[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:20:34 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 281129a4d42c60cbf8835c74428f92e15c4fa198
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 7 02:44:02 2006 +0100

    Removed System.Log.*; it's moving to hslogger

diff --git a/MissingH.cabal b/MissingH.cabal
index b334e2a..a904c40 100644
--- a/MissingH.cabal
+++ b/MissingH.cabal
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ Exposed-Modules: Data.String, System.IO.Utils, System.IO.Binary, Data.List.Utils
-  System.Log, System.Log.Handler,
-    System.Log.Handler.Simple, System.Log.Handler.Syslog,
-    System.Log.Logger, 
diff --git a/src/System/Log/Handler.hs b/src/System/Log/Handler.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c27b7c..0000000
--- a/src/System/Log/Handler.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: Log handlers main definition
-Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : System.Log.Handler
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : provisional
-   Portability: portable
-Definition of log handler support
-For some handlers, check out "System.Log.Handler.Simple" and
-Please see "System.Log.Logger" for extensive documentation on the
-logging system.
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-module System.Log.Handler(-- * Basic Types
-                                LogHandler(..)
-                               ) where
-import System.Log
-import IO
-{- | All log handlers should adhere to this. -}
-{- | This is the base class for the various log handlers.  They should
-all adhere to this class. -}
-class LogHandler a where
-                   -- | Sets the log level.  'handle' will drop
-                   -- items beneath this level.
-                   setLevel :: a -> Priority -> a
-                   -- | Gets the current level.
-                   getLevel :: a -> Priority
-                   -- | Logs an event if it meets the requirements
-                   -- given by the most recent call to 'setLevel'.
-                   handle :: a -> LogRecord -> String-> IO ()
-                   handle h (pri, msg) logname = 
-                       if pri >= (getLevel h)
-                          then emit h (pri, msg) logname
-                          else return ()
-                   -- | Forces an event to be logged regardless of
-                   -- the configured level.
-                   emit :: a -> LogRecord -> String -> IO ()
-                   -- | Closes the logging system, causing it to close
-                   -- any open files, etc.
-                   close :: a -> IO ()
diff --git a/src/System/Log/Handler/Simple.hs b/src/System/Log/Handler/Simple.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd70fb..0000000
--- a/src/System/Log/Handler/Simple.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: Simple log handlers
-Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : System.Log.Handler.Simple
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : provisional
-   Portability: portable
-Simple log handlers
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-module System.Log.Handler.Simple(streamHandler, fileHandler,
-                                      verboseStreamHandler)
-    where
-import System.Log
-import System.Log.Handler
-import IO
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-data GenericHandler a = GenericHandler {priority :: Priority,
-                                        privData :: a,
-                                        writeFunc :: a -> LogRecord -> String -> IO (),
-                                        closeFunc :: a -> IO () }
-instance LogHandler (GenericHandler a) where
-    setLevel sh p = sh{priority = p}
-    getLevel sh = priority sh
-    emit sh lr loggername = (writeFunc sh) (privData sh) lr loggername
-    close sh = (closeFunc sh) (privData sh)
-{- | Create a stream log handler.  Log messages sent to this handler will
-   be sent to the stream used initially.  Note that the 'close' method
-   will have no effect on stream handlers; it does not actually close
-   the underlying stream.  -}
-streamHandler :: Handle -> Priority -> IO (GenericHandler Handle)
-streamHandler h pri = 
-    do lock <- newMVar ()
-       let mywritefunc hdl (_, msg) _ = 
-               withMVar lock (\_ -> do hPutStrLn hdl msg
-                                       hFlush hdl
-                             )
-       return (GenericHandler {priority = pri,
-                               privData = h,
-                               writeFunc = mywritefunc,
-                               closeFunc = \x -> return ()})
-{- | Create a file log handler.  Log messages sent to this handler
-   will be sent to the filename specified, which will be opened
-   in Append mode.  Calling 'close' on the handler will close the file.
-   -}
-fileHandler :: FilePath -> Priority -> IO (GenericHandler Handle)
-fileHandler fp pri = do
-                     h <- openFile fp AppendMode
-                     sh <- streamHandler h pri
-                     return (sh{closeFunc = hClose})
-{- | Like 'streamHandler', but note the priority and logger name along
-with each message. -}
-verboseStreamHandler :: Handle -> Priority -> IO (GenericHandler Handle)
-verboseStreamHandler h pri =
-    do lock <- newMVar ()
-       let mywritefunc hdl (prio, msg) loggername = 
-               withMVar lock (\_ -> do hPutStrLn hdl ("[" ++ loggername 
-                                                          ++ "/" ++
-                                                          show prio ++
-                                                          "] " ++ msg)
-                                       hFlush hdl
-                             )
-       return (GenericHandler {priority = pri,
-                               privData = h,
-                               writeFunc = mywritefunc,
-                               closeFunc = \x -> return ()})
diff --git a/src/System/Log/Handler/Syslog.hs b/src/System/Log/Handler/Syslog.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e223eea..0000000
--- a/src/System/Log/Handler/Syslog.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: Syslog handler
-Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : System.Log.Handler.Syslog
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : provisional
-   Portability: portable
-Syslog handler for the Haskell Logging Framework
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-This module implements an interface to the Syslog service commonly
-found in Unix\/Linux systems.  This interface is primarily of interest to
-developers of servers, as Syslog does not typically display messages in
-an interactive fashion.
-This module is written in pure Haskell and is capable of logging to a local
-or remote machine using the Syslog protocol.
-You can create a new Syslog 'LogHandler' by calling 'openlog'.
-More information on the Haskell Logging Framework can be found at
-"System.Log.Logger".  This module can also be used outside
-of the rest of that framework for those interested in that.
-module System.Log.Handler.Syslog(
-                                       -- * Handler Initialization
-                                       openlog,
-                                       -- * Advanced handler initialization
-#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-                                       openlog_local,
-                                       openlog_remote,
-                                       openlog_generic,
-                                       -- * Data Types
-                                       Facility(..),
-                                       Option(..)
-                                       ) where
-import System.Log
-import System.Log.Handler
-import Data.Bits
-import Network.Socket
-import Network.BSD
-import List
-#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-import System.Posix.Process(getProcessID)
-import IO
-code_of_pri :: Priority -> Int
-code_of_pri p = case p of
-                       EMERGENCY -> 0
-                       ALERT -> 1
-                       CRITICAL -> 2
-                       ERROR -> 3
-                       WARNING -> 4
-                       NOTICE -> 5
-                       INFO -> 6
-                       DEBUG -> 7
-{- | Facilities are used by the system to determine where messages
-are sent. -}
-data Facility = 
-              KERN                      -- ^ Kernel messages; you should likely never use this in your programs
-              | USER                    -- ^ General userland messages.  Use this if nothing else is appropriate
-              | MAIL                    -- ^ E-Mail system
-              | DAEMON                  -- ^ Daemon (server process) messages
-              | AUTH                    -- ^ Authentication or security messages
-              | SYSLOG                  -- ^ Internal syslog messages; you should likely never use this in your programs
-              | LPR                     -- ^ Printer messages
-              | NEWS                    -- ^ Usenet news
-              | UUCP                    -- ^ UUCP messages
-              | CRON                    -- ^ Cron messages
-              | AUTHPRIV                -- ^ Private authentication messages
-              | LOCAL0                  -- ^ LOCAL0 through LOCAL7 are reserved for you to customize as you wish
-              | LOCAL1
-              | LOCAL2
-              | LOCAL3
-              | LOCAL4
-              | LOCAL5
-              | LOCAL6
-              | LOCAL7
-                deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-code_of_fac :: Facility -> Int
-code_of_fac f = case f of
-                       KERN -> 0
-                       USER -> 1
-                       MAIL -> 2
-                       DAEMON -> 3
-                       AUTH -> 4
-                       SYSLOG -> 5
-                       LPR -> 6
-                       NEWS -> 7
-                       UUCP -> 8
-                       CRON -> 9
-                       AUTHPRIV -> 10
-                       LOCAL0 -> 16
-                       LOCAL1 -> 17
-                       LOCAL2 -> 18
-                       LOCAL3 -> 19
-                       LOCAL4 -> 20
-                       LOCAL5 -> 21
-                       LOCAL6 -> 22
-                       LOCAL7 -> 23
-makeCode :: Facility -> Priority -> Int
-makeCode fac pri =
-    let faccode = code_of_fac fac
-        pricode = code_of_pri pri in
-        (faccode `shiftL` 3) .|. pricode
-{- | Options for 'openlog'. -}
-data Option = PID                       -- ^ Automatically log process ID (PID) with each message
-            | PERROR                    -- ^ Send a copy of each message to stderr
-            deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
-data SyslogHandler = SyslogHandler {options :: [Option],
-                                    facility :: Facility,
-                                    identity :: String,
-                                    logsocket :: Socket,
-                                    address :: SockAddr,
-                                    priority :: Priority}
-{- | Initialize the Syslog system using the local system's default interface,
-\/dev\/log.  Will return a new 'System.Log.Handler.LogHandler'.
-On Windows, instead of using \/dev\/log, this will attempt to send
-UDP messages to something listening on the syslog port (514) on localhost.
-Use 'openlog_remote' if you need more control.
-openlog :: String                       -- ^ The name of this program -- will be prepended to every log message
-        -> [Option]                     -- ^ A list of 'Option's.  The list [] is perfectly valid.  ['PID'] is probably most common here.
-        -> Facility                     -- ^ The 'Facility' value to pass to the syslog system for every message logged
-        -> Priority                     -- ^ Messages logged below this priority will be ignored.  To include every message, set this to 'DEBUG'.
-        -> IO SyslogHandler             -- ^ Returns the new handler
-#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
-openlog = openlog_remote AF_INET "localhost" 514
-openlog = openlog_local "/dev/log"
-{- | Initialize the Syslog system using an arbitrary Unix socket (FIFO).
-Not supported under Windows.
-#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-openlog_local :: String                 -- ^ Path to FIFO
-              -> String                 -- ^ Program name
-              -> [Option]               -- ^ 'Option's
-              -> Facility               -- ^ Facility value
-              -> Priority               -- ^ Priority limit
-              -> IO SyslogHandler
-openlog_local fifopath ident options fac pri =
-    do
-    s <- socket AF_UNIX Datagram 0
-    openlog_generic s (SockAddrUnix "/dev/log") ident options fac pri
-{- | Log to a remote server via UDP. -}
-openlog_remote :: Family                -- ^ Usually AF_INET or AF_INET6; see Network.Socket
-               -> HostName              -- ^ Remote hostname.  Some use @localhost@
-               -> PortNumber            -- ^ 514 is the default for syslog
-               -> String                -- ^ Program name
-               -> [Option]              -- ^ 'Option's
-               -> Facility              -- ^ Facility value
-               -> Priority              -- ^ Priority limit
-               -> IO SyslogHandler
-openlog_remote fam hostname port ident options fac pri =
-    do
-    he <- getHostByName hostname
-    s <- socket fam Datagram 0
-    let addr = SockAddrInet port (head (hostAddresses he))
-    openlog_generic s addr ident options fac pri
-{- | The most powerful initialization mechanism.  Takes an open datagram
-socket. -}
-openlog_generic :: Socket               -- ^ A datagram socket
-                -> SockAddr             -- ^ Address for transmissions
-                -> String               -- ^ Program name
-                -> [Option]             -- ^ 'Option's
-                -> Facility             -- ^ Facility value
-                -> Priority             -- ^ Priority limit
-                -> IO SyslogHandler
-openlog_generic sock addr ident opt fac pri =
-    return (SyslogHandler {options = opt,
-                            facility = fac,
-                            identity = ident,
-                            logsocket = sock,
-                            address = addr,
-                            priority = pri})
-instance LogHandler SyslogHandler where
-    setLevel sh p = sh{priority = p}
-    getLevel sh = priority sh
-    emit sh (p, msg) loggername = 
-        let code = makeCode (facility sh) p
-            getpid :: IO String
-            getpid = if (elem PID (options sh))
-                     then do
-#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-                          pid <- getProcessID
-                          let pid = "windows"
-                          return ("[" ++ show pid ++ "]")
-                     else return ""
-            sendstr :: String -> IO String
-            sendstr [] = return []
-            sendstr omsg = do
-                           sent <- sendTo (logsocket sh) omsg (address sh)
-                           sendstr (genericDrop sent omsg)
-            in
-            do
-            pidstr <- getpid
-            let outstr = "<" ++ (show code) ++ ">" 
-                         ++ (identity sh) ++ pidstr ++ ": "
-                         ++ "[" ++ loggername ++ "/" ++ (show p) ++ "] " ++ msg
-            if (elem PERROR (options sh))
-               then hPutStrLn stderr outstr
-               else return ()
-            sendstr (outstr ++ "\0")
-            return ()
-    close sh = sClose (logsocket sh)
diff --git a/src/System/Log/Logger.hs b/src/System/Log/Logger.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e73e537..0000000
--- a/src/System/Log/Logger.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: Logger main definition
-Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : System.Log.Logger
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : provisional
-   Portability: portable
-Haskell Logging Framework, Primary Interface
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-Welcome to the error and information logging system for Haskell.
-This system is patterned after Python\'s @logging@ module,
-<http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-logging.html> and some of
-the documentation here was based on documentation there.
-To log a message, you perform operations on 'Logger's.  Each 'Logger' has a
-name, and they are arranged hierarchically.  Periods serve as separators.
-Therefore, a 'Logger' named \"foo\" is the parent of loggers \"foo.printing\",
-\"foo.html\", and \"foo.io\".  These names can be anything you want.  They're
-used to indicate the area of an application or library in which a logged
-message originates.  Later you will see how you can use this concept to 
-fine-tune logging behaviors based on specific application areas.
-You can also tune logging behaviors based upon how important a message is.
-Each message you log will have an importance associated with it.  The different
-importance levels are given by the 'Priority' type.  I've also provided
-some convenient functions that correspond to these importance levels:
-'debugM' through 'emergencyM' log messages with the specified importance.
-Now, an importance level (or 'Priority') 
-is associated not just with a particular message but also
-with a 'Logger'.  If the 'Priority' of a given log message is lower than
-the 'Priority' configured in the 'Logger', that message is ignored.  This
-way, you can globally control how verbose your logging output is.
-Now, let's follow what happens under the hood when you log a message.  We'll
-assume for the moment that you are logging something with a high enough
-'Priority' that it passes the test in your 'Logger'.  In your code, you'll
-call 'logM' or something like 'debugM' to log the message.  Your 'Logger'
-decides to accept the message.  What next?
-Well, we also have a notion of /handlers/ ('LogHandler's, to be precise).
-A 'LogHandler' is a thing that takes a message and sends it somewhere.
-That \"somewhere\" may be your screen (via standard error), your system's
-logging infrastructure (via syslog), a file, or other things.  Each
-'Logger' can have zero or more 'LogHandler's associated with it.  When your
-'Logger' has a message to log, it passes it to every 'LogHandler' it knows
-of to process.  What's more, it is also passed to /all handlers of all
-ancestors of the Logger/, regardless of whether those 'Logger's would
-normally have passed on the message.
-To give you one extra little knob to turn, 'LogHandler's can also have
-importance levels ('Priority') associated with them in the same way
-that 'Logger's do.  They act just like the 'Priority' value in the
-'Logger's -- as a filter.  It's useful, for instance, to make sure that
-under no circumstances will a mere 'DEBUG' message show up in your syslog.
-There are three built-in handlers given in two built-in modules:
-"System.Log.Handler.Simple" and "System.Log.Handler.Syslog".
-There is a special logger known as the /root logger/ that sits at the top
-of the logger hierarchy.  It is always present, and handlers attached
-there will be called for every message.  You can use 'getRootLogger' to get
-it or 'rootLoggerName' to work with it by name.
-Here's an example to illustrate some of these concepts:
-> import System.Log.Logger
-> import System.Log.Handler.Syslog
-> -- By default, all messages of level WARNING and above are sent to stderr.
-> -- Everything else is ignored.
-> -- "MyApp.Component" is an arbitrary string; you can tune
-> -- logging behavior based on it later.
-> main = do
->        debugM "MyApp.Component"  "This is a debug message -- never to be seen"
->        warningM "MyApp.Component2" "Something Bad is about to happen."
->        -- Copy everything to syslog from here on out.
->        s <- openlog "SyslogStuff" [PID] USER DEBUG
->        updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (addHandler s)
->        errorM "MyApp.Component" "This is going to stderr and syslog."
->        -- Now we'd like to see everything from BuggyComponent
->        -- at DEBUG or higher go to syslog and stderr.
->        -- Also, we'd like to still ignore things less than
->        -- WARNING in other areas.
->        -- 
->        -- So, we adjust the Logger for MyApp.Component.
->        updateGlobalLogger "MyApp.BuggyComponent"
->                           (setLevel DEBUG)
->        -- This message will go to syslog and stderr
->        debugM "MyApp.BuggyComponent" "This buggy component is buggy"
->        -- This message will go to syslog and stderr too.
->        warningM "MyApp.BuggyComponent" "Still Buggy"
->        -- This message goes nowhere.
->        debugM "MyApp.WorkingComponent" "Hello"
-module System.Log.Logger(
-                               -- * Basic Types
-                               Logger,
-                               -- ** Re-Exported from System.Log
-                               Priority(..),
-                               -- * Logging Messages
-                               -- ** Basic
-                               logM,
-                               -- ** Utility Functions
-                               -- These functions are wrappers for 'logM' to
-                               -- make your job easier.
-                               debugM, infoM, noticeM, warningM, errorM,
-                               criticalM, alertM, emergencyM,
-                               traplogging,
-                               -- ** Logging to a particular Logger by object
-                               logL,
-                               -- * Logger Manipulation
-{- | These functions help you work with loggers.  There are some
-special things to be aware of.
-First of all, whenever you first access a given logger by name, it
-magically springs to life.  It has a default 'Priority' of 'DEBUG'
-and an empty handler list -- which means that it will inherit whatever its
-parents do.
-                               -- ** Finding \/ Creating Loggers
-                               getLogger, getRootLogger, rootLoggerName,
-                               -- ** Modifying Loggers
-{- | Keep in mind that \"modification\" here is modification in the Haskell
-sense.  We do not actually cause mutation in a specific 'Logger'.  Rather,
-we return you a new 'Logger' object with the change applied.
-Also, please note that these functions will not have an effect on the
-global 'Logger' hierarchy.  You may use your new 'Logger's locally,
-but other functions won't see the changes.  To make a change global,
-you'll need to use 'updateGlobalLogger' or 'saveGlobalLogger'.
-                               addHandler, setHandlers,
-                               getLevel, setLevel,
-                               -- ** Saving Your Changes
-{- | These functions commit changes you've made to loggers to the global
-logger hierarchy. -}
-                               saveGlobalLogger,
-                               updateGlobalLogger
-                               ) where
-import Data.String
-import System.Log
-import System.Log.Handler(LogHandler)
-import qualified System.Log.Handler(handle)
-import System.Log.Handler.Simple
-import IO
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import Data.List(map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import qualified Control.Exception
-import Control.Monad.Error
--- Basic logger types
-data HandlerT = forall a. LogHandler a => HandlerT a
-data Logger = Logger { level :: Priority,
-                       handlers :: [HandlerT],
-                       name :: String}
-type LogTree = Map.Map String Logger
-{- | This is the base class for the various log handlers.  They should
-all adhere to this class. -}
--- Utilities
--- | The name of the root logger, which is always defined and present
--- on the system.
-rootLoggerName = ""
-{- | Placeholders created when a new logger must be created.  This is used
-only for the root logger default for now, as all others crawl up the tree
-to find a sensible default. -}
-placeholder :: Logger
-placeholder = Logger {level = WARNING, handlers = [], name = ""}
--- Logger Tree Storage
--- | The log tree.  Initialize it with a default root logger 
--- and (FIXME) a logger for MissingH itself.
-{-# NOINLINE logTree #-}
-logTree :: MVar LogTree
--- note: only kick up tree if handled locally
-logTree = 
-    unsafePerformIO $ do
-                      h <- streamHandler stderr DEBUG
-                      newMVar (Map.singleton rootLoggerName (Logger 
-                                                   {level = WARNING,
-                                                    name = "",
-                                                    handlers = [HandlerT h]}))
-{- | Given a name, return all components of it, starting from the root.
-Example return value: 
->["", "MissingH", "System.Cmd.Utils", "System.Cmd.Utils.pOpen"]
-componentsOfName :: String -> [String]
-componentsOfName name =
-    let joinComp [] _ = []
-        joinComp (x:xs) [] = x : joinComp xs x
-        joinComp (x:xs) accum =
-            let newlevel = accum ++ "." ++ x in
-                newlevel : joinComp xs newlevel
-        in
-        rootLoggerName : joinComp (split "." name) []
--- Logging With Location
-{- | Log a message using the given logger at a given priority. -}
-logM :: String                           -- ^ Name of the logger to use
-     -> Priority                         -- ^ Priority of this message
-     -> String                           -- ^ The log text itself
-     -> IO ()
-logM logname pri msg = do
-                       l <- getLogger logname
-                       logL l pri msg
--- Utility functions
-{- | Log a message at 'DEBUG' priority -}
-debugM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-debugM s = logM s DEBUG
-{- | Log a message at 'INFO' priority -}
-infoM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-infoM s = logM s INFO
-{- | Log a message at 'NOTICE' priority -}
-noticeM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-noticeM s = logM s NOTICE
-{- | Log a message at 'WARNING' priority -}
-warningM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-warningM s = logM s WARNING
-{- | Log a message at 'ERROR' priority -}
-errorM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-errorM s = logM s ERROR
-{- | Log a message at 'CRITICAL' priority -}
-criticalM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-criticalM s = logM s CRITICAL
-{- | Log a message at 'ALERT' priority -}
-alertM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-alertM s = logM s ALERT
-{- | Log a message at 'EMERGENCY' priority -}
-emergencyM :: String                         -- ^ Logger name
-      -> String                         -- ^ Log message
-      -> IO ()
-emergencyM s = logM s EMERGENCY
--- Public Logger Interaction Support
--- | Returns the logger for the given name.  If no logger with that name
--- exists, creates new loggers and any necessary parent loggers, with
--- no connected handlers.
-getLogger :: String -> IO Logger
-getLogger lname = modifyMVar logTree $ \lt ->
-    case Map.lookup lname lt of
-         Just x ->  return (lt, x) -- A logger exists; return it and leave tree
-         Nothing -> do
-                    -- Add logger(s).  Then call myself to retrieve it.
-                    let newlt = createLoggers (componentsOfName lname) lt
-                    result <- Map.lookup lname newlt
-                    return (newlt, result)
-    where createLoggers :: [String] -> LogTree -> LogTree
-          createLoggers [] lt = lt -- No names to add; return tree unmodified
-          createLoggers (x:xs) lt = -- Add logger to tree
-              if Map.member x lt
-                 then createLoggers xs lt
-                 else createLoggers xs 
-                          (Map.insert x ((modellogger lt) {name=x}) lt)
-          modellogger :: LogTree -> Logger
-          -- the modellogger is what we use for adding new loggers
-          modellogger lt =
-              findmodellogger lt (reverse $ componentsOfName lname)
-          findmodellogger _ [] = error "findmodellogger: root logger does not exist?!"
-          findmodellogger lt (x:xs) =
-              case Map.lookup x lt of
-                Left (_::String) -> findmodellogger lt xs
-                Right logger -> logger {handlers = []}
--- | Returns the root logger.
-getRootLogger :: IO Logger
-getRootLogger = getLogger rootLoggerName
--- | Log a message, assuming the current logger's level permits it.
-logL :: Logger -> Priority -> String -> IO ()
-logL l pri msg = handle l (pri, msg)
--- | Handle a log request.
-handle :: Logger -> LogRecord -> IO ()
-handle l (pri, msg) = 
-    let parentHandlers [] = return []
-        parentHandlers name =
-            let pname = (head . drop 1 . reverse . componentsOfName) name
-                in
-                do 
-                --putStrLn (join "," foo)
-                --putStrLn pname
-                --putStrLn "1"
-                parent <- getLogger pname
-                --putStrLn "2"
-                next <- parentHandlers pname
-                --putStrLn "3"
-                return ((handlers parent) ++ next)
-        in
-        if pri >= (level l)
-           then do 
-                ph <- parentHandlers (name l)
-                sequence_ (handlerActions (ph ++ (handlers l)) (pri, msg)
-                                          (name l))
-           else return ()
--- | Call a handler given a HandlerT.
-callHandler :: LogRecord -> String -> HandlerT -> IO ()
-callHandler lr loggername ht =
-    case ht of
-            HandlerT x -> System.Log.Handler.handle x lr loggername
--- | Generate IO actions for the handlers.
-handlerActions :: [HandlerT] -> LogRecord -> String -> [IO ()]
-handlerActions h lr loggername = map (callHandler lr loggername ) h
--- | Add handler to 'Logger'.  Returns a new 'Logger'.
-addHandler :: LogHandler a => a -> Logger -> Logger
-addHandler h l= l{handlers = (HandlerT h) : (handlers l)}
--- | Set the 'Logger'\'s list of handlers to the list supplied.
--- All existing handlers are removed first.
-setHandlers :: LogHandler a => [a] -> Logger -> Logger
-setHandlers hl l = 
-    l{handlers = map (\h -> HandlerT h) hl}
--- | Returns the "level" of the logger.  Items beneath this
--- level will be ignored.
-getLevel :: Logger -> Priority
-getLevel l = level l
--- | Sets the "level" of the 'Logger'.  Returns a new
--- 'Logger' object with the new level.
-setLevel :: Priority -> Logger -> Logger
-setLevel p l = l{level = p}
--- | Updates the global record for the given logger to take into
--- account any changes you may have made.
-saveGlobalLogger :: Logger -> IO ()
-saveGlobalLogger l = modifyMVar_ logTree 
-                     (\lt -> return $ Map.insert (name l) l lt)
-{- | Helps you make changes on the given logger.  Takes a function
-that makes changes and writes those changes back to the global
-database.  Here's an example from above (\"s\" is a 'LogHandler'):
-> updateGlobalLogger "MyApp.BuggyComponent"
->                    (setLevel DEBUG . setHandlers [s])
-updateGlobalLogger :: String            -- ^ Logger name
-                      -> (Logger -> Logger) -- ^ Function to call
-                      -> IO ()
-updateGlobalLogger ln func =
-    do l <- getLogger ln
-       saveGlobalLogger (func l)
-{- | Traps exceptions that may occur, logging them, then passing them on.
-Takes a logger name, priority, leading description text (you can set it to
-@\"\"@ if you don't want any), and action to run.
-traplogging :: String                   -- Logger name
-            -> Priority                 -- Logging priority
-            -> String                   -- Descriptive text to prepend to logged messages
-            -> IO a                     -- Action to run
-            -> IO a                     -- Return value
-traplogging logger priority desc action =
-    let realdesc = case desc of
-                             "" -> ""
-                             x -> x ++ ": "
-        handler e = do
-                    logM logger priority (realdesc ++ (show e))
-                    Control.Exception.throw e             -- Re-raise it
-        in
-        Control.Exception.catch action handler


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