[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: helium: Drop 12_no_rec, seemingly not needed any more

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Thu Jun 2 17:25:53 UTC 2011

Thu Jun  2 17:15:50 UTC 2011  Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
  * Drop 12_no_rec, seemingly not needed any more
  Ignore-this: 686053c9769967aaa715ad99a3b19887

    R ./patches/12_no_rec
    M ./patches/series -1

Thu Jun  2 17:15:50 UTC 2011  Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
  * Drop 12_no_rec, seemingly not needed any more
  Ignore-this: 686053c9769967aaa715ad99a3b19887
diff -rN -u old-helium//patches/12_no_rec new-helium//patches/12_no_rec
--- old-helium//patches/12_no_rec	2011-06-02 17:25:53.648277426 +0000
+++ new-helium//patches/12_no_rec	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,1126 +0,0 @@
-# Description: Remove rec from code
-#  rec is a reserved word in GHC 6.12.1, so it should not be used as a
-#  identifier.
-# Forwarded: http://lists.debian.org/debian-haskell/2010/03/msg00114.html
-# Author: Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at debian.org>
-# Last-Update: 2010-03-14
-Index: helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/ApplyHeuristics.hs
---- helium-1.6.orig/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/ApplyHeuristics.hs	2006-02-05 14:35:54.000000000 -0200
-+++ helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/ApplyHeuristics.hs	2010-03-15 10:27:33.000000000 -0300
-@@ -29,41 +29,41 @@
- applyHeuristics :: HasTypeGraph m info => (Path (EdgeId, info) -> [Heuristic info]) -> m [ErrorInfo info]
- applyHeuristics heuristics =
--   let rec thePath = 
-+   let rec_ thePath = 
-           case simplifyPath thePath of
-              Empty -> internalError "Top.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics" "applyHeuristics" "unexpected empty path"
-              Fail  -> return []
-              path  ->
-                 do err <- evalHeuristics path (heuristics path)
-                    let restPath = changeStep (\t@(a,_) -> if a `elem` fst err then Fail else Step t) path
--                   errs <- rec restPath
-+                   errs <- rec_ restPath
-                    return (err : errs)
-    in 
-       do errorPath <- allErrorPaths
--         rec (removeSomeDuplicates info2ToEdgeNr errorPath)
-+         rec_ (removeSomeDuplicates info2ToEdgeNr errorPath)
- evalHeuristics :: HasTypeGraph m info => Path (EdgeId, info) -> [Heuristic info] -> m (ErrorInfo info)
- evalHeuristics path heuristics =
--   rec edgesBegin heuristics
-+   rec_ edgesBegin heuristics
-  where
-    edgesBegin = nubBy eqInfo2 (steps path)
--   rec edges [] = 
-+   rec_ edges [] = 
-       case edges of
-          (edgeId@(EdgeId _ _ cnr), info) : _ -> 
-             do logMsg ("\n*** The selected constraint: " ++ show cnr ++ " ***\n")
-                return ([edgeId], info)
-          _ -> internalError "Top.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics" "evalHeuristics" "empty list"
--   rec edges (Heuristic heuristic:rest) = 
-+   rec_ edges (Heuristic heuristic:rest) = 
-       case heuristic of
-          Filter name f -> 
-             do edges' <- f edges                
-                logMsg (name ++ " (filter)")
-                logMsg ("   " ++ showSet [ i | (EdgeId _ _ i, _) <- edges' ])
--               rec edges' rest
-+               rec_ edges' rest
-          Voting selectors -> 
-             do logMsg ("Voting with "++show (length selectors) ++ " heuristics")
-@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
-                          GT -> (prio, [(head es, info)])
-                case listWithBest of 
-                   [] -> do logMsg "Unfortunately, none of the heuristics could be applied"
--                           rec edges rest
-+                           rec_ edges rest
-                   _  -> do logMsg ("\n*** Selected with priority "++show thePrio++": "++showSet (map fst listWithBest)++"\n")
--                           rec listWithBest rest
-+                           rec_ listWithBest rest
- evalSelector :: (MonadWriter LogEntries m, HasTypeGraph m info) => [(EdgeId, info)] -> Selector m info -> m [(Int, [EdgeId], info)]
- evalSelector edges selector = 
-@@ -184,14 +184,14 @@
- type ChildGraph = [((VertexId, VertexId), [(VertexId, VertexId)])]
- childrenGraph :: HasTypeGraph m info => [VertexId] -> m ChildGraph
--childrenGraph = rec [] 
-+childrenGraph = rec_ [] 
-    where 
--      rec as []     = return as
--      rec as (i:is) = 
-+      rec_ as []     = return as
-+      rec_ as (i:is) = 
-          do vertices <- verticesInGroupOf i
-             ri       <- representativeInGroupOf i           
-             if ri `elem` (map (fst . fst) as)
--              then rec as is
-+              then rec_ as is
-               else do let cs = concat [ [(n, l), (n, r)] | (n, (VApp l r, _)) <- vertices ]
-                       cs' <- let f t = do r <- representativeInGroupOf (snd t)
-                                           return (r, t)
-@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
-                                    . groupBy (\x y -> fst x     ==    fst y)
-                                    . sortBy  (\x y -> fst x `compare` fst y)
-                                    $ cs'
--                      rec ([ ((ri, rc), xs) | (rc, xs) <- children ] ++ as) (map fst children ++ is)      
-+                      rec_ ([ ((ri, rc), xs) | (rc, xs) <- children ] ++ as) (map fst children ++ is)      
- infiniteGroups :: [(VertexId, VertexId)] -> [[VertexId]]
- infiniteGroups xs = 
-@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@
-    in recursive
- allSubPathsList :: HasTypeGraph m info => [(VertexId, VertexId)] -> VertexId -> [VertexId] -> m (TypeGraphPath info) 
--allSubPathsList childList vertex targets = rec S.empty vertex
-+allSubPathsList childList vertex targets = rec_ S.empty vertex
-  where
--   rec :: HasTypeGraph m info => S.Set VertexId -> VertexId -> m (TypeGraphPath info)
--   rec without start =  
-+   rec_ :: HasTypeGraph m info => S.Set VertexId -> VertexId -> m (TypeGraphPath info)
-+   rec_ without start =  
-       do vs <- verticesInGroupOf start
-          case any (`elem` map fst vs) targets of 
-@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
-                let recDown (newStart, childTargets) =
-                       do let newWithout = without `S.union` S.fromList (map fst vs){- don't return to this equivalence group -}
-                              f ct = let set = S.fromList [ t | t <- childTargets, t /= ct ]
--                                    in rec (set `S.union` newWithout) ct
-+                                    in rec_ (set `S.union` newWithout) ct
-                          path     <- allPathsListWithout without start [newStart]
-                          newPaths <- mapM f childTargets
-                          return (path :+: altList newPaths)
-Index: helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Basics.hs
---- helium-1.6.orig/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Basics.hs	2006-02-05 14:35:54.000000000 -0200
-+++ helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Basics.hs	2010-03-15 10:27:33.000000000 -0300
-@@ -92,24 +92,24 @@
-    compare (CliqueX xs) (CliqueX ys) = compare xs ys
- isSubsetClique :: Clique -> Clique -> Bool
--isSubsetClique (CliqueX as) (CliqueX bs) = rec as bs
-+isSubsetClique (CliqueX as) (CliqueX bs) = rec_ as bs
-  where
--   rec [] _ = True
--   rec _ [] = False
--   rec a@(x:xs) (y:ys)
--      | x == y    = rec xs ys
--      | x > y     = rec a ys
-+   rec_ [] _ = True
-+   rec_ _ [] = False
-+   rec_ a@(x:xs) (y:ys)
-+      | x == y    = rec_ xs ys
-+      | x > y     = rec_ a ys
-       | otherwise = False
- isDisjointClique :: Clique -> Clique -> Bool
--isDisjointClique (CliqueX as) (CliqueX bs) = rec as bs
-+isDisjointClique (CliqueX as) (CliqueX bs) = rec_ as bs
-  where
--   rec [] _ = True
--   rec _ [] = True
--   rec a@(x:xs) b@(y:ys)
-+   rec_ [] _ = True
-+   rec_ _ [] = True
-+   rec_ a@(x:xs) b@(y:ys)
-       | x == y    = False
--      | x > y     = rec a ys
--      | otherwise = rec xs b
-+      | x > y     = rec_ a ys
-+      | otherwise = rec_ xs b
- cliqueRepresentative :: Clique -> VertexId
- cliqueRepresentative (CliqueX xs) =
-Index: helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/EquivalenceGroup.hs
---- helium-1.6.orig/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/EquivalenceGroup.hs	2006-02-05 14:35:54.000000000 -0200
-+++ helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/EquivalenceGroup.hs	2010-03-15 10:27:33.000000000 -0300
-@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
- equalPaths without start targets eqgroup =
-    reduceNumberOfPaths $
-       tailSharingBy (\(e1, _) (e2, _) -> e1 `compare` e2) $
--      rec start (edgeList, cliqueList)
-+      rec_ start (edgeList, cliqueList)
-  where   
-       -- msg        = "Path from "++show start++" to "++show targets++" without "++show (S.elems without)
-       edgeList   = let p (EdgeId v1 v2 _, _) = 
-@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
-       -- Allow a second visit of a clique in a path?
-       secondCliqueVisit = False
--      rec :: VertexId -> ([(EdgeId, info)], [[ParentChild]]) -> TypeGraphPath info
--      rec v1 (es, cs)
-+      rec_ :: VertexId -> ([(EdgeId, info)], [[ParentChild]]) -> TypeGraphPath info
-+      rec_ v1 (es, cs)
-         | v1 `S.member` targetSet  = Empty
-         | otherwise =
-              let (edges1,es' ) = partition (\(EdgeId a _ _, _) -> v1 == a) es
-@@ -157,10 +157,10 @@
-                 altList $ 
-                 map (\(EdgeId _ neighbour edgeNr, info) -> 
-                       Step (EdgeId v1 neighbour edgeNr, Initial info) 
--                      :+: rec neighbour rest) edges1
-+                      :+: rec_ neighbour rest) edges1
-              ++ map (\(EdgeId neighbour _ edgeNr, info) -> 
-                       Step (EdgeId v1 neighbour edgeNr, Initial info) 
--                      :+: rec neighbour rest) edges2
-+                      :+: rec_ neighbour rest) edges2
-              ++ concatMap (\list ->
-                            let (sources, others) = partition ((v1==) . child) list
-                                sourceParents     = map parent sources
-@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
-                                   , child pc == neighbour
-                                   , let beginPath = altList1 (map g sourceParents)
-                                         restPath   
--                                           | secondCliqueVisit = rec neighbour (es'', map (filter (/= pc)) restCliques)
--                                           | otherwise         = rec neighbour rest
-+                                           | secondCliqueVisit = rec_ neighbour (es'', map (filter (/= pc)) restCliques)
-+                                           | otherwise         = rec_ neighbour rest
-                                         g sp = Step ( EdgeId v1 neighbour impliedEdgeNr
-                                                     , Implied (childSide pc) sp (parent pc)
-                                                     )
-Index: helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Path.hs
---- helium-1.6.orig/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Path.hs	2006-02-05 14:35:54.000000000 -0200
-+++ helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Path.hs	2010-03-15 10:27:33.000000000 -0300
-@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
- (<++>) = mCombine (++)
- steps :: Path a -> [a]
--steps = ($ []) . rec where
--   rec path = 
-+steps = ($ []) . rec_ where
-+   rec_ path = 
-       case path of 
--         x :|: y -> rec x . rec y
--         x :+: y -> rec x . rec y
-+         x :|: y -> rec_ x . rec_ y
-+         x :+: y -> rec_ x . rec_ y
-          Step a  -> (a:)
-          Fail  -> id
-          Empty -> id
-@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
- mapPath f = changeStep (Step . f) 
- changeStep :: (a -> Path b) -> Path a -> Path b
--changeStep f = rec
-+changeStep f = rec_
-  where
--   rec path = 
-+   rec_ path = 
-       case path of
-          Step a  -> f a
--         x :|: y -> rec x :|: rec y
--         x :+: y -> rec x :+: rec y
-+         x :|: y -> rec_ x :|: rec_ y
-+         x :+: y -> rec_ x :+: rec_ y
-          Fail    -> Fail
-          Empty   -> Empty  
-@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@
-       Empty   -> return Empty          
- minCompleteInPath :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Path a -> Maybe a
--minCompleteInPath f = rec . simplifyPath
-+minCompleteInPath f = rec_ . simplifyPath
-    where 
--      rec path = 
-+      rec_ path = 
-          case path of
--            x :|: y -> do v1 <- rec x; v2 <- rec y; return (minimumBy f [v1, v2])
--            x :+: y -> do v1 <- rec x; v2 <- rec y; return (maximumBy f [v1, v2])
-+            x :|: y -> do v1 <- rec_ x; v2 <- rec_ y; return (minimumBy f [v1, v2])
-+            x :+: y -> do v1 <- rec_ x; v2 <- rec_ y; return (maximumBy f [v1, v2])
-             Step a  -> Just a
-             Fail    -> Nothing
-             Empty   -> Nothing
-@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
-    case simplifyPath thePath of 
-       Empty -> Empty
-       Fail  -> Fail
--      p     -> rec p
-+      p     -> rec_ p
-  where
-   eqf x y  = compf  x y == EQ
-@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@
-   compfM (Just x) (Just y) = compf x y
-   compfM m1       _        = if isJust m1 then GT else LT
--  -- invariant: rec does not have Empty's or Fail's
--  rec (Step a)    = Step a
--  rec (p1 :+: p2) = p1 :+: rec p2 
--  rec path =  
-+  -- invariant: rec_ does not have Empty's or Fail's
-+  rec_ (Step a)    = Step a
-+  rec_ (p1 :+: p2) = p1 :+: rec_ p2 
-+  rec_ path =  
-      let sharedTail = map (\((p, tl):rest) -> combine (p:map fst rest) tl)
-                     . groupBy (\x y -> snd x  `eqfM`  snd y)
-                     . sortBy  (\x y -> snd x `compfM` snd y)
-@@ -184,18 +184,18 @@
- -- returns a list with 'smallest minimal sets'
- minimalSets :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Path a -> [[a]]
--minimalSets eqF = rec where
-+minimalSets eqF = rec_ where
--   -- invariant: rec returns lists with the same length                
--   rec path =
-+   -- invariant: rec_ returns lists with the same length                
-+   rec_ path =
-       case simplifyPath path of 
-          Empty -> []
-          Fail  -> [[]]
-          p     -> 
-             let a    = head (steps p)
--                sol1 = rec (changeStep (\b -> if a `eqF` b then Empty else Step b) p) 
-+                sol1 = rec_ (changeStep (\b -> if a `eqF` b then Empty else Step b) p) 
-                 sol2 = [ a : set
--                       | set <- rec (changeStep (\b -> if a `eqF` b then Fail else Step b) p) 
-+                       | set <- rec_ (changeStep (\b -> if a `eqF` b then Fail else Step b) p) 
-                        ]
-             in case (sol1, sol2) of
-                   (x:_, y:_) -> 
-@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@
-                   _ -> sol1 ++ sol2
- removeSomeDuplicates :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> Path a -> Path a
--removeSomeDuplicates toOrd = simplifyPath . rec M.empty where
--   rec fm path = 
-+removeSomeDuplicates toOrd = simplifyPath . rec_ M.empty where
-+   rec_ fm path = 
-       case path of
-          left :+: right ->
-@@ -215,20 +215,20 @@
-                Step a    -> let int = toOrd a
-                                 fm' = M.insert int Empty fm
-                             in case M.lookup int fm of 
--                                 Just left' -> left' :+: rec fm  right 
--                                 Nothing    -> left  :+: rec fm' right
--               p1 :+: p2 -> rec fm (p1 :+: (p2 :+: right))
--               _         -> rec fm left :+: rec fm right
-+                                 Just left' -> left' :+: rec_ fm  right 
-+                                 Nothing    -> left  :+: rec_ fm' right
-+               p1 :+: p2 -> rec_ fm (p1 :+: (p2 :+: right))
-+               _         -> rec_ fm left :+: rec_ fm right
-          left :|: right -> 
-             case left of
-                Step a    -> let int = toOrd a
-                                 fm' = M.insert int Fail fm
-                             in case M.lookup int fm of 
--                                  Just left' -> left' :|: rec fm  right
--                                  Nothing    -> left  :|: rec fm' right
--               p1 :|: p2 -> rec fm (p1 :|: (p2 :|: right))
--               _         -> rec fm left :|: rec fm right
-+                                  Just left' -> left' :|: rec_ fm  right
-+                                  Nothing    -> left  :|: rec_ fm' right
-+               p1 :|: p2 -> rec_ fm (p1 :|: (p2 :|: right))
-+               _         -> rec_ fm left :|: rec_ fm right
-          Step a -> 
-             M.findWithDefault path (toOrd a) fm
-@@ -266,24 +266,24 @@
- reduceNumberOfPaths = maybe id limitNumberOfPaths maxNumberOfEqualPaths
- limitNumberOfPaths :: Int -> Path a -> Path a
--limitNumberOfPaths size = fst . rec size
-+limitNumberOfPaths size = fst . rec_ size
-  where
-    fromInt :: Num a => Int -> a
-    fromInt = fromInteger . toInteger
--   rec sz path = 
-+   rec_ sz path = 
-       case path of
-          Empty     -> (path, 1)
-          Fail      -> (path, 0)
-          Step _    -> (path, 1)
--         p1 :+: p2 -> let (p1', n1) = rec sz p1
-+         p1 :+: p2 -> let (p1', n1) = rec_ sz p1
-                           newSize   
-                              | n1 == 0   = sz 
-                              | otherwise = ceiling ((fromInt sz / fromInt n1) :: Double)
--                          (p2', n2) = rec newSize p2
-+                          (p2', n2) = rec_ newSize p2
-                       in (p1' :+: p2', n1*n2)
--         p1 :|: p2 -> let both@(p1' , n1) = rec sz p1
--                          (p2', n2) = rec (sz - n1) p2
-+         p1 :|: p2 -> let both@(p1' , n1) = rec_ sz p1
-+                          (p2', n2) = rec_ (sz - n1) p2
-                       in if n1 >= sz
-                            then both
-                            else (p1' :|: p2', n1 + n2)
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Standard.hs
---- helium-1.6.orig/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Standard.hs	2006-02-05 14:35:54.000000000 -0200
-+++ helium-1.6/Top/src/Top/Implementation/TypeGraph/Standard.hs	2010-03-15 10:27:33.000000000 -0300
-@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
- instance TypeGraph (StandardTypeGraph info) info where
--   addTermGraph synonyms = rec 
-+   addTermGraph synonyms = rec_ 
-     where 
--      rec unique tp stg = 
-+      rec_ unique tp stg = 
-          let (newtp, original) = 
-                 case expandToplevelTC synonyms tp of
-                    Nothing -> (tp, Nothing) 
-@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-                   let vid = VertexId unique
-                   in (unique+1, vid, addVertex vid (VCon s, original) stg)
-                TApp t1 t2 -> 
--                  let (u1, v1, g1) = rec unique t1 stg
--                      (u2, v2, g2) = rec u1     t2 g1 
-+                  let (u1, v1, g1) = rec_ unique t1 stg
-+                      (u2, v2, g2) = rec_ u1     t2 g1 
-                       vid = VertexId u2
-                   in (u2+1, vid, addVertex vid (VApp v1 v2, original) g2)
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-       vertices . getGroupOf i
-    substituteTypeSafe synonyms =
--      let rec history (TVar i) stg
-+      let rec_ history (TVar i) stg
-             |  i `elem` history  = Nothing
-             |  otherwise         =
-                   case maybeGetGroupOf (VertexId i) stg of
-@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@
-                         do newtp <- typeOfGroup synonyms (getGroupOf (VertexId i) stg)
-                            case newtp of 
-                               TVar j -> Just (TVar j)
--                              _      -> rec (i:history) newtp stg
-+                              _      -> rec_ (i:history) newtp stg
--          rec _ tp@(TCon _) _ = Just tp
-+          rec_ _ tp@(TCon _) _ = Just tp
--          rec history (TApp l r) stg =
--             do l' <- rec history l stg
--                r' <- rec history r stg
-+          rec_ history (TApp l r) stg =
-+             do l' <- rec_ [...incomplete...]

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