[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: shelltestrunner: Remove forgotten threaded patch file

Iustin Pop iustin at debian.org
Sat May 19 19:16:01 UTC 2012

Sat May 19 18:47:49 UTC 2012  Iustin Pop <iustin at debian.org>
  * Remove forgotten threaded patch file
  Ignore-this: 2252e5033b9eff911597ec43752e11be

    R ./patches/add-threaded-flag.patch

Sat May 19 18:47:49 UTC 2012  Iustin Pop <iustin at debian.org>
  * Remove forgotten threaded patch file
  Ignore-this: 2252e5033b9eff911597ec43752e11be
diff -rN -u old-shelltestrunner//patches/add-threaded-flag.patch new-shelltestrunner//patches/add-threaded-flag.patch
--- old-shelltestrunner//patches/add-threaded-flag.patch	2012-05-19 19:16:00.862324477 +0000
+++ new-shelltestrunner//patches/add-threaded-flag.patch	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Description: add a controllable -threaded flag
- This can be used to disable the threaded runtime on platforms where it
- is missing.
-Forwarded: no
-Author: Iustin Pop <iustin at debian.org>
-Last-Update: 2012-03-28
---- a/shelltestrunner.cabal
-+++ b/shelltestrunner.cabal
-@@ -23,9 +23,15 @@
- extra-tmp-files:
- extra-source-files:
-+flag threaded
-+  description: build threaded
-+  default: True
- executable shelltest
-   main-is:        shelltest.hs
--  ghc-options:    -threaded -W -fwarn-tabs
-+  ghc-options:    -W -fwarn-tabs
-+  if flag(threaded)
-+      ghc-options: -threaded
-   build-depends:
-                  base                 >= 4     && < 5
-                 ,filemanip            >= 0.3   && < 0.4

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