[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36
John Goerzen
jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:46:31 UTC 2010
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 93ee68bf4065b7a1efe64ea1a2899133e6c47b1f
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date: Sun Nov 14 08:13:14 2004 +0100
Checkpointing with working printf/fprintf
(jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5--patch-35)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 50e98bb..1ca5e16 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,18 @@
# arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5
+2004-11-14 01:13:14 GMT John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> patch-35
+ Summary:
+ Checkpointing with working printf/fprintf
+ Revision:
+ missingh--head--0.5--patch-35
+ modified files:
+ ChangeLog libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
2004-11-14 00:31:43 GMT John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> patch-34
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
index 4fad406..c512fe4 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
@@ -31,20 +31,26 @@ This module provides various helpful utilities for using a C-style printf().
Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-module MissingH.Printf(
+module MissingH.Printf(-- * Variable-Argument Ouptut
+ vsprintf,
+ vprintf,
+ vfprintf,
+ -- * List-Argument Output
+ sprintf,
+ printf,
+ fprintf,
+ -- * Utility Function
+ v,
+ -- * Underlying Types
- PFRun(..),
+ PFRun,
- sprintf,
- sprintf_real,
--- ssprintf,
--- printf,
- wrapper,
- v
+ IOPFRun,
) where
import MissingH.Str
import Data.List
+import System.IO
data Value =
ValueInt Int
@@ -65,43 +71,47 @@ instance PFType String where
fromValue (ValueString x) = x
fromValue _ = error "fromValue string"
instance PFType Value where
toValue = id
fromValue = id
v :: PFType a => a -> Value
v = toValue
class PFRun a where
pfrun :: ([Value] -> String) -> a
instance PFRun String where
pfrun f = f $ []
instance (PFType a, PFRun b) => PFRun (a -> b) where
pfrun f x = pfrun (\xs -> f (toValue x : xs))
-sprintf_real :: String -> [Value] -> String
-sprintf_real [] [] = []
-sprintf_real ('%' : xs) (y : ys) = (fromValue y) ++ sprintf_real xs ys
-sprintf_real ('!' : xs) (y : ys) =
- show (((fromValue y)::Int) + 1) ++ sprintf_real xs ys
-sprintf_real (x:xs) y = x : sprintf_real xs y
-forcestring :: String -> String
-forcestring x = x
+class IOPFRun a where
+ iopfrun :: Handle -> ([Value] -> String) -> a
+instance IOPFRun (IO ()) where
+ iopfrun h f = hPutStr h $ pfrun f
+instance (PFType a, IOPFRun b) => IOPFRun (a -> b) where
+ iopfrun h f x = iopfrun h (\xs -> f (toValue x : xs))
-wrapper :: String -> [Value] -> Value
-wrapper f v = toValue $ sprintf_real f v
+sprintf :: String -> [Value] -> String
+sprintf [] [] = []
+sprintf ('%' : xs) (y : ys) = (fromValue y) ++ sprintf xs ys
+sprintf ('!' : xs) (y : ys) =
+ show (((fromValue y)::Int) + 1) ++ sprintf xs ys
+sprintf (x:xs) y = x : sprintf xs y
-sprintf :: (PFRun a) => String -> a
-sprintf f = pfrun $ sprintf_real f
+vsprintf :: (PFRun a) => String -> a
+vsprintf f = pfrun $ sprintf f
---printf :: (PFRun a) => String -> IO a
---printf = return . sprintf
+fprintf :: Handle -> String -> [Value] -> IO ()
+fprintf h f v = hPutStr h $ sprintf f v
---printf :: (PFRun a) => String -> a
+printf :: String -> [Value] -> IO ()
+printf f v = fprintf stdout f v
---printf :: PFRun a => String -> a -> IO ()
+vfprintf :: IOPFRun a => Handle -> String -> a
+vfprintf h f = iopfrun h $ sprintf f
+vprintf :: IOPFRun a => String -> a
+vprintf f = vfprintf stdout f
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