[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-type-level: Use ghc instead of ghc6
Marco Silva
marcot at debian.org
Sat Jan 15 16:17:12 UTC 2011
Sat Jan 15 15:06:20 UTC 2011 Marco Silva <marcot at debian.org>
* Use ghc instead of ghc6
Ignore-this: 580c66a673d92e4d113850dff108ab12
./libghc6-type-level-doc.doc-base -> ./libghc-type-level-doc.doc-base
M ./changelog +6
M ./control -6 +6
M ./libghc-type-level-doc.doc-base -4 +4
Sat Jan 15 15:06:20 UTC 2011 Marco Silva <marcot at debian.org>
* Use ghc instead of ghc6
Ignore-this: 580c66a673d92e4d113850dff108ab12
diff -rN -u old-haskell-type-level/changelog new-haskell-type-level/changelog
--- old-haskell-type-level/changelog 2011-01-15 16:17:12.532275060 +0000
+++ new-haskell-type-level/changelog 2011-01-15 16:17:12.536275271 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+haskell-type-level (0.2.4-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ * Use ghc instead of ghc
+ -- Marco Silva <marcot at debian.org> Sat, 15 Jan 2011 12:41:33 -0200
haskell-type-level (0.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial debian package. Closes: #574102.
diff -rN -u old-haskell-type-level/control new-haskell-type-level/control
--- old-haskell-type-level/control 2011-01-15 16:17:12.532275060 +0000
+++ new-haskell-type-level/control 2011-01-15 16:17:12.536275271 +0000
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
, cdbs
, haskell-devscripts (>= 0.7)
- , ghc6
- , ghc6-prof
-Build-Depends-Indep: ghc6-doc
+ , ghc
+ , ghc-prof
+Build-Depends-Indep: ghc-doc
Standards-Version: 3.8.4
Homepage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/type-level
Vcs-Darcs: http://darcs.debian.org/pkg-haskell/haskell-type-level
Vcs-Browser: http://darcs.debian.org/cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi?r=pkg-haskell/haskell-type-level
-Package: libghc6-type-level-dev
+Package: libghc-type-level-dev
Architecture: any
Depends: ${haskell:Depends}
, ${shlibs:Depends}
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
This package contains the libraries compiled for GHC 6.
-Package: libghc6-type-level-prof
+Package: libghc-type-level-prof
Architecture: any
Depends: ${haskell:Depends}
, ${shlibs:Depends}
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
This package contains the profiling libraries compiled for GHC 6.
-Package: libghc6-type-level-doc
+Package: libghc-type-level-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${haskell:Depends}
diff -rN -u old-haskell-type-level/libghc6-type-level-doc.doc-base new-haskell-type-level/libghc6-type-level-doc.doc-base
--- old-haskell-type-level/libghc6-type-level-doc.doc-base 2011-01-15 16:17:12.532275060 +0000
+++ new-haskell-type-level/libghc6-type-level-doc.doc-base 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Document: libghc6-type-level-doc
-Title: Manual for the Haskell type level programming library
-Abstract: A haskell library for performing computations on the type-level.
- Type-level functions are implemented using functional dependencies of multi
- parameter type classes. To date, Booleans and Numerals (Naturals and
- Positives) are supported. With regard to Numerals, there is support for
- common arithmetic operations (addition, substraction, multiplication,
- division, exponientation, logarithm, maximum, comparison, GCD) over natural
- numbers (using a decimal representation to make compile-time errors
- friendlier). Although making use of type-level computations might seem
- devious and obfuscated at first sight, it is indeed useful in practice to
- implement lightweight dependent types such as number-parameterized types
- (e.g. an array type parameterized by the array's size or a modular group
- type Zn parameterized by the modulus).
-Section: Programming
-Format: HTML
-Index: /usr/share/doc/libghc6-type-level-doc/html/doc-index.html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/libghc6-type-level-doc/html/*.html
- /usr/share/doc/libghc6-type-level-doc/html/src/*.html
diff -rN -u old-haskell-type-level/libghc-type-level-doc.doc-base new-haskell-type-level/libghc-type-level-doc.doc-base
--- old-haskell-type-level/libghc-type-level-doc.doc-base 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ new-haskell-type-level/libghc-type-level-doc.doc-base 2011-01-15 16:17:12.536275271 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Document: libghc-type-level-doc
+Title: Manual for the Haskell type level programming library
+Abstract: A haskell library for performing computations on the type-level.
+ Type-level functions are implemented using functional dependencies of multi
+ parameter type classes. To date, Booleans and Numerals (Naturals and
+ Positives) are supported. With regard to Numerals, there is support for
+ common arithmetic operations (addition, substraction, multiplication,
+ division, exponientation, logarithm, maximum, comparison, GCD) over natural
+ numbers (using a decimal representation to make compile-time errors
+ friendlier). Although making use of type-level computations might seem
+ devious and obfuscated at first sight, it is indeed useful in practice to
+ implement lightweight dependent types such as number-parameterized types
+ (e.g. an array type parameterized by the array's size or a modular group
+ type Zn parameterized by the modulus).
+Section: Programming
+Format: HTML
+Index: /usr/share/doc/libghc-type-level-doc/html/doc-index.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/libghc-type-level-doc/html/*.html
+ /usr/share/doc/libghc-type-level-doc/html/src/*.html
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