[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: darcs: Historic import 1.0.5-3.

Isaac Jones ijones at debian.org
Sat Mar 6 11:45:10 UTC 2010

Sun Jan 15 18:55:48 UTC 2006  Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>
  * Historic import 1.0.5-3.
  Ignore-this: 439484f01b923a2797e4d8a2e56dc396

     ./patches/debian-changes-1.0.5-2 -> ./patches/debian-changes-1.0.5-3
    M ./changelog +8
    M ./control -1 +1
    M ./patches/debian-changes-1.0.5-3 -1061 +60
    M ./patches/series -1 +1

Sun Jan 15 18:55:48 UTC 2006  Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>
  * Historic import 1.0.5-3.
  Ignore-this: 439484f01b923a2797e4d8a2e56dc396
diff -rN -u old-darcs/changelog new-darcs/changelog
--- old-darcs/changelog	2010-03-06 11:45:07.821027705 +0000
+++ new-darcs/changelog	2010-03-06 11:45:09.901138078 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+darcs (1.0.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * latex2html is non-free.  Removing dependencies on documentation
+    generators.  According to David Roundy, this will cause configure to
+    not rebuild the documentation.  (Closes: #348165).
+ -- Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>  Sun, 15 Jan 2006 10:55:48 -0800
 darcs (1.0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Difficulties building the documentation due to tex4ht segfault.  Can't
diff -rN -u old-darcs/control new-darcs/control
--- old-darcs/control	2010-03-06 11:45:07.821027705 +0000
+++ new-darcs/control	2010-03-06 11:45:09.901138078 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: devel
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Isaac Jones <ijones at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: ghc6 (>> 6.2), tetex-extra, libcurl3-dev, debhelper (>> 4.0), tetex-bin, latex2html | hevea, dvipng, libkrb5-dev
+Build-Depends: ghc6 (>> 6.2), tetex-extra, libcurl3-dev, debhelper (>> 4.0), tetex-bin, dvipng, libkrb5-dev
 Package: darcs
diff -rN -u old-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.5-2 new-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.5-2
--- old-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.5-2	2010-03-06 11:45:07.817027493 +0000
+++ new-darcs/patches/debian-changes-1.0.5-2	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,16298 +0,0 @@
---- darcs-1.0.5.orig/GNUmakefile
-+++ darcs-1.0.5/GNUmakefile
-@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ website: darcs-stable.tar.gz darcs.ps ma
- 	index.html
- manual/index.html: darcs.tex gpl.tex darcs.css
-+	TEX4HTENV=/etc/tex4ht/tex4ht.env $(MAKEMANUAL)
- 	cp -f darcs.css manual/darcs.css
- manual/bigpage.html: darcs.tex gpl.tex darcs.css
---- darcs-1.0.5.orig/darcs-createrepo.8
-+++ darcs-1.0.5/darcs-createrepo.8
-@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ darcs-createrepo \- create a pushable da
- darcs-createrepo will create a new user and set up that user's home
--directory in /var/lib/darcs with a repository, such that signed patches
--sent to that user's email address.  For more information,
--see the darcs documentation, which should be available at
-+directory in /var/lib/darcs with a repository, such that signed
-+patches can be sent to that user's email address.  For more
-+information, see the darcs documentation, which should be available at
- /usr/share/doc/darcs/manual/index.html.
---- darcs-1.0.5.orig/darcs.css
-+++ darcs-1.0.5/darcs.css
-@@ -1,82 +1,231 @@
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-+div#fancyvrb44{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb45{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb45{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
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-+div#fancyvrb46{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
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-+div#fancyvrb47{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
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-+div#fancyvrb48{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb49{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb49{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb50{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb50{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb51{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb51{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb52{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb52{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb53{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb53{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb54{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb54{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb55{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb55{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb56{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb56{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb57{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb57{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb58{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb58{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb59{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb59{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb60{ border-top: solid 0.4pt; }
-+div#fancyvrb60{ border-bottom: solid 0.4pt; }
-+/* end css.sty */
---- darcs-1.0.5.orig/.depend
-+++ darcs-1.0.5/.depend
-@@ -1,212 +1,191 @@
- # DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies
-+Context.o : Context.hs
-+GitRepo.o : GitRepo.lhs
-+AtExit.o : AtExit.lhs
-+FileSystem.o : FileSystem.hs
-+Workaround.o : Workaround.hs
-+UTF8.o : UTF8.lhs
-+SignalHandler.o : SignalHandler.lhs
-+SignalHandler.o : Workaround.hi
-+RegChars.o : RegChars.lhs
-+PatchMatchData.o : PatchMatchData.lhs
-+Map.o : Map.hs
-+IsoDate.o : IsoDate.lhs
-+Exec.o : Exec.lhs
-+DateMatcher.o : DateMatcher.lhs
-+DateMatcher.o : IsoDate.hi
-+CommandLine.o : CommandLine.lhs
-+DarcsFlags.o : DarcsFlags.lhs
-+DarcsFlags.o : PatchMatchData.hi
-+ThisVersion.o : ThisVersion.lhs
- Autoconf.o : Autoconf.lhs
--Autoconf.o : ./ThisVersion.hi
--CheckFileSystem.o : CheckFileSystem.lhs
--CheckFileSystem.o : ./Lock.hi
--CheckFileSystem.o : ./DarcsUtils.hi
--ColourPrinter.o : ColourPrinter.lhs
--ColourPrinter.o : ./FastPackedString.hi
--ColourPrinter.o : ./Printer.hi
--ColourPrinter.o : ./External.hi
-+Autoconf.o : ThisVersion.hi
- Curl.o : Curl.hs
--DarcsIO.o : DarcsIO.lhs
--DarcsIO.o : ./Workaround.hi
--DarcsIO.o : ./Lock.hi
--DarcsIO.o : ./FileName.hi
--DarcsIO.o : ./Printer.hi
--DarcsIO.o : ./DarcsUtils.hi
--DarcsIO.o : ./FastPackedString.hi
--Pristine.o : Pristine.lhs
--Pristine.o : ./External.hi
--Pristine.o : ./FileName.hi
--Pristine.o : ./Patch.hi
--Pristine.o : DarcsIO.hi
--Pristine.o : ./DarcsFlags.hi
--Pristine.o : ./PopulationData.hi
--Pristine.o : ./PatchInfo.hi
--Pristine.o : ./DarcsUtils.hi
--Pristine.o : ./SlurpDirectory.hi
--Pristine.o : ./Workaround.hi
--Pristine.o : ./Diff.hi
--Pristine.o : ./Lock.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : DarcsArguments.lhs
--DarcsArguments.o : ./DarcsUtils.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./Printer.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./SlurpDirectory.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./DarcsRepo.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./Repository.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./DarcsFlags.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./PatchMatchData.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./FilePathUtils.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./RepoPrefs.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./PatchShow.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./PatchInfo.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./Patch.hi
--DarcsArguments.o : ./Exec.hi
--DarcsFlags.o : DarcsFlags.lhs
--DarcsFlags.o : ./PatchMatchData.hi
--DarcsUtils.o : DarcsUtils.lhs
--DarcsUtils.o : ./Printer.hi
--DarcsUtils.o : ./Workaround.hi
--CommandLine.o : CommandLine.lhs
--DateMatcher.o : DateMatcher.lhs
--DateMatcher.o : ./IsoDate.hi
--Depends.o : Depends.lhs
--Depends.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--Depends.o : ./Printer.hi
--Depends.o : ./RepoTypes.hi
--Depends.o : ./PatchInfo.hi
--Depends.o : ./Patch.hi
--Diff.o : Diff.lhs
--Diff.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--Diff.o : DarcsFlags.hi
--Diff.o : ./RepoPrefs.hi
--Diff.o : ./Patch.hi
--Diff.o : ./SlurpDirectory.hi
--Diff.o : ./FastPackedString.hi
--Exec.o : Exec.lhs
--External.o : External.hs
--External.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--External.o : ./Printer.hi
--External.o : ./DarcsURL.hi
--External.o : Exec.hi
--External.o : Curl.hi
--External.o : Autoconf.hi
--External.o : CommandLine.hi
--External.o : ./Lock.hi
--External.o : ./FastPackedString.hi
--External.o : DarcsFlags.hi
--External.o : ./Workaround.hi
-+Curl.o : Autoconf.hi
- FastPackedString.o : FastPackedString.hs
- FastPackedString.o : Autoconf.hi
- FileName.o : FileName.lhs
- FileName.o : FastPackedString.hi
--FileName.o : ./UTF8.hi
--FilePathMonad.o : FilePathMonad.lhs
--FilePathMonad.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--FilePathMonad.o : FileName.hi
--FilePathMonad.o : ./PatchCommute.hi
--FilePathMonad.o : DarcsIO.hi
--FilePathUtils.o : FilePathUtils.hs
--FilePathUtils.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--FilePathUtils.o : ./DarcsURL.hi
--FilePathUtils.o : FileName.hi
--FilePathUtils.o : Autoconf.hi
--IsoDate.o : IsoDate.lhs
-+FileName.o : UTF8.hi
-+PatchCheck.o : PatchCheck.lhs
-+PatchCheck.o : FastPackedString.hi
-+Printer.o : Printer.lhs
-+Printer.o : FastPackedString.hi
-+DarcsUtils.o : DarcsUtils.lhs
-+DarcsUtils.o : Printer.hi
-+DarcsUtils.o : Workaround.hi
- Lcs.o : Lcs.lhs
- Lcs.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--Lcs.o : ./Map.hi
-+Lcs.o : Map.hi
- Lcs.o : FastPackedString.hi
-+DarcsURL.o : DarcsURL.hs
-+DarcsURL.o : DarcsUtils.hi
- Lock.o : Lock.lhs
--Lock.o : ./AtExit.hi
--Lock.o : ./Printer.hi
--Lock.o : ./SignalHandler.hi
-+Lock.o : AtExit.hi
-+Lock.o : Printer.hi
-+Lock.o : SignalHandler.hi
- Lock.o : FastPackedString.hi
- Lock.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--Lock.o : ./DarcsURL.hi
--Lock.o : ./Workaround.hi
--Map.o : Map.hs
--Match.o : Match.lhs
--Match.o : DarcsUtils.hi
--Match.o : ./Printer.hi
--Match.o : ./PatchMatch.hi
--Match.o : DarcsArguments.hi
--Match.o : ./PatchBundle.hi
--Match.o : FastPackedString.hi
--Match.o : Depends.hi
--Match.o : ./DarcsRepo.hi
--Match.o : ./Repository.hi
--Match.o : ./Patch.hi
--Match.o : ./PatchInfo.hi
--Match.o : ./Workaround.hi
--Match.o : Pristine.hi
-+Lock.o : DarcsURL.hi
-+Lock.o : Workaround.hi
-+Lock.o : DarcsUtils.hi
-+Lock.o : Workaround.hi
-+CheckFileSystem.o : CheckFileSystem.lhs

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