[package-plan] 01/01: Add patches
Joachim Breitner
nomeata at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 29 18:15:35 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
nomeata pushed a commit to branch master
in repository package-plan.
commit 17e0d3e652537507c757a30b3964afa300f8c10d
Author: Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
Date: Sun Nov 29 19:15:31 2015 +0100
Add patches
patches/xcffib/0.4.0/language-python.patch | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
patches/xcffib/0.4.0/series | 1 +
2 files changed, 96 insertions(+)
diff --git a/patches/xcffib/0.4.0/language-python.patch b/patches/xcffib/0.4.0/language-python.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b5094f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/xcffib/0.4.0/language-python.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+A patch to be carried until debian updates to langauge-python 0.5.1 or so.
+Index: xcffib/xcffib.cabal
+--- xcffib.orig/xcffib.cabal
++++ xcffib/xcffib.cabal
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ source-repository head
+ library
+ build-depends: base ==4.*,
+ xcb-types >= 0.7.0,
+- language-python >= 0.5.0,
++ language-python >= 0.4.0,
+ filepath,
+ filemanip,
+ split,
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ executable xcffibgen
+ hs-source-dirs: generator
+ build-depends: base ==4.*,
+ xcffib >= 0.1.0,
+- language-python >= 0.5.0,
++ language-python >= 0.4.0,
+ split,
+ xcb-types >= 0.7.0,
+ optparse-applicative >= 0.5,
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ test-suite PyHelpersTests
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ build-depends: base ==4.*,
+ xcffib >= 0.1.0,
+- language-python >= 0.5.0,
++ language-python >= 0.4.0,
+ HUnit,
+ test-framework,
+ test-framework-hunit
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ test-suite GeneratorTests.hs
+ build-depends: base ==4.*,
+ xcffib >= 0.1.0,
+ xcb-types >= 0.7.0,
+- language-python >= 0.5.0,
++ language-python >= 0.4.0,
+ HUnit,
+ test-framework,
+ test-framework-hunit,
+Index: xcffib/generator/Data/XCB/Python/Parse.hs
+--- xcffib.orig/generator/Data/XCB/Python/Parse.hs
++++ xcffib/generator/Data/XCB/Python/Parse.hs
+@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ structElemToPyPack _ m accessor (ExprFie
+ , e
+ ])]
+ CompositeType _ _ -> Right $ [(name',
+- mkCall (mkDot e "pack") noArgs)]
++ mkCall (mkDot e (mkName "pack")) noArgs)]
+ -- As near as I can tell here the padding param is unused.
+ structElemToPyPack _ m accessor (ValueParam typ mask _ list) =
+Index: xcffib/generator/Data/XCB/Python/PyHelpers.hs
+--- xcffib.orig/generator/Data/XCB/Python/PyHelpers.hs
++++ xcffib/generator/Data/XCB/Python/PyHelpers.hs
+@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ mkVar name = Var (ident name) ()
+ -- | Make an Expr out of a string like "foo.bar" describing the name.
+ mkName :: String -> Expr ()
+ mkName s =
+- let strings = splitOn "." s
+- in foldl mkDot (mkVar $ head strings) (tail strings)
++ let strings = map mkVar $ reverse $ splitOn "." s
++ in foldr mkDot (head strings) (reverse $ tail strings)
+-mkDot :: PseudoExpr a => a -> String -> Expr ()
+-mkDot e1 attr = Dot (getExpr e1) (ident attr) ()
++mkDot :: (PseudoExpr a, PseudoExpr b) => a -> b -> Expr ()
++mkDot e1 e2 = BinaryOp (Dot ()) (getExpr e1) (getExpr e2) ()
+ -- | Make an attribute access, i.e. self.<string>.
+ mkAttr :: String -> Expr ()
+Index: xcffib/tests/PyHelpersTests.hs
+--- xcffib.orig/tests/PyHelpersTests.hs
++++ xcffib/tests/PyHelpersTests.hs
+@@ -29,9 +29,13 @@ mkTest name t1 t2 = testCase name (asser
+ testMkName :: Test
+ testMkName =
+ let result = mkName "self.foo.bar"
+- expected = (Dot (Dot (Var (Ident "self" ()) ())
+- (Ident "foo" ()) ())
+- (Ident "bar" ()) ())
++ expected = BinaryOp (Dot ())
++ (Var (Ident "self" ()) ())
++ (BinaryOp (Dot ())
++ (Var (Ident "foo" ()) ())
++ (Var (Ident "bar" ()) ())
++ ())
++ ()
+ in mkTest "testMkName" expected result
+ testReserves :: Test
diff --git a/patches/xcffib/0.4.0/series b/patches/xcffib/0.4.0/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8310973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/xcffib/0.4.0/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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