[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:19:50 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 6023dc1e41dd20ed07da39983f7f54c9b23747c3
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 6 23:04:36 2006 +0100

    Remove hsemail code

diff --git a/src/Language/RFC2234/Parse.hs b/src/Language/RFC2234/Parse.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 66785d0..0000000
--- a/src/Language/RFC2234/Parse.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-{- |
-   Module      :  Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Rfc2234
-   Copyright   :  (c) 2005-02-10 by Peter Simons
-   License     :  GPL2
-   Maintainer  :  simons at cryp.to
-   Stability   :  provisional
-   Portability :  portable
-   This module provides parsers for the grammar defined in
-   RFC2234, \"Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:
-   ABNF\", <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2234.html>. The
-   terminal called @char@ in the RFC is called 'character'
-   here to avoid conflicts with Parsec's 'char' function.
- -}
-module Language.RFC2234.Parse where
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Data.Char ( toUpper, chr, ord )
-import Control.Monad ( liftM2 )
--- * Parser Combinators
--- |Case-insensitive variant of Parsec's 'char' function.
-caseChar        :: Char -> CharParser st Char
-caseChar c       = satisfy (\x -> toUpper x == toUpper c)
--- |Case-insensitive variant of Parsec's 'string' function.
-caseString      :: String -> CharParser st ()
-caseString cs    = mapM_ caseChar cs <?> cs
--- |Match a parser at least @n@ times.
-manyN           :: Int -> GenParser a b c -> GenParser a b [c]
-manyN n p
-    | n <= 0     = return []
-    | otherwise  = liftM2 (++) (count n p) (many p)
--- |Match a parser at least @n@ times, but no more than @m@ times.
-manyNtoM        :: Int -> Int -> GenParser a b c -> GenParser a b [c]
-manyNtoM n m p
-    | n < 0      = return []
-    | n > m      = return []
-    | n == m     = count n p
-    | n == 0     = do foldr (<|>) (return []) (map (\x -> try $ count x p) (reverse [1..m]))
-    | otherwise  = liftM2 (++) (count n p) (manyNtoM 0 (m-n) p)
--- |Helper function to generate 'Parser'-based instances for
--- the 'Read' class.
-parsec2read :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
-parsec2read f x  = either (error . show) id (parse f' "" x)
-  where
-  f' = do { a <- f; res <- getInput; return [(a,res)] }
--- * Primitive Parsers
--- |Match any character of the alphabet.
-alpha           :: CharParser st Char
-alpha            = satisfy (\c -> c `elem` (['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z']))
-                   <?> "alphabetic character"
--- |Match either \"1\" or \"0\".
-bit             :: CharParser st Char
-bit              = oneOf "01"   <?> "bit ('0' or '1')"
--- |Match any 7-bit US-ASCII character except for NUL (ASCII value 0, that is).
-character       :: CharParser st Char
-character        = satisfy (\c -> (c >= chr 1) && (c <= chr 127))
-                   <?> "7-bit character excluding NUL"
--- |Match the carriage return character @\\r at .
-cr              :: CharParser st Char
-cr               = char '\r'    <?> "carriage return"
--- |Match returns the linefeed character @\\n at .
-lf              :: CharParser st Char
-lf               = char '\n'    <?> "linefeed"
--- |Match the Internet newline @\\r\\n at .
-crlf            :: CharParser st String
-crlf             = do c <- cr
-                      l <- lf
-                      return [c,l]
-                   <?> "carriage return followed by linefeed"
--- |Match any US-ASCII control character. That is
--- any character with a decimal value in the range of [0..31,127].
-ctl             :: CharParser st Char
-ctl              = satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([0..31] ++ [127]))
-                   <?> "control character"
--- |Match the double quote character \"@\"@\".
-dquote          :: CharParser st Char
-dquote           = char (chr 34)    <?> "double quote"
--- |Match any character that is valid in a hexadecimal number;
--- [\'0\'..\'9\'] and [\'A\'..\'F\',\'a\'..\'f\'] that is.
-hexdig          :: CharParser st Char
-hexdig           = hexDigit    <?> "hexadecimal digit"
--- |Match the tab (\"@\\t@\") character.
-htab            :: CharParser st Char
-htab             = char '\t'    <?> "horizontal tab"
--- |Match \"linear white-space\". That is any number of consecutive
--- 'wsp', optionally followed by a 'crlf' and (at least) one more
--- 'wsp'.
-lwsp            :: CharParser st String
-lwsp             = do r <- choice
-                           [ many1 wsp
-                           , try (liftM2 (++) crlf (many1 wsp))
-                           ]
-                      rs <- option [] lwsp
-                      return (r ++ rs)
-                   <?> "linear white-space"
--- |Match /any/ character.
-octet           :: CharParser st Char
-octet            = anyChar    <?> "any 8-bit character"
--- |Match the space.
-sp              :: CharParser st Char
-sp               = char ' '    <?> "space"
--- |Match any printable ASCII character. (The \"v\" stands for
--- \"visible\".) That is any character in the decimal range of
--- [33..126].
-vchar           :: CharParser st Char
-vchar            = satisfy (\c -> (c >= chr 33) && (c <= chr 126))
-                   <?> "printable character"
--- |Match either 'sp' or 'htab'.
-wsp             :: CharParser st Char
-wsp              = sp <|> htab    <?> "white-space"
--- ** Useful additions
--- |Match a \"quoted pair\". Any characters (excluding CR and
--- LF) may be quoted.
-quoted_pair     :: CharParser st String
-quoted_pair      = do char '\\'
-                      r <- noneOf "\r\n"
-                      return ['\\',r]
-                   <?> "quoted pair"
--- |Match a quoted string. The specials \"@\\@\" and
--- \"@\"@\" must be escaped inside a quoted string; CR and
--- LF are not allowed at all.
-quoted_string   :: CharParser st String
-quoted_string    = do dquote
-                      r <- many qcont
-                      dquote
-                      return ("\"" ++ concat r ++ "\"")
-                   <?> "quoted string"
-  where
-  qtext = noneOf "\\\"\r\n"
-  qcont = (many1 qtext) <|> (quoted_pair)
diff --git a/src/Language/RFC2821/Parse.hs b/src/Language/RFC2821/Parse.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e630bb8..0000000
--- a/src/Language/RFC2821/Parse.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-{- |
-   Module      :  Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Rfc2821
-   Copyright   :  (c) 2005-04-29 by Peter Simons
-   License     :  GPL2
-   Maintainer  :  simons at cryp.to
-   Stability   :  provisional
-   Portability :  Haskell 2-pre
-   This module exports parser combinators for the grammar
-   described in RFC2821, \"Simple Mail Transfer Protocol\",
-   <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2821.html>.
-module Language.RFC2821.Parse where
-import Control.Exception ( assert )
-import Control.Monad.State
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error
-import Data.List ( intersperse )
-import Data.Char ( toLower )
-import Data.Typeable
-import Language.RFC2234.Parse
--- * ESMTP State Machine
-data SessionState
-  = Unknown
-  | HaveHelo
-  | HaveMailFrom
-  | HaveRcptTo
-  | HaveData
-  | HaveQuit
-  deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
-data Event
-  = Greeting                    -- ^ reserved for the user
-  | SayHelo       String
-  | SayHeloAgain  String
-  | SayEhlo       String
-  | SayEhloAgain  String
-  | SetMailFrom   Mailbox
-  | AddRcptTo     Mailbox
-  | StartData
-  | Deliver                     -- ^ reserved for the user
-  | NeedHeloFirst
-  | NeedMailFromFirst
-  | NeedRcptToFirst
-  | NotImplemened
-        -- ^ 'Turn', 'Send', 'Soml', 'Saml', 'Vrfy', and 'Expn'.
-  | ResetState
-  | SayOK
-        -- ^ Triggered in case of 'Noop' or when 'Rset' is
-        -- used before we even have a state.
-  | SeeksHelp     String
-        -- ^ The parameter may be @[]@.
-  | Shutdown
-  | SyntaxErrorIn String
-  | Unrecognized  String
-  deriving (Eq, Show)
-type SmtpdFSM = Control.Monad.State.State SessionState Event
--- |Parse a line of SMTP dialogue and run 'handleSmtpCmd' to
--- determine the 'Event'. In case of syntax errors,
--- 'SyntaxErrorIn' or 'Unrecognized' will be returned.
--- Inputs must be terminated with 'crlf'. See 'fixCRLF'.
-smtpdFSM :: String -> SmtpdFSM
-smtpdFSM str = either
-                 (\_ -> return (Unrecognized str))
-                 (handleSmtpCmd)
-                 (parse smtpCmd "" str)
--- |For those who want to parse the 'SmtpCmd' themselves.
--- Calling this function in 'HaveQuit' or 'HaveData' will
--- fail an assertion. If 'assert' is disabled, it will
--- return respectively 'Shutdown' and 'StartData' again.
-handleSmtpCmd :: SmtpCmd -> SmtpdFSM
-handleSmtpCmd cmd = get >>= \st -> match st cmd
-  where
-  match :: SessionState -> SmtpCmd -> SmtpdFSM
-  match HaveQuit     _       = assert (False) (event Shutdown)
-  match HaveData     _       = assert (False) (trans (HaveData, StartData))
-  match    _  (WrongArg c _) = event (SyntaxErrorIn c)
-  match    _        Quit     = trans (HaveQuit, Shutdown)
-  match    _        Noop     = event SayOK
-  match    _        Turn     = event NotImplemened
-  match    _      (Send _)   = event NotImplemened
-  match    _      (Soml _)   = event NotImplemened
-  match    _      (Saml _)   = event NotImplemened
-  match    _      (Vrfy _)   = event NotImplemened
-  match    _      (Expn _)   = event NotImplemened
-  match    _      (Help x)   = event (SeeksHelp x)
-  match Unknown    Rset      = event SayOK
-  match HaveHelo   Rset      = event SayOK
-  match    _       Rset      = trans (HaveHelo, ResetState)
-  match Unknown   (Helo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayHelo x)
-  match    _      (Helo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayHeloAgain x)
-  match Unknown   (Ehlo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayEhlo x)
-  match    _      (Ehlo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayEhloAgain x)
-  match Unknown (MailFrom _) = event NeedHeloFirst
-  match    _    (MailFrom x) = trans (HaveMailFrom, SetMailFrom x)
-  match Unknown  (RcptTo _)  = event NeedHeloFirst
-  match HaveHelo (RcptTo _)  = event NeedMailFromFirst
-  match    _     (RcptTo x)  = trans (HaveRcptTo, AddRcptTo x)
-  match Unknown       Data   = event NeedHeloFirst
-  match HaveHelo      Data   = event NeedMailFromFirst
-  match HaveMailFrom  Data   = event NeedRcptToFirst
-  match HaveRcptTo    Data   = trans (HaveData, StartData)
-  event :: Event -> SmtpdFSM
-  event = return
-  trans :: (SessionState, Event) -> SmtpdFSM
-  trans (st,e) = put st >> event e
--- * Data Types for SMTP Commands
--- |The 'smtpCmd' parser will create this data type from a
--- string. Note that /all/ command parsers expect their
--- input to be terminated with 'crlf'.
-data SmtpCmd
-  = Helo String
-  | Ehlo String
-  | MailFrom Mailbox            -- ^ Might be 'nullPath'.
-  | RcptTo Mailbox              -- ^ Might be 'postmaster'.
-  | Data
-  | Rset
-  | Send Mailbox
-  | Soml Mailbox
-  | Saml Mailbox
-  | Vrfy String
-  | Expn String
-  | Help String                 -- ^ Might be @[]@.
-  | Noop                        -- ^ Optional argument ignored.
-  | Quit
-  | Turn
-  | WrongArg String ParseError
-      -- ^ When a valid command has been recognized, but the
-      -- argument parser fails, then this type will be
-      -- returned. The 'String' contains the name of the
-      -- command (in all upper-case) and the 'ParseError'
-      -- is, obviously, the error description.
-instance Show SmtpCmd where
-  show (Helo str)    = "HELO " ++ str
-  show (Ehlo str)    = "EHLO " ++ str
-  show (MailFrom mbox) = "MAIL FROM:" ++ show mbox
-  show (RcptTo mbox) = "RCPT TO:" ++ show mbox
-  show (Data)        = "DATA"
-  show (Rset)        = "RSET"
-  show (Send mbox)   = "SEND " ++ show mbox
-  show (Soml mbox)   = "SOML " ++ show mbox
-  show (Saml mbox)   = "SAML " ++ show mbox
-  show (Vrfy str)    = "VRFY " ++ str
-  show (Expn str)    = "EXPN " ++ str
-  show (Noop)        = "NOOP"
-  show (Quit)        = "QUIT"
-  show (Turn)        = "TURN"
-  show (Help t)
-    | t == []        = "HELP"
-    | otherwise      = "HELP " ++ t
-  show (WrongArg str _) =
-    "Syntax error in argument of " ++ str ++ "."
--- |The most general e-mail address has the form:
--- @\<[\@route,...:]user\@domain\>@. This type, too,
--- supports 'show' and 'read'. Note that a \"shown\" address
--- is /always/ enclosed in angular brackets. When comparing
--- two mailboxes for equality, the hostname is case-insensitive.
-data Mailbox = Mailbox [String] String String
-             deriving (Typeable)
-instance Eq Mailbox where
-  lhs == rhs  =  (norm lhs) == (norm rhs)
-    where
-    norm (Mailbox rt lp hp) = (rt, lp, map toLower hp)
-instance Show Mailbox where
-  show (Mailbox [] [] []) = "<>"
-  show (Mailbox [] "postmaster" []) = "<postmaster>"
-  show (Mailbox p u d) = let
-    route = concat . (intersperse ",") . (map ((:) '@')) $ p
-    mbox  = u ++ "@" ++ d
-    in if null route then "<" ++ mbox ++ ">"
-                     else "<" ++ route ++ ":" ++ mbox ++ ">"
-instance Read Mailbox where
-  readsPrec _ = parsec2read (path <|> mailbox)
-  readList    = error "reading [Mailbox] is not supported"
--- |@nullPath@ @=@ @'Mailbox' [] \"\" \"\" = \"\<\>\"@
-nullPath :: Mailbox
-nullPath = Mailbox [] [] []
--- |@postmaster@ @=@ @'Mailbox' [] \"postmaster\" \"\" = \"\<postmaster\>\"@
-postmaster :: Mailbox
-postmaster = Mailbox [] "postmaster" []
--- * Data Types for SMTP Replies
--- |An SMTP reply is a three-digit return code plus some
--- waste of bandwidth called \"comments\". This is what the
--- list of strings is for; one string per line in the reply.
--- 'show' will append an \"@\\r\\n@\" end-of-line marker to
--- each entry in that list, so that the resulting string is
--- ready to be sent back to the peer.
--- Here is an example:
--- > *Rfc2821> print $ Reply (Code Success MailSystem 0)
--- >                     ["worked", "like", "a charm" ]
--- > 250-worked
--- > 250-like
--- > 250 a charm
--- If the message is @[]@, you'll get a really helpful
--- default text.
-data SmtpReply = Reply SmtpCode [String]
-data SmtpCode = Code SuccessCode Category Int
-data SuccessCode
-  = Unused0
-  | PreliminarySuccess
-  | Success
-  | IntermediateSuccess
-  | TransientFailure
-  | PermanentFailure
-  deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show)
-data Category
-  = Syntax
-  | Information
-  | Connection
-  | Unspecified3
-  | Unspecified4
-  | MailSystem
-  deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show)
-instance Show SmtpReply where
-  show (Reply c@(Code suc cat _) []) =
-    let msg = show suc ++ " in category " ++ show cat
-    in
-    show $ Reply c [msg]
-  show (Reply code msg) =
-    let prefixCon = show code ++ "-"
-        prefixEnd = show code ++ " "
-        fmt p l   = p ++ l ++ "\r\n"
-        (x:xs) = reverse msg
-        msgCon = map (fmt prefixCon) xs
-        msgEnd = fmt prefixEnd x
-        msg'   = reverse (msgEnd:msgCon)
-    in
-    concat msg'
-instance Show SmtpCode where
-  show (Code suc cat n) =
-    assert (n >= 0 && n <= 9) $
-      (show . fromEnum) suc ++ (show . fromEnum) cat ++ show n
--- |Construct a 'Reply'. Fails 'assert' if invalid numbers
--- are given.
-reply :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [String] -> SmtpReply
-reply suc c n msg =
-  assert (suc >= 0 && suc <= 5) $
-    assert (c >= 0 && c <= 5)   $
-      assert (n >= 0 && n <= 9) $
-        Reply (Code (toEnum suc) (toEnum c) n) msg
--- |A reply constitutes \"success\" if the status code is
--- any of 'PreliminarySuccess', 'Success', or
--- 'IntermediateSuccess'.
-isSuccess :: SmtpReply -> Bool
-isSuccess (Reply (Code PreliminarySuccess _ _) _)  = True
-isSuccess (Reply (Code Success _ _) _)             = True
-isSuccess (Reply (Code IntermediateSuccess _ _) _) = True
-isSuccess _                                        = False
--- |A reply constitutes \"failure\" if the status code is
--- either 'PermanentFailure' or 'TransientFailure'.
-isFailure :: SmtpReply -> Bool
-isFailure (Reply (Code PermanentFailure _ _) _) = True
-isFailure (Reply (Code TransientFailure _ _) _) = True
-isFailure _                                     = False
--- |The replies @221@ and @421@ signify 'Shutdown'.
-isShutdown :: SmtpReply -> Bool
-isShutdown (Reply (Code Success Connection 1) _)          = True
-isShutdown (Reply (Code TransientFailure Connection 1) _) = True
-isShutdown _                                              = False
--- * Command Parsers
--- |The SMTP parsers defined here correspond to the commands
--- specified in RFC2821, so I won't document them
--- individually.
-type SmtpParser st = CharParser st SmtpCmd
--- |This parser recognizes any of the SMTP commands defined
--- below. Note that /all/ command parsers expect their input
--- to be terminated with 'crlf'.
-smtpCmd :: SmtpParser st
-smtpCmd = choice
-          [ smtpData, rset, noop, quit, turn
-          , helo, mail, rcpt, send, soml, saml
-          , vrfy, expn, help, ehlo
-          ]
--- |The parser name \"data\" was taken.
-smtpData :: SmtpParser st
-rset, quit, turn, helo, ehlo, mail :: SmtpParser st
-rcpt, send, soml, saml, vrfy, expn :: SmtpParser st
-help                               :: SmtpParser st
--- |May have an optional 'word' argument, but it is ignored.
-noop :: SmtpParser st
-smtpData = mkCmd0 "DATA" Data
-rset = mkCmd0 "RSET" Rset
-quit = mkCmd0 "QUIT" Quit
-turn = mkCmd0 "TURN" Turn
-helo = mkCmd1 "HELO" Helo     domain
-ehlo = mkCmd1 "EHLO" Ehlo     domain
-mail = mkCmd1 "MAIL" MailFrom from_path
-rcpt = mkCmd1 "RCPT" RcptTo   to_path
-send = mkCmd1 "SEND" Send     from_path
-soml = mkCmd1 "SOML" Soml     from_path
-saml = mkCmd1 "SAML" Saml     from_path
-vrfy = mkCmd1 "VRFY" Vrfy     word
-expn = mkCmd1 "EXPN" Expn     word
-help = try (mkCmd0 "HELP" (Help [])) <|>
-       mkCmd1 "HELP" Help (option [] word)
-noop = try (mkCmd0 "NOOP" Noop) <|>
-       mkCmd1 "NOOP" (\_ -> Noop) (option [] word)
--- * Argument Parsers
-from_path :: CharParser st Mailbox
-from_path = do
-  caseString "from:"
-  (try (string "<>" >> return nullPath) <|> path)
-                                <?> "from-path"
-to_path :: CharParser st Mailbox
-to_path = do
-  caseString "to:"
-  (try (caseString "<postmaster>" >> return postmaster)
-     <|> path)                  <?> "to-path"
-path :: CharParser st Mailbox
-path = between (char '<') (char '>') (p <?> "path")
-  where
-  p = do
-    r1 <- option [] (a_d_l >>= \r -> char ':' >> return r)
-    (Mailbox _ l d) <- mailbox
-    return (Mailbox r1 l d)
-mailbox :: CharParser st Mailbox
-mailbox = p <?> "mailbox"
-  where
-  p = do
-    r1 <- local_part
-    char '@'
-    r2 <- domain
-    return (Mailbox [] r1 r2)
-local_part :: CharParser st String
-local_part = (dot_string <|> quoted_string) <?> "local-part"
-domain :: CharParser st String
-domain = choice
-         [ tokenList subdomain '.'  <?> "domain"
-         , address_literal          <?> "address literal"
-         ]
-a_d_l :: CharParser st [String]
-a_d_l = sepBy1 at_domain (char ',') <?> "route-list"
-at_domain :: CharParser st String
-at_domain = (char '@' >> domain) <?> "at-domain"
--- |/TODO/: Add IPv6 address and general literals
-address_literal :: CharParser st String
-address_literal = ipv4_literal  <?> "IPv4 address literal"
-ipv4_literal :: CharParser st String
-ipv4_literal = do
-  rs <- between (char '[') (char ']') ipv4addr
-  return ('[': reverse (']': reverse rs))
-ipv4addr :: CharParser st String
-ipv4addr = p <?> "IPv4 address literal"
-  where
-  p = do
-    r1 <- snum
-    r2 <- char '.' >> snum
-    r3 <- char '.' >> snum
-    r4 <- char '.' >> snum
-    return (r1 ++ "." ++ r2 ++ "." ++ r3 ++ "." ++ r4)
-subdomain :: CharParser st String
-subdomain = p <?> "domain name"
-  where
-  p = do
-    r <- many1 (alpha <|> digit <|> char '-')
-    if (last r == '-')
-        then fail "subdomain must not end with hyphen"
-        else return r
-dot_string :: CharParser st String
-dot_string = tokenList atom '.' <?> "dot_string"
-atom :: CharParser a String
-atom = many1 atext              <?> "atom"
-  where
-  atext = alpha <|> digit <|> oneOf "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~"
-snum :: CharParser st String
-snum = do
-  r <- manyNtoM 1 3 digit
-  if (read r :: Int) > 255
-     then fail "IP address parts must be 0 <= x <= 255"
-     else return r
-number :: CharParser st String
-number = many1 digit
--- |This is a useful addition: The parser accepts an 'atom'
--- or a 'quoted_string'.
-word :: CharParser st String
-word = (atom <|> (quoted_string >>= return . show))
-       <?> "word or quoted-string"
--- * Helper Functions
--- |Make the string 'crlf' terminated no matter what.
--- \'@\\n@\' is expanded, otherwise 'crlf' is appended. Note
--- that if the string was terminated incorrectly before, it
--- still is. This function is useful when reading input with
--- 'System.IO.hGetLine' which removes the end-of-line
--- delimiter.
-fixCRLF :: String -> String
-fixCRLF ('\r' :'\n':[]) = fixCRLF []
-fixCRLF (  x  :'\n':[]) = x : fixCRLF []
-fixCRLF (  x  :  xs   ) = x : fixCRLF xs
-fixCRLF      [ ]        = "\r\n"
--- |Construct a parser for a command without arguments.
--- Expects 'crlf'!
-mkCmd0 :: String -> a -> CharParser st a
-mkCmd0 str cons = (do
-  try (caseString str)
-  skipMany wsp >> crlf
-  return cons)                          <?> str
--- |Construct a parser for a command with an argument, which
--- the given parser will handle. The result of the argument
--- parser will be applied to the type constructor before it
--- is returned. Expects 'crlf'!
-mkCmd1 :: String -> (a -> SmtpCmd) -> CharParser st a
-       -> CharParser st SmtpCmd
-mkCmd1 str cons p = do
-  try (caseString str)
-  wsp
-  input <- getInput
-  st <- getState
-  let eol = skipMany wsp >> crlf
-      p'  = (between (many wsp) eol p)  <?> str
-      r   = runParser p' st "" input
-  case r of
-    Left e  -> return (WrongArg str e)
-    Right a -> return (cons a)
--- @tokenList p '.'@ will parse a token of the form
--- \"@p.p@\", or \"@p.p.p@\", and so on. Used in 'domain'
--- and 'dot_string', for example.
-tokenList :: CharParser st String -> Char
-          -> CharParser st String
-tokenList p c = do
-  xs <- sepBy1 p (char c)
-  return (concat (intersperse [c] xs))
diff --git a/src/Language/RFC2822/Parse.hs b/src/Language/RFC2822/Parse.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 33b5837..0000000
--- a/src/Language/RFC2822/Parse.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1404 +0,0 @@
-{- |
-   Module      :  Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Rfc2822
-   Copyright   :  (c) 2005-02-10 by Peter Simons
-   License     :  GPL2
-   Maintainer  :  simons at cryp.to
-   Stability   :  provisional
-   Portability :  portable
-   This module provides parsers for the grammar defined in
-   RFC2822, \"Internet Message Format\",
-   <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html>.
-   /Please note:/ The module is a mess. I keep it around as
-   a reminder that it needs to be rewritten, mostly.
-   Nevertheless, some parsers -- like 'date_time', for
-   example -- are genuinely useful.
-module Language.RFC2822.Parse where
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Data.Char ( ord )
-import Data.List ( intersperse )
-import System.Time
-import Language.RFC2234.Parse
-        hiding ( quoted_pair, quoted_string )
--- * Useful parser combinators
--- |@unfold@ @=@ @between (optional cfws) (optional cfws)@
-unfold          :: CharParser a b -> CharParser a b
-unfold           = between (optional cfws) (optional cfws)
--- |Construct a parser for a message header line from the
--- header's name and a parser for the body.
-header          :: String -> CharParser a b -> CharParser a b
-header n p       = let nameString = caseString (n ++ ":")
-                   in
-                   between nameString crlf p <?> (n ++ " header line")
--- |Like 'header', but allows the obsolete white-space rules.
-obs_header      :: String -> CharParser a b -> CharParser a b
-obs_header n p   = let nameString = caseString n >> many wsp >> char ':'
-                   in
-                   between nameString crlf p <?> ("obsolete " ++ n ++ " header line")
--- ** Primitive Tokens (section 3.2.1)
--- |Match any US-ASCII non-whitespace control character.
-no_ws_ctl       :: CharParser a Char
-no_ws_ctl       = satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([1..8] ++ [11,12] ++ [14..31] ++ [127]))
-                  <?> "US-ASCII non-whitespace control character"
--- |Match any US-ASCII character except for @\r@, @\n at .
-text            :: CharParser a Char
-text            = satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([1..9] ++ [11,12] ++ [14..127]))
-                  <?> "US-ASCII character (excluding CR and LF)"
--- |Match any of the RFC's \"special\" characters: @()\<\>[]:;\@,.\\\"@.
-specials        :: CharParser a Char
-specials        = oneOf "()<>[]:;@,.\\\""   <?> "one of ()<>[]:;@,.\\\""
--- ** Quoted characters (section 3.2.2)
--- |Match a \"quoted pair\". All characters matched by 'text' may be
--- quoted. Note that the parsers returns /both/ characters, the
--- backslash and the actual content.
-quoted_pair     :: CharParser a String
-quoted_pair     = do { char '\\'; r <- text; return ['\\',r] }
-                  <?> "quoted pair"
--- ** Folding white space and comments (section 3.2.3)
--- |Match \"folding whitespace\". That is any combination of 'wsp' and
--- 'crlf' followed by 'wsp'.
-fws             :: CharParser a String
-fws             = do r <- many1 $ choice [ blanks, linebreak]
-                     return (concat r)
-    where
-    blanks      = many1 wsp
-    linebreak   = try $ do { r1 <- crlf; r2 <- blanks; return (r1 ++ r2) }
--- |Match any non-whitespace, non-control character except for \"@(@\",
--- \"@)@\", and \"@\\@\". This is used to describe the legal content of
--- 'comment's.
--- /Note/: This parser accepts 8-bit characters, even though this is
--- not legal according to the RFC. Unfortunately, 8-bit content in
--- comments has become fairly common in the real world, so we'll just
--- accept the fact.
-ctext           :: CharParser a Char
-ctext           = no_ws_ctl <|> satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([33..39] ++ [42..91] ++ [93..126] ++ [128..255]))
-                  <?> "any regular character (excluding '(', ')', and '\\')"
--- |Match a \"comments\". That is any combination of 'ctext',
--- 'quoted_pair's, and 'fws' between brackets. Comments may nest.
-comment         :: CharParser a String
-comment         = do char '('
-                     r1 <- many ccontent
-                     r2 <- option [] fws
-                     char ')'
-                     return ("(" ++ concat r1 ++ r2 ++ ")")
-                  <?> "comment"
-    where
-    ccontent    = try $ do r1 <- option [] fws
-                           r2 <- choice [many1 ctext, quoted_pair, comment]
-                           return (r1 ++ r2)
--- |Match any combination of 'fws' and 'comments'.
-cfws            :: CharParser a String
-cfws            = do r <- many1 $ choice [ fws, comment ]
-                     return (concat r)
--- ** Atom (section 3.2.4)
--- |Match any US-ASCII character except for control characters,
--- 'specials', or space. 'atom' and 'dot_atom' are made up of this.
-atext           :: CharParser a Char
-atext           = alpha <|> digit <|> oneOf "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~"
-                  <?> "US-ASCII character (excluding controls, space, and specials)"
--- |Match one or more 'atext' characters and skip any preceeding or
--- trailing 'cfws'.
-atom            :: CharParser a String
-atom            = unfold (many1 atext <?> "atom")
--- |Match 'dot_atom_text' and skip any preceeding or trailing 'cfws'.
-dot_atom        :: CharParser a String
-dot_atom        = unfold (dot_atom_text <?> "dot atom")
--- |Match two or more 'atext's interspersed by dots.
-dot_atom_text   :: CharParser a String
-dot_atom_text   = do r <- sepBy1 (many1 atext) (char '.')
-                     return (concat (intersperse "." r))
-                  <?> "dot atom content"
--- ** Quoted strings (section 3.2.5)
--- |Match any non-whitespace, non-control US-ASCII character except
--- for \"@\\@\" and \"@\"@\".
-qtext           :: CharParser a Char
-qtext           = no_ws_ctl <|> satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([33] ++ [35..91] ++ [93..126]))
-                  <?> "US-ASCII character (excluding '\\', and '\"')"
--- |Match either 'qtext' or 'quoted_pair'.
-qcontent        :: CharParser a String
-qcontent        = many1 qtext <|> quoted_pair
-                  <?> "quoted string content"
--- |Match any number of 'qcontent' between double quotes. Any 'cfws'
--- preceeding or following the \"atom\" is skipped automatically.
-quoted_string   :: CharParser a String
-quoted_string   = unfold (do dquote
-                             r1 <- many (do r1 <- option [] fws
-                                            r2 <- qcontent
-                                            return (r1 ++ r2))
-                             r2 <- option [] fws
-                             dquote
-                             return ("\"" ++ concat r1 ++ r2 ++ "\""))
-                  <?> "quoted string"
--- * Miscellaneous tokens (section 3.2.6)
--- |Match either 'atom' or 'quoted_string'.
-word            :: CharParser a String
-word            = atom <|> quoted_string     <?> "word"
--- |Match either one or more 'word's or an 'obs_phrase'.
-phrase          :: CharParser a [String]
-phrase          = {- many1 word <?> "phrase" <|> -} obs_phrase
--- |Match any non-whitespace, non-control US-ASCII character except
--- for \"@\\@\" and \"@\"@\".
-utext           :: CharParser a Char
-utext           = no_ws_ctl <|> satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` [33..126])
-                  <?> "regular US-ASCII character (excluding '\\', and '\"')"
--- |Match any number of 'utext' tokens.
--- \"Unstructured text\" is used in free text fields such as 'subject'.
--- Please note that any comments or whitespace that prefaces or
--- follows the actual 'utext' is /included/ in the returned string.
-unstructured    :: CharParser a String
-unstructured    = do r1 <- many (do r1 <- option [] fws
-                                    r2 <- utext
-                                    return (r1 ++ [r2]))
-                     r2 <- option [] fws
-                     return (concat r1 ++ r2)
-                  <?> "unstructured text"
--- * Date and Time Specification (section 3.3)
--- |Parse a date and time specification of the form
--- >   Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:35:46 +0200
--- where the weekday specification \"@Thu,@\" is optional. The parser
--- returns a 'CalendarTime', which is set to the appropriate values.
--- Note, though, that not all fields of 'CalendarTime' will
--- necessarily be set correctly! Obviously, when no weekday has been
--- provided, the parser will set this field to 'Monday' - regardless
--- of whether the day actually is a monday or not. Similarly, the day
--- of the year will always be returned as @0 at . The timezone name will
--- always be empty: @\"\"@.
--- Nor will the 'date_time' parser perform /any/ consistency checking.
--- It will accept
--- >    40 Apr 2002 13:12 +0100
--- as a perfectly valid date.
--- In order to get all fields set to meaningful values, and in order
--- to verify the date's consistency, you will have to feed it into any
--- of the conversion routines provided in "System.Time", such as
--- 'toClockTime'. (When doing this, keep in mind that most functions
--- return /local time/. This will not necessarily be the time you're
--- expecting.)
-date_time       :: CharParser a CalendarTime
-date_time       = do wd <- option Monday (try (do wd <- day_of_week
-                                                  char ','
-                                                  return wd))
-                     (y,m,d) <- date
-                     fws
-                     (td,z) <- time
-                     optional cfws
-                     return (CalendarTime y m d (tdHour td) (tdMin td) (tdSec td) 0 wd 0 "" z False)
-                  <?> "date/time specification"
--- |This parser will match a 'day_name', optionally wrapped in folding
--- whitespace, or an 'obs_day_of_week' and return it's 'Day' value.
-day_of_week     :: CharParser a Day
-day_of_week     =     try (between (optional fws) (optional fws) day_name <?> "name of a day-of-the-week")
-                  <|> obs_day_of_week
--- |This parser will the abbreviated weekday names (\"@Mon@\", \"@Tue@\", ...)
--- and return the appropriate 'Day' value.
-day_name        :: CharParser a Day
-day_name        =     do { caseString "Mon"; return Monday }
-                  <|> do { try (caseString "Tue"); return Tuesday }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Wed"; return Wednesday }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Thu"; return Thursday }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Fri"; return Friday }
-                  <|> do { try (caseString "Sat"); return Saturday }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Sun"; return Sunday }
-                  <?> "name of a day-of-the-week"
--- |This parser will match a date of the form \"@dd:mm:yyyy@\" and return
--- a tripple of the form (Int,Month,Int) - corresponding to
--- (year,month,day).
-date            :: CharParser a (Int,Month,Int)
-date            = do d <- day
-                     m <- month
-                     y <- year
-                     return (y,m,d)
-                  <?> "date specification"
--- |This parser will match a four digit number and return it's integer
--- value. No range checking is performed.
-year            :: CharParser a Int
-year            = do y <- manyN 4 digit
-                     return (read y :: Int)
-                  <?> "year"
--- |This parser will match a 'month_name', optionally wrapped in
--- folding whitespace, or an 'obs_month' and return it's 'Month'
--- value.
-month           :: CharParser a Month
-month           =     try (between (optional fws) (optional fws) month_name <?> "month name")
-                  <|> obs_month
--- |This parser will the abbreviated month names (\"@Jan@\", \"@Feb@\", ...)
--- and return the appropriate 'Month' value.
-month_name      :: CharParser a Month
-month_name      =     do { try (caseString "Jan"); return January }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Feb"; return February }
-                  <|> do { try (caseString "Mar"); return March }
-                  <|> do { try (caseString "Apr"); return April }
-                  <|> do { caseString "May"; return May }
-                  <|> do { try (caseString "Jun"); return June }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Jul"; return July }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Aug"; return August }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Sep"; return September }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Oct"; return October }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Nov"; return November }
-                  <|> do { caseString "Dec"; return December }
-                  <?> "month name"
--- |Match either an 'obs_day', or a one or two digit number and return it.
-day             :: CharParser a Int
-day             =  try (do { optional fws; r <- manyNtoM 1 2 digit; return (read r :: Int) }) <|> obs_day
-                   <?> "day"
--- |This parser will match a 'time_of_day' specification followed by a
--- 'zone'. It returns the tuple (TimeDiff,Int) corresponding to the
--- return values of either parser.
-time            :: CharParser a (TimeDiff,Int)
-time            = do t <- time_of_day
-                     fws
-                     z <- zone
-                     return (t,z)
-                  <?> "time and zone specification"
--- |This parser will match a time-of-day specification of \"@hh:mm@\" or
--- \"@hh:mm:ss@\" and return the corrsponding time as a 'TimeDiff'.
-time_of_day     :: CharParser a TimeDiff
-time_of_day     = do h <- hour
-                     char ':'
-                     m <- minute
-                     s <- option 0 (do { char ':'; second } )
-                     return (TimeDiff 0 0 0 h m s 0)
-                  <?> "time specification"
--- |This parser will match a two-digit number and return it's integer
--- value. No range checking is performed.
-hour            :: CharParser a Int
-hour            = do r <- count 2 digit
-                     return (read r :: Int)
-                  <?> "hour"
--- |This parser will match a two-digit number and return it's integer
--- value. No range checking is performed.
-minute          :: CharParser a Int
-minute          = do r <- count 2 digit
-                     return (read r :: Int)
-                  <?> "minute"
--- |This parser will match a two-digit number and return it's integer
--- value. No range checking takes place.
-second          :: CharParser a Int
-second          = do r <- count 2 digit
-                     return (read r :: Int)
-                  <?> "second"
--- |This parser will match a timezone specification of the form
--- \"@+hhmm@\" or \"@-hhmm@\" and return the zone's offset to UTC in
--- seconds as an integer. 'obs_zone' is matched as well.
-zone            :: CharParser a Int
-zone            = (    do char '+'
-                          h <- hour
-                          m <- minute
-                          return (((h*60)+m)*60)
-                   <|> do char '-'
-                          h <- hour
-                          m <- minute
-                          return (-((h*60)+m)*60)
-                   <?> "time zone"
-                  )
-                  <|> obs_zone
--- * Address Specification (section 3.4)
--- |Parse a single 'mailbox' or an address 'group' and return the
--- address(es).
-address         :: CharParser a [String]
-address         = try (do { r <- mailbox; return [r] }) <|> group
-                  <?> "address"
--- |Parse a 'name_addr' or an 'addr_spec' and return the
--- address.
-mailbox         :: CharParser a String
-mailbox         = try name_addr <|> addr_spec
-                  <?> "mailbox"
--- |Parse an 'angle_addr', optionally prefaced with a 'display_name',
--- and return the address.
-name_addr       :: CharParser a String
-name_addr       = do optional display_name
-                     angle_addr
-                  <?> "name address"
--- |Parse an 'angle_addr' or an 'obs_angle_addr' and return the address.
-angle_addr      :: CharParser a String
-angle_addr      = try (unfold (do char '<'
-                                  r <- addr_spec
-                                  char '>'
-                                  return r)
-                       <?> "angle address"
-                      )
-                  <|> obs_angle_addr
--- |Parse a \"group\" of addresses. That is a 'display_name', followed
--- by a colon, optionally followed by a 'mailbox_list', followed by a
--- semicolon. The found address(es) are returned - what may be none.
--- Here is an example:
--- >    parse group "" "my group: user1 at example.org, user2 at example.org;"
--- This input comes out as:
--- >    Right ["user1 at example.org","user2 at example.org"]
-group           :: CharParser a [String]
-group           = do display_name
-                     char ':'
-                     r <- option [] mailbox_list
-                     unfold $ char ';'
-                     return r
-                  <?> "address group"
--- |Parse and return a 'phrase'.
-display_name    :: CharParser a [String]
-display_name    = phrase <?> "display name"
--- |Parse a list of 'mailbox' addresses, every two addresses being
--- separated by a comma, and return the list of found address(es).
-mailbox_list    :: CharParser a [String]
-mailbox_list    = sepBy mailbox (char ',') <?> "mailbox list"
--- |Parse a list of 'address' addresses, every two addresses being
--- separated by a comma, and return the list of found address(es).
-address_list    :: CharParser a [String]
-address_list    = do { r <-sepBy address (char ','); return (concat r) }
-                  <?> "address list"
--- ** Addr-spec specification (section 3.4.1)
--- |Parse an \"address specification\". That is a 'local_part', followed
--- by an \"@\@@\" character, followed by a 'domain'. Return the complete
--- address as 'String', ignoring any whitespace or any comments.
-addr_spec       :: CharParser a String
-addr_spec       = do r1 <- local_part
-                     char '@'
-                     r2 <- domain
-                     return (r1 ++ "@" ++ r2)
-                  <?> "address specification"
--- |Parse and return a \"local part\" of an 'addr_spec'. That is either
--- a 'dot_atom' or a 'quoted_string'.
-local_part      :: CharParser a String
-local_part      = dot_atom <|> quoted_string
-                  <?> "address' local part"
--- |Parse and return a \"domain part\" of an 'addr_spec'. That is either
--- a 'dot_atom' or a 'domain_literal'.
-domain          :: CharParser a String
-domain          = dot_atom <|> domain_literal
-                  <?> "address' domain part"
--- |Parse a \"domain literal\". That is a \"@[@\" character, followed by
--- any amount of 'dcontent', followed by a terminating \"@]@\"
--- character. The complete string is returned verbatim.
-domain_literal  :: CharParser a String
-domain_literal  = unfold (do char '['
-                             r <- many $ do { optional fws; dcontent }
-                             optional fws
-                             char ']'
-                             return ("[" ++ concat r ++ "]"))
-                  <?> "domain literal"
--- |Parse and return any characters that are legal in a
--- 'domain_literal'. That is 'dtext' or a 'quoted_pair'.
-dcontent        :: CharParser a String
-dcontent        = many1 dtext <|> quoted_pair
-                  <?> "domain literal content"
--- |Parse and return any ASCII characters except \"@[@\", \"@]@\", and
--- \"@\\@\".
-dtext           :: CharParser a Char
-dtext           = no_ws_ctl
-                  <|> satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([33..90] ++ [94,127]))
-                  <?> "character (excluding '[', ']', and '\\')"
--- * Overall message syntax (section 3.5)
--- |This data type repesents a parsed Internet Message as defined in
--- this RFC. It consists of an arbitrary number of header lines,
--- represented in the 'Field' data type, and a message body, which may
--- be empty.
-data Message
-    = Message [Field] String
-      deriving (Show)
--- |Parse a complete message as defined by this RFC and it broken down
--- into the separate header fields and the message body. Header lines,
--- which contain syntax errors, will not cause the parser to abort.
--- Rather, these headers will appear as 'OptionalField's (which are
--- unparsed) in the resulting 'Message'. A message must be really,
--- really badly broken for this parser to fail.
--- This behaviour was chosen because it is impossible to predict what
--- the user of this module considers to be a fatal error;
--- traditionally, parsers are very forgiving when it comes to Internet
--- messages.
--- If you want to implement a really strict parser, you'll have to put
--- the appropriate parser together yourself. You'll find that this is
--- rather easy to do. Refer to the 'fields' parser for further details.
-message         :: CharParser a Message
-message         = do f <- fields
-                     b <- option [] (do crlf
-                                        b <- body
-                                        return b)
-                     return (Message f b)
--- |This parser will return a message body as specified by this RFC;
--- that is basically any number of 'text' characters, which may be
--- divided into separate lines by 'crlf'.
-body            :: CharParser a String
-body            = do r1 <- many (try (do line <- many text
-                                         eol <- crlf
-                                         return (line ++ eol)))
-                     r2 <- many text
-                     return (concat r1 ++ r2)
--- * Field definitions (section 3.6)
--- |This data type represents any of the header fields defined in this
--- RFC. Each of the various instances contains with the return value
--- of the corresponding parser.
-data Field      = OptionalField       String String
-                | From                [String]
-                | Sender              String
-                | ReturnPath          String
-                | ReplyTo             [String]
-                | To                  [String]
-                | Cc                  [String]
-                | Bcc                 [String]
-                | MessageID           String
-                | InReplyTo           [String]
-                | References          [String]
-                | Subject             String
-                | Comments            String
-                | Keywords            [[String]]
-                | Date                CalendarTime
-                | ResentDate          CalendarTime
-                | ResentFrom          [String]
-                | ResentSender        String
-                | ResentTo            [String]
-                | ResentCc            [String]
-                | ResentBcc           [String]
-                | ResentMessageID     String
-                | ResentReplyTo       [String]
-                | Received            ([(String,String)], CalendarTime)
-                | ObsReceived         [(String,String)]
-                deriving (Show)
--- |This parser will parse an arbitrary number of header fields as
--- defined in this RFC. For each field, an appropriate 'Field' value
--- is created, all of them making up the 'Field' list that this parser
--- returns.
--- If you look at the implementation of this parser, you will find
--- that it uses Parsec's 'try' modifier around /all/ of the fields.
--- The idea behind this is that fields, which contain syntax errors,
--- fall back to the catch-all 'optional_field'. Thus, this parser will
--- hardly ever return a syntax error -- what conforms with the idea
--- that any message that can possibly be accepted /should/ be.
-fields          :: CharParser a [Field]
-fields          = many (    try (do { r <- from; return (From r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- sender; return (Sender r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- return_path; return (ReturnPath r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- reply_to; return (ReplyTo r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- to; return (To r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- cc; return (Cc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- bcc; return (Bcc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- message_id; return (MessageID r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- in_reply_to; return (InReplyTo r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- references; return (References r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- subject; return (Subject r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- comments; return (Comments r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- keywords; return (Keywords r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- orig_date; return (Date r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- resent_date; return (ResentDate r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- resent_from; return (ResentFrom r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- resent_sender; return (ResentSender r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- resent_to; return (ResentTo r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- resent_cc; return (ResentCc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- resent_bcc; return (ResentBcc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- resent_msg_id; return (ResentMessageID r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- received; return (Received r) })
-                         -- catch all
-                        <|> (do { (name,cont) <- optional_field; return (OptionalField name cont) })
-                       )
--- ** The origination date field (section 3.6.1)
--- |Parse a \"@Date:@\" header line and return the date it contains a
--- 'CalendarTime'.
-orig_date       :: CharParser a CalendarTime
-orig_date       = header "Date" date_time
--- ** Originator fields (section 3.6.2)
--- |Parse a \"@From:@\" header line and return the 'mailbox_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-from            :: CharParser a [String]
-from            = header "From" mailbox_list
--- |Parse a \"@Sender:@\" header line and return the 'mailbox' address
--- contained in it.
-sender          :: CharParser a String
-sender          = header "Sender" mailbox
--- |Parse a \"@Reply-To:@\" header line and return the 'address_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-reply_to        :: CharParser a [String]
-reply_to        = header "Reply-To" address_list
--- ** Destination address fields (section 3.6.3)
--- |Parse a \"@To:@\" header line and return the 'address_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-to              :: CharParser a [String]
-to              = header "To" address_list
--- |Parse a \"@Cc:@\" header line and return the 'address_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-cc              :: CharParser a [String]
-cc              = header "Cc" address_list
--- |Parse a \"@Bcc:@\" header line and return the 'address_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-bcc             :: CharParser a [String]
-bcc             = header "Bcc" (try address_list <|> do { optional cfws; return [] })
--- ** Identification fields (section 3.6.4)
--- |Parse a \"@Message-Id:@\" header line and return the 'msg_id'
--- contained in it.
-message_id      :: CharParser a String
-message_id      = header "Message-ID" msg_id
--- |Parse a \"@In-Reply-To:@\" header line and return the list of
--- 'msg_id's contained in it.
-in_reply_to     :: CharParser a [String]
-in_reply_to     = header "In-Reply-To" (many1 msg_id)
--- |Parse a \"@References:@\" header line and return the list of
--- 'msg_id's contained in it.
-references      :: CharParser a [String]
-references      = header "References" (many1 msg_id)
--- |Parse a \"@message ID:@\" and return it. A message ID is almost
--- identical to an 'angle_addr', but with stricter rules about folding
--- and whitespace.
-msg_id          :: CharParser a String
-msg_id          = unfold (do char '<'
-                             idl <- id_left
-                             char '@'
-                             idr <- id_right
-                             char '>'
-                             return ("<" ++ idl ++ "@" ++ idr ++ ">"))
-                  <?> "message ID"
--- |Parse a \"left ID\" part of a 'msg_id'. This is almost identical to
--- the 'local_part' of an e-mail address, but with stricter rules
--- about folding and whitespace.
-id_left         :: CharParser a String
-id_left         = dot_atom_text <|> no_fold_quote
-                  <?> "left part of an message ID"
--- |Parse a \"right ID\" part of a 'msg_id'. This is almost identical to
--- the 'domain' of an e-mail address, but with stricter rules about
--- folding and whitespace.
-id_right        :: CharParser a String
-id_right        = dot_atom_text <|> no_fold_literal
-                  <?> "right part of an message ID"
--- |Parse one or more occurences of 'qtext' or 'quoted_pair' and
--- return the concatenated string. This makes up the 'id_left' of a
--- 'msg_id'.
-no_fold_quote   :: CharParser a String
-no_fold_quote   = do dquote
-                     r <- many (many1 qtext <|> quoted_pair)
-                     dquote
-                     return ("\"" ++ concat r ++ "\"")
-                  <?> "non-folding quoted string"
--- |Parse one or more occurences of 'dtext' or 'quoted_pair' and
--- return the concatenated string. This makes up the 'id_right' of a
--- 'msg_id'.
-no_fold_literal :: CharParser a String
-no_fold_literal = do char '['
-                     r <- many (many1 dtext <|> quoted_pair)
-                     char ']'
-                     return ("\"" ++ concat r ++ "\"")
-                     return ("[" ++ concat r ++ "]")
-                  <?> "non-folding domain literal"
--- ** Informational fields (section 3.6.5)
--- |Parse a \"@Subject:@\" header line and return it's contents verbatim.
-subject         :: CharParser a String
-subject         = header "Subject" unstructured
--- |Parse a \"@Comments:@\" header line and return it's contents verbatim.
-comments        :: CharParser a String
-comments        = header "Comments" unstructured
--- |Parse a \"@Keywords:@\" header line and return the list of 'phrase's
--- found. Please not that each phrase is again a list of 'atom's, as
--- returned by the 'phrase' parser.
-keywords        :: CharParser a [[String]]
-keywords        = header "Keywords" (do r1 <- phrase
-                                        r2 <- many (do char ','
-                                                       r <- phrase
-                                                       return r)
-                                        return (r1:r2))
--- ** Resent fields (section 3.6.6)
--- |Parse a \"@Resent-Date:@\" header line and return the date it
--- contains as 'CalendarTime'.
-resent_date     :: CharParser a CalendarTime
-resent_date     = header "Resent-Date" date_time
--- |Parse a \"@Resent-From:@\" header line and return the 'mailbox_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-resent_from     :: CharParser a [String]
-resent_from     = header "Resent-From" mailbox_list
--- |Parse a \"@Resent-Sender:@\" header line and return the 'mailbox_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-resent_sender   :: CharParser a String
-resent_sender   = header "Resent-Sender" mailbox
--- |Parse a \"@Resent-To:@\" header line and return the 'mailbox'
--- address contained in it.
-resent_to       :: CharParser a [String]
-resent_to       = header "Resent-To" address_list
--- |Parse a \"@Resent-Cc:@\" header line and return the 'address_list'
--- address(es) contained in it.
-resent_cc       :: CharParser a [String]
-resent_cc       = header "Resent-Cc" address_list
--- |Parse a \"@Resent-Bcc:@\" header line and return the 'address_list'
--- address(es) contained in it. (This list may be empty.)
-resent_bcc      :: CharParser a [String]
-resent_bcc      = header "Resent-Bcc" (    try address_list
-                                       <|> do optional cfws
-                                              return []
-                                      )
-                  <?> "Resent-Bcc: header line"
--- |Parse a \"@Resent-Message-ID:@\" header line and return the 'msg_id'
--- contained in it.
-resent_msg_id   :: CharParser a String
-resent_msg_id   = header "Resent-Message-ID" msg_id
--- ** Trace fields (section 3.6.7)
-return_path     :: CharParser a String
-return_path     = header "Return-Path:" path
-path            :: CharParser a String
-path            = unfold (    do char '<'
-                                 r <- choice [ try addr_spec, do { cfws; return [] } ]
-                                 char '>'
-                                 return ("<" ++ r ++ ">")
-                          <|> obs_path
-                         )
-                  <?> "return path spec"
-received        :: CharParser a ([(String,String)], CalendarTime)
-received        = header "Received" (do r1 <- name_val_list
-                                        char ';'
-                                        r2 <- date_time
-                                        return (r1,r2))
-name_val_list   :: CharParser a [(String,String)]
-name_val_list   = do optional cfws
-                     many1 name_val_pair
-                  <?> "list of name/value pairs"
-name_val_pair   :: CharParser a (String,String)
-name_val_pair   = do r1 <- item_name
-                     cfws
-                     r2 <- item_value
-                     return (r1,r2)
-                  <?> "a name/value pair"
-item_name       :: CharParser a String
-item_name       = do r1 <- alpha
-                     r2 <- many $ choice [ char '-', alpha, digit ]
-                     return (r1 : r2)
-                  <?> "name of a name/value pair"
-item_value      :: CharParser a String
-item_value      = choice [ try (do { r <- many1 angle_addr; return (concat r) })
-                         , try addr_spec
-                         , try domain
-                         , msg_id
-                         , try atom
-                         ]
-                  <?> "value of a name/value pair"
--- ** Optional fields (section 3.6.8)
--- |Parse an arbitrary header field and return a tuple containing the
--- 'field_name' and 'unstructured' text of the header. The name will
--- /not/ contain the terminating colon.
-optional_field  :: CharParser a (String,String)
-optional_field  = do n <- field_name
-                     char ':'
-                     b <- unstructured
-                     crlf
-                     return (n,b)
-                  <?> "optional (unspecified) header line"
--- |Parse and return an arbitrary header field name. That is one or
--- more 'ftext' characters.
-field_name      :: CharParser a String
-field_name      = many1 ftext <?> "header line name"
--- |Match and return any ASCII character except for control
--- characters, whitespace, and \"@:@\".
-ftext           :: CharParser a Char
-ftext           = satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([33..57] ++ [59..126]))
-                  <?> "character (excluding controls, space, and ':')"
--- * Miscellaneous obsolete tokens (section 4.1)
--- |Match the obsolete \"quoted pair\" syntax, which - unlike
--- 'quoted_pair' - allowed /any/ ASCII character to be specified when
--- quoted. The parser will return both, the backslash and the actual
--- character.
-obs_qp          :: CharParser a String
-obs_qp          = do char '\\'
-                     c <- satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` [0..127])
-                     return ['\\',c]
-                  <?> "any quoted US-ASCII character"
--- |Match the obsolete \"text\" syntax, which - unlike 'text' - allowed
--- \"carriage returns\" and \"linefeeds\". This is really weird; you
--- better consult the RFC for details. The parser will return the
--- complete string, including those special characters.
-obs_text        :: CharParser a String
-obs_text        = do r1 <- many lf
-                     r2 <- many cr
-                     r3 <- many (do r4 <- obs_char
-                                    r5 <- many lf
-                                    r6 <- many cr
-                                    return (r4 : (r5 ++ r6)))
-                     return (r1 ++ r2 ++ concat r3)
--- |Match and return the obsolete \"char\" syntax, which - unlike
--- 'character' - did not allow \"carriage return\" and \"linefeed\".
-obs_char        :: CharParser a Char
-obs_char        = satisfy (\c -> ord c `elem` ([0..9] ++ [11,12] ++ [14..127]))
-                  <?> "any ASCII character except CR and LF"
--- |Match and return the obsolete \"utext\" syntax, which is identical
--- to 'obs_text'.
-obs_utext       :: CharParser a String
-obs_utext       = obs_text
--- |Match the obsolete \"phrase\" syntax, which - unlike 'phrase' -
--- allows dots between tokens.
-obs_phrase      :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_phrase      = do r1 <- word
-                     r2 <- many $ choice [ word
-                                         , string "."
-                                         , do { cfws; return [] }
-                                         ]
-                     return (r1 : (filter (/=[]) r2))
--- |Match a  \"phrase list\" syntax and return the list of 'String's
--- that make up the phrase. In contrast to a 'phrase', the
--- 'obs_phrase_list' separates the individual words by commas. This
--- syntax is - as you will have guessed - obsolete.
-obs_phrase_list :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_phrase_list = do r1 <- many1 (do r <- option [] phrase
-                                     unfold $ char ','
-                                     return (filter (/=[]) r))
-                     r2 <- option [] phrase
-                     return (concat r1 ++ r2)
-                  <|> phrase
--- * Obsolete folding white space (section 4.2)
--- |Parse and return an \"obsolete fws\" token. That is at least one
--- 'wsp' character, followed by an arbitrary number (including zero)
--- of 'crlf' followed by at least one more 'wsp' character.
-obs_fws         :: CharParser a String
-obs_fws         = do r1 <- many1 wsp
-                     r2 <- many (do r3 <- crlf
-                                    r4 <- many1 wsp
-                                    return (r3 ++ r4))
-                     return (r1 ++ concat r2)
--- * Obsolete Date and Time (section 4.3)
--- |Parse a 'day_name' but allow for the obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_day_of_week :: CharParser a Day
-obs_day_of_week = unfold day_name <?> "day-of-the-week name"
--- |Parse a 'year' but allow for a two-digit number (obsolete) and the
--- obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_year        :: CharParser a Int
-obs_year        = unfold (do r <- manyN 2 digit
-                             return (normalize (read r :: Int)))
-                  <?> "year"
-    where
-    normalize n
-        | n <= 49   = 2000 + n
-        | n <= 999  = 1900 + n
-        | otherwise = n
--- |Parse a 'month_name' but allow for the obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_month       :: CharParser a Month
-obs_month       = between cfws cfws month_name <?> "month name"
--- |Parse a 'day' but allow for the obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_day         :: CharParser a Int
-obs_day         = unfold day <?> "day"
--- |Parse a 'hour' but allow for the obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_hour        :: CharParser a Int
-obs_hour        = unfold hour <?> "hour"
--- |Parse a 'minute' but allow for the obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_minute      :: CharParser a Int
-obs_minute      = unfold minute <?> "minute"
--- |Parse a 'second' but allow for the obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_second      :: CharParser a Int
-obs_second      = unfold second <?> "second"
--- |Match the obsolete zone names and return the appropriate offset.
-obs_zone        :: CharParser a Int
-obs_zone        = choice [ mkZone "UT"  0
-                         , mkZone "GMT" 0
-                         , mkZone "EST" (-5)
-                         , mkZone "EDT" (-4)
-                         , mkZone "CST" (-6)
-                         , mkZone "CDT" (-5)
-                         , mkZone "MST" (-7)
-                         , mkZone "MDT" (-6)
-                         , mkZone "PST" (-8)
-                         , mkZone "PDT" (-7)
-                         , do { r <- oneOf ['A'..'I']; return $ (ord r - 64) * 60*60 }  <?> "military zone spec"
-                         , do { r <- oneOf ['K'..'M']; return $ (ord r - 65) * 60*60 }  <?> "military zone spec"
-                         , do { r <- oneOf ['N'..'Y']; return $ -(ord r - 77) * 60*60 } <?> "military zone spec"
-                         , do { char 'Z'; return 0 }                                    <?> "military zone spec"
-                         ]
-    where mkZone n o  = try $ do { string n; return (o*60*60) }
--- * Obsolete Addressing (section 4.4)
--- |This parser will match the \"obsolete angle address\" syntax. This
--- construct used to be known as a \"route address\" in earlier RFCs.
--- There are two differences between this construct and the
--- 'angle_addr': For one - as usual -, the obsolete form allows for
--- more liberal insertion of folding whitespace and comments.
--- Secondly, and more importantly, angle addresses used to allow the
--- (optional) specification of a \"route\". The newer version does not.
--- Such a routing address looks like this:
--- >    <@example1.org, at example2.org:simons at example.org>
--- The parser will return a tuple that - in case of the above address -
--- looks like this:
--- >    (["example1.org","example2.org"],"simons at example.org")
--- The first part contains a list of hosts that constitute the route
--- part. This list may be empty! The second part of the tuple is the
--- actual 'addr_spec' address.
-obs_angle_addr  :: CharParser a String
-obs_angle_addr  = unfold (do char '<'
-                             _ <- option [] obs_route
-                             addr <- addr_spec
-                             char '>'
-                             return addr)  -- TODO: route is lost here.
-                  <?> "obsolete angle address"
--- |This parser parses the \"route\" part of 'obs_angle_addr' and
--- returns the list of 'String's that make up this route. Relies on
--- 'obs_domain_list' for the actual parsing.
-obs_route       :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_route       = unfold (do { r <- obs_domain_list; char ':'; return r })
-                  <?> "route of an obsolete angle address"
--- |This parser parses a list of domain names, each of them prefaced
--- with an \"at\". Multiple names are separated by a comma. The list of
--- 'domain's is returned - and may be empty.
-obs_domain_list :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_domain_list = do char '@'
-                     r1 <- domain
-                     r2 <- many (do cfws <|> string ","
-                                    optional cfws
-                                    char '@'
-                                    r <- domain
-                                    return r)
-                     return (r1 : r2)
-                    <?> "route of an obsolete angle address"
--- |Parse the obsolete syntax of a 'local_part', which allowed for
--- more liberal insertion of folding whitespace and comments. The
--- actual string is returned.
-obs_local_part  :: CharParser a String
-obs_local_part  = do r1 <- word
-                     r2 <- many (do string "."
-                                    r <- word
-                                    return ('.' : r))
-                     return (r1 ++ concat r2)
-                  <?> "local part of an address"
--- |Parse the obsolete syntax of a 'domain', which allowed for more
--- liberal insertion of folding whitespace and comments. The actual
--- string is returned.
-obs_domain      :: CharParser a String
-obs_domain      = do r1 <- atom
-                     r2 <- many (do string "."
-                                    r <- atom
-                                    return ('.' : r))
-                     return (r1 ++ concat r2)
-                  <?> "domain part of an address"
--- |This parser will match the obsolete syntax for a 'mailbox_list'.
--- This one is quite weird: An 'obs_mbox_list' contains an arbitrary
--- number of 'mailbox'es - including none -, which are separated by
--- commas. But you may have multiple consecutive commas without giving
--- a 'mailbox'. You may also have a valid 'obs_mbox_list' that
--- contains /no/ 'mailbox' at all. On the other hand, you /must/ have
--- at least one comma.
--- So, this input is perfectly valid:
--- >    ","
--- But this one is - contrary to all intuition - not:
--- >    "simons at example.org"
--- Strange, isn't it?
-obs_mbox_list   :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_mbox_list   = do r1 <- many1 (try (do r <- option [] mailbox
-                                          unfold $ char ','
-                                          return r))
-                     r2 <- option [] mailbox
-                     return (filter (/=[]) (r1 ++ [r2]))
-                  <?> "obsolete syntax for a list of mailboxes"
--- |This parser is identical to 'obs_mbox_list' but parses a list of
--- 'address'es rather than 'mailbox'es. The main difference is that an
--- 'address' may contain 'group's. Please note that as of now, the
--- parser will return a simple list of addresses; the grouping
--- information is lost.
-obs_addr_list   :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_addr_list   = do r1 <- many1 (try (do r <- option [] address
-                                          optional cfws
-                                          char ','
-                                          optional cfws
-                                          return (concat r)))
-                     r2 <- option [] address
-                     return (filter (/=[]) (r1 ++ r2))
-                  <?> "obsolete syntax for a list of addresses"
--- * Obsolete header fields (section 4.5)
-obs_fields      :: GenParser Char a [Field]
-obs_fields      = many (    try (do { r <- obs_from; return (From r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_sender; return (Sender r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_return; return (ReturnPath r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_reply_to; return (ReplyTo r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_to; return (To r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_cc; return (Cc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_bcc; return (Bcc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_message_id; return (MessageID r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_in_reply_to; return (InReplyTo r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_references; return (References r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_subject; return (Subject r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_comments; return (Comments r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_keywords; return (Keywords [r]) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_orig_date; return (Date r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_date; return (ResentDate r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_from; return (ResentFrom r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_send; return (ResentSender r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_to; return (ResentTo r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_cc; return (ResentCc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_bcc; return (ResentBcc r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_mid; return (ResentMessageID r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_resent_reply; return (ResentReplyTo r) })
-                        <|> try (do { r <- obs_received; return (ObsReceived r) })
-                         -- catch all
-                        <|> (do { (name,cont) <- obs_optional; return (OptionalField name cont) })
-                       )
--- ** Obsolete origination date field (section 4.5.1)
--- |Parse a 'date' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_orig_date   :: CharParser a CalendarTime
-obs_orig_date   = obs_header "Date" date_time
--- ** Obsolete originator fields (section 4.5.2)
--- |Parse a 'from' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_from        :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_from        = obs_header "From" mailbox_list
--- |Parse a 'sender' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_sender      :: CharParser a String
-obs_sender      = obs_header "Sender" mailbox
--- |Parse a 'reply_to' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_reply_to    :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_reply_to    = obs_header "Reply-To" mailbox_list
--- ** Obsolete destination address fields (section 4.5.3)
--- |Parse a 'to' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_to          :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_to          = obs_header "To" address_list
--- |Parse a 'cc' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_cc          :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_cc          = obs_header "Cc" address_list
--- |Parse a 'bcc' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_bcc         :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_bcc         = header "Bcc" (    try address_list
-                                    <|> do { optional cfws; return [] }
-                               )
--- ** Obsolete identification fields (section 4.5.4)
--- |Parse a 'message_id' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_message_id  :: CharParser a String
-obs_message_id  = obs_header "Message-ID" msg_id
--- |Parse an 'in_reply_to' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding and the obsolete phrase syntax.
-obs_in_reply_to :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_in_reply_to = obs_header "In-Reply-To" (do r <- many (    do {phrase; return [] }
-                                                          <|> msg_id
-                                                         )
-                                               return (filter (/=[]) r))
--- |Parse a 'references' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding and the obsolete phrase syntax.
-obs_references  :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_references  = obs_header "References" (do r <- many (    do { phrase; return [] }
-                                                         <|> msg_id
-                                                        )
-                                              return (filter (/=[]) r))
--- |Parses the \"left part\" of a message ID, but allows the obsolete
--- syntax, which is identical to a 'local_part'.
-obs_id_left     :: CharParser a String
-obs_id_left     = local_part <?> "left part of an message ID"
--- |Parses the \"right part\" of a message ID, but allows the obsolete
--- syntax, which is identical to a 'domain'.
-obs_id_right    :: CharParser a String
-obs_id_right    = domain <?> "right part of an message ID"
--- ** Obsolete informational fields (section 4.5.5)
--- |Parse a 'subject' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_subject     :: CharParser a String
-obs_subject     = obs_header "Subject" unstructured
--- |Parse a 'comments' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_comments    :: CharParser a String
-obs_comments    = obs_header "Comments" unstructured
--- |Parse a 'keywords' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax. Also, this parser accepts 'obs_phrase_list'.
-obs_keywords    :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_keywords    = obs_header "Keywords" obs_phrase_list
--- ** Obsolete resent fields (section 4.5.6)
--- |Parse a 'resent_from' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_resent_from :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_resent_from = obs_header "Resent-From" mailbox_list
--- |Parse a 'resent_sender' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_resent_send :: CharParser a String
-obs_resent_send = obs_header "Resent-Sender" mailbox
--- |Parse a 'resent_date' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_resent_date :: CharParser a CalendarTime
-obs_resent_date = obs_header "Resent-Date" date_time
--- |Parse a 'resent_to' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_resent_to   :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_resent_to   = obs_header "Resent-To" mailbox_list
--- |Parse a 'resent_cc' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_resent_cc   :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_resent_cc   = obs_header "Resent-Cc" mailbox_list
--- |Parse a 'resent_bcc' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_resent_bcc  :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_resent_bcc  = obs_header "Bcc" (    try address_list
-                                    <|> do { optional cfws; return [] }
-                                   )
--- |Parse a 'resent_msg_id' header line but allow for the obsolete
--- folding syntax.
-obs_resent_mid  :: CharParser a String
-obs_resent_mid  = obs_header "Resent-Message-ID" msg_id
--- |Parse a @Resent-Reply-To@ header line but allow for the
--- obsolete folding syntax.
-obs_resent_reply :: CharParser a [String]
-obs_resent_reply = obs_header "Resent-Reply-To" address_list
--- ** Obsolete trace fields (section 4.5.7)
-obs_return      :: CharParser a [Char]
-obs_return       = obs_header "Return-Path" path
-obs_received    :: CharParser a [(String, String)]
-obs_received     = obs_header "Received" name_val_list
--- |Match 'obs_angle_addr'.
-obs_path        :: CharParser a String
-obs_path        = obs_angle_addr
--- |This parser is identical to 'optional_field' but allows the more
--- liberal line-folding syntax between the \"field_name\" and the \"field
--- text\".
-obs_optional    :: CharParser a (String,String)
-obs_optional    = do n <- field_name
-                     many wsp
-                     char ':'
-                     b <- unstructured
-                     crlf
-                     return (n,b)
-                  <?> "optional (unspecified) header line"


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