[Pkg-gtkpod-devel] gtkpod: FTBFS: itdb.h
Matteo F. Vescovi
m.vescovi at revese.it
Mon Sep 26 16:14:20 UTC 2011
reassign 642666 libgpod-dev 0.8.2-3
affects 642666 gtkpod
Package: libgpod-dev
Version: 0.8.2-3
Severity: Serious
[Michael Biebl found the problem. Thanks a lot, Michael!]
To find what's wrong with the building process:
cat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libgpod-1.0.pc | grep imobile
and it references libimobiledevice-1.0, as you can see.
So, libgpod-dev needs to depend on libimobiledevice-dev for one,
otherwise pkg-config can not resolve the CFLAGS/LIBS for libgpod.
The dependencies of libgpod-dev look incorrect.
It depends on libglib2.0-dev and libgtk2.0-dev, but the .pc file has:
glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0 gobject-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0 libimobiledevice-1.0
which would be something like:
Depends: libglib2.0-dev, libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev, libimobiledevice-dev
either the .pc file is incorrect or the package dependencies.
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