[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:56:29 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit feeb4ea9ff5efff63a8da7dfd36bd7a1eda8f070
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 7 01:50:44 2005 +0100

    Added ParseDate.hs
    (jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.7--patch-223)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index cb07eb1..0888f87 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,26 @@
 # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--0.7
+2005-04-06 19:50:44 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-223
+    Summary:
+      Added ParseDate.hs
+    Revision:
+      missingh--head--0.7--patch-223
+    new files:
+     MissingH/Time/.arch-ids/=id
+     MissingH/Time/.arch-ids/ParseDate.hs.id
+     MissingH/Time/ParseDate.hs
+    modified files:
+     ChangeLog
+    new directories:
+     MissingH/Time MissingH/Time/.arch-ids
 2005-04-05 18:54:40 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-222
diff --git a/MissingH/Time/ParseDate.hs b/MissingH/Time/ParseDate.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eab7c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MissingH/Time/ParseDate.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+module ParseDate (parseCalendarTime) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
+import Data.List (elemIndex)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+import System.Locale
+import System.Time
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+-- | Parse a date string as formatted by 'formatCalendarTime'.
+--   The resulting 'CalendarTime' will only have those fields set that
+--   are represented by a format specifier in the format string, and those
+--   fields will be set to the values given in the date string.
+--   If the same field is specified multiple times, the rightmost
+--   occurence takes precedence.
+--   The resulting date is not neccessarily a valid date. For example,
+--   if there is no day of the week specifier in the format string,
+--   the value of 'ctWDay' will most likely be invalid.
+--   Format specifiers are % followed by some character. All other
+--   characters are treated literally. Whitespace in the format string
+--   matches zero or more arbitrary whitespace characters.
+--   Format specifiers marked with * are matched, but do not set any
+--   field in the output.
+--   Some of the format specifiers are marked as space-padded or 
+--   zero-padded. Regardless of this, space-padded, zero-padded 
+--   or unpadded inputs are accepted. Note that strings using 
+--   unpadded fields without separating the fields may cause
+--   strange parsing.
+--   Supported format specfiers:
+--    [%%]   a % character.
+--    [%a]   locale's abbreviated weekday name (Sun ... Sat)
+--    [%A]   locale's full weekday name (Sunday .. Saturday)
+--    [%b]   locale's abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
+--    [%B]   locale's full month name (January..December)
+--    [%c]   locale's date and time format (Thu Mar 25 17:47:03 CET 2004)
+--    [%C]   century [00-99]
+--    [%d]   day of month, zero padded (01..31)
+--    [%D]   date (%m\/%d\/%y)
+--    [%e]   day of month, space padded ( 1..31)
+--    [%h]   same as %b
+--    [%H]   hour, 24-hour clock, zero padded (00..23)
+--    [%I]   hour, 12-hour clock, zero padded (01..12)
+--    [%j]   day of the year, zero padded (001..366)
+--    [%k]   hour, 24-hour clock, space padded ( 0..23)
+--    [%l]   hour, 12-hour clock, space padded ( 1..12)
+--    [%m]   month, zero padded (01..12)
+--    [%M]   minute, zero padded (00..59)
+--    [%n]   a newline character
+--    [%p]   locale's AM or PM indicator
+--    [%r]   locale's 12-hour time format (hh:mm:ss AM\/PM)
+--    [%R]   hours and minutes, 24-hour clock (hh:mm)
+--    [%s]   * seconds since '00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC'
+--    [%S]   seconds, zero padded (00..59)
+--    [%t]   a horizontal tab character
+--    [%T]   time, 24-hour clock (hh:mm:ss)
+--    [%u]   numeric day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
+--    [%U]   * week number, weeks starting on Sunday, zero padded (01-53)
+--    [%V]   * week number (as per ISO-8601),
+--             week 1 is the first week with a Thursday,
+--             zero padded, (01-53)
+--    [%w]   numeric day of the week, (0=Sunday, 6=Monday)
+--    [%W]   * week number, weeks starting on Monday, zero padded (01-53)
+--    [%x]   locale's preferred way of printing dates (%m\/%d\/%y)
+--    [%X]   locale's preferred way of printing time. (%H:%M:%S)
+--    [%y]   year, within century, zero padded (00..99)
+--    [%Y]   year, including century. Not padded 
+--           (this is probably a bug, but formatCalendarTime does
+--           it this way). (0-9999)
+--    [%Z]   time zone abbreviation (e.g. CET) or RFC-822 style numeric 
+--           timezone (-0500)
+parseCalendarTime :: 
+    TimeLocale            -- ^ Time locale
+    -> String             -- ^ Date format
+    -> String             -- ^ String to parse
+    -> Maybe CalendarTime -- ^ 'Nothing' if parsing failed.
+parseCalendarTime l fmt s = 
+    case runParser parser epoch "<date string>" s of
+         Left err -> Nothing
+	 Right p -> Just p
+    where parser = pCalendarTime l fmt >> getState
+-- FIXME: verify input
+-- FIXME: years outside 1000-9999 probably don't work
+-- FIXME: what about extra whitespace in input?
+-- FIXME: set ctYDay
+-- FIXME: set ctIsDST
+-- FIXME: missing formats from GNU date(1):
+-- %F     same as %Y-%m-%d
+-- %g     the 2-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
+-- %G     the 4-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
+-- %N     nanoseconds (000000000..999999999)
+-- %P     locale's lower case am or pm indicator (blank in many locales)
+-- %z     RFC-822 style numeric timezone (-0500) (a nonstandard extension)
+pCalendarTime :: TimeLocale -> String -> GenParser Char CalendarTime ()
+pCalendarTime l fmt = doFmt fmt
+    where
+    -- not padded
+    -- FIXME: implement
+    doFmt ('%':'-':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs)
+    -- space padded
+    -- FIXME: implement
+    doFmt ('%':'_':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs)
+    doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c >> doFmt cs
+    doFmt (c:cs) = char c >> doFmt cs
+    doFmt "" = return ()
+    decode '%' = char '%' >> return ()
+    decode 'a' = (parseEnum $ map snd $ wDays l) >>= setWDay
+    decode 'A' = (parseEnum $ map fst $ wDays l) >>= setWDay
+    decode 'b' = (parseEnum $ map snd $ months l) >>= setMonth
+    decode 'B' = (parseEnum $ map fst $ months l) >>= setMonth
+    decode 'c' = doFmt (dateTimeFmt l)
+    decode 'C' = read2 >>= \c -> updateYear (\y -> c * 100 + y `rem` 100)
+    decode 'd' = read2 >>= setDay
+    decode 'D' = doFmt "%m/%d/%y"
+    decode 'e' = read2 >>= setDay
+    decode 'h' = decode 'b'
+    decode 'H' = read2 >>= setHour
+    decode 'I' = read2 >>= setHour12
+    decode 'j' = read3 >>= setYDay
+    decode 'k' = read2 >>= setHour
+    decode 'l' = read2 >>= setHour12
+    decode 'm' = read2 >>= \mon -> setMonth (toEnum (mon-1))
+    decode 'M' = read2 >>= setMin
+    -- FIXME: strptime(3) accepts "arbitrary whitespace" for %n
+    decode 'n' = char '\n' >> return ()
+    decode 'p' = do
+		 x <- (string am >> return 0) <|> (string pm >> return 12)
+		 updateHour (\h -> x + h `rem` 12)
+	where (am,pm) = amPm l 
+    decode 'r' = doFmt (time12Fmt l)
+    decode 'R' = doFmt "%H:%M"
+    -- FIXME: implement %s. 
+    -- FIXME: implement %s in formatCalendarTime
+    decode 's' = int >> return ()
+    decode 'S' = read2 >>= setSec
+    -- FIXME: strptime(3) accepts "arbitrary whitespace" for %t
+    decode 't' = char '\t' >> return ()
+    decode 'T' = doFmt "%H:%M:%S"
+    decode 'u' = readN 1 >>= setWDay . toEnum . (\w -> if w == 7 then 0 else w)
+    -- FIXME: implement %U. 
+    decode 'U' = read2 >> return ()
+    -- FIXME: implement %V. 
+    decode 'V' = read2 >> return ()
+    decode 'w' = readN 1 >>= setWDay . toEnum
+    -- FIXME: implement %W.
+    decode 'W' = read2 >> return ()
+    decode 'x' = doFmt (dateFmt l)
+    decode 'X' = doFmt (timeFmt l)
+    -- FIXME: should probably be zero padded, 
+    --        need to change formatCalendarTime too
+    decode 'Y' = int >>= setYear
+    -- FIXME: maybe 04 should be 2004, not 1904?
+    decode 'y' = read2 >>= \c -> updateYear (\y -> (y `quot` 100) * 100 + c)
+    -- FIXME: are timezone names always [A-Z]+ ?
+    -- FIXME: set ctTZ when parsing timezone name and
+    --        ctTZName when parsing offset
+    decode 'Z' = tzname <|> tzoffset
+	where tzname = many1 (oneOf ['A'..'Z']) >>= setTZName 
+	      tzoffset = do 
+			 s <- sign
+			 h <- read2
+			 m <- read2
+			 setTZ (s * (h * 3600 + m * 60))
+    -- following the example of strptime(3),
+    -- whitespace matches zero or more whitespace
+    -- characters in the input string
+    decode c | isSpace c = spaces >> return ()
+    decode c = char c >> return ()
+epoch :: CalendarTime
+epoch = CalendarTime {
+		      ctYear = 1970,
+		      ctMonth = January,
+		      ctDay = 1,
+		      ctHour = 0,
+		      ctMin = 0,
+		      ctSec = 0,
+		      ctPicosec = 0,
+		      ctWDay = Thursday,
+		      ctYDay = 1,
+		      ctTZName = "UTC",
+		      ctTZ = 0,
+		      ctIsDST = False
+		     }
+parseEnum :: Enum a => [String] -> CharParser st a
+parseEnum ss = choice (zipWith tryString ss (enumFrom (toEnum 0)))
+    where tryString s x = try (string s) >> return x
+setYear x   = updateState (\t -> t{ ctYear   = x })
+setMonth x  = updateState (\t -> t{ ctMonth  = x })
+setDay x    = updateState (\t -> t{ ctDay    = x })
+setHour x   = updateState (\t -> t{ ctHour   = x })
+setMin x    = updateState (\t -> t{ ctMin    = x })
+setSec x    = updateState (\t -> t{ ctSec    = x })
+setWDay x   = updateState (\t -> t{ ctWDay   = x })
+setYDay x   = updateState (\t -> t{ ctYDay   = x })
+setTZName x = updateState (\t -> t{ ctTZName = x })
+setTZ x     = updateState (\t -> t{ ctTZ     = x })
+updateYear f = updateState (\t -> t{ ctYear = f (ctYear t) })
+updateHour f = updateState (\t -> t{ ctHour = f (ctHour t) })
+setHour12 x = updateHour (\h -> (h `quot` 12) * 12 + from12 x)
+    where from12 h = if h == 12 then 0 else h
+read2, read3 :: GenParser Char st Int
+read2 = readN 2
+read3 = readN 3
+-- | Read up to a given number of digits, optionally left-padded 
+--   with whitespace and interpret them as an 'Int'.
+readN :: Int -> GenParser Char st Int
+readN n = 
+    liftM read (spaces >> choice [try (count m digit) | m <- [n,n-1..1]])
+int :: GenParser Char st Int
+int = liftM read (many1 digit)
+sign :: GenParser Char st Int
+sign = (char '+' >> return 1) <|> (char '-' >> return (-1))
\ No newline at end of file


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