[DHG_packages] 86/101: irc-core: Expand dependency ranges based on hackage metadata update

Joachim Breitner nomeata at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 16 14:06:10 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

nomeata pushed a commit to branch st3
in repository DHG_packages.

commit d31b379cc68a46a0ace2652378ca8b6e851c47fa
Author: Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
Date:   Sun Aug 16 09:42:05 2015 +0200

    irc-core: Expand dependency ranges based on hackage metadata update
 p/haskell-irc-core/debian/changelog           |   1 +
 p/haskell-irc-core/debian/control             |  14 +-
 p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/expand-deps | 328 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/series      |   1 +
 4 files changed, 337 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/changelog b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/changelog
index f6da908..7334b9d 100644
--- a/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/changelog
+++ b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 haskell-irc-core ( UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Depend on old-{locale,time}
+  * Expand dependency ranges based on hackage metadata update
  -- Joachim Breitner <nomeata at debian.org>  Sun, 16 Aug 2015 00:33:24 +0200
diff --git a/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/control b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/control
index eaf9a48..11f9e97 100644
--- a/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/control
+++ b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/control
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
  libghc-free-dev (<< 4.13),
  libghc-lens-dev (>= 4.7),
- libghc-lens-dev (<< 4.11),
+ libghc-lens-dev (<< 4.13),
  libghc-text-dev (>=,
  libghc-text-dev (<< 1.3),
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
  libghc-stm-dev (>= 2.4.4),
  libghc-stm-dev (<< 2.5),
  libghc-tls-dev (>= 1.2.16),
- libghc-tls-dev (<< 1.3),
+ libghc-tls-dev (<< 1.4),
  libghc-vty-dev (>= 5.2.7),
- libghc-vty-dev (<< 5.3),
+ libghc-vty-dev (<< 5.4),
  libghc-x509-dev (>=,
- libghc-x509-dev (<< 1.6),
+ libghc-x509-dev (<< 1.7),
  libghc-x509-store-dev (>= 1.5.0),
- libghc-x509-store-dev (<< 1.6),
+ libghc-x509-store-dev (<< 1.7),
  libghc-x509-system-dev (>= 1.5.0),
- libghc-x509-system-dev (<< 1.6),
+ libghc-x509-system-dev (<< 1.7),
  libghc-x509-validation-dev (>= 1.5.1),
- libghc-x509-validation-dev (<< 1.6),
+ libghc-x509-validation-dev (<< 1.7),
 Build-Depends-Indep: ghc-doc,
diff --git a/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/expand-deps b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/expand-deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c7b787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/expand-deps
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+Index: haskell-irc-core/irc-core.cabal
+--- haskell-irc-core.orig/irc-core.cabal	2015-05-15 19:58:22.000000000 +0200
++++ haskell-irc-core/irc-core.cabal	2015-08-12 20:40:04.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,161 +1,162 @@
+-name:                irc-core
+-homepage:            https://github.com/glguy/irc-core
+-bug-reports:         https://github.com/glguy/irc-core/issues
+-license:             BSD3
+-license-file:        LICENSE
+-author:              Eric Mertens
+-maintainer:          Eric Mertens <emertens at gmail.com>
+-copyright:           2015 Eric Mertens
+-category:            Network
+-build-type:          Simple
+-cabal-version:       >=1.10
+-synopsis:            An IRC client library and text client
+-  This package provides an IRC connection library as well as a console-based IRC client
+-  that uses the library.
+-  .
+-  /Library module breakdown/
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.Cmd" - Functions for generating IRC protocol message for client-to-server
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.Core" - Functions for parsing low-level IRC messages into mid-level IRC messages
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.Core.Prisms" - Prisms for all of the mid-level IRC message constructors
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.Format" - Functions for parsing and rendering low-level IRC protocol messages
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.Message" - High-level IRC event messages for client interpretation
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.Model" - Functions for interpreting mid-level IRC messages to generate high-level
+-                  event messages and to maintain a consistent view of the connection
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.RateLimit" - Functions to assist with rate-limiting outgoing client messages
+-  .
+-  * "Irc.Time" - Internal compatibility module for time-1.4 and time-1.5 interop
+-  .
+-  /Library module breakdown/
+-  .
+-  * "Main" - Main client module
+-  .
+-  * "ClientState" - Types and operations representing the full state of the client
+-  .
+-  * "CommandArgs" - Types and functions for interpreting the initial client configuration
+-  .
+-  * "CommandParser" - Types and functions for parsing and pretty printing IRC commands
+-  .
+-  * "Connection" - Types and functions for establishing a plain and TLS connections
+-  .
+-  * "CtcpHandler" - Event handler for CTCP messages
+-  .
+-  * "EditBox" - Types and functions for managing the input box along the bottom of the client
+-  .
+-  * "HaskelHighlighter" - Haskell syntax highlighting support
+-  .
+-  * "ImageUtils" - Functions to support the various view construction
+-  .
+-  * "Moderation" - Implementation of various IRC channel moderation automation
+-  .
+-  * "ServerSettings" - Types for defining connection parameters for an IRC server
+-  .
+-  * "Views.BanList" - Functions to generate the ban list view
+-  .
+-  * "Views.Channel" - Functions to generate message list views
+-  .
+-  * "Views.ChannelInfo" - Functions to generate metadata views for channels
+-  .
+-  See the associated README file for help using the client.
+-extra-source-files:     README.md
+-                        CHANGELOG.md
+--- Use time-1.5 and drop old-locale
+-flag time15
+-  default: True
+-  exposed-modules:     Irc.Core
+-                       Irc.Core.Prisms
+-                       Irc.Cmd
+-                       Irc.Message
+-                       Irc.Model
+-                       Irc.Format
+-                       Irc.RateLimit
+-  other-modules:       Irc.Time
+-  -- Note: GHC 7.8.4 fixes a bug that can cause IRC.Core
+-  -- to use an absurd amount of RAM when compiling.
+-  -- The base >= is to protect people from finding
+-  -- this out the hard way.
+-  build-depends:       base             >=  && < 4.9,
+-                       array            >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
+-                       attoparsec       >= && < 0.14,
+-                       bytestring       >= 0.10     && < 0.11,
+-                       base64-bytestring>=  && < 1.1,
+-                       containers       >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
+-                       free             >= 4.11     && < 4.13,
+-                       lens             >= 4.7      && < 4.11,
+-                       text             >=  && < 1.3,
+-                       transformers     >= 0.2      && < 0.5
+-  if flag(time15)
+-    build-depends:     time             >= 1.5      && < 1.6
+-  else
+-    build-depends:     time             >= 1.4.2    && < 1.5,
+-                       old-locale       >=  && < 1.1
+-  hs-source-dirs:      src
+-  default-language:    Haskell2010
+-executable glirc
+-  main-is: Main.hs
+-  other-modules: ClientState
+-                 CommandArgs
+-                 CommandParser
+-                 Connection
+-                 CtcpHandler
+-                 EditBox
+-                 HaskellHighlighter
+-                 ImageUtils
+-                 Moderation
+-                 ServerSettings
+-                 Views.BanList
+-                 Views.Channel
+-                 Views.ChannelInfo
+-  hs-source-dirs: driver
+-  ghc-options: -threaded
+-  build-depends: irc-core,
+-                 connection       >= 0.2.4    && < 0.3,
+-                 tls              >= 1.2.16   && < 1.3,
+-                 data-default-class >= 0.0.1  && < 0.1,
+-                 x509             >=  && < 1.6,
+-                 x509-system      >= 1.5.0    && < 1.6,
+-                 x509-store       >= 1.5.0    && < 1.6,
+-                 x509-validation  >= 1.5.1    && < 1.6,
+-                 array            >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
+-                 base             >= 4.7      && < 4.9,
+-                 bytestring       >= && < 0.11,
+-                 containers       >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
+-                 config-value     >= 0.4      && < 0.5,
+-                 deepseq          >=  && < 1.5,
+-                 directory        >=  && < 1.3,
+-                 filepath         >=  && < 1.5,
+-                 lens             >= 4.7      && < 4.11,
+-                 network          >=  && < 2.7,
+-                 old-locale       >=  && < 1.1,
+-                 split            >= 0.2.2    && < 0.3,
+-                 stm              >= 2.4.4    && < 2.5,
+-                 text             >=  && < 1.3,
+-                 time             >= 1.4.2    && < 1.6,
+-                 vty              >= 5.2.7    && < 5.3,
+-                 haskell-lexer    >= 1.0      && < 1.1,
+-                 transformers     >= 0.2      && < 0.5
+-  default-language:    Haskell2010
+-source-repository head
+-  type: git
+-  location: git://github.com/glguy/irc-core.git
++name:                irc-core
++x-revision: 4
++homepage:            https://github.com/glguy/irc-core
++bug-reports:         https://github.com/glguy/irc-core/issues
++license:             BSD3
++license-file:        LICENSE
++author:              Eric Mertens
++maintainer:          Eric Mertens <emertens at gmail.com>
++copyright:           2015 Eric Mertens
++category:            Network
++build-type:          Simple
++cabal-version:       >=1.10
++synopsis:            An IRC client library and text client
++  This package provides an IRC connection library as well as a console-based IRC client
++  that uses the library.
++  .
++  /Library module breakdown/
++  .
++  * "Irc.Cmd" - Functions for generating IRC protocol message for client-to-server
++  .
++  * "Irc.Core" - Functions for parsing low-level IRC messages into mid-level IRC messages
++  .
++  * "Irc.Core.Prisms" - Prisms for all of the mid-level IRC message constructors
++  .
++  * "Irc.Format" - Functions for parsing and rendering low-level IRC protocol messages
++  .
++  * "Irc.Message" - High-level IRC event messages for client interpretation
++  .
++  * "Irc.Model" - Functions for interpreting mid-level IRC messages to generate high-level
++                  event messages and to maintain a consistent view of the connection
++  .
++  * "Irc.RateLimit" - Functions to assist with rate-limiting outgoing client messages
++  .
++  * "Irc.Time" - Internal compatibility module for time-1.4 and time-1.5 interop
++  .
++  /Library module breakdown/
++  .
++  * "Main" - Main client module
++  .
++  * "ClientState" - Types and operations representing the full state of the client
++  .
++  * "CommandArgs" - Types and functions for interpreting the initial client configuration
++  .
++  * "CommandParser" - Types and functions for parsing and pretty printing IRC commands
++  .
++  * "Connection" - Types and functions for establishing a plain and TLS connections
++  .
++  * "CtcpHandler" - Event handler for CTCP messages
++  .
++  * "EditBox" - Types and functions for managing the input box along the bottom of the client
++  .
++  * "HaskelHighlighter" - Haskell syntax highlighting support
++  .
++  * "ImageUtils" - Functions to support the various view construction
++  .
++  * "Moderation" - Implementation of various IRC channel moderation automation
++  .
++  * "ServerSettings" - Types for defining connection parameters for an IRC server
++  .
++  * "Views.BanList" - Functions to generate the ban list view
++  .
++  * "Views.Channel" - Functions to generate message list views
++  .
++  * "Views.ChannelInfo" - Functions to generate metadata views for channels
++  .
++  See the associated README file for help using the client.
++extra-source-files:     README.md
++                        CHANGELOG.md
++-- Use time-1.5 and drop old-locale
++flag time15
++  default: True
++  exposed-modules:     Irc.Core
++                       Irc.Core.Prisms
++                       Irc.Cmd
++                       Irc.Message
++                       Irc.Model
++                       Irc.Format
++                       Irc.RateLimit
++  other-modules:       Irc.Time
++  -- Note: GHC 7.8.4 fixes a bug that can cause IRC.Core
++  -- to use an absurd amount of RAM when compiling.
++  -- The base >= is to protect people from finding
++  -- this out the hard way.
++  build-depends:       base             >=  && < 4.9,
++                       array            >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
++                       attoparsec       >= && < 0.14,
++                       bytestring       >= 0.10     && < 0.11,
++                       base64-bytestring>=  && < 1.1,
++                       containers       >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
++                       free             >= 4.11     && < 4.13,
++                       lens             >= 4.7      && < 4.13,
++                       text             >=  && < 1.3,
++                       transformers     >= 0.2      && < 0.5
++  if flag(time15)
++    build-depends:     time             >= 1.5      && < 1.6
++  else
++    build-depends:     time             >= 1.4.2    && < 1.5,
++                       old-locale       >=  && < 1.1
++  hs-source-dirs:      src
++  default-language:    Haskell2010
++executable glirc
++  main-is: Main.hs
++  other-modules: ClientState
++                 CommandArgs
++                 CommandParser
++                 Connection
++                 CtcpHandler
++                 EditBox
++                 HaskellHighlighter
++                 ImageUtils
++                 Moderation
++                 ServerSettings
++                 Views.BanList
++                 Views.Channel
++                 Views.ChannelInfo
++  hs-source-dirs: driver
++  ghc-options: -threaded
++  build-depends: irc-core,
++                 connection       >= 0.2.4    && < 0.3,
++                 tls              >= 1.2.16   && < 1.4,
++                 data-default-class >= 0.0.1  && < 0.1,
++                 x509             >=  && < 1.7,
++                 x509-system      >= 1.5.0    && < 1.7,
++                 x509-store       >= 1.5.0    && < 1.7,
++                 x509-validation  >= 1.5.1    && < 1.7,
++                 array            >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
++                 base             >= 4.7      && < 4.9,
++                 bytestring       >= && < 0.11,
++                 containers       >= 0.5      && < 0.6,
++                 config-value     >= 0.4      && < 0.5,
++                 deepseq          >=  && < 1.5,
++                 directory        >=  && < 1.3,
++                 filepath         >=  && < 1.5,
++                 lens             >= 4.7      && < 4.13,
++                 network          >=  && < 2.7,
++                 old-locale       >=  && < 1.1,
++                 split            >= 0.2.2    && < 0.3,
++                 stm              >= 2.4.4    && < 2.5,
++                 text             >=  && < 1.3,
++                 time             >= 1.4.2    && < 1.6,
++                 vty              >= 5.2.7    && < 5.4,
++                 haskell-lexer    >= 1.0      && < 1.1,
++                 transformers     >= 0.2      && < 0.5
++  default-language:    Haskell2010
++source-repository head
++  type: git
++  location: git://github.com/glguy/irc-core.git
diff --git a/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/series b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b420ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p/haskell-irc-core/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages.git

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