[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-quickcheck: Use ghc instead of ghc6

Marco Silva marcot at debian.org
Sat Jan 15 16:08:29 UTC 2011

Sat Jan 15 15:06:08 UTC 2011  Marco Silva <marcot at debian.org>
  * Use ghc instead of ghc6
  Ignore-this: 16d761a18e91d0b6a768f96038e9127b

    M ./changelog -7 +11
    M ./control -15 +15

Sat Jan 15 15:06:08 UTC 2011  Marco Silva <marcot at debian.org>
  * Use ghc instead of ghc6
  Ignore-this: 16d761a18e91d0b6a768f96038e9127b
diff -rN -u old-haskell-quickcheck/changelog new-haskell-quickcheck/changelog
--- old-haskell-quickcheck/changelog	2011-01-15 16:08:28.980683486 +0000
+++ new-haskell-quickcheck/changelog	2011-01-15 16:08:28.980683486 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 haskell-quickcheck ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Joachim Breitner ]
   * Priority: extra
+  [ Marco Silva ]
+  * Use ghc instead of ghc
  -- Joachim Breitner <nomeata at debian.org>  Sat, 01 May 2010 22:19:46 +0200
 haskell-quickcheck ( unstable; urgency=low
@@ -53,14 +57,14 @@
 haskell-quickcheck ( unstable; urgency=low
-  * Dropped versioned dependency on ghc6-doc from libghc6-quickcheck2-doc
+  * Dropped versioned dependency on ghc-doc from libghc-quickcheck2-doc
  -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Wed, 03 Jun 2009 20:53:42 +0300
 haskell-quickcheck ( unstable; urgency=low
-  * Renamed binary packages as libghc6-quickcheck2-*.
-  * Replaces and conflicts with earlier libghc6-quickcheck-* packages.
+  * Renamed binary packages as libghc-quickcheck2-*.
+  * Replaces and conflicts with earlier libghc-quickcheck-* packages.
  -- Kari Pahula <kaol at debian.org>  Fri, 13 Mar 2009 21:25:59 +0200
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@
   * Upgrade to "Generic Haskell cabal library packaging files v10":
     * Versioned dependencies are now generated for the Cabal packages we
       depend on.
-    * Use the new ${impl:ghc6:*_deps} variables in debian/control.in.
+    * Use the new ${impl:ghc:*_deps} variables in debian/control.in.
     * Call canonicalise-comma-list on the depends and suggests fields in
       control.in. This works around bugs in lintian, where it gets
       confused and starts giving spurious warnings.
@@ -159,9 +163,9 @@
 haskell-quickcheck (1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upgrade to "Generic Haskell cabal library debian/rules v0.6".
-    Tell setup to use ghc6 rather than ghc, so that the postinst/prerm
+    Tell setup to use ghc rather than ghc, so that the postinst/prerm
     scripts work when the ghc-pkg symlink doesn't exist or doesn't
-    point to ghc6's ghc-pkg. 
+    point to ghc's ghc-pkg. 
  -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Nov 2006 20:50:42 +0000
@@ -177,7 +181,7 @@
 haskell-quickcheck (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial release (was part of ghc6 until version 6.6-1).
+  * Initial release (was part of ghc until version 6.6-1).
  -- Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>  Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:43:11 +0000
diff -rN -u old-haskell-quickcheck/control new-haskell-quickcheck/control
--- old-haskell-quickcheck/control	2011-01-15 16:08:28.980683486 +0000
+++ new-haskell-quickcheck/control	2011-01-15 16:08:28.980683486 +0000
@@ -5,25 +5,25 @@
 Uploaders: Iain Lane <laney at ubuntu.com>
 Standards-Version: 3.8.4
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7),
-               ghc6 (>= 6.10.4),
-               ghc6-prof,
-               ghc6-doc,
+               ghc (>= 6.10.4),
+               ghc-prof,
+               ghc-doc,
                haskell-devscripts (>= 0.7),
-               libghc6-mtl-dev (>=,
-               libghc6-mtl-prof,
-               libghc6-mtl-doc
+               libghc-mtl-dev (>=,
+               libghc-mtl-prof,
+               libghc-mtl-doc
 Homepage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/QuickCheck
 Vcs-Darcs: http://darcs.debian.org/pkg-haskell/haskell-quickcheck
 Vcs-Browser: http://darcs.debian.org/cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi?r=pkg-haskell/haskell-quickcheck
-Package: libghc6-quickcheck2-dev
+Package: libghc-quickcheck2-dev
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${haskell:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Recommends: ${haskell:Recommends}
 Suggests: ${haskell:Suggests}
-Replaces: libghc6-quickcheck-dev (<<
-Conflicts: libghc6-quickcheck-dev (<<
+Replaces: libghc-quickcheck-dev (<<
+Conflicts: libghc-quickcheck-dev (<<
 Provides: ${haskell:Provides}
 Description: Haskell automatic testing library for GHC
  This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language.
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
  QuickCheck provides combinators to define properties, observe
  the distribution of test data, and define test data generators.
-Package: libghc6-quickcheck2-prof
+Package: libghc-quickcheck2-prof
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${haskell:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Recommends: ${haskell:Recommends}
 Suggests: ${haskell:Suggests}
-Replaces: libghc6-quickcheck-prof (<<
-Conflicts: libghc6-quickcheck-prof (<<
+Replaces: libghc-quickcheck-prof (<<
+Conflicts: libghc-quickcheck-prof (<<
 Provides: ${haskell:Provides}
 Description: Haskell automatic testing library for GHC; profiling libraries
  This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language,
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
  QuickCheck provides combinators to define properties, observe
  the distribution of test data, and define test data generators.
-Package: libghc6-quickcheck2-doc
+Package: libghc-quickcheck2-doc
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${haskell:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Suggests: ${haskell:Suggests}
 Recommends: ${haskell:Recommends}
-Replaces: libghc6-quickcheck-doc (<<
-Conflicts: libghc6-quickcheck-doc (<<
+Replaces: libghc-quickcheck-doc (<<
+Conflicts: libghc-quickcheck-doc (<<
 Description: Haskell automatic testing library for GHC; documentation
  This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
  programming language.

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