[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-testpack: Prepare for 0.10.7

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Jan 4 14:55:50 UTC 2013

Tue Apr 19 06:40:37 UTC 2005  John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
  * Prepare for 0.10.7
  Ignore-this: 83f6b79f363acf6ed3a09710c9c962e6

    M ./changelog +6

Tue Apr 19 06:40:37 UTC 2005  John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
  * Prepare for 0.10.7
  Ignore-this: 83f6b79f363acf6ed3a09710c9c962e6
diff -rN -u old-haskell-testpack//changelog new-haskell-testpack//changelog
--- old-haskell-testpack//changelog	2013-01-04 14:55:49.095862300 +0000
+++ new-haskell-testpack//changelog	2013-01-04 14:55:50.659934778 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+missingh (0.10.7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixed MissingH.Debian.ControlParser to ignore PGP sigs.
+ -- John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>  Mon, 18 Apr 2005 20:39:58 -0500
 missingh (0.10.6) unstable; urgency=low
   * New module: MissingH.GetOpt.

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