[Pkg-haskell-commits] r1274 - in /packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92: Text/Regex.hs regex-compat.cabal

arjan at users.alioth.debian.org arjan at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jan 17 14:49:05 UTC 2009

Author: arjan
Date: Sat Jan 17 14:49:05 2009
New Revision: 1274

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/?sc=1&rev=1274
Log: (empty)


Modified: packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/Text/Regex.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/Text/Regex.hs?rev=1274&op=diff
--- packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/Text/Regex.hs (original)
+++ packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/Text/Regex.hs Sat Jan 17 14:49:05 2009
@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@
   ) where
-import Data.Array((!))
 import Data.Bits((.|.))
-import Text.Regex.Base(RegexMaker(makeRegexOpts),defaultExecOpt,RegexLike(matchAll,matchAllText),RegexContext(matchM),MatchText)
+import Text.Regex.Base(RegexMaker(makeRegexOpts),defaultExecOpt,RegexLike(matchOnceText),RegexContext(matchM))
 import Text.Regex.Posix(Regex,compNewline,compIgnoreCase,compExtended)
 -- | Makes a regular expression with the default options (multi-line,
@@ -92,70 +91,6 @@
 misfeature is here to match the behavior of the the original
 Text.Regex API.
-subRegex :: Regex                          -- ^ Search pattern
-         -> String                         -- ^ Input string
-         -> String                         -- ^ Replacement text
-         -> String                         -- ^ Output string
-subRegex _ "" _ = ""
-subRegex regexp inp repl =
-  let compile _i str [] = \ _m ->  (str++)
-      compile i str (("\\",(off,len)):rest) =
-        let i' = off+len
-            pre = take (off-i) str
-            str' = drop (i'-i) str
-        in if null str' then \ _m -> (pre ++) . ('\\':)
-             else \  m -> (pre ++) . ('\\' :) . compile i' str' rest m
-      compile i str ((xstr,(off,len)):rest) =
-        let i' = off+len
-            pre = take (off-i) str
-            str' = drop (i'-i) str
-            x = read xstr
-        in if null str' then \ m -> (pre++) . ((fst (m!x))++)
-             else \ m -> (pre++) . ((fst (m!x))++) . compile i' str' rest m
-      compiled :: MatchText String -> String -> String
-      compiled = compile 0 repl findrefs where
-        -- bre matches a backslash then capture either a backslash or some digits
-        bre = mkRegex "\\\\(\\\\|[0-9]+)"
-        findrefs = map (\m -> (fst (m!1),snd (m!0))) (matchAllText bre repl)
-      go _i str [] = str
-      go i str (m:ms) =
-        let (_,(off,len)) = m!0
-            i' = off+len
-            pre = take (off-i) str
-            str' = drop (i'-i) str
-        in if null str' then pre ++ (compiled m "")
-             else pre ++ (compiled m (go i' str' ms))
-  in go 0 inp (matchAllText regexp inp)
-{- | Splits a string based on a regular expression.  The regular expression
-should identify one delimiter.
-This does not advance and produces an infinite list of [] if the regex
-matches an empty string.  This misfeature is here to match the
-behavior of the the original Text.Regex API.
-splitRegex :: Regex -> String -> [String]
-splitRegex _ [] = []
-splitRegex delim strIn = 
-  let matches = map (!0) (matchAll delim strIn)
-      go _i str [] = str : []
-      go i str ((off,len):rest) =
-        let i' = off+len
-            firstline = take (off-i) str
-            remainder = drop (i'-i) str
-        in seq i' $
-           if null remainder then [firstline,""]
-             else firstline : go i' remainder rest
-  in go 0 strIn matches
--- These are the older versions which failed on (correct answer:)
--- let r = mkRegex "^(.)" in subRegex2 r "abc\ndef" "|\\1"
--- "|abc\n|def"
 subRegex :: Regex                          -- ^ Search pattern
       -> String                         -- ^ Input string
       -> String                         -- ^ Replacement text
@@ -184,6 +119,14 @@
        Just (lead, match, trail, groups) ->
          lead ++ lookup match repl groups ++ (subRegex regexp trail repl)
+{- | Splits a string based on a regular expression.  The regular expression
+should identify one delimiter.
+This does not advance and produces an infinite list of [] if the regex
+matches an empty string.  This misfeature is here to match the
+behavior of the the original Text.Regex API.
 splitRegex :: Regex -> String -> [String]
 splitRegex _ [] = []
 splitRegex delim strIn = loop strIn where
@@ -193,5 +136,3 @@
                   if null remainder
                     then [firstline,""]
                     else firstline : loop remainder

Modified: packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/regex-compat.cabal
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/regex-compat.cabal?rev=1274&op=diff
--- packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/regex-compat.cabal (original)
+++ packages/haskell-regex-compat/branches/upstream/0.92/regex-compat.cabal Sat Jan 17 14:49:05 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 Name:                   regex-compat
-Version:                0.92
+Version:                0.91
 Cabal-Version:          >=1.2
-build-type:             Simple
 License:                BSD3
 License-File:           LICENSE
 Copyright:              Copyright (c) 2006, Christopher Kuklewicz
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@
   description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package.
   if flag(splitBase)
-    Build-Depends:      base >= 3.0, regex-base >= 0.93, regex-posix >= 0.93, array
+    Build-Depends:      base >= 3.0, regex-base >= 0.93, regex-posix >= 0.93
     Build-Depends:      base < 3.0,  regex-base >= 0.93, regex-posix >= 0.93
   -- Data-Files:

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