        close DOCINPUT;
-    }
-    if ($source =~ /(<!DOCTYPE.*\[.*\]\s*>)/s)
-    {
-        print $fh "$1\n";
-    }
-    elsif ($source =~ /(<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>)/s)
-    {
-        print $fh "$1\n";
-    }
-sub parseTree
-    my $fh        = shift;
-    my $ref       = shift;
-    my $language  = shift || "";
-    my $name = shift @{ $ref };
-    my $cont = shift @{ $ref };
-    while (!$name || "$name" eq "1") {
-        $name = shift @{ $ref };
-        $cont = shift @{ $ref };
-    }
-    my $spacepreserve = 0;
-    my $attrs = @{$cont}[0];
-    $spacepreserve = 1 if ((exists $attrs->{"xml:space"}) && ($attrs->{"xml:space"} =~ /^["']?preserve["']?$/));
-    traverse($fh, $name, $cont, $language, $spacepreserve);
-sub xml_merge_output
-    my $source;
-    if ($MULTIPLE_OUTPUT) {
-        for my $lang (sort keys %po_files_by_lang) {
-	    if ( ! -e $lang ) {
-	        mkdir $lang or die "Cannot create subdirectory $lang: $!\n";
-            }
-            open OUTPUT, ">$lang/$OUTFILE" or die "Cannot open $lang/$OUTFILE: $!\n";
-            binmode (OUTPUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-            my $tree = readXml($FILE);
-            print_header($FILE, \*OUTPUT);
-            parseTree(\*OUTPUT, $tree, $lang);
-            close OUTPUT;
-            print "CREATED $lang/$OUTFILE\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-        }
-    } 
-    open OUTPUT, ">$OUTFILE" or die "Cannot open $OUTFILE: $!\n";
-    binmode (OUTPUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    my $tree = readXml($FILE);
-    print_header($FILE, \*OUTPUT);
-    parseTree(\*OUTPUT, $tree);
-    close OUTPUT;
-    print "CREATED $OUTFILE\n" unless $QUIET_ARG;
-sub keys_merge_translations
-    open INPUT, "<${FILE}" or die;
-    open OUTPUT, ">${OUTFILE}" or die;
-    binmode (OUTPUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    while (<INPUT>) 
-    {
-        if (s/^(\s*)_(\w+=(.*))/$1$2/)  
-        {
-	    my $string = $3;
-            print OUTPUT;
-	    my $non_translated_line = $_;
-            for my $lang (sort keys %po_files_by_lang) 
-            {
-		my $translation = $translations{$lang, $string};
-                next if !$translation;
-                $_ = $non_translated_line;
-		s/(\w+)=.*/[$lang]$1=$translation/;
-                print OUTPUT;
-            }
-	} 
-        else 
-        {
-            print OUTPUT;
-        }
-    }
-    close OUTPUT;
-    close INPUT;
-sub desktop_merge_translations
-    open INPUT, "<${FILE}" or die;
-    open OUTPUT, ">${OUTFILE}" or die;
-    binmode (OUTPUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    while (<INPUT>) 
-    {
-        if (s/^(\s*)_(\w+=(.*))/$1$2/)  
-        {
-	    my $string = $3;
-            print OUTPUT;
-	    my $non_translated_line = $_;
-            for my $lang (sort keys %po_files_by_lang) 
-            {
-                my $translation = $translations{$lang, $string};
-                next if !$translation;
-                $_ = $non_translated_line;
-                s/(\w+)=.*/${1}[$lang]=$translation/;
-                print OUTPUT;
-            }
-	} 
-        else 
-        {
-            print OUTPUT;
-        }
-    }
-    close OUTPUT;
-    close INPUT;
-sub schemas_merge_translations
-    my $source;
-    {
-       local $/; # slurp mode
-       open INPUT, "<$FILE" or die "can't open $FILE: $!";
-       $source = <INPUT>;
-       close INPUT;
-    }
-    open OUTPUT, ">$OUTFILE" or die;
-    binmode (OUTPUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    # FIXME: support attribute translations
-    # Empty nodes never need translation, so unmark all of them.
-    # For example, <_foo/> is just replaced by <foo/>.
-    $source =~ s|<\s*_($w+)\s*/>|<$1/>|g;
-    while ($source =~ s/
-                        (.*?)
-                        (\s+)(<locale\ name="C">(\s*)
-                            (<default>\s*(?:<!--[^>]*?-->\s*)?(.*?)\s*<\/default>)?(\s*)
-                            (<short>\s*(?:<!--[^>]*?-->\s*)?(.*?)\s*<\/short>)?(\s*)
-                            (<long>\s*(?:<!--[^>]*?-->\s*)?(.*?)\s*<\/long>)?(\s*)
-                        <\/locale>)
-                       //sx) 
-    {
-        print OUTPUT $1;
-	my $locale_start_spaces = $2 ? $2 : '';
-	my $default_spaces = $4 ? $4 : '';
-	my $short_spaces = $7 ? $7 : '';
-	my $long_spaces = $10 ? $10 : '';
-	my $locale_end_spaces = $13 ? $13 : '';
-	my $c_default_block = $3 ? $3 : '';
-	my $default_string = $6 ? $6 : '';
-	my $short_string = $9 ? $9 : '';
-	my $long_string = $12 ? $12 : '';
-	print OUTPUT "$locale_start_spaces$c_default_block";
-        $default_string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-        $default_string = entity_decode($default_string);
-	$short_string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-	$short_string = entity_decode($short_string);
-	$long_string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-	$long_string = entity_decode($long_string);
-	for my $lang (sort keys %po_files_by_lang) 
-        {
-	    my $default_translation = $translations{$lang, $default_string};
-	    my $short_translation = $translations{$lang, $short_string};
-	    my $long_translation  = $translations{$lang, $long_string};
-	    next if (!$default_translation && !$short_translation && 
-                     !$long_translation);
-	    print OUTPUT "\n$locale_start_spaces<locale name=\"$lang\">";
-        print OUTPUT "$default_spaces";    
-        if ($default_translation)
-        {
-            $default_translation = entity_encode($default_translation);
-            print OUTPUT "<default>$default_translation</default>";
-        }
-	    print OUTPUT "$short_spaces";
-	    if ($short_translation)
-	    {
-			$short_translation = entity_encode($short_translation);
-			print OUTPUT "<short>$short_translation</short>";
-	    }
-	    print OUTPUT "$long_spaces";
-	    if ($long_translation)
-	    {
-			$long_translation = entity_encode($long_translation);
-			print OUTPUT "<long>$long_translation</long>";
-	    }	    
-	    print OUTPUT "$locale_end_spaces</locale>";
-        }
-    }
-    print OUTPUT $source;
-    close OUTPUT;
-sub rfc822deb_merge_translations
-    my %encodings = ();
-    for my $lang (keys %po_files_by_lang) {
-        $encodings{$lang} = ($UTF8_ARG ? 'UTF-8' : get_po_encoding($po_files_by_lang{$lang}));
-    }
-    my $source;
-    $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
-    $Text::Wrap::break = qr/\n|\s(?=\S)/;
-    {
-       local $/; # slurp mode
-       open INPUT, "<$FILE" or die "can't open $FILE: $!";
-       $source = <INPUT>;
-       close INPUT;
-    }
-    open OUTPUT, ">${OUTFILE}" or die;
-    binmode (OUTPUT) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    while ($source =~ /(^|\n+)(_*)([^:\s]+)(:[ \t]*)(.*?)(?=\n[\S\n]|$)/sg)
-    {
-	    my $sep = $1;
-	    my $non_translated_line = $3.$4;
-	    my $string = $5;
-	    my $underscore = length($2);
-	    next if $underscore eq 0 && $non_translated_line =~ /^#/;
-	    #  Remove [] dummy strings
-	    my $stripped = $string;
-	    $stripped =~ s/\[\s[^\[\]]*\],/,/g if $underscore eq 2;
-	    $stripped =~ s/\[\s[^\[\]]*\]$//;
-	    $non_translated_line .= $stripped;
-	    print OUTPUT $sep.$non_translated_line;
-	    if ($underscore) 
-	    {
-	        my @str_list = rfc822deb_split($underscore, $string);
-	        for my $lang (sort keys %po_files_by_lang) 
-                {
-                    my $is_translated = 1;
-                    my $str_translated = '';
-                    my $first = 1;
-                    for my $str (@str_list) 
-                    {
-                        my $translation = $translations{$lang, $str};
-                        if (!$translation) 
-                        {
-                            $is_translated = 0;
-                            last;
-                        }
-	                #  $translation may also contain [] dummy
-                        #  strings, mostly to indicate an empty string
-	                $translation =~ s/\[\s[^\[\]]*\]$//;
-                        if ($first) 
-                        {
-                            if ($underscore eq 2)
-                            {
-                                $str_translated .= $translation;
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                $str_translated .=
-                                    Text::Tabs::expand($translation) .
-                                    "\n";
-                            }
-                        } 
-                        else 
-                        {
-                            if ($underscore eq 2)
-                            {
-                                $str_translated .= ', ' . $translation;
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                $str_translated .= Text::Tabs::expand(
-                                    Text::Wrap::wrap(' ', ' ', $translation)) .
-                                    "\n .\n";
-                            }
-                        }
-                        $first = 0;
-                        #  To fix some problems with Text::Wrap::wrap
-                        $str_translated =~ s/(\n )+\n/\n .\n/g;
-                    }
-                    next unless $is_translated;
-                    $str_translated =~ s/\n \.\n$//;
-                    $str_translated =~ s/\s+$//;
-                    $_ = $non_translated_line;
-                    s/^(\w+):\s*.*/$sep${1}-$lang.$encodings{$lang}: $str_translated/s;
-                    print OUTPUT;
-                }
-	    }
-    }
-    print OUTPUT "\n";
-    close OUTPUT;
-    close INPUT;
-sub rfc822deb_split 
-    # Debian defines a special way to deal with rfc822-style files:
-    # when a value contain newlines, it consists of
-    #   1.  a short form (first line)
-    #   2.  a long description, all lines begin with a space,
-    #       and paragraphs are separated by a single dot on a line
-    # This routine returns an array of all paragraphs, and reformat
-    # them.
-    # When first argument is 2, the string is a comma separated list of
-    # values.
-    my $type = shift;
-    my $text = shift;
-    $text =~ s/^[ \t]//mg;
-    return (split(/, */, $text, 0)) if $type ne 1;
-    return ($text) if $text !~ /\n/;
-    $text =~ s/([^\n]*)\n//;
-    my @list = ($1);
-    my $str = '';
-    for my $line (split (/\n/, $text)) 
-    {
-        chomp $line;
-        if ($line =~ /^\.\s*$/)
-        {
-            #  New paragraph
-            $str =~ s/\s*$//;
-            push(@list, $str);
-            $str = '';
-        } 
-        elsif ($line =~ /^\s/) 
-        {
-            #  Line which must not be reformatted
-            $str .= "\n" if length ($str) && $str !~ /\n$/;
-            $line =~ s/\s+$//;
-            $str .= $line."\n";
-        } 
-        else 
-        {
-            #  Continuation line, remove newline
-            $str .= " " if length ($str) && $str !~ /\n$/;
-            $str .= $line;
-        }
-    }
-    $str =~ s/\s*$//;
-    push(@list, $str) if length ($str);
-    return @list;

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/intltool-update.in
--- gtkpod/trunk/intltool-update.in	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/intltool-update.in	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,1089 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4  -*-
-#  The Intltool Message Updater
-#  Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation.
-#  Intltool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
-#  version 2 published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#  Intltool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#  As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-#  distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-#  configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-#  the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-#  Authors: Kenneth Christiansen <kenneth at gnu.org>
-#           Maciej Stachowiak
-#           Darin Adler <darin at bentspoon.com>
-## Release information
-my $PROGRAM = "intltool-update";
-my $VERSION = "0.35.0";
-my $PACKAGE = "intltool";
-## Loaded modules
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Find;
-## Scalars used by the option stuff
-my $HELP_ARG 	   = 0;
-my $VERSION_ARG    = 0;
-my $DIST_ARG	   = 0;
-my $POT_ARG	   = 0;
-my $HEADERS_ARG    = 0;
-my $MAINTAIN_ARG   = 0;
-my $REPORT_ARG     = 0;
-my $VERBOSE	   = 0;
-my $OUTPUT_FILE    = "";
-my @languages;
-my %varhash = ();
-my %po_files_by_lang = ();
-# Regular expressions to categorize file types.
-# FIXME: Please check if the following is correct
-my $xml_support =
-"xml(?:\\.in)*|".	# http://www.w3.org/XML/ (Note: .in is not required)
-"ui|".			# Bonobo specific - User Interface desc. files
-"lang|".		# ?
-"glade2?(?:\\.in)*|".	# Glade specific - User Interface desc. files (Note: .in is not required)
-"scm(?:\\.in)*|".	# ? (Note: .in is not required)
-"oaf(?:\\.in)+|".	# DEPRECATED: Replaces by Bonobo .server files 
-"etspec|".		# ?
-"server(?:\\.in)+|".	# Bonobo specific
-"sheet(?:\\.in)+|".	# ?
-"schemas(?:\\.in)+|".	# GConf specific
-"pong(?:\\.in)+|".	# DEPRECATED: PONG is not used [by GNOME] any longer.
-"kbd(?:\\.in)+";	# GOK specific. 
-my $ini_support =
-"icon(?:\\.in)+|".	# http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/icon-theme-spec
-"desktop(?:\\.in)+|".	# http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/menu-spec
-"caves(?:\\.in)+|".	# GNOME Games specific
-"directory(?:\\.in)+|".	# http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/menu-spec
-"soundlist(?:\\.in)+|".	# GNOME specific
-"keys(?:\\.in)+|".	# GNOME Mime database specific
-"theme(?:\\.in)+|".	# http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/icon-theme-spec
-"service(?:\\.in)+";    # DBus specific
-my $buildin_gettext_support = 
-## Always flush buffer when printing
-$| = 1;
-## Sometimes the source tree will be rooted somewhere else.
-my $SRCDIR = ".";
-my $POTFILES_in;
-$SRCDIR = $ENV{"srcdir"} if $ENV{"srcdir"};
-my $devnull = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'NUL:' : '/dev/null');
-## Handle options
- "help" 	       => \$HELP_ARG,
- "version" 	       => \$VERSION_ARG,
- "dist|d"	       => \$DIST_ARG,
- "pot|p"	       => \$POT_ARG,
- "headers|s"	       => \$HEADERS_ARG,
- "maintain|m"	       => \$MAINTAIN_ARG,
- "report|r"	       => \$REPORT_ARG,
- "verbose|x"	       => \$VERBOSE,
- "gettext-package|g=s" => \$GETTEXT_PACKAGE,
- "output-file|o=s"     => \$OUTPUT_FILE,
- ) or &Console_WriteError_InvalidOption;
-&Console_Write_IntltoolHelp if $HELP_ARG;
-&Console_Write_IntltoolVersion if $VERSION_ARG;
-my $arg_count = ($DIST_ARG > 0)
-    + ($POT_ARG > 0)
-    + ($HEADERS_ARG > 0)
-    + ($MAINTAIN_ARG > 0)
-    + ($REPORT_ARG > 0);
-&Console_Write_IntltoolHelp if $arg_count > 1;
-# --version and --help don't require a module name
-my $MODULE = $GETTEXT_PACKAGE || &FindPackageName || "unknown";
-if ($POT_ARG)
-    &GenerateHeaders;
-    &GeneratePOTemplate;
-elsif ($HEADERS_ARG)
-    &GenerateHeaders;
-elsif ($MAINTAIN_ARG)
-    &FindLeftoutFiles;
-elsif ($REPORT_ARG)
-    &GenerateHeaders;
-    &GeneratePOTemplate;
-    &Console_Write_CoverageReport;
-elsif ((defined $ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] =~ /^[a-z]/)
-    my $lang = $ARGV[0];
-    ## Report error if the language file supplied
-    ## to the command line is non-existent
-    &Console_WriteError_NotExisting("$SRCDIR/$lang.po")
-        if ! -s "$SRCDIR/$lang.po";
-    if (!$DIST_ARG)
-    {
-	print "Working, please wait..." if $VERBOSE;
-	&GenerateHeaders;
-	&GeneratePOTemplate;
-    }
-    &POFile_Update ($lang, $OUTPUT_FILE);
-    &Console_Write_TranslationStatus ($lang, $OUTPUT_FILE);
-    &Console_Write_IntltoolHelp;
-sub Console_Write_IntltoolVersion
-    print <<_EOF_;
-Written by Kenneth Christiansen, Maciej Stachowiak, and Darin Adler.
-Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-    exit;
-sub Console_Write_IntltoolHelp
-    print <<_EOF_;
-Updates PO template files and merge them with the translations.
-Mode of operation (only one is allowed):
-  -p, --pot                   generate the PO template only
-  -s, --headers               generate the header files in POTFILES.in
-  -m, --maintain              search for left out files from POTFILES.in
-  -r, --report                display a status report for the module
-  -d, --dist                  merge LANGCODE.po with existing PO template
-Extra options:
-  -g, --gettext-package=NAME  override PO template name, useful with --pot
-  -o, --output-file=FILE      write merged translation to FILE
-  -x, --verbose               display lots of feedback
-      --help                  display this help and exit
-      --version               output version information and exit
-Examples of use:
-${PROGRAM} --pot    just create a new PO template
-${PROGRAM} xy       create new PO template and merge xy.po with it
-Report bugs to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ (product name "$PACKAGE")
-or send email to <xml-i18n-tools\@gnome.org>.
-    exit;
-sub echo_n
-    my $str = shift;
-    my $ret = `echo "$str"`;
-    $ret =~ s/\n$//; # do we need the "s" flag?
-    return $ret;
-sub POFile_DetermineType ($) 
-   my $type = $_;
-   my $gettext_type;
-   my $xml_regex     = "(?:" . $xml_support . ")";
-   my $ini_regex     = "(?:" . $ini_support . ")";
-   my $buildin_regex = "(?:" . $buildin_gettext_support . ")";
-   if ($type =~ /\[type: gettext\/([^\]].*)]/) 
-   {
-	$gettext_type=$1;
-   }
-   elsif ($type =~ /schemas(\.in)+$/) 
-   {
-	$gettext_type="schemas";
-   }
-   elsif ($type =~ /glade2?(\.in)*$/) 
-   {
-       $gettext_type="glade";
-   }
-   elsif ($type =~ /scm(\.in)*$/) 
-   {
-       $gettext_type="scheme";
-   }
-   elsif ($type =~ /keys(\.in)+$/) 
-   {
-       $gettext_type="keys";
-   }
-   # bucket types
-   elsif ($type =~ /$xml_regex$/) 
-   {
-       $gettext_type="xml";
-   }
-   elsif ($type =~ /$ini_regex$/) 
-   { 
-       $gettext_type="ini";
-   }
-   elsif ($type =~ /$buildin_regex$/) 
-   {
-       $gettext_type="buildin";
-   }
-   else
-   { 
-       $gettext_type="unknown"; 
-   }
-   return "gettext\/$gettext_type";
-sub TextFile_DetermineEncoding ($) 
-    my $gettext_code="ASCII"; # All files are ASCII by default
-    my $filetype=`file $_ | cut -d ' ' -f 2`;
-    if ($? eq "0")
-    {
-	if ($filetype =~ /^(ISO|UTF)/)
-	{
-	    chomp ($gettext_code = $filetype);
-	}
-	elsif ($filetype =~ /^XML/)
-	{
-	    $gettext_code="UTF-8"; # We asume that .glade and other .xml files are UTF-8
-	}
-    }
-    return $gettext_code;
-sub isNotValidMissing
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    return if $file =~ /^\{arch\}\/.*$/;
-    return if $file =~ /^$varhash{"PACKAGE"}-$varhash{"VERSION"}\/.*$/;
-sub FindLeftoutFiles
-    my (@buf_i18n_plain,
-	@buf_i18n_xml,
-	@buf_i18n_xml_unmarked,
-	@buf_i18n_ini,
-	@buf_potfiles,
-	@buf_potfiles_ignore,
-	@buf_allfiles,
-	@buf_allfiles_sorted,
-	@buf_potfiles_sorted
-    );
-    ## Search and find all translatable files
-    find sub { 
-	push @buf_i18n_plain,        "$File::Find::name" if /\.($buildin_gettext_support)$/;
-	push @buf_i18n_xml,          "$File::Find::name" if /\.($xml_support)$/;
-	push @buf_i18n_ini,          "$File::Find::name" if /\.($ini_support)$/;
-	push @buf_i18n_xml_unmarked, "$File::Find::name" if /\.(schemas(\.in)+)$/;
-	}, "..";
-    open POTFILES, $POTFILES_in or die "$PROGRAM:  there's no POTFILES.in!\n";
-    @buf_potfiles = grep !/^(#|\s*$)/, <POTFILES>;
-    close POTFILES;
-    foreach (@buf_potfiles) {
-	s/^\[.*]\s*//;
-    }
-    print "Searching for missing translatable files...\n" if $VERBOSE;
-    ## Check if we should ignore some found files, when
-    ## comparing with POTFILES.in
-    foreach my $ignore ("POTFILES.skip", "POTFILES.ignore")
-    {
-	(-s $ignore) or next;
-	if ("$ignore" eq "POTFILES.ignore")
-	{
-	    print "The usage of POTFILES.ignore is deprecated. Please consider moving the\n".
-		  "content of this file to POTFILES.skip.\n";
-	}
-	print "Found $ignore: Ignoring files...\n" if $VERBOSE;
-	open FILE, "<$ignore" or die "ERROR: Failed to open $ignore!\n";
-	while (<FILE>)
-	{
-	    push @buf_potfiles_ignore, $_ unless /^(#|\s*$)/;
-	}
-	close FILE;
-	@buf_potfiles = (@buf_potfiles_ignore, @buf_potfiles);
-    }
-    foreach my $file (@buf_i18n_plain)
-    {
-	my $in_comment = 0;
-	my $in_macro = 0;
-	open FILE, "<$file";
-	while (<FILE>)
-	{
-	    # Handle continued multi-line comment.
-	    if ($in_comment)
-	    {
-		next unless s-.*\*/--;
-		$in_comment = 0;
-	    }
-	    # Handle continued macro.
-	    if ($in_macro)
-	    {
-		$in_macro = 0 unless /\\$/;
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # Handle start of macro (or any preprocessor directive).
-	    if (/^\s*\#/)
-	    {
-		$in_macro = 1 if /^([^\\]|\\.)*\\$/;
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # Handle comments and quoted text.
-	    while (m-(/\*|//|\'|\")-) # \' and \" keep emacs perl mode happy
-	    {
-		my $match = $1;
-		if ($match eq "/*")
-		{
-		    if (!s-/\*.*?\*/--)
-		    {
-			s-/\*.*--;
-			$in_comment = 1;
-		    }
-		}
-		elsif ($match eq "//")
-		{
-		    s-//.*--;
-		}
-		else # ' or "
-		{
-		    if (!s-$match([^\\]|\\.)*?$match-QUOTEDTEXT-)
-		    {
-			warn "mismatched quotes at line $. in $file\n";
-			s-$match.*--;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }	    
-	    if (/\.GetString ?\(QUOTEDTEXT/)
-	    {
-                if (defined isNotValidMissing (unpack("x3 A*", $file))) {
-                    ## Remove the first 3 chars and add newline
-                    push @buf_allfiles, unpack("x3 A*", $file) . "\n";
-                }
-		last;
-	    }
-	    if (/_\(QUOTEDTEXT/)
-	    {
-                if (defined isNotValidMissing (unpack("x3 A*", $file))) {
-                    ## Remove the first 3 chars and add newline
-                    push @buf_allfiles, unpack("x3 A*", $file) . "\n";
-                }
-		last;
-	    }
-	}
-	close FILE;
-    }
-    foreach my $file (@buf_i18n_xml) 
-    {
-	open FILE, "<$file";
-	while (<FILE>) 
-	{
-	    # FIXME: share the pattern matching code with intltool-extract
-	    if (/\s_[-A-Za-z0-9._:]+\s*=\s*\"([^"]+)\"/ || /<_[^>]+>/ || /translatable=\"yes\"/)
-	    {
-                if (defined isNotValidMissing (unpack("x3 A*", $file))) {
-                    push @buf_allfiles, unpack("x3 A*", $file) . "\n";
-                }
-		last;
-	    }
-	}
-	close FILE;
-    }
-    foreach my $file (@buf_i18n_ini)
-    {
-	open FILE, "<$file";
-	while (<FILE>) 
-	{
-	    if (/_(.*)=/)
-	    {
-                if (defined isNotValidMissing (unpack("x3 A*", $file))) {
-                    push @buf_allfiles, unpack("x3 A*", $file) . "\n";
-                }
-		last;
-	    }
-	}
-	close FILE;
-    }
-    foreach my $file (@buf_i18n_xml_unmarked)
-    {
-        if (defined isNotValidMissing (unpack("x3 A*", $file))) {
-            push @buf_allfiles, unpack("x3 A*", $file) . "\n";
-        }
-    }
-    @buf_allfiles_sorted = sort (@buf_allfiles);
-    @buf_potfiles_sorted = sort (@buf_potfiles);
-    my %in2;
-    foreach (@buf_potfiles_sorted) 
-    {
-	$in2{$_} = 1;
-    }
-    my @result;
-    foreach (@buf_allfiles_sorted)
-    {
-	if (!exists($in2{$_}))
-	{
-	    push @result, $_
-	}
-    }
-    my @buf_potfiles_notexist;
-    foreach (@buf_potfiles_sorted)
-    {
-	chomp (my $dummy = $_);
-	if ("$dummy" ne "" and ! -f "../$dummy")
-	{
-	    push @buf_potfiles_notexist, $_;
-	}
-    }
-    ## Save file with information about the files missing
-    ## if any, and give information about this procedure.
-    if (@result + @buf_potfiles_notexist > 0)
-    {
-	if (@result) 
-	{
-	    print "\n" if $VERBOSE;
-	    unlink "missing";
-	    open OUT, ">missing";
-	    print OUT @result;
-	    close OUT;
-	    warn "\e[1mThe following files contain translations and are currently not in use. Please\e[0m\n".
-	         "\e[1mconsider adding these to the POTFILES.in file, located in the po/ directory.\e[0m\n\n";
-	    print STDERR @result, "\n";
-	    warn "If some of these files are left out on purpose then please add them to\n".
-		 "POTFILES.skip instead of POTFILES.in. A file \e[1m'missing'\e[0m containing this list\n".
-		 "of left out files has been written in the current directory.\n";
-	}
-	if (@buf_potfiles_notexist)
-	{
-	    unlink "notexist";
-	    open OUT, ">notexist";
-	    print OUT @buf_potfiles_notexist;
-	    close OUT;
-	    warn "\n" if ($VERBOSE or @result);
-	    warn "\e[1mThe following files do not exist anymore:\e[0m\n\n";
-	    warn @buf_potfiles_notexist, "\n";
-	    warn "Please remove them from POTFILES.in or POTFILES.skip. A file \e[1m'notexist'\e[0m\n".
-		 "containing this list of absent files has been written in the current directory.\n";
-	}
-    }
-    ## If there is nothing to complain about, notify the user
-    else {
-	print "\nAll files containing translations are present in POTFILES.in.\n" if $VERBOSE;
-    }
-sub Console_WriteError_InvalidOption
-    ## Handle invalid arguments
-    print STDERR "Try `${PROGRAM} --help' for more information.\n";
-    exit 1;
-sub GenerateHeaders
-    chomp $EXTRACT;
-    ## Generate the .h header files, so we can allow glade and
-    ## xml translation support
-    if (! -x "$EXTRACT")
-    {
-	print STDERR "\n *** The intltool-extract script wasn't found!"
-	     ."\n *** Without it, intltool-update can not generate files.\n";
-	exit;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	open (FILE, $POTFILES_in) or die "$PROGRAM: POTFILES.in not found.\n";
-	while (<FILE>) 
-	{
-	   chomp;
-	   next if /^\[\s*encoding/;
-	   ## Find xml files in POTFILES.in and generate the
-	   ## files with help from the extract script
-	   my $gettext_type= &POFile_DetermineType ($1);
-	   if (/\.($xml_support|$ini_support)$/ || /^\[/)
-	   {
-	       s/^\[[^\[].*]\s*//;
-	       my $filename = "../$_";
-	       if ($VERBOSE)
-	       {
-		   system ($EXTRACT, "--update", "--srcdir=$SRCDIR",
-			   "--type=$gettext_type", $filename);
-	       } 
-	       else 
-	       {
-	 	   system ($EXTRACT, "--update", "--type=$gettext_type", 
-			   "--srcdir=$SRCDIR", "--quiet", $filename);
-	       }
-	   }
-       }
-       close FILE;
-   }
-# Generate .pot file from POTFILES.in
-sub GeneratePOTemplate
-    chomp $XGETTEXT;
-    if (! -x $XGETTEXT)
-    {
-	print STDERR " *** xgettext is not found on this system!\n".
-		     " *** Without it, intltool-update can not extract strings.\n";
-	exit;
-    }
-    print "Building $MODULE.pot...\n" if $VERBOSE;
-    open INFILE, $POTFILES_in;
-    unlink "POTFILES.in.temp";
-    open OUTFILE, ">POTFILES.in.temp" or die("Cannot open POTFILES.in.temp for writing");
-    my $gettext_support_nonascii = 0;
-    # checks for GNU gettext >= 0.12
-    my $dummy = `$XGETTEXT --version --from-code=UTF-8 >$devnull 2>$devnull`;
-    if ($? == 0)
-    {
-	$gettext_support_nonascii = 1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	# urge everybody to upgrade gettext
-	print STDERR "WARNING: This version of gettext does not support extracting non-ASCII\n".
-		     "         strings. That means you should install a version of gettext\n".
-		     "         that supports non-ASCII strings (such as GNU gettext >= 0.12),\n".
-		     "         or have to let non-ASCII strings untranslated. (If there is any)\n";
-    }
-    my $encoding = "ASCII";
-    my $forced_gettext_code;
-    my @temp_headers;
-    my $encoding_problem_is_reported = 0;
-    while (<INFILE>) 
-    {
-	next if (/^#/ or /^\s*$/);
-	chomp;
-	my $gettext_code;
-	if (/^\[\s*encoding:\s*(.*)\s*\]/)
-	{
-	    $forced_gettext_code=$1;
-	}
-	elsif (/\.($xml_support|$ini_support)$/ || /^\[/)
-	{
-	    s/^\[.*]\s*//;
-            print OUTFILE "../$_.h\n";
-	    push @temp_headers, "../$_.h";
-	    $gettext_code = &TextFile_DetermineEncoding ("../$_.h") if ($gettext_support_nonascii and not defined $forced_gettext_code);
-	} 
-	else 
-	{
-	    if ($SRCDIR eq ".") {
-	        print OUTFILE "../$_\n";
-	    } else {
-	        print OUTFILE "$SRCDIR/../$_\n";
-	    }
-	    $gettext_code = &TextFile_DetermineEncoding ("../$_") if ($gettext_support_nonascii and not defined $forced_gettext_code);
-	}
-	next if (! $gettext_support_nonascii);
-	if (defined $forced_gettext_code)
-	{
-	    $encoding=$forced_gettext_code;
-	}
-	elsif (defined $gettext_code and "$encoding" ne "$gettext_code")
-	{
-	    if ($encoding eq "ASCII")
-	    {
-		$encoding=$gettext_code;
-	    }
-	    elsif ($gettext_code ne "ASCII")
-	    {
-		# Only report once because the message is quite long
-		if (! $encoding_problem_is_reported)
-		{
-		    print STDERR "WARNING: You should use the same file encoding for all your project files,\n".
-				 "         but $PROGRAM thinks that most of the source files are in\n".
-				 "         $encoding encoding, while \"$_\" is (likely) in\n".
-		       		 "         $gettext_code encoding. If you are sure that all translatable strings\n".
-				 "         are in same encoding (say UTF-8), please \e[1m*prepend*\e[0m the following\n".
-				 "         line to POTFILES.in:\n\n".
-				 "                 [encoding: UTF-8]\n\n".
-				 "         and make sure that configure.in/ac checks for $PACKAGE >= 0.27 .\n".
-				 "(such warning message will only be reported once.)\n";
-		    $encoding_problem_is_reported = 1;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    close OUTFILE;
-    close INFILE;
-    unlink "$MODULE.pot";
-    my @xgettext_argument=("$XGETTEXT",
-			   "--add-comments",
-			   "--directory\=\.",
-			   "--output\=$MODULE\.pot",
-			   "--files-from\=\.\/POTFILES\.in\.temp");
-    my $XGETTEXT_KEYWORDS = &FindPOTKeywords;
-    push @xgettext_argument, $XGETTEXT_KEYWORDS;
-    my $MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS = &FindMakevarsBugAddress;
-    push @xgettext_argument, "--msgid-bugs-address\=$MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS" if $MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS;
-    push @xgettext_argument, "--from-code\=$encoding" if ($gettext_support_nonascii);
-    push @xgettext_argument, $XGETTEXT_ARGS if $XGETTEXT_ARGS;
-    my $xgettext_command = join ' ', @xgettext_argument;
-    # intercept xgettext error message
-    print "Running $xgettext_command\n" if $VERBOSE;
-    my $xgettext_error_msg = `$xgettext_command 2>\&1`;
-    my $command_failed = $?;
-    unlink "POTFILES.in.temp";
-    print "Removing generated header (.h) files..." if $VERBOSE;
-    unlink foreach (@temp_headers);
-    print "done.\n" if $VERBOSE;
-    if (! $command_failed)
-    {
-	if (! -e "$MODULE.pot")
-	{
-	    print "None of the files in POTFILES.in contain strings marked for translation.\n" if $VERBOSE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    print "Wrote $MODULE.pot\n" if $VERBOSE;
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if ($xgettext_error_msg =~ /--from-code/)
-	{
-	    # replace non-ASCII error message with a more useful one.
-	    print STDERR "ERROR: xgettext failed to generate PO template file because there is non-ASCII\n".
-			 "       string marked for translation. Please make sure that all strings marked\n".
-			 "       for translation are in uniform encoding (say UTF-8), then \e[1m*prepend*\e[0m the\n".
-			 "       following line to POTFILES.in and rerun $PROGRAM:\n\n".
-			 "           [encoding: UTF-8]\n\n";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    print STDERR "$xgettext_error_msg";
-	    if (-e "$MODULE.pot")
-	    {
-		# is this possible?
-		print STDERR "ERROR: xgettext failed but still managed to generate PO template file.\n".
-			     "       Please consult error message above if there is any.\n";
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		print STDERR "ERROR: xgettext failed to generate PO template file. Please consult\n".
-			     "       error message above if there is any.\n";
-	    }
-	}
-	exit (1);
-    }
-sub POFile_Update
-    -f "$MODULE.pot" or die "$PROGRAM: $MODULE.pot does not exist.\n";
-    my ($lang, $outfile) = @_;
-    print "Merging $SRCDIR/$lang.po with $MODULE.pot..." if $VERBOSE;
-    my $infile = "$SRCDIR/$lang.po";
-    $outfile = "$SRCDIR/$lang.po" if ($outfile eq "");
-    # I think msgmerge won't overwrite old file if merge is not successful
-    system ("$MSGMERGE", "-o", $outfile, $infile, "$MODULE.pot");
-sub Console_WriteError_NotExisting
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    ## Report error if supplied language file is non-existing
-    print STDERR "$PROGRAM: $file does not exist!\n";
-    print STDERR "Try '$PROGRAM --help' for more information.\n";
-    exit;
-sub GatherPOFiles
-    my @po_files = glob ("./*.po");
-    @languages = map (&POFile_GetLanguage, @po_files);
-    foreach my $lang (@languages) 
-    {
-	$po_files_by_lang{$lang} = shift (@po_files);
-    }
-sub POFile_GetLanguage ($)
-    s/^(.*\/)?(.+)\.po$/$2/;
-    return $_;
-sub Console_Write_TranslationStatus
-    my ($lang, $output_file) = @_;
-    $output_file = "$SRCDIR/$lang.po" if ($output_file eq "");
-    system ("$MSGFMT", "-o", "$devnull", "--verbose", $output_file);
-sub Console_Write_CoverageReport
-    &GatherPOFiles;
-    foreach my $lang (@languages) 
-    {
-	print "$lang: ";
-	&POFile_Update ($lang, "");
-    }
-    print "\n\n * Current translation support in $MODULE \n\n";
-    foreach my $lang (@languages)
-    {
-	print "$lang: ";
-	system ("$MSGFMT", "-o", "$devnull", "--verbose", "$SRCDIR/$lang.po");
-    }
-sub SubstituteVariable
-    my ($str) = @_;
-    # always need to rewind file whenever it has been accessed
-    seek (CONF, 0, 0);
-    # cache each variable. varhash is global to we can add
-    # variables elsewhere.
-    while (<CONF>)
-    {
-	if (/^(\w+)=(.*)$/)
-	{
-	    ($varhash{$1} = $2) =~  s/^["'](.*)["']$/$1/;
-	}
-    }
-    if ($str =~ /^(.*)\${?([A-Z_]+)}?(.*)$/)
-    {
-	my $rest = $3;
-	my $untouched = $1;
-	my $sub = "";
-        # Ignore recursive definitions of variables
-        $sub = $varhash{$2} if defined $varhash{$2} and $varhash{$2} !~ /\${?$2}?/;
-	return SubstituteVariable ("$untouched$sub$rest");
-    }
-    # We're using Perl backticks ` and "echo -n" here in order to 
-    # expand any shell escapes (such as backticks themselves) in every variable
-    return echo_n ($str);
-sub CONF_Handle_Open
-    my $base_dirname = getcwd();
-    $base_dirname =~ s at .*/@@;
-    my ($conf_in, $src_dir);
-    if ($base_dirname =~ /^po(-.+)?$/) 
-    {
-	if (-f "Makevars") 
-	{
-	    my $makefile_source;
-	    local (*IN);
-	    open (IN, "<Makevars") || die "can't open Makevars: $!";
-	    while (<IN>) 
-	    {
-		if (/^top_builddir[ \t]*=/) 
-		{
-		    $src_dir = $_;
-		    $src_dir =~ s/^top_builddir[ \t]*=[ \t]*([^ \t\n\r]*)/$1/;
-		    chomp $src_dir;
-                    if (-f "$src_dir" . "/configure.ac") {
-                        $conf_in = "$src_dir" . "/configure.ac" . "\n";
-                    } else {
-                        $conf_in = "$src_dir" . "/configure.in" . "\n";
-                    }
-		    last;
-		}
-	    }
-	    close IN;
-	    $conf_in || die "Cannot find top_builddir in Makevars.";
-	}
-	elsif (-f "../configure.ac") 
-	{
-	    $conf_in = "../configure.ac";
-	} 
-	elsif (-f "../configure.in") 
-	{
-	    $conf_in = "../configure.in";
-	} 
-	else 
-	{
-	    my $makefile_source;
-	    local (*IN);
-	    open (IN, "<Makefile") || return;
-	    while (<IN>) 
-	    {
-		if (/^top_srcdir[ \t]*=/) 
-		{
-		    $src_dir = $_;		    
-		    $src_dir =~ s/^top_srcdir[ \t]*=[ \t]*([^ \t\n\r]*)/$1/;
-		    chomp $src_dir;
-		    $conf_in = "$src_dir" . "/configure.in" . "\n";
-		    last;
-		}
-	    }
-	    close IN;
-	    $conf_in || die "Cannot find top_srcdir in Makefile.";
-	}
-	open (CONF, "<$conf_in");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	print STDERR "$PROGRAM: Unable to proceed.\n" .
-		     "Make sure to run this script inside the po directory.\n";
-	exit;
-    }
-sub FindPackageName
-    my $version;
-    my $domain = &FindMakevarsDomain;
-    my $name = $domain || "untitled";
-    &CONF_Handle_Open;
-    my $conf_source; {
-	local (*IN);
-	open (IN, "<&CONF") || return $name;
-	seek (IN, 0, 0);
-	local $/; # slurp mode
-	$conf_source = <IN>;
-	close IN;
-    }
-    # priority for getting package name:
-    # 2. first argument of AC_INIT (with >= 2 arguments)
-    # 3. first argument of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE (with >= 2 argument)
-    # /^AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\([\s\[]*([^,\)\s\]]+)/m 
-    # the \s makes this not work, why?
-    if ($conf_source =~ /^AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\(([^,\)]+),([^,\)]+)/m)
-    {
-	($name, $version) = ($1, $2);
-	$name    =~ s/[\[\]\s]//g;
-	$version =~ s/[\[\]\s]//g;
-	$varhash{"PACKAGE_NAME"} = $name if (not $name =~ /\${?AC_PACKAGE_NAME}?/);
-	$varhash{"PACKAGE"} = $name if (not $name =~ /\${?PACKAGE}?/);
-	$varhash{"PACKAGE_VERSION"} = $version if (not $name =~ /\${?AC_PACKAGE_VERSION}?/);
-	$varhash{"VERSION"} = $version if (not $name =~ /\${?VERSION}?/);
-    }
-    if ($conf_source =~ /^AC_INIT\(([^,\)]+),([^,\)]+)/m) 
-    {
-	($name, $version) = ($1, $2);
-	$name    =~ s/[\[\]\s]//g;
-	$version =~ s/[\[\]\s]//g;
-	$varhash{"PACKAGE_NAME"} = $name if (not $name =~ /\${?AC_PACKAGE_NAME}?/);
-	$varhash{"PACKAGE"} = $name if (not $name =~ /\${?PACKAGE}?/);
-	$varhash{"PACKAGE_VERSION"} = $version if (not $name =~ /\${?AC_PACKAGE_VERSION}?/);
-	$varhash{"VERSION"} = $version if (not $name =~ /\${?VERSION}?/);
-    }
-    # \s makes this not work, why?
-    $name = $1 if $conf_source =~ /^GETTEXT_PACKAGE=\[?([^\n\]]+)/m;
-    # m4 macros AC_PACKAGE_NAME, AC_PACKAGE_VERSION etc. have same value
-    # as corresponding $PACKAGE_NAME, $PACKAGE_VERSION etc. shell variables.
-    $name =~ s/\bAC_PACKAGE_/\$PACKAGE_/g;
-    $name = $domain if $domain;
-    $name = SubstituteVariable ($name);
-    $name =~ s/^["'](.*)["']$/$1/;
-    return $name if $name;
-sub FindPOTKeywords
-    my $keywords = "--keyword\=\_ --keyword\=N\_ --keyword\=U\_ --keyword\=Q\_";
-    my $varname = "XGETTEXT_OPTIONS";
-    my $make_source; {
-	local (*IN);
-	open (IN, "<Makevars") || (open(IN, "<Makefile.in.in") && ($varname = "XGETTEXT_KEYWORDS")) || return $keywords;
-	seek (IN, 0, 0);
-	local $/; # slurp mode
-	$make_source = <IN>;
-	close IN;
-    }
-    $keywords = $1 if $make_source =~ /^$varname[ ]*=\[?([^\n\]]+)/m;
-    return $keywords;
-sub FindMakevarsDomain
-    my $domain = "";
-    my $makevars_source; { 
-	local (*IN);
-	open (IN, "<Makevars") || return $domain;
-	seek (IN, 0, 0);
-	local $/; # slurp mode
-	$makevars_source = <IN>;
-	close IN;
-    }
-    $domain = $1 if $makevars_source =~ /^DOMAIN[ ]*=\[?([^\n\]\$]+)/m;
-    $domain =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $domain =~ s/\s+$//;
-    return $domain;
-sub FindMakevarsBugAddress
-    my $address = "";
-    my $makevars_source; { 
-	local (*IN);
-	open (IN, "<Makevars") || return undef;
-	seek (IN, 0, 0);
-	local $/; # slurp mode
-	$makevars_source = <IN>;
-	close IN;
-    }
-    $address = $1 if $makevars_source =~ /^MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS[ ]*=\[?([^\n\]\$]+)/m;
-    $address =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $address =~ s/\s+$//;
-    return $address;

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/missing
--- gtkpod/trunk/missing	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/missing	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Common stub for a few missing GNU programs while installing.
-# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Originally by Fran,cois Pinard <pinard at iro.umontreal.ca>, 1996.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-if test $# -eq 0; then
-  echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information"
-  exit 1
-# In the cases where this matters, `missing' is being run in the
-# srcdir already.
-if test -f configure.ac; then
-  configure_ac=configure.ac
-  configure_ac=configure.in
-case "$1" in
-  # Try to run requested program, and just exit if it succeeds.
-  run=
-  shift
-  "$@" && exit 0
-  ;;
-# If it does not exist, or fails to run (possibly an outdated version),
-# try to emulate it.
-case "$1" in
-  -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help)
-    echo "\
-Handle \`PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...' for when PROGRAM is missing, or return an
-error status if there is no known handling for PROGRAM.
-  -h, --help      display this help and exit
-  -v, --version   output version information and exit
-  --run           try to run the given command, and emulate it if it fails
-Supported PROGRAM values:
-  aclocal      touch file \`aclocal.m4'
-  autoconf     touch file \`configure'
-  autoheader   touch file \`config.h.in'
-  automake     touch all \`Makefile.in' files
-  bison        create \`y.tab.[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch]
-  flex         create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c
-  help2man     touch the output file
-  lex          create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c
-  makeinfo     touch the output file
-  tar          try tar, gnutar, gtar, then tar without non-portable flags
-  yacc         create \`y.tab.[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch]"
-    ;;
-  -v|--v|--ve|--ver|--vers|--versi|--versio|--version)
-    echo "missing 0.4 - GNU automake"
-    ;;
-  -*)
-    echo 1>&2 "$0: Unknown \`$1' option"
-    echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information"
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-  aclocal*)
-    if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have it, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'.  You might want
-         to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages.  Grab them from
-         any GNU archive site."
-    touch aclocal.m4
-    ;;
-  autoconf)
-    if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have it, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`${configure_ac}'.  You might want to install the
-         \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages.  Grab them from any GNU
-         archive site."
-    touch configure
-    ;;
-  autoheader)
-    if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have it, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`acconfig.h' or \`${configure_ac}'.  You might want
-         to install the \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages.  Grab them
-         from any GNU archive site."
-    files=`sed -n 's/^[ ]*A[CM]_CONFIG_HEADER(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/p' ${configure_ac}`
-    test -z "$files" && files="config.h"
-    touch_files=
-    for f in $files; do
-      case "$f" in
-      *:*) touch_files="$touch_files "`echo "$f" |
-				       sed -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//'`;;
-      *) touch_files="$touch_files $f.in";;
-      esac
-    done
-    touch $touch_files
-    ;;
-  automake*)
-    if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have it, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`Makefile.am', \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'.
-         You might want to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages.
-         Grab them from any GNU archive site."
-    find . -type f -name Makefile.am -print |
-	   sed 's/\.am$/.in/' |
-	   while read f; do touch "$f"; done
-    ;;
-  autom4te)
-    if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have it, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is needed, and you do not seem to have it handy on your
-         system.  You might have modified some files without having the
-         proper tools for further handling them.
-         You can get \`$1' as part of \`Autoconf' from any GNU
-         archive site."
-    file=`echo "$*" | sed -n 's/.*--output[ =]*\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'`
-    test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n 's/.*-o[ ]*\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'`
-    if test -f "$file"; then
-	touch $file
-    else
-	test -z "$file" || exec >$file
-	echo "#! /bin/sh"
-	echo "# Created by GNU Automake missing as a replacement of"
-	echo "#  $ $@"
-	echo "exit 0"
-	chmod +x $file
-	exit 1
-    fi
-    ;;
-  bison|yacc)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-         you modified a \`.y' file.  You may need the \`Bison' package
-         in order for those modifications to take effect.  You can get
-         \`Bison' from any GNU archive site."
-    rm -f y.tab.c y.tab.h
-    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
-        eval LASTARG="\${$#}"
-	case "$LASTARG" in
-	*.y)
-	    SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/c/'`
-	    if [ -f "$SRCFILE" ]; then
-	         cp "$SRCFILE" y.tab.c
-	    fi
-	    SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/h/'`
-	    if [ -f "$SRCFILE" ]; then
-	         cp "$SRCFILE" y.tab.h
-	    fi
-	  ;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f y.tab.h ]; then
-	echo >y.tab.h
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f y.tab.c ]; then
-	echo 'main() { return 0; }' >y.tab.c
-    fi
-    ;;
-  lex|flex)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-         you modified a \`.l' file.  You may need the \`Flex' package
-         in order for those modifications to take effect.  You can get
-         \`Flex' from any GNU archive site."
-    rm -f lex.yy.c
-    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
-        eval LASTARG="\${$#}"
-	case "$LASTARG" in
-	*.l)
-	    SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/l$/c/'`
-	    if [ -f "$SRCFILE" ]; then
-	         cp "$SRCFILE" lex.yy.c
-	    fi
-	  ;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f lex.yy.c ]; then
-	echo 'main() { return 0; }' >lex.yy.c
-    fi
-    ;;
-  help2man)
-    if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have it, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-	 you modified a dependency of a manual page.  You may need the
-	 \`Help2man' package in order for those modifications to take
-	 effect.  You can get \`Help2man' from any GNU archive site."
-    file=`echo "$*" | sed -n 's/.*-o \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'`
-    if test -z "$file"; then
-	file=`echo "$*" | sed -n 's/.*--output=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'`
-    fi
-    if [ -f "$file" ]; then
-	touch $file
-    else
-	test -z "$file" || exec >$file
-	echo ".ab help2man is required to generate this page"
-	exit 1
-    fi
-    ;;
-  makeinfo)
-    if test -z "$run" && (makeinfo --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have makeinfo, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
-         you modified a \`.texi' or \`.texinfo' file, or any other file
-         indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual.  The spurious
-         call might also be the consequence of using a buggy \`make' (AIX,
-         DU, IRIX).  You might want to install the \`Texinfo' package or
-         the \`GNU make' package.  Grab either from any GNU archive site."
-    file=`echo "$*" | sed -n 's/.*-o \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'`
-    if test -z "$file"; then
-      file=`echo "$*" | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/'`
-      file=`sed -n '/^@setfilename/ { s/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/; p; q; }' $file`
-    fi
-    touch $file
-    ;;
-  tar)
-    shift
-    if test -n "$run"; then
-      echo 1>&2 "ERROR: \`tar' requires --run"
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    # We have already tried tar in the generic part.
-    # Look for gnutar/gtar before invocation to avoid ugly error
-    # messages.
-    if (gnutar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then
-       gnutar "$@" && exit 0
-    fi
-    if (gtar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then
-       gtar "$@" && exit 0
-    fi
-    firstarg="$1"
-    if shift; then
-	case "$firstarg" in
-	*o*)
-	    firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/o//`
-	    tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0
-	    ;;
-	esac
-	case "$firstarg" in
-	*h*)
-	    firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/h//`
-	    tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0
-	    ;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: I can't seem to be able to run \`tar' with the given arguments.
-         You may want to install GNU tar or Free paxutils, or check the
-         command line arguments."
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is needed, and you do not seem to have it handy on your
-         system.  You might have modified some files without having the
-         proper tools for further handling them.  Check the \`README' file,
-         it often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing
-         this package.  You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in case
-         some other package would contain this missing \`$1' program."
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-exit 0

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/mkinstalldirs
--- gtkpod/trunk/mkinstalldirs	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/mkinstalldirs	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# mkinstalldirs --- make directory hierarchy
-# Author: Noah Friedman <friedman at prep.ai.mit.edu>
-# Created: 1993-05-16
-# Public domain
-Usage: mkinstalldirs [-h] [--help] [-m mode] dir ..."
-# process command line arguments
-while test $# -gt 0 ; do
-  case $1 in
-    -h | --help | --h*)         # -h for help
-      echo "$usage" 1>&2
-      exit 0
-      ;;
-    -m)                         # -m PERM arg
-      shift
-      test $# -eq 0 && { echo "$usage" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-      dirmode=$1
-      shift
-      ;;
-    --)                         # stop option processing
-      shift
-      break
-      ;;
-    -*)                         # unknown option
-      echo "$usage" 1>&2
-      exit 1
-      ;;
-    *)                          # first non-opt arg
-      break
-      ;;
-  esac
-for file
-  if test -d "$file"; then
-    shift
-  else
-    break
-  fi
-case $# in
-  0) exit 0 ;;
-case $dirmode in
-  '')
-    if mkdir -p -- . 2>/dev/null; then
-      echo "mkdir -p -- $*"
-      exec mkdir -p -- "$@"
-    fi
-    ;;
-  *)
-    if mkdir -m "$dirmode" -p -- . 2>/dev/null; then
-      echo "mkdir -m $dirmode -p -- $*"
-      exec mkdir -m "$dirmode" -p -- "$@"
-    fi
-    ;;
-for file
-  set fnord `echo ":$file" | sed -ne 's/^:\//#/;s/^://;s/\// /g;s/^#/\//;p'`
-  shift
-  pathcomp=
-  for d
-  do
-    pathcomp="$pathcomp$d"
-    case $pathcomp in
-      -*) pathcomp=./$pathcomp ;;
-    esac
-    if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then
-      echo "mkdir $pathcomp"
-      mkdir "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$?
-      if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then
-  	errstatus=$lasterr
-      else
-  	if test ! -z "$dirmode"; then
-	  echo "chmod $dirmode $pathcomp"
-    	  lasterr=""
-  	  chmod "$dirmode" "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$?
-  	  if test ! -z "$lasterr"; then
-  	    errstatus=$lasterr
-  	  fi
-  	fi
-      fi
-    fi
-    pathcomp="$pathcomp/"
-  done
-exit $errstatus
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: shell-script
-# sh-indentation: 2
-# End:
-# mkinstalldirs ends here

Deleted: gtkpod/trunk/ylwrap
--- gtkpod/trunk/ylwrap	2008-01-13 15:33:16 UTC (rev 289)
+++ gtkpod/trunk/ylwrap	2008-01-13 15:47:30 UTC (rev 290)
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# ylwrap - wrapper for lex/yacc invocations.
-# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Tom Tromey <tromey at cygnus.com>.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# Usage:
-#     ylwrap INPUT [OUTPUT DESIRED]... -- PROGRAM [ARGS]...
-# * INPUT is the input file
-# * OUTPUT is file PROG generates
-# * DESIRED is file we actually want
-# * PROGRAM is program to run
-# * ARGS are passed to PROG
-# Any number of OUTPUT,DESIRED pairs may be used.
-# The input.
-case "$input" in
- [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
-    # Absolute path; do nothing.
-    ;;
- *)
-    # Relative path.  Make it absolute.
-    input="`pwd`/$input"
-    ;;
-while test "$#" -ne 0; do
-   if test "$1" = "--"; then
-      shift
-      break
-   fi
-   pairlist="$pairlist $1"
-   shift
-# The program to run.
-# Make any relative path in $prog absolute.
-case "$prog" in
- [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) ;;
- *[\\/]*) prog="`pwd`/$prog" ;;
-# FIXME: add hostname here for parallel makes that run commands on
-# other machines.  But that might take us over the 14-char limit.
-trap "cd `pwd`; rm -rf $dirname > /dev/null 2>&1" 1 2 3 15
-mkdir $dirname || exit 1
-cd $dirname
-case $# in
- 0) $prog "$input" ;;
- *) $prog "$@" "$input" ;;
-if test $status -eq 0; then
-   set X $pairlist
-   shift
-   first=yes
-   # Since DOS filename conventions don't allow two dots,
-   # the DOS version of Bison writes out y_tab.c instead of y.tab.c
-   # and y_tab.h instead of y.tab.h. Test to see if this is the case.
-   y_tab_nodot="no"
-   if test -f y_tab.c || test -f y_tab.h; then
-      y_tab_nodot="yes"
-   fi
-   # The directory holding the input.
-   input_dir=`echo "$input" | sed -e 's,\([\\/]\)[^\\/]*$,\1,'`
-   # Quote $INPUT_DIR so we can use it in a regexp.
-   # FIXME: really we should care about more than `.' and `\'.
-   input_rx=`echo "$input_dir" | sed 's,\\\\,\\\\\\\\,g;s,\\.,\\\\.,g'`
-   while test "$#" -ne 0; do
-      from="$1"
-      # Handle y_tab.c and y_tab.h output by DOS
-      if test $y_tab_nodot = "yes"; then
-	 if test $from = "y.tab.c"; then
-	    from="y_tab.c"
-	 else
-	    if test $from = "y.tab.h"; then
-	       from="y_tab.h"
-	    fi
-	 fi
-      fi
-      if test -f "$from"; then
-         # If $2 is an absolute path name, then just use that,
-         # otherwise prepend `../'.
-         case "$2" in
-	   [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) target="$2";;
-	   *) target="../$2";;
-	 esac
-	 # Edit out `#line' or `#' directives.
-	 #
-	 # We don't want the resulting debug information to point at
-	 # an absolute srcdir; it is better for it to just mention the
-	 # .y file with no path.
-	 #
-	 # We want to use the real output file name, not yy.lex.c for
-	 # instance.
-	 #
-	 # We want the include guards to be adjusted too.
-	 FROM=`echo "$from" | sed \
-                 -e 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'\
-                 -e 's/[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/_/g'`
-	 TARGET=`echo "$2" | sed \
-                 -e 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'\
-                 -e 's/[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/_/g'`
-         sed "/^#/{s,$input_rx,,;s,$from,$2,;s,$FROM,$TO,;}" "$from" >"$target" ||
-            status=$?
-      else
-	 # A missing file is only an error for the first file.  This
-	 # is a blatant hack to let us support using "yacc -d".  If -d
-	 # is not specified, we don't want an error when the header
-	 # file is "missing".
-	 if test $first = yes; then
-	    status=1
-	 fi
-      fi
-      shift
-      shift
-      first=no
-   done
-   status=$?
-# Remove the directory.
-cd ..
-rm -rf $dirname
-exit $status

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