[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:11:09 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c0ffd06460d3b9df8f611d4c728b926f664e7709
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Oct 12 01:36:32 2006 +0100

    ProgressTracker tests pass

diff --git a/MissingH/ProgressTracker.hs b/MissingH/ProgressTracker.hs
index c565f5e..a1d200c 100644
--- a/MissingH/ProgressTracker.hs
+++ b/MissingH/ProgressTracker.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module MissingH.ProgressTracker (-- * Types
                                  -- * Creation and Options
                                  newProgress, newProgress',
                                  -- * Updating
-                                 incrP, incrP', setP, incrTotal,
+                                 incrP, incrP', setP, setP', incrTotal,
                                  -- * Reading and Processing
@@ -214,19 +214,24 @@ getSpeed po = withStatus po $ \status ->
                        then fromRational 0
                        else fromRational ((completedUnits status) % elapsed)
-{- | Returns the estimated time remaining, in standard time units. -}
+{- | Returns the estimated time remaining, in standard time units. 
+Returns 0 whenever 'getSpeed' would return 0. -}
 getETR :: (ProgressStatuses a (IO Integer),
            ProgressStatuses a (IO Rational)) => a -> IO Integer
 getETR po = 
     do speed <- ((getSpeed po)::IO Rational)
-       -- FIXME: potential for a race condition here, but it should
-       -- be negligible
-       withStatus po $ \status ->
-           do let remaining = totalUnits status - completedUnits status
-              return $ round $ (toRational remaining) / speed
+       if speed == 0
+          then return 0
+          else 
+              -- FIXME: potential for a race condition here, but it should
+              -- be negligible
+              withStatus po $ \status ->
+                  do let remaining = totalUnits status - completedUnits status
+                     return $ round $ (toRational remaining) / speed
 {- | Returns the estimated system clock time of completion, in standard
-time units. -}
+time units.  Returns the current time whenever 'getETR' would return 0. -}
 getETA :: (ProgressStatuses a (IO Integer),
            ProgressStatuses a (IO Rational)) => a -> IO Integer
 getETA po =
diff --git a/testsrc/ProgressTrackertest.hs b/testsrc/ProgressTrackertest.hs
index e5d52fa..90e70bb 100644
--- a/testsrc/ProgressTrackertest.hs
+++ b/testsrc/ProgressTrackertest.hs
@@ -19,234 +19,95 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 module ProgressTrackertest(tests) where
 import MissingH.ProgressTracker
 import Test.HUnit
-test_delFromAL = 
-    let f :: [(String, Int)] -> [(String, Int)] -> Test
-        f inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? (delFromAL inp "testkey") in
-        [
-                 f [] []
-                 ,f [("one", 1)] [("one", 1)]
-                 ,f [("1", 1), ("2", 2), ("testkey", 3)] [("1", 1), ("2", 2)]
-                 ,f [("testkey", 1)] []
-                 ,f [("testkey", 1), ("testkey", 2)] []
-                 ,f [("testkey", 1), ("2", 2), ("3", 3)] [("2", 2), ("3", 3)]
-                 ,f [("testkey", 1), ("2", 2), ("testkey", 3), ("4", 4)]
-                    [("2", 2), ("4", 4)]
-        ]
-test_addToAL =
-    let f :: [(String, Int)] -> [(String, Int)] -> Test
-        f inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? (addToAL inp "testkey" 101) in
-        [
-         f [] [("testkey", 101)]
-        ,f [("testkey", 5)] [("testkey", 101)]
-        ,f [("testkey", 5), ("testkey", 6)] [("testkey", 101)]
-        ]
-test_split =
-    let f delim inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? split delim inp in
-        [
-         f "," "foo,bar,,baz," ["foo", "bar", "", "baz", ""]
-        ,f "ba" ",foo,bar,,baz," [",foo,","r,,","z,"]
-        ,f "," "" []
-        ,f "," "," ["", ""]
-        ]
-test_join =
-    let f :: (Eq a, Show a) => [a] -> [[a]] -> [a] -> Test
-        f delim inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? join delim inp in
-        [
-         f "|" ["foo", "bar", "baz"] "foo|bar|baz"
-        ,f "|" [] ""
-        ,f "|" ["foo"] "foo"
-         -- f 5 [[1, 2], [3, 4]] [1, 2, 5, 3, 4]
-        ]
-test_replace =
-    let f old new inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? replace old new inp in
-        [
-         f "" "" "" ""
-        ,f "foo" "bar" "" ""
-        ,f "foo" "bar" "foo" "bar"
-        ,f "foo" "bar" "footestfoothisisabarfoo" "bartestbarthisisabarbar"
-        ,f "," ", " "1,2,3,4" "1, 2, 3, 4"
-        ,f "," "." "1,2,3,4" ""
-        ]
-test_genericJoin =
-    let f delim inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? genericJoin delim inp in
-        [
-         f ", " [1, 2, 3, 4] "1, 2, 3, 4"
-        ,f ", " ([] :: [Int]) ""
-        ,f "|" ["foo", "bar", "baz"] "\"foo\"|\"bar\"|\"baz\""
-        ,f ", " [5] "5"
-        ]
-test_flipAL =
-    let f inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? flipAL inp in
-        [
-         f ([]::[(Int,Int)]) ([]::[(Int,[Int])])
-        ,f [("a", "b")] [("b", ["a"])]
-        ,f [("a", "b"),
-            ("c", "b"),
-            ("d", "e"),
-            ("b", "b")] [("b", ["b", "c", "a"]),
-                         ("e", ["d"])]
-        ]
-test_uniq =
-    let f inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? uniq inp in
-    [f ([]::[Int]) [],
-     f "asdf" "asdf",
-     f "aabbcc" "abc",
-     f "abcabc" "abc",
-     f "aaaaaa" "a",
-     f "aaaaaab" "ab",
-     f "111111111111111" "1",
-     f "baaaaaaaaa" "ba",
-     f "baaaaaaaaab" "ba",
-     f "aaacccdbbbefff" "acdbef",
-     f "foo" "fo",
-     f "15553344409" "153409",
-     f "Mississippi" "Misp"]
-test_trunc =
-    let f len inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? take len inp in
-        [
-         f 2 "Hello" "He"
-        ,f 1 "Hello" "H"
-        ,f 0 "Hello" ""
-        ,f 2 "H" "H"
-        ,f 2 "" ""
-        ,f 2 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [1, 2]
-        ,f 10 "Hello" "Hello"
-        ,f 0 "" ""
-        ]              
-test_contains =
-    let f msg sub testlist exp = TestCase $ assertEqual msg exp (contains sub testlist) in
-        [
-         f "t1" "Haskell" "I really like Haskell." True
-        ,f "t2" "" "Foo" True
-        ,f "t3" "" "" True
-        ,f "t4" "Hello" "" False
-        ,f "t5" "Haskell" "Haskell" True
-        ,f "t6" "Haskell" "1Haskell" True
-        ,f "t7" "Haskell" "Haskell1" True
-        ,f "t8" "Haskell" "Ocaml" False
-        ,f "t9" "Haskell" "OCamlasfasfasdfasfd" False
-        ,f "t10" "a" "Hello" False
-        ,f "t11" "e" "Hello" True
-        ]
-test_elemRIndex =
-    let f item inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? elemRIndex item inp in
-        [
-         f "foo" [] Nothing
-        ,f "foo" ["bar", "baz"] Nothing
-        ,f "foo" ["foo"] (Just 0)
-        ,f "foo" ["foo", "bar"] (Just 0)
-        ,f "foo" ["bar", "foo"] (Just 1)
-        ,f "foo" ["foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "foo"] (Just 4)
-        ,f 'f' ['f', 'b', 'f', 'f', 'b'] (Just 3)
-        ,f 'f' ['b', 'b', 'f'] (Just 2)
-        ]
-test_alwaysElemRIndex =
-    let f item inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? alwaysElemRIndex item inp in
-        [
-         f "foo" [] (-1)
-        ,f 'f' ['b', 'q'] (-1)
-        ,f 'f' ['f', 'b', 'f', 'f', 'b'] 3
-        ]
-test_subIndex = 
-    let f item inp exp = TestCase $ exp @=? subIndex item inp in 
-        [f "foo" "asdfoobar" (Just 3)
-        ,f "foo" [] (Nothing)
-        ,f "" [] (Just 0)
-        ,f "" "asdf" (Just 0)
-        ,f "test" "asdftestbartest" (Just 4)
-        ,f [(1::Int), 2] [0, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 4] (Just 4)
-        ]
-test_fixedWidth =
-    let f inplen inplist exp = TestLabel ((show inplen) ++ ", " ++
-                                          (show inplist)) $ TestCase $
-                               wholeMap (fixedWidth inplen) inplist @=? exp in
-        [
-         f [] ([]::[Int]) ([]::[[Int]])
-        ,f [1] [5] [[5]]
-        ,f [1] [3, 4, 5, 6] [[3], [4, 5, 6]]
-        ,f [1] ([]::[Int]) ([]::[[Int]])
-        ,f [2] [3] [[3]]
-        ,f [2] [3, 4, 5, 6] [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
-        ,f [2] [3, 4, 5] [[3, 4], [5]]
-        ,f [1, 2, 3] "1234567890"  ["1","23","456","7890"]
-        ,f (repeat 2) "123456789" ["12","34","56","78","9"]
-        ,f [] "123456789" ["123456789"]
-        ,f [5, 3, 6, 1] "Hello, This is a test." 
-               ["Hello",", T","his is"," ","a test."]
-        ]
-test_strToAL =
-    let f inp exp = TestLabel (show inp) $ TestCase $ do let r = strFromAL inp
-                                                         exp @=? r
-                                                         inp @=? strToAL r
-        in
-        [
-         f ([]::[(String, String)]) ""
-        ,f [("foo", "bar")] "\"foo\",\"bar\"\n"
-        ,f [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "quux")] "\"foo\",\"bar\"\n\"baz\",\"quux\"\n"
-        ,f [(1::Int, 2::Int), (3, 4)] "1,2\n3,4\n"
-        ,f [(1::Int, "one"), (2, "two")] "1,\"one\"\n2,\"two\"\n"
-        ,f [("one", 1::Double), ("n\nl", 2::Double)]
-           "\"one\",1.0\n\"n\\nl\",2.0\n"
-        ]
-test_spanList =
-    let f func inp exp = TestLabel (show inp) $ TestCase $ exp @=? spanList func inp
-        in
-          [f (contains "foo") "Testfoobar" ("Testf", "oobar"),
-           f (\_ -> True) "Testasdf" ("Testasdf", ""),
-           f (\_ -> False) "Testasdf" ("", "Testasdf"),
-           f (contains "foo") "" ("", ""),
-           f (contains "foo") "foo" ("f", "oo")]
-test_merge =
-    qunit "prop_merge" prop_merge
-prop_merge xs ys =
-    merge (sort xs) (sort ys) == sort (xs ++ ys)
-          where types = xs :: [Int]
-test_mergeBy =
-    qunit "test_mergeBy" prop_mergeBy
-prop_mergeBy xs ys =
-    mergeBy cmp (sortBy cmp xs) (sortBy cmp ys) == sortBy cmp (xs ++ ys)
-          where types = xs :: [Int]
-                cmp = compare
-tests = TestList [test_merge,
-                  test_mergeBy,
-                  TestLabel "delFromAL" (TestList test_delFromAL),
-                  TestLabel "uniq" (TestList test_uniq),
-                  TestLabel "addToAL" (TestList test_addToAL),
-                  TestLabel "split" (TestList test_split),
-                  TestLabel "join" (TestList test_join),
-                  TestLabel "genericJoin" (TestList test_genericJoin),
-                  TestLabel "trunc" (TestList test_trunc),
-                  TestLabel "flipAL" (TestList test_flipAL),
-                  TestLabel "elemRIndex" (TestList test_elemRIndex),
-                  TestLabel "alwaysElemRIndex" (TestList test_alwaysElemRIndex),
-                  TestLabel "replace" (TestList test_replace),
-                  TestLabel "contains" (TestList test_contains),
-                  TestLabel "strFromAL & strToAL" (TestList test_strToAL),
-                  TestLabel "fixedWidth" (TestList test_fixedWidth),
-                  TestLabel "subIndex" (TestList test_subIndex),
-                  TestLabel "spanList" (TestList test_spanList)]
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+setup =
+    do timem <- newMVar 0
+       let timesource = readMVar timem
+       po <- newProgress' (ProgressStatus 0 100 0 "" timesource) []
+       return (po, timem)
+settime timem newval = swapMVar timem newval >> return ()
+test_incrP = 
+    do (po, timem) <- setup
+       incrP po 5
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+                  do assertEqual "completedUnits" 5 (completedUnits s)
+                     assertEqual "totalUnits" 100 (totalUnits s)
+       incrP po 95
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+                  do assertEqual "completedUnits" 100 (completedUnits s)
+                     assertEqual "totalUnits" 100 (totalUnits s)
+       incrP po 5
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+                  do assertEqual "completedUnits" 105 (completedUnits s)
+                     assertEqual "totalUnits" 105 (totalUnits s)
+       incrP' po 5
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+                  do assertEqual "completedUnits" 110 (completedUnits s)
+                     assertEqual "totalUnits" 105 (totalUnits s)
+       incrTotal po 10
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+                  do 110 @=? completedUnits s
+                     115 @=? totalUnits s
+test_setP =
+    do (po, timem) <- setup
+       setP po 5
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+           do 5 @=? completedUnits s
+              100 @=? totalUnits s
+       setP po 100
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+           do 100 @=? completedUnits s
+              100 @=? totalUnits s
+       setP po 105
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+           do 105 @=? completedUnits s
+              105 @=? totalUnits s
+       setP' po 110
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+           do 110 @=? completedUnits s
+              105 @=? totalUnits s
+       setTotal po 115
+       withStatus po $ \s ->
+           do 110 @=? completedUnits s
+              115 @=? totalUnits s
+test_speed =
+    do (po, timem) <- setup
+       getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "initial speed" 0
+       getETR po >>= assertEqual "initial ETR" 0
+       getETA po >>= assertEqual "initial ETA" 0
+       incrP po 10
+       getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "speed after incr" 0
+       getETR po >>= assertEqual "ETR after incr" 0
+       getETA po >>= assertEqual "ETA after incr" 0
+       settime timem 5
+       getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "first speed" 2.0
+       getETR po >>= assertEqual "first ETR" 45
+       getETA po >>= assertEqual "first ETA" 50
+       incrP po 90
+       getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "speed 2" 20.0
+       getETR po >>= assertEqual "etr 2" 0
+       getETA po >>= assertEqual "eta 2" 5
+       settime timem 400
+       setP po 90
+       getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "speed 3" 0.225
+       getETR po >>= assertEqual "etr 2" 44
+       getETA po >>= assertEqual "eta 2" 444
+tests = TestList [TestLabel "incrP" (TestCase test_incrP),
+                  TestLabel "setP" (TestCase test_setP),
+                  TestLabel "speed" (TestCase test_speed)]


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