[Pkg-haskell-commits] [package-plan] 01/01: Add the cabal file generated by yesod init

Joachim Breitner nomeata at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 29 08:06:15 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

nomeata pushed a commit to branch master
in repository package-plan.

commit 2cc66915b539e84077fdf58a8468f5312acd140e
Author: Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
Date:   Wed Apr 29 10:05:55 2015 +0200

    Add the cabal file generated by yesod init
    and bump a few packages accordingly.
 additional-cabals/yesod-init-test-0.cabal | 130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages.txt                              |  10 ++-
 test-packages.pl                          |   6 +-
 3 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/additional-cabals/yesod-init-test-0.cabal b/additional-cabals/yesod-init-test-0.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7382c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/additional-cabals/yesod-init-test-0.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+name:              yesod-init-test
+version:           0.0.0
+cabal-version:     >= 1.8
+build-type:        Simple
+Flag dev
+    Description:   Turn on development settings, like auto-reload templates.
+    Default:       False
+Flag library-only
+    Description:   Build for use with "yesod devel"
+    Default:       False
+    hs-source-dirs: ., app
+    exposed-modules: Application
+                     Foundation
+                     Import
+                     Import.NoFoundation
+                     Model
+                     Settings
+                     Settings.StaticFiles
+                     Handler.Common
+                     Handler.Home
+    if flag(dev) || flag(library-only)
+        cpp-options:   -DDEVELOPMENT
+        ghc-options:   -Wall -fwarn-tabs -O0
+    else
+        ghc-options:   -Wall -fwarn-tabs -O2
+    extensions: TemplateHaskell
+                QuasiQuotes
+                OverloadedStrings
+                NoImplicitPrelude
+                CPP
+                MultiParamTypeClasses
+                TypeFamilies
+                GADTs
+                GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+                FlexibleContexts
+                EmptyDataDecls
+                NoMonomorphismRestriction
+                DeriveDataTypeable
+                ViewPatterns
+                TupleSections
+                RecordWildCards
+    build-depends: base                          >= 4          && < 5
+                 , yesod                         >= 1.4.1      && < 1.5
+                 , yesod-core                    >= 1.4.6      && < 1.5
+                 , yesod-auth                    >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5
+                 , yesod-static                  >=    && < 1.5
+                 , yesod-form                    >= 1.4.0      && < 1.5
+                 , classy-prelude                >= 0.10.2
+                 , classy-prelude-conduit        >= 0.10.2
+                 , classy-prelude-yesod          >= 0.10.2
+                 , bytestring                    >= 0.9        && < 0.11
+                 , text                          >= 0.11       && < 2.0
+                 , persistent                    >= 2.0        && < 2.2
+                 , persistent-sqlite             >= 2.1.1      && < 2.2
+                 , persistent-template           >= 2.0        && < 2.2
+                 , template-haskell
+                 , shakespeare                   >= 2.0        && < 2.1
+                 , hjsmin                        >= 0.1        && < 0.2
+                 , monad-control                 >= 0.3        && < 1.1
+                 , wai-extra                     >= 3.0        && < 3.1
+                 , yaml                          >= 0.8        && < 0.9
+                 , http-conduit                  >= 2.1        && < 2.2
+                 , directory                     >= 1.1        && < 1.3
+                 , warp                          >= 3.0        && < 3.1
+                 , data-default
+                 , aeson                         >= 0.6        && < 0.9
+                 , conduit                       >= 1.0        && < 2.0
+                 , monad-logger                  >= 0.3        && < 0.4
+                 , fast-logger                   >= 2.2        && < 2.4
+                 , wai-logger                    >= 2.2        && < 2.3
+                 , file-embed
+                 , safe
+                 , unordered-containers
+                 , containers
+                 , vector
+                 , time
+executable         yesod-init-test
+    if flag(library-only)
+        Buildable: False
+    main-is:           main.hs
+    hs-source-dirs:    app
+    build-depends:     base, yesod-init-test
+    ghc-options:       -threaded -O2 -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
+test-suite test
+    type:              exitcode-stdio-1.0
+    main-is:           Spec.hs
+    hs-source-dirs:    test
+    ghc-options:       -Wall
+    extensions: TemplateHaskell
+                QuasiQuotes
+                OverloadedStrings
+                NoImplicitPrelude
+                CPP
+                MultiParamTypeClasses
+                TypeFamilies
+                GADTs
+                GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+                FlexibleContexts
+                EmptyDataDecls
+                NoMonomorphismRestriction
+                DeriveDataTypeable
+                ViewPatterns
+                TupleSections
+    build-depends: base
+                 , yesod-init-test
+                 , yesod-test >= 1.4.3 && < 1.5
+                 , yesod-core
+                 , yesod
+                 , persistent
+                 , persistent-sqlite
+                 , resourcet
+                 , monad-logger
+                 , shakespeare
+                 , transformers
+                 , hspec >= 2.0.0
+                 , classy-prelude
+                 , classy-prelude-yesod
diff --git a/packages.txt b/packages.txt
index c0c595f..2deb356 100644
--- a/packages.txt
+++ b/packages.txt
@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ cipher-rc4 0.1.4
 citeproc-hs 0.3.9 -fbibutils -f-hexpat -funicode_collation
 classy-prelude 0.10.2
 classy-prelude-conduit 0.10.2
+classy-prelude-yesod 0.10.2
 cmdargs 0.10.9
@@ -757,7 +758,7 @@ wai-conduit
 wai-extra 3.0.7
 wai-handler-fastcgi 3.0.0
 wai-handler-launch 3.0.0
-wai-logger 2.1.1 notest
+wai-logger 2.2.4 notest
 warp 3.0.12
 warp-tls 3.0.3
@@ -802,10 +803,11 @@ yesod-auth 1.4.4
 yesod-auth-account 1.4.0
 yesod-auth-hashdb 1.4.0
 yesod-auth-oauth 1.4.0
-yesod-bin binary=yesod
+yesod-bin binary=yesod
 yesod-default 1.2.0
+yesod-init-test 0 meta # This is generated from "yesod init"
 yesod-persistent notest
diff --git a/test-packages.pl b/test-packages.pl
index 3b0d4de..805d489 100755
--- a/test-packages.pl
+++ b/test-packages.pl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ my %avoid;
 my %ghcpkg;
 my %flags;
 my %group;
+my %meta;
 my $allow_upgrade = 0;
 my $error_count = 0;
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ while (<PACKAGES>) {
 	$ignored{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/ignored?\s*//;
 	$notest{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/notest\s*//;
 	$ghcpkg{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/ghcpkg\s*//;
+	$meta{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/meta\s*//;
 	$flags{$pkg} = [] unless exists $flags{$pkg};
 	push @{$flags{$pkg}}, $1 while $attribs =~ s/-f([^ ]+)\s*//;
@@ -110,7 +112,9 @@ while ( my ($pkg, $bin) = each %binary ) {
 print "Checking for outdated entries...\n";
 for my $pkg (sort keys %packages) {
-	if ($obsolete{$pkg} && $available{$pkg}) {
+	if ($meta{$pkg}) {
+		# do nothing
+	} elsif ($obsolete{$pkg} && $available{$pkg}) {
 		printf "Obsolete: %s\n" ,
 			$pkg, $available{$pkg};

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