[Pkg-haskell-commits] r899 - in /packages/c2hs/trunk: AUTHORS CLexer.hs CParser.hs INSTALL README README.CTKlight c2hs.cabal c2hs/c/CLexer.hs c2hs/c/CParser.hs c2hs/c/CPretty.hs c2hs/tests/ c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs debian/changelog dist/ doc/

arjan at users.alioth.debian.org arjan at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jan 6 22:13:45 UTC 2008

Author: arjan
Date: Sun Jan  6 22:13:45 2008
New Revision: 899

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/?sc=1&rev=899
* New upstream release

      - copied unchanged from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/AUTHORS
      - copied unchanged from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/INSTALL
      - copied unchanged from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/README
      - copied unchanged from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/README.CTKlight
      - copied unchanged from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/c2hs/c/CLexer.hs
      - copied unchanged from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/c2hs/c/CParser.hs
      - copied from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/c2hs/tests/
      - copied from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/dist/
      - copied from r898, packages/c2hs/branches/upstream/current/doc/

Modified: packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs.cabal
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs.cabal?rev=899&op=diff
--- packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs.cabal (original)
+++ packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs.cabal Sun Jan  6 22:13:45 2008
@@ -1,70 +1,94 @@
-Name:		c2hs
-Version:	0.15.0
---Versnick:	"Rainy Days"
---Versdate:	"31 Aug 2007"
-License:	GPL
-License-File:	COPYING
-Copyright:	Copyright (c) [1999..2007] Manuel M T Chakravarty
-Author:		Manuel M T Chakravarty
-Maintainer:	chak at cse.unsw.edu.au, duncan at haskell.org
-Stability:	Stable
-Homepage:	http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/haskell/c2hs/
-Synopsis:	C->Haskell Interface Generator
-Description:	C->Haskell assists in the development of Haskell bindings to C
-		libraries.  It extracts C interface information from vanilla header
-		files and generates marshaling and signature code in Haskell.
-Category:       Development tool
-Build-Depends:  base, filepath
-Build-Tools:    happy, alex
+Name:           c2hs
+Version:        0.15.1
+Cabal-Version:  >= 1.2
+Build-Type:     Simple
+--Versnick:     "Rainy Days"
+--Versdate:     "31 Aug 2007"
+License:        GPL
+License-File:   COPYING
+Copyright:      Copyright (c) [1999..2007] Manuel M T Chakravarty
+Author:         Manuel M T Chakravarty
+Maintainer:     chak at cse.unsw.edu.au, duncan at haskell.org
+Stability:      Stable
+Homepage:       http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/haskell/c2hs/
+Synopsis:       C->Haskell Interface Generator
+Description:    C->Haskell assists in the development of Haskell bindings to C
+                libraries.  It extracts C interface information from vanilla header
+                files and generates marshaling and signature code in Haskell.
+Category:       Development
 --TODO: Cabal should allow 'Data-Files' in the executable stanza
-Data-Files:	C2HS.hs
-Extra-Source-Files: c2hs/toplevel/c2hs_config.h
+Data-Files:     C2HS.hs
+                c2hs/toplevel/c2hs_config.h
-Executable:     c2hs
-Hs-Source-Dirs:	base/admin 
-		base/errors
-		base/general 
-		base/state
-		base/syms
-		base/syntax
-		c2hs/c
-		c2hs/chs
-		c2hs/gen
-		c2hs/state
-		c2hs/toplevel
-Main-Is:        Main.hs
-Other-Modules:	Errors
-		DLists
-		UNames
-		CIO
-		StateBase
-		State
-		StateTrans
-		Position
-		Attributes
-		Idents
-		NameSpaces
-		Lexers
-		CAttrs
-		CBuiltin
-		C
-		CTokens
-		CParserMonad
-		CLexer
-		CNames
-		CParser
-		CPretty
-		CTrav
-		CHS
-		CHSLexer
-		CInfo
-		GBMonad
-		GenBind
-		GenHeader
-		C2HSState
-		Switches
-		C2HSConfig
-		Version
-Extensions:	ForeignFunctionInterface
-C-Sources:	c2hs/toplevel/c2hs_config.c
+                c2hs/tests/Calls.chs c2hs/tests/enums.h c2hs/tests/simple.c
+                c2hs/tests/calls.h c2hs/tests/Makefile c2hs/tests/Simple.chs
+                c2hs/tests/Calls.hs c2hs/tests/Marsh.chs c2hs/tests/simple.h
+                c2hs/tests/Cpp.chs c2hs/tests/marsh.h c2hs/tests/structs.c
+                c2hs/tests/cpp.h c2hs/tests/pointer.c c2hs/tests/Structs.chs
+                c2hs/tests/enums.c c2hs/tests/Pointer.chs c2hs/tests/structs.h
+                c2hs/tests/Enums.chs c2hs/tests/pointer.h
+                doc/c2hs.xml doc/man1/c2hs.1 doc/Makefile
+Flag splitBase
+    Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package.
+Executable c2hs
+    Main-Is:        Main.hs
+    Build-Depends:  base, filepath
+    if flag(splitBase)
+        Build-Depends: base >= 3, process, directory, array, containers, pretty
+    else
+        Build-Depends: base < 3
+--    Build-Tools:    happy, alex
+    Hs-Source-Dirs: base/admin 
+                    base/errors
+                    base/general 
+                    base/state
+                    base/syms
+                    base/syntax
+                    c2hs/c
+                    c2hs/chs
+                    c2hs/gen
+                    c2hs/state
+                    c2hs/toplevel
+    Other-Modules:  Errors
+                    DLists
+                    UNames
+                    CIO
+                    StateBase
+                    State
+                    StateTrans
+                    Position
+                    Attributes
+                    Idents
+                    NameSpaces
+                    Lexers
+                    CAST
+                    CAttrs
+                    CBuiltin
+                    C
+                    CTokens
+                    CParserMonad
+                    CLexer
+                    CNames
+                    CParser
+                    CPretty
+                    CTrav
+                    CHS
+                    CHSLexer
+                    CInfo
+                    GBMonad
+                    GenBind
+                    GenHeader
+                    C2HSState
+                    Switches
+                    C2HSConfig
+                    Version
+    Extensions:     ForeignFunctionInterface
+    C-Sources:      c2hs/toplevel/c2hs_config.c

Modified: packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/c/CPretty.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/c/CPretty.hs?rev=899&op=diff
--- packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/c/CPretty.hs (original)
+++ packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/c/CPretty.hs Sun Jan  6 22:13:45 2008
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 --  C->Haskell Compiler: pretty printing of C abstract syntax
---  Author : Manuel M T Chakravarty
---  Created: 25 August 1
---  Copyright (c) [2001..2004] Manuel M T Chakravarty
+--  Author: Bertram Felgenhauer <int-e at gmx.de>
+--  Created: 2007-11-10
+--  Copyright (c) 2007 Bertram Felgenhauer
+--  the interface is based on code by Manuel M T Chakravarty
 --  This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 --  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -15,134 +16,307 @@
 --  GNU General Public License for more details.
---- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
---  Pretty printing support for abstract C trees.
---- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---  language: Haskell 98
---- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---  * So far, only covers a small fraction of the abstract tree definition
 module CPretty (
-  -- we are just providing instances to the class `Pretty'
+    Pretty (..)
 ) where
-import Idents (Ident, identToLexeme)
+import CAST
+import Idents
 import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
-import CAST
--- pretty printing of AST nodes
--- ----------------------------
+-- provide a Show instance for CDecl for backward compatibility
 instance Show CDecl where
-  showsPrec _ = showString . render . pretty
--- overloaded pretty-printing function (EXPORTED)
-class Pretty a where
-  pretty     :: a -> Doc
-  prettyPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc
-  pretty       = prettyPrec 0
-  prettyPrec _ = pretty
--- actual structure tree traversals
--- --------------------------------
+    showsPrec _ = showString . render . pretty
+-- Pretty class
+class Pretty p where
+    pretty     :: p -> Doc
+    prettyPrec :: Int -> p -> Doc
+    pretty       = prettyPrec 0
+    prettyPrec _ = pretty
+-- pretty print optional chunk
+maybeP :: (p -> Doc) -> Maybe p -> Doc
+maybeP = maybe empty
+-- pretty print identifier
+identP :: Ident -> Doc
+identP = text . identToLexeme
+-- analogous to showParen
+parenPrec :: Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
+parenPrec prec prec2 t = if prec <= prec2 then t else parens t
+-- indent a chunk of code
+ii :: Doc -> Doc
+ii = nest 4
+-- Pretty instances
+instance Pretty CHeader where
+    pretty (CHeader edecls _) = vcat (map pretty edecls)
+instance Pretty CExtDecl where
+    pretty (CDeclExt decl) = pretty decl <> semi
+    pretty (CFDefExt fund) = pretty fund
+    pretty (CAsmExt  _   ) = text "[[[asm]]];"
+instance Pretty CFunDef where
+    pretty (CFunDef declspecs declr decls stat _) =
+        hsep (map pretty declspecs) <+> pretty declr $$ prettyPrec (-1) stat
+instance Pretty CStat where
+    pretty (CLabel ident stat _) = identP ident <> text ":" $$ pretty stat
+    pretty (CCase expr stat _) =
+        text "case" <+> pretty expr <> text ":" $$ pretty stat
+    pretty (CCases expr1 expr2 stat _) =
+        text "case" <+> pretty expr1 <> text ".."
+                    <>  pretty expr2 <> text ":" $$ pretty stat
+    pretty (CDefault stat _) = text "default:" $$ pretty stat
+    pretty (CExpr expr _) = ii $ maybeP pretty expr <> semi
+    pretty c@(CCompound _ _) = prettyPrec 0 c
+    pretty (CIf expr stat estat _) =
+        ii $ text "if" <+> text "(" <> pretty expr <> text ")"
+               $+$ prettyPrec (-1) stat
+               $$ maybeP ((text "else" $+$) . prettyPrec (-1)) estat
+    pretty (CSwitch expr stat _) =
+        ii $ text "switch" <+> text "(" <> pretty expr <> text ")"
+               $+$ prettyPrec (-1) stat
+    pretty (CWhile expr stat False _) =
+        ii $ text "while" <+> text "(" <> pretty expr <> text ")"
+               $+$ prettyPrec (-1) stat
+    pretty (CWhile expr stat True _) =
+        ii $ text "do" $+$ prettyPrec (-1) stat
+               $$ text "while" <+> text "(" <> pretty expr <> text ");"
+    pretty (CFor init cond step stat _) =
+        ii $ text "for" <+> text "("
+               <> either (maybeP pretty) pretty init <> semi
+               <+> maybeP pretty cond <> semi
+               <+> maybeP pretty step <> text ")" $+$ prettyPrec (-1) stat
+    pretty (CGoto ident _) = ii $ text "goto" <+> identP ident <> semi
+    pretty (CGotoPtr expr _) = ii $ text "goto" <+> pretty expr <> semi
+    pretty (CCont _) = ii $ text "continue" <> semi
+    pretty (CBreak _) = ii $ text "break" <> semi
+    pretty (CReturn Nothing _) = ii $ text "return" <> semi
+    pretty (CReturn (Just e) _) = ii $ text "return" <+> pretty e <> semi
+    pretty (CAsm _) = ii $ text "[[[asm]]]" <> semi
+    prettyPrec p (CCompound bis _) =
+        let inner = text "{" $+$ vcat (map pretty bis) $$ text "}"
+        in  if p == -1 then inner else ii inner
+    prettyPrec _ p = pretty p
+instance Pretty CBlockItem where
+    pretty (CBlockStmt stat) = pretty stat
+    pretty (CBlockDecl decl) = ii $ pretty decl <> semi
+    pretty (CNestedFunDef fundef) = ii $ pretty fundef
 instance Pretty CDecl where
-  pretty (CDecl specs declrs _) =
-    hsep (map pretty specs) `hang` 2 $
-      hsep (punctuate comma (map prettyDeclr declrs)) <> semi
+    pretty (CDecl specs divs _) =
+        hsep (map pretty specs) <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map p divs)) where
+        p (declr, init, expr) =
+            maybeP pretty declr <+>
+            maybeP ((text "=" <+>) . pretty) init <+>
+            maybeP ((text ":" <+>) . pretty) expr
 instance Pretty CDeclSpec where
-  pretty (CStorageSpec sspec) = pretty sspec
-  pretty (CTypeSpec    tspec) = pretty tspec
-  pretty (CTypeQual    qspec) = pretty qspec
+    pretty (CStorageSpec sp) = pretty sp
+    pretty (CTypeSpec sp) = pretty sp
+    pretty (CTypeQual qu) = pretty qu
 instance Pretty CStorageSpec where
-  pretty (CAuto     _) = text "auto"
-  pretty (CRegister _) = text "register"
-  pretty (CStatic   _) = text "static"
-  pretty (CExtern   _) = text "extern"
-  pretty (CTypedef  _) = text "typedef"
+    pretty (CAuto _)     = text "auto"
+    pretty (CRegister _) = text "register"
+    pretty (CStatic _)   = text "static"
+    pretty (CExtern _)   = text "extern"
+    pretty (CTypedef _)  = text "typedef"
+    pretty (CThread _)   = text "thread"
 instance Pretty CTypeSpec where
-  pretty (CVoidType      _) = text "void"
-  pretty (CCharType      _) = text "char"
-  pretty (CShortType     _) = text "short"
-  pretty (CIntType       _) = text "int"
-  pretty (CLongType      _) = text "long"
-  pretty (CFloatType     _) = text "float"
-  pretty (CDoubleType    _) = text "double"
-  pretty (CSignedType    _) = text "signed"
-  pretty (CUnsigType     _) = text "unsigned"
-  pretty (CSUType struct _) = prettySU struct
-  pretty (CEnumType enum _) = prettyEnum enum
-  pretty (CTypeDef ide   _) = ident ide
+    pretty (CVoidType _)        = text "void"
+    pretty (CCharType _)        = text "char"
+    pretty (CShortType _)       = text "short"
+    pretty (CIntType _)         = text "int"
+    pretty (CLongType _)        = text "long"
+    pretty (CFloatType _)       = text "float"
+    pretty (CDoubleType _)      = text "double"
+    pretty (CSignedType _)      = text "signed"
+    pretty (CUnsigType _)       = text "unsigned"
+    pretty (CBoolType _)        = text "bool"
+    pretty (CComplexType _)     = text "complex"
+    pretty (CSUType union _)    = pretty union
+    pretty (CEnumType enum _)   = pretty enum
+    pretty (CTypeDef ident _)   = identP ident
+    pretty (CTypeOfExpr expr _) =
+        text "typeof" <> text "(" <> pretty expr <> text ")"
+    pretty (CTypeOfType decl _) =
+        text "typeof" <> text "(" <> pretty decl <> text ")"
 instance Pretty CTypeQual where
-  pretty (CConstQual _) = text "const"
-  pretty (CVolatQual _) = text "volatile"
-  pretty (CRestrQual _) = text "restrict"
-prettyDeclr :: (Maybe CDeclr, Maybe CInit, Maybe CExpr) -> Doc
-prettyDeclr (odeclr, oinit, oexpr) =
-      maybe empty pretty odeclr
-  <+> maybe empty ((text "=" <+>) . pretty) oinit
-  <+> maybe empty ((text ":" <+>) . pretty) oexpr
+    pretty (CConstQual _) = text "const"
+    pretty (CVolatQual _) = text "volatile"
+    pretty (CRestrQual _) = text "__restrict"
+    pretty (CInlinQual _) = text "inline"
+instance Pretty CStructUnion where
+    pretty (CStruct tag ident [] _) = pretty tag <+> maybeP identP ident
+    pretty (CStruct tag ident decls _) = vcat [
+        pretty tag <+> maybeP identP ident <+> text "{",
+        ii $ sep (map (<> semi) (map pretty decls)),
+        text "}"]
+instance Pretty CStructTag where
+    pretty CStructTag = text "struct"
+    pretty CUnionTag  = text "union"
+instance Pretty CEnum where
+    pretty (CEnum ident vals _) = vcat [
+        text "enum" <+> maybeP identP ident <+> text "{",
+        ii $ sep (punctuate comma (map p vals)),
+        text "}"] where
+        p (ident, expr) = identP ident <+> maybeP ((text "=" <+>) . pretty) expr
 instance Pretty CDeclr where
-  pretty (CVarDeclr oide                   _) = maybe empty ident oide
-  pretty (CPtrDeclr inds declr             _) = 
-    let
-      oneLevel ind = parens . (hsep (map pretty ind) <+>) . (text "*" <>)
-    in
-    oneLevel inds (pretty declr)
-  pretty (CArrDeclr declr _ oexpr          _) =
-    pretty declr <> brackets (maybe empty pretty oexpr)
-  pretty (CFunDeclr declr decls isVariadic _) =
-    let
-      varDoc = if isVariadic then text ", ..." else empty
-    in
-    pretty declr 
-    <+> parens (hsep (punctuate comma (map pretty decls)) <> varDoc)
+    prettyPrec p (CVarDeclr ident _) = maybeP identP ident
+    prettyPrec p (CPtrDeclr quals declr _) =
+        parenPrec p 5 $ text "*" <> hsep (map pretty quals)
+                      <> prettyPrec 5 declr
+    prettyPrec p (CArrDeclr declr quals expr _) =
+        parenPrec p 5 $ hsep (map pretty quals) <> prettyPrec 6 declr
+                      <> text "[" <> maybeP pretty expr <> text "]"
+    prettyPrec p (CFunDeclr declr decls var _) =
+        prettyPrec 6 declr <> text "("
+            <> sep (punctuate comma (map pretty decls))
+            <> (if var then text "," <+> text "..." else empty) <> text ")"
 instance Pretty CInit where
-  pretty _ = text "<<CPretty: CInit not yet implemented!>>"
+    pretty (CInitExpr expr _) = pretty expr
+    pretty (CInitList initl _) =
+        text "{" <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map p initl)) <+> text "}" where
+        p (desigs, init) = hsep (map pretty desigs) <> pretty init
+instance Pretty CDesignator where
+    pretty (CArrDesig expr _) = text "[" <> pretty expr <> text "]"
+    pretty (CMemberDesig ident _) = text "." <> identP ident
+    pretty (CRangeDesig expr1 expr2 _) =
+        text "[" <> pretty expr1 <> text ".." <> pretty expr2 <> text "]"
 instance Pretty CExpr where
-  pretty _ = text "<<CPretty: CExpr not yet implemented!>>"
--- auxilliary functions
--- --------------------
-ident :: Ident -> Doc
-ident  = text . identToLexeme
-optName :: (Maybe Ident) -> String
-optName = maybe "" $ (++" ").identToLexeme
-prettyEnum :: CEnum -> Doc
-prettyEnum (CEnum name ms _) = header <> if ms == [] then empty else body ms
-       where header = text "enum " <+> maybe empty ident name
-             body :: [(Ident, Maybe CExpr)] -> Doc
-             body = braces.nest 1.sep.punctuate comma.(map p)
-             p :: (Ident, Maybe CExpr) -> Doc
-             p (ide, exp) = ident ide <+> maybe empty ((<+> text "=").pretty) exp
-prettySU :: CStructUnion -> Doc
-prettySU (CStruct t name ms _) = header <> if ms == [] then empty else body ms
-    where header = text $ tag t ++ optName name
-          tag CStructTag = "struct "
-          tag CUnionTag = "union "
-          body :: [CDecl] -> Doc
-          body = braces.nest 1.sep.map pretty
+    prettyPrec p (CComma exprs _) =
+        parenPrec p 1 $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (prettyPrec 2) exprs))
+    prettyPrec p (CAssign op expr1 expr2 _) =
+        parenPrec p 2 $ prettyPrec 3 expr1 <+> pretty op <+> prettyPrec 2 expr2
+    prettyPrec p (CCond expr1 expr2 expr3 _) =
+        parenPrec p 3 $ prettyPrec 4 expr1 <+> text "?"
+           <+> maybeP pretty expr2 <+> text ":" <+> prettyPrec 4 expr3
+    prettyPrec p (CBinary op expr1 expr2 _) =
+        let prec = binPrec op
+        in  parenPrec p prec $ prettyPrec prec expr1
+                             <+> pretty op <+> prettyPrec (prec + 1) expr2
+    prettyPrec p (CCast decl expr _) =
+        parenPrec p 25 $ text "(" <> pretty decl <> text ")"
+                       <> prettyPrec 25 expr
+    prettyPrec p (CUnary CPostIncOp expr _) =
+        parenPrec p 26 $ prettyPrec 26 expr <> text "++"
+    prettyPrec p (CUnary CPostDecOp expr _) =
+        parenPrec p 26 $ prettyPrec 26 expr <> text "--"
+    prettyPrec p (CUnary op expr _) =
+        parenPrec p 25 $ pretty op <> prettyPrec 25 expr
+    prettyPrec p (CSizeofExpr expr _) =
+        parenPrec p 25 $ text "sizeof" <> text "(" <> pretty expr <> text ")"
+    prettyPrec p (CSizeofType decl _) =
+        parenPrec p 25 $ text "sizeof" <> text "(" <> pretty decl <> text ")"
+    prettyPrec p (CAlignofExpr expr _) =
+        parenPrec p 25 $ text "alignof" <> pretty expr
+    prettyPrec p (CAlignofType decl _) =
+        parenPrec p 25 $ text "alignof" <> pretty decl
+    prettyPrec p (CIndex expr1 expr2 _) =
+        parenPrec p 26 $ prettyPrec 26 expr1
+                       <> text "[" <> pretty expr2 <> text "]"
+    prettyPrec p (CCall expr args _) =
+        parenPrec p 30 $ prettyPrec 30 expr <> text "("
+            <> (sep . punctuate comma . map pretty) args <> text ")"
+    prettyPrec p (CMember expr ident deref _) =
+        parenPrec p 26 $ prettyPrec 26 expr
+                       <> text (if deref then "->" else ".") <> identP ident
+    prettyPrec p (CVar ident _) = identP ident
+    prettyPrec p (CConst const _) = pretty const
+    prettyPrec p (CCompoundLit decl initl _) =
+        pretty decl <> hsep (map p initl) where
+        p (desigs, init) = hsep (map pretty desigs) <> pretty init -- FIXME
+    prettyPrec p (CStatExpr stat _) =
+        text "({" <> pretty stat <> text "})" -- FIXME
+    prettyPrec p (CLabAddrExpr ident _) = text "&" <> identP ident -- FIXME
+    prettyPrec p (CBuiltinExpr _) = text "[[[builtin]]]"
+instance Pretty CAssignOp where
+    pretty CAssignOp = text "="
+    pretty CMulAssOp = text "*="
+    pretty CDivAssOp = text "/="
+    pretty CRmdAssOp = text "%="
+    pretty CAddAssOp = text "+="
+    pretty CSubAssOp = text "-="
+    pretty CShlAssOp = text "<<="
+    pretty CShrAssOp = text ">>="
+    pretty CAndAssOp = text "&="
+    pretty CXorAssOp = text "^="
+    pretty COrAssOp  = text "|="
+instance Pretty CBinaryOp where
+    pretty CMulOp = text "*"
+    pretty CDivOp = text "/"
+    pretty CRmdOp = text "%"
+    pretty CAddOp = text "+"
+    pretty CSubOp = text "-"
+    pretty CShlOp = text "<<"
+    pretty CShrOp = text ">>"
+    pretty CLeOp  = text "<"
+    pretty CGrOp  = text ">"
+    pretty CLeqOp = text "<="
+    pretty CGeqOp = text ">="
+    pretty CEqOp  = text "=="
+    pretty CNeqOp = text "!="
+    pretty CAndOp = text "&"
+    pretty CXorOp = text "^"
+    pretty COrOp  = text "|"
+    pretty CLndOp = text "&&"
+    pretty CLorOp = text "||"
+instance Pretty CUnaryOp where
+    pretty CPreIncOp  = text "++"
+    pretty CPreDecOp  = text "--"
+    pretty CPostIncOp = text "++"
+    pretty CPostDecOp = text "--"
+    pretty CAdrOp     = text "&"
+    pretty CIndOp     = text "*"
+    pretty CPlusOp    = text "+"
+    pretty CMinOp     = text "-"
+    pretty CCompOp    = text "~"
+    pretty CNegOp     = text "!"
+instance Pretty CConst where
+    pretty (CIntConst   int _) = text (show int)
+    pretty (CCharConst  chr _) = text (show chr) -- FIXME: control characters
+    pretty (CFloatConst flt _) = text flt
+    pretty (CStrConst   str _) = text str
+-- precedence of C operators
+binPrec :: CBinaryOp -> Int
+binPrec CMulOp = 20
+binPrec CDivOp = 20
+binPrec CRmdOp = 20
+binPrec CAddOp = 19
+binPrec CSubOp = 19
+binPrec CShlOp = 18
+binPrec CShrOp = 18
+binPrec CLeOp  = 17
+binPrec CGrOp  = 17
+binPrec CLeqOp = 17
+binPrec CGeqOp = 17
+binPrec CEqOp  = 16
+binPrec CNeqOp = 16
+binPrec CAndOp = 15
+binPrec CXorOp = 14
+binPrec COrOp  = 13
+binPrec CLndOp = 12
+binPrec CLorOp = 11

Modified: packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs?rev=899&op=diff
--- packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs (original)
+++ packages/c2hs/trunk/c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs Sun Jan  6 22:13:45 2008
@@ -58,8 +58,10 @@
 cppopts :: String
 cppopts  = case os of
-  "darwin" -> "-x=c"   --why oh why must gcc on OSX be different!?
-  _        -> "-x c"
+  -- why is gcc different between all these platforms?
+  "darwin"  -> "-x=c"
+  "openbsd" -> "-xc"
+  _         -> "-x c"
 -- |C2HS Library file name

Modified: packages/c2hs/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/c2hs/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=899&op=diff
--- packages/c2hs/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ packages/c2hs/trunk/debian/changelog Sun Jan  6 22:13:45 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-c2hs (0.15.0-2~pre1) experimental; urgency=low
+c2hs (0.15.1-1~pre1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
   * debian/rules:
       /usr/share/doc/autotools-dev/README.Debian.gz suggests.

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