[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:46:34 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 73fc47c376669bad2574dcacf9b3e024bf3ab850
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 15 06:09:10 2004 +0100

    (jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5--patch-37)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 05103ca..be68ac4 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,23 @@
 # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5
+2004-11-14 23:09:10 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-37
+    Summary:
+      Checkpointing
+    Revision:
+      missingh--head--0.5--patch-37
+    removed files:
+     libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Parser.lhs
+    modified files:
+     ChangeLog Makefile libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Printer.lhs
+     libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Types.lhs
 2004-11-14 05:22:45 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-36
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0064861..773081c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@
 SOURCES := $(wildcard libsrc/MissingH/*.hs) \
 	$(wildcard libsrc/MissingH/*/*.hs) \
-	$(wildcard libsrc/MissingH/*/*/*.hs)
-OBJS := $(SOURCES:.hs=.o)
+	$(wildcard libsrc/MissingH/*/*.lhs) \
+	$(wildcard libsrc/MissingH/*/*/*.hs) \
+	$(wildcard libsrc/MissingH/*/*/*.lhs)
+O1 := $(SOURCES:.hs=.o)
+OBJS := $(O1:.lhs=.o)
 all: libmissingH.a
@@ -32,6 +35,10 @@ libmissingH.a: $(OBJS)
 %.o: %.hs
 	ghc -fglasgow-exts -ilibsrc --make `echo $< | sed -e s,libsrc/,, -e s,.hs$$,, -e s,/,.,g`
+%.o: %.lhs
+	ghc -fglasgow-exts -ilibsrc --make `echo $< | sed -e s,libsrc/,, -e s,.lhs$$,, -e s,/,.,g`
 	-rm -rf html
 	mkdir html
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
index c512fe4..96c3dea 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf.hs
@@ -51,48 +51,12 @@ module MissingH.Printf(-- * Variable-Argument Ouptut
 import MissingH.Str
 import Data.List
 import System.IO
+import MissingH.Printf.Types
-data Value =
-           ValueInt Int
-           | ValueString String
-             deriving (Eq, Show)
-class PFType a where
-    toValue :: a -> Value
-    fromValue :: Value -> a
-instance PFType Int where
-    toValue = ValueInt
-    fromValue (ValueInt x) = x
-    fromValue _ = error "fromValue int"
-instance PFType String where
-    toValue = ValueString
-    fromValue (ValueString x) = x
-    fromValue _ = error "fromValue string"
-instance PFType Value where
-    toValue = id
-    fromValue = id
 v :: PFType a => a -> Value
 v = toValue
-class PFRun a where
-    pfrun :: ([Value] -> String) -> a
-instance PFRun String where
-    pfrun f = f $ []
-instance (PFType a, PFRun b) => PFRun (a -> b) where
-    pfrun f x = pfrun (\xs -> f (toValue x : xs))
-class IOPFRun a where
-    iopfrun :: Handle -> ([Value] -> String) -> a
-instance IOPFRun (IO ()) where
-    iopfrun h f = hPutStr h $ pfrun f
-instance (PFType a, IOPFRun b) => IOPFRun (a -> b) where
-    iopfrun h f x = iopfrun h (\xs -> f (toValue x : xs))
 sprintf :: String -> [Value] -> String
 sprintf [] [] = []
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Parser.lhs b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Parser.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1565e..0000000
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Parser.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-arch-tag: Printf parser declarations
-module Parser (parse) where
-import Language.Haskell.THSyntax
-import Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
-import Printer (get_conversion_func)
-import Char (isDigit)
-import List (nub, delete)
-import Types
-xn where n is an integer refers to an argument to the function
-y*, n* is reserved for %n
-fw* is reserved for field width intermediates
-Everything else can be used by the conversion functions
--- parse takes a format string and returns a list of Formats with which
--- to build the output and the number of arguments to take
-parse :: String -> ([Format], ArgNum)
-parse = parse' 1 0
-parse' :: ArgNum     -- The next argument number
-       -> ArgNum     -- The maximum numbered argument number used so far
-       -> String     -- The format string
-       -> ([Format], -- The bits of output
-           ArgNum)   -- The number of arguments to take
--- When we are at the end of the input there are no more bits of input
--- remaining. The number of arguments is the largest argument used.
-parse' x_var max_x_var "" = ([], (x_var - 1) `max` max_x_var)
-parse' x_var max_x_var xs
-  = case parse_format x_var xs of
-        (f, x_var', used, xs') ->
-            case parse' x_var' (maximum (max_x_var:used)) xs' of
-                (fs, final_max_x_var) -> (f:fs, final_max_x_var)
-parse_format :: ArgNum     -- The next argument to use
-             -> String     -- The format string
-             -> (Format,   -- The Format we put together
-                 ArgNum,   -- The new next argument to use
-                 [ArgNum], -- The argument numbers we've used
-                 String)   -- The remainder of the format string
-parse_format x_var ('%':xs)
-    = case conv_spec of
-          'n' -> (CharCount, x_var, [], xs5)
-          '%' -> (Literal "%", x_var, [], xs5)
-          _   -> (Conversion converted', x_var0, used, xs5)
-    where (arg, used0, x_var0, xs0) = get_arg x_var3 xs
-          (flags, xs1) = get_flags xs0
-          flags' = if isJust mprec then delete ZeroPadded flags else flags
-          (mfw, used2, x_var2, xs2) = get_min_field_width x_var xs1
-          (mprec, used3, x_var3, xs3) = get_precision x_var2 xs2
-          (_length_mod, xs4) = get_length_modifier xs3
-          (conv_spec, xs5) = get_conversion_specifier xs4
-          conv_func = get_conversion_func conv_spec
-          used = used0 ++ used2 ++ used3
-          converted = conv_func arg flags' mfw mprec
-          converted' = fix_width flags' mfw converted
-parse_format x_var xs = case break ('%' ==) xs of
-                            (ys, zs) -> (Literal ys, x_var, [], zs)
-fix_width :: [Flag] -> Maybe Width -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
-fix_width _ Nothing e = e
-fix_width flags (Just w) e = letE [dec_e] exp_spaced
-    where 
-          dec_e = valD (varP "e") (normalB e) []
-          exp_num_spaces = [| abs $w - length $e |]
-          exp_num_spaces' = [| 0 `max` $exp_num_spaces |]
-          exp_spaces = [| replicate $exp_num_spaces' ' ' |]
-          exp_left_padded = [| $(varE "e") ++ $exp_spaces |]
-          exp_right_padded = [| $exp_spaces ++ $(varE "e") |]
-          exp_spaced = if LeftAdjust `elem` flags
-                       then exp_left_padded
-                       else [| if $w < 0 then $exp_left_padded
-                                         else $exp_right_padded |]
-get_flags :: String -> ([Flag], String)
-get_flags s = (flags'', s')
-    where (cs, s') = span (`elem` "#0- +'I") s
-          unique_cs = nub cs
-          flags = map (fromJust . (`lookup` flag_mapping)) unique_cs
-          flags' = if LeftAdjust `elem` flags then filter (/= ZeroPadded) flags
-                                              else flags
-          flags'' = if Plus `elem` flags then filter (/= BlankPlus) flags
-                                         else flags'
-          flag_mapping = [('#', AlternateForm),
-                          ('0', ZeroPadded),
-                          ('-', LeftAdjust),
-                          (' ', BlankPlus),
-                          ('+', Plus),
-                          ('\'', Thousands),
-                          ('I', AlternativeDigits)]
-get_min_field_width :: ArgNum
-                    -> String
-                    -> (Maybe Width, [ArgNum], ArgNum, String)
-get_min_field_width x_var s
- = case get_num s of
-       Just (n, s') -> (Just [| n |], [], x_var, s')
-       Nothing -> case get_star_arg x_var s of
-                      Just (a, used, x_var', s') -> (Just a, used, x_var', s')
-                      Nothing -> (Nothing, [], x_var, s)
--- Need to check prec >= 0 at some point?
-get_precision :: ArgNum
-              -> String
-              -> (Maybe Precision, [ArgNum], ArgNum, String)
-get_precision x_var ('.':s)
- = case get_num s of
-       Just (n, s') -> (Just [| n |], [], x_var, s')
-       Nothing -> case get_star_arg x_var s of
-                      Just (a, used, x_var', s') -> (Just a, used, x_var', s')
-                      Nothing -> (Just [| 0 |], [], x_var, s)
-get_precision x_var s = (Nothing, [], x_var, s)
-get_star_arg :: ArgNum -> String -> Maybe (Arg, [ArgNum], ArgNum, String)
-get_star_arg x_var ('*':s) = Just (get_arg x_var s)
-get_star_arg _ _ = Nothing
-get_arg :: ArgNum -> String -> (Arg, [ArgNum], ArgNum, String)
-get_arg x_var s = case get_num s of
-                      Just (i, '$':s') -> (varE (xvar i), [i], x_var, s')
-                      _ -> (varE (xvar x_var), [], x_var + 1, s)
-get_num :: String -> Maybe (Integer, String)
-get_num s = case span isDigit s of
-                ("", _) -> Nothing
-                (xs, s') -> Just ((read xs), s')
-get_length_modifier :: String -> (String, String)
-get_length_modifier s
-    | take 2 s `elem` ["hh", "ll"]                        = splitAt 2 s
-    | take 1 s `elem` ["h", "l", "L", "q", "j", "z", "t"] = splitAt 1 s
-    | otherwise                                           = ("", s)
-get_conversion_specifier :: String -> (Char, String)
-get_conversion_specifier (x:xs) = (x, xs) -- XXX errors
-get_conversion_specifier "" = error "Printf: get_conversion_specifier \"\""
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Printer.lhs b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Printer.lhs
index ceb28a4..9afe164 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Printer.lhs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Printer.lhs
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 arch-tag: Printf printer declarations
-module Printer (get_conversion_func, thousandify, octalify, hexify) where
+module MissingH.Printf.Printer (get_conversion_func, thousandify, octalify, hexify) where
-import Language.Haskell.THSyntax
 import Maybe (fromMaybe)
 import Numeric (showEFloat, showFFloat)
 import Char (toLower, toUpper)
-import Types
+import MissingH.Printf.Types
+import Data.List(genericLength, genericReplicate)
 xn where n is an integer refers to an argument to the function
@@ -16,12 +16,6 @@ fw* is reserved for field width intermediates
 Everything else can be used by the conversion functions
-type ConversionFunc = Arg
-                   -> [Flag]
-                   -> Maybe Width
-                   -> Maybe Precision
-                   -> ExpQ
 get_conversion_func :: Char -> ConversionFunc
 get_conversion_func c = fromMaybe (error (c:": CF unknown")) $ lookup c cfs
     where cfs = [
@@ -52,38 +46,38 @@ get_conversion_func c = fromMaybe (error (c:": CF unknown")) $ lookup c cfs
 -- %d, %i
 print_signed_int :: ConversionFunc
 print_signed_int arg flags mw mp = res
-    where preci = fromMaybe [| 1 |] mp
-          width = fromMaybe [| 0 |] mw
-          disp | Thousands `elem` flags = [| thousandify . show |]
-               | otherwise              = [|               show |]
+    where preci = fromMaybe 1 mp
+          width = fromMaybe 0 mw
+          disp | Thousands `elem` flags = thousandify . show
+               | otherwise              =               show
           plus_sign = if Plus `elem` flags
                       then "+"
                       else if BlankPlus `elem` flags
                       then " "
                       else ""
-          res = [| let to_show = toInteger $arg
-                       shown = $disp $ abs to_show
-                       w = $( if ZeroPadded `elem` flags
-                              then [| $preci `max` $width - length sign |]
-                              else preci )
+          res =    let to_show = toInteger arg
+                       shown = disp $ abs to_show
+                       w = ( if ZeroPadded `elem` flags
+                              then (read preci `max` width - genericLength sign)::Width
+                              else (read preci)::Width )
                        sign = if to_show < 0 then "-" else plus_sign
-                       num_zeroes = (w - length shown) `max` 0
-                   in sign ++ replicate num_zeroes '0' ++ shown
-                 |]
+                       num_zeroes = (w - genericLength shown) `max` 0
+                   in sign ++ genericReplicate num_zeroes '0' ++ shown
 -- %o, u, x, X
 print_unsigned_int :: Char -> ConversionFunc
 print_unsigned_int base arg flags mw mp = res
-    where preci = fromMaybe [| 1 |] mp
-          width = fromMaybe [| 0 |] mw
-          w = if ZeroPadded `elem` flags then [| $preci `max` $width |]
-                                         else     preci
+    where preci = fromMaybe 1  mp
+          width = fromMaybe 0 mw
+          w = if ZeroPadded `elem` flags then (read preci) `max` width
+                                         else     read preci
           disp = case base of
-                     'o' -> [| octalify |]
-                     'x' -> [| hexify $(lift lower_hex) |]
-                     'X' -> [| hexify $(lift upper_hex) |]
-                     'u' | Thousands `elem` flags -> [| thousandify . show |]
-                         | otherwise              -> [|               show |]
+                     'o' -> octalify
+                     'x' -> hexify ({-lift-} lower_hex)
+                     'X' -> hexify ({-lift-} upper_hex)
+                     'u' | Thousands `elem` flags -> thousandify . show
+                         | otherwise              ->                show
                      _ -> err_letter
           prefix = if AlternateForm `elem` flags then case base of
                                                           'o' -> "0"
@@ -92,29 +86,29 @@ print_unsigned_int base arg flags mw mp = res
                                                           'X' -> "0X"
                                                           _ -> err_letter
                                                  else ""
-          res = [| let to_show = toInteger $arg `max` 0
-                       shown = $disp to_show
+          res =    let to_show = toInteger arg `max` 0
+                       shown = disp to_show
                        pref = if to_show == 0 then "" else prefix
-                       num_zeroes = ($w - length shown - length pref) `max` 0
-                   in pref ++ replicate num_zeroes '0' ++ shown
-                 |]
+                       num_zeroes = (w - genericLength shown - genericLength pref) `max` 0
+                   in pref ++ genericReplicate num_zeroes '0' ++ shown
           err_letter = error "print_unsigned_int: Bad letter"
 -- %e, E
 print_exponent_double :: Char -> ConversionFunc
 print_exponent_double e arg flags mw mp = res
-    where preci = fromMaybe [| 6 |] mp
-          width = fromMaybe [| 0 |] mw
+    where preci = fromMaybe 6 mp
+          width = fromMaybe 0 mw
           plus_sign = if Plus `elem` flags
                       then "+"
                       else if BlankPlus `elem` flags
                       then " "
                       else ""
           keep_dot = AlternateForm `elem` flags
-          res = [| let to_show = (fromRational $ toRational $arg) :: Double
+          res =    let to_show = (fromRational $ toRational arg) :: Double
                        shown = showEFloat (Just $preci) (abs to_show) ""
                        sign = if to_show < 0 then "-" else plus_sign
-                       fix_prec0 = if $preci == 0
+                       fix_prec0 = if preci == 0
                                    then case break (== '.') shown of
                                             (xs, _:_:ys)
                                                 | keep_dot  -> xs ++ '.':ys
@@ -127,48 +121,48 @@ print_exponent_double e arg flags mw mp = res
                        fix_exp = case break (== 'e') fix_exp_sign of
                                      (xs, [_,s,y]) -> xs ++ [e,s,'0',y]
                                      (xs, _:ys) -> xs ++ e:ys
-                       num_zeroes = ($width - length fix_exp - length sign)
+                       num_zeroes = (width - length fix_exp - length sign)
                               `max` 0
                    in sign ++ replicate num_zeroes '0' ++ fix_exp
-                 |]
 -- %f, F
 print_fixed_double :: Char -> ConversionFunc
 print_fixed_double f arg flags mw mp = res
-    where preci = fromMaybe [| 6 |] mp
-          width = fromMaybe [| 0 |] mw
+    where preci = fromMaybe 6  mp
+          width = fromMaybe 0  mw
           plus_sign = if Plus `elem` flags
                       then "+"
                       else if BlankPlus `elem` flags
                       then " "
                       else ""
           add_dot = AlternateForm `elem` flags
-          fix_case | f == 'f'  = [| map toLower |]
-                   | otherwise = [| map toUpper |]
-          res = [| let to_show = (fromRational $ toRational $arg) :: Double
-                       shown = showFFloat (Just $preci) (abs to_show) ""
-                       shown' = if add_dot && $preci == 0 then shown ++ "."
+          fix_case | f == 'f'  = map toLower
+                   | otherwise = map toUpper
+          res =    let to_show = (fromRational $ toRational arg) :: Double
+                       shown = showFFloat (Just preci) (abs to_show) ""
+                       shown' = if add_dot && preci == 0 then shown ++ "."
                                                           else shown
                        sign = if to_show < 0 then "-" else plus_sign
-                       num_zeroes = ($width - length shown' - length sign)
+                       num_zeroes = (width - length shown' - length sign)
                               `max` 0
-                   in sign ++ replicate num_zeroes '0' ++ $fix_case shown'
-                 |]
+                   in sign ++ replicate num_zeroes '0' ++ fix_case shown'
 -- %c, C
 print_char :: ConversionFunc
-print_char arg _ _ _ = [| [$arg] |]
+print_char arg _ _ _ = [arg]
 -- %s, S
 print_string :: ConversionFunc
 print_string arg _ _ mp
     = case mp of
-          Just preci -> [| if $preci < 0 then $arg else take $preci $arg |]
+          Just preci -> if preci < 0 then arg else take preci arg
           Nothing -> arg
 -- Corresponds to %H (Haskell extension)
 show_arg :: ConversionFunc
-show_arg arg flags mw mp = print_string [| show $arg |] flags mw mp
+show_arg arg flags mw mp = (print_string show arg) flags mw mp
 lower_hex, upper_hex :: Bool
 lower_hex = False
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Types.lhs b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Types.lhs
index 8db2f63..4623917 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Types.lhs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/Printf/Types.lhs
@@ -1,18 +1,67 @@
 arch-tag: Printf type declarations
-module Types where
+module MissingH.Printf.Types where
+import System.IO
+data Value =
+           ValueInt Int
+           | ValueString String
+             deriving (Eq, Show)
+class PFType a where
+    toValue :: a -> Value
+    fromValue :: Value -> a
+instance PFType Int where
+    toValue = ValueInt
+    fromValue (ValueInt x) = x
+    fromValue _ = error "fromValue int"
+instance PFType String where
+    toValue = ValueString
+    fromValue (ValueString x) = x
+    fromValue _ = error "fromValue string"
+instance PFType Value where
+    toValue = id
+    fromValue = id
+class PFRun a where
+    pfrun :: ([Value] -> String) -> a
+instance PFRun String where
+    pfrun f = f $ []
+instance (PFType a, PFRun b) => PFRun (a -> b) where
+    pfrun f x = pfrun (\xs -> f (toValue x : xs))
+class IOPFRun a where
+    iopfrun :: Handle -> ([Value] -> String) -> a
+instance IOPFRun (IO ()) where
+    iopfrun h f = hPutStr h $ pfrun f
+instance (PFType a, IOPFRun b) => IOPFRun (a -> b) where
+    iopfrun h f x = iopfrun h (\xs -> f (toValue x : xs))
+-- Begin code from Ian Lynagh
+type ConversionFunc = Arg
+                   -> [Flag]
+                   -> Maybe Width
+                   -> Maybe Precision
+                   -> String
-import Language.Haskell.THSyntax
 data Format = Literal String
-            | Conversion ExpQ
+            | Conversion ConversionFunc
             | CharCount
 type ArgNum = Integer
-type Arg = ExpQ
-type Width = ExpQ
-type Precision = ExpQ
+type Arg = String
+type Width = Integer
+type Precision = String
 data Flag = AlternateForm       -- "#"
           | ZeroPadded          -- "0"
           | LeftAdjust          -- "-"


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