[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:52:00 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a43505748356dfc9f4c4b96d4dcd411be650ee75
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 21 03:18:45 2004 +0100

    added secureAbsNormPath
    (jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.7--patch-104)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index ebd8b39..afe3887 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,25 @@
 # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.7
+2004-12-20 20:18:45 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-104
+    Summary:
+      added secureAbsNormPath
+    Revision:
+      missingh--head--0.7--patch-104
+    new files:
+     libsrc/MissingH/Path/.arch-ids/=id
+     libsrc/MissingH/Path/NameManip.hs
+    modified files:
+     ChangeLog libsrc/MissingH/Path.hs testsrc/Pathtest.hs
+    new directories:
+     libsrc/MissingH/Path libsrc/MissingH/Path/.arch-ids
 2004-12-20 19:49:23 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-103
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Path.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/Path.hs
index 4309080..3ae93d5 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/Path.hs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/Path.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
 module MissingH.Path(-- * Name processing
-                     splitExt,
+                     splitExt, absNormPath, secureAbsNormPath,
                      -- * Directory Processing
                      recurseDir, recurseDirStat, recursiveRemove,
                      -- * Temporary Directories
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import System.Posix.Directory (createDirectory)
 import System.Posix.Temp
 import Control.Exception
 import System.IO
+import MissingH.Path.NameManip
 {- | Splits a pathname into a tuple representing the root of the name and
 the extension.  The extension is considered to be all characters from the last
@@ -64,6 +65,37 @@ splitExt path =
            then (path, "")
            else ((take dotindex path), (drop dotindex path))
+{- | Make an absolute, normalized version of a path with all double slashes,
+dot, and dotdot entries removed.
+The first parameter is the base for the absolut calculation; in many cases,
+it would correspond to the current working directory.
+The second parameter is the pathname to transform.  If it is already absolute,
+the first parameter is ignored.
+Nothing may be returned if there's an error; for instance, too many @..@ entries
+for the given path.
+absNormPath :: String                   -- ^ Absolute path for use with starting directory
+            -> String                   -- ^ The path name to make absolute
+            -> Maybe String                   -- ^ Result
+absNormPath base thepath =
+    let abs = absolute_path_by base thepath
+        in case guess_dotdot (normalise_path abs) of
+                Just "." -> Just "/"
+                x -> x
+{- | Like absNormPath, but returns Nothing if the generated result is not
+the passed base path or a subdirectory thereof. -}
+secureAbsNormPath :: String             -- ^ Absolute path for use with starting directory
+                  -> String             -- ^ The path to make absolute
+                  -> Maybe String
+secureAbsNormPath base s = do p <- absNormPath base s
+                              if startswith base p
+                                 then return p
+                                 else fail ""
 {- | Obtain a recursive listing of all files\/directories beneath 
 the specified directory.  The traversal is depth-first and the original
 item is always present in the returned list.
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Path/NameManip.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/Path/NameManip.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..898d99a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/Path/NameManip.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+{- arch-tag: Path utilities name manipulation code
+{- |
+   Module     : MissingH.Path.NameManip
+   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 Volker Wysk
+   License    : GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or above
+   Maintainer : John Goerzen, 
+   Maintainer : jgoerzen at complete.org
+   Stability  : provisional
+   Portability: portable
+Low-level path name manipulations.
+Written by Volker Wysk
+module MissingH.Path.NameManip where
+import Data.List
+import System.Directory
+{- | Split a path in components. Repeated \"@\/@\" characters don\'t lead to empty
+components. \"@.@\" path components are removed. If the path is absolute, the first component
+will start with \"@\/@\". \"@..@\" components are left intact. They can't be simply
+removed, because the preceding component might be a symlink. In this case,
+'realpath' is probably what you need.
+The case that the path is empty, is probably an error. However, it is
+treated like \"@.@\", yielding an empty path components list.
+>slice_path "/"        = ["/"]
+>slice_path "/foo/bar" = ["/foo","bar"]
+>slice_path "..//./"   = [".."]
+>slice_path "."        = []
+See 'unslice_path', 'realpath', 'realpath_s'.
+slice_path :: String    -- ^ The path to be broken to components.
+           -> [String]  -- ^ List of path components.
+slice_path p =
+   case p of
+      ('/':p') -> case slice_path' p' of
+                     [] -> ["/"]
+                     (c:cs) -> (('/':c):cs)
+      _ -> slice_path' p
+   where
+      slice_path' p = filter (\c -> c /= "" && c /= ".") (split p)
+      split ""      = []
+      split ('/':p) = "" : split p
+      split (x:xs)  = case split xs of
+                         [] -> [[x]]
+                         (y:ys) -> ((x:y):ys)
+{- | Form a path from path components. This isn't the inverse
+of 'slice_path', since @'unslice_path' . 'slice_path'@
+normalises the path.
+See 'slice_path'.
+unslice_path :: [String]        -- ^ List of path components
+             -> String          -- ^ The path which consists of the supplied path components
+unslice_path [] = "."
+unslice_path cs = concat (intersperse "/" cs)
+{- | Normalise a path. This is done by reducing repeated @\/@ characters to one, and removing
+ at .@ path components. @..@ path components are left intact, because of possible symlinks.
+@'normalise_path' = 'unslice_path' . 'slice_path'@
+normalise_path :: String        -- ^ Path to be normalised
+               -> String        -- ^ Path in normalised form
+normalise_path = unslice_path . slice_path
+{- | Split a file name in components. This are the base file name and the
+suffixes, which are separated by dots. If the name starts with a dot, it is
+regarded as part of the base name. The result is a list of file name
+components. The filename may be a path. In this case, everything up to the
+last path component will be returned as part of the base file name. The
+path gets normalised thereby.
+No empty suffixes are returned. If the file name contains several
+consecutive dots, they are regared as part of the preceding file name
+Concateneting the name components and adding dots, reproduces the
+original name, with a normalised path:
+ at concat . intersperse \".\" . 'slice_filename' == 'normalise'@.
+Note that the last path component might be \"@..@\". Then it is not
+possible to deduce the refered directory's name from the path. An IO
+action for getting the real path is then necessary.
+'slice_filename' \"a.b\/\/.\/.foo.tar.gz\" == [\"a.b\/.foo\",\"tar\",\"gz\"]
+'slice_filename' \".x..y.\"             == [\".x.\", \"y.\"]
+See 'unslice_filename', @slice_filename\'@.
+slice_filename :: String        -- ^ Path
+               -> [String]      -- ^ List of components the file name is made up of
+slice_filename path =
+   let comps = slice_path path
+   in if comps == []
+         then []
+         else -- slice_filename' result not empty, because comps not empty
+              let (base:suffixes) = slice_filename' (last comps)
+              in (unslice_path (init comps ++ [base]) : suffixes)
+{- | This is a variant of 'slice_filename'. It is like 'slice_filename', except for
+being more efficient, and the filename must not contain any preceding path,
+since this case isn't considered.
+See 'slice_filename', 'unslice_filename'.
+slice_filename' :: String        -- ^ File name without path
+                -> [String]      -- ^ List of components the file name is made up of
+slice_filename' filename =
+   case filename of
+     ('.':filename') -> case slice_filename'' filename' of
+                           []     -> ["."]
+                           (t:ts) -> ('.':t) : ts
+     filename -> slice_filename'' filename
+   where
+      slice_filename'' :: String -> [String]
+      slice_filename'' "" = []
+      slice_filename'' fn =
+         let (beg,rest) = split1 fn
+         in  (beg : slice_filename'' rest)
+      split1 :: String -> (String, String)
+      split1 (x:y:r) =
+         if x == '.' && y /= '.' then ("", y:r)
+                                 else let (beg,rest) = split1 (y:r)
+                                      in  (x:beg,rest)
+      split1 str = (str, "")
+{- | Form file name from file name components, interspersing dots. This is
+the inverse of 'slice_filename', except for normalisation of any path.
+> unslice_filename = concat . intersperse "."
+See 'slice_filename'.
+unslice_filename :: [String]    -- ^ List of file name components
+                 -> String      -- ^ Name of the file which consists of the supplied components
+unslice_filename = concat . intersperse "."
+{- | Split a path in directory and file name. Only in the case that the
+supplied path is empty, both parts are empty strings. Otherwise, @\".\"@ is filled in
+for the corresponding part, if necessary. Unless the path is empty,
+concatenating the returned path and file name components with a slash in
+between, makes a valid path to the file.
+ at split_path@ splits off the last path component. This
+isn't the same as the text after the last @\/@.
+Note that the last path component might be @\"..\"@. Then it is not
+possible to deduce the refered directory's name from the path. Then an IO
+action for getting the real path is necessary.
+>split_path "/a/b/c"      == ("/a/b", "c")
+>split_path "foo"         == (".", "foo")
+>split_path "foo/bar"     == ("foo", "bar")
+>split_path "foo/.."      == ("foo", "..")
+>split_path "."           == (".", ".")
+>split_path ""            == ("", "")
+>split_path "/foo"        == ("/", "foo")
+>split_path "foo/"        == (".", "foo")
+>split_path "foo/."       == (".", "foo")
+>split_path "foo///./bar" == ("foo", "bar")
+See 'slice_path'.
+split_path :: String            -- ^ Path to be split
+           -> (String, String)  -- ^ Directory and file name components of the path. The directory path is normalized.
+split_path "" = ("","")
+split_path path =
+   case slice_path path of
+      []      -> (".",".")
+      ["/"]   -> ("/", ".")
+      ['/':p] -> ("/", p)
+      [fn]    -> (".", fn)
+      parts   -> ( unslice_path (init parts)
+                 , last parts
+                 )
+{- | Get the directory part of a path.
+>dir_part = fst . split_path
+See 'split_path'.
+dir_part :: String -> String
+dir_part = fst . split_path
+{- | Get the last path component of a path.
+>filename_part = snd . split_path
+>filename_part "foo/bar" == "bar"
+>filename_part "."       == "."
+See 'split_path'.
+filename_part :: String -> String
+filename_part = snd . split_path
+{- | Inverse of 'split_path', except for normalisation.
+This concatenates two paths, and takes care of @\".\"@ and empty paths. When the two components are the result of @split_path@, then @unsplit_path@
+creates a normalised path. It is best documented by its definition:
+>unsplit_path (".", "") = "."
+>unsplit_path ("", ".") = "."
+>unsplit_path (".", q)  = q
+>unsplit_path ("", q)   = q
+>unsplit_path (p, "")   = p
+>unsplit_path (p, ".")  = p
+>unsplit_path (p, q)    = p ++ "/" ++ q
+>unsplit_path ("", "")     == ""
+>unsplit_path (".", "")    == "."
+>unsplit_path (".", ".")   == "."
+>unsplit_path ("foo", ".") == "foo"
+See 'split_path'.
+unsplit_path :: ( String, String )  -- ^ Directory and file name
+             -> String          -- ^ Path formed from the directory and file name parts
+unsplit_path (".", "") = "."
+unsplit_path ("", ".") = "."
+unsplit_path (".", q)  = q
+unsplit_path ("", q)   = q
+unsplit_path (p, "")   = p
+unsplit_path (p, ".")  = p
+unsplit_path (p, q)    = p ++ "/" ++ q
+{- | Split a file name in prefix and suffix. If there isn't any suffix in
+the file name, then return an empty suffix. A dot at the beginning or at
+the end is not regarded as introducing a suffix.
+The last path component is what is being split. This isn't the same as
+splitting the string at the last dot. For instance, if the file name
+doesn't contain any dot, dots in previous path component's aren't mistaken
+as introducing suffixes.
+The path part is returned in normalised form. This means, @\".\"@ components
+are removed, and multiple \"@\/@\"s are reduced to one.
+Note that there isn't any plausibility check performed on the suffix. If the file name doesn't have a suffix, but happens to contain a dot, then this
+dot is mistaken as introducing a suffix.
+>split_filename "path/to/foo.bar"                             = ("path/to/foo","bar")
+>split_filename "path/to/foo"                                 = ("path/to/foo","")
+>split_filename "/path.to/foo"                                = ("/path.to/foo","")
+>split_filename "a///./x"                                     = ("a/x","")
+>split_filename "dir.suffix/./"                               = ("dir","suffix")
+>split_filename "Photographie, Das 20. Jahrhundert (300 dpi)" = ("Photographie, Das 20", " Jahrhundert (300 dpi)")
+See 'slice_path', 'split_filename\''
+split_filename :: String                -- ^ Path including the file name to be split
+               -> (String, String)      -- ^ The normalised path with the file prefix, and the file suffix.
+split_filename "" = ("", "")
+split_filename path =
+   case slice_path path of
+      []    -> (".","")
+      comps -> let (pref_fn, suff_fn) = split_filename' (last comps)
+               in ( concat (intersperse "/" (init comps ++ [pref_fn]))
+                  , suff_fn
+                  )
+{- | Variant of 'split_filename'. This is a more efficient version
+of 'split_filename', for the case that you know the string is
+is a pure file name without any slashes.
+See 'split_filename'.
+split_filename' :: String               -- ^ Filename to be split
+                -> (String, String)     -- ^ Base name and the last suffix
+split_filename' "" = ("", "")
+split_filename' fn =
+   let parts = slice_filename' fn
+   in case parts of
+         []     -> (".", "")
+         [base] -> (base, "")
+         p      -> (unslice_filename (init p), last p)
+{- | Inverse of 'split_filename'. Concatenate prefix and suffix, adding
+a dot in between, iff the suffix is not empty. The path part of the prefix is
+See 'split_filename'.
+unsplit_filename :: (String, String)    -- ^ File name prefix and suffix
+                 -> String              -- ^ Path
+unsplit_filename (prefix, suffix) =
+   if suffix == "" then prefix else prefix ++ "." ++ suffix
+{- | Split a path in directory, base file name and suffix.
+split3 :: String                        -- ^ Path to split
+       -> (String, String, String)      -- ^ Directory part, base file name part and suffix part
+split3 "" = ("","","")
+split3 path =
+   let comps = slice_path path
+       (base, suffix) = split_filename' (last comps)
+   in  (unslice_path (init comps), base, suffix)
+{- |
+Form path from directory, base file name and suffix parts.
+unsplit3 :: (String, String, String)    -- ^ Directory part, base file name part and suffix part
+         -> String                      -- ^ Path consisting of dir, base and suffix
+unsplit3 (dir, base, suffix) =
+   unsplit_path (dir, (unsplit_filename (base,suffix)))
+{- | Test a path for a specific suffix and split it off.
+If the path ends with the suffix, then the result is @Just
+prefix@, where @prefix@ is the normalised path
+without the suffix. Otherwise it's @Nothing at .
+test_suffix :: String           -- ^ Suffix to split off
+            -> String           -- ^ Path to test
+            -> Maybe String     -- ^ Prefix without the suffix or @Nothing@
+test_suffix suffix path =
+    let (prefix, suff) = split_filename path
+    in if suff == suffix then Just prefix
+                         else Nothing
+{- | Make a path absolute, using the current working directory.
+This makes a relative path absolute with respect to the current
+working directory. An absolute path is returned unmodified.
+The current working directory is determined with @getCurrentDirectory@
+which means that symbolic links in it are expanded and the path is
+normalised. This is different from @pwd at .
+absolute_path :: String         -- ^ The path to be made absolute
+              -> IO String      -- ^ Absulte path
+absolute_path path@('/':p) = return path
+absolute_path path = do
+   cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+   return (cwd ++ "/" ++ path)
+{- | Make a path absolute.
+This makes a relative path absolute with respect to a specified
+directory. An absolute path is returned unmodified.
+absolute_path_by :: String        -- ^ The directory relative to which the path is made absolute
+                 -> String        -- ^ The path to be made absolute
+                 -> String        -- ^ Absolute path
+absolute_path_by dir path@('/':p) = path
+absolute_path_by dir path = dir ++ "/" ++ path
+{- | Make a path absolute.
+This makes a relative path absolute with respect to a specified
+directory. An absolute path is returned unmodified.
+The order of the arguments can be confusing. You should rather use 'absolute_path_by'. @absolute_path\'@ is included for backwards compatibility.
+absolute_path' :: String        -- ^ The path to be made absolute
+               -> String        -- ^ The directory relative to which the path is made absolute
+               -> String        -- ^ Absolute path
+absolute_path' path@('/':p) dir = path
+absolute_path' path dir = dir ++ "/" ++ path
+{- | Guess the @\"..\"@-component free form of a path, specified as a list of path components, by syntactically removing them, along with the preceding
+   path components. This will produce
+   erroneous results when the path contains symlinks. If the path contains leading @\"..\"@ components, or more @\"..\"@ components than preceeding normal
+   components, then the @\"..\"@ components can't be normalised away. In this case, the result is @Nothing at .
+guess_dotdot_comps :: [String]          -- ^ List of path components
+                   -> Maybe [String]    -- ^ In case the path could be transformed, the @\"..\"@-component free list of path components.
+guess_dotdot_comps = guess_dotdot_comps' []
+   where
+      guess_dotdot_comps' schon [] = Just schon
+      guess_dotdot_comps' [] ("..":_) = Nothing
+      guess_dotdot_comps' schon ("..":teile) = guess_dotdot_comps' (reverse . tail . reverse $ schon) teile
+      guess_dotdot_comps' schon (teil:teile) = guess_dotdot_comps' (schon ++ [teil]) teile
+{- | Guess the @\"..\"@-component free, normalised form of a path. The transformation is purely syntactic. @\"..\"@ path components will be removed, along
+   with their preceding path components. This will produce
+   erroneous results when the path contains symlinks. If the path contains leading @\"..\"@ components, or more @\"..\"@ components than preceeding normal
+   components, then the @\"..\"@ components can't be normalised away. In this case, the result is @Nothing at .
+>guess_dotdot = fmap unslice_path . guess_dotdot_comps . slice_path
+guess_dotdot :: String                  -- ^ Path to be normalised
+             -> Maybe String            -- ^ In case the path could be transformed, the normalised, @\"..\"@-component free form of the path.
+guess_dotdot = 
+   fmap unslice_path . guess_dotdot_comps . slice_path
diff --git a/testsrc/Pathtest.hs b/testsrc/Pathtest.hs
index b020fb7..757546a 100644
--- a/testsrc/Pathtest.hs
+++ b/testsrc/Pathtest.hs
@@ -20,6 +20,46 @@ module Pathtest(tests) where
 import HUnit
 import MissingH.Path
+test_absNormPath =
+    let f base p exp = TestLabel (show (base, p)) $ TestCase $ exp @=? absNormPath base p
+        f2 = f "/usr/1/2" in
+        [ 
+         f "/" "" (Just "/")
+        ,f "/usr/test" "" (Just "/usr/test")
+        ,f "/usr/test" ".." (Just "/usr")
+        ,f "/usr/1/2" "/foo/bar" (Just "/foo/bar")
+        ,f2 "jack/./.." (Just "/usr/1/2")
+        ,f2 "jack///../foo" (Just "/usr/1/2/foo")
+        ,f2 "../bar" (Just "/usr/1/bar")
+        ,f2 "../" (Just "/usr/1")
+        ,f2 "../.." (Just "/usr")
+        ,f2 "../../" (Just "/usr")
+        ,f2 "../../.." (Just "/")
+        ,f2 "../../../" (Just "/")
+        ,f2 "../../../.." Nothing
+        ]
+test_secureAbsNormPath =
+    let f base p exp = TestLabel (show (base, p)) $ TestCase $ exp @=? secureAbsNormPath base p
+        f2 = f "/usr/1/2" in
+        [ 
+         f "/" "" (Just "/")
+        ,f "/usr/test" "" (Just "/usr/test")
+        ,f "/usr/test" ".." Nothing
+        ,f "/usr/1/2" "/foo/bar" Nothing
+        ,f "/usr/1/2" "/usr/1/2" (Just "/usr/1/2")
+        ,f "/usr/1/2" "/usr/1/2/foo/bar" (Just "/usr/1/2/foo/bar")
+        ,f2 "jack/./.." (Just "/usr/1/2")
+        ,f2 "jack///../foo" (Just "/usr/1/2/foo")
+        ,f2 "../bar" Nothing
+        ,f2 "../" Nothing
+        ,f2 "../.." Nothing
+        ,f2 "../../" Nothing
+        ,f2 "../../.." Nothing
+        ,f2 "../../../" Nothing
+        ,f2 "../../../.." Nothing
+        ]
 test_splitExt =
     let f inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? splitExt inp in
@@ -32,4 +72,6 @@ test_splitExt =
 tests = TestList [TestLabel "splitExt" (TestList test_splitExt)
+                 ,TestLabel "absNormPath" (TestList test_absNormPath)
+                 ,TestLabel "secureAbsNormPath" (TestList test_secureAbsNormPath)
\ No newline at end of file


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