[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-hsql-odbc: Fix "Updating the haskell-hsql-odbc Uploaders list" changing Uploader (Closes: #576172)

Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva marcot at debian.org
Thu Apr 1 11:56:00 UTC 2010

Thu Apr  1 11:55:46 UTC 2010  Marco T[_\c3_][_\ba_]lio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at debian.org>
  * Fix "Updating the haskell-hsql-odbc Uploaders list" changing Uploader (Closes: #576172)
  Ignore-this: 62238fb5a8de5192966c636975547db4

    M ./changelog +7
    M ./control -1 +1

Thu Apr  1 11:55:46 UTC 2010  Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at debian.org>
  * Fix "Updating the haskell-hsql-odbc Uploaders list" changing Uploader (Closes: #576172)
  Ignore-this: 62238fb5a8de5192966c636975547db4
diff -rN -u old-haskell-hsql-odbc/changelog new-haskell-hsql-odbc/changelog
--- old-haskell-hsql-odbc/changelog	2010-04-01 11:55:59.958126487 +0000
+++ new-haskell-hsql-odbc/changelog	2010-04-01 11:55:59.962126700 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+haskell-hsql-odbc (1.7.1-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Fix "Updating the haskell-hsql-odbc Uploaders list" changing Uploader
+    (Closes: #576172)
+ -- Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at debian.org>  Thu, 01 Apr 2010 08:54:42 -0300
 haskell-hsql-odbc (1.7.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/source/format: Use 3.0 (quilt).
diff -rN -u old-haskell-hsql-odbc/control new-haskell-hsql-odbc/control
--- old-haskell-hsql-odbc/control	2010-04-01 11:55:59.958126487 +0000
+++ new-haskell-hsql-odbc/control	2010-04-01 11:55:59.962126700 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: haskell
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Debian Haskell Group <pkg-haskell-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Víctor Pérez Pereira <vperez at debianvenezuela.org>
+Uploaders: Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at debian.org>
  debhelper (>= 7),

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