[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:53:34 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 5c721d2c136843b6f5686e71c0f86075b6f19656
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 23 05:17:09 2004 +0100

    Got RETR written!
    (jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.7--patch-148)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index dd4a501..0a4cdd2 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,20 @@
 # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.7
+2004-12-22 22:17:09 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-148
+    Summary:
+      Got RETR written!
+    Revision:
+      missingh--head--0.7--patch-148
+    modified files:
+     ChangeLog TODO libsrc/MissingH/IO.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/IO/HVIO.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/Network/FTP/Server.hs
 2004-12-22 19:49:29 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-147
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index c55555f..c3e8431 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ HVFStest:
 FTP server:
+  Proper error checking lots of places, esp. runDataChan
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/IO.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/IO.hs
index acb5492..7fd6056 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/IO.hs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/IO.hs
@@ -52,13 +52,14 @@ module MissingH.IO(-- * Entire File\/Handle Utilities
 import System.IO.Unsafe
 import System.IO
 import Data.List
+import MissingH.IO.HVIO
 {- | Given a list of strings, output a line containing each item, adding
 newlines as appropriate.  The list is not expected to have newlines already.
-hPutStrLns :: Handle -> [String] -> IO ()
-hPutStrLns h = mapM_ $ hPutStrLn h
+hPutStrLns :: HVIO a => a -> [String] -> IO ()
+hPutStrLns h = mapM_ $ vPutStrLn h
 {- | Given a handle, returns a list of all the lines in that handle.
 Thanks to lazy evaluation, this list does not have to be read all at once.
@@ -75,13 +76,13 @@ Example:
 -- FIXME does hGetContents h >>= return.lines not work?
-hGetLines :: Handle -> IO [String]
+hGetLines :: HVIO a => a -> IO [String]
 hGetLines h = unsafeInterleaveIO (do
-                                  ieof <- hIsEOF h
+                                  ieof <- vIsEOF h
                                   if (ieof) 
                                      then return []
                                      else do
-                                          line <- hGetLine h
+                                          line <- vGetLine h
                                           remainder <- hGetLines h
                                           return (line : remainder)
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ Though the actual implementation is this for efficiency:
 >     hPutStrLns foutput (func lines)
-hLineInteract :: Handle -> Handle -> ([String] -> [String]) -> IO ()
+hLineInteract :: (HVIO a, HVIO b) => a -> b -> ([String] -> [String]) -> IO ()
 hLineInteract finput foutput func =
     lines <- hGetLines finput
@@ -140,10 +141,10 @@ hLineInteract finput foutput func =
 {- | Copies from one handle to another in raw mode (using
-hCopy :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
+hCopy :: (HVIO a, HVIO b) => a -> b -> IO ()
 hCopy hin hout = do
-                 c <- hGetContents hin
-                 hPutStr hout c
+                 c <- vGetContents hin
+                 vPutStr hout c
 {- | Copies from one handle to another in raw mode (using hGetContents).
 Takes a function to provide progress updates to the user.
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/IO/HVIO.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/IO/HVIO.hs
index f92dfe1..1c0af1b 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/IO/HVIO.hs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/IO/HVIO.hs
@@ -242,6 +242,15 @@ class (Show a) => HVIO a where
     -- | Indicate whether this instance supports seeking.
     vIsSeekable :: a -> IO Bool
+    -- | Set buffering; the default action is a no-op.
+    vSetBuffering :: a -> BufferMode -> IO ()
+    -- | Get buffering; the default action always returns NoBuffering.
+    vGetBuffering :: a -> IO BufferMode
+    vSetBuffering x _ = return ()
+    vGetBuffering x = return NoBuffering
     vShow x = return (show x)
     vMkIOError _ et desc mfp =
@@ -345,6 +354,8 @@ instance HVIO Handle where
     vSeek = hSeek
     vTell = hTell
     vIsSeekable = hIsSeekable
+    vSetBuffering = hSetBuffering
+    vGetBuffering = hGetBuffering
 -- VIO Support
@@ -417,8 +428,7 @@ instance HVIO StreamReader where
 {- | A 'MemoryBuffer' simulates true I\/O, but uses an in-memory buffer instead
 of on-disk storage.
- It provides
+It provides
 a full interface like Handle (it implements 'HVIOReader', 'HVIOWriter',
 and 'HVIOSeeker').  However, it maintains an in-memory buffer with the 
 contents of the file, rather than an actual on-disk file.  You can access
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/Network/FTP/Server.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/Network/FTP/Server.hs
index fb6ff73..21ba474 100644
--- a/libsrc/MissingH/Network/FTP/Server.hs
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/Network/FTP/Server.hs
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ import Data.Char
 import MissingH.Printf
 import Data.IORef
 import Data.List
+import Control.Exception(finally)
+import MissingH.IO
 data DataType = ASCII | Binary
               deriving (Eq, Show)
@@ -71,7 +73,6 @@ data AuthState = NoAuth
 data DataChan = NoChannel
               | PassiveMode SocketServer
               | PortMode SockAddr
-              | ActivePort Socket
 data FTPState = FTPState
               { auth :: IORef AuthState,
                 datatype :: IORef DataType,
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ data FTPState = FTPState
                 local :: SockAddr,
                 remote :: SockAddr}
-data FTPServer = forall a. HVFS a => FTPServer Handle a FTPState
+data FTPServer = forall a. HVFSOpenable a => FTPServer Handle a FTPState
 s_crlf = "\r\n"
 logname = "MissingH.Network.FTP.Server"
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ sendReply h codei text =
 {- | Main FTP handler; pass the result of applying this to one argument to 
 'MissingH.Network.SocketServer.handleHandler' -}
-anonFtpHandler :: forall a. HVFS a => a -> Handle -> SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IO ()
+anonFtpHandler :: forall a. HVFSOpenable a => a -> Handle -> SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IO ()
 anonFtpHandler f h saremote salocal =
     let serv r = FTPServer h f r
@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ commands =
     ,("STRU", (forceLogin cmd_stru,  help_stru))
     ,("PASV", (forceLogin cmd_pasv,  help_pasv))
     ,("PORT", (forceLogin cmd_port,  help_port))
+    ,("RETR", (forceLogin cmd_retr,  help_retr))
 commandLoop :: FTPServer -> IO ()
@@ -271,11 +273,6 @@ cmd_type h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
 closeconn :: FTPServer -> IO ()
 closeconn h@(FTPServer _ _ state) =
     do dc <- readIORef (datachan state)
-       case dc of 
-           NoChannel -> return ()
-           PassiveMode ss -> closeSocketServer ss
-           PortMode _ -> return ()
-           ActivePort sock -> sClose sock
        writeIORef (datachan state) NoChannel
 help_port = ("Initiate a port-mode connection", "")
@@ -289,7 +286,6 @@ cmd_port h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
         do closeconn h                      -- Close any existing connection
            trapIOError h (fromPortString args) $  (\clientsa -> 
-            do closeconn h
                case clientsa of
                    SockAddrInet _ ha -> 
                       case (local state) of
@@ -301,7 +297,22 @@ cmd_port h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
                                   return True
                    _ -> do sendReply h 501 "Require IPv4 in specified address"
                            return True
-                                                  )
+                                                   )
+runDataChan :: FTPServer -> (FTPServer -> Socket -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+runDataChan h@(FTPServer _ _ state) func =
+    do chan <- readIORef (datachan state)
+       case chan of
+          NoChannel -> fail "Can't connect when no data channel exists"
+          PassiveMode ss -> do finally (handleOne ss (\sock _ _ -> func h sock))
+                                       (do closeSocketServer ss
+                                           closeconn h
+                                       )
+          PortMode sa -> do proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
+                            s <- socket AF_INET Stream proto
+                            connect s sa
+                            finally (func h s) $ closeconn h
 help_pasv = ("Initiate a passive-mode connection", "")
 cmd_pasv :: CommandHandler
 cmd_pasv h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
@@ -343,6 +354,36 @@ cmd_rnfr h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
                sendReply h 350 "Noted rename from name; please send RNTO."
                return True
+help_retr = ("Retrieve a file", "")
+cmd_retr :: CommandHandler
+cmd_retr h@(FTPServer _ fs state) args =
+    let runit fhencap _ sock =
+            case fhencap of
+              HVFSOpenEncap fh -> 
+                do writeh <- socketToHandle sock WriteMode
+                   mode <- readIORef (datatype state)
+                   case mode of
+                    ASCII -> finally (hLineInteract fh writeh 
+                                        (\x -> map (\y -> y ++ "\r") x))
+                                     (hClose writeh)
+                    Binary -> finally (do vSetBuffering fh (BlockBuffering (Just 4096))
+                                          hCopy fh writeh
+                                      ) (hClose writeh)
+        in
+        if length args < 1
+           then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
+                   return True
+           else trapIOError h (vOpen fs args ReadMode) (\fhencap ->
+                             trapIOError h (runDataChan h (runit fhencap)) $
+                                                   (\_ ->
+                       do case fhencap of
+                             HVFSOpenEncap fh -> vClose fh
+                          sendReply h 226 "Closing data connection; transfer complete."
+                          return True
+                                                                )
+                                                  )
 help_rnto = ("Specify TO name for a file name", "")
 cmd_rnto :: CommandHandler
 cmd_rnto h@(FTPServer _ fs state) args =


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