[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: gitit: Dependencies fixed

mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it
Tue Aug 3 15:08:16 UTC 2010

Tue Aug  3 10:28:10 UTC 2010  mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it
  * Dependencies fixed
  Ignore-this: cc7341ae1ec1a309da3c648943ac169d

    M ./control -3 +53

Tue Aug  3 10:28:10 UTC 2010  mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it
  * Dependencies fixed
  Ignore-this: cc7341ae1ec1a309da3c648943ac169d
diff -rN -u old-gitit/control new-gitit/control
--- old-gitit/control	2010-08-03 15:08:16.168148602 +0000
+++ new-gitit/control	2010-08-03 15:08:16.176149035 +0000
@@ -8,9 +8,57 @@
  haskell-devscripts (>= 0.7),
- ghc6-prof
+ ghc6-prof,
+ libghc6-cautious-file-dev,
+ libghc6-cgi-dev,
+ libghc6-configfile-dev,
+ libghc6-feed-dev,
+ libghc6-filestore-dev,
+ libghc6-happstack-server-dev,
+ libghc6-happstack-util-dev,
+ libghc6-highlighting-kate-dev,
+ libghc6-hslogger-dev,
+ libghc6-hstringtemplate-dev,
+ libghc6-http-dev,
+ libghc6-mtl-dev,
+ libghc6-network-dev,
+ libghc6-pandoc-dev,
+ libghc6-parsec3-dev,
+ libghc6-recaptcha-dev,
+ libghc6-safe-dev,
+ libghc6-sha-dev,
+ libghc6-texmath-dev,
+ libghc6-text-dev,
+ libghc6-unix-compat-dev,
+ libghc6-url-dev,
+ libghc6-xhtml-dev,
+ libghc6-xml-dev
- ghc6-doc
+ ghc6-doc,
+ libghc6-cautious-file-doc,
+ libghc6-cgi-doc,
+ libghc6-configfile-doc,
+ libghc6-feed-doc,
+ libghc6-filestore-doc,
+ libghc6-happstack-server-doc,
+ libghc6-happstack-util-doc,
+ libghc6-highlighting-kate-doc,
+ libghc6-hslogger-doc,
+ libghc6-hstringtemplate-doc,
+ libghc6-http-doc,
+ libghc6-mtl-doc,
+ libghc6-network-doc,
+ libghc6-pandoc-doc,
+ libghc6-parsec3-doc,
+ libghc6-recaptcha-doc,
+ libghc6-safe-doc,
+ libghc6-sha-doc,
+ libghc6-texmath-doc,
+ libghc6-text-doc,
+ libghc6-unix-compat-doc,
+ libghc6-url-doc,
+ libghc6-xhtml-doc,
+ libghc6-xml-doc
 Standards-Version: 3.9.1
 Homepage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gitit
 Vcs-Darcs: http://darcs.debian.org/darcs/pkg-haskell/gitit
@@ -20,7 +68,9 @@
 Architecture: any
- ${shlibs:Depends}
+ ${shlibs:Depends},
+ pandoc,
+ libghc6-filestore-data
 Description: Wiki engine backed by a git or darcs filestore
  Gitit is a wiki backed by a git or darcs filestore. Pages and uploaded files
  can be modified either directly via the VCS’s command-line tools or through

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