[DHG_packages] branch master updated (94d8b97 -> 895fd74)

Joachim Breitner nomeata at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 16 13:39:11 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

nomeata pushed a change to branch master
in repository DHG_packages.

      from  94d8b97   haskell-stringprep: No longer depends on haskell-ranges
       new  d57ede0   darcs: New patch, trying to fix buiding on powerpc
       new  f793852   darcs: Try to improve powerpc patch
       new  85b28b1   auto-update: New upstream release
       new  eb29e2b   blaze-textual: New upstream release
       new  8e791da   edit-distance: New upstream release
       new  8942e16   file-location: New upstream release
       new  321e2de   gtk: New upstream release
       new  07e99cd   gtk3: New upstream release
       new  1101760   heist: New upstream release
       new  57259de   tag.pl: Tag the latest commit affecting the directory in question
       new  e4e8fff   http-client: New upstream release
       new  c2cf0d7   http-conduit: New upstream release
       new  b2bd5cb   monad-logger: New upstream release
       new  87eff9a   network: New upstream release
       new  5278576   network-info: New upstream release
       new  ed88794   nonce: New upstream release
       new  afd73c8   pipes-parse: New upstream release
       new  b27a952   regex-applicative: New upstream release
       new  0b32e44   texmath: New upstream release
       new  cbf0d89   wai: New upstream release
       new  8e7e50d   wai-extra: New upstream release
       new  e45bd48   wai-handler-launch: New upstream release
       new  1f98a66   wai-websockets: New upstream release
       new  6989e82   xml-types: New upstream release
       new  0519458   yesod-auth: New upstream release
       new  ef6b4cd   yesod-bin: New upstream release
       new  895fd74   yesod-core: New upstream release

The 27 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 p/darcs/debian/changelog                           | 12 +++++++
 .../debian/patches/Num-constraint}                 | 37 ++++++++++------------
 p/darcs/debian/patches/series                      |  1 +
 p/haskell-auto-update/debian/changelog             |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-blaze-textual/debian/changelog           |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-edit-distance/debian/changelog           |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-edit-distance/debian/control             |  2 +-
 p/haskell-edit-distance/debian/docs                |  2 +-
 p/haskell-file-location/debian/changelog           |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-file-location/debian/control             |  3 ++
 p/haskell-gtk/debian/changelog                     |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-gtk3/debian/changelog                    |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-heist/debian/changelog                   |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-heist/debian/control                     |  8 ++---
 .../debian/patches/extend-dependency-range         | 18 -----------
 p/haskell-heist/debian/patches/series              |  1 -
 p/haskell-http-client/debian/changelog             |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-http-conduit/debian/changelog            |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-monad-logger/debian/changelog            |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-monad-logger/debian/control              |  2 +-
 p/haskell-network-info/debian/changelog            |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-network/debian/changelog                 |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-nonce/debian/changelog                   |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-pipes-parse/debian/changelog             |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-regex-applicative/debian/changelog       |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-texmath/debian/changelog                 |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-wai-extra/debian/changelog               |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-wai-extra/debian/control                 |  4 +--
 p/haskell-wai-handler-launch/debian/changelog      |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-wai-handler-launch/debian/control        |  2 +-
 p/haskell-wai-websockets/debian/changelog          |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-wai/debian/changelog                     |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-xml-types/debian/changelog               |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-yesod-auth/debian/changelog              |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-yesod-auth/debian/control                |  5 +++
 p/haskell-yesod-bin/debian/changelog               |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-yesod-core/debian/changelog              |  6 ++++
 tag.pl                                             |  5 +--
 38 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
 copy p/{haskell-hashed-storage/debian/patches/bits-num.patch => darcs/debian/patches/Num-constraint} (67%)
 delete mode 100644 p/haskell-heist/debian/patches/extend-dependency-range
 delete mode 100644 p/haskell-heist/debian/patches/series

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages.git

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