[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:11:06 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 19965a80dd379235bd97cae7dae9ed15243a88c9
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 31 21:41:58 2006 +0100

    Noted submission to GHC

diff --git a/MissingH/List.hs b/MissingH/List.hs
index 635ef87..afdd3fd 100644
--- a/MissingH/List.hs
+++ b/MissingH/List.hs
@@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ Example:
 contains :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
 contains substr str = isJust $ find (isPrefixOf substr) (tails str)
+-- above function submitted to GHC as Data.List.isInfixOf on 8/31/2006
 {- | Adds the specified (key, value) pair to the given list, removing any
 existing pair with the same key already present. -}
 addToAL :: Eq key => [(key, elt)] -> key -> elt -> [(key, elt)]


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