[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] Haskell Database Connectivity annotated tag, upstream/, created. upstream/

Clint Adams clint at debian.org
Sun Feb 12 22:58:00 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, upstream/ has been created
        at  9103e3ae35aec260f7f4da71f021b20b871efac1 (tag)
   tagging  2c1b2cecc7dedb3ff289adb8c00eaea43abf072e (commit)
  replaces  debian/2.1.0-2
 tagged by  Clint Adams
        on  Sun Feb 12 17:48:20 2012 -0500

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version

Clint Adams (1):
      Imported Upstream version

John Goerzen (19):
      Revert "Temporarily disable tests for Debian"
      Fix for newer time
      Update Makefile
      Merge branch 'master' of jpgarch at complete.org:git/hdbc
      Prepping new release
      Fix the time issue
      Add an upper bounds to base and adjust debian/control for team maint
      Correct version number in debian/changelog
      Remove debian/ from upstream
      Fix time stuff
      update version
      Tweaking cabal to make sure we don't unnecessarily pull in testpack
      Update version number
      Various updates
      Fixed a 64-bit issue with Int conversion
      Expose Database.HDBC.Locale for other users
      Cleaned up compilation warnings
      Bump version number
      Added missing files from source

Jonathan Daugherty (2):
      IConnection: add runRaw, a method to run SQL without preparing it or returning results. Also add executeRaw to the Statement type to facilitate this.
      Improved / corrected docstrings for runRaw and executeRaw.

Marc Weber (1):
      HDBC time-1.1.4 patch

Simon Hengel (2):
      - workaround for #206 1/2] Add missing dependencies for 'runtests' to cabal file
      - workaround for #206 2/2] Workaround for bug #206


Haskell Database Connectivity

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