[DHG_packages] 02/02: First prototype of make-all
Joachim Breitner
nomeata at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 10 15:42:41 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
nomeata pushed a commit to branch master
in repository DHG_packages.
commit 14118ef4b2cb316704e0f79b508be10a3bb5ffb7
Author: Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
Date: Mon Aug 10 17:40:21 2015 +0200
First prototype of make-all
with bugs and no ability to configure it.
make-all.hs | 188 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 188 insertions(+)
diff --git a/make-all.hs b/make-all.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c26cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make-all.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
+import Data.List
+import Data.List.Split
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Monad
+import System.Directory.Extra
+import Development.Shake
+import Development.Shake.FilePath
+import Debian.Relation.Common
+import Debian.Control.String
+import Debian.Control.Policy
+import Text.Parsec
+import Text.Parsec.String
+-- dpkg-parsechangelog is slow, so here is a quick hack
+-- TODO: Ensure this is not run unnecessarily often
+versionOfSource :: String -> Action String
+versionOfSource s = do
+ let f = "p" </> s </> "debian" </> "changelog"
+ need [f]
+ ret <- liftIO $ parseFromFile p f
+ case ret of
+ Left e -> fail (show e)
+ Right s -> return s
+ where
+ p = do
+ many $ noneOf "("
+ char '('
+ v <- many1 $ noneOf ")"
+ char ')'
+ return (removeEpoch v)
+ensureVersion :: String -> String -> Action ()
+ensureVersion s v = do
+ v' <- versionOfSource s
+ when (v /= v') $ do
+ fail $ "Cannot build " ++ s ++ " version " ++ v ++ ", as we have " ++ v' ++ "."
+removeEpoch :: String -> String
+removeEpoch s | ':' `elem` s = tail $ dropWhile (/= ':') s
+ | otherwise = s
+changesFileName s v = s ++ "_" ++ v ++ "_amd64.changes"
+sourceFileName s v = s ++ "_" ++ v ++ ".dsc"
+binaryPackagesOfSource :: String -> Action [String]
+binaryPackagesOfSource s = do
+ let controlFile = "p" </> s </> "debian" </> "control"
+ need [controlFile]
+ ret <- liftIO $ parseDebianControlFromFile controlFile
+ case ret of
+ Left e -> fail (show e)
+ Right dc -> return $ map unBinPkgName $ debianBinaryPackageNames dc
+-- TODO: Include Build-Depends-Indep
+dependsOfDsc :: FilePath -> IO [String]
+dependsOfDsc f = do
+ ret <- parseControlFromFile f
+ case ret of
+ Left e -> fail (show e)
+ Right (Control (p:_)) -> do
+ case fieldValue "Build-Depends" (p:: Paragraph) of
+ Nothing -> fail "no Build-Depends"
+ Just depV -> return $ nub $ parseFlatRel depV
+-- Parsing package relations with flattening
+-- (this could be faster than flatRels . parseRels)
+parseFlatRel :: String -> [String]
+parseFlatRel = flatRels . parseRels
+ where
+ flatRels :: Relations -> [String]
+ flatRels = map (\(Rel (BinPkgName n) _ _) -> n) . join
+ parseRels :: String -> Relations
+ parseRels s = case parseRelations s of
+ Left pe -> error $ "Failed to parse relations " ++ (show pe)
+ Right rel -> rel
+fixupScript :: [String] -> String
+fixupScript [] = "#!/bin/bash"
+fixupScript pkgs = unlines
+ [ "#!/bin/bash"
+ , "for f in /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages"
+ , "do"
+ , "grep-dctrl -v -F Package -X " ++ disj ++ " < \"$f\" > \"$f\".tmp"
+ , "mv \"$f\".tmp \"$f\""
+ , "done"
+ ]
+ where disj = intercalate " -o " pkgs
+excludedSources = words "ghc haskell-devscripts uuagc haskell98-report"
+main = shakeArgsWith shakeOptions [] $ \_ targets -> return $ Just $ do
+ if null targets then want ["all"] else want targets
+ "lab/cache/sources.txt" %> \out -> do
+ sources <- getDirectoryDirs "p"
+ let sources' = filter (`notElem` excludedSources) sources
+ writeFileChanged out (unlines sources')
+ "lab/cache/all-binaries.txt" %> \out -> do
+ sources <- readFileLines $ "lab/cache/sources.txt"
+ binaries <- concat <$> mapM readFileLines ["lab/cache/binaries/" ++ s ++ ".txt" | s <- sources]
+ writeFileChanged out (unlines binaries)
+ "lab/cache/built-by.txt" %> \out -> do
+ sources <- readFileLines $ "lab/cache/sources.txt"
+ builtBy <- liftM (sort . concat) $ forM sources $ \s -> do
+ pkgs <- readFileLines $ "lab/cache/binaries/" ++ s ++ ".txt"
+ return [(pkg,s) | pkg <- pkgs]
+ writeFileChanged out $ unlines [ unwords [pkg,s] | (pkg,s) <- builtBy ]
+ builtBy' <- newCache $ \() -> do
+ builtBy <- readFileLines $ "lab/cache/built-by.txt"
+ let map = M.fromList [ (p,s) | [p,s] <- words <$> builtBy ]
+ return $ \b -> M.lookup b map
+ let builtBy x = ($x) <$> builtBy' ()
+ "lab/cache/all-logs.txt" %> \out -> do
+ sources <- readFileLines $ "lab/cache/sources.txt"
+ versioned <- forM sources $ \s -> do
+ v <- versionOfSource s
+ return (s,v)
+ writeFileChanged out $ unlines $ map (uncurry changesFileName) versioned
+ "lab/cache/binaries/*.txt" %> \out -> do
+ let s = dropExtension $ takeFileName $ out
+ pkgs <- binaryPackagesOfSource s
+ writeFileChanged out (unlines pkgs)
+ "all" ~> do
+ logs <- readFileLines "lab/cache/all-logs.txt"
+ need [ "lab" </> l | l <- logs]
+ -- Binary packages depend on the corresponding build log
+ "lab/*.deb" %> \out -> do
+ let filename = takeFileName out
+ let [pkgname,version,_] = splitOn "_" filename
+ sourceMB <- builtBy pkgname
+ case sourceMB of
+ Nothing -> fail $ "Binary " ++ show pkgname ++ " not built by us."
+ Just source -> need ["lab" </> changesFileName source version]
+ -- Build log depends on the corresponding source, and the dependencies
+ "lab/*.changes" %> \out -> do
+ let filename = takeFileName out
+ let [source,version,_] = splitOn "_" filename
+ ensureVersion source version
+ let dsc = sourceFileName source version
+ need ["lab" </> dsc]
+ deps <- liftIO $ dependsOfDsc $ "lab" </> dsc
+ -- TODO: avoid multiple calls to builtBy
+ usedDeps <- filterM (\f -> isJust <$> builtBy f) deps
+ depSources <- catMaybes <$> mapM builtBy deps
+ depChanges <- forM depSources $ \s -> do
+ v <- versionOfSource s
+ return $ "lab" </> changesFileName s v
+ need depChanges
+ -- Actual package building
+ -- Monkey patch dependencies out of the package lists
+ withTempDir $ \tmpdir -> do
+ let fixup = tmpdir </> "fixup.sh"
+ liftIO $ writeFile fixup $ fixupScript usedDeps
+ unit $ cmd "chmod" "+x" fixup
+ debs <- filter ((==".deb").takeExtension) <$> liftIO (listFiles "lab")
+ unit $ cmd (Cwd "lab") (EchoStdout False) "sbuild" "-c" "haskell" "-A" "-j4" "--no-apt-update" "--dist" "unstable" ("--chroot-setup-commands="++fixup) dsc ["--extra-package=../"++d | d <- debs]
+ -- Build log depends on the corresponding source, and the dependencies
+ "lab/*.dsc" %> \out -> do
+ let filename = dropExtension $ takeFileName out
+ let [source,version] = splitOn "_" filename
+ ensureVersion source version
+ sourceFiles <- getDirectoryFiles ("p" </> source) ["debian//*"]
+ need [ "p" </> source </> f | f <- sourceFiles]
+ unit $ cmd (Cwd "lab") (EchoStdout False) "../debian2dsc.sh" (".." </> "p" </> source </> "debian")
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