[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:18:40 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit aa62346a77f8dc0e020eae869d3d7216d59cd841
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Sun Dec 3 11:03:37 2006 +0100

    Remove the WASH modules thare are to go away

diff --git a/MissingH/Wash/Mail/Email.hs b/MissingH/Wash/Mail/Email.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f697ac..0000000
--- a/MissingH/Wash/Mail/Email.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
--- © 2001, 2002 Peter Thiemann
-module MissingH.Wash.Mail.Email (
-	sendmail, inventMessageId, exitcodeToSYSEXIT, SYSEXIT(..),
-	module MissingH.Wash.Mail.MIME, 
-        module MissingH.Wash.Mail.HeaderField) where
--- from standard library
-import IO
-import System
--- from utility
-import MissingH.Wash.Utility.Auxiliary
-import MissingH.Wash.Utility.Unique
--- from package
-import MissingH.Wash.Mail.EmailConfig
-import MissingH.Wash.Mail.HeaderField
-import MissingH.Wash.Mail.MIME
--- |from sysexit.h
-data SYSEXIT =
-	EX_OK		--		0	/* successful termination */
-      | EX_USAGE	--		64	/* command line usage error */
-      | EX_DATAERR	--		65	/* data format error */
-      | EX_NOINPUT	--		66	/* cannot open input */
-      | EX_NOUSER	--		67	/* addressee unknown */
-      | EX_NOHOST	--		68	/* host name unknown */
-      | EX_UNAVAILABLE	--		69	/* service unavailable */
-      | EX_SOFTWARE	--		70	/* internal software error */
-      | EX_OSERR	--		71	/* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
-      | EX_OSFILE	--		72	/* critical OS file missing */
-      | EX_CANTCREAT	--		73	/* can't create (user) output file */
-      | EX_IOERR	--		74	/* input/output error */
-      | EX_TEMPFAIL	--		75	/* temp failure; user is invited to retry */
-      | EX_PROTOCOL	--		76	/* remote error in protocol */
-      | EX_NOPERM	--		77	/* permission denied */
-      | EX_CONFIG	--		78	/* configuration error */
-      | EX_UNKNOWN Int
-exitcodeToSYSEXIT :: ExitCode -> SYSEXIT
-exitcodeToSYSEXIT exitcode =
-  case exitcode of
-    ExitSuccess -> EX_OK
-    ExitFailure 64 -> EX_USAGE
-    ExitFailure 65 -> EX_DATAERR
-    ExitFailure 66 -> EX_NOINPUT
-    ExitFailure 67 -> EX_NOUSER
-    ExitFailure 68 -> EX_NOHOST
-    ExitFailure 69 -> EX_UNAVAILABLE
-    ExitFailure 70 -> EX_SOFTWARE
-    ExitFailure 71 -> EX_OSERR
-    ExitFailure 72 -> EX_OSFILE
-    ExitFailure 73 -> EX_CANTCREAT
-    ExitFailure 74 -> EX_IOERR
-    ExitFailure 75 -> EX_TEMPFAIL
-    ExitFailure 76 -> EX_PROTOCOL
-    ExitFailure 77 -> EX_NOPERM
-    ExitFailure 78 -> EX_CONFIG
-    ExitFailure sc -> EX_UNKNOWN sc
-instance Show SYSEXIT where
-  showsPrec i se = case se of
-      EX_OK	-> showString "successful termination"
-      EX_USAGE	-> showString "command line usage error"
-      EX_DATAERR	-> showString "data format error"
-      EX_NOINPUT	-> showString "cannot open input"
-      EX_NOUSER	-> showString "addressee unknown"
-      EX_NOHOST	-> showString "host name unknown"
-      EX_UNAVAILABLE	-> showString "service unavailable"
-      EX_SOFTWARE	-> showString "internal software error"
-      EX_OSERR	-> showString "system error (e.g., can't fork)"
-      EX_OSFILE	-> showString "critical OS file missing"
-      EX_CANTCREAT	-> showString "can't create (user) output file"
-      EX_IOERR	-> showString "input/output error"
-      EX_TEMPFAIL	-> showString "temp failure; user is invited to retry"
-      EX_PROTOCOL	-> showString "remote error in protocol"
-      EX_NOPERM	-> showString "permission denied"
-      EX_CONFIG	-> showString "configuration error"
-      EX_UNKNOWN sc -> showString "unknown return code: " . shows sc
--- facilities for sending email
-sendmailFlags   = 
-	["-i"			    -- ignore dots alone on a line
-	,"-t"			    -- read message for recipients
-	,"--"                       -- end of flag arguments
-	]			    -- , "-v" for verbose mode
-sendmail :: Mail -> IO ExitCode
-sendmail mail =
-  do filename <- inventBoundary
-     let tempfilename  = emailTmpDir ++ filename
-         tempfilename2 = emailTmpDir ++ "T" ++ filename
-     h <- openFile tempfilename WriteMode
-     hSend smtpSendControl{ sendH = h } mail
-     hClose h
-     exitcode <- system (sendmailProgram ++ pFlags sendmailFlags ++ " < " ++ tempfilename ++ " > " ++ tempfilename2)
-     system ("rm " ++ tempfilename)
-     system ("rm " ++ tempfilename2)
-     return exitcode
-pFlags [] = ""
-pFlags (flag:flags) = ' ' : flag ++ pFlags flags
-inventMessageId :: IO Header
-inventMessageId =
-  do randomKey <- inventStdKey
-     hostname  <- protectedGetEnv "SERVER_NAME" "localhost"
-     let messageId = "<" ++ randomKey ++ ".Email@" ++ hostname ++ ">"
-     return (Header ("Message-Id", messageId))
diff --git a/MissingH/Wash/Mail/EmailConfig.hs b/MissingH/Wash/Mail/EmailConfig.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 08cbb11..0000000
--- a/MissingH/Wash/Mail/EmailConfig.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module MissingH.Wash.Mail.EmailConfig where
-tmpDir, varDir, emailTmpDir, sendmailProgram :: String
--- |temporary storage
-tmpDir = "/tmp/"
--- |persistent, mutable storage
-varDir = "/tmp/"
--- |temporary email files
-emailTmpDir 	= tmpDir
--- |path of sendmail program
-sendmailProgram	= "/usr/sbin/sendmail"


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