[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: darcs: Historic import 1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-2.

Isaac Jones ijones at debian.org
Sat Mar 6 11:44:28 UTC 2010

Thu May 12 14:50:36 UTC 2005  Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>
  * Historic import 1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-2.
  Ignore-this: ce2c2628d96d00a3fd9cc70d63da58dd

     ./patches/debian-changes-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-1 -> ./patches/debian-changes-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-2
    M ./changelog +7
    M ./control -1 +1
    M ./patches/debian-changes-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-2 -18 +18
    M ./patches/series -1 +1

Thu May 12 14:50:36 UTC 2005  Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>
  * Historic import 1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-2.
  Ignore-this: ce2c2628d96d00a3fd9cc70d63da58dd
diff -rN -u old-darcs/changelog new-darcs/changelog
--- old-darcs/changelog	2010-03-06 11:44:25.210766740 +0000
+++ new-darcs/changelog	2010-03-06 11:44:27.986914047 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+darcs (1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixing build failures on autobuilders.  libcurl2-dev is no longer in
+    the archive.  Now we depend only on libcurl3-dev.
+ -- Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>  Thu, 12 May 2005 07:50:36 -0700
 darcs (1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
diff -rN -u old-darcs/control new-darcs/control
--- old-darcs/control	2010-03-06 11:44:25.210766740 +0000
+++ new-darcs/control	2010-03-06 11:44:27.986914047 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: devel
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: ghc6 | ghc5 (>> 5.04), libcurl2-dev | libcurl3-dev, debhelper (>> 4.0), tetex-bin, tex4ht | latex2html | hevea
+Build-Depends: ghc6 | ghc5 (>> 5.04), libcurl3-dev, debhelper (>> 4.0), tetex-bin, tex4ht | latex2html | hevea
 Package: darcs
diff -rN -u old-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-1 new-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-1
--- old-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-1	2010-03-06 11:44:25.210766740 +0000
+++ new-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1-1	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,15896 +0,0 @@
---- darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1.orig/darcs.css
-+++ darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1/darcs.css
-@@ -1,82 +1,231 @@
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-+div#fancyvrb60{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+/* end css.sty */
---- darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1.orig/.depend
-+++ darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1/.depend
-@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ColourPrinter.o : ./FastPackedString.hi
- ColourPrinter.o : ./Printer.hi
- ColourPrinter.o : ./External.hi
- Curl.o : Curl.hs
-+Curl.o : Autoconf.hi
- Pristine.o : Pristine.lhs
- Pristine.o : ./DarcsFlags.hi
- Pristine.o : ./PopulationData.hi
---- darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1.orig/config.command
-+++ darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1/config.command
-@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
--# configured Tue Apr 26 03:52:25 EDT 2005
--sh ./configure 
-+# configured Wed May 11 22:05:37 PDT 2005
-+sh ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man
---- darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1.orig/c_context.c
-+++ darcs-1.0.2+1.0.3rc1/c_context.c
-@@ -1,5 +1,1266 @@
- static const char context_string_value[] =
-- "unknown\n"
-+ "# configured Wed May 11 22:05:37 PDT 2005\n"
-+ "sh ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man\n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "Context:\n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[TAG 1.0.3rc1\n"
-+ "Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com>**20050426002554] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[bump version number to 1.0.3rc1 and update ChangeLog\n"
-+ "Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com>**20050426002535] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[update ChangeLog (colorization and escaping, --sendmail-command)\n"
-+ "Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com>**20050424204421] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[adjust version suffix for the stable repository\n"
-+ "Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com>**20050420121711] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Replace my_memrchr() with strrchr().\n"
-+ "Ralph Corderoy <ralph at inputplus.co.uk>**20050417220534\n"
-+ " Given it's only ever called on a string, not an arbitrary lump of\n"
-+ " memory, my_memrchr() can be replaced with strrchr() which is in\n"
-+ " <string.h>.\n"
-+ "] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Correct argument help for \"darcs trackdown\"\n"
-+ "Erik Schnetter <schnetter at aei.mpg.de>**20050417145334] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Add suffix to version number\n"
-+ "Erik Schnetter <schnetter at aei.mpg.de>**20050417172053\n"
-+ " Add a suffix (release candidate #n/release/stable/unstable) etc. to\n"
-+ " the darcs version number.  This suffix should describe which branch\n"
-+ " (stable or unstable) a particulay darcs executable came from, and\n"
-+ " whether it includes additional modifications.\n"
-+ " \n"
-+ " Since there are no global changeset numbers in darcs, this suffix is\n"
-+ " necessarily incomplete and cannot replace --exact-version.\n"
-+ " \n"
-+ " The changes between the states have to be made manually in\n"
-+ " configure.ac.\n"
-+ "] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[add HTTP cache control headers to darcs.cgi\n"
-+ "Will <will at glozer.net>**20050407204412] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Make FastPackedString more portable\n"
-+ "Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>**20050402221035] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Cleanup command_prereq.  Failures and succeses exclusive.\n"
-+ "Aaron Denney <wnoise at ofb.net>**20050403165740\n"
-+ " Instead of returning (Maybe FilePath, String), it returns\n"
-+ " Either String FilePath.\n"
-+ "] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[optimize most common case for add\n"
-+ "Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi at cloaked.de>**20050331131244\n"
-+ " try_to_shrink is O(n^2) where n is the number of patches. The most common\n"
-+ " case is a list containing only AddFile/AddDir patches where shrink is\n"
-+ " not necessary\n"
-+ "] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Resolve conflicts\n"
-+ "Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>**20050418144643] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Correct some typos in the documentation\n"
-+ "Erik Schnetter <schnetter at aei.mpg.de>**20050417153927] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Remove reference to non-existing doc chapter\n"
-+ "Erik Schnetter <schnetter at aei.mpg.de>**20050417160232] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Correct some more typos in the documentation\n"
-+ "Erik Schnetter <schnetter at aei.mpg.de>**20050417155656] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Avoid stack overflow on large binary patches.\n"
-+ "peter at zarquon.se**20050417085200] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[use \"C\" rather than \"c\" for locale name (in tests/printer.pl)\n"
-+ "Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com>**20050417160250] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[fix tests/printer.pl - in utf8 locales Perl was writing files in utf8\n"
-+ "Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com>**20050417160217] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[fix a few minor bugs in the date matcher.\n"
-+ "David Roundy <droundy at abridgegame.org>**20050401121118] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Use strings for newlines as hPutBuf doesn't do the right thing when printing them\n"
-+ "Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>**20050415173922] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[fix bug in test which caused stray warning [RT#345]\n"
-+ "testerALL --ignore-times**20050416115030] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Added a wrapper script that lets you use Cygwin paths with the Windows binary.\n"
-+ "Kannan Goundan <kannan at cakoose.com>**20050411180255] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Don't assume the C compiler inlines functions in fpstring.c.\n"
-+ "Ralph Corderoy <ralph at inputplus.co.uk>**20050415163747\n"
-+ " Comments in fpstring.c suggest the author assumes the C compiler will\n"
-+ " inline some of the functions in fpstring.c.  Disassembling the Linux/x86\n"
-+ " executable confirms this doesn't happen.\n"
-+ " \n"
-+ " By re-writing some of these functions to be more idiomatic C with\n"
-+ " preprocessor macros a `darcs record' of a just-added 4MiB binary file\n"
-+ " containing bytes 0..255 repeated over and over took 1/16th less time.\n"
-+ "] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[resolve conflict in tests/perl_harness\n"
-+ "David Roundy <droundy at abridgegame.org>**20050415111229] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[switch to Perl built-in call for better portability\n"
-+ "Mark Stosberg <mark at summersault.com>**20050414120346] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[new zsh completion based on _tla and _perforce\n"
-+ "Carlos Phillips <carlos.phillips at mail.mcgill.ca>**20050413134348] \n"
-+ "\n"
-+ "[Make Context.hs rather than c_context.c in predist\n"
-+ "Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>**20050413034021\n"
-+ " This still isn't right; e.g. Context.hs is removed right afterwards\n"
-+ " by the distclean, amongst other problems. At least it's no[...incomplete...]

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