[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-lifted-base: Initial check-in

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Thu Dec 29 20:08:17 UTC 2011

Thu Dec 29 20:07:43 UTC 2011  Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
  * Initial check-in
  Ignore-this: 72a6945a5c3b0cacf120ebe3b774f62

    A ./Control/
    A ./Control/Concurrent/
    A ./Control/Concurrent/Lifted.hs
    A ./Control/Concurrent/MVar/
    A ./Control/Concurrent/MVar/Lifted.hs
    A ./Control/Exception/
    A ./Control/Exception/Lifted.hs
    A ./NEWS
    A ./README.markdown
    A ./Setup.hs
    A ./System/
    A ./System/Timeout/
    A ./System/Timeout/Lifted.hs
    A ./debian/
    A ./debian/changelog
    A ./debian/compat
    A ./debian/control
    A ./debian/copyright
    A ./debian/rules
    A ./debian/source/
    A ./debian/source/format
    A ./debian/watch
    A ./include/
    A ./include/inlinable.h
    A ./lifted-base.cabal
    A ./test.hs

Thu Dec 29 20:07:43 UTC 2011  Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
  * Initial check-in
  Ignore-this: 72a6945a5c3b0cacf120ebe3b774f62
diff -rN -u old-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/Lifted.hs new-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/Lifted.hs
--- old-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/Lifted.hs	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ new-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/Lifted.hs	2011-12-29 20:08:17.643670813 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, UnicodeSyntax, NoImplicitPrelude, FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes #-}
+{- |
+Module      :  Control.Concurrent.Lifted
+Copyright   :  Bas van Dijk
+License     :  BSD-style
+Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas at gmail.com>
+Stability   :  experimental
+This is a wrapped version of 'Control.Concurrent' with types generalized
+from @IO@ to all monads in either 'MonadBase' or 'MonadBaseControl'.
+module Control.Concurrent.Lifted
+    ( -- * Concurrent Haskell
+      ThreadId
+      -- * Basic concurrency operations
+    , myThreadId
+    , fork
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+    , forkWithUnmask
+    , killThread
+    , throwTo
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+      -- ** Threads with affinity
+    , forkOn
+    , forkOnWithUnmask
+    , getNumCapabilities
+    , threadCapability
+      -- * Scheduling
+    , yield
+      -- ** Blocking
+      -- ** Waiting
+    , threadDelay
+    , threadWaitRead
+    , threadWaitWrite
+      -- * Communication abstractions
+    , module Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
+    -- TODO: , module Control.Concurrent.Chan.Lifted
+    -- TODO: , module Control.Concurrent.QSem.Lifted
+    -- TODO: , module Control.Concurrent.QSemN.Lifted
+    -- TODO: , module Control.Concurrent.SampleVar.Lifted
+      -- * Merging of streams
+    , merge
+    , nmerge
+      -- * Bound Threads
+    , forkOS
+    , isCurrentThreadBound
+    , runInBoundThread
+    , runInUnboundThread
+    ) where
+-- Imports
+-- from base:
+import Data.Bool          ( Bool )
+import Data.Int           ( Int )
+import Data.Function      ( ($) )
+import System.IO          ( IO )
+import System.Posix.Types ( Fd )
+import Control.Exception  ( Exception )
+import           Control.Concurrent ( ThreadId )
+import qualified Control.Concurrent as C
+-- from base-unicode-symbols:
+import Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) )
+-- from transformers-base:
+import Control.Monad.Base ( MonadBase, liftBase )
+-- from monad-control:
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( MonadBaseControl, liftBaseOp_, liftBaseDiscard )
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( liftBaseWith )
+import Control.Monad               ( void )
+-- from lifted-base (this package):
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
+#include "inlinable.h"
+-- Control.Concurrent
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.myThreadId'.
+myThreadId ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ m ThreadId
+myThreadId = liftBase C.myThreadId
+{-# INLINABLE myThreadId #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.forkIO'.
+-- Note that, while the forked computation @m ()@ has access to the captured
+-- state, all its side-effects in @m@ are discarded. It is run only for its
+-- side-effects in 'IO'.
+fork ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ m () → m ThreadId
+fork = liftBaseDiscard C.forkIO
+{-# INLINABLE fork #-}
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.forkIOWithUnmask'.
+-- Note that, while the forked computation @m ()@ has access to the captured
+-- state, all its side-effects in @m@ are discarded. It is run only for its
+-- side-effects in 'IO'.
+forkWithUnmask ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ ((∀ α. m α → m α) → m ()) → m ThreadId
+forkWithUnmask f = liftBaseWith $ \runInIO →
+                     C.forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask →
+                       void $ runInIO $ f $ liftBaseOp_ unmask
+{-# INLINABLE  forkWithUnmask #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.killThread'.
+killThread ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ ThreadId → m ()
+killThread = liftBase ∘ C.killThread
+{-# INLINABLE  killThread #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.throwTo'.
+throwTo ∷ (MonadBase IO m, Exception e) ⇒ ThreadId → e → m ()
+throwTo tid e = liftBase $ C.throwTo tid e
+{-# INLINABLE throwTo #-}
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.forkOn'.
+-- Note that, while the forked computation @m ()@ has access to the captured
+-- state, all its side-effects in @m@ are discarded. It is run only for its
+-- side-effects in 'IO'.
+forkOn ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ Int → m () → m ThreadId
+forkOn = liftBaseDiscard ∘ C.forkOn
+{-# INLINABLE forkOn #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.forkOnWithUnmask'.
+-- Note that, while the forked computation @m ()@ has access to the captured
+-- state, all its side-effects in @m@ are discarded. It is run only for its
+-- side-effects in 'IO'.
+forkOnWithUnmask ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ Int → ((∀ α. m α → m α) → m ()) → m ThreadId
+forkOnWithUnmask cap f = liftBaseWith $ \runInIO →
+                           C.forkOnWithUnmask cap $ \unmask →
+                             void $ runInIO $ f $ liftBaseOp_ unmask
+{-# INLINABLE forkOnWithUnmask #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.getNumCapabilities'.
+getNumCapabilities ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ m Int
+getNumCapabilities = liftBase C.getNumCapabilities
+{-# INLINABLE getNumCapabilities #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.threadCapability'.
+threadCapability ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ ThreadId → m (Int, Bool)
+threadCapability = liftBase ∘ C.threadCapability
+{-# INLINABLE threadCapability #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.yield'.
+yield ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ m ()
+yield = liftBase C.yield
+{-# INLINABLE yield #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.threadDelay'.
+threadDelay ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ Int → m ()
+threadDelay = liftBase ∘  C.threadDelay
+{-# INLINABLE threadDelay #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.threadWaitRead'.
+threadWaitRead ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ Fd → m ()
+threadWaitRead = liftBase ∘ C.threadWaitRead
+{-# INLINABLE threadWaitRead #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.threadWaitWrite'.
+threadWaitWrite ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ Fd → m ()
+threadWaitWrite = liftBase ∘ C.threadWaitWrite
+{-# INLINABLE threadWaitWrite #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.mergeIO'.
+merge ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ [α] → [α] → m [α]
+merge xs ys = liftBase $ C.mergeIO xs ys
+{-# INLINABLE merge #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.nmergeIO'.
+nmerge ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ [[α]] → m [α]
+nmerge = liftBase ∘ C.nmergeIO
+{-# INLINABLE nmerge #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.forkOS'.
+-- Note that, while the forked computation @m ()@ has access to the captured
+-- state, all its side-effects in @m@ are discarded. It is run only for its
+-- side-effects in 'IO'.
+forkOS ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ m () → m ThreadId
+forkOS = liftBaseDiscard C.forkOS
+{-# INLINABLE forkOS #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.isCurrentThreadBound'.
+isCurrentThreadBound ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ m Bool
+isCurrentThreadBound = liftBase C.isCurrentThreadBound
+{-# INLINABLE isCurrentThreadBound #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.runInBoundThread'.
+runInBoundThread ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ m α → m α
+runInBoundThread = liftBaseOp_ C.runInBoundThread
+{-# INLINABLE runInBoundThread #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'C.runInUnboundThread'.
+runInUnboundThread ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ m α → m α
+runInUnboundThread = liftBaseOp_ C.runInUnboundThread
+{-# INLINABLE runInUnboundThread #-}
diff -rN -u old-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/MVar/Lifted.hs new-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/MVar/Lifted.hs
--- old-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/MVar/Lifted.hs	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ new-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Concurrent/MVar/Lifted.hs	2011-12-29 20:08:17.643670813 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, UnicodeSyntax, NoImplicitPrelude, FlexibleContexts #-}
+{- |
+Module      :  Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
+Copyright   :  Bas van Dijk
+License     :  BSD-style
+Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas at gmail.com>
+Stability   :  experimental
+This is a wrapped version of 'Control.Concurrent.MVar' with types generalized
+from @IO@ to all monads in either 'MonadBase' or 'MonadBaseControl'.
+module Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
+    ( MVar.MVar
+    , newEmptyMVar
+    , newMVar
+    , takeMVar
+    , putMVar
+    , readMVar
+    , swapMVar
+    , tryTakeMVar
+    , tryPutMVar
+    , isEmptyMVar
+    , withMVar
+    , modifyMVar_
+    , modifyMVar
+    , addMVarFinalizer
+    ) where
+-- Imports
+-- from base:
+import Data.Bool     ( Bool )
+import Data.Function ( ($) )
+import Data.Maybe    ( Maybe )
+import Control.Monad ( return )
+import System.IO     ( IO )
+import           Control.Concurrent.MVar  ( MVar )
+import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 700
+import Control.Monad ( (>>=), (>>), fail )
+-- from base-unicode-symbols:
+import Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) )
+-- from transformers-base:
+import Control.Monad.Base ( MonadBase, liftBase )
+-- from monad-control:
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( MonadBaseControl, liftBaseOp, liftBaseDiscard )
+-- from lifted-base (this package):
+import Control.Exception.Lifted ( onException
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
+                                , mask
+                                , block, unblock
+                                )
+#include "inlinable.h"
+-- * MVars
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.newEmptyMVar'.
+newEmptyMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ m (MVar α)
+newEmptyMVar = liftBase MVar.newEmptyMVar
+{-# INLINABLE newEmptyMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.newMVar'.
+newMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ α → m (MVar α)
+newMVar = liftBase ∘ MVar.newMVar
+{-# INLINABLE newMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.takeMVar'.
+takeMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ MVar α → m α
+takeMVar = liftBase ∘ MVar.takeMVar
+{-# INLINABLE takeMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.putMVar'.
+putMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ MVar α → α → m ()
+putMVar mv x = liftBase $ MVar.putMVar mv x
+{-# INLINABLE putMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.readMVar'.
+readMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ MVar α → m α
+readMVar = liftBase ∘ MVar.readMVar
+{-# INLINABLE readMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.swapMVar'.
+swapMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ MVar α → α → m α
+swapMVar mv x = liftBase $ MVar.swapMVar mv x
+{-# INLINABLE swapMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.tryTakeMVar'.
+tryTakeMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ MVar α → m (Maybe α)
+tryTakeMVar = liftBase ∘ MVar.tryTakeMVar
+{-# INLINABLE tryTakeMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.tryPutMVar'.
+tryPutMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ MVar α → α → m Bool
+tryPutMVar mv x = liftBase $ MVar.tryPutMVar mv x
+{-# INLINABLE tryPutMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.isEmptyMVar'.
+isEmptyMVar ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ MVar α → m Bool
+isEmptyMVar = liftBase ∘ MVar.isEmptyMVar
+{-# INLINABLE isEmptyMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.withMVar'.
+withMVar ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ MVar α → (α → m β) → m β
+withMVar = liftBaseOp ∘ MVar.withMVar
+{-# INLINABLE withMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.modifyMVar_'.
+modifyMVar_ ∷ (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadBase IO m) ⇒ MVar α → (α → m α) → m ()
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.modifyMVar'.
+modifyMVar ∷ (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadBase IO m) ⇒ MVar α → (α → m (α, β)) → m β
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
+modifyMVar_ mv f = mask $ \restore → do
+                     x  ← takeMVar mv
+                     x' ← restore (f x) `onException` putMVar mv x
+                     putMVar mv x'
+modifyMVar mv f = mask $ \restore → do
+                    x       ← takeMVar mv
+                    (x', y) ← restore (f x) `onException` putMVar mv x
+                    putMVar mv x'
+                    return y
+modifyMVar_ mv f = block $ do
+                     x  ← takeMVar mv
+                     x' ← unblock (f x) `onException` putMVar mv x
+                     putMVar mv x'
+modifyMVar mv f = block $ do
+                    x       ← takeMVar mv
+                    (x', y) ← unblock (f x) `onException` putMVar mv x
+                    putMVar mv x'
+                    return y
+{-# INLINABLE modifyMVar_ #-}
+{-# INLINABLE modifyMVar #-}
+-- | Generalized version of 'MVar.addMVarFinalizer'.
+-- Note any monadic side effects in @m@ of the \"finalizer\" computation are
+-- discarded.
+addMVarFinalizer ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ MVar α → m () → m ()
+addMVarFinalizer = liftBaseDiscard ∘ MVar.addMVarFinalizer
+{-# INLINABLE addMVarFinalizer #-}
diff -rN -u old-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Exception/Lifted.hs new-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Exception/Lifted.hs
--- old-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Exception/Lifted.hs	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ new-haskell-lifted-base//Control/Exception/Lifted.hs	2011-12-29 20:08:17.643670813 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+           , UnicodeSyntax
+           , NoImplicitPrelude
+           , ExistentialQuantification
+           , FlexibleContexts
+  #-}
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- for mask
+{- |
+Module      :  Control.Exception.Lifted
+Copyright   :  Bas van Dijk, Anders Kaseorg
+License     :  BSD-style
+Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas at gmail.com>
+Stability   :  experimental
+Portability :  non-portable (extended exceptions)
+This is a wrapped version of @Control.Exception@ with types generalized
+from @IO@ to all monads in either 'MonadBase' or 'MonadBaseControl'.
+module Control.Exception.Lifted
+    ( module Control.Exception
+      -- * Throwing exceptions
+    , throwIO, ioError
+      -- * Catching exceptions
+      -- ** The @catch@ functions
+    , catch, catches, Handler(..), catchJust
+      -- ** The @handle@ functions
+    , handle, handleJust
+      -- ** The @try@ functions
+    , try, tryJust
+      -- ** The @evaluate@ function
+    , evaluate
+      -- * Asynchronous Exceptions
+      -- ** Asynchronous exception control
+      -- |The following functions allow a thread to control delivery of
+      -- asynchronous exceptions during a critical region.
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
+    , mask, mask_
+    , uninterruptibleMask, uninterruptibleMask_
+    , getMaskingState
+    , block, unblock
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+    , blocked
+      -- * Brackets
+    , bracket, bracket_, bracketOnError
+      -- * Utilities
+    , finally, onException
+    ) where
+-- Imports
+-- from base:
+import Data.Function   ( ($) )
+import Data.Either     ( Either(Left, Right), either )
+import Data.Maybe      ( Maybe )
+import Control.Monad   ( Monad, (>>=), return, liftM )
+import System.IO.Error ( IOError )
+import System.IO       ( IO )
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 700
+import Control.Monad   ( fail )
+import Control.Exception hiding
+    ( throwIO, ioError
+    , catch, catches, Handler(..), catchJust
+    , handle, handleJust
+    , try, tryJust
+    , evaluate
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
+    , mask, mask_
+    , uninterruptibleMask, uninterruptibleMask_
+    , getMaskingState
+    , block, unblock
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+    , blocked
+    , bracket, bracket_, bracketOnError
+    , finally, onException
+    )
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
+import Data.Bool ( Bool )
+-- from base-unicode-symbols:
+import Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) )
+-- from transformers-base:
+import Control.Monad.Base ( MonadBase, liftBase )
+-- from monad-control:
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( MonadBaseControl, StM
+                                   , liftBaseWith, restoreM
+                                   , control, liftBaseOp_
+                                   )
+#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0) || defined (__HADDOCK__)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( liftBaseOp )
+#include "inlinable.h"
+-- * Throwing exceptions
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.throwIO'.
+throwIO ∷ (MonadBase IO m, Exception e) ⇒ e → m α
+throwIO = liftBase ∘ E.throwIO
+{-# INLINABLE throwIO #-}
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.ioError'.
+ioError ∷ MonadBase IO m ⇒ IOError → m α
+ioError = liftBase ∘ E.ioError
+{-# INLINABLE ioError #-}
+-- * Catching exceptions
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.catch'.
+catch ∷ (MonadBaseControl IO m, Exception e)
+      ⇒ m α       -- ^ The computation to run
+      → (e → m α) -- ^ Handler to invoke if an exception is raised
+      → m α
+catch a handler = control $ \runInIO →
+                    E.catch (runInIO a)
+                            (\e → runInIO $ handler e)
+{-# INLINABLE catch #-}
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.catches'.
+catches ∷ MonadBaseControl IO m ⇒ m α → [Handler m α] → m α
+catches a handlers = control $ \runInIO →
+                       E.catches (runInIO a)
+                                 [ E.Handler $ \e → runInIO $ handler e
+                                 | Handler handler ← handlers
+                                 ]
+{-# INLINABLE catches #-}
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.Handler'.
+data Handler m α = ∀ e. Exception e ⇒ Handler (e → m α)
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.catchJust'.
+catchJust ∷ (MonadBaseControl IO m, Exception e)
+          ⇒ (e → Maybe β) -- ^ Predicate to select exceptions
+          → m α           -- ^ Computation to run
+          → (β → m α)     -- ^ Handler
+          → m α
+catchJust p a handler = control $ \runInIO →
+                          E.catchJust p
+                                      (runInIO a)
+                                      (\e → runInIO (handler e))
+{-# INLINABLE catchJust #-}
+--  ** The @handle@ functions
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.handle'.
+handle ∷ (MonadBaseControl IO m, Exception e) ⇒ (e → m α) → m α → m α
+handle handler a = control $ \runInIO →
+                     E.handle (\e → runInIO (handler e))
+                              (runInIO a)
+{-# INLINABLE handle #-}
+-- |Generalized version of 'E.handleJust'.
+handleJust ∷ (MonadBaseControl IO m, Exception e)
+           ⇒ (e → Maybe β) → (β → m α) → m α → m α
+handleJust p handler a = control $ \runInIO →
+                           E.handleJust p (\[...incomplete...]

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