[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:21:03 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 38ce0f91ba3750292deb660a676a7fee7272a1a2
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 7 23:13:09 2006 +0100

    Removed ConfigParser tests

diff --git a/testsrc/ConfigParser/Maintest.hs b/testsrc/ConfigParser/Maintest.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 739a4c0..0000000
--- a/testsrc/ConfigParser/Maintest.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: ConfigParser tests main file
-Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-module ConfigParser.Maintest(tests) where
-import Test.HUnit
-import Data.ConfigFile
-import Data.Either.Utils
-import System.IO.PlafCompat(nullFileName)
-import Test.HUnit.Utils
-import Control.Exception
-import System.IO
-nullfile = openFile nullFileName ReadWriteMode
-testfile = "testsrc/ConfigParser/test.cfg"
-p inp = forceEither $ readstring emptyCP inp
-f msg inp exp conv = TestLabel msg $ TestCase $ assertEqual "" (Right exp) (conv (p inp))
--- f2s, f2b are useful for matching Left return values
-f2s :: String -> Either CPError String -> Either CPError String -> Test
-f2s = f2
-f2b :: String -> Either CPError Bool -> Either CPError Bool -> Test
-f2b = f2
-f2 msg exp res = TestLabel msg $ TestCase $ assertEqual "" exp res
-f3 msg inp exp conv = TestLabel msg $ TestCase $ assertEqual "" exp (conv (p inp))
-instance Show ConfigParser where
-    show x = show (content x)
-instance Eq ConfigParser where
-    x == y = (content x) == (content y)
-test_basic =
-        [
-         f3 "empty doc, no sections" "" [] sections,
-         f3 "one empty line" "\n" [] sections,
-         f3 "comment line only" "#foo bar" [] sections,
-         f3 "comment line with \\n" "#foo bar\n" [] sections,
-         f3 "one empty sect" "[emptysect]" ["emptysect"] sections,
-         f3 "one empty sect w comment" "#foo bar\n[emptysect]\n" ["emptysect"]
-            sections,
-         f3 "assure comments not processed"
-            "# [nonexistant]\n[emptysect]\n" ["emptysect"] sections,
-         f3 "1 empty s w/comments"
-            "#fo\n[Cemptysect]\n#asdf boo\n  \n  # fnonexistantg"
-            ["Cemptysect"] sections,
-         f3 "1 empty s, comments, EOL"
-            "[emptysect]\n# [nonexistant]\n" ["emptysect"] sections,
-         TestLabel "1 sec w/option" $ TestCase $
-           do let cp = p "[sect1]\nfoo: bar\n"
-              ["sect1"] @=? sections cp
-              (Right "bar") @=? get cp "sect1" "foo"
-        , f "comments in option text"
-            "[s1]\no1: v1#v2\n"
-            "v1#v2" (\cp -> get cp "s1" "o1")
-        , TestLabel "mult options" $ TestCase $
-           do let cp = p "\n#foo\n[sect1]\n\n#iiii \no1: v1\no2:  v2\no3: v3"
-              Right ["o1", "o2", "o3"] @=? options cp "sect1"
-              ["sect1"] @=? sections cp
-              Right "v2" @=? get cp "sect1" "o2"
-        , TestLabel "sectionless option" $ TestCase $
-           do let cp = p "v1: o1\n[sect1]\nv2: o2"
-              Right "o1" @=? get cp "sect1" "v1"
-              Right "o2" @=? get cp "sect1" "v2"
-              Right "o1" @=? get cp "DEFAULT" "v1"
-        , f3 "extensions to string" 
-             "[sect1]\nfoo: bar\nbaz: l1\n l2\n   l3\n# c\nquux: asdf"
-             "[sect1]\nbaz: l1\n    l2\n    l3\nfoo: bar\nquux: asdf\n\n"
-             to_string
-        ]
-test_defaults = 
-    let cp = p "def: ault\n[sect1]\nfoo: bar\nbaz: quuz\nint: 2\nfloat: 3\nbool: yes\n[sect4]\ndef: different" in
-      [
-       f2 "default item" (Right "ault") (get cp "sect1" "def")
-      ,f2 "normal item" (Right "bar") (get cp "sect1" "foo")
-      ,f2s "no option" (Left (NoOption "abc", "get (sect1/abc)")) 
-               (get cp "sect1" "abc")
-      ,f2s "no section" (Left (NoSection "sect2", "get (sect2/foo)")) 
-               (get cp "sect2" "foo")
-      ,f2 "default from bad sect" (Right "ault") (get cp "sect2" "def")
-      ,f2 "overriding default" (Right "different") (get cp "sect4" "def")
-      -- not in haskell: ,f2 "using default feature"
-      -- default int
-      -- default float
-      -- default bool
-      ]
-test_nodefault =
-    let cp = (p "def: ault\n[sect1]\nfoo: bar\nbaz: quuz\nint: 2\nfloat: 3\nbool: yes\n[sect4]\ndef: different"){usedefault = False} in
-      [
-       f2s "default item" (Left (NoOption "def", "get (sect1/def)")) 
-               (get cp "sect1" "def")
-      ,f2 "normal item" (Right "bar") (get cp "sect1" "foo")
-      ,f2s "no option" (Left (NoOption "abc", "get (sect1/abc)")) 
-               (get cp "sect1" "abc")
-      ,f2s "no section" (Left (NoSection "sect2", "get (sect2/foo)")) 
-               (get cp "sect2" "foo")
-      ,f2s "default bad sect" (Left (NoSection "sect2", "get (sect2/def)"))
-               (get cp "sect2" "def")
-      ,f2 "overriding default" (Right "different") (get cp "sect4" "def")
-      -- not in haskell: ,f2 "using default feature"
-      -- default int
-      -- default float
-      -- default bool
-      ]
-test_instances = 
-    let cp = p "[x]\na: true\nb: 1\nbad: never"
-	in [f2 "bool 1st" (Right True) (get cp "x" "a"),
-	    f2 "bool 1nd" (Right True) (get cp "x" "b"),
-            f2b "bad bool" (Left (ParseError "couldn't parse bool never from (x/bad)", "getbool")) (get cp "x" "bad"),
-            f2 "number" (Right (1::Int)) (get cp "x" "b")
-	   ]
-test_merge =
-    let cp = p "test: foo"
-        cp2 = p "test: bar"
-        in [f2 "merge1" (cp) (merge emptyCP cp)
-           ,f2 "merge2" (cp) (merge cp emptyCP)
-           ,f2 "merge3" (cp2) (merge cp cp2)
-           ,f2 "merge4" (cp) (merge cp2 cp)]
-test_remove = 
-    let cp = forceEither $ readstring emptyCP "def:ault\n[sect1]\ns1o1: v1\ns1o2:v2\n[sect2]\ns2o1: v1\ns2o2: v2\n[sect3]"
-        in [
-            f2 "setup" ["sect1", "sect2", "sect3"] (sections cp)
-           ,f2 "remove 1st s" (Right ["sect2", "sect3"])
-               (do x <- remove_section cp "sect1"
-                   return $ sections x
-                )
-           ,f2 "remove 2nd s" (Right ["sect1", "sect3"])
-               (do x <- remove_section cp "sect2"
-                   return $ sections x
-                )
-           ,f2 "remove 3rd s" (Right ["sect1", "sect2"])
-               (do x <- remove_section cp "sect3"
-                   return $ sections x
-                )
-           ,f2 "error handling s" (Left (NoSection "sect4", "remove_section"))
-                  (remove_section cp "sect4")
-           ,f2 "remove an option" (Right (["sect1", "sect2", "sect3"], ["s1o2"]))
-               (do x <- remove_option cp "sect1" "s1o1"
-                   y <- options x "sect1"
-                   return (sections x, y)
-                )
-           ,f2 "option err 1" (Left (NoSection "sect4", 
-                                     "remove_option (sect4/s4o1)"))
-               (remove_option cp "sect4" "s4o1")
-           ,f2 "option err 2" (Left (NoOption "s1o3",
-                                     "remove_option (sect1/s1o3)"))
-               (remove_option cp "sect1" "s1o3")
-           ]
-test_ex_nomonad = 
-    do 
-       fh <- nullfile
-       val <- readfile emptyCP testfile
-       let cp = forceEither val
-       hPutStr fh "Your setting is:"
-       hPutStr fh $ forceEither $ get cp "file1" "location"
-test_ex_errormonad = 
-    [ 
-      TestLabel "chaining1" $ TestCase $ 
-      (Right ["opt1", "opt2"]) @=? 
-       do let cp = emptyCP
-          cp <- add_section cp "sect1"
-          cp <- set cp "sect1" "opt1" "foo"
-          cp <- set cp "sect1" "opt2" "bar"
-          options cp "sect1"
-     ,TestLabel "chaining2" $ TestCase $ 
-      (Left (NoSection "sect2", "set (sect2/opt2)")) @=? 
-       do let cp = emptyCP
-          cp <- add_section cp "sect1"
-          cp <- set cp "sect1" "opt1" "foo"
-          cp <- set cp "sect2" "opt2" "bar"
-          options cp "sect1"
-     ,TestLabel "chaining3" $ TestCase $ 
-      ["opt1", "opt2"] @=? (
-       forceEither $ do let cp = emptyCP
-                        cp <- add_section cp "sect1"
-                        cp <- set cp "sect1" "opt1" "foo"
-                        cp <- set cp "sect1" "opt2" "bar"
-                        options cp "sect1"
-       )
-    ]
-test_interp = 
-    let interpdoc = "[DEFAULT]\narch = i386\n\n[builder]\n" ++
-                    "filename = test_%(arch)s.c\n" ++
-                    "dir = /usr/src/%(filename)s\n" ++
-                    "percent = 5%%\n" ++
-                    "bad = /usr/src/%(nonexistent)s\n" ++
-                    "recursive = foo%(recursive)s\n" ++
-                    "syn1 = foo%()s\n" ++
-                    "syn2 = foo%(asdf)\n" ++
-                    "syn3 = foo%s\n" ++
-                    "syn4 = %\n"
-        cp = (forceEither $ (readstring emptyCP interpdoc)){ accessfunc = interpolatingAccess 5}
-        in
-        [
-         f2 "basic" (Right "i386") (get cp "DEFAULT" "arch")
-        ,f2 "filename" (Right "test_i386.c") (get cp "builder" "filename")
-        ,f2 "dir" (Right "/usr/src/test_i386.c") (get cp "builder" "dir")
-        ,f2 "percents" (Right "5%") (get cp "builder" "percent")
-        ,f2s "error" (Left (InterpolationError "unresolvable interpolation reference to \"nonexistent\"", "interpolatingAccess")) (get cp "builder" "bad")
-        ,f2s "recursive" (Left (InterpolationError "maximum interpolation depth exceeded", "interpolatingAccess"))
-                        (get cp "builder" "recursive")
-        ,f2s "syn1" (Left (InterpolationError "\"builder/syn1\" (line 1, column 6):\nunexpected \")\"\nexpecting interpolation name","interpolatingAccess"))
-                   (get cp "builder" "syn1")
-        ,f2s "syn2" (Left (InterpolationError "\"builder/syn2\" (line 1, column 10):\nunexpected end of input\nexpecting \")s\"","interpolatingAccess"))
-                   (get cp "builder" "syn2")
-        ,f2s "syn3" (Left (InterpolationError "\"builder/syn3\" (line 1, column 4):\nunexpected \"s\"\nexpecting \"%(\"","interpolatingAccess"))
-                   (get cp "builder" "syn3")
-        ,f2s "syn4" (Left (InterpolationError "\"builder/syn4\" (line 1, column 1):\nunexpected end of input\nexpecting \"%(\"","interpolatingAccess"))
-                   (get cp "builder" "syn4")
-        ]
-tests = TestList [TestLabel "test_basic" (TestList test_basic),
-                 TestLabel "test_defaults" (TestList test_defaults),
-                 TestLabel "test_nodefault" (TestList test_nodefault),
-                 TestLabel "test_remove" (TestList test_remove),
-                 TestLabel "test_ex_nomonad" (TestCase test_ex_nomonad),
-                 TestLabel "test_ex_errormonad" (TestList test_ex_errormonad),
-                 TestLabel "test_interp" (TestList test_interp),
-                 TestLabel "test_instances" (TestList test_instances),
-                 TestLabel "test_merge" (TestList test_merge)]
diff --git a/testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs b/testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 43f836e..0000000
--- a/testsrc/ConfigParser/Parsertest.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: ConfigParser parser tests main file
-Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-module ConfigParser.Parsertest(tests) where
-import Test.HUnit
-import Data.ConfigFile.Parser
-import Data.ConfigFile.Types
-import Test.HUnit.Utils
-import Control.Exception
-test_basic =
-    let f msg inp exp = TestLabel msg $ TestCase $ assertEqual "" (Right exp) (parse_string inp) in
-        [
-        f "empty string" "" []
-        ,f "one empty line" "\n" []
-        -- These two should go to OCaml
-        ,f "one empty comment" "#" []
-        ,f "one empty comment eol" "#\n" []
-        ,f "one comment line" "#foo bar" []
-        ,f "one comment line with eol" "#foo bar\n" []
-        ,f "one empty section" "[emptysect]" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "one empty section w/eol" "[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comment and empty sect noeol" "#foo bar\n[emptysect]"
-           [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comment and empty sect" "#foo bar\n[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comments2" "# [nonexistant]\n[emptysect]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comments3" "#fo\n[Cemptysect]\n#asdf boo\n  \n  # fnonexistantg"
-          [("Cemptysect", [])]
-        ,f "comments4" "[emptysect]\n# [nonexistant]\n" [("emptysect", [])]
-        ,f "simple section" "[sect1]\nfoo: bar\n" [("sect1", [("foo", "bar")])]
-        ,f "comments5" "\n#foo\n[sect1]\n\n#iiii \no1: v1\no2:  v2\no3: v3"
-          [("sect1", [("o1", "v1"), ("o2", "v2"), ("o3", "v3")])]
-        ,f "comments5ext" "\n#foo\n[sect1]\n\n#iiii \no1: v1\no2:  v2\n o3: v3"
-          [("sect1", [("o1", "v1"), ("o2", "v2\no3: v3")])]
-        ,f "comments5eol" "\n#foo\n[sect1]\n\n#iiii \no1: v1\no2:  v2\no3: v3\n"
-          [("sect1", [("o1", "v1"), ("o2", "v2"), ("o3", "v3")])]
-        ,f "default1" "v1: o1\n[sect1]\nv2: o2" [("DEFAULT", [("v1", "o1")]),
-                                     ("sect1", [("v2", "o2")])]
-        ,f "simple default" "foo: bar" [("DEFAULT", [("foo", "bar")])]
-               ]
-test_asserts =
-    let f msg inp exp = TestLabel msg $ TestCase $ exp @=? parse_string inp in
-        [
-         f "e test1" "#foo\nthis is bad data"
-                     (Left (ParseError "\"(string)\" (line 2, column 1):\nunexpected \"t\"\nexpecting end of input, whitespace, start of comment, empty line, start of section or option separator", "lexer"))
-        ,f "e test2" "[sect1]\n#iiiiii \n  extensionline\n#foo"
-                     (Left (ParseError "\"(string)\" (line 4, column 1):\nunexpected EXTENSIONLINE \"extensionline\"","parser"))
-        ]
-        assertRaises "e test1" (ErrorCall "Lexer: \"(string)\" (line 1, column 5):\nunexpected \"\\n\"\nexpecting Option separator")
-                      ([] @=? parse_string "#foo\nthis is bad data")
-        assertRaises "e test2" (ErrorCall "Lexer: \"(string)\" (line 2, column 9):\nunexpected \"\\n\"\nexpecting Option separator")
-                     ([] @=? parse_string "[sect1]\n#iiiiii \n  extensionline\n#foo")
-test_extensionlines =
-    let f inp exp = (Right exp) @=? parse_string inp in
-        do
-        f "[sect1]\nfoo: bar\nbaz: l1\n l2\n   l3\n# c\nquux: asdf"
-          [("sect1", [("foo", "bar"),
-                      ("baz", "l1\nl2\nl3"),
-                      ("quux", "asdf")])]
-tests = TestList [TestLabel "test_basic" (TestList test_basic),
-                  TestLabel "test_asserts" (TestList test_asserts),
-                  TestLabel "test_extensionlines" (TestCase test_extensionlines)
-                 ]
diff --git a/testsrc/ConfigParser/test.cfg b/testsrc/ConfigParser/test.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 985012d..0000000
--- a/testsrc/ConfigParser/test.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# arch-tag: test file for ConfigParser tests
-# Default options
-hostname: localhost 
-# Options for the first file
-location: /usr/local
-user: Fred
-uid: 1000
-optionaltext: Hello, this  entire string is included 
-location: /opt
-user: Fred
-uid: 1001 
-hostname: somewhere
diff --git a/testsrc/Tests.hs b/testsrc/Tests.hs
index 643dee9..e4defd4 100644
--- a/testsrc/Tests.hs
+++ b/testsrc/Tests.hs
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ import qualified Strtest
 import qualified IOtest
 import qualified Bitstest
 import qualified Eithertest
-import qualified ConfigParser.Parsertest
-import qualified ConfigParser.Maintest
 import qualified CRC32POSIXtest
 import qualified CRC32GZIPtest
 import qualified GZiptest
@@ -58,8 +56,6 @@ tests = TestList [TestLabel "test1" test1,
                  TestLabel "MIMETypes" MIMETypestest.tests,
                  TestLabel "Bitstest" Bitstest.tests,
                  TestLabel "Eithertest" Eithertest.tests,
-                 TestLabel "ConfigParser.RunParser" ConfigParser.Parsertest.tests,
-                 TestLabel "ConfigParser.Main" ConfigParser.Maintest.tests,
                  TestLabel "CRC32POSIXtest" CRC32POSIXtest.tests,
                  TestLabel "CRC32GZIPtest" CRC32GZIPtest.tests,
                  TestLabel "GZiptest" GZiptest.tests]


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