[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:11:02 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ee84df3a7529b2084c539659e4234f2c24768dba
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 5 00:00:14 2006 +0100

    Compilation fix

diff --git a/MissingH/Cmd.hs b/MissingH/Cmd.hs
index f0211b8..d10e662 100644
--- a/MissingH/Cmd.hs
+++ b/MissingH/Cmd.hs
@@ -367,10 +367,14 @@ Return the result status.  Never raises an exception.  Only available
 on POSIX platforms.
 Like system(3), this command ignores SIGINT and SIGQUIT and blocks SIGCHLD
-during its execution. -}
+during its execution.
+Logs as MissingH.Cmd.posixRawSystem -}
 posixRawSystem :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ProcessStatus
 posixRawSystem program args =
-    do oldint <- installHandler sigINT Ignore Nothing
+    do debugM (logbase ++ ".posixRawSystem")
+               ("Running: " ++ program ++ " " ++ (show args))
+       oldint <- installHandler sigINT Ignore Nothing
        oldquit <- installHandler sigQUIT Ignore Nothing
        let sigset = addSignal sigCHLD emptySignalSet
        oldset <- getSignalMask
@@ -383,6 +387,8 @@ posixRawSystem program args =
                       Just x -> x
                       Nothing -> error "Nothing returned from getProcessStatus"
+       debugM (logbase ++ ".posixRawSystem")
+              (program ++ ": exited with " ++ show retval)
        return retval
     where childaction oldint oldquit oldset = 


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