[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: ghc: Import of ghc6_6.10.4-1.dsc

Kari Pahula kaol at debian.org
Sat Jan 15 06:06:37 UTC 2011

Wed Jul 22 12:22:36 UTC 2009  Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>
  * Import of ghc6_6.10.4-1.dsc

    M ./changelog +585
    M ./compat -1 +1
    M ./control -40 +12
    M ./copyright -5 +113
    R ./examples/
    R ./examples/HOpenGL/
    R ./examples/HOpenGL/Cube.hs
    R ./examples/HOpenGL/Makefile
    R ./flags.xsl.in
    A ./gen_contents_index.in
    A ./ghc-pkg6.man.in
    M ./ghc6-doc.doc-base.users-guide -9 +3
    A ./ghc6-doc.postinst.in
    A ./ghc6-doc.postrm.in
    A ./ghc6-doc.preinst.in
    A ./ghc6-doc.prerm
    A ./ghc6-doc.triggers.in
    R ./ghc6-hopengl.README.debian
    R ./ghc6-hopengl.examples
    R ./ghc6.README.Debian
    M ./ghc6.docs -2 +2
    A ./ghc6.links
    M ./ghc6.postinst.in -15 +24
    M ./ghc6.postrm.in -7 +6
    A ./ghc6.preinst
    A ./ghc6.preinst.in
    M ./ghc6.prerm.in -5 +4
    A ./patches/
    A ./patches/ghc_binary_int32
    A ./patches/ld-relax-ia64-fix
    A ./patches/no_gen_contents_index
    A ./patches/series
    A ./patches/system-libffi
    A ./patches/use-system-haddock
    A ./provided_substvars
    M ./rules -95 +197
    A ./runghc.man
    M ./scripts.mk -4 +3
    A ./watcher.sh
    R ./xmlise-flags.sgml

Wed Jul 22 12:22:36 UTC 2009  Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>
  * Import of ghc6_6.10.4-1.dsc
diff -rN -u old-ghc/changelog new-ghc/changelog
--- old-ghc/changelog	2011-01-15 06:06:36.765873139 +0000
+++ new-ghc/changelog	2011-01-15 06:06:36.949882833 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,588 @@
+ghc6 (6.10.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * Pass UseLibFFIForAdjustors=YES to build options on armel.
+  * Standards-Version 3.8.2 (no changes necessary).
+  * Pass GhcUnregisterised=NO to build options on lpia (for Ubuntu's
+    benefit).
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:22:36 +0300
+ghc6 (6.10.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Patch mkWeakForeignEnv# in rts/PrimOps.cmm to avoid random
+    segfaults. (re:
+    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc6/+bug/382803)
+  * Exclude internal boot libraries from generated Provides: libghc6-*
+    substvars. (Closes: #531318)
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Sat, 27 Jun 2009 17:58:49 +0300
+ghc6 (6.10.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Only call ghc-pkg6 in ghc6-doc's trigger if ghc6 is installed.
+    (Closes: #530732)
+  * Fix the test for seeing if ghci would work.
+  * Build a registerised build on powerpc, but disable ghci.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Thu, 28 May 2009 12:40:17 +0300
+ghc6 (6.10.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+    * GHCi uses stdio in blocking mode now. (Closes: #512762)
+    * GHC can cope with missing setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL) support.
+      (Closes: #509252)
+    * Uses haskeline instead of editline.
+  * Only provide ghci and runghc on archs that support it.
+    (Closes: #320335)
+  * Patched compiler/utils/Binary.hs to store Ints as Int64s on 32 bit
+    architectures and warn if it needed to truncate when unserialising.
+  * Moved package.conf to /var/lib/ghc-$VERSION/.
+  * Added a /var/lib/ghc-$VERSION/package.conf.d/ dir.
+  * Set symlinks from /usr/lib/ghc-$VERSION/package.conf* to /var.
+  * Don't ship generated index files in /usr/share/doc/ghc6-doc/libraries/
+    and remove them in postrm. (Closes: #501188)
+  * Remove any leftover index.html files in
+    /usr/share/doc/ghc6-doc/html/libraries/. (Closes: #461323)
+  * Bumped to debhelper compat 7 and Standards-Version 3.8.1 (no changes
+    needed).
+  * Section: haskell for ghc6 and ghc6-prof.
+  * Fix up generated Provides for ghc6 and ghc6-doc.
+    (Closes: #514085, #518400)
+  * Added man pages for runghc and ghc-pkg. (Closes: #460425, #315763)
+  * Removed alternative for /usr/bin/ghcprof. (Closes: #527382)
+  * Build an unregisterised build on powerpc. (Closes: #514946)
+  * Build-depend on a newer binutils on [arm armel].  Add -mlong-calls to
+    gcc's flags.
+  * gen_contents_index reintroduced, this time as a perl script.
+  * Added /usr/share/ghc6-doc/ghc-$VERSION/desc/ for copies of package
+    conf info in -doc packages.
+  * Added a preinst for ghc6, to remove a package.conf file from a removed
+    but not purged old version.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Mon, 18 May 2009 22:18:18 +0300
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-13) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Haddock again just a B-D-I, now with (>= 2.4.1-4).
+  * Patched compiler/utils/Binary.hs to store Ints as Int32s on 64 bit
+    arches, too.
+  * Put .haddock files back to ghc6-doc.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Wed, 25 Feb 2009 05:53:48 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-12) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Put haddock in Build-Depends on [i386 amd64 sparc powerpc mips mipsel
+    s390 kfreebsd-i386].
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Sat, 21 Feb 2009 14:08:08 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-11) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Put .haddock files in ghc6, not ghc6-doc.
+  * Don't call ghc-pkg in a loop in ghc6-doc's trigger, use perl instead.
+  * Don't remove packages.conf on upgrade from one 6.10.1+dfsg1 version to
+    another.
+  * Generate haddock index in ghc6-doc's postinst configure, too.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Sat, 21 Feb 2009 10:00:19 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-10) unstable; urgency=low
+  * chmod +x debian/mk_provided_substvars before calling it.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Tue, 17 Feb 2009 19:03:49 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-9) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Made ghc6-doc's postinst only call haddock on haddock files that are
+    actually installed.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Tue, 17 Feb 2009 12:52:37 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-8) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Moved xsltproc, docbook-xsl, docbook-xml back as Build-Depends.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Tue, 17 Feb 2009 09:52:55 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Set build deps related to doc building as Build-Depends-Indep.
+  * Set BUILD_HADDOCK_DOCS at build time, depending on haddock's
+    presence.  See debian/rules for rationale.
+  * Replaced /usr/lib/ghc6-doc/gen_contents_index with a symlink to
+    /bin/true.
+  * Amended ghc6-doc's "postinst triggered" to perform what g_c_i did.
+  * Added GhcDebugged=YES and some other flags to build.mk on ia64 and hppa.
+  * Moved provided-{dev,prof,doc} generation to its own script and catch
+    errors in it. (Closes: #514085, #514086)
+  * Further cleanups to debian/rules.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Mon, 16 Feb 2009 12:28:56 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-6) experimental; urgency=low
+  * This time actually change the build on ia64 to be unregisterised.
+  * Dropped ghc6's dependency on haskell-utils.
+  * Removed calls to haskell-utils from prerm and postinst.
+  * Build haddock docs on i386 and amd64. (Closes: #514088)
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Thu, 05 Feb 2009 14:14:01 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-5) experimental; urgency=low
+  * Add libffi-dev as a dependency for ghc6. (Closes: #513289)
+  * Replaced libreadline5-dev with libedit-dev from ghc6's deps.
+  * Don't add any extra flags to GhcRTSWays build variable.
+  * Build a registerised build on kfreebsd-i386. (Closes: #513198)
+  * Build an unregisterised build on ia64.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:23:11 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-4) experimental; urgency=low
+  * Add pkg-config as a build dep.
+  * Explicitly build an unregisterised version of the compiler on other
+    arches but i386, amd64, powerpc, ia64. (Closes: #512827)
+  * Remove --relax altogether from ia64's ld flags.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:10:54 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-3) experimental; urgency=low
+  * Again, use the same build options for all arches and just use what
+    arch-specific exceptions upstream provided.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Fri, 23 Jan 2009 08:24:45 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-2) experimental; urgency=low
+  * Patched the build system to use haddock from /usr/bin/, not build its
+    own.
+  * Disabled building haddock docs for this version.
+  * Re-enabled some of 6.8.2's build options for non-i386, non-amd64.
+  * Patch compiler/Makefile's ia64 build options;
+    s/--ld-option=-Wl,--relax/--ld-option=--relax/.
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Wed, 21 Jan 2009 23:33:11 +0200
+ghc6 (6.10.1+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (Closes: #495126)
+    * Change the calling conventions for unboxed tuples slightly.
+      (Closes: #365497)
+    * Better documentation for swapMVar. (Closes: #405717)
+    * Don't change code in error messages. (Closes: #499137)
+    * Improve error reporting for 'deriving' (Closes: #499216)
+    * Better error message when -XRankNTypes is missing. (Closes: #499217)
+    * ghc-pkg respects --global with 'field' option. (Closes: #510499)
+  * Repackaged to remove a copy of GNU MP library.
+  * Enable building the stage2 compiler on all architectures.
+  * Added information about libffi (which is included with GHC) to
+    debian/copyright.
+  * Manage changes to the source with quilt.
+  * Link against the system's libffi and add libffi-dev as a build
+    dependency.
+  * Build-dep on haddock >= 2.4.1-1.
+  * Build-dep on libedit-dev, removed build-dep on libreadline-dev.
+  * Patched gen_contents_index: fixed the case when not run inplace; trac
+    #2764
+  * Patched libraries/base/Data/Data.hs: use Prelude.(,,) for
+    tuple3DataType; trac #2750
+  * Added a trigger to ghc6-doc for /usr/share/doc/ghc6-doc/libraries to
+    run gen_contents_index. (Closes: #506568)
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Mon, 19 Jan 2009 12:03:16 +0200
+ghc6 (6.8.2dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Repackaged the upstream tarball to remove a copy of GNU MP library
+    with GFDLed docs w/ invariant sections.  (Closes: #511756)
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Thu, 15 Jan 2009 07:42:47 +0200
+ghc6 (6.8.2-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Build-Depend on hurd as an alternative to procps. (Closes: #481343)
+  * Added AC_SYS_LARGEFILE to libraries/unix/configure.ac and ran
+    autoreconf. (Closes: #500407)
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Sun, 28 Sep 2008 10:32:20 +0300
+ghc6 (6.8.2-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New maintainer.
+  * Made the perl script driver/split/ghc-split not use the obsolete $*
+    var (Closes: #489157)
+  * Copied libraries/unix/System/Posix/Resource.hsc and
+    libraries/base/include/HsBase.h from 6.8.3 to fix issues with
+    setResourceLimit. (Closes: #491909)
+ -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Wed, 03 Sep 2008 23:41:18 +0300
+ghc6 (6.8.2-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Don't build template-haskell if we're not building GHCi.
+    The package is largely useless without GHCi, and some of the buildds
+    were having trouble building template-haskell. We'll need to fix
+    this some other way if GHCi is to be available on every arch, though...
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Thu, 01 May 2008 12:32:13 +0000
+ghc6 (6.8.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Small wibbles to debian/watcher.sh.
+  * Add a build-dep on procps (debian/watcher.sh runs ps).
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:12:18 +0000
+ghc6 (6.8.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Every 10 minutes, print any "ps ux" lines that mention gcc or ghc.
+    According to folks on IRC, this is standard practice. It means that
+    we don't have to worry about security buildds having different
+    timeouts to the normal builders.
+  * Apply upstream patch:
+        FIX #2073: Don't add empty lines to GHCI's history
+        Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>**20080224143256
+    Closes: #461170.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:09:02 +0000
+ghc6 (6.8.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Apply upstream patch:
+        Tweak the splitter
+        Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>**20080116195612
+        We were generating a label ".LnLC7", which the splitter was confusing
+        with a literal constant (LC). The end result was the assembler tripping
+        up on ".Ln.text".
+    Closes: #466262.
+  * Make an hpc symlink in /usr/bin. Closes: #461146.
+  * Add a dep and build-dep on gcc >= 4:4.2 as we need the
+    -fno-toplevel-reorder flag. Closes: #461332.
+  * Put the right upstream source URL in debian/copyright.
+    Closes: #465058.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:32:52 +0000
+ghc6 (6.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Strengthen haddock dep and build-dep to 0.8-2 as we need the
+    version that makes compatible files on 32 and 64 bit arches.
+    Closes: #433251.
+  * Add a build-dep on hscolour. We now use it when making the
+    documentation, so the haddock docs link to syntax highlighted
+    source.
+  * Remove the libsrc package. ghc6-doc now includes the sources anyway.
+    Closes: #432706.
+  * gen_contents_index is now provided by the upstream install, so we
+    no longer ship our own copy. However, we do have to move it into
+    /usr/lib rather than /usr/share/doc.
+  * Remove the stat2resid slave of the GHC symlink, as stat2resid
+    no longer exists. Closes: #432715.
+  * We set bindir, docdir, htmldir, dvidir, pdfdir and psdir in
+    mk/build.mk rather than with configure flags, as the way configure
+    currently works means they can't be set relative to other variables
+    if set with configure flags.
+  * We no longer pass --datadir to configure; we used to use this to
+    get the docs in the right place.
+  * When doing the install step, we now use DESTDIR rather than prefix
+    to override where the files go.
+  * We now need to set HADDOCK_DOCS=YES in mk/build.mk in order to get the
+    haddock docks built.
+  * Removed "html/" from the documentation path in ghc6-doc.postinst,
+    ghc6-doc.prerm and ghc6-doc.doc-base.users-guide.
+  * Use "[ ! -f mk/config.mk ] ||" to guard "make distclean" rather than
+    ignoring all errors from it.
+  * Use ${binary:Version} rather than ${Source-Version} to specify the
+    dependency of ghc6-prof on ghc6.
+  * All the libraries now install LICENSE files, so we remove them after
+    the install step.
+  * Follow change in man path from /usr/man to /usr/share/man.
+  * lintian thinks that Cabal's Distribution/License.hi is an extra
+    licence file, so add a lintian override.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Tue, 18 Dec 2007 22:05:22 +0000
+ghc6 (6.6.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * ghc6-doc now depends on haddock as it needs to run
+    gen_contents_index in postinst. Closes: #423561.
+  * ghc6-doc and ghc6-libsrc depend on ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Tue, 15 May 2007 14:12:53 +0000
+ghc6 (6.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version.
+  * Policy 3.7.2 compliant.
+  * ghc6-doc provides libghc6-PACKAGE-doc for the various packages it
+    has docs for.
+  * Tweaked debian/rules to handle changes.
+  * Remove build-dep on xutils; we no longer use lndir (which has now
+    moved to xutils-dev anyway!)
+  * Remove build-dep on cpio; we now let dh_install do all the moving
+    rather than doing it ourselves with cpio.
+  * Remove build-dep on time; no longer used.
+  * Remove build-deps on libx11-dev, libsm-dev, libice-dev, libxmu-dev,
+    libxi-dev; the X11 stuff is now in separate Cabal packages.
+  * Manpages generation script removed s it is now in upstream.
+  * Pass --datadir to ./configure rather than "make install-docs"
+    so the haddock fields in package.conf get set correctly.
+    Closes: #417325.
+  * In mk/config.mk.in, don't put ghc-6.6.1/ on the end of datadir.
+  * Use $(INSTALL) rather than hardcoding /usr/bin/install everywhere.
+  * Don't generate or install library HTML doc contents and index.
+  * Do install libraries-footer.txt, libraries-header.txt and the various
+    prologue.txt's.
+  * Install a gen_contents_index script for generating the haddock
+    contents and index.
+  * Add -X.haddock to the dh_compress call to make sure the .haddock
+    files aren't getting compressed.
+  * Give ghc6-doc a postinst to generate the haddock contents and index
+    when it is installed.
+  * Give ghc6-doc a prerm to clean up the above.
+  * Revert these earlier changes as we now have haddock 0.8:
+    * Remove the --source-module argument to haddock in mk/package.mk
+      as haddock 0.7 doesn't support it.
+    * Re-add the -optP-P when generating .raw-hs files as haddock 0.7
+      doesn't cope with line numbers in the files.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Sun, 29 Apr 2007 00:47:00 +0100
+ghc6 (6.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Add arm to the list of arches that have ghc6.
+  * Add arm to the arches in compiler/cmm/PprC.hs for which
+    loads and stores to be printed in a way that works if they are not
+    aligned as the arch wishes.
+  * For arm's odd floating point numbers:
+    * Add FPTOOLS_FLOAT_WORD_ORDER_BIGENDIAN test to aclocal.m4
+      in configure.ac.
+    * Extra section for the FPTOOLS_FLOAT_WORD_ORDER_BIGENDIAN test in
+      configure.
+    * Add "#undef FLOAT_WORDS_BIGENDIAN" to mk/config.h.in.
+    * Add FLOAT_WORDS_BIGENDIAN cases to rts/StgPrimFloat.c.
+  * Apply the following upstream patch, to fix potential problems
+    compiling ghc6 on amd64 (and possibly others):
+    Fri Oct 20 16:39:25 BST 2006  Simon Marlow <simonmar at microsoft.com>
+      * In hashExpr, use Word32 rather than relying on wrapping behaviour of Int
+      Fixes #952, as it turns out.
+      When compiling via C, we are at the mercy of C's undefined behaviour
+      with respect to overflow of signed integer operations, and this was
+      biting us here.
+      Perhaps we should always add the -fwrapv flag to gcc, but since
+      Haskell doesn't define overflow on Int either, it seemed the right
+      thing to do to fix this code anyway.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Sun, 22 Oct 2006 22:36:32 +0000
+ghc6 (6.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Add mips and mipsel to the list of arches that have ghc6.
+  * Add mips and mipsel to the arches in compiler/cmm/PprC.hs for which
+    loads and stores to be printed in a way that works if they are not
+    aligned as the arch wishes.
+  * Removed the -static flag for mips from compiler/main/DynFlags.hs.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Mon, 16 Oct 2006 14:20:08 +0100
+ghc6 (6.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version.
+  * Drop ghc6-hopengl package as HOpenGL is now split off from the
+    GHC core.
+  * Removed:
+    * ghc6-hopengl.README.debian
+    * ghc6-hopengl.examples
+    * ghc6-hopengl.postinst.in
+    * ghc6-hopengl.prerm.in
+  * Removed opengl examples.
+  * debian/scripts.mk no longer makes:
+    * debian/ghc6-hopengl.postinst
+    * debian/ghc6-hopengl.prerm
+  * Removed all opengl-related commands from debian/rules.
+  * Drop build-deps on
+      xlibmesa-gl-dev, libglu1-xorg-dev | libglu-dev, libglut3-dev
+    now we don't build the OpenGL libs.
+  * Added note to manpage that ghci is not yet available on all arches.
+  * Add ppc64 to the list of arches that have ghc6. Closes: #375623.
+  * Update locations of README and ANNOUNCE in ghc6.docs.
+  * Don't include ghc/mk/version.mk in debian/scripts.mk as it no longer
+    exists. Instead, get ProjectVersion with some shell magic.
+  * Don't include ghc/mk/version.mk in debian/scripts.mk as it no longer
+    exists. Instead, pass $(ProjectVersion) in from debian/rules.
+  * Remove mk/build.mk before we start filling it so the commands can be
+    more symmetric.
+  * Don't build the threaded RTS except on x86/amd64.
+  * Don't try to link ghc6 with the threaded RTS except on x86/amd64.
+  * Remove debian/test-build before creating it, so we can restart
+    builds part-way through without them falling over.
+  * Various paths in debian/rules lose their ghc/ prefix.
+  * Clean up debian/test-build/ after doing the test.
+  * hslibs no longer exists, so remove everything relating to it in
+    debian/rules.
+  * Remove register declarations from rts/StgCRun.c that break the
+    unregisterised build on alpha.
+  * Add to compiler/cmm/PprC.hs an option for loads and stores to be
+    printed in a way that works if they are not aligned as the arch
+    wishes. Enable this option for alpha.
+  * Remove the --source-module argument to haddock in mk/package.mk
+    as haddock 0.7 doesn't support it.
+  * Re-add the -optP-P when generating .raw-hs files as haddock 0.7
+    doesn't cope with line numbers in the files.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:22:24 +0000
+ghc6 (6.4.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Have ghc-pkg not create ~/.ghc when it doesn't need to, and return
+    the empty package file when trying to read a package file that
+    doesn't exist. Closes: #375166, #375188.
+ -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Sat, 24 Jun 2006 09:41:01 +0000
+ghc6 (6.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release. Closes: #369947.
+  * Add --nonet to XSLTPROC_OPTS.
+  * Add GhcWithInterpreter=NO on arches we[...incomplete...]

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