[Pkg-haskell-commits] r803 - in /packages/haskelldb-hsql: ./ branches/ branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/current/ branches/upstream/current/Database/ branches/upstream/current/Database/HaskellDB/ tags/
arjan at users.alioth.debian.org
arjan at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 11 18:31:35 UTC 2007
Author: arjan
Date: Sun Nov 11 18:31:34 2007
New Revision: 803
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/?sc=1&rev=803
[svn-inject] Installing original source of haskelldb-hsql
Added: packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HaskellDB/HSQL.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HaskellDB/HSQL.hs?rev=803&op=file
--- packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HaskellDB/HSQL.hs (added)
+++ packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HaskellDB/HSQL.hs Sun Nov 11 18:31:34 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,230 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Database.HaskellDB.HSQL
+-- Copyright : HWT Group 2003,
+-- Bjorn Bringert 2006
+-- License : BSD-style
+-- Maintainer : haskelldb-users at lists.sourceforge.net
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : portable
+-- HSQL interface for HaskellDB. You will also
+-- need one of the back-end specific modules.
+module Database.HaskellDB.HSQL (hsqlConnect) where
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Exception (catch, throwIO)
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
+import System.Time
+import Database.HaskellDB
+import Database.HaskellDB.Database
+import Database.HaskellDB.Sql.Generate (SqlGenerator(..))
+import Database.HaskellDB.Sql.Print
+import Database.HaskellDB.PrimQuery
+import Database.HaskellDB.Query
+import Database.HaskellDB.FieldType
+import Database.HSQL as HSQL
+-- | Run an action on a HSQL Connection and close the connection.
+hsqlConnect :: MonadIO m =>
+ SqlGenerator
+ -> IO Connection -- ^ HSQL connection function
+ -> (Database -> m a) -> m a
+hsqlConnect gen connect action =
+ do
+ conn <- liftIO $ handleSqlError connect
+ x <- action (mkDatabase gen conn)
+ liftIO $ handleSqlError (disconnect conn)
+ return x
+handleSqlError :: IO a -> IO a
+handleSqlError io = handleSql (\err -> fail (show err)) io
+mkDatabase :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> Database
+mkDatabase gen connection
+ = Database { dbQuery = hsqlQuery gen connection,
+ dbInsert = hsqlInsert gen connection,
+ dbInsertQuery = hsqlInsertQuery gen connection,
+ dbDelete = hsqlDelete gen connection,
+ dbUpdate = hsqlUpdate gen connection,
+ dbTables = hsqlTables connection,
+ dbDescribe = hsqlDescribe connection,
+ dbTransaction = hsqlTransaction connection,
+ dbCreateDB = hsqlCreateDB gen connection,
+ dbCreateTable = hsqlCreateTable gen connection,
+ dbDropDB = hsqlDropDB gen connection,
+ dbDropTable = hsqlDropTable gen connection
+ }
+hsqlQuery :: GetRec er vr =>
+ SqlGenerator
+ -> Connection
+ -> PrimQuery
+ -> Rel er
+ -> IO [Record vr]
+hsqlQuery gen connection q rel = hsqlPrimQuery connection sql scheme rel
+ where
+ sql = show $ ppSql $ sqlQuery gen q
+ scheme = attributes q
+hsqlInsert :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> TableName -> Assoc -> IO ()
+hsqlInsert gen conn table assoc =
+ hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppInsert $ sqlInsert gen table assoc
+hsqlInsertQuery :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> TableName -> PrimQuery -> IO ()
+hsqlInsertQuery gen conn table assoc =
+ hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppInsert $ sqlInsertQuery gen table assoc
+hsqlDelete :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> TableName -> [PrimExpr] -> IO ()
+hsqlDelete gen conn table exprs =
+ hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppDelete $ sqlDelete gen table exprs
+hsqlUpdate :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> TableName -> [PrimExpr] -> Assoc -> IO ()
+hsqlUpdate gen conn table criteria assigns =
+ hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppUpdate $ sqlUpdate gen table criteria assigns
+hsqlTables :: Connection -> IO [TableName]
+hsqlTables conn = handleSqlError $ HSQL.tables conn
+hsqlDescribe :: Connection -> TableName -> IO [(Attribute,FieldDesc)]
+hsqlDescribe conn table =
+ handleSqlError $ liftM (map toFieldDesc) (HSQL.describe conn table)
+ where
+ toFieldDesc (name,sqlType,nullable) = (name,(toFieldType sqlType, nullable))
+hsqlCreateDB :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> String -> IO ()
+hsqlCreateDB gen conn name
+ = hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppCreate $ sqlCreateDB gen name
+hsqlCreateTable :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> TableName -> [(Attribute,FieldDesc)] -> IO ()
+hsqlCreateTable gen conn name as
+ = hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppCreate $ sqlCreateTable gen name as
+hsqlDropDB :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> String -> IO ()
+hsqlDropDB gen conn name
+ = hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppDrop $ sqlDropDB gen name
+hsqlDropTable :: SqlGenerator -> Connection -> TableName -> IO ()
+hsqlDropTable gen conn name
+ = hsqlPrimExecute conn $ show $ ppDrop $ sqlDropTable gen name
+toFieldType :: SqlType -> FieldType
+toFieldType (SqlDecimal _ _) = DoubleT
+toFieldType (SqlNumeric _ _) = DoubleT
+toFieldType SqlSmallInt = IntT
+toFieldType SqlInteger = IntT
+toFieldType SqlReal = DoubleT
+toFieldType SqlFloat = DoubleT
+toFieldType SqlDouble = DoubleT
+-- toFieldType SqlBit = BoolT
+toFieldType SqlTinyInt = IntT
+toFieldType SqlMedInt = IntT
+toFieldType SqlBigInt = IntegerT
+toFieldType SqlDate = CalendarTimeT
+toFieldType SqlTime = CalendarTimeT
+toFieldType SqlTimeStamp = CalendarTimeT
+toFieldType SqlDateTime = CalendarTimeT
+toFieldType (SqlChar n) = BStrT n
+toFieldType (SqlVarChar n) = BStrT n
+toFieldType (SqlBinary n) = BStrT n
+toFieldType (SqlVarBinary n) = BStrT n
+toFieldType _ = StringT
+-- | HSQL implementation of 'Database.dbTransaction'.
+hsqlTransaction :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a
+hsqlTransaction conn action =
+ handleSqlError $ inTransaction conn (\_ -> action)
+-- Primitive operations
+-- | Primitive query
+hsqlPrimQuery :: GetRec er vr =>
+ Connection -- ^ Database connection.
+ -> String -- ^ SQL query
+ -> Scheme -- ^ List of field names to retrieve
+ -> Rel er -- ^ Phantom argument to get the return type right.
+ -> IO [Record vr] -- ^ Query results
+hsqlPrimQuery connection sql scheme rel =
+ do trace "HSQL.query" sql
+ stmt <- handleSqlError $ HSQL.query connection sql
+ getRows (getRec hsqlGetInstances rel scheme) stmt
+-- | Retrive rows strictly.
+getRows :: (Statement -> IO a) -> Statement -> IO [a]
+getRows f stmt = handleSqlError loop
+ where
+ loop = do
+ success <- fetch stmt `onError` closeStatement stmt
+ if success
+ then do
+ x <- f stmt `onError` closeStatement stmt
+ xs <- getRows f stmt
+ return (x:xs)
+ else do
+ closeStatement stmt
+ return []
+onError :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a
+onError a h = a `Control.Exception.catch` (\e -> h >> throwIO e)
+-- | Primitive execute
+hsqlPrimExecute :: Connection -- ^ Database connection.
+ -> String -- ^ SQL query.
+ -> IO ()
+hsqlPrimExecute connection sql =
+ do trace "HSQL.execute" sql
+ handleSqlError (execute connection sql >> return ())
+-- Getting data from a statement
+hsqlGetInstances :: GetInstances Statement
+hsqlGetInstances =
+ GetInstances {
+ getString = getFieldValue
+ , getInt = getFieldValue
+ , getInteger = getFieldValue
+ , getDouble = getFieldValue
+ , getBool = getFieldValue
+ , getCalendarTime = hsqlGetCalendarTime
+ }
+hsqlGetCalendarTime :: Statement -> String -> IO (Maybe CalendarTime)
+hsqlGetCalendarTime s f = getFieldValue s f >>= mkIOMBCalendarTime
+mkIOMBCalendarTime :: Maybe ClockTime -> IO (Maybe CalendarTime)
+mkIOMBCalendarTime = maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . toCalendarTime)
+-- Tracing
+tracingEnabled :: IO Bool
+tracingEnabled = return False
+traceFile :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
+traceFile = return Nothing
+trace :: String -> String -> IO ()
+trace act sql =
+ do t <- tracingEnabled
+ when t $ do let s = act ++ ": " ++ sql
+ mf <- traceFile
+ case mf of
+ Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr s
+ Just f -> appendFile f s
Added: packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.hs?rev=803&op=file
--- packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.hs (added)
+++ packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.hs Sun Nov 11 18:31:34 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env runghc
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
Added: packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/haskelldb-hsql.cabal
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/haskelldb-hsql.cabal?rev=803&op=file
--- packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/haskelldb-hsql.cabal (added)
+++ packages/haskelldb-hsql/branches/upstream/current/haskelldb-hsql.cabal Sun Nov 11 18:31:34 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+Name: haskelldb-hsql
+Version: 0.10
+Copyright: The authors
+Maintainer: haskelldb-users at lists.sourceforge.net
+Author: Daan Leijen, Conny Andersson, Martin Andersson, Mary Bergman, Victor Blomqvist, Bjorn Bringert, Anders Hockersten, Torbjorn Martin, Jeremy Shaw
+License: BSD3
+build-depends: haskell98, base, mtl, haskelldb, hsql
+Extensions: ExistentialQuantification,
+ OverlappingInstances,
+ UndecidableInstances,
+ MultiParamTypeClasses
+Synopsis: HaskellDB support for HSQL. You will also need one
+ or more back-end specific packages.
+ Database.HaskellDB.HSQL
+ghc-options: -O2
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