[Pkg-gtkpod-devel] Bug#929764: usbmuxd segfaults on startup

James Henried jhenried42 at mailinator.com
Fri May 31 20:37:04 BST 2019

Bernhard Übelacker <bernhardu at mailbox.org> wrote:

> I guess this issue could be related to following shared library.

> > 0x00007ffff7b6a0e0 0x00007ffff7b7af47 Yes (*) /usr/local/lib/libimobiledevice.so.6

> It looks like this file is a manual installed version,
> while the debian version of that library should be loaded
> from here: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libimobiledevice.so.6

> Can you check if you really need that local file?
> And if it is renamed, does the problems disappear?

Bernhard, that's it!

I checked:

# dpkg -S /usr/local/lib/libimobiledevice.so.6
libimobiledevice: /usr/local/lib/libimobiledevice.so.6
# dpkg -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libimobiledevice.so.6
libimobiledevice6:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libimobiledevice.so.6

But I noticed the libimobiledevice package isn't in sid anymore. I
wonder if it's been deprecated. I removed it, and now only have
libimobiledevice6 installed.

And now:

# usbmuxd 

No segfault!

As a user:

$ ifuse /media/iphone/
$ ls /media/iphone/
Books        DCIM       iTunes_Control  PhotoStreamsData  Radio
CloudAssets  Downloads  PhotoData       Purchases         Recordings
$ ideviceinfo 
ActivationState: Activated
ActivationStateAcknowledged: true
BasebandActivationTicketVersion: V2
[... etc ...]
$ fusermount -u /media/iphone/

It turns out this old libimobiledevice package was interfering.

Thank you, Bernhard and Yves-Alexis for your help!

I'm so glad to be able to mount this phone and get the photos off
after so many months...

Please close this bug as fixed.

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