[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 15:20:39 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ec7721f0e14dda8fa5d940eccba088e404c1e56c
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 7 02:45:32 2006 +0100

    Removed Network.FTP.*; it's going to haskell-ftp

diff --git a/MissingH.cabal b/MissingH.cabal
index a904c40..58fcc26 100644
--- a/MissingH.cabal
+++ b/MissingH.cabal
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ Exposed-Modules: Data.String, System.IO.Utils, System.IO.Binary, Data.List.Utils
     System.Path.WildMatch, System.Path.Glob,
   System.Time.Utils, System.Time.ParseDate,
-    Network.FTP.Client,
-    Network.FTP.Client.Parser,
-    Network.FTP.Server,
-    Network.FTP.Server.Parser,
diff --git a/src/Network/FTP/Client.hs b/src/Network/FTP/Client.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1f138..0000000
--- a/src/Network/FTP/Client.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: FTP client support
-Copyright (C) 2004-2005 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : Network.FTP.Client
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004-2005 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : experimental
-   Portability: systems with networking
-This module provides a client-side interface to the File Transfer Protocol
-as defined by RFC959 and RFC1123.
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-Welcome to the FTP module for Haskell.
-Here is a quick usage example to get you started.  This is a log of a real
-session with ghci: 
-(This would be similar in a "do" block.  You could also save it to a file and
-run that with Hugs.)
-> Prelude> :l Network.FTP.Client
-> ...
-The above loads the module.
-Next, we enable the debugging.  This will turn on all the @FTP sent@ and
- at FTP received@ messages you'll see.
-> Prelude Network.FTP.Client> enableFTPDebugging
-Now, connect to the server on @ftp.kernel.org at .
-> *Network.FTP.Client> h <- easyConnectFTP "ftp.kernel.org"
-> FTP received: 220 Welcome to ftp.kernel.org.
-And log in anonymously.
-> *Network.FTP.Client> loginAnon h
-> FTP sent: USER anonymous
-> FTP received: 331 Please specify the password.
-> FTP sent: PASS anonymous@
-> ...
-> FTP received: 230 Login successful.
-Change the directory...
-> Prelude Network.FTP.Client> cwd h "/pub/linux/kernel/Historic"
-> FTP sent: CWD /pub/linux/kernel/Historic
-> FTP received: 250 Directory successfully changed.
-Let's look at the directory. 'nlst' returns a list of strings, each string
-corresponding to a filename.  Here, @putStrLn . unlines@ will simply
-print them out, one per line.
-> Prelude Network.FTP.Client> nlst h Nothing >>= putStrLn . unlines
-> FTP sent: TYPE A
-> FTP received: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
-> FTP sent: PASV
-> FTP received: 227 Entering Passive Mode (204,152,189,116,130,143)
-> FTP sent: NLST
-> FTP received: 150 Here comes the directory listing.
-> linux-0.01.tar.bz2
-> linux-0.01.tar.bz2.sign
-> linux-0.01.tar.gz
-> linux-0.01.tar.gz.sign
-> linux-0.01.tar.sign
-> old-versions
-> v0.99
-> FTP received: 226 Directory send OK.
-Let's try downloading something and print it to the screen.  Again, we use
- at putStrLn@.  We use @fst@ here because 'getbinary' returns a tuple consisting
-of a string representing the data and a 'FTPResult' code.
-> Prelude Network.FTP.Client> getbinary h "linux-0.01.tar.gz.sign" >>= putStrLn . fst
-> FTP sent: TYPE I
-> FTP received: 200 Switching to Binary mode.
-> FTP sent: PASV
-> FTP received: 227 Entering Passive Mode (204,152,189,116,121,121)
-> FTP sent: RETR linux-0.01.tar.gz.sign
-> FTP received: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for linux-0.01.tar.gz.sign (248 bytes).
-> Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
-> Comment: See http://www.kernel.org/signature.html for info
-> iD8DBQA54rf0yGugalF9Dw4RAqelAJ9lafFni4f/QyJ2IqDXzW2nz/ZIogCfRPtg
-> uYpWffOhkyByfhUt8Lcelec=
-> =KnLA
-> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
-> FTP received: 226 File send OK.
-Here's an example showing you what the result code looks like.
-> Prelude Network.FTP.Client> getbinary h "linux-0.01.tar.gz.sign" >>= print . snd
-> ...
-> (226,["File send OK."])
-The first component of the 'FTPResult' object is the numeric status code from
-the server.  The second component is a list of message lines from the server.
-Now, let's get a more detailed directory listing:
-> Prelude Network.FTP.Client> dir h Nothing >>= putStrLn . unlines
-> ...
-> -r--r--r--    1 536      536         63362 Oct 30  1993 linux-0.01.tar.bz2
-> -r--r--r--    1 536      536           248 Oct 30  1993 linux-0.01.tar.bz2.sign
-> -r--r--r--    1 536      536         73091 Oct 30  1993 linux-0.01.tar.gz
-> -r--r--r--    1 536      536           248 Oct 30  1993 linux-0.01.tar.gz.sign
-> -r--r--r--    1 536      536           248 Oct 30  1993 linux-0.01.tar.sign
-> drwxrwsr-x    5 536      536          4096 Mar 20  2003 old-versions
-> drwxrwsr-x    2 536      536          4096 Mar 20  2003 v0.99
-> FTP received: 226 Directory send OK.
-And finally, log out:
-> Prelude Network.FTP.Client> quit h
-> FTP sent: QUIT
-> FTP received: 221 Goodbye.
-Here is one big important caution:
-/You MUST consume all data from commands that return file data before you
-issue any other FTP commands./
-That's due to the lazy nature of Haskell.  This means that, for instance,
-you can't just iterate over the items 'nlst' returns, trying to 'getbinary'
-each one of them -- the system is still transferring 'nlst' data while you
-are trying that, and confusion will ensue.  Either open two FTP connections
-or make sure you consume the 'nlst' data first.
-Here is a partial list of commands effected: 'nlst', 'dir', 'getbinary',
-'getlines', 'downloadbinary'.
-The 'Data.List.Utils.seqList' function could be quite helpful here.  For instance:
-> x <- nlst h Nothing
-> map (\fn -> ...download files from FTP... ) (seqList x)
-If you omit the call to 'Data.List.Utils.seqList', commands to download files
-will be issued before the entire directory listing is read.  FTP cannot handle
-The corrolary is:
-/Actions that yield lazy data for data uploading must not issue FTP
-commands themselves./
-This will be fairly rare.  Just be aware of this.
-This module logs messages under @Network.FTP.Client@ for outgoing
-traffic and @Network.FTP.Client.Parser@ for incoming traffic, all with the
-'System.Log.DEBUG' priority, so by default, no log messages are seen.
-The 'enableFTPDebugging' function will adjust the priorities of these
-two handlers so debug messages are seen.  Only control channel conversations
-are logged.  Data channel conversations are never logged.
-All exceptions raised by this module have a string beginning with
-@\"FTP: \"@.  Most errors will be IO userErrors.  In a few extremely rare
-cases, errors may be raised by the Prelude error function, though these
-will also have a string beginning with @\"FTP: \"@.  Exceptions raised by
-the underlying networking code will be passed on to you unmodified.
-Useful standards:
-* RFC959, <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc0959.html>
-* Passive mode, RFC1579, <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc1579.html>
-* Extended passive mode, IPv6, RFC2428 <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc2428.html>
-* Feature negotiation, RFC2389, <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc2389.html>
-* Internationalization of FTP, RFC2640, <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc2640.html>
-* FTP security considerations, RFC2577, <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc2577.html>
-* FTP URLs, RFC1738, <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/rfc/rfc1738.html>
-module Network.FTP.Client(-- * Establishing\/Removing connections
-                                   easyConnectFTP, connectFTP,
-                                   loginAnon, login, quit, 
-                                   -- * Configuration
-                                   setPassive, isPassive, enableFTPDebugging,
-                                   -- * Directory listing
-                                   nlst, dir, 
-                                   -- * File downloads
-                                   getlines, getbinary,
-                                   downloadbinary,
-                                   -- * File uploads
-                                   putlines, putbinary,
-                                   uploadbinary,
-                                   -- * File manipulation
-                                   rename, delete, size,
-                                   -- * Directory manipulation
-                                   cwd, mkdir, rmdir, pwd, 
-                                   -- * Low-level advanced commands
-                                   FTPConnection,
-                                   transfercmd, ntransfercmd,
-                                   retrlines, storlines
-                       )
-import Network.FTP.Client.Parser
-import Network.BSD
-import Network.Socket
-import System.IO.Binary
-import qualified Network
-import System.IO
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import System.Log.Logger
-import Network.Utils
-import Data.String
-data FTPConnection = FTPConnection {readh :: IO String,
-                                    writeh :: Handle,
-                                    socket_internal :: Socket,
-                                    isPassive :: Bool}
-getresp h = do
-            c <- (readh h)
-            debugParseGoodReply c
-logsend m = debugM "Network.FTP.Client" ("FTP sent: " ++ m)
-sendcmd h c = do logsend c
-                 hPutStr (writeh h) (c ++ "\r\n")
-                 getresp h
-{- | Connect to the remote FTP server and read but discard
-   the welcome.  Assumes
-   default FTP port, 21, on remote. -}
-easyConnectFTP :: Network.HostName -> IO FTPConnection
-easyConnectFTP h = do x <- connectFTP h 21
-                      return (fst x)
-{- | Enable logging of FTP messages through 'System.Log.Logger'.
-This sets the log levels of @Network.FTP.Client.Parser@ and
- at Network.FTP.Client@ to DEBUG.  By default, this means that
-full protocol dumps will be sent to stderr.
-The effect is global and persists until changed.
-enableFTPDebugging :: IO ()
-enableFTPDebugging = 
-    do
-    updateGlobalLogger "Network.FTP.Client.Parser" (setLevel DEBUG)
-    updateGlobalLogger "Network.FTP.Client" (setLevel DEBUG)
-{- | Connect to remote FTP server and read the welcome. -}
-connectFTP :: Network.HostName -> PortNumber -> IO (FTPConnection, FTPResult)
-connectFTP h p =
-    let readchars :: Handle -> IO String
-        readchars h = do
-                      c <- hGetChar h
-                      next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ readchars h
-                      return (c : next)
-        in
-    do
-    s <- connectTCP h p
-    newh <- socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode
-    hSetBuffering newh LineBuffering
-    let h = FTPConnection {readh = readchars newh, 
-                           socket_internal = s,
-                           writeh = newh, isPassive = True}
-    resp <- getresp h
-    forceioresp 200 resp
-    return (h, resp)
-{- | Log in anonymously. -}
-loginAnon :: FTPConnection -> IO FTPResult
-loginAnon h = login h "anonymous" (Just "anonymous@") Nothing
-{- | Log in to an FTP account. -}
-login :: FTPConnection                  -- ^ Connection
-         -> String                         -- ^ Username
-         -> Maybe String                -- ^ Password
-         -> Maybe String                -- ^ Account (rarely used)
-         -> IO FTPResult
-login h user pass acct =
-    do
-    ur <- sendcmd h ("USER " ++ user)
-    if isxresp 300 ur then
-       case pass of
-            Nothing -> fail "FTP: Server demands password, but no password given"
-            Just p -> do pr <- sendcmd h ("PASS " ++ p)
-                         if isxresp 300 pr then
-                            case acct of
-                                Nothing -> fail "FTP: server demands account, but no account given"
-                                Just a -> do ar <- sendcmd h ("ACCT " ++ a)
-                                             forceioresp 200 ar
-                                             return ar
-                            else return $! forcexresp 200 pr
-       else return $! forcexresp 200 ur
-{- | Sets whether passive mode is used (returns new
-connection object reflecting this) -}
-setPassive :: FTPConnection -> Bool -> FTPConnection            
-setPassive f b = f{isPassive = b}
-{- | Finds the addres sof the remote. -}
-makepasv :: FTPConnection -> IO SockAddr
-makepasv h =
-    do
-    r <- sendcmd h "PASV"
-    respToSockAddr r
-{- | Opens a port and sends it to the remote. -}
-makeport :: FTPConnection -> IO (Socket, FTPResult)
-makeport h =
-    let listenaddr (SockAddrInet _ h) = SockAddrInet aNY_PORT h
-        listenaddr _ = error "FTP: Can't use port mode to non-TCP server"
-        in
-        do addr <- getSocketName (socket_internal h)
-           mastersock <- listenTCPAddr (listenaddr addr) 1
-           newaddr <- getSocketName mastersock
-           ps <- toPortString newaddr
-           result <- sendcmd h ("PORT " ++ ps)
-           return (mastersock, result)
-{- | Establishes a connection to the remote. 
-FIXME: need support for rest
-ntransfercmd :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO (Handle, Maybe Integer)
-ntransfercmd h cmd =
-    let sock = if isPassive h
-               then do
-                    addr <- makepasv h
-                    s <- connectTCPAddr addr
-                    r <- sendcmd h cmd
-                    forceioresp 100 r
-                    return s
-               else do 
-                    masterresult <- makeport h
-                    r <- sendcmd h cmd
-                    forceioresp 100 r
-                    acceptres <- accept (fst masterresult)
-                    sClose (fst masterresult)
-                    return (fst acceptres)
-        in do
-           s <- sock
-           newh <- socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode
-           hSetBuffering newh (BlockBuffering (Just 4096))
-           return (newh, Nothing)
-{- | Returns the socket part from calling 'ntransfercmd'. -}
-transfercmd :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO Handle
-transfercmd h cmd = do x <- ntransfercmd h cmd
-                       return (fst x)
-{- | Stores the lines of data to the remote.  The string gives the
-commands to issue. -}
-storlines :: FTPConnection -> String -> [String] -> IO FTPResult
-storlines h cmd input =
-    do
-    sendcmd h "TYPE A"
-    newh <- transfercmd h cmd
-    hPutStr newh (concatMap (++ "\r\n") input)
-    hClose newh
-    getresp h
-{- | Stores the binary data to the remote.  The first string gives the
-commands to issue. -}
-storbinary :: FTPConnection -> String -> String -> IO FTPResult
-storbinary h cmd input =
-    do sendcmd h "TYPE I"
-       newh <- transfercmd h cmd
-       hPutStr newh input
-       hClose newh
-       getresp h
-{- | Retrieves lines of data from the remote. The string gives 
-the command to issue. -}
-retrlines :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO ([String], FTPResult)
-retrlines h cmd =
-    -- foo returns the empty last item and closes the handle when done
-    let foo theh [] = do hClose theh
-                         r <- getresp h
-                         return ([], r)
-        foo theh ("" : []) = foo theh []
-        foo theh (x:xs) = do next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ foo theh xs
-                             return $ (x : fst next, snd next)
-        in do
-              sendcmd h "TYPE A"
-              newh <- transfercmd h cmd
-              c <- hGetContents newh
-              foo newh (split "\r\n" $ c)
-{- | Retrieves binary data from the remote. The string gives the command
-to issue. -}
-retrbinary :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO (String, FTPResult)
-retrbinary h cmd =
-    let foo h2 [] = do hClose h2
-                       r <- getresp h
-                       return ([], r)
-        foo h2 (x:xs) = do next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ foo h2 xs
-                           return $ (x : fst next, snd next)
-        in do
-           sendcmd h "TYPE I"
-           newh <- transfercmd h cmd
-           c <- hGetContents newh
-           foo newh c
-{- | Retrieves the specified file in text mode. -}
-getlines :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO ([String], FTPResult)
-getlines h fn = retrlines h ("RETR " ++ fn)
-{- | Retrieves the specified file in binary mode. -}
-getbinary :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO (String, FTPResult)
-getbinary h fn = retrbinary h ("RETR " ++ fn)
-{- | Puts data in the specified file in text mode.  The first string
-is the filename. -}
-putlines :: FTPConnection -> String -> [String] -> IO FTPResult
-putlines h fn input = storlines h ("STOR " ++ fn) input 
-{- | Puts data in the specified file in binary.  The first string is the filename. -}
-putbinary :: FTPConnection -> String -> String -> IO FTPResult
-putbinary h fn input = storbinary h ("STOR " ++ fn) input 
-{- | Uploads a file from disk in binary mode. Note: filename is used for both local and remote. -}
-uploadbinary :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO FTPResult
-uploadbinary h fn = do input <- readBinaryFile fn
-                       putbinary h fn input
-{- | Downloads a file from remote and saves to disk in binary mode.  Note: filename is used for both local and remote. -}
-downloadbinary :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO FTPResult
-downloadbinary h fn = do r <- getbinary h fn
-                         writeBinaryFile fn (fst r)
-                         return (snd r)
-{- | Retrieves a list of files in the given directory. 
-FIXME: should this take a list of dirs? -}
-nlst :: FTPConnection
-        -> Maybe String                 -- ^ The directory to list.  If Nothing, list the current directory.
-        -> IO [String]
-nlst h Nothing = retrlines h "NLST" >>= return . fst
-nlst h (Just dirname) = retrlines h ("NLST " ++ dirname) >>= return . fst
-{- | Retrieve the system-specific long form of a directory list.
-FIXME: should this take a list of dirs? -}
-dir :: FTPConnection
-       -> Maybe String                  -- ^ The directory to list.  If Nothing, list the current directory.
-       -> IO [String]
-dir h Nothing = retrlines h "LIST" >>= return .  fst
-dir h (Just dirname) = retrlines h ("LIST " ++ dirname) >>= return . fst
-{- | Rename or move a file. -}
-rename :: FTPConnection
-          -> String                     -- ^ Old name
-          -> String                     -- ^ New name
-          -> IO FTPResult
-rename h old new = do
-                   r <- sendcmd h ("RNFR " ++ old)
-                   forceioresp 300 r
-                   sendcmd h ("RNTO " ++ new)
-{- | Delete (unlink) a file. -}
-delete :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO FTPResult
-delete h fn = sendcmd h ("DELE " ++ fn)
-{- | Change the working directory. -}
-cwd :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO FTPResult
-cwd h ".." = sendcmd h "CDUP"
-cwd h "" = cwd h "."
-cwd h newdir = sendcmd h ("CWD " ++ newdir)
-{- | Get the size of a file.
-This command is non-standard and may possibly fail.
-size :: (Num a, Read a) => FTPConnection -> String -> IO a
-size h fn = do
-            r <- sendcmd h ("SIZE " ++ fn)
-            forceioresp 200 r
-            return (read . head . snd $ r)
--- | Make new directory.  Returns the absolute name of the
--- new directory if possible.
-mkdir :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO (Maybe String, FTPResult)
-mkdir h fn = do x <- sendcmd h ("MKD " ++ fn)
-                return (parseDirName x, x)
--- | Remove a directory.
-rmdir :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO FTPResult
-rmdir h fn = sendcmd h ("RMD " ++ fn)
--- | Print the current working directory.  The first component of the result
--- is the parsed directory name, if the servers response was parsable.
-pwd :: FTPConnection -> IO (Maybe String, FTPResult)
-pwd h = do x <- sendcmd h ("PWD")
-           return (parseDirName x, x)
--- | Log off the server and quit.
-quit :: FTPConnection -> IO FTPResult
-quit h = do
-         r <- sendcmd h "QUIT"
-         hClose (writeh h)
-         -- hClose (readh_internal h)
-         return r
diff --git a/src/Network/FTP/Client/Parser.hs b/src/Network/FTP/Client/Parser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc2506..0000000
--- a/src/Network/FTP/Client/Parser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: FTP protocol parser
-Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : Network.FTP.Client.Parser
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : provisional
-   Portability: systems with networking
-This module provides a parser that is used internally by
-"Network.FTP.Client".  You almost certainly do not want to use
-this module directly.  Use "Network.FTP.Client" instead.
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-module Network.FTP.Client.Parser(parseReply, parseGoodReply,
-                                         toPortString, fromPortString,
-                                         debugParseGoodReply,
-                                         respToSockAddr,
-                                         FTPResult,
-                                         -- * Utilities
-                                         unexpectedresp, isxresp,
-                                         forcexresp,
-                                         forceioresp,
-                                         parseDirName)
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Utils
-import Data.List.Utils
-import Data.Bits.Utils
-import Data.String
-import System.Log.Logger
-import Network.Socket(SockAddr(..), PortNumber(..), inet_addr, inet_ntoa)
-import System.IO(Handle, hGetContents)
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import Text.Regex
-import Data.Word
-type FTPResult = (Int, [String])
--- import Control.Exception(Exception(PatternMatchFail), throw)
-logit :: String -> IO ()
-logit m = debugM "Network.FTP.Client.Parser" ("FTP received: " ++ m)
--- Utilities
-unexpectedresp m r = "FTP: Expected " ++ m ++ ", got " ++ (show r)
-isxresp desired (r, _) = r >= desired && r < (desired + 100)
-forcexresp desired r = if isxresp desired r
-                       then r
-                       else error ((unexpectedresp (show desired)) r)
-forceioresp :: Int -> FTPResult -> IO ()
-forceioresp desired r = if isxresp desired r
-                        then return ()
-                        else fail (unexpectedresp (show desired) r)
-crlf :: Parser String
-crlf = string "\r\n" <?> "CRLF"
-sp :: Parser Char
-sp = char ' '
-code :: Parser Int
-code = do
-       s <- codeString
-       return (read s)
-codeString :: Parser String
-codeString = do
-             first <- oneOf "123456789" <?> "3-digit reply code"
-             remaining <- count 2 digit <?> "3-digit reply code"
-             return (first : remaining)
-specificCode :: Int -> Parser Int
-specificCode exp = do
-                   s <- string (show exp) <?> ("Code " ++ (show exp))
-                   return (read s)
-line :: Parser String
-line = do
-       x <- many (noneOf "\r\n")
-       crlf
-       -- return $ unsafePerformIO $ putStrLn ("line: " ++ x)
-       return x
--- The parsers
-singleReplyLine :: Parser (Int, String)
-singleReplyLine = do
-                  x <- code
-                  sp
-                  text <- line
-                  return (x, text)
-expectedReplyLine :: Int -> Parser (Int, String)
-expectedReplyLine expectedcode = do
-                                 x <- specificCode expectedcode
-                                 sp
-                                 text <- line
-                                 return (x, text)
-startOfMultiReply :: Parser (Int, String)
-startOfMultiReply = do
-                    x <- code
-                    char '-'
-                    text <- line
-                    return (x, text)
-multiReplyComponent :: Parser [String]
-multiReplyComponent = (try (do
-                            notMatching (do 
-                                         codeString
-                                         sp
-                                        ) "found unexpected code"
-                            thisLine <- line
-                            -- return $ unsafePerformIO (putStrLn ("MRC: got " ++ thisLine))
-                            remainder <- multiReplyComponent
-                            return (thisLine : remainder)
-                           )
-                      ) <|> return []
-multiReply :: Parser FTPResult
-multiReply = try (do
-                  x <- singleReplyLine
-                  return (fst x, [snd x])
-                 )
-             <|> (do
-                  start <- startOfMultiReply
-                  component <- multiReplyComponent
-                  end <- expectedReplyLine (fst start)
-                  return (fst start, snd start : (component ++ [snd end]))
-                 )
--- The real code
--- | Parse a FTP reply.  Returns a (result code, text) pair.
-parseReply :: String -> FTPResult
-parseReply input =
-    case parse multiReply "(unknown)" input of
-         Left err -> error ("FTP: " ++ (show err))
-         Right reply -> reply
--- | Parse a FTP reply.  Returns a (result code, text) pair.
--- If the result code indicates an error, raise an exception instead
--- of just passing it back.
-parseGoodReply :: String -> IO FTPResult
-parseGoodReply input =
-    let reply = parseReply input
-        in
-        if (fst reply) >= 400
-        then fail ("FTP:" ++ (show (fst reply)) ++ ": " ++ (join "\n" (snd reply)))
-        else return reply
--- | Parse a FTP reply.  Logs debug messages.
-debugParseGoodReply :: String -> IO FTPResult
-debugParseGoodReply contents =
-    let logPlugin :: String -> String -> IO String
-        logPlugin [] [] = return []
-        logPlugin [] accum = do
-                             logit accum 
-                             return []
-        logPlugin (x:xs) accum = 
-            case x of
-                   '\n' -> do logit (strip (accum))
-                              next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ logPlugin xs []
-                              return (x : next)
-                   y -> do
-                        next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ logPlugin xs (accum ++ [x])
-                        return (x : next)
-        in
-        do
-        loggedStr <- logPlugin contents []
-        parseGoodReply loggedStr
-{- | Converts a socket address to a string suitable for a PORT command.
-> toPortString (SockAddrInet (PortNum 0x1234) (0xaabbccdd)) ->
->                              "170,187,204,221,18,52"
-toPortString :: SockAddr -> IO String
-toPortString (SockAddrInet port hostaddr) =
-    let wport = (fromIntegral (port))::Word16
-        in do
-           hn <- inet_ntoa hostaddr
-           return ((replace "." "," hn) ++ "," ++ 
-                   (genericJoin "," . getBytes $ wport))
-toPortString _ = 
-    error "toPortString only works on AF_INET addresses"
--- | Converts a port string to a socket address.  This is the inverse calculation of 'toPortString'.
-fromPortString :: String -> IO SockAddr
-fromPortString instr =
-    let inbytes = split "," instr
-        hostname = join "." (take 4 inbytes)
-        portbytes = map read (drop 4 inbytes)
-        in
-        do
-        addr <- inet_addr hostname
-        return $ SockAddrInet (fromInteger $ fromBytes portbytes) addr
-respToSockAddrRe = mkRegex("([0-9]+,){5}[0-9]+")
--- | Converts a response code to a socket address
-respToSockAddr :: FTPResult -> IO SockAddr
-respToSockAddr f =
-    do
-    forceioresp 200 f
-    if (fst f) /= 227 then
-       fail ("Not a 227 response: " ++ show f)
-       else case matchRegexAll respToSockAddrRe (head (snd f)) of
-                  Nothing -> fail ("Could not find remote endpoint in " ++ (show f))
-                  Just (_, x, _, _) -> fromPortString x
-parseDirName :: FTPResult -> Maybe String
-parseDirName (257, name:_) =
-    let procq [] = []
-        procq ['"'] = []
-        procq ('"' : '"' : xs) = '"' : procq xs
-        procq (x:xs) = x : procq xs
-        in       
-        if head name /= '"'
-           then Nothing
-           else Just (procq (tail name))
diff --git a/src/Network/FTP/Server.hs b/src/Network/FTP/Server.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d82607..0000000
--- a/src/Network/FTP/Server.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: FTP server support
-Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : Network.FTP.Server
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : experimental
-   Portability: systems with networking
-This module provides a server-side interface to the File Transfer Protocol
-as defined by:
- * RFC959, basic protocol
- * RFC1123, clarifications
- * RFC1579, passive mode discussion
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-This is a modular FTP server implementation in pure Haskell.  It is highly
-adaptable to many different tasks, and can serve up not only real files
-and directories, but also virtually any data structure you could represent
-as a filesystem.  It does this by using the
-"System.IO.HVFS" and "System.IO.HVIO" modules.
-In addition, basic networking and multitasking configuration is handled
-via "Network.SocketServer" and logging via 
-This module is believed to be secure, but it not believed to be robust enough
-for use on a public FTP server.  In particular, it may be vulnerable to denial
-of service attacks due to no timeouts or restrictions on data size, and
-error catching is not yet completely pervasive.  These will be fixed in time.
-Your patches would also be welcomed.
-Here is an example server that serves up the entire local filesystem
-in a read-only manner:
->import Network.FTP.Server
->import Network.SocketServer
->import System.Log.Logger
->import System.IO.HVFS
->import System.IO.HVFS.Combinators
->main = do
->       updateGlobalLogger "" (setLevel DEBUG)
->       updateGlobalLogger "Network.FTP.Server" (setLevel DEBUG)
->       let opts = (simpleTCPOptions 12345) {reuse = True}
->       serveTCPforever opts $
->            threadedHandler $
->            loggingHandler "" INFO $
->            handleHandler $
->            anonFtpHandler (HVFSReadOnly SystemFS)
-Hint: if you wantto serve up only part of a filesystem, see
-module Network.FTP.Server(
-                                   anonFtpHandler
-                                  )
-import Network.FTP.Server.Parser
-import Network.FTP.Client.Parser
-import Network.BSD
-import Network.Socket
-import qualified Network
-import System.IO.Utils
-import System.IO.Error
-import System.Log.Logger
-import Network.Utils
-import Network.SocketServer
-import Data.String
-import System.IO.HVIO
-import System.IO.HVFS
-import System.IO.HVFS.InstanceHelpers
-import System.IO.HVFS.Utils
-import Text.Printf
-import Data.Char
-import Data.IORef
-import Data.List
-import Control.Exception(finally)
-import System.IO
-data DataType = ASCII | Binary
-              deriving (Eq, Show)
-data AuthState = NoAuth 
-              | User String
-              | Authenticated String
-                deriving (Eq, Show)
-data DataChan = NoChannel
-              | PassiveMode SocketServer
-              | PortMode SockAddr
-data FTPState = FTPState
-              { auth :: IORef AuthState,
-                datatype :: IORef DataType,
-                rename :: IORef (Maybe String),
-                datachan :: IORef DataChan,
-                local :: SockAddr,
-                remote :: SockAddr}
-data FTPServer = forall a. HVFSOpenable a => FTPServer Handle a FTPState
-s_crlf = "\r\n"
-logname = "Network.FTP.Server"
-ftpPutStrLn :: FTPServer -> String -> IO ()
-ftpPutStrLn (FTPServer h _ _) text =
-    do hPutStr h (text ++ s_crlf)
-       hFlush h
-{- | Send a reply code, handling multi-line text as necessary. -}
-sendReply :: FTPServer -> Int -> String -> IO ()
-sendReply h codei text =
-    let codes = printf "%03d" codei
-        writethis [] = ftpPutStrLn h (codes ++ "  ")
-        writethis [item] = ftpPutStrLn h (codes ++ " " ++ item)
-        writethis (item:xs) = do ftpPutStrLn h (codes ++ "-" ++ item)
-                                 writethis xs
-        in 
-        writethis (map (rstrip) (lines text))
-{- | Main FTP handler; pass the result of applying this to one argument to 
-'Network.SocketServer.handleHandler' -}
-anonFtpHandler :: forall a. HVFSOpenable a => a -> Handle -> SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IO ()
-anonFtpHandler f h saremote salocal =
-    let serv r = FTPServer h f r
-        in
-        traplogging logname NOTICE "" $
-          do authr <- newIORef (NoAuth)
-             typer <- newIORef ASCII
-             renamer <- newIORef (Nothing::Maybe String)
-             chanr <- newIORef (NoChannel)
-             let s = serv (FTPState {auth = authr, datatype = typer,
-                                    rename = renamer, datachan = chanr,
-                                    local = salocal, remote = saremote})
-             sendReply s 220 "Welcome to Network.FTP.Server."
-             commandLoop s
-type CommandHandler = FTPServer -> String -> IO Bool
-data Command = Command String (CommandHandler, (String, String))
-instance Eq Command where
-    (Command x _) == (Command y _) = x == y
-instance Ord Command where
-    compare (Command x _) (Command y _) = compare x y
-trapIOError :: FTPServer -> IO a -> (a -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
-trapIOError h testAction remainingAction =
-    do result <- try testAction
-       case result of
-         Left err -> do sendReply h 550 (show err)
-                        return True
-         Right result -> remainingAction result
-forceLogin :: CommandHandler -> CommandHandler
-forceLogin func h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
-    do state <- readIORef (auth state)
-       case state of 
-          Authenticated _ -> func h args
-          x -> do sendReply h 530 "Command not possible in non-authenticated state."
-                  return True
-commands :: [Command]
-commands =
-    [(Command "HELP" (cmd_help,             help_help))
-    ,(Command "QUIT" (cmd_quit,             help_quit))
-    ,(Command "USER" (cmd_user,             help_user))
-    ,(Command "PASS" (cmd_pass,             help_pass))
-    ,(Command "CWD"  (forceLogin cmd_cwd,   help_cwd))
-    ,(Command "CDUP" (forceLogin cmd_cdup,  help_cdup))
-    ,(Command "TYPE" (forceLogin cmd_type,  help_type))
-    ,(Command "NOOP" (forceLogin cmd_noop,  help_noop))
-    ,(Command "RNFR" (forceLogin cmd_rnfr,  help_rnfr))
-    ,(Command "RNTO" (forceLogin cmd_rnto,  help_rnto))
-    ,(Command "DELE" (forceLogin cmd_dele,  help_dele))
-    ,(Command "RMD"  (forceLogin cmd_rmd,   help_rmd))
-    ,(Command "MKD"  (forceLogin cmd_mkd,   help_mkd))
-    ,(Command "PWD"  (forceLogin cmd_pwd,   help_pwd))
-    ,(Command "MODE" (forceLogin cmd_mode,  help_mode))
-    ,(Command "STRU" (forceLogin cmd_stru,  help_stru))
-    ,(Command "PASV" (forceLogin cmd_pasv,  help_pasv))
-    ,(Command "PORT" (forceLogin cmd_port,  help_port))
-    ,(Command "RETR" (forceLogin cmd_retr,  help_retr))
-    ,(Command "STOR" (forceLogin cmd_stor,  help_stor))
-    ,(Command "STAT" (forceLogin cmd_stat,  help_stat))
-    ,(Command "SYST" (forceLogin cmd_syst,  help_syst))
-    ,(Command "NLST" (forceLogin cmd_nlst,  help_nlst))
-    ,(Command "LIST" (forceLogin cmd_list,  help_list))
-    ]
-commandLoop :: FTPServer -> IO ()
-commandLoop h@(FTPServer fh _ _) =
-    let errorhandler e = do noticeM logname
-                                    ("Closing due to error: " ++ (show e))
-                            hClose fh
-                            return False
-        in do continue <- (flip catch) errorhandler 
-               (do x <- parseCommand fh
-                   case x of
-                     Left err -> do sendReply h 500 $
-                                      " Couldn't parse command: " ++ (show err)
-                                    return True
-                     Right (cmd, args) -> 
-                         case lookupC cmd commands of
-                            Nothing -> do sendReply h 502 $
-                                           "Unrecognized command " ++ cmd
-                                          return True
-                            Just (Command _ hdlr) -> (fst hdlr) h args
-               )
-              if continue
-                 then commandLoop h
-                 else return ()
-lookupC cmd cl = find (\(Command x _) -> x == cmd) cl
-help_quit =
-    ("Terminate the session",
-     "")
-cmd_quit :: CommandHandler
-cmd_quit h args =
-    do sendReply h 221 "OK, Goodbye."
-       return False
-help_user =
-    ("Provide a username",
-     unlines $ 
-     ["USER username will provide the username for authentication."
-     ,"It should be followed by a PASS command to finish the authentication."
-     ])
-cmd_user :: CommandHandler
-cmd_user h@(FTPServer _ _ state) passedargs =
-    let args = strip passedargs
-        in
-        case args of
-           "anonymous" -> do sendReply h 331 "User name accepted; send password."
-                             writeIORef (auth state) (User args)
-                             return True
-           _ -> do sendReply h 530 "Unrecognized user name; please try \"anonymous\""
-                   writeIORef (auth state) NoAuth
-                   return True
-help_pass =
-    ("Provide a password",
-     "PASS password will provide the password for authentication.")
-cmd_pass :: CommandHandler
-cmd_pass h@(FTPServer _ _ state) passedargs =
-    do curstate <- readIORef (auth state)
-       case curstate of
-         User "anonymous" -> 
-             do sendReply h 230 "Anonymous login successful."
-                writeIORef (auth state) (Authenticated "anonymous")
-                infoM logname "Anonymous authentication successful"
-                return True
-         _ -> do sendReply h 530 "Out of sequence PASS command"
-                 return True
-help_cwd =
-    ("Change working directory",
-     unlines $
-     ["Syntax: CWD cwd"
-     ,""
-     ,"Changes the working directory to the specified item"])
-cmd_cwd :: CommandHandler
-cmd_cwd h@(FTPServer _ fs _) args =
-    do trapIOError h (vSetCurrentDirectory fs args)
-         $ \_ -> do
-                 newdir <- vGetCurrentDirectory fs
-                 sendReply h 250 $ "New directory now " ++ newdir
-                 return True
-help_cdup = 
-    ("Change to parent directory", "Same as CWD ..")
-cmd_cdup h _ = cmd_cwd h ".."
-help_type =
-    ("Change the type of data transfer", "Valid args are A, AN, and I")
-cmd_type :: CommandHandler
-cmd_type h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
-    let changetype newt =
-            do oldtype <- readIORef (datatype state)
-               writeIORef (datatype state) newt
-               sendReply h 200 $ "Type changed from " ++ show oldtype ++
-                             " to " ++ show newt
-               return True
-        in case args of
-         "I" -> changetype Binary
-         "L 8" -> changetype Binary
-         "A" -> changetype ASCII
-         "AN" -> changetype ASCII
-         "AT" -> changetype ASCII
-         _ -> do sendReply h 504 $ "Type \"" ++ args ++ "\" not supported."
-                 return True
-closeconn :: FTPServer -> IO ()
-closeconn h@(FTPServer _ _ state) =
-    do dc <- readIORef (datachan state)
-       writeIORef (datachan state) NoChannel
-help_port = ("Initiate a port-mode connection", "")
-cmd_port :: CommandHandler
-cmd_port h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
-    let doIt clientsa = 
-            do writeIORef (datachan state) (PortMode clientsa)
-               str <- showSockAddr clientsa
-               sendReply h 200 $ "OK, later I will connect to " ++ str
-               return True
-        in
-        do closeconn h                      -- Close any existing connection
-           trapIOError h (fromPortString args) $  (\clientsa -> 
-               case clientsa of
-                   SockAddrInet _ ha -> 
-                      case (local state) of
-                          SockAddrInet _ ha2 -> if ha /= ha2
-                                                  then do sendReply h 501 "Will only connect to same client as command channel."
-                                                          return True
-                                                  else doIt clientsa
-                          _ -> do sendReply h 501 "Require IPv4 on client"
-                                  return True
-                   _ -> do sendReply h 501 "Require IPv4 in specified address"
-                           return True
-                                                   )
-runDataChan :: FTPServer -> (FTPServer -> Socket -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-runDataChan h@(FTPServer _ _ state) func =
-    do chan <- readIORef (datachan state)
-       case chan of
-          NoChannel -> fail "Can't connect when no data channel exists"
-          PassiveMode ss -> do finally (handleOne ss (\sock _ _ -> func h sock))
-                                       (do closeSocketServer ss
-                                           closeconn h
-                                       )
-          PortMode sa -> do proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
-                            s <- socket AF_INET Stream proto
-                            connect s sa
-                            finally (func h s) $ closeconn h
-help_pasv = ("Initiate a passive-mode connection", "")
-cmd_pasv :: CommandHandler
-cmd_pasv h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
-    do closeconn h                      -- Close any existing connection
-       addr <- case (local state) of 
-                    (SockAddrInet _ ha) -> return ha
-                    _ -> fail "Require IPv4 sockets"
-       let ssopts = InetServerOptions 
-                    { listenQueueSize = 1,
-                      portNumber = aNY_PORT,
-                      interface = addr,
-                      reuse = False,
-                      family = AF_INET,
-                      sockType = Stream,
-                      protoStr = "tcp"
-                    }
-       ss <- setupSocketServer ssopts
-       sa <- getSocketName (sockSS ss)
-       portstring <- toPortString sa
-       sendReply h 227 $ "Entering passive mode (" ++ portstring ++ ")"
-       writeIORef (datachan state) (PassiveMode ss)
-       return True
-help_noop = ("Do nothing", "")
-cmd_noop :: CommandHandler
-cmd_noop h _ =
-    do sendReply h 200 "OK"
-       return True
-help_rnfr = ("Specify FROM name for a file rename", "")
-cmd_rnfr :: CommandHandler
-cmd_rnfr h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args = 
-    if length args < 1
-       then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
-               return True
-       else do writeIORef (rename state) (Just args)
-               sendReply h 350 "Noted rename from name; please send RNTO."
-               return True
-help_stor = ("Upload a file", "")
-cmd_stor :: CommandHandler
-cmd_stor h@(FTPServer _ fs state) args =
-    let datamap :: [String] -> [String]
-        datamap instr =
-            let linemap :: String -> String
-                linemap x = if endswith "\r" x
-                              then take ((length x) - 1) x
-                              else x
-                in map linemap instr
-        runit fhencap _ sock =
-            case fhencap of
-              HVFSOpenEncap fh ->
-                  do readh <- socketToHandle sock ReadMode
-                     mode <- readIORef (datatype state)
-                     case mode of
-                      ASCII -> finally (hLineInteract readh fh datamap)
-                                       (hClose readh)
-                      Binary -> finally (do vSetBuffering fh (BlockBuffering (Just 4096))
-                                            hCopy readh fh
-                                        ) (hClose readh)
-        in
-        if length args < 1
-           then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
-                   return True
-           else trapIOError h (vOpen fs args WriteMode) 
-                  (\fhencap ->
-                    trapIOError h (do sendReply h 150 "File OK; about to open data channel"
-                                      runDataChan h (runit fhencap)
-                                  )
-                                  (\_ ->
-                                   do case fhencap of
-                                        HVFSOpenEncap fh -> vClose fh
-                                      sendReply h 226 "Closing data connection; transfer complete."
-                                      return True
-                                   )
-                   )
-rtransmitString :: String -> FTPServer  -> Socket -> IO ()
-rtransmitString thestr (FTPServer _ _ state) sock =
-    let fixlines :: [String] -> [String]
-        fixlines x = map (\y -> y ++ "\r") x
-        copyit h =
-            hPutStr h $ unlines . fixlines . lines $ thestr
-        in
-        do writeh <- socketToHandle sock WriteMode
-           hSetBuffering writeh (BlockBuffering (Just 4096))
-           mode <- readIORef (datatype state)
-           case mode of
-              ASCII -> finally (copyit writeh)
-                               (hClose writeh)
-              Binary -> finally (hPutStr writeh thestr)
-                                (hClose writeh)
-rtransmitH :: HVFSOpenEncap -> FTPServer -> Socket -> IO ()
-rtransmitH fhencap h sock =
-    case fhencap of
-       HVFSOpenEncap fh ->
-        finally (do c <- vGetContents fh
-                    rtransmitString c h sock
-                ) (vClose fh)
-genericTransmit :: FTPServer -> a -> (a -> FTPServer -> Socket -> IO ()) -> IO Bool
-genericTransmit h dat func =
-    trapIOError h 
-      (do sendReply h 150 "I'm going to open the data channel now."
-          runDataChan h (func dat)
-      ) (\_ ->
-               do sendReply h 226 "Closing data connection; transfer complete."
-                  return True
-        )
-genericTransmitHandle :: FTPServer -> HVFSOpenEncap -> IO Bool
-genericTransmitHandle h dat =
-    genericTransmit h dat rtransmitH
-genericTransmitString :: FTPServer -> String -> IO Bool
-genericTransmitString h dat =
-    genericTransmit h dat rtransmitString
-help_retr = ("Retrieve a file", "")
-cmd_retr :: CommandHandler
-cmd_retr h@(FTPServer _ fs state) args =
-        if length args < 1
-           then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
-                   return True
-           else trapIOError h (vOpen fs args ReadMode) 
-                    (\fhencap -> genericTransmitHandle h fhencap)
-help_rnto = ("Specify TO name for a file name", "")
-cmd_rnto :: CommandHandler
-cmd_rnto h@(FTPServer _ fs state) args =
-    if length args < 1
-       then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
-               return True
-       else do fr <- readIORef (rename state)
-               case fr of
-                   Nothing -> do sendReply h 503 "RNFR required before RNTO"
-                                 return True
-                   Just fromname -> 
-                       do writeIORef (rename state) Nothing
-                          trapIOError h (vRenameFile fs fromname args)
-                              $ \_ -> do sendReply h 250 
-                                           ("File " ++ fromname ++ 
-                                            " renamed to " ++ args)
-                                         return True
-help_dele = ("Delete files", "")
-cmd_dele :: CommandHandler
-cmd_dele h@(FTPServer _ fs _) args =
-    if length args < 1
-       then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
-               return True
-       else trapIOError h (vRemoveFile fs args) $
-              \_ -> do sendReply h 250 $ "File " ++ args ++ " deleted."
-                       return True
-help_nlst = ("Get plain listing of files", "")
-cmd_nlst :: CommandHandler
-cmd_nlst h@(FTPServer _ fs _) args =
-    let fn = case args of
-                       "" -> "."
-                       x -> x
-        in
-        trapIOError h (vGetDirectoryContents fs fn)
-           (\l -> genericTransmitString h (unlines l))
-help_list = ("Get an annotated listing of files", "")
-cmd_list :: CommandHandler
-cmd_list h@(FTPServer _ fs _) args =
-    let fn = case args of
-                       "" -> "."
-                       x -> x
-        in
-        trapIOError h (lsl fs fn)
-                    (\l -> genericTransmitString h l)
-help_rmd = ("Remove directory", "")
-cmd_rmd :: CommandHandler
-cmd_rmd h@(FTPServer _ fs _) args =
-    if length args < 1
-       then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
-               return True
-       else trapIOError h (vRemoveDirectory fs args) $
-            \_ -> do sendReply h 250 $ "Directory " ++ args ++ " removed."
-                     return True
-help_mkd = ("Make directory", "")
-cmd_mkd :: CommandHandler
-cmd_mkd h@(FTPServer _ fs _) args =
-    if length args < 1
-       then do sendReply h 501 "Filename required"
-               return True
-       else trapIOError h (vCreateDirectory fs args) $
-            \_ -> do newname <- getFullPath fs args
-                     sendReply h 257 $ "\"" ++ newname ++ "\" created."
-                     return True
-help_pwd = ("Print working directory", "")
-cmd_pwd :: CommandHandler
-cmd_pwd h@(FTPServer _ fs _) _ =
-    do d <- vGetCurrentDirectory fs
-       sendReply h 257 $ "\"" ++ d ++ "\" is the current working directory."
-       return True
-help_mode = ("Provided for compatibility only", "")
-cmd_mode :: CommandHandler
-cmd_mode h args =
-    case args of
-        "S" -> do sendReply h 200 "Mode is Stream."
-                  return True
-        x -> do sendReply h 504 $ "Mode \"" ++ x ++ "\" not supported."
-                return True
-help_stru = ("Provided for compatibility only", "")
-cmd_stru :: CommandHandler
-cmd_stru h args =
-    case args of
-        "F" -> do sendReply h 200 "Structure is File."
-                  return True
-        x -> do sendReply h 504 $ "Structure \"" ++ x ++ "\" not supported."
-                return True
-help_syst = ("Display system type", "")
-cmd_syst :: CommandHandler
-cmd_syst h _ =
-    -- I have no idea what this L8 means, but everyone else seems to do
-    -- this, so I do too..
-    do sendReply h 215 "UNIX Type: L8"
-       return True
-help_stat = ("Display sever statistics", "")
-cmd_stat :: CommandHandler
-cmd_stat h@(FTPServer _ _ state) _ =
-    do loc <- showSockAddr (local state)
-       rem <- showSockAddr (remote state)
-       auth <- readIORef (auth state)
-       datm <- readIORef (datatype state)
-       sendReply h 211 $ unlines $
-         [" *** Sever statistics and information"
-         ," *** Please type HELP for more details"
-         ,""
-         ,"Server Software     : MissingH, http://quux.org/devel/missingh"
-         ,"Connected From      : " ++ rem
-         ,"Connected To        : " ++ loc
-         ,"Data Transfer Type  : " ++ (show datm)
-         ,"Auth Status         : " ++ (show auth)
-         ,"End of status."]
-       return True
-help_help =
-    ("Display help on available commands",
-     "When called without arguments, shows a summary of available system\n"
-     ++ "commands.  When called with an argument, shows detailed information\n"
-     ++ "on that specific command.")
-cmd_help :: CommandHandler
-cmd_help h@(FTPServer _ _ state) args =
-    let genericreply addr = unlines $
-          [" --- General Help Response ---"
-          ,""
-          ,"Welcome to the FTP server, " ++ addr ++ "."
-          ,"This server is implemented as the Network.FTP.Server"
-          ,"component of the MissingH library.  The MissingH library"
-          ,"is available from http://quux.org/devel/missingh."
-          ,""
-          ,""
-          ,"I know of the following commands:"
-          ,concatMap (\ (Command name (_, (summary, _))) -> printf "%-10s %s\n" name summary)
-              (sort commands)
-          ,""
-          ,"You may type \"HELP command\" for more help on a specific command."
-          ]
-        in
-        if args == ""
-           then do sastr <- showSockAddr (remote state)
-                   sendReply h 214 (genericreply sastr)
-                   return True
-           else let newargs = map toUpper args
-                    in case lookupC newargs commands of
-                         Nothing -> do 
-                                    sendReply h 214 $ "No help for \"" ++ newargs
-                                      ++ "\" is available.\nPlese send HELP"
-                                      ++ " without arguments for a list of\n"
-                                      ++ "valid commands."
-                                    return True
-                         Just (Command _ (_, (summary, detail))) ->
-                             do sendReply h 214 $ newargs ++ ": " ++ summary ++ 
-                                               "\n\n" ++ detail
-                                return True
diff --git a/src/Network/FTP/Server/Parser.hs b/src/Network/FTP/Server/Parser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 465caad..0000000
--- a/src/Network/FTP/Server/Parser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: FTP protocol parser for servers
-Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module     : Network.FTP.Server.Parser
-   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen
-   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
-   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> 
-   Stability  : provisional
-   Portability: systems with networking
-This module provides a parser that is used internally by
-"Network.FTP.Server".  You almost certainly do not want to use
-this module directly.  Use "Network.FTP.Server" instead.
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org
-module Network.FTP.Server.Parser(
-                                         parseCommand
-                                        )
-import Network.FTP.Client.Parser
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Utils
-import Data.List.Utils
-import Data.Bits.Utils
-import Data.String
-import System.Log.Logger
-import Network.Socket(SockAddr(..), PortNumber(..), inet_addr, inet_ntoa)
-import System.IO(Handle, hGetContents)
-import System.IO(hGetLine)
-import Text.Regex
-import Data.Word
-import Data.Char
-logit :: String -> IO ()
-logit m = debugM "Network.FTP.Server.Parser" ("FTP received: " ++ m)
--- Utilities
-alpha = oneOf (['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z']) <?> "alphabetic character"
-word = many1 alpha
-args :: Parser String
-args = try (do char ' '
-               r <- many anyChar
-               eof 
-               return r)
-       <|> return ""
-command :: Parser (String, String)
-command = do
-          x <- word
-          y <- args
-          eof
-          return (map toUpper x, y)
-parseCommand :: Handle -> IO (Either ParseError (String, String))
-parseCommand h =
-    do input <- hGetLine h
-       return $ parse command "(unknown)" (rstrip input)
diff --git a/testsrc/Network/FTP/Parsertest.hs b/testsrc/Network/FTP/Parsertest.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be0b89..0000000
--- a/testsrc/Network/FTP/Parsertest.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-{- arch-tag: Network.Utils.FTP.Parser tests main file
-Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-module Network.FTP.Parsertest(tests) where
-import Test.HUnit
-import Network.FTP.Client.Parser
-import Test.HUnit.Utils
-import Network.Socket
-test_parseReply =
-    let f inp exp = exp @=? parseReply inp in
-        do
-        f "200 Welcome to this server.\r\n" (200, ["Welcome to this server."])
-        f "230-Foo\r\n230 Foo2\r\n" (230, ["Foo", "Foo2"])
-        f "240-Foo\r\n240-Foo2\r\n240 Foo3\r\n" (240, ["Foo", "240-Foo2", "Foo3"])
-        f "230-Test\r\nLine2\r\n 230 Line3\r\n230 Done\r\n"
-          (230, ["Test", "Line2", " 230 Line3", "Done"])
-test_toPortString =
-    let f inp exp = exp @=? toPortString inp in
-        do
-        f (SockAddrInet (PortNum 0x1234) 0xaabbccdd) "170,187,204,221,18,52"
-test_fromPortString =
-    let f inp exp = exp @=? case fromPortString inp of
-                                 SockAddrInet (PortNum x) y -> (x, y)
-                                 _ -> (0, 0)
-        in
-        do
-        f "170,187,204,221,18,52" (0x1234, 0xaabbccdd)
-tests = TestList [TestLabel "parseReply" (TestCase test_parseReply)
-                  --TestLabel "toPortString" (TestCase test_toPortString),
-                  --TestLabel "fromPortString" (TestCase test_fromPortString)
-                 ]
diff --git a/testsrc/Tests.hs b/testsrc/Tests.hs
index 0c0bb77..643dee9 100644
--- a/testsrc/Tests.hs
+++ b/testsrc/Tests.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import qualified Pathtest
 import qualified Strtest
 import qualified IOtest
 import qualified Bitstest
-import qualified Network.FTP.Parsertest
 import qualified Eithertest
 import qualified ConfigParser.Parsertest
 import qualified ConfigParser.Maintest
@@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ tests = TestList [TestLabel "test1" test1,
                  TestLabel "Glob" Globtest.tests,
                  TestLabel "MIMETypes" MIMETypestest.tests,
                  TestLabel "Bitstest" Bitstest.tests,
-                 TestLabel "Network.FTP.Parser" Network.FTP.Parsertest.tests,
                  TestLabel "Eithertest" Eithertest.tests,
                  TestLabel "ConfigParser.RunParser" ConfigParser.Parsertest.tests,
                  TestLabel "ConfigParser.Main" ConfigParser.Maintest.tests,


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