[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-testpack: Add missing conflicts/replaces on old doc package name

Iain Lane laney at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 4 15:04:07 UTC 2013

Thu Mar 11 17:37:56 UTC 2010  Iain Lane <laney at ubuntu.com>
  * Add missing conflicts/replaces on old doc package name
  Ignore-this: 695d5d2d12c31fe483f432c926421891

    M ./control +2

Thu Mar 11 17:37:56 UTC 2010  Iain Lane <laney at ubuntu.com>
  * Add missing conflicts/replaces on old doc package name
  Ignore-this: 695d5d2d12c31fe483f432c926421891
diff -rN -u old-haskell-testpack//control new-haskell-testpack//control
--- old-haskell-testpack//control	2013-01-04 15:04:06.446755258 +0000
+++ new-haskell-testpack//control	2013-01-04 15:04:06.963220499 +0000
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
 Depends: ${haskell:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Recommends: ${haskell:Recommends}
 Suggests: ${haskell:Suggests}
+Conflicts: haskell-testpack-doc
+Replaces: haskell-testpack-doc
 Description: Documentation for Haskell Test Utility Pack
  testpack provides utilities for both HUnit and QuickCheck.  These include
  tools for running QuickCheck properties as HUnit test cases, allowing you to

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