[Pkg-haskell-commits] r706 - in /packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current: HTTP.cabal Makefile Network/Browser.hs Network/HTTP.hs README debian/ http.cabal test/

arjan at users.alioth.debian.org arjan at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon May 28 03:39:30 UTC 2007

Author: arjan
Date: Mon May 28 03:39:30 2007
New Revision: 706

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/?sc=1&rev=706
[svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, haskell-http (30000000)


Added: packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/HTTP.cabal
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/HTTP.cabal?rev=706&op=file
--- packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/HTTP.cabal (added)
+++ packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/HTTP.cabal Mon May 28 03:39:30 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+Name: HTTP
+Version: 3000.0.0
+License: BSD3
+License-file: LICENSE
+  Copyright (c) 2002, Warrick Gray
+  Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Ian Lynagh
+  Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Bjorn Bringert
+  Copyright (c) 2004, Andre Furtado
+  Copyright (c) 2004, Ganesh Sittampalam
+  Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Dominic Steinitz
+Author: Warrick Gray <warrick.gray at hotmail.com>
+Maintainer: Bjorn Bringert <bjorn at bringert.net>
+Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/http/
+Description: A library for client-side HTTP
+Build-depends: base, network, parsec
+                 Network.Stream,
+                 Network.TCP,                
+		 Network.HTTP,
+                 Network.Browser
+                 Network.HTTP.Base64,
+                 Network.HTTP.MD5,
+                 Network.HTTP.MD5Aux
+GHC-options: -O -fwarn-missing-signatures

Modified: packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/Browser.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/Browser.hs?rev=706&op=diff
--- packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/Browser.hs (original)
+++ packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/Browser.hs Mon May 28 03:39:30 2007
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@
+    Authority(..),
+    getAuthorities, 
+    setAuthorities, 
+    addAuthority, 
+    getAuthorityGen, 
+    setAuthorityGen, 
+    setAllowBasicAuth,
@@ -90,8 +98,7 @@
        ; return str
-word = many1 (satisfy (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x=='_' || x=='.'))
+word = many1 (satisfy (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x=='_' || x=='.' || x=='-' || x==':'))
 -- misc string fns
 trim :: String -> String
@@ -157,8 +164,10 @@
+defaultCookieFilter :: URI -> Cookie -> IO Bool
 defaultCookieFilter url cky = return True
+userCookieFilter :: URI -> Cookie -> IO Bool
 userCookieFilter url cky =
     do putStrLn ("Set-Cookie received when requesting: " ++ show url)
        case ckComment cky of
@@ -222,14 +231,14 @@
         -- all keys in the result list MUST be in lower case
         cdetail :: Parser [(String,String)]
         cdetail = many $
-            do { spaces
+            try (do { spaces
                ; char ';'
                ; spaces
                ; s1 <- word
                ; spaces
                ; s2 <- option "" (do { char '=' ; spaces ; v <- cvalue ; return v })
                ; return (map toLower s1,s2)
-               }
+               })
         mkCookie :: String -> String -> [(String,String)] -> Cookie
         mkCookie nm val more = MkCookie { ckName=nm
@@ -248,7 +257,10 @@
         fn = filter (not . (==c))
+setCookies :: [Cookie] -> BrowserAction ()
 setCookies cs = alterBS (\b -> b { bsCookies=cs })
+getCookies :: BrowserAction [Cookie]
 getCookies = getBS bsCookies
 -- ...get domain specific cookies...
@@ -444,7 +456,7 @@
         match (AuthDigest _ _ _ _ _ ds _ _) = or (map matchURI ds)            
         matchURI :: URI -> Bool
-        matchURI s = (authority s == dom) && (path s `isPrefixOf` pth)
+        matchURI s = (uriToAuthorityString s == dom) && (uriPath s `isPrefixOf` pth)
 -- | Interacting with browser state:
@@ -479,7 +491,7 @@
 anticipateChallenge :: Request -> BrowserAction (Maybe Authority)
 anticipateChallenge rq =
     let uri = rqURI rq in
-    do { authlist <- getAuthFor (authority uri) (path uri)
+    do { authlist <- getAuthFor (uriToAuthorityString uri) (uriPath uri)
        ; return (listToMaybe authlist)
@@ -693,6 +705,7 @@
 -- Surely the most important bit:
+request :: Request -> BrowserAction (URI,Response)
 request = request' initialState
         initialState = (0,0,0,True)
@@ -702,7 +715,7 @@
 request' (denycount,redirectcount,retrycount,preempt) rq =
     do -- add cookies to request
        let uri = rqURI rq
-       cookies <- getCookiesFor (authority uri) (path uri)
+       cookies <- getCookiesFor (uriToAuthorityString uri) (uriPath uri)
        when (not $ null cookies) 
             (out $ "Adding cookies to request.  Cookie names: " 
@@ -738,7 +751,7 @@
                -- add new cookies to browser state
                let cookieheaders = retrieveHeaders HdrSetCookie rsp
-               let newcookies = concat (map (headerToCookies $ authority uri) cookieheaders)
+               let newcookies = concat (map (headerToCookies $ uriToAuthorityString uri) cookieheaders)
                when (not $ null newcookies)
                     (out $ foldl (\x y -> x ++ "\n  " ++ show y) "Cookies received:" newcookies)
@@ -827,7 +840,7 @@
                             (Header _ u:_) -> case parseURIReference u of
                                 Just newuri ->
                                     do { out ("Retrying with proxy " ++ show newuri ++ "...")
-                                       ; setProxy (Proxy (authority newuri) Nothing)
+                                       ; setProxy (Proxy (uriToAuthorityString newuri) Nothing)
                                        ; request' (0,0,retrycount+1,True) rq
                                 Nothing ->
@@ -914,6 +927,10 @@
                      . (regname++)
                      . (port++)) ""
+-- This function duplicates old Network.URI.authority behaviour.
+uriToAuthorityString :: URI -> String
+uriToAuthorityString u = maybe "" uriAuthToString (uriAuthority u)
@@ -923,6 +940,7 @@
 libUA = "haskell-libwww/0.1"
+defaultGETRequest :: URI -> Request
 defaultGETRequest uri = 
     Request { rqURI=uri
             , rqBody=""
@@ -951,7 +969,8 @@
                        , rqURI=u { uriQuery= '?' : enc }  -- What about old query?
         POST -> Request { rqMethod=POST
-                        , rqHeaders=[ Header HdrContentLength (show $ length enc) ]
+                        , rqHeaders=[ Header HdrContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+                                      Header HdrContentLength (show $ length enc) ]
                         , rqBody=enc
                         , rqURI=u

Modified: packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/HTTP.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/HTTP.hs?rev=706&op=diff
--- packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/HTTP.hs (original)
+++ packages/haskell-http/branches/upstream/current/Network/HTTP.hs Mon May 28 03:39:30 2007
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
 				           ++ auth ++ "'"
 		 where auth = case findHeader HdrHost r of
 			      Just h -> h
-			      Nothing -> authority (rqURI r)
+			      Nothing -> uriToAuthorityString (rqURI r)
 sendHTTP :: Stream s => s -> Request -> IO (Result Response)
 sendHTTP conn rq = 
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@
         fixHostHeader :: Request -> Request
         fixHostHeader rq =
             let uri = rqURI rq
-                host = authority uri
+                host = uriToAuthorityString uri
             in insertHeaderIfMissing HdrHost host rq
         -- Looks for a "Connection" header with the value "close".
@@ -844,6 +844,13 @@
             case lookupHeader HdrConnection hdrs of
                 Nothing -> False
                 Just x  -> map toLower (trim x) == "close"
+-- This function duplicates old Network.URI.authority behaviour.
+uriToAuthorityString :: URI -> String
+uriToAuthorityString URI{uriAuthority=Nothing} = ""
+uriToAuthorityString URI{uriAuthority=Just ua} = uriUserInfo ua ++
+                                                 uriRegName ua ++
+                                                 uriPort ua
 -- | Receive and parse a HTTP request from the given Stream. Should be used 
 --   for server side interactions.

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