[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: tools: Really handle bz2 as well

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Sat Jan 15 06:44:16 UTC 2011

Sat Jan 15 06:43:56 UTC 2011  Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
  * Really handle bz2 as well
  Ignore-this: 53677965dfd47f0194f2f8ff8b96e1d4

    M ./pkg-haskell-checkout -1 +6

Sat Jan 15 06:43:56 UTC 2011  Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
  * Really handle bz2 as well
  Ignore-this: 53677965dfd47f0194f2f8ff8b96e1d4
diff -rN -u old-tools/pkg-haskell-checkout new-tools/pkg-haskell-checkout
--- old-tools/pkg-haskell-checkout	2011-01-15 06:44:16.740893599 +0000
+++ new-tools/pkg-haskell-checkout	2011-01-15 06:44:16.752894231 +0000
@@ -90,7 +90,12 @@
     # assumes the convention that the tarball contains one equally named directory
     # ideally, we apply the full logic as dpkg-source does
-    tar xzvf $TARBALL -C $WANTED_PACKAGEDIR --strip-components 1
+    if [ -e $TARBALL_GZ ]
+    then
+        tar xavf $TARBALL_GZ -C $WANTED_PACKAGEDIR --strip-components 1
+    else
+        tar xavf $TARBALL_BZ2 -C $WANTED_PACKAGEDIR --strip-components 1
+    fi
     # debian directories shipped by upstream need to be removed
     rm -rf $WANTED_PACKAGEDIR/debian

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