[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:59:44 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 967e74646d1a9d6bdacae73d88d2f99c9a2ef4cb
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Jul 21 23:58:23 2005 +0100

    Added FilePath

diff --git a/MissingH/IO/HVFS.hs b/MissingH/IO/HVFS.hs
index 4b3f77d..11d8baf 100644
--- a/MissingH/IO/HVFS.hs
+++ b/MissingH/IO/HVFS.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {- arch-tag: HVFS main file
-Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
+Copyright (C) 2004-2005 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 {- |
    Module     : MissingH.IO.HVFS
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen
+   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004-2005 John Goerzen
    License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
    Maintainer : John Goerzen, 
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Haskell Virtual FS -- generic support for real or virtual filesystem in Haskell
-Copyright (c) 2004 John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
+Copyright (c) 2004-2005 John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
 The idea of this module is to provide virtualization of filesystem calls.
 In addition to the \"real\" system filesystem, you can also provide access
diff --git a/MissingH/Path/FilePath.hs b/MissingH/Path/FilePath.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be0a205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MissingH/Path/FilePath.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+module System.FilePath
+         ( -- * File path
+           FilePath
+         , splitFileName
+         , splitFileExt
+         , splitFilePath
+         , joinFileName
+         , joinFileExt
+         , joinPaths         
+         , changeFileExt
+         , isRootedPath
+         , isAbsolutePath
+         , dropAbsolutePrefix
+         , breakFilePath
+         , dropPrefix
+         , pathParents
+         , commonParent
+         -- * Search path
+         , parseSearchPath
+         , mkSearchPath
+         -- * Separators
+         , isPathSeparator
+         , pathSeparator
+         , searchPathSeparator
+	 -- * Filename extensions
+	 , exeExtension
+	 , objExtension
+	 , dllExtension
+         ) where
+import Data.List(intersperse)
+-- * FilePath
+-- | Split the path into directory and file name
+-- Examples:
+-- \[Posix\]
+-- > splitFileName "/"            == ("/",    ".")
+-- > splitFileName "/foo/bar.ext" == ("/foo", "bar.ext")
+-- > splitFileName "bar.ext"      == (".",    "bar.ext")
+-- > splitFileName "/foo/."       == ("/foo", ".")
+-- > splitFileName "/foo/.."      == ("/foo", "..")
+-- \[Windows\]
+-- > splitFileName "\\"               == ("\\",      "")
+-- > splitFileName "c:\\foo\\bar.ext" == ("c:\\foo", "bar.ext")
+-- > splitFileName "bar.ext"          == (".",       "bar.ext")
+-- > splitFileName "c:\\foo\\."       == ("c:\\foo", ".")
+-- > splitFileName "c:\\foo\\.."      == ("c:\\foo", "..")
+-- The first case in the Windows examples returns an empty file name.
+-- This is a special case because the \"\\\\\" path doesn\'t refer to
+-- an object (file or directory) which resides within a directory.
+splitFileName :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+splitFileName p = (reverse (path2++drive), reverse fname)
+  where
+    (path,drive) = case p of
+       (c:':':p) -> (reverse p,[':',c])
+       _         -> (reverse p,"")
+    (fname,path1) = break isPathSeparator path
+    path2 = case path1 of
+      []                           -> "."
+      [_]                          -> path1   -- don't remove the trailing slash if 
+                                              -- there is only one character
+      (c:path) | isPathSeparator c -> path
+      _                            -> path1
+splitFileName p = (reverse path1, reverse fname1)
+  where
+    (fname,path) = break isPathSeparator (reverse p)
+    path1 = case path of
+      "" -> "."
+      _  -> case dropWhile isPathSeparator path of
+	"" -> [pathSeparator]
+	p  -> p
+    fname1 = case fname of
+      "" -> "."
+      _  -> fname
+-- | Split the path into file name and extension. If the file doesn\'t have extension,
+-- the function will return empty string. The extension doesn\'t include a leading period.
+-- Examples:
+-- > splitFileExt "foo.ext" == ("foo", "ext")
+-- > splitFileExt "foo"     == ("foo", "")
+-- > splitFileExt "."       == (".",   "")
+-- > splitFileExt ".."      == ("..",  "")
+-- > splitFileExt "foo.bar."== ("foo.bar.", "")
+splitFileExt :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitFileExt p =
+  case break (== '.') fname of
+	(suf@(_:_),_:pre) -> (reverse (pre++path), reverse suf)
+	_                 -> (p, [])
+  where
+    (fname,path) = break isPathSeparator (reverse p)
+-- | Split the path into directory, file name and extension. 
+-- The function is an optimized version of the following equation:
+-- > splitFilePath path = (dir,name,ext)
+-- >   where
+-- >     (dir,basename) = splitFileName path
+-- >     (name,ext)     = splitFileExt  basename
+splitFilePath :: FilePath -> (String, String, String)
+splitFilePath path = case break (== '.') (reverse basename) of
+    (name_r, "")      -> (dir, reverse name_r, "")
+    (ext_r, _:name_r) -> (dir, reverse name_r, reverse ext_r)
+  where
+    (dir, basename) = splitFileName path
+-- | The 'joinFileName' function is the opposite of 'splitFileName'. 
+-- It joins directory and file names to form a complete file path.
+-- The general rule is:
+-- > dir `joinFileName` basename == path
+-- >   where
+-- >     (dir,basename) = splitFileName path
+-- There might be an exceptions to the rule but in any case the
+-- reconstructed path will refer to the same object (file or directory).
+-- An example exception is that on Windows some slashes might be converted
+-- to backslashes.
+joinFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath
+joinFileName ""  fname = fname
+joinFileName "." fname = fname
+joinFileName dir ""    = dir
+joinFileName dir fname
+  | isPathSeparator (last dir) = dir++fname
+  | otherwise                  = dir++pathSeparator:fname
+-- | The 'joinFileExt' function is the opposite of 'splitFileExt'.
+-- It joins a file name and an extension to form a complete file path.
+-- The general rule is:
+-- > filename `joinFileExt` ext == path
+-- >   where
+-- >     (filename,ext) = splitFileExt path
+joinFileExt :: String -> String -> FilePath
+joinFileExt path ""  = path
+joinFileExt path ext = path ++ '.':ext
+-- | Given a directory path \"dir\" and a file\/directory path \"rel\",
+-- returns a merged path \"full\" with the property that
+-- (cd dir; do_something_with rel) is equivalent to
+-- (do_something_with full). If the \"rel\" path is an absolute path
+-- then the returned path is equal to \"rel\"
+joinPaths :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+joinPaths path1 path2
+  | isRootedPath path2 = path2
+  | otherwise          = 
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+        case path2 of
+          d:':':path2' | take 2 path1 == [d,':'] -> path1 `joinFileName` path2'
+                       | otherwise               -> path2
+          _                                      -> path1 `joinFileName` path2
+        path1 `joinFileName` path2
+-- | Changes the extension of a file path.
+changeFileExt :: FilePath           -- ^ The path information to modify.
+          -> String                 -- ^ The new extension (without a leading period).
+                                    -- Specify an empty string to remove an existing 
+                                    -- extension from path.
+          -> FilePath               -- ^ A string containing the modified path information.
+changeFileExt path ext = joinFileExt name ext
+  where
+    (name,_) = splitFileExt path
+-- | On Unix and Macintosh the 'isRootedPath' function is a synonym to 'isAbsolutePath'.
+-- The difference is important only on Windows. The rooted path must start from the root
+-- directory but may not include the drive letter while the absolute path always includes
+-- the drive letter and the full file path.
+isRootedPath :: FilePath -> Bool
+isRootedPath (c:_) | isPathSeparator c = True
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+isRootedPath (_:':':c:_) | isPathSeparator c = True  -- path with drive letter
+isRootedPath _ = False
+-- | Returns 'True' if this path\'s meaning is independent of any OS
+-- \"working directory\", or 'False' if it isn\'t.
+isAbsolutePath :: FilePath -> Bool
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+isAbsolutePath (_:':':c:_) | isPathSeparator c = True
+isAbsolutePath (c:_)       | isPathSeparator c = True
+isAbsolutePath _ = False
+-- | If the function is applied to an absolute path then it returns a local path droping
+-- the absolute prefix in the path. Under Windows the prefix is \"\\\", \"c:\" or \"c:\\\". Under
+-- Unix the prefix is always \"\/\".
+dropAbsolutePrefix :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropAbsolutePrefix (c:cs) | isPathSeparator c = cs
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+dropAbsolutePrefix (_:':':c:cs) | isPathSeparator c = cs  -- path with drive letter
+dropAbsolutePrefix (_:':':cs)                       = cs
+dropAbsolutePrefix cs = cs
+-- | Split the path into a list of strings constituting the filepath
+-- >  breakFilePath "/usr/bin/ls" == ["/","usr","bin","ls"]
+breakFilePath :: FilePath -> [String]
+breakFilePath = worker []
+    where worker ac path
+              | less == path = less:ac
+              | otherwise = worker (current:ac) less
+              where (less,current) = splitFileName path
+-- | Drops a specified prefix from a filepath.
+-- >  stripPrefix "." "Src/Test.hs" == "Src/Test.hs"
+-- >  stripPrefix "Src" "Src/Test.hs" == "Test.hs"
+dropPrefix :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+dropPrefix prefix path
+    = worker (breakFilePath prefix) (breakFilePath path)
+    where worker (x:xs) (y:ys)
+              | x == y = worker xs ys
+          worker _ ys = foldr1 joinPaths ys
+-- | Gets this path and all its parents.
+-- The function is useful in case if you want to create 
+-- some file but you aren\'t sure whether all directories 
+-- in the path exist or if you want to search upward for some file.
+-- Some examples:
+-- \[Posix\]
+-- >  pathParents "/"          == ["/"]
+-- >  pathParents "/dir1"      == ["/", "/dir1"]
+-- >  pathParents "/dir1/dir2" == ["/", "/dir1", "/dir1/dir2"]
+-- >  pathParents "dir1"       == [".", "dir1"]
+-- >  pathParents "dir1/dir2"  == [".", "dir1", "dir1/dir2"]
+-- \[Windows\]
+-- >  pathParents "c:"             == ["c:."]
+-- >  pathParents "c:\\"           == ["c:\\"]
+-- >  pathParents "c:\\dir1"       == ["c:\\", "c:\\dir1"]
+-- >  pathParents "c:\\dir1\\dir2" == ["c:\\", "c:\\dir1", "c:\\dir1\\dir2"]
+-- >  pathParents "c:dir1"         == ["c:.","c:dir1"]
+-- >  pathParents "dir1\\dir2"     == [".", "dir1", "dir1\\dir2"]
+-- Note that if the file is relative then the current directory (\".\") 
+-- will be explicitly listed.
+pathParents :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
+pathParents p =
+    root'' : map ((++) root') (dropEmptyPath $ inits path')
+    where
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+       (root,path) = case break (== ':') p of
+          (path,    "") -> ("",path)
+          (root,_:path) -> (root++":",path)
+       (root,path) = ("",p)
+       (root',root'',path') = case path of
+         (c:path) | isPathSeparator c -> (root++[pathSeparator],root++[pathSeparator],path)
+         _                            -> (root                 ,root++"."            ,path)
+       dropEmptyPath ("":paths) = paths
+       dropEmptyPath paths      = paths
+       inits :: String -> [String]
+       inits [] =  [""]
+       inits cs = 
+         case pre of
+           "."  -> inits suf
+           ".." -> map (joinFileName pre) (dropEmptyPath $ inits suf)
+           _    -> "" : map (joinFileName pre) (inits suf)
+         where
+           (pre,suf) = case break isPathSeparator cs of
+              (pre,"")    -> (pre, "")
+              (pre,_:suf) -> (pre,suf)
+-- | Given a list of file paths, returns the longest common parent.
+commonParent :: [FilePath] -> Maybe FilePath
+commonParent []           = Nothing
+commonParent paths@(p:ps) = 
+  case common Nothing "" p ps of
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+    Nothing | all (not . isAbsolutePath) paths -> 
+      let
+	 getDrive (d:':':_) ds 
+      	   | not (d `elem` ds) = d:ds
+    	 getDrive _         ds = ds
+      in
+      case foldr getDrive [] paths of
+        []  -> Just "."
+        [d] -> Just [d,':']
+        _   -> Nothing
+    Nothing | all (not . isAbsolutePath) paths -> Just "."
+    mb_path   -> mb_path
+  where
+    common i acc []     ps = checkSep   i acc         ps
+    common i acc (c:cs) ps
+      | isPathSeparator c  = removeSep  i acc   cs [] ps
+      | otherwise          = removeChar i acc c cs [] ps
+    checkSep i acc []      = Just (reverse acc)
+    checkSep i acc ([]:ps) = Just (reverse acc)
+    checkSep i acc ((c1:p):ps)
+      | isPathSeparator c1 = checkSep i acc ps
+    checkSep i acc ps      = i
+    removeSep i acc cs pacc []          = 
+      common (Just (reverse (pathSeparator:acc))) (pathSeparator:acc) cs pacc
+    removeSep i acc cs pacc ([]    :ps) = Just (reverse acc)
+    removeSep i acc cs pacc ((c1:p):ps)
+      | isPathSeparator c1              = removeSep i acc cs (p:pacc) ps
+    removeSep i acc cs pacc ps          = i
+    removeChar i acc c cs pacc []          = common i (c:acc) cs pacc
+    removeChar i acc c cs pacc ([]    :ps) = i
+    removeChar i acc c cs pacc ((c1:p):ps)
+      | c == c1                            = removeChar i acc c cs (p:pacc) ps
+    removeChar i acc c cs pacc ps          = i
+-- * Search path
+-- | The function splits the given string to substrings
+-- using the 'searchPathSeparator'.
+parseSearchPath :: String -> [FilePath]
+parseSearchPath path = split searchPathSeparator path
+  where
+    split :: Char -> String -> [String]
+    split c s =
+      case rest of
+        []      -> [chunk] 
+        _:rest' -> chunk : split c rest'
+      where
+        (chunk, rest) = break (==c) s
+-- | The function concatenates the given paths to form a
+-- single string where the paths are separated with 'searchPathSeparator'.
+mkSearchPath :: [FilePath] -> String
+mkSearchPath paths = concat (intersperse [searchPathSeparator] paths)
+-- * Separators
+-- | Checks whether the character is a valid path separator for the host
+-- platform. The valid character is a 'pathSeparator' but since the Windows
+-- operating system also accepts a slash (\"\/\") since DOS 2, the function
+-- checks for it on this platform, too.
+isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isPathSeparator ch =
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+  ch == '/' || ch == '\\'
+  ch == '/'
+-- | Provides a platform-specific character used to separate directory levels in
+-- a path string that reflects a hierarchical file system organization. The
+-- separator is a slash (@\"\/\"@) on Unix and Macintosh, and a backslash
+-- (@\"\\\"@) on the Windows operating system.
+pathSeparator :: Char
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+pathSeparator = '\\'
+pathSeparator = '/'
+-- | A platform-specific character used to separate search path strings in 
+-- environment variables. The separator is a colon (\":\") on Unix and Macintosh, 
+-- and a semicolon (\";\") on the Windows operating system.
+searchPathSeparator :: Char
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+searchPathSeparator = ';'
+searchPathSeparator = ':'
+-- ToDo: This should be determined via autoconf (AC_EXEEXT)
+-- | Extension for executable files
+-- (typically @\"\"@ on Unix and @\"exe\"@ on Windows or OS\/2)
+exeExtension :: String
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+exeExtension = "exe"
+exeExtension = ""
+-- ToDo: This should be determined via autoconf (AC_OBJEXT)
+-- | Extension for object files. For GHC and NHC the extension is @\"o\"@.
+-- Hugs uses either @\"o\"@ or @\"obj\"@ depending on the used C compiler.
+objExtension :: String
+objExtension = "o"
+-- | Extension for dynamically linked (or shared) libraries
+-- (typically @\"so\"@ on Unix and @\"dll\"@ on Windows)
+dllExtension :: String
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+dllExtension = "dll"
+dllExtension = "so"


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