[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:47:47 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit da1285e9680b3c5d6a6737c59d6cfed30fb7d75d
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Fri Nov 19 05:48:59 2004 +0100

    Backed out patch-82 through patch-89; going back to separate lexer
    (jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5--patch-90)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 019ea85..45ebf7d 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,25 @@
 # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5
+2004-11-18 22:48:59 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-90
+    Summary:
+      Backed out patch-82 through patch-89; going back to separate lexer
+    Revision:
+      missingh--head--0.5--patch-90
+    new files:
+     libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Lexer.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Parser.hs
+    removed files:
+     libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Parser.hs
+    modified files:
+     ChangeLog testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs
 2004-11-18 22:13:17 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-89
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Lexer.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Lexer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7096d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Lexer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+{- arch-tag: ConfigParser lexer support
+Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+{- |
+   Module     : MissingH.ConfigParser.Lexer
+   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen
+   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+   Maintainer : John Goerzen, 
+   Maintainer : jgoerzen at complete.org
+   Stability  : provisional
+   Portability: portable
+Lexer support for "MissingH.ConfigParser".  This module is not intended to be
+used directly by your programs.
+Copyright (c) 2004 John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
+module MissingH.ConfigParser.Lexer 
+       -- -- * Temporary for testing
+       --comment_chars, eol, optionsep, whitespace_chars, comment_line,
+       --empty_line, sectheader_chars, sectheader, oname_chars, value_chars,
+       --extension_line, optionkey, optionvalue, optionpair
+       loken,
+       CPTok(..)
+) where
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import MissingH.Parsec
+data CPTok = EOFTOK
+           | NEWSECTION String
+           | NEWSECTION_EOF String
+           | EXTENSIONLINE String
+           | NEWOPTION (String, String)
+             deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
+comment_chars = oneOf "#;"
+eol = string "\n" <|> string "\r\n" <|> string "\r" <?> "End of line"
+optionsep = oneOf ":=" <?> "Option separator"
+whitespace_chars = oneOf " \t" <?> "Whitespace"
+comment_line = do skipMany whitespace_chars <?> "whitespace in comment"
+                  comment_chars             <?> "start of comment"
+                  (many1 $ noneOf "\r\n")   <?> "content of comment"
+empty_line = many1 whitespace_chars         <?> "empty line"
+sectheader_chars = noneOf "]\r\n"
+sectheader = do char '['
+                sname <- many1 $ sectheader_chars
+                char ']'
+                return sname
+oname_chars = noneOf ":=\r\n"
+value_chars = noneOf "\r\n"
+extension_line = do
+                 many1 whitespace_chars
+                 c1 <- noneOf "\r\n#;"
+                 remainder <- many value_chars
+                 return (c1 : remainder)
+optionkey = many1 oname_chars
+optionvalue = many1 value_chars
+optionpair = do
+             key <- optionkey
+             optionsep
+             value <- optionvalue
+             return (key, value)
+loken :: Parser [CPTok]
+loken =
+    -- Ignore these things
+    do {eol; loken}                     
+    <|> try (do {comment_line; loken})
+    <|> try (do {empty_line; loken})
+    -- Real stuff
+    <|> (do {sname <- sectheader; next <- loken; return $ NEWSECTION sname : next})
+    <|> try (do {pair <- optionpair; next <- loken; return $ NEWOPTION pair : next})
+    <|> (do {extension <- extension_line; next <- loken; return $ EXTENSIONLINE extension : next})
+    <|> do {eof; return [EOFTOK]}
+    <?> "Invalid syntax in configuration file"
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Parser.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Parser.hs
index 30f3213..4291420 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Parser.hs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/ConfigParser/Parser.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{- arch-tag: ConfigParser parser
+{- arch-tag: ConfigParser parser support
 Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -26,129 +26,124 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    Stability  : provisional
    Portability: portable
-Lexer support for "MissingH.ConfigParser".  This module is not intended to be
+Parser support for "MissingH.ConfigParser".  This module is not intended to be
 used directly by your programs.
 Copyright (c) 2004 John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
 module MissingH.ConfigParser.Parser
-       parse_string, parse_file, parse_handle, ParseOutput
+ parse_string, parse_file, parse_handle, ParseOutput
+       --satisfyG,
+       --main
 ) where
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import MissingH.Parsec
 import MissingH.Str
+import MissingH.ConfigParser.Lexer
 import System.IO(Handle, hGetContents)
 type ParseOutput = [(String, [(String, String)])]
-comment_chars = oneOf "#;"              <?> "Comment character"
-eol = string "\n" <|> string "\r\n" <|> string "\r" <?> "End of line"
-eoleof = eol <|> do {eof; return ""}
-optionsep = oneOf ":=" <?> "option separator"
-whitespace_chars = oneOf " \t" <?> "whitespace"
-comment_line = do skipMany whitespace_chars <?> "whitespace in comment"
-                  comment_chars             <?> "start of comment"
-                  (many $ noneOf "\r\n")    <?> "content of comment"
-                  eoleof
-empty_line = do skipMany whitespace_chars
-                eoleof
-ignore1 = (try comment_line) <|> (try empty_line)
-          <?> "an item to ignore"
-ignorestuff = eof
-              <|> do {ignore1; ignorestuff}
-              <|> return ()
-sectheader_chars = noneOf "]\r\n"
-sectheader = do ignorestuff
-                char '['
-                sname <- many1 $ sectheader_chars
-                char ']'
-                ignore1
-                return sname
-             <?> "section header"
-oname_chars = noneOf ":=\r\n"
-value_chars = noneOf "\r\n"
-extension_line = do many1 whitespace_chars
-                    c1 <- noneOf "\r\n#;"
-                    remainder <- many value_chars
-                    eoleof
-                    return (c1 : remainder)
-                 <?> "extension line"
-optionkey = many1 oname_chars           <?> "option key"
-optionvalue = many1 value_chars         <?> "option value"
-optionpair = do ignorestuff
-                key <- optionkey
-                optionsep
-                value <- optionvalue
-                eoleof
-                return (key, value)
-             <?> "option pair"
-parsemain :: Parser [(String, [(String, String)])]
-parsemain =
-    try sectionlist
-    <|> try (do o <- optionlist
-                s <- sectionlist
-                return $ ("DEFAULT", o) : s
-            )
-    <|> do {o <- optionlist; return $ [("DEFAULT", o)]}
-    <?> "High-level error parsing config file"
-sectionlist = 
-    try (do {ignorestuff; eof; return []})
-    <|> try (do
-             s <- sectionhead
-             ignorestuff
-             eof
-             return [(s, [])]
-            )
-    <|> do
-        s <- section
-        sl <- sectionlist
-        return (s : sl)
-section = do {sh <- sectionhead; ol <- optionlist; return (sh, ol)}
-sectionhead = do {s <- sectheader; return $ strip s}
-              <?> "start of section"
-optionlist = many1 (try coption)
-coption = do o <- optionpair
-             l <- many (try extension_line)
-             return (strip (fst o), valmerge ((snd o) : l))
-          <?> "an option"
-valmerge :: [String] -> String
-valmerge vallist =
-    let vl2 = map strip vallist
-        in join "\n" vl2
-procparse fp l =
-    case l of
-           Left err -> error (show err)
-           Right reply -> reply
 -- Exported funcs
 parse_string :: String -> ParseOutput
 parse_string s = 
-    procparse "(string)" $ parse parsemain "(string)" s
+    detokenize "(string)" $ parse loken "(string)" s
 parse_file :: FilePath -> IO ParseOutput
-parse_file f = do r <- parseFromFile parsemain f
-                  return (procparse f r)
+parse_file f =
+    do o <- parseFromFile loken f
+       return $ detokenize f o
 parse_handle :: Handle -> IO ParseOutput
 parse_handle h =
     do s <- hGetContents h
-       let r = parse parsemain (show h) s
-       return $ procparse "(Handle)" r
+       let o = parse loken (show h) s
+       return $ detokenize (show h) o
+-- Private funcs
+detokenize fp l =
+    let r = case l of
+                   Left err -> error $ "Lexer: " ++ (show err)
+                   Right reply -> reply
+        in
+        case runParser main () fp r of
+                                    Left err -> error $ "Parser: " ++ (show err)
+                                    Right reply -> reply
+main :: GenParser CPTok () [(String, [(String, String)])]
+main =
+    do {s <- sectionlist; return s}
+    <|> try (do 
+             o <- optionlist
+             s <- sectionlist
+             return $ ("DEFAULT", o) : s
+            )
+    <|> do {o <- optionlist; return $ [("DEFAULT", o)] }
+    <?> "Error parsing config file tokens"
+satisfyG :: (CPTok -> Bool) -> GenParser CPTok () CPTok
+satisfyG f = tokenPrim (\c -> show [c])
+                       (\pos _ _ -> pos)
+                       (\c -> if f c then Just c else Nothing)
+want :: (CPTok -> Maybe a) -> GenParser CPTok () a
+want f = tokenPrim (\c -> show [c])
+                   (\pos _ _ -> pos)
+                   (\c -> f c)
+sectionlist :: GenParser CPTok () [(String, [(String, String)])]
+sectionlist = do {satisfyG (==EOFTOK); return []}
+              <|> try (do 
+                       s <- sectionhead
+                       satisfyG (==EOFTOK)
+                       return [(s, [])]
+                      )
+              <|> do
+                  s <- section
+                  sl <- sectionlist
+                  return (s : sl)
+section :: GenParser CPTok () (String, [(String, String)])
+section = do {sh <- sectionhead; ol <- optionlist; return (sh, ol)}
+sectionhead :: GenParser CPTok () String
+sectionhead = 
+    let wf (NEWSECTION x) = Just x
+        wf _ = Nothing
+        in
+        do {s <- want wf; return $ strip s}
+optionlist :: GenParser CPTok () [(String, String)]
+optionlist =
+    try (do {c <- coption; ol <- optionlist; return $ c : ol})
+    <|> do {c <- coption; return $ [c]}
+extensionlist :: GenParser CPTok () [String]
+extensionlist =
+    let wf (EXTENSIONLINE x) = Just x
+        wf _ = Nothing
+        in
+        try (do {x <- want wf; l <- extensionlist; return $ x : l})
+        <|> do {x <- want wf; return [x]}
+coption :: GenParser CPTok () (String, String)
+coption =
+    let wf (NEWOPTION x) = Just x
+        wf _ = Nothing
+        in
+        try (do 
+             o <- want wf
+             l <- extensionlist
+             return (strip (fst o), valmerge ((snd o) : l ))
+            )
+        <|> do {o <- want wf; return $ (strip (fst o), strip (snd o))}
+valmerge :: [String] -> String
+valmerge vallist =
+    let vl2 = map strip vallist
+        in join "\n" vl2
diff --git a/testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs b/testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs
index 72f9ce4..5de1690 100644
--- a/testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs
+++ b/testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs
@@ -23,31 +23,25 @@ import Testutil
 import Control.Exception
 test_basic =
-    let f msg inp exp = TestLabel msg $ TestCase $ assertEqual "" exp (parse_string inp) in
-        [
+    let f msg inp exp = assertEqual msg exp (parse_string inp) in
+        do
         f "empty string" "" []
-        ,f "one empty line" "\n" []
-        ,f "one comment line" "#foo bar" []
-        ,f "one comment line with eol" "#foo bar\n" []
-        ,f "one empty section" "[emptysect]" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "one empty section w/eol" "[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comment and empty sect noeol" "#foo bar\n[emptysect]"
-           [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comment and empty sect" "#foo bar\n[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comments2" "# [nonexistant]\n[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comments3" "#fo\n[Cemptysect]\n#asdf boo\n  \n  # fnonexistantg"
+        f "one empty line" "\n" []
+        f "one comment line" "#foo bar" []
+        f "one comment line with eol" "#foo bar\n" []
+        f "one empty section" "[emptysect]" [("emptysect", [])]
+        f "comment and empty sect" "#foo bar\n[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
+        f "comments2" "# [nonexistant]\n[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
+        f "comments3" "#fo\n[Cemptysect]\n#asdf boo\n  \n  # fnonexistantg"
           [("Cemptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comments4" "[emptysect]\n# [nonexistant]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "simple section" "[sect1]\nfoo: bar\n" [("sect1", [("foo", "bar")])]
-        ,f "comments5" "\n#foo\n[sect1]\n\n#iiii \no1: v1\no2:  v2\no3: v3"
-          [("sect1", [("o1", "v1"), ("o2", "v2"), ("o3", "v3")])]
-        ,f "comments5eol" "\n#foo\n[sect1]\n\n#iiii \no1: v1\no2:  v2\no3: v3\n"
+        f "comments4" "[emptysect]\n# [nonexistant]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
+        f "simple section" "[sect1]\nfoo: bar\n" [("sect1", [("foo", "bar")])]
+        f "comments5" "\n#foo\n[sect1]\n\n#iiii \no1: v1\no2:  v2\n o3: v3"
           [("sect1", [("o1", "v1"), ("o2", "v2"), ("o3", "v3")])]
-        ,f "default1" "v1: o1\n[sect1]\nv2: o2" [("DEFAULT", [("v1", "o1")]),
+        f "default1" "v1: o1\n[sect1]\nv2: o2" [("DEFAULT", [("v1", "o1")]),
                                      ("sect1", [("v2", "o2")])]
-        ,f "simple default" "foo: bar" [("DEFAULT", [("foo", "bar")])]
+        f "simple default" "foo: bar" [("DEFAULT", [("foo", "bar")])]
         assertRaises "e test1" (ErrorCall "Lexer: \"(string)\" (line 1, column 5):\nunexpected \"\\n\"\nexpecting Option separator")
                       (f "" "#foo\nthis is bad data" [])
@@ -55,7 +49,6 @@ test_basic =
         assertRaises "e test2" (ErrorCall "Lexer: \"(string)\" (line 2, column 9):\nunexpected \"\\n\"\nexpecting Option separator")
                      (f "" "[sect1]\n#iiiiii \n  extensionline\n#foo" [])
-        ]
 test_extensionlines =
     let f inp exp = exp @=? parse_string inp in
@@ -65,6 +58,6 @@ test_extensionlines =
                       ("baz", "l1\nl2\nl3"),
                       ("quux", "asdf")])]
-tests = TestList [TestLabel "test_basic" (TestList test_basic)
---                  TestLabel "test_extensionlines" (TestCase test_extensionlines)
+tests = TestList [TestLabel "test_basic" (TestCase test_basic),
+                  TestLabel "test_extensionlines" (TestCase test_extensionlines)
\ No newline at end of file


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