[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:48:42 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 4d7ead1752fe6bb56734e69d0491621a919729b7
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 1 00:24:30 2004 +0100

    Checkpointing test conversions
    (jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5--patch-125)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 8d2ec63..35f58dc 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,19 @@
 # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.5
+2004-11-30 17:24:30 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-125
+    Summary:
+      Checkpointing test conversions
+    Revision:
+      missingh--head--0.5--patch-125
+    modified files:
+     ChangeLog testsrc/MIMETypestest.hs testsrc/Pathtest.hs
+     testsrc/Printftest.hs testsrc/Strtest.hs testsrc/Testutil.hs
 2004-11-30 16:32:17 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-124
diff --git a/testsrc/MIMETypestest.hs b/testsrc/MIMETypestest.hs
index 65d65ee..413294f 100644
--- a/testsrc/MIMETypestest.hs
+++ b/testsrc/MIMETypestest.hs
@@ -22,19 +22,23 @@ import Data.List
 import MissingH.MIMETypes
 test_readMIMETypes =
-    do
-    mtd <- readMIMETypes defaultmtd True "testsrc/mime.types.test"
-    let f = \strict inp exp -> exp @=? guessType mtd strict inp
-    let fe = \strict inp exp -> (sort exp) @=? sort (guessAllExtensions mtd strict inp)
-    f True "foo.bar.baz" (Nothing, Nothing)
-    f True "" (Nothing, Nothing)
-    f True "foo.ez" (Just "application/andrew-inset", Nothing)
-    fe True "application/andrew-inset" [".ez"]
-    f True "foo.dv" (Just "video/x-dv", Nothing)
-    fe True "video/x-dv" [".dif", ".dv"]
-    f True "test.h++" (Just "text/x-c++hdr", Nothing)
-    fe True "text/x-c++hdr" [".h++", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".hh"]
-    f True "foo.tgz" (Just "application/x-tar", Just "gzip")
+    let omtd = readMIMETypes defaultmtd True "testsrc/mime.types.test"
+        f = \strict inp exp -> TestCase $ do 
+                                          mtd <- omtd
+                                          exp @=? guessType mtd strict inp
+        fe = \strict inp exp -> TestCase $ do mtd <- omtd
+                                              (sort exp) @=? sort (guessAllExtensions mtd strict inp)
+        in [
+            f True "foo.bar.baz" (Nothing, Nothing)
+           ,f True "" (Nothing, Nothing)
+           ,f True "foo.ez" (Just "application/andrew-inset", Nothing)
+           ,fe True "application/andrew-inset" [".ez"]
+           ,f True "foo.dv" (Just "video/x-dv", Nothing)
+           ,fe True "video/x-dv" [".dif", ".dv"]
+           ,f True "test.h++" (Just "text/x-c++hdr", Nothing)
+           ,fe True "text/x-c++hdr" [".h++", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".hh"]
+           ,f True "foo.tgz" (Just "application/x-tar", Just "gzip")
+           ]
 test_guessAllExtensions =
@@ -65,5 +69,5 @@ test_guessType =
 tests = TestList [TestLabel "guessType" (TestCase test_guessType),
                   TestLabel "guessAllExtensions" (TestCase test_guessAllExtensions),
-                  TestLabel "readMIMETypes" (TestCase test_readMIMETypes)
+                  TestLabel "readMIMETypes" (TestList test_readMIMETypes)
diff --git a/testsrc/Pathtest.hs b/testsrc/Pathtest.hs
index 8c2c4a2..b020fb7 100644
--- a/testsrc/Pathtest.hs
+++ b/testsrc/Pathtest.hs
@@ -21,14 +21,15 @@ import HUnit
 import MissingH.Path
 test_splitExt =
-    let f inp exp = exp @=? splitExt inp in
-        do
-        f "" ("", "")
-        f "/usr/local" ("/usr/local", "")
-        f "../foo.txt" ("../foo", ".txt")
-        f "../bar.txt.gz" ("../bar.txt", ".gz")
-        f "foo.txt/bar" ("foo.txt/bar", "")
-        f "foo.txt/bar.bz" ("foo.txt/bar", ".bz")
+    let f inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? splitExt inp in
+        [
+         f "" ("", "")
+        ,f "/usr/local" ("/usr/local", "")
+        ,f "../foo.txt" ("../foo", ".txt")
+        ,f "../bar.txt.gz" ("../bar.txt", ".gz")
+        ,f "foo.txt/bar" ("foo.txt/bar", "")
+        ,f "foo.txt/bar.bz" ("foo.txt/bar", ".bz")
+        ]
-tests = TestList [TestLabel "splitExt" (TestCase test_splitExt)
+tests = TestList [TestLabel "splitExt" (TestList test_splitExt)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testsrc/Printftest.hs b/testsrc/Printftest.hs
index ebdcba1..ca55645 100644
--- a/testsrc/Printftest.hs
+++ b/testsrc/Printftest.hs
@@ -22,72 +22,76 @@ import MissingH.Printf
 import Data.FiniteMap
 test_vsprintf = 
-    do
-    "" @=? vsprintf ""
-    "%" @=? vsprintf "%%"
-    "asdf" @=? vsprintf "%s" "asdf"
-    "foo: 5" @=? vsprintf "%s: %d" "foo" (5::Integer)
-    "%foo%:% %-1%\n%" @=? vsprintf "%%%s%%:%% %%%d%%\n%%" "foo" (-1::Integer)
-    "baz: 3.140000" @=? vsprintf "%s: %f" "baz" (3.14::Double)
-    "quux: 3.140000e+02" @=? vsprintf "%s: %e" "quux" (314::Double)
-    "fe" @=? vsprintf "%x" (254::Integer)
-    "FE" @=? vsprintf "%X" (254::Integer)
-    "10" @=? vsprintf "%o" (8::Integer)
-    "Hello" @=? vsprintf "Hello"
-    "Hello, John\n" @=? vsprintf "Hello, %s\n" "John"
-    "John, your age is 10\n" @=? vsprintf "%s, your age is %d\n" "John" (10::Integer)
-    "Hello" @=? sprintf "Hello" []
-    "Hello, John\n" @=? sprintf "Hello, %s\n" [v "John"]
-    "John, your age is 10\n" @=? sprintf "%s, your age is %d\n" [v "John",
+    map TestCase [
+      "" @=? vsprintf ""
+      ,"%" @=? vsprintf "%%"
+      ,"asdf" @=? vsprintf "%s" "asdf"
+      ,"foo: 5" @=? vsprintf "%s: %d" "foo" (5::Integer)
+      ,"%foo%:% %-1%\n%" @=? vsprintf "%%%s%%:%% %%%d%%\n%%" "foo" (-1::Integer)
+      ,"baz: 3.140000" @=? vsprintf "%s: %f" "baz" (3.14::Double)
+      ,"quux: 3.140000e+02" @=? vsprintf "%s: %e" "quux" (314::Double)
+      ,"fe" @=? vsprintf "%x" (254::Integer)
+      ,"FE" @=? vsprintf "%X" (254::Integer)
+      ,"10" @=? vsprintf "%o" (8::Integer)
+      ,"Hello" @=? vsprintf "Hello"
+      ,"Hello, John\n" @=? vsprintf "Hello, %s\n" "John"
+      ,"John, your age is 10\n" @=? vsprintf "%s, your age is %d\n" "John" (10::Integer)
+      ,"Hello" @=? sprintf "Hello" []
+      ,"Hello, John\n" @=? sprintf "Hello, %s\n" [v "John"]
+      ,"John, your age is 10\n" @=? sprintf "%s, your age is %d\n" [v "John",
                                                                  v (10::Integer)]
+                           ]
 test_al_fm =
     let testal = [("foo", v (1::Int)),
                   ("bar", v "asdf"),
                   ("baz", v (3.14::Double))]
         testfm = listToFM testal
-        f exp inp = do 
-                    exp @=? sprintfAL inp testal
-                    exp @=? sprintfFM inp testfm
-        in do
-           f "" ""
-           f "%" "%%"
-           f "asdf" "%(bar)s"
-           f "001" "%(foo)03d"
-           f "asdf " "%(bar)-5s"
-           f "3.140" "%(baz).3f"
-           f "%asdf%" "%%%(bar)s%%"
-           f "Str: asdf % Int: 1" "Str: %(bar)s %% Int: %(foo)d"
+        f exp inp = TestList $ [ 
+                                TestCase $ exp @=? sprintfAL inp testal,
+                                TestCase $ exp @=? sprintfFM inp testfm]
+        in [
+            f "" ""
+           ,f "%" "%%"
+           ,f "asdf" "%(bar)s"
+           ,f "001" "%(foo)03d"
+           ,f "asdf " "%(bar)-5s"
+           ,f "3.140" "%(baz).3f"
+           ,f "%asdf%" "%%%(bar)s%%"
+           ,f "Str: asdf % Int: 1" "Str: %(bar)s %% Int: %(foo)d"
+           ]
 test_vsprintf_generics =
-    do
-    "foo: 5" @=? vsprintf "%s: %d" "foo" (5::Int)
-    "%foo%:% %-1%\n%" @=? vsprintf "%%%s%%:%% %%%d%%\n%%" "foo" (-1::Integer)
-    "baz: 3.140000" @=? vsprintf "%s: %f" "baz" (3.14::Rational)
-    "quux: 3.140000e+02" @=? vsprintf "%s: %e" "quux" (314::Double)
-    "fe" @=? vsprintf "%x" (254::Int)
-    "FE" @=? vsprintf "%X" (254::Int)
-    "10" @=? vsprintf "%o" (8::Int)
-    "10 3.140" @=? sprintf "%d %.3f" [v (10::Int), v (3.14::Float)]
+    map TestCase [
+      "foo: 5" @=? vsprintf "%s: %d" "foo" (5::Int)
+     ,"%foo%:% %-1%\n%" @=? vsprintf "%%%s%%:%% %%%d%%\n%%" "foo" (-1::Integer)
+     ,"baz: 3.140000" @=? vsprintf "%s: %f" "baz" (3.14::Rational)
+     ,"quux: 3.140000e+02" @=? vsprintf "%s: %e" "quux" (314::Double)
+     ,"fe" @=? vsprintf "%x" (254::Int)
+     ,"FE" @=? vsprintf "%X" (254::Int)
+     ,"10" @=? vsprintf "%o" (8::Int)
+     ,"10 3.140" @=? sprintf "%d %.3f" [v (10::Int), v (3.14::Float)]
+                 ]
 test_vsprintf_strings =
-    do
-    ".     ." @=? vsprintf ".%5s." ""
-    "     " @=? vsprintf "%5s" ""
-    "     " @=? vsprintf "%-5s" ""
-    "    x" @=? vsprintf "%5s" "x"
-    "x    " @=? vsprintf "%-5s" "x"
-    "abcde" @=? vsprintf "%.5s" "abcde"
-    "abcde" @=? vsprintf "%.5s" "abcdef"
-    "abcde" @=? vsprintf "%.5s" "abcdefghij"
-    "abcde" @=? vsprintf "%5.5s" "abcdefg"
-    " abcde" @=? vsprintf "%6.5s" "abcdefg"
-    "abcde " @=? vsprintf "%-6.5s" "abcdefg"
+    map TestCase [
+      ".     ." @=? vsprintf ".%5s." ""
+     ,"     " @=? vsprintf "%5s" ""
+     ,"     " @=? vsprintf "%-5s" ""
+     ,"    x" @=? vsprintf "%5s" "x"
+     ,"x    " @=? vsprintf "%-5s" "x"
+     ,"abcde" @=? vsprintf "%.5s" "abcde"
+     ,"abcde" @=? vsprintf "%.5s" "abcdef"
+     ,"abcde" @=? vsprintf "%.5s" "abcdefghij"
+     ,"abcde" @=? vsprintf "%5.5s" "abcdefg"
+     ," abcde" @=? vsprintf "%6.5s" "abcdefg"
+     ,"abcde " @=? vsprintf "%-6.5s" "abcdefg"
+                 ]
   -- TODO: test numeric types  
-tests = TestList [TestLabel "vsprintf" (TestCase test_vsprintf),
-                  TestLabel "vsprintf generics" (TestCase test_vsprintf_generics),
-                  TestLabel "vsprintf strings" (TestCase test_vsprintf_strings),
-                  TestLabel "vsprintf AL&FM" (TestCase test_al_fm)
+tests = TestList [TestLabel "vsprintf" (TestList test_vsprintf),
+                  TestLabel "vsprintf generics" (TestList test_vsprintf_generics),
+                  TestLabel "vsprintf strings" (TestList test_vsprintf_strings),
+                  TestLabel "vsprintf AL&FM" (TestList test_al_fm)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testsrc/Strtest.hs b/testsrc/Strtest.hs
index 7b6750b..3d44372 100644
--- a/testsrc/Strtest.hs
+++ b/testsrc/Strtest.hs
@@ -52,30 +52,32 @@ test_strip =
                     ("abc def", "abc def")]
 test_splitRe =
-    let f re inp exp = exp @=? splitRe (mkRegex re) inp
-        in do
-           f "foo" "" []
-           f "foo" "foo" ["", ""]
-           f "," "foo,bar,,baz," ["foo", "bar", "", "baz", ""]
-           f "ba" ",foo,bar,,baz," [",foo,","r,,","z,"]
-           f "," "" []
-           f "," "," ["", ""]
+    let f re inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? splitRe (mkRegex re) inp
+        in [
+            f "foo" "" []
+           ,f "foo" "foo" ["", ""]
+           ,f "," "foo,bar,,baz," ["foo", "bar", "", "baz", ""]
+           ,f "ba" ",foo,bar,,baz," [",foo,","r,,","z,"]
+           ,f "," "" []
+           ,f "," "," ["", ""]
+           ]
 test_subRe =
-    let f re inp repl exp = exp @=? subRe (mkRegex re) inp repl
-        in do
-           f "foo" "" "bar" ""
-           f "foo" "This is a foo test bar" "bar" "This is a bar test bar"
-           f "foo" "Test foo bar" "x\\0x" "Test xfoox bar"
-           f "(f)(o)o" "Test foo bar" "\\2\\1" "Test of bar"
-           f "foo" "Test foo then foo bar" "" "Test  then  bar"
-           f "foo" "Test foo bar" "x\\\\x" "Test x\\x bar"
+    let f re inp repl exp = TestCase $ exp @=? subRe (mkRegex re) inp repl
+        in [
+            f "foo" "" "bar" ""
+           ,f "foo" "This is a foo test bar" "bar" "This is a bar test bar"
+           ,f "foo" "Test foo bar" "x\\0x" "Test xfoox bar"
+           ,f "(f)(o)o" "Test foo bar" "\\2\\1" "Test of bar"
+           ,f "foo" "Test foo then foo bar" "" "Test  then  bar"
+           ,f "foo" "Test foo bar" "x\\\\x" "Test x\\x bar"
+           ]
-tests = TestList [TestLabel "lstrip" (TestCase test_lstrip),
-                  TestCase test_rstrip,
-                  TestCase test_strip,
-                  TestCase test_subRe,
-                  TestCase test_splitRe
+tests = TestList [TestLabel "lstrip" (TestList test_lstrip),
+                  TestLabel "rstrip" $ TestList test_rstrip,
+                  TestLabel "strip" $ TestList test_strip,
+                  TestLabel "subRe" $ TestList test_subRe,
+                  TestLabel "splitRe" $ TestList test_splitRe
diff --git a/testsrc/Testutil.hs b/testsrc/Testutil.hs
index 5683c24..889cb94 100644
--- a/testsrc/Testutil.hs
+++ b/testsrc/Testutil.hs
@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@ assertRaises msg selector action =
                   Left e -> thetest e
                   Right x -> assertFailure $ msg ++ "\nReceived no exception, but was expecting exception: " ++ (show selector)
-mapassertEqual :: (Show b, Eq b) => String -> (a -> b) -> [(a, b)] -> Assertion
-mapassertEqual descrip func [] = return ()
+mapassertEqual :: (Show b, Eq b) => String -> (a -> b) -> [(a, b)] -> [Test]
+mapassertEqual descrip func [] = []
 mapassertEqual descrip func ((inp,result):xs) =
-    do
-    assertEqual descrip result (func inp)
-    mapassertEqual descrip func xs
\ No newline at end of file
+    (TestCase $ assertEqual descrip result (func inp)) : mapassertEqual descrip func xs
\ No newline at end of file


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